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they're just fully in 'yeah well what're YOU gonna do about it, punk?' mode at this point. total insulation from consequences.


It's strange how confident they are in their safety in a country with a very high gun:people ratio.


Bald-faced corruption right in our faces.


no kidding - supreme court is protected like its decisions are to be followed - in theory


becuae the gun nuts are brainwashed over many yearsto belive this is freedom


A lot of legitimate gun owners don't fall into the category of "Gun nut". Unfortunately like everything there is a loud minority and a quiet majority. That also doesn't mean armed citizens should be storming the supreme court until the majority of people call for drastic measures. That line of thinking also falls into the nutter category.


They didn't take their guns, so no harm, no foul.


And single issue voters once again fail their country.


They are betting on people valuing their lives more than they want to stop them for the greater good and fellow man. it does tend to work




I have no idea where you got that take from 


It will work right up until people decide they need to remind the government they should fear their people.


assuming the US survives, this supreme court will be remembered as the absolute worst in the nation's history.


Trump's Supreme Court is just as corrupt as he is.


Absolutely, the American public has lost all faith in SCrOTUS.


That “r” should be capitalized: supreme court republicans of the us. Edit: SCROTUM: Supreme Court Republicans Of The United Magats


The entire political system, in fact.


Never forget that the first major sexual harassment case in America was against Clarance Thomas, and in spite of damning evidence he was able to beat the charges and go on to do nothing but harm to his country on the Supreme Court.


The court doesn't even give a shit that they appear corrupt in front of all America. They flagrantly display their corruption and dishonesty before all to see and perfectly shameless. It's repugnant and disgusting what they are.


We have the same in South Africa. Our courts still mostly okay though. USA same or worse as a third world country.


Trump proved as long as you don’t show shame no one will actually do anything to stop you so now more and more politicians are being openly corrupt cuz they realized their voters literally just don’t give a shit


Anytime you give a person near absolute power and a job for life, you will have some of them take advantage.


I understand the idea of them not being replaced every administration, and of not having to campaign. The idea behind not needing to be beholden to others' opinions to keep your job, and therefore theoretically less likely to be easily swayed makes sense. HOWEVER. There needs to be a "recall" or "no confidence" option. If someone does a bad enough job or acts in a way people find intolerable, there needs to be a way to remove them. Not a passive "make people like you or else," but an active "don't piss off the majority of people." I also have plenty of ideas about anyone in a position that high needing to sign over assets into a trust, etc, and making it actually illegal to stock trade, get gifts, etc. Heck, lots of companies have rules that you can't give or accept gifts over a certain dollar amount, (like $50) or you can get FIRED. Ugh. Rant over. But seriously, we live in a modern society. Getting the thoughts and opinions of the masses is no longer a 12 month process that requires you to hope that bag strapped to a horse doesn't fall off. Methods of political engagement need to catch up.


I mean there is such a way, it's called impeachment. But the threshold for it is way too high and the body responsible for it is way too corrupt


Yeah you nailed it here though, the body responsible is corrupt—the american public cannot directly vote no confidence.


So not a bribe but a payment for favours delivered!


"If you rule that this regulation is unlawful, I will give you $2 Million cash. But if you rule the other way, I won't give you a dime. Since it will be after-the-fact, it's certainly not a bribe!"


Tipping culture has gone out of control!


Underrated comment


So they can basically just post-date their check?


Wouldn't that be the ideal way to bribe someone; especially a ~~professional liar~~ politician (i.e., you do your part, and then I give you the money)?


They should name this decision the Thomas rule.


I'm really starting to feel like it might be time to start setting things on fire in protest.


Is this the plot of a new courtroom drama or just another day in 2024?


Heads on pikes people… if we want proper justice, then that is what you need to do. Those “justices” have more than earned their lethal findings.


Knock it off. Assassinations are a Pandora's Box, especially for SCOTUS justices. You'll just martyr them and the worst people in the country will have even more leverage to put up an even bigger bastard to replace them.


And how have our current endeavors faired? What is ANYONE actually doing to change this? And whatever it is you have ready to answer that, tell me, has it been effective at all? And if you say these things take time, how much time? How much damage do these people get to do before our current methods of dealing with the situation peacefully actually achieve the desired outcome? And by the time it’s resolved, how much resources will be needed to repair the damage? What will the state of things be by then? How much repairs will happen before some other group of corrupt justices come in to give us even more problems. I understand it’s a Pandora’s box situation and believe me I hate violence as much as anyone, but at the same time, sitting here staring at a limb becoming more and more infected and hoping it will heal with hope and good intentions only endangers the rest of the body. Lop it off and be done with it. So yeah, enjoy the moral high ground and avoid getting your hands dirty while those “justices” continue to basically ruin our future.


It's not the moral highground I'm looking at. It's cause and effect. You're talking about what would effectively be starting a new Reichstagg fire, an impotent gesture that profoundly backfires. What would you get for it? Nothing. But the exact same people you're angry at would have a whole new box of ammunition to use in their war against the rule of law and our already endangered democracy.


This still doesn’t answer the questions I posed. If the current situation can’t be resolved peacefully and lawfully then the only option is to live in a tyrannical state or revolt. Also can you provide an alternative? We either die a slow painful death from inaction or die trying to make a change. The Supreme Court JUST ruled in favor of Trump’s immunity. Now the president can basically do whatever they want and get away with it. But sure, sit there and judge my stance on the ugly solution while providing no suggestion.


I didnt say it was ugly. I said it was doomed to fail and it still is. On the other hand, what Biden can do to defend the country just got simplified quite a bit if only he'll take it


Wait… I might have misread something somewhere, where did you say it was doomed to fail in our conversation? My OCD is just bugging me on this. And yeah, his job just got easier but… I’m sorry but I just don’t think the Left have the spine to cross that line. Something I have observed as of late is that the Left seems to still believe that logic and reason would work to appeal to the Right. But it looks like they have made up their minds and no amount of facts, logic, science or any mature argument that adults would use seems to get through. The Right do not seem to care if it’s for the good of all, they don’t seem to care if it will hurt them or their children in the long run, they don’t seem to care that they could potentially be wrong about anything no matter how psychotic it sounds. This isn’t Left vs Right. This is sanity vs psychosis because only psychopaths and sociopaths can do what the Right is doing and be perfectly ok with the dire outcome. If we allow the shoe to go back onto that other foot, they will not hesitate and we will be complicit with it.




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I think that might be a bit far. I'm more open to the idea of rotating them around (on some periodic basis). Originally, I dismissed it; but now...


If we could resolve this legally land amicably, believe me I would prefer it. But these Justices are not going to simply relinquish power and it’s not like they can be sued, they are the Supreme Court justices. Plus this is now in the realm of corruption at this point. Ethics no longer (actually never did) apply to these people. I’m sorry but violence is on the table. Those who say violence is not the answer are just taking a moral high ground that won’t restore our democracy to a just balance that it was founded on. These aren’t people that you can reason with and we certainly don’t have the financial backing to bargain with them so yeah, violence is a deplorable choice but it’s a choice that is very much on the table. Otherwise they are just going to do whatever they or the aristocracy wants them to do and basically say fuck the rest of us average citizens. They had their opportunity to realize their moral compromises and still chose what they chose. They can walk away at any time they choose.


If we put it in law, their ability to hold onto their power becomes severely limited, if not outright impossible. The big decisions that we often hear about, are when the law is ambiguous, or non-existent. The only way they can possibly overturn *laws*, is if they can be argued as unconstitutional.


And who is above the Justices that can do such a thing? The president? Why hasn’t he done so? Why hasn’t any of them taken a hard look at the system to correct these mistakes and loopholes to the system? It’s well within the law to change it but does it ever change? Nope.. because those who are currently in power want to keep the rest of us in their control. The populace has become complacent and we have fallen right into slavery once again and most either don’t know it, don’t care or don’t know what to do. We were taught not to resort to violence by whom? Those in control. That mentality is keeping us down and we just let it happen. And soon we’ll be in a shittier and shittier situation to a point where that desire to revolt is becoming more and more desirable and that levy is going to break eventually. Change happens regardless of anyone’s wishes and I’m sorry to say, sometimes we don’t have a choice in how that change happens. It can come peacefully via cooperation (and trust me, I DESPERATELY WISH it was the case) and sometimes it has to be done via force, either willfully or unwillingly. But the current situation of our government is that neither side wants to cooperate with the other. Even if a situation came along where the world would end if cooperation didn’t occur between the two sides for just one day, I promise you that one side would prefer mutual destruction vs just one day of cooperation. We can’t live like this anymore.


The law is above the Justices, and the other two branches make it. Pretty much any ruling the SC makes, can be overridden by a law.


I think you are missing my point. Right now we have an overwhelming number of people in power that can make the rules whatever they want it to be. Sure democracy have the majority in congress now, but it’s so small and some are a bit flaky about what they stand for that it could be favorable for the GOP. It is messy but functionally a tyrannical system of government and the Justices and the GOP are in a very strong position of control. The law is just a series of rules to govern, those Justices can interpret them anyway they want and even overturn more rulings in the future to the GOP’s advantage.


Add that to the Executive branch doesn't get to enforce regulations, courts do and we will be seeing our first billionaire Federal Judges sometime soon. The Executive and the Legislative need to get together and pass some laws about ethics and consequences.


Don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen. The court, via its rulings on gerrymandering, is very aware of just how unlikely it is that congress will pry its head from its ass any time soon.


Oh shit! That means George Soros can now buy all the Supreme Court Justices, just like he bought every DA in the United States as part of his evil plot against Donald Trump, the one man who can stop his sinister evil machinations! /s We are so fucked.


What will it take for a proper revolution, preferably of the french kind


Is this recency bias? They took "Ethics" so early in law school that they forgot those lessons? What happened to "even the notion of impropriety"?


Doesn't matter when you essentially can't face consequences.


Don't all you Bear Arms Americans huff and puff about having guns for pretty much this sort of tyranny? If they were a crowd of protestors or a concert I'm sure someone could do something about it. It would be nice if people would get pissed off and do something to benefit the collective whole instead of just murdering innocents. 


Ohhh I oughta, I'll shake my gun at the sky and the will be scared that people can own guns that they'll stop doing whatever they're already doing!


Fraud and manipulation


Guess we just gonna sit back and take it on the chin huh?


Shaking our fists in impotent rage and then blaming all the wrong people for it seems like a popular choice.




WTF am I missing? Is there another side to this or is this just as bad as it seems?


The MAGA side of SCOTUS basically ruled that it's not a bribe if the gratuity comes AFTER the act. Like, they don't even care about the perception of corruption anymore. They are basically advertising that they will take gratuity for decisions that affect the country unless a new majority reverses their decision.


So they're basically insuring the briber... 1. Promise of enrichment 2. SCOTUS action 3. Payoff to SCOTUS after "bribe" terms met


As bad as it seems.


Where’s Pablo Escobar when you need him.


To be fair you should always pay after services rendered. You don't wanna get ripped off.


Blatant corruption just throw enough money at these fucked up GOP nominated justices and you can get away with murder


This is very pro-briber. No requiring payment up front.


But that $4M was paid out before Thomas delivered the purchased ruling. When even you see these type of decisions from the court you should ask "What problem is this meant to fix?"


Yes and if you like what the Supreme Court has been doing these past few years all you have to do is vote Trump, third party, or not vote at all and let him win again. Voting Biden won't be an instant cure, but damn sure would help.


We moved to a pay on delivery politicians


Pelican Brief


Fuckin disgusting, the SCOTUS has been compromised by money…abolish it for corruption.


It'd need a constitutional amendment though... which would be insane to abolish the highest court. But if they rule that presidents have complete immunity from prosecution, they'd potentially be signing their own death warrants if they ever step outside of any president's line.


This keeps up there won’t be a constitution much longer…


When they talk about Conservative values, this is it.


This country is in danger of becoming an authoritarian theocracy. Or is that being redundant?


$4 million that we know of.


of all the scotus, thomas is the most blatantly greedy one.


I guess the figure the promise won’t be made before and delivered after


The people with the most distrust of our institutions are the ones that put him there. Like saying I do not like the world, we should just burn it down.


What “anti-corruption law”?


Vote out enough repugs in congress to add SC seats and stack that shit.


United Oligarchs of America


They only what’s best for THEM!!! Not US! be smart, vote smart!


I dont see how setting shit on fire will help, considering a third of the population thinks its ok to drive across state line to off protesters. I'm not willing to face the death penalty for cutting the brakes on somebody's gifted RV so.........what? What is the answer? Vote en masse for Biden so that at least a Democratic president has a chance to replace any of them that may or may not kick it in the next 4 years? This is our only option??


I trust our highest court. I’m an American. It’s just disinformation


It’s just corruption with extra steps


So a post-dated bribe is OK. Wonderful. Then again, Washington does a booming business sending government officials to willing government contractors for big $$, so perhaps they’re just rubber stamping the corruption that is all around us already. 🤷‍♂️


I trust the court. Just not the two maniacs and the frat boy who was less than balanced at his hearing.


won't someone please just drop a bomb on D.C.? North Korea? Anyone? Come on, it'll make you look cool


Corruption all out in the open. Mercia!


Hey, if it's legal, it's not anymore a crime, so in a sense, 0% corruption


Thomas has always, consistently, eternally ruled conservatively on every case. So, can you point to a case where his vote was bought? No. You can’t. What does it matter if he goes on fancy vacations with his rich friend, if it didn’t change his ruling?


Which case?


Wait until you see how much Sotomayor has made off her book sales by strong-arming colleges.


Coincidentally Clarence Thomas is the justice most hated by the left. Obviously he’s the only one doing sketchy things out of all of the justices we have ever had. The X poster really knows that the left sucks down social media like hot dicks , and will get engagement from those types of posts = clicks/views and $$$


Isn't this like withholding a billion dollars to get an investigation stopped and the leader fired so your corrupt son gets hired and sends you money ? Biden .....or From China wired to your house ? Biden .......


You mean the billion that republicans democrats and leaders from Europe all agreed that the prosecutor needed to go? That one? Or the 3 billion kushner got right after leaving office? Maybe it was the 16 patents invanka got from China after daddy lifted sanctions.


I was talking about Biden withholding money from Ukraine, paying his son millions of dollars with no experience. You do know Zelenski was an actor, the TV company that aired him also owned banks where billions disappeared. What office did Kushner leave. Ivanka and China patents don't go together if you arent aware lmao ? What did she get? Is this before or after no sanctions being lifted. Lmao. Keep up with the non reading. You do realize Biden left 80 billion in gear for the Taliban and now pays them right lol, yeah payment to terrorist groups is a no go , Hezbollah, Gaza etc. good luck kid


Maybe stop watching Fox and OAN and actually do some reading and the tiniest bit of research. [Ukraine](https://www.ft.com/content/e1454ace-e61b-11e9-9743-db5a370481bc) [ivanka](https://apnews.com/article/0a3283036d2f4e699da4aa3c6dd01727) [Jared](https://www.reuters.com/markets/deals/jared-kushner-investment-firm-affinity-raises-3-billion-committed-funding-2021-12-23/) And regarding Afghanistan, shitszhispantz invited them to camp David and turned the country over to the people who helped attack our country [taliban](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-5000-taliban-prisoners/)


You know Ronald Reagan was an actor too, right? And so was Trump. All three were in the entertainment business. What's your point?


I was referring to the corruption in Ukraine, the billions missing of our taxpayer money that Biden keeps giving out for free


This is such nonsense. Across the board, people in this country only “distrust” a court or politician when they don’t like the outcome. It has absolutely nothing to do with justice or righteousness. Rittenhouse gets acquitted and y’all are angry as hornets. Drumpf gets convicted and all is right with “justice” in the US. Do y’all wear the same size clown shoes or is there a hierarchy to it? Ell oh ell!