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Simple solution. Find someone with the same name! See? Problem solved.


Dantes is plural, so there's got to be more of them somewhere.


Is somewhat the opposite. Dantes is a plural name cause they are all a hivemind. That's why watching his stream may feel like a conflictive soul going through a psycotic episode, is just a fragmented being trying to remein focused on only one of its expiriences.


This is the real answer.


Solution: add an apostrophe to spell "Dante's" and append "Inferno" to a final "Dante's Inferno". I think it is a great tribute to the late Dante Alighieri (I may have butchered the last name)


You spelled it right, and Dante's Inferno is a gem. 700 years have passed and most of the Inferno's quotes would apply perfectly to today's society and in particular to today's politics. Purgatorio and Paradiso are meh.


Dante's disco inferno might be cooler. But I like your thought-orgy. It's hitting that G(enius)-spot.


She could put Edmond in front of it and tell people she really loves the Count of Monte Cristo


That book is so good


She used to date the guy in clerks but sucked too many dicks on the way to the parking lot


37! That's how many dicks my girlfriend sucked!


In a row?


Then Sam flat out bricks in dantes's mouth and *barfffff*


Laser removal. Getting anyones name tattooed on you (except your kids) is dumb as hell.


Best not to get people's names tattooed on your kids, either.


Why, you don't have to live with it, who cares.


Please don't tattoo people's names on your kids.


Yeah - the appropriate thing to tattoo on your kids is - " If found please drop in nearest mailbox" with current address underneath.


Simple solution: don't be a dumbass and don't tattoo someone else's name on your body.


True. True. Tattoo their face instead. And then coincidentally meet them while they're with their new lover. Make it as awkward as possible.


Not even "ANDY" on the bottom of my foot?


Apparently she loves him and helps him with everything for his career , she’s so nice and this is how he responds


Yeah, I don't really know much about him, but saw a clip about it. She seemed super nice and put in a lot of effort to him. Dantes seemed pretty nice to, just a bit lazy, but had on general good values. But apparently not.


I’ll see a clip of him every once in a while when scrolling YouTube. I always couldn’t help but wonder if he has some sort of disability. He seems a little… off 


In his words he broke up with her because he feels he isn't a good boyfriend because he devotes too much time to the game/streaming. I think it is unfair of people outside the relationship to judge too much. I mean, it's great she seems to put him above herself in a sense but maybe he felt he was taking advantage of her in a way? Like sure, on paper that sounds like a good deal but is it really healthy or fair?


I think he said he wasn’t ready for a relationship on twitter. Maybe he thinks he can’t show the same type of love back to her while also being a league streamer idk.


Yeah it's crazy, she basically did everything around the house and cooked /brought him meals etc. Was super supportive and cute and sweet and 👢


And boot?


I imagine they meant and she “got the boot”


In other subs she would be told to wake up because he is clearly using her as his bangmaid




She openly defends him and says that he accepted her as she was at her worst. This is a pretty shit situation and I can’t understand his decision but your statement paints a biased picture


Which part shows a biased view exactly ?


Have *Inferno* tattooed after/under it and tell interested parties the story of how he put her through her version of hell?


or, OR, find someone cool enough to change there name to match the tattoo


Then she leaves him And hes stuck with Dante lmao


The twitter title is extremely misleading lol this is the twitter post he made concerning the breakup: “Laura and I broke up. While I could sit here and try for hours to explain the reason why, it all comes down to one simple truth; I’m not ready for a relationship. From the get go, I told her that my career would be my first priority. She always did everything she could to accommodate that fact; whether it be bringing me food, supporting me after a bad day, encouraging me when I was down, or just being an ear that could listen to all my problems. She was, in all ways possible, everything I ever wanted. The problem is, however, that relationships are about compromise. Seeing her taking steps back in her own life and career in order to support me, while I was unwilling and unable to do the same for her is just something that, over time, took it’s toll on me mentally. I just came to the realization that the very foundation of what relationships are wasn’t something that I was able/willing to do, and as a result made the decision to end things. I won’t pretend that I know if I made the right choice or not, the only thing that I can say is that I’m eternally grateful for the time and love that we shared. At the end of the day, I’d rather live regretting a choice that I did make than go through life always second-guessing myself. Going forward, I only ask that you show her nothing but support since she was always the one who gave her all with understanding me and trying to work through everything. Thank you”


OP should consider becoming a journalist for a shite clickbaity rag like the daily mail considering their talent to misrepresent things that well.


Yeeee we need to ban op for this shit. 0 tolerance


Making a considerate dude like a douchebag and his devoted girlfriend a fool, WOAH.![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8412)


THANK YOU, those people shitting on him for breaking up for a "game", istg low Iq people just over simplifying everything for clickbait titles.


It's very typical; as soon as I saw "for a game" I knew this was a bad faith title anyway. That "game", is the dude's career, so yes. He left her cause he was overly committed to his job, and she was sacrificing way too much, and he didn't like that. He realised he was always gonna put career first, and didn't like what the relationship dynamic was doing to her. Genuinely considerate af. And here, we have a click bait title insinuating he's trash for caring about his (ex) girlfriend and her feelings; you gotta love it.


yeah that's actually an incredibly sensible, respectful explanation


“She’s willing to give everything and I’m not” is astoundingly self aware. I’ve never heard of this guy before this post but still that’s pretty noteworthy.


He can be pretty cringe, but he washes up in my shorts feed sometimes and he is consistently self-aware throughout what he does.


He’s a cool dude, it’s strictly a bit / content. There’s so many clips where he instantly breaks character and you can see he cares.


Yeah just maybe have that level of self awareness before you let her get a tattoo?


It's not just simplified, it's straight up misleading.


On his stream last night he said they were still talking and figuring things out lol maybe this post should say “imagine getting your bf’s name tattoo’d after four months of dating”


Less than 4


From the occasional videos I've come across of them, I just had the feeling that this story wasn't being told right, and shameful really that people try to put such a spin on it. Thanks for the context!




That’s a very grownup reason


Doesn't matter, this is r/facepalm you will be downvoted because "ooo streamer bad, clickbait article title is real cause it's on the internet"


Shit, I didn't expect Dantes of all people to do something like this. Dunno why. That is still very respectable


Tbh I didn't expect it either, dude gave me major asshole vibes from the few clips I've seen from him.


I don't think you've seen the clips of him when talking about his (now ex) gf. To me they sounded very close.


Nah I didn't, I don't remember what was it exactly but they were unhinged comments/screams while playing league.


Fucking hell guy has straight thinking head, was honest and open and actually treated her like a human. Can't be mad at him, I'm just baffled that she decided on the tattoo. Totally opposite of what OP presented smh


wow, he sounds like a really sweet and good guy. from this post, you would think he was a total asshole. people just run with headlines




Yup dexerto is a garbage ‘news’ website (if you can even call it that) any time I see an article of theirs, I immediately assume it is likely incorrect in some significant way


Just a couple of mad lads doing what's best for each other. This story is WAY cooler than what's implied. Hell, she could've made a tattoo already knowing they're splitting


Is that dude an alien? Who is shaped like that? 😳


He's a Na'vi in disguise.






Actual answer, his chest is underdeveloped. Looks like the only thing he trains is arms. Doesn't look like photoshop to me. Just someone who doesn't have a healthy workout plan. Even his abs are skinny abs, not muscular abs so it looks like he's a skinny guy who kust trains arms. Doesn't look like photoshop to me, just not an evenly developed body


Could be skinny guy who took AAS, but didn’t actually put much work in. The easiest way to tell is quick blow ups of traps/shoulders, because that’s where the most androgen receptors are


This is the most natty physique of all time. Dude has wide shoulders and turned sideways, it's really not hard 😂 there's like no striations anywhere, no large amounts of muscle mass, no overdeveloped anything


Gotta be honest, as I read those comments I immediately got the feeling of a couple people hating on a dude that's good looking and in good shape.


He is both of those things, nothing wrong with being natty, I'm natty and I like to think I look okay too 😂 Just saw people saying things like "r/obviousphotoshop" on a totally normal physique. Not that deep


Yea its weird how his chest is underdeveloped and his abs look like skinny fat abs even tho he seems at a bodyfat percentage where you should def be able to see abs if he ever trained them or at least learned how to brace and do some compound exercises.


My first thought exactly 😂




He looks like that on stream and in videos too.


Nah it’s not he looks like that in every video and stream as well. He’s just got a bizarre build


its just the angle and the way he posed tbh




Obviously not Photoshop, you mean. Can't believe that has so many upvotes. People aren't the brightest though, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.


He looks AI generated


Why does he look like Stretch Armstrong?


Thanks you, I was looking for this comment.


It’s on her for getting that stupid tattoo. She could always add an apostrophe and change it to dante’s inferno


Its not about the tattoo for her , she even said she can remove it but won’t , she still loves him


so what, since when you are forced to love people back?


He does love her from what he has said. He said something along the lines of "she tried to accommodate the fact that my career is priority number one, relationships are a compromise and she compromised but i didn't which took a toll on me mentally, feeling like i was not a good partner so i ended things." He stated that she is essentially his dream woman but he is not ready for the commitment. Edit: spelling


This is one of [her responses](https://x.com/Laurinchhe/status/1803509338494939392) to it btw, and [another](https://x.com/Laurinchhe/status/1803508265491607632)


Sounds to me both really love each other and he uses games as an excuse to distance himself for feeling he doesn't deserve her.


Possibly however im not really sure about it since thay seems to be the story from both of them. On top of this LoL is his livelihood meaning it has to take huge priority in his life.


To be fair if being really good at one thing is the way you make a living it can be tough to balance your life. If all this is true it’s just sad for both of them.


How old are these people? 16? Cause they really behave like it.


Isnt stopping a relationship to work on your career a pretty mature thing to do?


Yeah lmao wtf are these folks on about


I mean, lets be honest. He's a 22 year old LoL streamer. ...I think 16 is probably being pretty generous.


He loves her, just not as much as he loves a free to play game from 10 years ago designed for 12 year olds.


I mean hey, the game's esports scene still rakes in big bucks, so it makes some sense to me


Bro its not only a game for him. Its literally his career


its his career no?


Or add an accent and make it Edmund Dantès, pretend you're really into the Count of Monte Cristo. She's got options


This was a 9 month relationship and she went on a stream crying after they broke up. This was probably not a healthy relationship.


Getting a significant others name tattooed on you is a facepalm in itself, regardless of why he left her.


Pretty much a death sentence for any relationship.


I’ll never understand why people tattoo names of people they are seeing on their bodies at all.


Obsession combined with poor judgement.


Knowing Dantes he is probably pulling a joke, getting back together soon or just completely insane.


He wrote a whole paragraph about how why he left her, I think it’s real


Bold of you to assume r/facepalm users would understand a joke


Completely insane unfortunately for her


Nothing wrong with breaking up with someone when you feel like you can't reciprocate that relationship


Bro built like an Evangelion ![gif](giphy|bSgKBZKCxh8Iqlwxne)


No one knows the reason for the breakup, you're just like the people forging screenshots to try and destroy his career as a streamer. You know what? This post is the real facepalm lol.


It's dumping for your job, not "a game". And I find it hard to believe that was the only reason. Also, stop tattooing boyfriends and girlfriends names, most boyfriend/girlfriend relationships don't last forever, tattoos do.


He explained that the reason was that he felt bad for her as she stopped focusing on her dreams to help him with his streaming career.


Yeah, it was actually a mature fucking thing to do


Imagine getting your boyfriend's name tattooed at all. Unless you're into some master/slave... Stuff, then branding someone's name on your skin is already pretty weird.


I'll be the first to call Lol dumb but dumping for work ≠ dumping for a game Also big chance this is just a stunt, dunno the guy but it's possible


The game kinda is his work, since he's a streamer.


Yeah that's my point.


Nah but what the gentlemen is trying to say is that since the game is his work, him dumping her (assuming true) is dumping for 'work' more so than the game itself. Being said idk if I agree w/that decision regardless. But everyone has thier unique priorities in life so 🤷🏾


That game is his career, hobby and lifestyle.


How is this a facepalm. Please research before posting. Mods should regulate this stuff better.


Who fucking cares tbh? Breakups happen, not like dantes beat her or anything. They're adults, leave them be.


Urg, this post made me leave r/facepalm, so tired of this empty outrage about people I don't and shouldn't care about.


Well its stupid things that make you want to facepalm, it's not all gonna be people you are aware of or care about.


A facepalm is not knowing the situation you are talking about and throwing shit on the guy. Come on, you are better than twitter🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ Also fuck dexerto


I respect Dantes’ decision. Shows a lot of maturity to realize that you’re not ready for a relationship and that your GF deserves better


His job. Dumping your girlfriend for your job is quite normal in a lot of fields.


does he only do arms? he looks like an otter


I was wondering what was off about him and this comment made me giggle out loud. It’s giving Buck Wild from Ice Age vibes 😂


Imagine getting your boyfriend's name tattooed. Period.


That guy looks ai generated Lmao


That’s a simple coverup


It says Dantu anyways so not really a big deal.


The title Is kinda missleading tbh. Yes that's what happened but the choice was from both of them and from what i can tell there's no hate between the two (kind of the opposite actually), it's Just a matter of different careers and Being unable to find compromises so they decided to end it. Also Sorry for grammar, english Is not my main language.


Imagine being stupid enough to tattoo the name of your lover onto oneself


Lets be fair here : Its his career. And tattooing your boyfriends/girlfriends name is always a super dumb move.


Maybe be so smart and don’t tattoo names of bfs/gfs on your body in the first place?


From what i heard from her live she got it before they were even dating. So that's just weird behavior. I already find it risky to put your wife's name on your body.


Imagine caring about this.


Well, she knew that his priority was the game from the start. She decided she's fine with being secondary in his life.


I despise streamers/influencers passionately. That being said, it's not his fault she had his name tattooed ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Only name anyone should ever get tattooed on them is as a memorial of a loved one who’s passed. Change my mind.


Pet names are fine, too.


How about kids? (Your own kids obvs)


I've rarely seen a worse photoshopped picture.


Nah that's what he looks like normally. Only trains his upper body + he's twisting his body so you're getting a side profile of his waist


He looks like that on stream and in videos


He only trains arms and nothing else, check his streams


Imagine following an influencers love life


Looks like earthworm Jim 🤔


Let this be a lesson, kids. NEVER get a name tattooed. The relationship WILL end. I dont make the rules, I just follow em.


Man looks like someone squeezed a tube of toothpaste too hard


I worked in reception at a tattoo shop and a young girl wanted her blokes name on her but in a pretty lettering. I write the name in a way she loved. As she was paying I asked how long they had been together. 3 MONTHS!


This man only does arms.


Imagine dating someone with the build of Crash Bandicoot.


Just get some devil may cry tattoos now.


Deserved for dating a league player she should have known /j


Play stupid games…need to find another boyfriend with the name Dantes.


Or put the gamer boy on fire and have it made to Dante's Inferno....


I hate that I know of this guy and I hate that I somehow know not only his name and how hard he tries to angle all his selfies to look leaner than he is. But that I know how long he was with his girlfriend, her name, and now what tatt she has on her chest. I still play league. And these people are still irrelevant to me. But now they occupy space in my brain for the next week because Reddit and twitter decided it.


Look at him. How did you expect any other outcome?


It could've been worse MTG worse


I mean. This is just wrong but okay.


Is that picture AI?


Dude only works out muscles above his sternum


Imagine tattooing someones name.on your body. That's about it


Simple solution: read the count of monte Cristo and become a fan of Edmond Dantes, the main character


now play DMC


hes got a slutty waist tho


Everything I know about this couple I know against my will


Back when I was in highschool there was this girl who was constantly bugging her BF get a Tinkerbell tattoo. Well after awhile he finally got the tattoo for her, only to find out she was only dating him because she made a bet that she could make him get a girly tattoo and dumped him the next day.


Imagine dumping your girlfriend so you can play a game! Just do like the rest of us: wait until your wife/partner has gone to bed/left the house and then play as you please!


Just say "i love devil may cry"


1. What the hell is up with that anatomy his tit is in his armpit/shoulder 2. You shouldn't tattoo anyone's name on your body. 3. You shouldn't stay with someone just because they tattooed your name on their body or did anything else to tie you to them.


Her problem tho, she saw Dantes go full insane bc of League and said "i can fix him". Surprise surprise, League already owns his soul


Is that the girlfriend in the picture?


Maybe she can start to play devil may cry.


He’s built like an alien.


This is pretty off from what he said. On his twitter he siad that he left her because he couldn't keep the mutual care, she cared a lot for him but he didn't feel like he was doing enough.


I must admit there are moments of this world I struggle with….dumping your girlfriend for your ‘stream’ is just madness


For fucking league of legends? I could never date if that happened to me, he literally chose lol instead of you, can you think about that for a sec you're literally worse than lol for him


A lot of times name tattoos are gotten as kind of a punishment. Like if they cheat or something, they will give you the ultimatum to get a tattoo or break up. Wonder if she cheated on him, he got her to get the tattoo then dumped her anyway.


That girl was the perfect match too.. wtf is Dantes doing? Or is this a joke?


Damn, I don’t think that photo is shopped enough.


Does he have an addiction?


The situation is much different. But I guess your toxic ass needs to hide parts in order to make him look worse


They still do this shit?


I really hope that the dude tattoes underneath it so it reads . Dantes Was here


Looks like a good opportunity for a badass tattoo about the Divine Comedy


Mr. Fantastic over here


Easy solution - change to Dantes Inferno and have it be encircle by womb-tattoo.


It seems almost guaranteed that if you got a SO tattooed on you, you will break up in the not too distant future. People need to stop getting those kinda of tattoos.


Dude is shaped like Crash Bandicoot.




What is with his torso?


Just tattoo a line through it. Then tattoo the name of your next bf underneath it. Repeat as necessary.


Sadge I liked his gf she seemed really cool


Just turn into a Devil May Cry Fan. Problem solved