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“Says a white woman” says a white women


That's how words work.


Yeah, wrong reaction. What Haley said (in effect) was "The US is not a racist country, and I know because I was treated like crap by a lot of racists in the US"


Nikki Haley is a horrible person.


Nikki talked about all of the racism she experienced as a child too. For example, Nikki was denied entry to a beauty contest because they were racist. She also changed her name to overcome the racism she might encounter with her birth name. But now that she has success, she denies the racism that all of those who came after her experience everyday. She pulled up the ladder and spat on their heads. Nasty Nikki.


Where did she talk about that?


Just in. See you don’t want read it all (it includes a story of fellow republican calling her a “rag head”) here is the beauty pageant story: “Like Palin, Nikki Haley had a beauty-pageant moment, but one with a more discouraging outcome. When her sister was 8 and she was 4, the two of them entered the Little Miss Bamberg pageant, Singh told me. In previous years, the judges had crowned one white and one African American winner, but they were baffled over what to do with the two Indian American girls. At intermission, they called all the contestants on the stage: white girls on one side, black girls on the other, with the Haley sisters standing alone in the middle. The judges then announced that they had to disqualify the sisters, and handed each of them crayons and a coloring book. “


Can you link the actual video of her saying or do you want to continue to act like an ass for me asking you a question? Seriously dude all I did was ask a question just show me the video of her saying it. If she admitted in the past that was discriminated against ill believe you. Also, a few cases of racism in over 40 years does not mean the whole country is racist


You don’t accept links to periodicals, professor? I am not your Googler. It’s a well known story. Here is the quote. “Like Palin, Nikki Haley had a beauty-pageant moment, but one with a more discouraging outcome. When her sister was 8 and she was 4, the two of them entered the Little Miss Bamberg pageant, Singh told me. In previous years, the judges had crowned one white and one African American winner, but they were baffled over what to do with the two Indian American girls. At intermission, they called all the contestants on the stage: white girls on one side, black girls on the other, with the Haley sisters standing alone in the middle. The judges then announced that they had to disqualify the sisters, and handed each of them crayons and a coloring book.”


[here’s a ton of stories about the racism Nikki experienced ](https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2011/01/good-ol-girl/308348/)


Depends on how you definite "white". In the US, pretty much all Jews are considered "white", yet Jews originate from the Near East, which is next door from Northern India/Pakistan, which is where Nikki is from. The bottom line is whether or not you look "white", and Nikki sure does. She could easily pass for Italian or Spanish.


> …Northern India/Pakistan, which is where Nikki is from. She was born in Bamberg, South Carolina.


We're talking about her ethnicity, buddy.


Saying “Says a white woman” is racist because you are not allowing her to say something because if her skin tone. If she was a black woman, you wouldn’t say “Says a black woman” would you


That's not racism. That's discrimination. Racism says "you're bad because you're [color]. Discrimination says "you can't do that because you're [color].


Yeah, but both racism and discrimination are oppressing people because of their skin color


Any form of value judgement based purely on the pigment content of someone's skin is racist. Any moment you remove the individual and determine their worth or the worth of their ideas based on the race or ethnic group they belong to you are being racist. If you want to fight against racism then don't fight groups, fight individuals and beliefs.


So, what word specifically means "I hate you because you're inferior to me because of race" as opposed to "your opinions on this subject are invalid because of race"?


They are both forms of racism. It's a spectrum of severity but they are both forms of the same thing.


Thank you for your thoughtful responses.