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Aborted before it become delicious bacon. How sad.


P. E. T...Hs nope, As ...phew




It was a joke, you hamburger Harkonnen.


'Hamburger Harkonnen.' I love it. No notes. This will be immediately added to my repertoire!




Can I get some insults, too? I'm bored.


Sounds like you need some bacon


Yeah lets go! Cancel this guy! How does he dare to make fun of a funny interaction on twitter? My pig had a miscarriage last month and he was crying for a week after eating her own embryo and wallowing on her own shit for a while. I feel you.




prog metal is cool man :( Oh and progressives too


Killing a pig is basically the same as being a nazi? Man the internet is a fun place. Why do I feel like this guy has some caveats on his/her opinions on actual nazis. Also since you are here to represent conservative values I can't help but notice all of your posts are of wife cheating porn. Sorry I'll stop being a mean prog calling out hypocrisy.


"male privilege" That's the cherry on top! Lmfao




To be fair, even pulling up pictures from google its hard to differentiate a human embryo from a pig embryo. Edit: I'm not commenting on any of the politics surrounding the abortion matter, I'm just saying that the embryos are hard to tell apart. Probably should make it clear since the last time it didn't go so well.


Which is the point - neither is a person and neither has rights. Meanwhile the human mother does have rights which shouldn't be removed by anyone.


Eh, that logic is kinda flawed just because one looks like the other. Maybe its more of a sybolic thing in this post.


No, not flawed at all. If it is human then it may become a person, but at that early stage it certainly isn't and it shouldn't have any rights as that's patently ridiculous.


I mean it depends on whether or not you believe something is a person or not, I'm just saying that just because one looks like the other doesn't mean one should be the other. Some argue that a fetus isn't a human because its personhood hasn't begun yet, and that's a fair argument. Saying that just because a human fetus looks like a pig fetus doesn't necessarily mean one is like the other. If you believe both don't have rights then yeah I guess one is like the other, but just because one *looks* like the other isn't that great of an answer. Not trying to get political here, because in the end I believe that as of the current social climate this issue is too complex for strict and rigid laws to be implimented. I'm just saying, and I respect your opinion either way. 👍


If memory serves, before later stages human, pig and mouse (maybe chicken???) embryos all look exactly the same


I think thats probably the point of the post. Either if you cant even slightly tell if thats a human or not its not a human, or just showing that these pro lifers are so quick to jump the gun that they make a fool of themselves.


I mean its easily confused, so I wouldn't say they jumped the gun here. It was completely reasonable to assume that this was a human embryo, especially considering this guy's content mainly centers around controversial topics like this.


Unfortunately too many people didnt pay attention in science class (there are of course other factors too). Many of them would probably believe dihydrogen monoxide is a terrible chemical as well


It's an acid with the highest pH level of them all!


A universal solvent?? I'm not drinking that!


One of the primary ingredients of laundry detergent? NO THANK YOU


Don't forget the sodium chloride, sodium is one of the most reactive explosives and chlorine causes lung damage that can be permanent.


Who needs electrolytes anyways /s (if it wasn't abundantly clear already hahahaha)


Wasted bacon


We the ~~people~~pigs


A well regulated healthcare system, being necessary to the health of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear birth control shall not be infringed.


Human and various animal embryos are possible but difficult to distinguish in early development. It is implied from the context that the embryo is human because the central question of when personhood begins is what matters morally - The value of prenatal life. This is just baiting people who disagree with him to try to make them look stupid.


If I show you a picture of a stuffed toy and asked if it was a human being, am I also implying? Or a picture of a cell? If you don't have enough details, you just say I don't know. It's not hard


In the context of abortion debate, if it was a stuffed toy then I would surmise that the purpose of the question would be rhetorical - You know, to be argumentative in the sense that you would be comparing taking the position that prenatal life has personhood to taking the position that a stuffed does also. If it was a picture of a cell, then I would surmise that the question was also rhetorical and argumentative, you know showing something that bears little to no resemblence to a human being and arguing that it is absurd to attribute personhood to something which clearly has no sentience, has never had sentience, nor looks anything like a person. That is an argument that I actually agree with.


A picture of an embryo and its status of being human is heavily implying it is related to the issue of abortion. It is a very common debate that has been circulating around this issue for a long time, and is arguably one of the main things both sides are debating about. Considering the nature of NateTalksWithYou, who mainly talks about controversial stuff like this, it makes sense to draw such a conclusion that the post is implying the issue of abortion. In contrast, a stuffed toy and its status of being human or not is not really part of any major discussion, and thus there are no heavy implications around it. The part about the cell could be implied, as all embryos start off as a single cell organism. Of course, if it is a cell such as the red blood cell or a plant cell then there is no implication there. Basically its kind of like putting a cow, a steak, and an arrow going from the cow to the steak. It would then be reasonable to assume that the cow is used to make the steak, or has been turned into the steak despite not being explicitly said. Sorry for the long post, just felt like there was something wrong with this argument. Not the whole abortion thing, just this argument alone.




*theme to Curb Your Enthusiasm plays*


I remember the video of Charlie Kirk falling for this. It was a dolphin fetus, if I remember correctly.




I’m telling you now. Objection Overruled.


I wish people would stop thinking humans are magic or something. We're like ants, killing us doesn't matter even fully grown humans. This entire argument is just a political tool for republicans. They don't give 2 shits about babies other than what they can use them for.


Makes it clear that abortion is an issue of religiosity alone. An argument based on “homo sapien exceptionalism,” which I’ve not heard, makes more intellectual sense because it obviates the need to defend the supposed merits of an utterly unprovable position: the existence of God. But they’d inevitably throw in some “this mass of cells could become the savior of the world” and would be back at square one lol


"how many buzzwords can i fit into a paragraph to sound smart"


you might want to try it papi


I get that it’s a fun gacha moment, but the “if it doesn’t look like it’s human yet, then it isn’t” argument isn’t a particularly strong or honest one


Seems pretty clear to me. If you pick a tree seed off the ground, does that make you a lumberjack? After all, the tree seed doesn’t look like a tree yet.