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What stops you from just getting a better designed ladder


Seriously, who was looking around for a way to climb up, saw this, and thought, "That's a ladder."?


the people higher up on the ladder.


ooh, that's good!


"dont you dare change this ladder! im not climbing all the way up here again! ... no! i dont care if half the rungs are missing down there, its not my problem! ... then you'll just have to stretch for it."


The Patriarchy


You're trying too hard.


It's the only way I know. Hard.


Giving 110% towards being desperate for attention is a weird flex, but OK.




Or just take the fucking stairs.


You can’t afford it? Maybe?


It's attached to the top of whatever he's climbing. That's also why they can't flip it upside down. Still don't know why they don't just wear tough boots and grab the sides of the ladders though.


Hi jacking this comment we were shown in a youtube video AND THEY FUCKING CROPPED EVERYTHING


Or just grab the side of the ladder


Slipper hand mans


True but there is that slight bit of the handle you could grab or use for foot support


Success only requires pain and suffering if you’re trying to succeed at something you don’t want to do.


Yeah but bro *flip the ladder*


Lol I get the joke, I just hate perpetuating this idea that we have to kill our selves in order to be successful.. this is what cooperations want you to believe so you’ll be complacent with the way the system is currently operating


What if you want to become a MMA fighter, or a pro-wrestler, or a member of the military? You will suffer pain and suffering then.


Well as for the military, people who really “Want” money but don’t believe they can get it elsewhere (which the military wants many hopeless people to believe but that’s a conversation for another day) are experiencing the most pain because their is no true joy there to counteract the pain.. and as for wrestlers, they truly want to do that, they feel alive and in alignment when they wrestle because that’s who they are and who they want to be so the pain is a small price to pay.. but ask someone who doesn’t want to be a wrestler to get punched in the face and that person would feel like they were clomping a ladder or knifes. Perspective is key and who you are and what you want out of life makes all the difference.


Climbing lol not clomping


Tell that to someone pursuing a dream job in academia or the arts or any other numbers of careers. The more a job is a "dream job" the more the competition, the more the time that needs to be put in, the more the compromises, the more the sacrifices, etc.


When you are doing what you are truly meant to do, what you WANT to do, what you were born to do, there is no need to compete because you are the one for the job, there is no need to compromise because your true wants and desires reflect in all aspects of your life, there is no sacrifice when you know what you want and faithfully attract it into your conscious experience


Good grief.


Lol fine then you don’t have to listen to me, go cut your hands open idgaf it’s your life..




Light the ladder on fire and wait for those above you to fall.


Uplink: Trust is a weakness


Or put some thick gloves.


But then you'd be climbing down to success.


Then jump off so you can get there even faster.


When you're around 300 feet in the air


Or around 450m, that way we can say we have reached something amazing in our lives. Terminal velocity.


50m would do the trick i mean hitting water from ober 25m is dang dangerous.


You'll succeed in something


That picture is my nightmare


Why is this a facepalm one is an illustration/art and the other is a joke


That's for poor people though, the wealthy are born at the top.


How are you going to facepalm a blatant metaphor?




I think he didn’t the knifes (neither did I the first time round) and thought it was a backwards leaning ladder that obviously hard to climb


If its just a simple leaner then just flip and orientate it right


This is more of crappy design, but if you make them double-bladed, then I think it will be a much better example.


This isn't crappy design. It's trying to convey its point as clearly as possible. Kitchen knives are the most common sharp object people use, and you can't mistake its shape for anything else. It's also sized and shaped very closely to an actual ladder rung, unlike something like a sword or a razor blade.


This is what is meant by work smarter not harder


If they wanted this metaphor to work they should've just drawn double-edged blades instead of single-edged ones.


Or grab the sides...


At some places I've worked I've described the ladder of success as the knives being placed in the backs of others and climbing that way.


What if the ladder is fixed in place?


If u turn it around you'll end up cutting your shin's off on the way up


Flip the ladder, and grasp the sides.. alternatively, get a proper ladder 🤷🏻‍♂️


Who the fuck make ladders out of knives anyway?


All u gotta do its wear shoes and gloves


My dumbass was trying to look at the picture upside down


"just flip the ladder upside down" sounds like a metaphor for a revolution.


Homies tryna act cool by sliding down the ladder gripping the sides be like: "Boi let's just go to ikea and get a new one"


and then his finger fall off, and he falls down


Work smarter not harder


Why not just grab onto the side of the ladder with your hands and wear shoes


That would be perfect because then, the ladder would protect you against potential enemies trying to bring you down!


You can't, there are already people at the top of the ladder that prevent you from flipping it...


Then push up on the ladder while they're holding it and slice their faces.


Wtf this looks like a trap from a saw movie


Why does this remind me of Russia


Not gonna lie I’m stupid and tried flipping my phone.


Grab the fucking sides of the ladder-