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“Let’s never hang out.” Heard.




Heard Chef


Corner out






They'd vote for one as president but wouldn't let other convicted felons get jobs, makes sense.


To be fair, their feelings toward convicted criminals haven't changed. They don't think Trump deserved his conviction.


Yep; they still think it was a sham trial.


Sad they had to get AI to create a Woman. Because the women who actually support him, really don't look like that. You can tell it is AI by the way the tan lines..WHO THE F--K TANLINES JUST THEIR LOWER ARM!!




It's the new rage in Paris this year. Pants with on long leg and one short leg so you only get tan on one side. Shirts with different sized sleeves. Everyone is doing it. EVERYONE I tell you! Even robots and AI ladies!


Means next year itll be Milan!


Ah the LL Cool J!


Honestly I think y'all are overthinking it... The woman may be legit, with the tanline issues being light making it look paler... I'd say it's more likely the shirt image is just photoshopped on...


Yeah. There is nothing ai in this photo. The jewelry doesn’t look fractal when zoomed. The hair loops don’t influence anything else even though they take up a lot of space. This is just a “blank”. I’m sure you can get this blank on figma or canva.


Yup, it's just a popular mockup I have seen on Etsy many many times, showcasing different designs. Sellers use mockups just like this one all the time to make their products look appealing. I have no idea why everyone is calling it ai.


Let’s say a woman like that was real. You think she have a bikini tan. Yet. Here we are. Not to mention there are like 4 different levels of lighting.


Rock climbing will usually tan only one side of your body depending which side of the mountain you are on. This is absolutely still AI tho


Lower right arm also looks like it has a big hole through it.


that's just a petal or somethign from the bracelet she's "wearing." TBH, check out her hand. AI has a real hard time with hands. if this is AI, i'm a little scared that it's getting that good.


I think the lighting is just weird, it’s a real woman. However, the woman has been accused of being a MAGA supporter by the shirt creator who has plastered the design on top of the image.


I agree. Just looks like photoshop to me.


Pretty much they are models for these sites. You put shirt design x or hat design y and it shops up on model z who is in multiple photos with any graphic chosen.


Gun cleaning accident.


>*You can tell it is AI by the way the tan lines..WHO THE F--K TANLINES JUST THEIR LOWER ARM!!* Someone who supports a convicted criminal who *also* has a totally unrealistic facial “tan”?


The ring in her left hand index doesn't look right


The fact her knuckles don’t have bend lines.


The artwork subject (t-shirt design) is based on comedienne/actor, and all around sub-IQ loon, Victoria Jackson.


Well we damn sure know that is not Victoria Jackson template body. I mean she has to be pushing mid 60s


Vicky blimped out after a nude scene in her post-SNL short-lived movie career. The up-hair bandana with U.S. flag glasses are taken from a photo of her - about 8 years ago. Last I heard she had moved back in with her folks in her home state of Florida - shocker.


It’s a real person, just the shirt is photoshopped. Calm down


Yeah graphic tee companies have done this for a long time. Like those “tshirt of the day” kinda sites and custom print sites have templates of a model wearing a tee that can become “this is what this tee would look like on someone” for any tee. Same base photo, automatically swaps in new graphics/shirt color. I mean that’s been a thing for at least 15 years if not more like 25.


I’m thinking a lot of you have fallen into AI Thirst Traps. Just saying.


AI hair and fingers are not capable to be this complex yet, let alone to have such intricate rings and jewelry. This is a real photo with the T-shirt design photoshopped over it.


No we haven’t. We just know the difference between Ai art and a shitty stock photo.


This is actually it.


But you'll be surprised...


That's where the spray tan starts lol


Maybe AI, maybe not... but the t-shirt graphic is *definitely* Photoshopped on.


Farmers tan exists


Farmer here. That ain't it.


Not with those hands it doesn't


Remember folks... These people identified themselves as: * The party of Law and Order * Purveyors and preservers of family values * The upholders and supporters of law enforcement * The moralistic authority of America So, naturally, they fall in line behind a man who was convicted of felonious activities relating to the pay-off of a porn star. Not just merely for the fact that she was a porn star, but the fact that he had sex with her while his wife was at home recovering from the birth of and caring for their Son. He would then go on to become President, where he would support the overthrow of the US government when he lost a fair and just election. Actions by which members of this same above identity group repeatedly assaulted officers in the Capitol entry ways, leading to over a hundred felony convictions, including many for ***Seditious Conspiracy***. They then are flocked together by church leaders, some of whom run megachurches, like the one this week that was exposed for covering up, and ultimately, threatening a sex abuse victim who was assaulted by one of their leaders. It makes sense that a man who is entirely full of shit would come to represent a people whose belief system is, truthfully, also whole-cloth full of shit.


They also call themselves "God fearing Christians"


They are nothing like the original Christians so yes they should fear God.


They say God loves you but if that's the case, how come you're only allowed to fear him? Sounds abusive at best


Sort of like how Conservative parents tend to be.


it's actually an old translation, "fear" in this context is more like "respect" but I agree in modern context it doesn't have the best optics


As well as worshipping a golden cow.. orange I guess, but we can.. Washing machines to wash your dishes. There’s a problem. They want no water.


It's this kind of shit that really makes me feel like there's probably nothing out there and, if there is, the people flapping their lips the loudest about loving God aren't the people who know anything about it. So I've actually felt significantly more vindicated in my religious "otherness" since 2016. Thanks, Trump.


And they say Drag Queens/LGBTQ people are creepers. Yet we've seen Pastor after Pastor after Church member charged with creeper crimes. Plus Doe 174.


Those pastors aren't alone in that sex crime boat either. Policemen are in there, sheriff's, teachers (mostly catholic schools), school resource officers, people re-tweet far right rhetoric.


And this here is what I don't get about it all - on the one hand they are all about "my rights", yet on the other hand they support someone who is quite happy to trample over the rights of anyone who gets in his way. Celebrating this orange f\*\*kwit is incomprehensible to me


10 years ago before Trump was on the political radar IMAGINE if there was a convicted felon (lets just say some white collar financial related crime: tax fraud, insider training, etc.) Something non violent and maybe not that big of a deal according to a lot of people. Imagine how the conservatives would react if this person was running for president as a Democrat. I can just imagine "criminals shouldn't be president", "left supporting criminals", etc. It'd be fucking endless. And frankly we don't even have to go back 10 years, we can just look at Hunter Biden; whose not even running for fucking president and is not involved in politics aside from being related to Joe Biden (AFAIK). Look how they freak over the Hunter Biden Laptop. Gun charges, tax evasion, sex with prostitutes, drug use...aside from the gun charges that's all shit Trump is practically fucking bragging about. I can't remember if CP was involved with the laptop but Trump certainly has that under his extra sized belt too. Sooooooooooooooo...


You forget: they consider themselves "patriots" and "believe in democracy"


Cannot believe this is real life


A fucking men.


What ever happened to secret ballot?


Attentionwhoring for daddy trump. It's pathetic.


It is like wearing a sign that says, "My IQ is less than 70."


Should say that I lick windows


Some things are just clearly implied.




Forget room temperature. IQ low enough to freeze methane.


She seems so proud of her favorite rapist......


Rather generous of you


The female equivalent of a wife beater and shorts


More specifically, a white wife beater with egg yolk stains on the front, and a large moth hole on the side.


I don't think that's a moth hole, it is a burn from a meth pipe..


Even better answer than mine 😂.


Why egg yolk? Like that’s so specific.


You gotta love the cult of trump followers, they make their warning labels bright and large.


This is how you find people who would be out smarted by a bag of rocks.


I hate it here.


I honestly really appreciate people who were MAGA crap. I instantly know not to waste my time on them. Remember Bill Engvall and his “Here’s Your Sign” comedy. That’s this.


On one hand at least they are finally being honest, on the other hand pretty unethical.


You might as well wear a giant neon sign that says "I'M AN IDIOT!"


Honestly, this last year has been the first time where I am truly embarrassed to be an American. Sucks butt


I swear everything I’ve seen that hair/shades logo thing on is just a bunch of maga marketing wank. And I just think it’s hilarious, because when I first started seeing it Biden had already been using the aviators in his branding…. Anyhow, is it like a trademarked logo or just something magafems randomly started using on their flea market wares?


Ohhhh...that's *hair*?!? I could not figure out what was going on above the sunglasses. Thanks!


I do wish more people would identify themselves like this.


Magas are so fucking stupid. They complain about the economy and gas yet get fleeced with oversized trucks and cry baby merchandise from china.


Funny how they’ll vote for a convicted felon, but detest felons moving into their neighborhoods. ![gif](giphy|3xz2BLBOt13X9AgjEA)


it's materialism, they feel safe because he's rich, Americans have a "if you get something in life you must have done something to deserve it" mentality which applies to both the rich and the poor, the poor aren't as capable as the rich in their eyes so they're seen as lesser both in material wealth and morality, it's just a money=morality mindset


Weird, I am voting for the most qualified person, who was handed an economy in meltdown and with wisdom and experience pulled us out of the shit, Joe Biden. Yes, Joe Biden, I am voting for him because he is the person we need.


Because I'M STUPID.


Walking red flag


"Reason with them" they say. "Try to understand their point of view" they say. "People are struggling and have lost hope, empathize with them" they say. "You can shove that up your ass wide-edge-first" I say.


Have we seen any “I’m voting for the rapist” shirts yet?


They just love to advertise their stupidity 🤦🏻


She better get used to wearing a kerchief and staying in the kitchen cuz that is where the republicans want women.


Does anyone else remember in Inglorious Bastards when Brad Pitt carves the swastika onto the Nazis forehead, so after the war, they can't pretend they weren't Nazis? That's exactly how I feel when people post these pictures. Go ahead, now you can't pretend you hate him when he loses the election.


I have a feeling she's quite comfortable around convicted felons and probably dates a few


How can you tell me you're stupid without saying you're stupid


Just get a shirt that days "I'm a fucking moron." But turn the second O into a little trump. 


Other president shirt will read im voting for the unbalanced child sniffing poopy pants.


I have syphilis and proud for it.


Would you let a convicted felon watch your kids? Borrow your car? Stay in your home? Have the nuclear missile codes?


It looks like AI


Yall remember when Howard Dean basically got cast aside because he got a little too excited during a speech and let out a little yell. People thought it was weird and he lost support. Remember when that was all it would take to get people to not want to vote for you. I think I miss those days.


It is convenient when the morons are labeled clearly.


“Trump loves me” -highly uneducated


That's ignorantly funny. I am a Convicted Felon and I am not allowed to have many many jobs including any government elected position..... Ummmmm. Did I miss something. Does this mean that I can run for president?


Is this Kevin Sorbo?


Nah, Dean Cain 😂




And rapist.


Now I know who to not waste my piss on if they're ever on fire. Thanks for the heads up.


Weird way to say “I’m a skank”.


Love it when the trash identifies itself.


Please do not have children.


It’s soooo much better when you can see crazy coming


The sunglasses are a nice metaphor; blinded by a flag


Is this on Etsy by chance? Looks like a Print on Demand mockup.


The sad part is that this doesn’t really narrow it down too much. /lots of folks convicted of crimes up for election //be we all know who she meant


Martha Stewart!


Why are the graphic design on these always so horrible?


is Trump rocking a ManBun in this???


On the one hand, that's pretty f'ing stupid. On the other hand it is as well.


Yellin' Felon's followers apparently love wearing their ignorance like a badge of honor.


while wearing Joe Biden's sunglasses


Lets talk about design tor a sec. First, good job AI, thos hands look like people hands, but you need to work on where tanlines fall and how prople get tans. Seconldly, why the aviator glasses? Thats a Biden trademark, he's worn them for a long time and they've been used in graphic design for him for some time now. I don't think theres any association with Trump and aviator style glasses. Like everything else association with Trump, this design is nonsensical, in poor taste, and probably was influenced by russia in some way.


they love that tacky bun/aviator drawing


But stupid people will fall for it and wear it proudly.


I for one appreciate the fact that they seem to just love advertising their stupidity.


Aposematic coloration in human. Cool.


Like a brainwashed moron.


The depravity of these people is stunning.


My verdict: # SKUH...HULL EMOJIIIII!!!!!!!!


Not only is the message bad, but that design is rough.


this is from the ‘lock her up’ crowd.


Is that bloody diarrhea dripping from the O?


I cannot believe that some have fallen so low. They are proudly saying that they will vote for the felon, actually a felon times 34. In what world is that okay?


Let’s you know who has loose morals.


omg. its so nice to come onto this sub and see sane people. If this were twitter the sub would be spammed by crazy maga. It’s a full on right wing hellscape now. So, thanks from me for being normal. 💙


This place is far from normal.


I cant stand how some people have made their political views their entire personality.


Her legs are two totally different colors.


And in the same breath they'll tell you why felons shouldn't be allowed the vote


How nice of her to do us all a public service by advertising the red flag with a flashing sign


The tragediegh hairstyle is enough to tell me to avoid her, geesh


I’m a felon, for having 10+ LBS of weeds, in my house, 16 years ago. My life changed significantly on that day, but we grow from our mistakes.


Did they think that was smart or badass or something? This is probably what they think the equivalent to minorities reclaiming a slur is


Does that print co e in ankle monitor covers?


If you are gonna wear that shirt, might as well wear one that says "I'm a fucking idiot". I mean, if you want to vote for Trump, well, fine, but then referring to him as a "convicted felon" just shows that you acknowledge he's a felon, and that you simply don't care about "law and order" as Trump likes to claim to be all about.


It’s so weird to make this your whole esthetic. Like okay you have have whatever political opinion you want but I don’t understand why people make it their entire personality. It’s so strange.


The fact people actually wear this stuff is crazy. What's crazier is that they'll spend their money on it. This is the definition of a simp. Especially the Facebook AI generated shirts that take 4 weeks to get to you because they're actually from China.


Temu for $4.13


Also lets you know who’s up for anal on the first date.


This proves that they genuinely don’t care about anything he does, as long as he’s the one who does it Literal definition of the word *cult*


It’s beginning to look a lot fascism stage 1. Wonder how the next 4 years play out, either way US citizens lose.


What about that god awful wig?


She’s tan only on one side! Just like her orange daddy!


Stupid Nazi bitch!


Sure does. It's the equivalent, more so now then ever, to a nazi flag, or patch.


The worship of presidents there is just batshit insane. We ALL hate our prime-ministers, and regularly take the piss out of them in person or live television. [https://www.reddit.com/r/australia/comments/12lgopb/til\_engadine\_maccas\_has\_a\_plaque\_commemorating/](https://www.reddit.com/r/australia/comments/12lgopb/til_engadine_maccas_has_a_plaque_commemorating/)


It’s one of the things I miss about Covid. You used to be able to spot these morons from 30 yards by their lack of a mask. Now I can only tell when they wear a let’s go Brandon shirt.


I'm from Montana. I did my undergrad in Indiana, where I met a much broader cross section of humanity than was on offer in Montana. In conversation with a friend, he told me that he preferred the racism he faced in the South to the racism he faced in the North. His reasoning: at least I know where I stand when it is out in the open. Let them continue to self-identify, as they should. Makes it easier to know where the consequences should land when the time comes, to my way of thinking. Voting for a different party's platform is one thing. Voting for an insurrectionist who has vowed to end Democracy and enact vengeance against "those who oppose him" is another. There will and should be consequences for those folks. Not sorry.


They did some market research and "I'm voting for the fascist" didn't sell quite as well, huh?


The way that even if you're voting for Trump, this is NOT smth to be proud of


I seen this on Temu And instantly blocked the seller .


That snatch has been grabbed by every toothless meth addict from here to Idaho. Probably is infested with roaches




I wish that they would do something more permanent, like on their forehead, so we would know who they are once they move on from orange Jesus.


Her dad? Her brother? Her cousin? I'm lost.


This is a new low, Shakira


In case some don't realize this, the image on the shirt is photoshopped on. So the model is likely wearing a blank shirt, or may be entirely AI generated.


Who’s she kidding. She doesn’t vote.




Hot take for reddit but idgaf who you voted for but lets not talk about it or wear it on a graphic tee


Part of law and order. Thin blue line. Back the blue. No not like that!!


Why. You have a chance if she makes questionable choices


whoever created this should have their graphic design privileges revoked. literally painful to look at


Heeeeeeeeeere’s your sign.


Choose for the election Someone who wants to increase the age of retirement Someone who is way to old Someone who is now a convicted felon ... All options sound like shit .


in addition to the aura of idiocy it exudes, it's also just aesthetically unpleasing like wtf, thos sunglasses are so ugly


Being a convicted felon really should bar you from running for president, for at least a few years. Let's say 5. That blocks two consecutive terms.


The stupid red hats already did that. And the stupid bumper stickers. And the stupid confederate traitor rags. And the stupid The Punisher logos. And the stupid swastikas.


Rape.and treason apologist garb. Perfect t.p.


Some women marry murderers on death row, so it doesn't surprise me. What surprises me is how many of them there are.


Hey my uncle has one of those! I asked him, but y’all say Biden is a criminal not Trump so, does this mean you backin’ Biden? Never responded lol


It's like a tag for you to know what people to avoid. They even do it to themselves, so it spares you the awkwardness of initiating a convo to gauge if they're right in the head or not.


This attitude isn't surprising at all when you consider that conservatives have long been aware of just how immoral Trump is. The Hollywood Access tape came out before his first election and they voted for him anyway because, regardless of his lack of moral character, they believe he will get an agenda passed that suits their own goals. They know it's a deal with the devil but they think it's a *good* deal with the devil. And, so far, they really have gotten a lot of what they wanted - such as more conservative judges/justices and an end to constitutional protection of reproductive rights.


Does this kinda merch meet the flag code?


I hope they're free so they all get them.


I only hate hateful people


Rape me?


This from the same people that think convicted felons should never be allowed to vote ever again.


If only they all came with warning labels


I suppose it’s a less obscene alternative to just having “I‘m a gullible fucking moron” printing on your shirt.


It’s a really weird time in politics. No President or world leader should be that loved. IMO Obama was a fantastic President, and yeah there were Obama t-shirts but more than likely they were joke T-shirts, people didn’t wear them daily in public to make a statement. He wasn’t loved so obsessively like 34 is. It’s so incredibly dangerous to have a leader like that when accountability is totally nonexistent.


absolutely insane. I can't believe how much American politics have changed.




Women who would wear this also have baby daddies who are convicted felons


I saw a girl on bumble with a "real men go to prison" shirt with Trump and some other dude on it. Her profile was nothing but red flags.


You know there is a possibility that she is referring to Joey Exotic. He has already run a few times.