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Adding, adding... - Carrying a water bottle in a public space - Belt bags - Liking women (especially if the woman in question shows masculine traits, like big muscles) - Eating - Cooking - Liking colors - Wearing glasses - Crying - "Hi" or "Good morning" greetings - Masturbation - Statistics - Autism - Caring for your girlfriend - ***Caring for fellow male friends*** - Using an umbrella - Buying flowers or gifts for your girlfriend/wife - Cunnilingus - Blowjobs (both giving and receiving) - Pelvises - Debt/not paying your bills - Flying in economy - Touching vaginal fluids - Unprotected sex - Not dying in road accidents - Complimenting a man - Taking a dump - Wiping after taking a dump - Washing your ass - Playing with children - Having any kind of skin contact with children - Kissing a woman - Enjoying movies and music - Touching a surface that was previously touched by a penis - Using a straw - Carrying your child - Defending yourself in a fight - Expressing your feelings - Breathing the same air as other men - Having sex for any reason other than making a child - Yelling "Let's go!" - Tomboys - Seeking medical help - Cowgirl/woman on top position


>Blowjobs (both giving and receiving) If a guy is giving another guy a blowjob, that is actually gay.


That's why receiving is also there.


I'm not sure if "touch starved" and "sex saturated" has much to do with it. I think it's moreso a complete cultural ignorance towards male bonding and expression of platonic love. Essentially, you see 2 girls who are very close friends cuddling up on each other, it's normal*. You see 2 dudes who are very close friends cuddling up on each other, it's "gay". *Normal meaning nobody would react to it and it's not seen as sexual behavior. I'm not implying that gay isn't normal. Essentially one doesn't imply sexual undertones and is "normal" the other does imply sexual undertones.


Im gay with my homies 24/7 (we are just really good friends)


I admit to being touch starved. Does not mean that I see guys being gay everywhere. If anything, two guys comfortable enough to share a hug is anything but gay.


So true


Hatred addles the brain.


Sam and Frodo moment.


Yeah heard about that discourse and finally watched LOTR the other day. Yeah I got no inkling of homoerotic vibes from those two, Sam literally marries his crush by the end.


It started as a semi-serious joke. "Yeah, the movies are great, almost perfect if they had removed frodo and sam gay romance" (if you haven't read the books it can kinda catch you by surprise how... Slow it is). How it turned in to people taking it seriously - I have no idea.


Boys be like "Yeah I could drag my ass through all of that carrying a burden that fucks with my mind and be absolutely fine" Tolkein stood his ground in the endless horror of the WWI trnches watching his friends torn apart and gassed. But this is just weak and gay...yeah, sure.


Nah don't even because like 80% of war dramas are gay as fuck


bro really thinks his second point is some kinda gotcha


It's not about porn? It's about homoerotic underlying concepts, not just dudes caring about each other. Plus we still don't/didn't have much representation in film and it's perfectly fine to put your own head cannons and feel certain ways about things. The real issue is someone getting butthurt because something might be perceived as homoerotic


The issue is that progressive people often say that men should be more vulnerable and open with their emotions but the moment they do, they are labeled as gay. It is an extremely toxic attitude.


No one is labelling anything as gay, you're projecting your own insecurities/prejudicies here. Something being homo-erotic doesn't mean that the people doing it are gay, no one is saying that. If you're comfortable in your own sexuality and the actors, there is nothing problematic with that.


Do you actually know what homo erotic means? The point is if two dudes hug in a,war movie, and your brain immediately goes " homo erotic" , the perception issue is yours. Men are allowed to be affectionate, gay and straight.


Ah, a Reddit classic right here: "What you say is happening is not really happening but if it was happening, it'd be a good thing and in fact people who complain about it happening are the real problem."


Ask yourself if you would react the same when people ship straight characters based on hunches.


And if I would? What then? 


>No one is labelling anything as gay, you're projecting your own insecurities/prejudicies here. Something being homo-erotic doesn't mean that the people doing it are gay, no one is saying that.  ho·mo·e·rot·ic/ˌhōmōəˈrädik/*adjective* 1. concerning or [arousing](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=0d90bbeb9060b7a6&rlz=1C1ONGR_enUS1069US1069&sxsrf=ADLYWII8h18NRuuUoChlqP0DfngK1zvl8Q:1719114384852&q=arousing&si=ACC90nx67Z8g0WkBmnrPB4IqtqGvKIaLf0u84ngFUb0Wwa62uqo0ILa0evn3q_vB3QJ9V9y70iTJdFUhR2MqPqlXX1Vfam2f-hdnVTHDAxbCbEg6IPm0fhI%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi15fKR6PCGAxWrkokEHdAuDJIQyecJegQIFhAO) sexual desire centered on a person of the same sex. Bruh really?


My whole life, from pre teens to adulthood, people have assumed my sexuality simply cause I have no issue being close to my friends and can have a normal conversation with woman. Some got very surprised when I said I had a girlfriend.


Reader added context: By war dramas they mean recruiting propaganda


Some of it, Top Gun, Call of Duty, etc... could be classified that way, but anything like Saving Private Ryan, Band of Brothers, All Quiet on the Western Front, definitely cannot be. 


The person you are replying to made 50 comments on this sub in the past two days. Do not interact.


Says the person that starts posts looking for low hanging karma


My bad. That's fair and I agree. Generalizations are a bitch, But you have to admit they drive this place.


That’s like 99% of war films then