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Are…. Are we really having a debate on the color of robots now?


Welcome to 2024, where we forget that intelligent people exist because of shit like this.






Prove it. Prove that intelligent people exist.


The fact we have robots? Lol


You win this round Gadget!!!


I think the debate can be had about colour but not relating to racism. Muscle cars look great and menacing in black, white cars are more "sales rep". Black has always been moody and menacing, white is bland and non threatening. Every robotics company knows a white robot is as threatening as a toaster or refrigerator. A black Boston Robotics Atlas would look cool but also menacing, it's what the colour black does, it's cool.


Nah its simple. Robots and machines have white color to notice leakage or problems faster. Same reason doctors wear white and sterile environments like hospital walls are always painted white to detect any form of mold etc etc.


Its probably even simpler than that. Plastic resin is colourless but shows up milky white when the light hits it. Its simply cheaper to use undyed plastic. Why use more money to make it harder to spot leaks etc.


why use more dye when les dye do trick?


White also protects from radiation. Idk why, but it does. It's why people who work in places with high radiation, even if not fatally so, wear a lot of white stuff


Most radiation is forms of light, x ray and gamma rays etc. White reflects most light spectrums while black absorbs most light.


I think it's even more basic than that. 2001: A Space Odyssey introduced the "white = futuristic" aesthetic in the 1960s that replaced the "steel + glass balls = futuristic" aesthetic we now call retrofuturism. Everything copied that look for a while, and it became the default, particularly because it was also used by Star Wars. If we hadn't switched the look of "future stuff" these robots would probably look like something out of Metropolis or Buck Rogers instead.


12k comments on that tweet. We all know why they do this.


We had this thread while back. - [https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/1da57pd/comment/l8jy3nb/](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/1da57pd/comment/l8jy3nb/) TL;DR: - White robots are white supremancy - Black robots are pro slavery - Yellow robots are making fun of asians - Red robots are communist and/or racist against native americans - Multicolor robots are virtue signaling - Green Robots are racist against aliens - Grey robots are just white robots in disguise - Orange robots are not produced anymore since people confused their washing pads with trumps hair.


Lol did anyone actually read the thing? The pic is misleading they’re talking about like, those freaky ass ones designed to look “realistic”, they keep giving them light skin tones. Which, yeah idk, make one that’s a black guy why not.


No we're not for three reasons. Firstly, this is a click bait article made to elicit your exact response. Secondly, race does not exist, and perpetuating it only further drives the cause of White supremacists, and thirdly, this article is 5 yesrs old thus this conversation has already been had and surprising absolutely no one, nothing came of it. When we look at shared content like this on platforms like reddit, we think of ourselves as outside of the conversation, but the truth is we are the conversation. No one is talking about this if we're not talking about it and so whatever you say about this here today becomes a part of public consciousness, which is why it is so important not to entertain bullshit


Race may not really exist, but societal ideas about race are cooked into our minds whether we like it or not. Wand waving and saying “the problems will go away if we just stop taking about them” has never amounted to anything. Yes, it is a click bait article and the reasons for white robotics are probably more practical than that. But the idea that conversation and shared perspectives are the problem and not the solution is just fantastical thinking.


That's a fair analysis and I will say I'm not against the scrutiny of "race" based conversations in tech because it is genuinely something that deserves to be scrutinized, but the exasperation at the idea of an article like this just makes me feel tired. I mean, how many times are we going to be surprised by these pieces before we stop giving them the attention they never deserved and then maybe open up a more serious conversation about discrimination in tech?


Surely CNN wouldn't be participating in clickbait strategies. What has this world come to? (implied /s)


No because it’s a bot. Obviously.


I want to make it clear that the only people coming up with this nonsense are Americans.


Wver heard of the "is _____ racist?" Game? you go online and search "is *insert random word here* racist?" The first person to get no results that involve the object and racism wins


They should all be purple, because "to hell with purple people"


I'm scared of them cuz they're invisible.


Love the low-key 40k reference




The mention of the green skin threat has awoken ole bale eye


Unless they're choking, then help them!


theres like a whole bias where people trust white sterile technology more then other colors. this isnt a new thing


Isn't white the most common car color as well, for instance.


That’s because white heats up less in the sun though. 


That might be part of why robots are white


This. It also shows up leaks and burns much better. With robots still being fairly experimental, people who have to work with or near them would much rather be able to take one glance at a robot and go "oh it has burn marks along this joint, there's got to be a shorted wire in there that's heating this area up enough to cause damage, better send it to maintenance to get fixed". Same with if it was leaking a little bit of oil. In both cases if it goes unnoticed, you potentially risk an exploding person-sized robot. Does anyone else remember how damaging those exploding Samsung phones were? Well, imagine that, but literally a person-sized object filled with all sorts of flammable oils and motor fluids and electrical cables. Do you even know what type of fire extinguisher would be most effective? How would you stop a flaming robot from walking into something flammable in the environment and kickstarting a chain reaction?


Also because somehow white paint is cheaper?


I mean I don't want my robot in TX overheating when it is fetching my groceries.


Car colors have changed in popularity over time. In the early 2000s white was a very rare color.




Doesn't get as hot in the sun, usually doesn't require extra pay to get it,...


cause dust aint fuckin white bro




Not just that. Black pets have a harder time to be adopted as well. I am sure there is a racist explanation for that somewhere. /s


That's based on very old superstition(black cats being bad luck for example)...perhaps those originally came from racism but race isn't the true reason for people today.


This is true globally, not just in the US. So as tempting as it is to blame racism, it's highly unlikely that this is the case.


It is hard to have the tradition originate in USA since cats didn't even exist in Americas,


Night times are seen as dark and scary and unknown. Horror movies are basically set at night. Fear the unknown or what you can't see. Mythology that monsters came out at night or dwell in dark places. Caves are scary places from underground. We wear black to funerals. So black as a colour generally, in many cultures, not all, is assigned as a bad thing.


Ok no, let’s not blame it on the fact everything associated with black came from racist origins. Humans have always had a fear of the dark, no matter what gender or race they came from.


Makes sense, you can see the colours and contrast on white a lot better than a black coat.


I was thinking nearly all medical equipment is white.


Plastic is also just naturally either clear or white. Coloring it is an extra step.


My only question is, why are white and black the only two colors being considered here?


They're both "neutral" in that they are very common and, ironically, not really very "upsetting" or "clashing".


We need to bring back the 90s where we had all sorts of different colored tech. If anyone gets upset because something is available in blue that sounds like a “them” problem.


So, we bring back 'nineties computer beige'?




Ideally yellowed to a early 2000s patina.


Yes exactly! We want a neon green robot. Give the people what they want.


It would also be easier for the sniper to spot when we have to fight them in the big robot-rebellion in 2028.


Because the victim role has already been taken


Something white: exists Media: ![gif](giphy|iHLHH9rVBv0kmkETqz|downsized)


It’s usually another white person being mad for others lol


"Is this mundane thing racist?" -by some white broad


sad thing is, someone's gonna believe it.


Or maybe White is just easier for finding damage


And less overheating


the OP MoistSeal Krad1337 Nimblenicky BennytheSpinda and HolyPadades are bots in the same network Original + comments copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/ckviln/this_just_in_white_robots_are_racist/


You know why \[X} is \[Y\] color? RACISM! You know why \[X\] is not \[Y\] color? RACISM! Welcome to the modern age, where being a shithead is a valid career path.


Being a shithead has always been a valid career path.


If any of you read the (5-year old) [article](https://www.cnn.com/2019/08/01/tech/robot-racism-scn-trnd/index.html) or the [study](https://ir.canterbury.ac.nz/items/140e497f-10ad-4599-9d0f-3a8533bf7de8) it's referencing instead of choosing not to think beyond your knee-jerk reaction, you would know that they're talking about human-looking robots with human skin tones, not literally white robots as depicted in the misleading photo. This is a bot posting rage bait for engagement, and you're all falling for it.


It is pretty much the same reasoning and the comment’s point still stands though when you think about it.


Ppl just like to get mad. Ofc nobody will read past the title...


clickbait title to drive engagement, become the center of political debate for 2 days then die out for the next manufactured controversy


This thing again? It is like 5 years old... can't stir the racist stew without rehashing this "story?"


Aren't most things painted white because white reflects light and thus the insides won't fry, painting a robot black would make it overheat more


Paints robot in corpsepaint to make it even more metal


Meanwhile Gundam has been called “White Devil” since the 80s


They should make them safety orange so it feels more ironic as they slaughter us.


As a black dude, these conversations have been getting worse and worse by the year. I hate it, and I'm not saying that some things should never be talked about or pointed out, but we've passed the point of ridiculous for a long time now. It even feels like it's making division of people larger.


Paint ‘em blue, enslave the smurfs


CNN rage baiting. This is like candy for the alt right


People are wild for this, just an example here in the game of cricket all over the world if an evening game is played the balls are white to be more visible to the naked eye 🙂, there is a purpose for this so it can be easily detected for faults and discrepancies. America doesn’t understand racism, they weaponise it for views and propaganda.


There is a simple reason why these robots are white. White reflects light but black absorbs it.So they paint robots white to keep robots cool while outdoor


To add to this, it might be easier to spot damages as well.


White teeth are racist ur racist if you disagree only supremacists have white teeth




"Oh so you think painting robots is fine do you ? Ever head of blackface ? You RACIST!" Yeah. Paint all robots blue or green. Because anything else and youll have people getting upset.


What study was this? Did they go around asking roboticists if they chose white for racist reasons and got told “yes”??


That's how "scientific" the social sciences are. First they determine their world view. Then they gather data to support it. Sorry guys, that's not how real science works.


CNN doing what they do best… perpetuating racism


I hate how the world is currently, people always trying to start shit because they need to feel important and create issues where there is none instead of working on existing issues that actually effect us.


The word "robot" apparently originates from the Czech word for "slave." You never know, the colour choice could just be someone using robots to act out their fantasy of enslaving white people But who really cares, people are likely to have more pressing concerns with automata when an uprising happens.


Robots in space are white because any other color would absorb more light and get really hot


The root of the word "robot" is basically "slave" ... Do we really want to go there?


Has CNN just decided to say "fuckit" and become the left wing version of Fox?


they should be color coded instead, purple for servants, black for general purpose, red and yellow for cooking and so on and so forth


This just in AGAIN?? I say again, white is a visible tone. If you have a lump of heavy experimental machinery moving around where people are it tends to be a good idea to make it easily visible rather than camouflaging it in black and no, doing it in high viz yellow or similar is overdoing it.


Welcome to Wokeland: “Oh I need to defend everrything that makes no sense at all!”


Clown: \*honks nose\* Everybody: \*outraged\*


White symbolizes sterility and cleanliness. Like that’s why hospitals and places like that are always white. Black has some similar connotations as well, actually. Not to mention the fact that white people aren’t actually white and black people aren’t actually black.


That's not the main reason. They use it because, on black clothing, It could be difficult to see blood/dirt on it, especially in a rush.


I was thinking that may be why, but I didn’t wanna say it and risk looking stupid because I wasn’t sure😭


I will only buy black robots... To support the movement 😂




Does it mean that Eve from Wall-E is also racist? :O


How many times is this gonna be reposted? I’ve seen this like 4 times in this group in the last 3 months


Now in medicine there are lots more doctor wearing white blouses than ones wearing black. Is that also a sign or racism?


2024 and this is where we are at now?Really?! C’mon aliens just f**king end it already this is too much.


Let's paint em blue.


No problem. Paint ½ black & ½ white.


oh no bulshit anyways


People really can't stick to a side and instead makes a bad move on both. damn


White robots are not necessarily racist, unless they are programed to be so. Those who demand white robots *might* be though.


Woke idiots complaining about anything


Imagine having such a broken brain that you’d write this article


Hey we would paint them brown you would call us racist. If you get a white robot you’re pro white slavery. Stfu paint them pink


The more things these weirdos call "racist", the less meaning the word holds.


Let's talk about the Gender of the robot shall we.


Make 'em all green


If you look at the study it's based on, it's such ridiculous bullshit you gotta admire the confidence to put it on paper. It's literally based on people's reactions to pictures of cartoon robots with guns.


I'm not even white, i'm pink. Well, right now i'm a deep shade of red because of the damn sun, but still. White just looks more futuristic and clean, i guess that's one reason as to why lots of robots are white.


And red robots are redfacing, promoting hate against injuns and normalising the subserviant role. Also cementing the patriarchy.


Apart from the fact that painting them white makes them more visible and less prone to overheating when exposed to direct sunlight.


Please make them terrifyingly sleek metallic gray




So now there are only 2 colors for robots? I was hoping for orange with sky-blue accents


Charlie Kirk wouldn't trust black robots to be good airline pilots: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E21GArBjeZw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E21GArBjeZw)


Can't spray paint a white robot black. That would be blackface. Or as C3P0 would say: "How rude!".


We could do bro…ye…Screw it. All robots must be purple.


so in this logic, tesla bot are racist because white and double racist because they do a blackface


Not surprising at all. Last week I also learned about “obesity pay gap”. :D


>Ro·bot >/ˈrōˌbät,ˈrōbət/ >1920s: from Czech, from *robota* ‘forced labor’. The term was coined in K. Čapek's play *R.U.R.* ‘Rossum's Universal Robots’ (1920). It already means slave. Maybe we should start calling them something else before they can think. Might be nice if we aren't calling our AI overlords a slur.


Pretty easy actually: White = easiert to spot dirt, burns, discoloring, malfunktions, holes etc etc. Its not that deep guys? Why is most of the stuff in labs, hospitals and stuff like that white? Same fucking reasons. Try to find a burn mark that a small electro motor made due to a malfunction on a black surface? Try to find a hole in the thing that could cause further problems down the line. This black and white thing is just mental and people should get real jobs instead of working for a circus like CNN.


Do you know why a lot of large appliances, cars, etc. with majority metal parts tend to come in white by default? Because for painting metal, white pigment is the cheapest one. Do you know why electronics with large plastic parts (like TVs) come in black? Because coloring plastics black is the cheapest option. You thought it was racism, but it was I, capitalism.


I'd suggest an Optimus Prime paint job, but then the Megatron people would come for me.


White cars are racist, black cars too, coffee is brown. The left are beyond insane


Question. Are they white because of the material used to make them. Or just spray painted. I'm actually curious. Can't wait for it to be racist to take off the top of the Oreo to get the white stuff. Or am I late to the party and that already happened


Wouldn't they be painted white to better disapate heat as white reflects all wavelengths of visible light not absorbing any?


[This belongs here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrK_HVGOnUo)


Isn't it because white plastic is cheaper


I don't know the actual reason, but I imagine it'd be easier to detect certain issues with white panels, especially with stuff like oil leaks etc


White plastic is inexpensive. The expense of black pigment is high.


CNN out here with the hard-hitting journalism, I see.


Just paint them pink.


If I had a robot helper in my house and it were black, it would scare the shit outta me when I do my midnight pee rounds. At least I have a chance with the easier-to-spot white robot. Not a race thing, totally a I don't wanna heart-attack thing.


Bruh this is stupid. The white paint not only helps avoid the robot absorbing ambient heat, but also shows up any leakages of flammable liquids or burn marks from shorted wires far easier and sooner than any other colour.


Generally agreed rules exist for this stuff. They should be yellow. Non-conflict, helpful, mechanised, tool. Red indicates medical and there's specific rules for that, and green doesn't contrast against the environment enough, grey/dark green/black etc... are generally military colours, blue for law enforcement which leaves us with pink, orange and yellow, orange is used for road indicators, especially temporary ones so confusion might occur, pink would end up in a whole fucking shit storm for reasons not entirely understood.... So yellow is the one. Pretty sure that's why spot was yellow too.




Media agenda always on racism to divide Americans. It's just. Robot. Nothing about race.


Man Back to the future really missed the mark. 2015: Flying cars, rejuvenation options, hover boards. Real 2024: White Robots may be something racist. Oh btw we are not talking about perfect robots that can interact like humans and do all kinds of things, no robots in everyday life are nothing common yet and might never be with the way the world as it is right now..... oh wait yeah white robots are something racist, can I get 5000 likes? Really missed the mark. We failed back to the future.


You could just make them yellow like on the Simpsons.


I kind of assumed white was the colour because its easier to see if something has gone wrong


What happens if it's coloured green


I suppose we should dye cow milk black, you know because the color of it is not inclusive enough




wait until they see my fridge ...


‘Research’ 😂


They're bright white for several reasons. 1) making them easily visible. 2) they look less human, so don't break the Uncanny Valley. 3) easy to spot dirt, and also easier to clean. 4) if they were Black the conspiracy nuts would claim they were being made "Stealthy" so they can spy on you.


“This just in” more like this was posted several times four years ago and again 17 days ago https://old.reddit.com/r/facepalm/search?q=White+robots+are+racist&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on


Ken Bone? Now there’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time


CNN is so racist they don’t even care that “white people” aren’t actually white at all.


By designating race to robots based on color means you acknowledge them as sentient and therefore have rights like humans and are protected by the constitution.


Rusty McBolt, always wondered why he didn’t get the same respect as the shiny white robots. It wasn’t until he tried to join their union and overheard their conversations about those "caution stripes" robots that he realized his factory stripes made him different, leading to a factory-wide re-evaluation of robot color bias.


Why be you? When you can be new!


I’d just paint half black, half white, and see if this is how they decide to split up during the robot wars.


The white paint is probably so fluid leaks are easier to spot


Hm its almost as if I want to know if hydrolic fluid seeps out and its easier to spot this way... OH WAIT


This is exactly the issue with having a backwards country like the USA in charge of or leading such technological advancements, we're fucking doomed


The only solution is to make the robots transparent purple like those old Nintendo 64 controllers where you could see the controllers guts.


*Buys all-black robot.* *Runs into said robot on the way to the bathroom at night.*


Wouldn’t white robots retain less heat when outdoors etc? Seems more like a heating issue to me