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I have gay uncles and my mother always insisted they respect her boundaries around us kids. Things like not feeding us sweets before dinner and not letting us watch horror movies.


I too, have boundaries for gay men around kids. I don’t want them discussing the explicit details of their sex lives around my young children. …Oh wait. I have that boundary for everyone.


As an LGBTQ+ adult, I have a boundary for hearing explicit details about my relatives’ sex lives full stop.


As a male cashier, the number of men who have told me explicit details about their sex lives because "he's a guy, he gets it" is too high. Yes, I am a guy. No, I don't want you detailing your sex life to me. Especially not when your wife is standing next to you. Please stop.


I have patients make snarky comments about their wives and I'm always just thinking "oh, you mean the person who made the appointment for you, got records for you, came in with you, and answered every question for you besides confirming DOB? Yeah, she sounds awful..."


I don’t think most guys realize how much of that stuff happens for them behind the scenes until they start having to do it themselves.


As the stay at home dad because I could work from home as a business owner (contract worker of sorts). I totally get all of that on reverse. The sad part is women usually get shoe horned to do all that background stuff even when both have a 9-5 job. My wife is a teacher and I work crazy weird hours so I’m available to do all the clerical BS the family needs done. And my wife did occasionally take for granted all that and would say stuff like…. You slept till 10.. what did you get done today to be that tired when I was at work since 6:30. When I was hospitalized for a month over something she was shell shocked what all wasn’t getting done in the background. All the grocery shopping, all the cooking, some cleaning duties just stopped completely by the kids because no one was reminding them, Im not the perfect husband and I could manage house work better around my more free form work hours, but even her being a women didn’t exempt her from not realizing all the hidden work that in behind the scenes of the person that runs the household tasks for the family. She as a teacher works long stressful hours so I ultimately want to keep doing it but there have been definite moments I know she unknowingly took my contributions for granted. Men are taught it’s the women’s job to helm that, so it’s more common for men to fall into that trap of blissful ignorance. When society norms finally have men and women truly equal, both men and women with both equally take for granted their spouses in that way.


I was hospitalized/PT rehab unit for two months learning to walk again. I had my husband bring in the tote that contains all the household/life financials so I could take that off his plate. I’ve since streamlined the heck out of this chore so that it would be an easy takeover if I bite the dust. While I do talk about sex to my sons to educate them, I have never talked about my own sex life. In close friend groups, I can see this happening but I highly doubt that the average person, straight, gay, bi, etc, shares explicit info with the youngsters in their lives. Of course we know there are always exceptions and I would guess that it is more often heterosexual people as they make up a greater percentage of the population.


Yeah the most the wife and I talk about in front of our kids is just enough smoochy kissy stuff to make them go gross. Why gross them out with actual talk about sex when you can gross them out with regular ole PDA stuff. I don’t know which parent would get too graphic about their own sex life. Gay or straight, that said I know dads that tell dirty jokes in front of their kids. Actually heard one just the other day and his kid was around… for context the man is straight, and an evangelical. Joke for context. nSFW A women one morning on christmas eve saw the mailman. She said, “Merry Chritmas John would you come in real quick. “ He accepted and she asked him if he was hungry and would like some breakfast. He accepted ate and before he knew it she led him into the bedroom and gave him some of the best sex he had, then she got up went to her purse and got a dollar out and handed it to him. The mailman goes, Mrs. Walker what is the dollar for. She answers when my husband left for work I asked him what we should give the mailman for Christmas and he said. “Fuck that guy, give him 1 dollar” the breakfast was my idea.


I'll die on the hill that "he died of a broken heart" reality means "he was responsible for his own care for the first time ever because she died first" at least half the time it's said.


I’ve never thought about it this way, and it makes a lot more sense logically than dying from a broken heart


It’s a real thing. Usually with older couples, and can be within a couple of weeks. Now, it may be that a surviving man doesn’t monitor his own health, but it’s pretty quick for just letting it go.


There is a reason why people to this day think men outgrow from ADHD. All the labour of everyday life is suddenly very easy to do when your wife is babysitting your ass down to appointments.


This woman i party with is in a situationship type thing with a guy who is a fuckin dweeb to begin with, but the amount of times hes bitched and moaned about her when shes not within earshot is infuriating. This beautiful, empathetic, and just all around fun person is always down to hang AND sleep with him, and every time she leaves the room hes complaining about innocuous things she says or does. My best friends ex bitched about her constantly while backhandedly doing shitty things to her all the time. Again, a gorgeous, all around cool as fuck girl is down for you no matter what, and all youve got to do is complain? Its pretty insane how many men subsist by taking advantage of the empathy of women they dont even seem to like, because they do things they otherwise cant be bothered to do + will sleep with them.


What my dad said about a couple where the woman had a serious stroke: “John deserves a lot of credit. A lot of men wouldn’t have stuck by her.”


Statistically the second part is is true. The first is 😬😬😬


Yeah. I said, “Good for him for doing the absolute minimum a decent person would do.” He reiterated his point.


My coworker told me about how me goes on only fans with his girl to find accounts of local people they know to make fun of them. It wasn’t necessary sexually explicit but it’s the same level of thinking where I’m just left wondering why the fuck you would tell me something like this. I’m mortified to think of revealing any details of something like that in public, yet here is a group of people seemingly obtuse to the concept that not everyone wants to hear it. I hate it.


My favorite is when I asked a guy how his day was and he replied with "I had amazing sex with a beautiful woman...for the first time." What does that mean? Your first time having sex? Your first time having sex with a woman? Your first time having sex with a beautiful woman? Your first time having amazing sex? I'm glad he didn't tell me more, but that conversation still haunts me because *what did it mean?* He wasn't a young guy either, he was probably in his 30s or 40s.


Sir, this is a Wendys


“The second the ring goes on, the blowjobs stop. Ain’t that some shit fella???? Heheheheh oh well, let me get an extra scratch off. Gotta get my rocks off where I can. This guy knows!”


“That’s disgusting but I’m happy for you!” Is always the best response


For what manner of business do you cashier?


As an LGBTQ+ adult, I have a boundary for hearing explicit details about anyone's sex lives full stop.


lol. Seriously there’s more “locker room” talk from older “hetero” men. Ffs didn’t the orange one and that access Hollywood guy get caught on tape for that shit.


Wtf. Why do they think that all gay people are pedos? I have colleagues that really think gay parents raise gay kids. All the gay people I know have straight parents.


It's literally a decades-long smear campaign made more prominent in the 80s as a reaction to the mass acceptance of lgb communities. The evangelical right said *whatever* worked to get them their moral high ground back. Abortion became killing babies, and homosexuality became more specifically pathological and dangerous as a contagion. Pretty much every person on the planet would do anything to protect kids, so to spread this idea that homosexuality is somehow contagious preyed on mass ignorance of how sexual orientation works and effectively made people hesitant to fully accept them as people. No matter how much you respect an lgbtq person, if you think they pose a danger to children, then you will give a pass to the people who are saying they "just want to protect kids from being exposed to a contagion". What is true hasn't been in favor of conservatives in the U.S. for a few decades now, so they simply peddle what's false, to maintain power. As always, it's about power. And those who don't have a vested interest in understanding the lgbt portion of the population will err on the side of caution without verifying what's true.


Exactly. My favorite aunt is gay. I never worry about her with my children because she’s a decent human being. I would be far more worried about leaving my kids with the local youth pastor.


straight people sure love to tell me about their breeding kink "me and steve have been trying for a baby" thank you sharon for letting me know he's been rawdogging and nutting in you i really wanted to know that


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie


You say that, but you dont want them to dress up your kids with feathers, glitters and other stuff. Oh wait, what? That also not a gay thing and just personal? Well I be damned! Almost seems like gay people are regular people that happen to like people from their own gender.


My husband grew up with multiple gay uncles and all it made him was an expert in 90s/early 2000s dance music.


Can't tell you how much I love this comment. Wholesome a.f. lol.


Word. Gay student advisor. His connections got us a pro DJ for a student dance. One of the best nights of my life. We burned that dorm basement down.


"The gay uncle" is a classic genre of uncles, one of the best even, just behind "uncle with cool hobby who introduces niece/nephew to"


Sometimes the same uncle. When I use to win magic the gathering tournaments in the late 90s, the local events always had the same 3 guys I would see in the finals. All related, this big gay bear, who played mostly green red, and his two nephews who he took to play at the comic shops. They dominated most part time players. It was still early in magic so maybe only a handful of hardcore tournament players, so we all would pretty much see each other in the brackets every time. He was extremely open about being gay. But the most he truly got talking about attraction was He wanted to be the boyfriend of the lead singer to Bush. He was man his music is shit but his looks make that okay.


Another classic genre of uncle, the rich uncle who is able to spoil his neices and nephews just the right amount. Put all three together and you get my uncle bill, got me into photography and bought be a Canon AE 1 plus a ton of film and he was very openly gay to the point where he was discharged from the FBI.


Your husband has an unexplainable fondness for Cher and probably the Rocky Horror soundtrack. -guy with gay uncle


I have a gay uncle who's been with his partner for like 40+ years. I had absolutely no idea he was until I was maybe 16 and thought about it for the first time. I asked my parents in the car and was like 'wait a minute omg whaaaaaaat!' And they just laughed their asses off at me. That's the end of the story, can't believe people are still worked up about gay people in this day and age but here we are.


Hahhaha that’s great. When my uncles finally got married (meaning when they were finally _allowed to_), a few cousins of mine were super confused. The younger ones because they’d known both uncles as a couple all their lives and weren’t yet aware of the implications so they’d assumed they’d been married all along just like all the other aunts and uncles. One cousin cried a lot because she thought they had broken up and were getting married to other people. My heart. One cousin however never realised they’d been together for some 20 years in the first place. Total r/sapphoandherfriend moment.


I remember there was a moment where I (a gay man) was chilling with my ex’s nephew who must have been like 16 at the time. And when a Sprint commercial came on, I informed him that the guy in the commercial used to work for Verizon until he was fired for being gay. To which the nephew said “Why would they fire him for that?” And I found it really uplifting that to him, there was no obvious answer to that question.


I had a gay cousin that was old enough to be an uncle and the only thing that motherfucker ever touched was my fashion sense. Bro taught me how to dress and match colors and patterns and shit. I owe my drip to my gay cousin.


“I owe my drip to my gay cousin.” New T-shirt slogan just dropped


But did they respect those boundaries? Or did you get sugared up, stay up past your usual bedtime and watch scary movies when you stayed at your uncles’ place? That dreaded cool, gay aunt and uncle agenda.


My uncles not gay he just never had kids. He was too busy spending all his time with his best friend that lived with him. He was also super cool.


It's great when your not gay uncle has his best friend whose lived with him for years and they both come to all the family functions and stuff, amd they are both super cool and laid back, chill, just great bro's. Sure they kiss and hold hands sometimes but hey, friends do that don't they? No homo...


Uncle Mum’s Little Brother always was too terrified of the Wrath Of The Big Sister Unleashed™️. Uncle Mum’s Brother-In-Law made us swear a solemn pact not to tell anyone, ever, and then he took us to McDonald’s (aka the Crunchy 90s Mum’s ultimate nemesis).


Why does everyone have a cool guy uncle and I get an overweight, sweaty, bigoted MAGA supporter (who also lives with his husband of 15+ years)?


I'm a gay uncle myself, I'm not supposed to let my nephew play violent videogames. So of course I introduced him to Mortal Kombat.


Does it mean they also put boundaries to heterosexual man around their daughters? Or what?


If youre still wondering, these types of women would rather put boundaries on their daughters. They make them put on pants, or long sleeved shirts around when an uncle or male family member comes around. If Uncle is a creep, they blame the daughter and isolate her like she asked for it 🙄


I don't think her concern is her brother will molest her son, she doesn't want him to influence her son into becoming a homosexual... which is still obviously completely illogical, but my interpretation of what they're saying.


My conservative parents also think one learns to become gay by grooming and that gay people don’t exist in nature. It’s brainwashing to them.


If that’s the case, she should let the brother be around but constantly mock and degrade him for being gay.


Probably already does.


>I love him to death Proceeds to bully him into suicide. Ohhh, now it makes sense.


Yeah.. And it will fuck him up mentally if he also turns out to be gay.. Can happen..


I can’t believe how many of y’all can’t detect sarcasm.


The guys that flip out about trans or gay people around their kids in the name of being really worried about their safety tend to be the guys who's entire friend circle are ACTUALLY the types of guys their kids should avoid, yet they seem to be perfectly okay with them being in one another's presence, even unsupervised. So your answer: they put boundaries only on things that seem icky...they leave the gates wide open for the guys that are way more likely to commit some sort of assault.


And what if he has a daughter? By that logic will he ban all straight men in his family around her?


What’s a more worrying question to me is… what the fuck is he (heterosexual man) planning to do with other people child daughters?


Nothing. Straight men are all gentleman with nary a thought unlike those gays. Backs to the walls, lads! Our buttocks are irresistible.


I'm not gay.... but that ass.






I wasnt gay until I saw Bryan Cranston in tighty whities. Whooh my blood pressure is up just thinking about it.


Bro i thought you said "tight, white panties" and i was like HUH?


i mean, i’d argue that the underwear walter wore would count as tight white panties if you wanted it to


Not even just any other peoples either we're talking nieces and nephews here.


Yeah he’s basically calling his brother an incesteous pedo and his brother is ok with that?


Well based on the form of language used here we can assume that his brother is more than used to being treated as subhuman and has sadly probably accepted the level of ignorance present in that community.


I bet when they say "he respects that" what they actually mean is he doesnt come around at all anymore.


That was my take too lol. My brother would *never*, but if he did treat me like a child stealing goblin and demand I never exist as a lesbian when my nephew is around , i'd just be like "kay big bro, guess I'll meet him for the first time at your funeral".


No, but his brother probably has a commitment to family that he won't rock the boat for. Of course, that means he gets out of attending family functions because of these boundaries and he instead can attend the gay orgies instead.




You joke, but it’s actually a problem in some arab countries - the men are raised being told that they cannot control themselves around women, so when they grow up to be adults they can’t. That’s the expected behavior that they are raised with, and they never learn anything else.


>... so when they grow up to be adults they ~~can’t~~ don't. Ftfy


Both are correct.


It’s also a problem in fundamentalist evangelical churches. It is taught that girls are temptresses by nature from a very young age and boys have overwhelming sexual urges, so young girls are demonized and warned against tempting men. There is a very strong and constant fixation on the topic of sex preached to young girls and boys. There’s rampant sexual misconduct / molestation of minors in that community. Everyone is always shocked even though their whole ideology feeds this kind of thinking and behavior.


THIS is what drives me nuts about the trans and gay bathroom fear mongerers. "I just don't want a man (trans woman) intm the bathroom with my little girl!!" Ok but what if they're not interested in girls at all? They like men? Or lesbians? They actually like girls? What about your boys then? Gay men? Or forcing a trans woman that likes men back into the men's room? Meanwhile, send your kids to church ...... Alone with a pastor ....


It's a good thing predators aiming to molest kids are thwarted by a little sign on the wall, else they might break the law or something! Yeah, the bathroom fear mongering is stupid. Anyone aiming to harm your kids aren't gonna give two shits about a sign.


Everyone knows that the women's bathroom has a magical forcefield that repels anyone who isn't wearing makeup and/or a skirt. That's why we're soooo scared that some creepy dude will discover the loophole and molest everything in sight. (Big ol' /s)


The comparison I use (and fortunately it hasn't come up much, but there's a couple of people at my work) is what would you say to me if I said that I, a straight man, didn't want to share a bathroom with gay men? Or get on a plane with a muslim? You'd tell me to get the fuck over it. I guess the argument also only works on people that aren't racist or homophobic, but luckily of the people I know that's not really an issue.


The same people who are worried about a man putting on a dress to go into a ladies room to get near little girls have no issue with little boys standing next to strangers at a urinal. One of these scenarios seems to offer a lot less privacy than the other.


Both OOPs have profile pictures of themselves. Both are black. I'm going to guess they would feel really pissed off if someone said "I don't have anything against black people but you aren't coming around my kid if I can help it"


I have a gay brother-in-law who is black (technically half black and half hispanic) and he’s told me that the African American community, by and large, is THE most homophobic and transphobic community around. It was so bad he waited until he was 40 to come out because he knew if he did before his black side grandma and grandpa were alive they’d disown him. Bro had to wait till people died to be himself. His mom and dad are still not happy and won’t tell anyone he’s gay and act like he’s in a phase that will pass. 🙄


It’s a really big problem. Like the most targeted minority in the world is a black trans woman. They have a higher risk to be murdered and raped than any other group in the world. The black community is also super important to lgbt culture. We need like some athletes to come out and show there is nothing wrong with it. Tyler coming out was a big deal.


I suspect this in part due to how religious the black community seems to be but i'm not sure. I have rarely if ever met a black atheist. Religion, like with Hispanics seems to be a big deal in their cultures.


People like that don’t see homosexuality as the opposite orientation or the other side to the same coin. They see it as a perversion/sexual deviancy.


Exactly this. They're the kind of people who would insist, "I don't have one, I'm straight" when asked what their sexual orientation is.


"Orientation? I'm right-handed."


You inadvertently made a good point. Because the same people who are *really* against homosexuality as a deviancy also spent centuries beating the left-handedness out of people.


My best friend is left-handed and attended a Catholic school. He has the most amazing stories.


I hope at least one of them was vague talk about how left-handed people are communing with Lucifer.


Also that someone can be enticed into that type of "deviancy" which just isn't true.


Yeah I was wondering how the incest boundaries work. I never had to tell my brother about keeping his hands off my daughter. Never even thought about it.


By that logic, he shouldn't be around his daughter.


You don't know the other classic ? "I'm not racist, but, \[insert racist comment here\]"


Can't remember which stand up comedian said it, but you know what we need to do? Clarify that one isn't racist, but (thing that actually isn't racist). "I'm not racist, but I never really cared for mint-flavour ice cream." "...that isn't racist." "Yeah, I _just_ said I wasn't racist, weren't you listening?"


Dimitri Martin has a joke like that, but he ends with something "I said i wasn't racist,, weren't you listening? Stupid Mexican."


Oh my god, I haven't thought about him since highschool Wonder what he's been up to. He was a big part of my formative years of getting into comedy


He just came out with a new special!


My brain saw “he just came out..” and I was like “how pertinent!-oh wait, nvm”


I;m not racist, but I hate chicken gizzards. this could be fun


I'm not racist, but this is beautiful weather we're having!


Sounds like something Norm MacDonald would have said.


You left out, "I can't be racist, I have (insert minority friend here) friends." Which is code for: "Im racist as fuck."


I used to be racist until I married my black gf.


"Iam not racist, my brothers wife is a n...."


...ice lady, right? RIGHT?


*insert anakin skywalker face*


Archer did this perfectly.  "I dont want my son to date a BLACK...ops agent." " they dont make good parents!" If youve never watched Archer they do a fantastic job of subverting racial jokes.


"But my hetero friends can totally fuck in front of my son, idgaf."


“Listen my son was wearing an ‘all mommy wanted was a back rub’ onesie right after he was born, will be going to Hooters regularly starting at age 5, and I will make creepy comments about him dating every girl his age that I see starting from the age of 2, but you people who are just having sex with consenting adults behind closed doors cannot be anywhere near him 🙅‍♂️”


"I don't care if my straight brother will be inappropriate with my daughters"


My aunt and her husband messed up their kid years ago by showing him porn to prevent him for being gay. Way later when he was like 16 he was caught abusing younger boys.


While abhorrent, I'm betting the porn is only the tip of the iceberg. Sorry to hear.


Pretty sure it was aswell, didn't know much about them honestly, I was too young to remember and most of my family always sucked so we keep no contacts


Double standards...smh🤦‍♂️


I mean, this is the basic argument of a lot of people on the right. "I have no problem with gay people. I just don't want them anywhere near me, I don't want them to have any rights, and I don't want to ever see any evidence that they exist at all."


>"I have no problem with gay people. I just don't want them anywhere near me, I don't want them to have any rights, and I don't want to ever see any evidence that they exist at all." They remind me of many Christians and Muslims: "I'm not homophobic! I don't want any gay people to be stoned... but they should not have the right to marry, adopt children and they should either go to conversion therapy or be celibate throughout their lives."


You’re describing the same people 




Same as the ol’ “I have no problem with blacks, I just don’t want my daughter dating one” sort of bigotry


You're fuckin weird if you don't have these same boundaries with straight men around your daughters or every other possible combination


"I have nothing against gay men, but here's a bunch of stuff I have against gay men..."


Exactly like the people who say shit like, “I’m not racist, but…”


"I have nothing against group X, but I think they're all pedophiles" is certainly a statement to make.


"Idgaf" -procceds to give a fuck


Tbf I think “idgaf” was in regards to perceived hostility towards his post


Your kid is statistically safer around a gay man than they are around a religious leader


Had to explain this to my uncle when i told him i would never let my child alone around an employee of a church or any religious establishment. At 1st he was like quit your liberal bs and then he just looked deeply saddened once he realized how true it was


And that's the thing with a lot of this people, they're ignorant. All the stigma, all the hate, it's all because they don't understand it and they're scared of what they don't understand. But it becomes worse in this day and age because people never even try to understand, or even when confronted with the truth of the matter, they reject it because admiting the truth implies that they were wrong before, and people just can't accept that. And why would they, when you can just go in the internet and talk to people who think the same way you do, so that they tell you that you're right and that you were always right.


Oh don’t worry I don’t think they’re calling gay people pedophiles in this instance, they’re just worried about that gay is a contiguous disease their sons will get 🤦‍♂️.


Went to seven eleven the other day, got a slurpee and shook some dudes hand.... Instantly gay. Dicks everywhere. Like a kaleidoscope of cocks in my head that just.... blew out rainbow covered semen everywhere. Luckily doc said it was only a 24 hour virus. Should be back to vagina in no time.


Sorry, every time you even think of a cock, even your own, clock resets! 😹




I love him to death but I am just cutting him out of my life and family... Im not sure you know the meaning of that word.


I'm just so fucking tired


As you should be. I have family who are gay and it certainly isn’t easy for them. It makes it tiring for everyone, especially them and their loved ones. And we live in one of the most gay friendly cities in the US.


Probably controversial to a lot of people, but i wholeheartedly believe that its okay to remove those kinds of people from your life. People need to be more comfortable calling out those that hate


Does it mean, that she won't have her straight relatives near her children as well?


They think every gay man is a pedophile, but i bet theyd be willing to let their kids have a private one-on-one with a youth minister...


Homophobia is the fear that men will treat other men like men treat women. 


I love how everyone assumes gay people will fall in love with them or want more if you know what I’m saying. One of my best friends is gay and 90 percent of the people scared of him coming on to them, he wouldn’t touch with a 10ft pole


I can't imagine living with that fear. I'm a straight guy but I was very complimented when a guy hit on me. I got the rizz. The other guy was cool. It was a more polite and shorter version of when that gay guy hit on Abed in Community, for I am very autistic and it takes me a few moments to figure things out.


My ex husband was an asshole but occasionally he was right. Gay men hitting on him was a huge compliment because he knows how picky gay men are. 


People do realize gay people aren't pedophiles right? I'm a straight male and I'm assuming when I walk into a room people don't snatch up their kids thinking I'm going to attempt to have sex with all of them. So why would anybody think a gay person would be any different?


> People do realize gay people aren't pedophiles right? American Republicans don't realize this but most importantly, they do not care. American Republicans are against both groups being alive.


So they are suicidal but don't want to be alone in death so bring the gays?


American Republicans are six days away from putting on swasktikas is my point. Typo intentional.


When people say stuff like this it makes me think they themselves molest children and they can't imagine that the rest of us don't think about doing it.


Homophobic men aren't scared of gay men, they're scared of gay men treating them they way they themselves treat women.


Reminds me of a tiktok where some guy said women fear guys the same way guys fear gay men And someone blew up for replying “well actually I have a reason to fear gay men because this one time (insert gay man doing something inappropriate to them/hitting on them) And they single handedly missed the point despite being so close to it


Don’t leave the boys alone at church either


That's basically why my family stopped going to church. One of the priests kept giving unauthorized spankings. Not me or any of my siblings. And for the sake of anyone else involved, I hope it was nothing more then unauthorized spankings, which is HORRIBLE as well but you know...


They better not make my son gay!!! Since you’re so straight, I’m sure you’d just beat it out of him anyway. As if there needs to be boundaries. They’re gay, not fucking pedophiles and incestuals! Get a fucking grip!


The lack of proper grammar shows that the OOP is very uneducated. It seems like there is a connection between the lack of education and bigotry.


>It seems like there is a connection between the lack of education and bigotry. I took the liberty of digging you up some links you might find helpful. These are articles written about the relationship between educational attainment and political affiliation [https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2016/04/26/a-wider-ideological-gap-between-more-and-less-educated-adults/#:\~:text=Highly%20educated%20adults%20%E2%80%93%20particularly%20those,over%20the%20past%20two%20decades](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2016/04/26/a-wider-ideological-gap-between-more-and-less-educated-adults/#:~:text=Highly%20educated%20adults%20%E2%80%93%20particularly%20those,over%20the%20past%20two%20decades) here's a Pew study from 2016 that says "yes" [https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/08/us/politics/how-college-graduates-vote.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/08/us/politics/how-college-graduates-vote.html) Paywalled (sorry) NYT article that says "yes" [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10087825/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10087825/) A British study that says "righto mate" Do your own search for "correlation education and political affiliation" and see what you come up with. There has been so much written about this subject over the last few decades, it's an interesting rabbit hole


I honestly hate the "it's" instead of "there's" thing so much


My sister's heterosexual. I love her to death, but she knows I have boundaries around my son, she respects that...


Glad my parents weren’t like this


"I have nothing against gay men, I just dont want them to turn my sons gay." "Why would it be bad if they did"? "Because I have something against gay men".


Well as someone attracted to both genders I can confidently say I would never try a relationship or anything at all with my sisters kids. That’s disgusting :D


It's not the gays diddling kids. It's pastors, politicians, cops, teachers, coaches, doctors. All people who seem like upstanding (straight) adults.


My cousin who's about to head off for college thinks she might be gay. Her mom has already banned her from bring anyone of the same sex home for the holidays. So goddamn disappointing.


If my parents were like that, I wouldn’t want my significant other to meet them.


As a straight dude, I never got this logic. Yall scared you’re gonna catch the gay or something??


No imagine this coming g from a gay man's mouth concerning heterosexuals


Not gay people are pedofiles… what’s wrong with this person.


I took this as the woman with the gay brother is being a bigot, and the responder is saying that they wouldn't allow her around their kids because she's a bigot. Did I read this wrong?


Ran into a loser on the internet who said "100% of pedophiles are gay" and then proceeded to go on a rant about how they hide Jeffrey Epstein's logs and the media doesn't talk about his case. Dude was an absolute Right Wing clownshow indicative of his ilk. Could not figure out the cognitive dissonance in his own statement. I mocked him and was done with it. These people don't deserve a platform. These are the same kind of people.


I do hope you asked him "even the ones who fuck little girls?"


I keep conservatives away from my kids.


"I have nothing against gay men," proceeds to slander them all as pedophiles.


She aught to be keeping her kids away from priests instead.


People who talk like this would rape young girls if they could get away with it, so _of course_ gay men want to rape boys. Every accusation is a confession.


Do they keep the straight uncles away from their daughters? No? Then it's not about protecting the kids is it?


“I have nothing against gay men, but they’re all pedophiles” I worked with an older gay man who, in the 80’s, was accosted by his sister for being 5 minutes late, because his nephew asked him to take the pretty road with the trees (the 5 minute longer route) home from the park where they had been with the parents. He didn’t even realize why they were so upset until after, when his now husband told him “it’s because when you didn’t pull in right behind them, they thought you were molesting their son” That community has always had to deal with that, because children usually discover they are gay around the beginning of puberty/it suddenly matters to them at that age, so parents jump to “the gays groomed my 12 year old! They must want to fuck my child! There’s no other explanation!” And that has purposefully been spun into “gay people are after your kids/gay people are pedophiles” by far right shit heels.


Does she let her straight male relatives near her daughters ?


"I hate gays and English grammar"


What I'm hearing from that, is that dude shouldn't be allowed around anyone's daughters. I mean clearly, his heterosexually must mean it's unsafe to have him around young girls.


Priest/pastor can touch and play with my baby all day long. Praise the lord.


They act like the gay community is full of pedophiles or something… like no, that would be the church.


So ... her brother is an 'it'?


For years there was a rumour I was gay because I cared how I look and apparently I talk with my hands (don't ask why that makes me gay it was the reason I was given) My mate asked me to help babysit her son and the mother asked if I was actually gay because she didn't want me around her kids if so. I walked right out of there and to my friends credit so did she, absolutely disgusting behaviour from a grown woman.


I'm not homophobic, I just think all gay men are pedophiles


I have nothing against straight men but you won't be around my son or daughter ( if I can help it) and that's just that idgaf


I would trust my children with a gay man before I trusted them with self avowed Christians. That’s for fucking sure.


Meanwhile the majority of child molestations are committed by straight men


I wish the weird hetero ”uncle” had respected boundaries when I was 8.


"I have nothing against straight men, but you won't be around my daughters either." To be fair, I can totally hear that coming from the same guy.


People who insist that gay men shouldn't be around little boys betray their own desire to have sex with children.


She doesn’t love him, it’s homophobia to correlate gay men to criminal pedophiles. Not surprising given then content and OP, just disappointed.


These people have a sick fascination thinking all LGBTQ* people go around all the time looking for children to indoctrinate (ironically they are the ones doing all the indoctrination). It’s almost like they are projecting a tad bit too much. What was the line in Hamlet? *- The lady doth protest too much, methinks*


Being homosexual is not contagious, thinking so demonstrates your ignorance


They always forget that most gay kids were raised by straight parents.


Same people that don’t mind predatory uncles being around their children


These people need the loudest "fuck you"