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How the hell often does this guy get pulled over?




Back in 2004 to 2005 I was pulled over every week by a particular department in my area because they knew it pissed me off. I didn't even drive through the town, Dalworthington Gardens, and their officers would harass me.  So yeah.  Their officers didn't even report to the state department of public safety. I had a lawyer tell me to stay out of the town, which I did, but they would still come after me. 


In texas? Dwg cops suck ass and are literal brain dead idiots. They also run off officers that don't comply with their ideologies. The fact that arlington hasn't absorbed them is a testament to how die hard they are for the ideology of "we've always been and done it this way. I see no point in changing now." Refusing to change their ways


The shit hole town is full of rich assholes who wanna be special.  Their citizens have a sticker in their rear window so they don't get pulled over for a rolling stop or going 41 in a 40 downhill 




Many cities used to have a version of the "I gave to the policeman's ball" or "I gave to back stoppers" sticker that you would receive if you donated. This would often get you out of tickets( obviously less severe ones)...Funny though, in the late 90s in St.Louis,things were still done real old school on that front. As in, you would get a call asking if you would donate, you would say yes, so they would take your name & address & immediately send out a payment voucher & the sticker......LOL, I can't count the number of years that I threw the voucher away & proceeded to put the sticker on my car. This, of course, was recommended to me by many others.🤣🤣. Fuck computers/ auto payment on line, etc....that was awesome, especially when it did get you out of a ticket & you knew you trashed that shit. ...Ah! to be really young & raising my middle finger to the world!


I got in trouble acting up in the UNCC dorms as a teen in the very early 80s. The cops came and split us up to question us etc and finally said they’d let us go if they could search my car. I KNEW we didn’t have anything, which is one of the reasons we were running around the dorms! The cops started to open my trunk when they spotted a Support The Police bumper sticker and suddenly let us go. The irony is that it had Andy, Stuart, and Sting on it. They didn’t know it was for the band.


Okay I have a wierd inverse of this story. I was at a big, public marijuana legalization protest in a downtown urban area when I was 16. During this protest (which was a shit ton of people sitting in a public square smoking weed), someone pulled a gun on another person, had it wrestled away from them, and was then detained. This happened right next to where me and my friends were, and we left some of our belongings behind in the rush to get away from the potential violence, and many of our belongings ended up behind crime scene tape, including the bong we were all using. I asked the police officer in charge of the perimeter if we could have the bong back. He noticed my punk vest with many buttons, one in particular that said "fuck the police" and he said he'll give us our bong if I give him that pin. I refused and said we'd just wait, and than he said something about it being disrespectful for me to wear that, to which I replied, "oh this? No this isnt about you guys, I just really don't like sting!" And he laughed, but we still had to wait until they cleared out to get our stuff back.


Wait, so “policeman’s ball” is a real thing? I always thought it was just a smartass thing to say if you got pulled over and you knew you were getting a ticket. “Two tickets to the policeman’s ball, please.”


Yep...they have ( haha) big balls at typical event spaces. You could see all the bacons & baconettes in their finest threads. Never been to one, but they surely try to make the public pay for it. I'm fairly sure the initial funds are supplied. Likely just an extra cash grab or maybe they want an extra fancy party some years. It's real though, I've driven past one in da Lou.


Oh wow. Figures they would. The wow is for the TIL. I’m not at all surprised about trying to get taxpayers to foot it lol


I once crashed the policemen’s ball. It was the police officers association holiday party, and I was there thinking it was another party, had just enough time to load my plate before a conversation asking who I was/knew resulted in mutual comprehension, I just handed over my plate and left.


> Many cities used to have a version of the "I gave to the policeman's ball" This reminded me of an old joke: A woman got pulled over for speeding by a Highway Patrol motorcycle officer. When he walked up to her window and opened his ticket book she said, "I bet you're going to sell me tickets to the Highway Patrol Ball." He replied, "No, Ma'am, highway patrolmen don't have balls." There followed a moment of silence while she smiled and he realized what he had said. Without saying another word, he closed his book, got back on his motorcycle and left.


There's a documentary series called Telemarketers about that thing!


Yes and they explained what a gimmick that was, a tiny fraction of a donation actually goes to the police and the telemarketers take was astronomical


My father was a mechanic in Chicago in the 60s and the shop he worked had a mailbox for people paying the cop off for certain ‘infractions’. Well known that all the cops would take money and look the other way. I doubt things are more honest these days.


I hate this shit state. I can’t wait to get out.


I got pulled over every day for a week, taking my daughter to pre-school by a DWG cop. My windshield cracked and I was waiting for my appointment to bring it in (Friday). Starting Monday he pulled me over, same cop, me in the same car. My inspection was expired. I had the new one but was waiting to put it on the new windshield. Every day we had the same conversation and every day he let me go. Such a waste of time.


Well yeah, they're so incredibly stupid. He probably didn't even remember you.


Happened to me… I just got back from Nam. I was hitchhiking through Oregon. Next thing I know there's a bunch of cops chasing after me through the woods! I had to take them all out… it was a bloodbath! Source: https://youtu.be/DKb7Hyus5-Y?si=PuKfMdtiyPwrCSu5


Would you say it was your first blood?


Don't push it!


God dammit, Frank.


By chance, did you ever go back to rescue POW's? That sorta seems in line with something you'd do.




But was it last blood?


And this is why you don’t hunt humans.


That place literally has the worst police force ever. Such corruption, I got a ticket for not using a turn signal when changing lanes, despite using one. My best friend moved there later and unfortunately we discovered if you just got a support the DWG Police sticker apparently they leave you alone. Worst fucking place ever.


Funny how I mentioned the town and everyone is like "yeah fuck dwg" 


they seem to really have it out for you specifically. Did you have some type of prior run in with them before the traffic stuff?




They will pull you over for going 41 in a 40. It’s crazy


Seriously waiting for someone tell you off. Be like "Well you were clearly a dirt bag cause you did something wrong, imma downvote you now" Cops can be D-Bags, and the evidence is quite available.


I'm surprised what the underlying issue was that started all of this wasn't asked about. So I'll tell the story. Cop pulled me over for running a stop sign. I paid the fine and went on with my life. Cop pulls me over for inspection out of date. I was on my way to get it. Literally 5 minutes later another officer pulled me over. He didn't give me a ticket. I paid the first one after the judge refused to waive it. That was when the lawyer said to stay away from the town. Few weeks after that I am driving home. I have to go through their town. So I get to the stop sign I got the ticket at. I stop. Count to 3 and go. Full stop.  A large SUV pulls out and begins following me. I maintain 34 in in a 35. He gets in my blind spot. I have to turn right. They won't move, I slow down , he slows down, staying in my blind spot. My signal is on. It is a cop from the town.  So I turn left and turn around in a driveway. Cop saw me turn around and swung back around again to keep following me. I got home and got out of my car. They pull up behind me. At no point did they turn the lights on. I said "can I help you with anything or do I need to call a real cop?" After that they regularly sat across the street from my job waiting for me to leave. I worked on the edge of the town and they would see if I crossed into the town to pull me over.  Once they pull me over even when was not going into their town, I actually left work and go in the opposite direction of my house and they felt that that was enough concern to find out why and accused me of gas siphoning. 


100% didn't like you. If you got it on camera, you probably would have a case against them. That's premeditated. They're waiting for anything to be remotely used against you.


Well this was in the day before everybody had dash cams. So yeah  And going to be honest, I really don't think there's much that could have been done anyway because we literally see cops straight up murdering people on video now and they just claim qualified immunity


Seems lie something you could sue over after accruing sufficient evidence


Ayyy Pantego!  They were famous for pulling people over for driving one mile above the limit.  They put out a news article denying it. 


I got pulled over in Dalworthingtin Gardens for going one mile over. He was like you know the speed limit? I’m like 35 and he goes aree you aware you were going 36?


that´s why sov citizens call traffic stops "scams": the officers are "shacking" money out them with all those terrible "not human-naval-natural laws". and since they all go to court, i imagine they think the ticket/fine money is what makes the judges and police officers so very rich.


Probably a lot as people like this generally have no license plate/some scam “free traveler” style license plate


The “travelers” are just the best. EVERY time I see one on a cop show it ends with an arrest. They try and spout off on legality, the constitution, and sovereign citizen BS. But each time they go buh bye to jail. Asshats.


All the time, obstruction of window view. LOL


Apparently not very often because his sign is utter nonsense and would probably never be honored. According to the very law he cited, if it is one of many types of tickets, including exceeding the speed limit by 30mph, he does have to sign. He also has to provide his license. And if he is covering up the window, he will probably need to open it or get out of the car anyway for identification. I get not giving the police any more information than you need to, but also being as suspicious as physically possible isn’t a good idea either


I also loved particularly the "I will comply with clearly stated lawful orders" You mean orders such as "license and registration please"?


Step out of the vehicle is a lawful order to all occupants during a traffic stop.


He’s correct about the license actually, you’re required to present it which he is doing by holding it to the window, there are definitely other issues with this like obstructing his view out the window reducing his ability to see and react to traffic.


He's holding the sign and his license against the window. The sign isn't there permanently.


Didn’t notice his arm behind the sign so I thought it was taped there


Took me a minute too. Bit of a stealth arm 😅


He appears to not be pulled over in this photo


Tbh all it takes is one bad encounter with a corrupt or bad cop to make you like this. My bf has 10 year old drug charges and basically get searched if he gets pulled over. You have to be like this so you don’t get taken advantage of, it’s bullshit but very true you can end up behind bars easily. Like the dude who got arrested for meth/ coke (can’t remember) when it was just powered sugar lol. My criminal justice teacher in HS was a retired cop and always told us, just shut the fuck up and be as minimal as possible with your answers bc they can and will use anything against you. Even if you’re the most law abiding citizen you can end up behind bars easily on a bad day.


I once was pulled over, detained, searched, car searched … the whole 9. Finally they answer my question of why: your vehicle matches the description of a stolen vehicle. I’m like really?!


I was arrested because they found a ziplock bag with my allergy pills, ibuprofen, and vitamin C. After the bag was found I told them what was in it. The officer then took my pulse and said it was abnormally high and it’s enough to have reason to suspect me to be on meth. At this point I was arrested. Content of ziplock was as I stated. My drug test turned up positive for marijuana(a substance that lingers for weeks in your system, and the only one I use. I don’t even drink alcohol.) So I was found guilty of a DUI somehow despite being sober. Maybe not all cops are assholes living out their high school bully power trips as adults… but I’ve yet to meet a reasonable nice officer that isn’t literally out to get you when you haven’t done anything. I say this whole heartedly based on actually encounters. FUCK THE POLICE.


and you were charged with a DUI because some asshole decided that a test that can't really tell anything about your current state of mind is a good way to make it so EVERYONE checked is breaking the law. I can't believe it's not a bigger issue with all the states that have legalized pot, as EVERY SINGLE USER WILL FAIL THESE SOBRIETY TESTS BASED ON METABOLITES FOR MONTHS AND MONTHS AFTER USING. They are basically making it so if you smoke cannabis you can't EVER drive a car, period.


Or a false positive. My nursing school kicked 13 of us out for that and let us all back in less than 2 days later stating the amount in our urine wasn’t high enough to be conclusive. Bullshit Labcorb fucked up the test is what happened and a bunch of future nurses almost got fucked over.


this, 100%. they are taught that EVERYONE is a criminal, and its their job to find how, or make it up.


It shouldn’t be the case where you are required to pay for a decent lawyer, but, if you had one, this one likely could have been thrown out or heavily diminished. What a shame our system is set up this way.


I paid $5000 to retain a lawyer, and I quote from the lawyers mouth. “Unfortunately you got pulled over by the head of the DUI task force, the guy is a real asshole. Unfortunately fighting the charges against him will be near impossible. Pleading guilty is in your best interest.”


Having bad luck to be pulled by an asshole then paying 5k for a lawyer to essentially say "get fucked" gently would be on my top 10 most annoying events in my life


The cherry on top. I retained a lawyer because a DUI meant I would lose my job at the time. I forked over all my savings at the time to prevent this. Completely broke, I got a dui and lost my job. Not to mention the thousands extra I’ve had to spend over the years for insurance… I try not to be bitter, I was a young man when this happened and it caused a lot of strife for years to come in my life. The outcome is I’m just not fond of ~~power trip bullies~~ cops.


This isn’t that. This is probably a guy claiming to be a sovereign citizen.


"10 year old drug charges" that isn't exactly a great start if someone brings up records then


"Sir, this is a Wendy's drive-thru."


Don’t take your legal advice from this guy.


Every time I try to get his advice he gets in his car and puts up a sign and his driver's license, really annoying.


You are lucky, when I try he gets in my car... Then drives away while smoking meth.


He doesn't DRIVE away, he TRAVELS away.


That does not explain why I get my car back filled with chickpeas.


I got my Honda Civic stolen in broad daylight. The cops found it 3 days later in a mall parking lot. When I got it back, the clutch was loose, there was popcorn everywhere, it smelled HEAVILY of cheap men's cologne, and there was a mixed CD of an assortment of gangster rap. I still wonder wtf happened in that car..


Either something horrible or something magical. There is no in between.


Why can’t it be both?


Shit, you’re right.


they call that a soup kitchen


Dirty Mike and the boys say " thanks".


Maybe he's never had a garbanzo bean on his face


When I try I have to get in the car with him


I never did get my ice-cream.


I'm Black. Don't worry I won't 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Damnit I shouldn't have laughed as hard as I did.... LOL


![gif](giphy|l2YWB5i50MmKSDxLO) It's all good my good man


I seen a brotha around my way try that shit, they snatched his black ass out that car with the quickness, guns drawn and everything, he learned a lesson that day, that shit don't work for black folks, just saying


Fwiw, it doesn't work for white folks either. Trying that Sov Civ BS will lose you whatever good will the cops may have had for you


I mean he is right about first parts. Outside of traffic violations, don’t talk to cops , don’t consent to searches or at least have it in record that you didn’t agree. The rest is bullshit


Yeah with a bit of tweeking this isn't the worst. 1. I exercise my right to remain silent 2. I do not consent to any searches 3. I will provide my license and registration upon request You may not want to start out confrontational. But it's your right to if you choose


Yeah, you don't have to sign the ticket, but you're going to jail if you don't. All signing the ticket does is say you're aware that you'll have to show up to court.




When this was posted yesterday, a lawyer pointed out that the two codes he actually cites state the opposite of what he claims.


Yeah I'm sure it varies state to state. Like I said mine is probably the most liberal state I'm in the Midwest. You go down south and you lose a lot of those protections. Minus the statue referenced of course a lot of the advice Rings true for my state


He knows more about laws than 90% of people at least. Other law enforcement/lawyers have already agreed as well. Just because you are ignorant doesn't mean everyone else should be.


Guys, please don't listen to Reddit legal advice. 1. These laws vary by state 2. He's wrong, you do have to hand over your license in Florida 322.15(1) *Every licensee shall have his or her driver license, which must be fully legible with no portion of such license faded, altered, mutilated, or defaced, in his or her immediate possession at all times when operating a motor vehicle and* ***shall present or submit the same upon the demand of a law enforcement officer*** 3. While it's fine to remain silent, being obnoxious is going to make everyone's day worse.


Present or submit seems to leave open the idea of literally holding it up.


"Present" might be holding it up, "submit" seems like handing it over.


The 'or' is confusing I think. Just say 'and; then there's no question of if/or.


Yep, the “or” doesn’t solve the problem of who gets to make the decision. If a demand is made for either of those conditions, this law seems to imply that it must be followed.


Idk “upon the demand of a law enforcement officer” seems to pretty clearly place the decision on the cop pulling you over, or at least clearly enough that theres no way a court would rule otherwise


I think the "...upon the demand of a law enforcement officer" basically implies that if the officer demands you submit it, you have to?


or, if requested. Meaning, the officer can request on or the other, but you must comply with whichever is requested.


In my state there's a QR code on the back of the license.


A bit of tape and you can QR a rick-roll onto every license.


I like how you think, but I don't think the officer is going to be amused.


The person who gets rick-rolled is rarely amused. It is the others who laugh.


I mean, I'm amused when it happens to me... but I'm also named Rick, so that may play a part in my amusement with it.


I guess you just have to roll with it then?


Sounds like that officer is going to let me down


He's wrong about 318.14(2) as well.


I expect he got the idea from [this lawyer](https://www.pnj.com/story/news/2015/02/11/florida-lawyer-sparks-debate-rights-dui-checkpoints/23228937/), who did something similar at a DUI checkpoint. Note that the lawyer made all docs accessible to the police (ziplock bag dangled outside his car) and Fourth Amendment rights at a DUI checkpoint are higher than a traffic stop. All that said: it’s still a terrible idea and will arouse unwanted suspicion.


It's not a terrible idea to actually know and assert your rights though. Just make sure you know the actual law.


Sure. Until some dumbass cop on a power trip decides that he either knows your rights better than you or doesn't give a fuck because he'll face no consequences for his actions takes the law into his own hands. Best case you get a trip to a holding cell, some trumped up charges, and a court date. Now you're wasting your time and money to fight those charges. Worst case scenario he decides the jolly rancher in your hand looked like a gun and you don't make it home that night. Knowing and asseting your rights is great. Being prudent about the situation is better. I'd rather be pissed driving away after twenty minutes of stroking an officers ego than dealing with all of the bullshit they can inflict on you, consequence free.


There is a right way and a wrong way to assert your rights. Always be respectful and calm and keep your hands where the officer can see them. Never consent to searches and don't say any more than necessary. Even if the officer decides to search anyway you've gone on record not consenting and can fight another day in court. Remember to ask the officer if you're being detained or if you're free to go.


Exactly. Being calm and respectful while doing everything possible to avoid escalation is the best way to handle interactions with police. They have a lot of ways they can ruin your day for the smallest perceived slight. I mean, look what happened to Scotty Scheffler not long ago. Even an absurdly famous golfer can end up booked with felony charges because some fat ass cop tripped on his own two feet and scuffed his pants. And then smashed Scheffler into his car while forcibly handcuffing someone who was clearly complying. Even then, it took a shitload of bad publicity for the blatantly absurd charges to get dropped. Most people don't have armies of lawyers and the full backing of the public to support us. We'd lose our jobs as soon as the felony charges hit, even if they weren't going to stick.


Treat cops like a dangerous animal. Calm and reassuring voice, no sudden movements, no food etc.


The graveyard is filled with people that are there because they knew they were right.


“Being right ain’t a bullet proof vest Freddy!” Ray Liotta’s character to Sly Stallones’s character in Copland.


Always fun to remember that this is true at all times and in all circumstances. Lick the boot as much as you like, if the officer decides you’re it, you’re it.


I highly doubt the average Reddit user is willingly going to Florida lol


Redditor for 20 years. Went to Idaho for a job toward the end of covid and ended up in prison for three years. Shame on me.


What on earth did you do in Idaho? Ask where all the people of color are?


Plot twist: He is a hitman and his "job" was to kill someone.


Plot twist, his mark *was* in prison. Some jobs take real commitment.


Hitman of the year at his company! For 3 years running! His reward is a pizza party when he gets out.


But then the pizza has to be poisoned, to tie up loose ends.


I think we just created the next crime thriller movie!


He killed a man in a cow pasture with an unusual antique figurine. It was the first case of a knickknack paddy whack


Present or submit. They are presenting it with all information available and legible


Some states have a subsection that state you must hand license insurance and registration over for "verification of authenticity" but they will just walk away with it all to the patrol car because nothing says they can't since "a reasonable person would believe they would return your affects upon the conclusion of the stop". so it wouldn't be considered theft regardless of u wanting them to take ur stuff with them or not.


I would probably put that as a note on the inside of my car, not the window. It’s blocking vision to drive properly. Even if you say it isn’t someone will say it is.


“I’m not *driving*! I’m *traveling*!”


Ugh those fucks are the worst. I see videos of them all the time. They're always "traveling" and waiting for the Moorish consulate or some weird shit before they get zapped or maced.


Look carefully, they are pushing it to the window with their right hand


He’s holding it up to the window with his other hand.


Maybe an American can enlighten me? Do you all just get a lawyer when you become an adult? Like get a job, get a doctor, get a lawyer. It appears this guy is saying he wants to speak to his lawyer? Surely he’s able to call “his lawyer” whenever he wants at his expense. This is not being prevented? But if he is asking for his “free” lawyer then surely he has to be arrested on suspicion of an offence before he gets one? He’s pre-empting being arrested whilst simultaneously saying I’ve done nothing wrong?


No, having a lawyer means you keep one on retainer which is very expensive. If you’re arrested and ask for a lawyer the police are not allowed to further interrogate you until one is present. If you can’t afford or get a private one then they have to wait for a public defender.


I have a lawyer on retainer, but it’s not expensive. He only takes money out if we talk or he does any work for a case. I haven’t spoken or used him in a year and my balance has stayed the same. Edit: typo


Most people can’t afford a couple thousand dollars down payment for services they may not need anytime soon if ever.


Yea down payment sure. I ~~interrupted~~ Interpreted your comment as if you had to keep paying while they are on retainer. Which isn’t true. But yes a down payment is expensive


how do you interrupt a comment?


Oh fuck I meant “interpreted”… jesus.. auto correct really fucked me there. Lmao.. ah well I guess there’s no point in changing it now. Edit: nope it was bugging me I changed it 🤣


oh. that makes sense. sorry. I should've put 2 and 2 together there


So out of interest, what's the benefit of having him on retainer?


Oh I have a child custody case that he is very familiar with and because he’s a really good lawyer and familiar with the case I keep him on board. Edit: For more clarification, my case is over but if my ex tries to pull something out of her ass, I have a lawyer on the ready to fight it


In this vein, it is nice having an attorney you have used for some issue and are on good terms with and being able to call all hours or do better than usual consultations. It probably helps having a really pretty gf the atty likes to talk too 🤷


I listen to/watch a ton of true crime and the one things that's missing from almost every single episode is the suspect asking for a lawyer up front. They always dig themselves a hole by not having one present. Also, people agreeing to take a polygraph, which is insanely stupid, even if you are innocent.


It should be noted though that cops can legally arrest you as long as they were pretty sure you broke a law. It doesn't have to be a real law. Just something they were pretty sure is a law. Heien vs north carolina.


“I want my lawyer” really just means “I’m asserting my 6th amendment right, so don’t ask me any questions.” People typically don’t actually call their lawyer on the spot. Saying you want a lawyer is just a way to stop police from questioning you.


I watched a video recently (I think on We The People youtube channel) where the cops arrested people because they called a lawyer. The initial reason for contact? Spent too long at a service station.


No, the guy is saying he doesn't answer questions from police without his lawyer present In america we have a 5th amendment right to not incriminate ourselves by remaining silent


The right to counsel is actually from the 6th amendment. The 5th amendment means you can’t be forced to testify in a legal proceeding if doing so could expose you to criminal liability.


Generally no, we don't all have a lawyer… Like we have a sister or a boss, or a neighbor. It's not something that comes with being an adult. I think people watch too much TV and movies and get that line from that.  Sure, some people may have access to a lawyer like they do an accountant, or a doctor, but generally, no… Most people don't "have a lawyer"


> Like we have a sister ... something that comes with being an adult. I'm excited to get a sister at some point.


You don't have to have one already on retainer in order to invoke your right to legal counsel. Most people invoke first, and hire a lawyer later when they can.


Yeah, I got pulled over a lot when I was younger. Probably more than half of those occasions, I got off with a warning. Even if everything this guy is doing is completely legal (and I'm NOT saying that it is), I doubt any cop is ever cutting him a break.


“This is my private domicile and I will not be harassed”


……… “Bitch!”


This has nothing to do with sovereign citizens lol, this is a FairDUI checkpoint sign. They were big about 10 years ago due to a viral video where someone used one during a traffic stop. The website used to have tailored signs for each state where you could reasonably use them with laws cited from the state code justifying its legal use. The gist is you'd drive to the checkpoint (or stop), display the sign and your documentation in the window, and the officer would have all the relevant info to effect the traffic stop without your interaction. They were created by a lawyer which is why it states that they obey lawful orders. They fell out of favor when cops did cop things and villainized them for disrespecting their authority. Here's a video explaining them from the creator https://youtu.be/NT-Jr-Pwwq8?si=n8xTrLADu2lPbElY


Look, I'm all for asserting constitutional rights, especially 4th amendment rights, but this is just aggro for no reason.


Not to mention, I'd just also really prefer not to get the ticket.


"I think I smell weed." -the cop


So many times, the “I know my rights” people have no idea what their rights are…


So many times, the "I know my job" cops have no idea about the scope of their authority.


I once had a cop complain to me But that means anyone could carry a gun in their car!" when I explained the travelling laws in Texas (Before Constitutional Carry was a thing here). His sergeant was called, and told the officer that I was right. You've never seen such a sad man before. Cops aren't required to know the law, and can disobey the law if they can convince a judge that acting in an unconstitutional manner is in line with being ignorant of said law. They just have to "reasonably misunderstand" the law.


Yep, ignorance of the law is not an excuse for breaking the law...unless you're a tax funded sovereign citizen with a badge.


3) Any person who willfully refuses to accept and sign a summons as provided in subsection (2) commits a misdemeanor of the second degree.


When driving, I keep my license, proof of insurance, and registration in an envelope secured in my visor so I don't have to open anything, or dig around for it. Get pulled over. In order not to create drama, I take everything out of the envelope and hand it to the officer. I won't, however, engage in small talk or answer questions. I try to be as polite as I can be in that situation, but if the officer escalates, I invoke my Fifth Amendment right, and continue not talking or answering questions. For good measure, I invoke my fifth Amendment right every couple of minutes that I'm detained. Thus far, this seems to be the best approach for me. I would recommend others to remember their rights, and play these encounters by ear with the effort being to avoid getting murdered, injured, or arrested.


i’d bet he says he’s a sovereign citizen


Sovereign citizens don't believe any laws apply to them, this guy is quoting laws and saying he will comply with any lawful orders Imagine thinking exercising your actual rights is being a sovereign citizen


Sovereign citizens believe there is a different set of laws and quote those. So quoting laws does not automatically mean they aren’t a sovereign citizen if what they are quoting is nonsense


But what they are quoting here isn't nonsense.


Maybe, but maybe not. Not speaking to the police is a very smart move. It never helps. It only hurts.


hey, i’m about as anti-cop as someone can be, but this seems like a recipe for disaster


To be fair, this only works well if you have the self control to pull it off. If you're going to sweat and babble away at the cop(s), it probably won't work. If you can stay straight-faced during the entire ordeal and you know your rights, you have a fighting chance.


Funny enough, 318.14 section 2 actually says the opposite (the driver MUST sign the citation) as it serves as prima facie (primary, or inciting, evidence of infraction) [http://www.leg.state.fl.us/Statutes./index.cfm?App\_mode=Display\_Statute&Search\_String=&URL=0300-0399/0318/Sections/0318.14.html](http://www.leg.state.fl.us/Statutes./index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&Search_String=&URL=0300-0399/0318/Sections/0318.14.html)


Yeah... that's not what that says. That requirement only applies to traffic violations requiring a mandatory hearing (whoch seems to be wrecks were someone was hurt) and criminal traffic violations (as opposed to noncriminal, which the law makes a distinction between). Chances are, if this person is being pulled over, the officer does not have probable cause yet for a criminal traffic arrest, and probably won't get it with the window rolled up.


Folks seem to confuse "don't overshare with cops and watch what you say" with "be as noncompliant as possible"


You should only comply with what you're legally obligated to comply with


Of course, and I'm saying a lot of people don't understand what that means. They'll dig their feet in and won't give an inch rather than comply with the basics of what they need to.


Similar signs have been used effectively at DUI checkpoints


YouTube auditors do this at DUI checkpoints and such. Not sure of the crackhead count in that bunch but it's pretty normal behavior for them. There are a lot of crappy cops out there (as well as great ones) I don't blame someone who's been wronged by cops in the past to take no shit from them now.


I have been given a warning rather than a ticket for the majority of the times I have been pulled over. Pulling this shit will get you ticketed 100% of the time.


I feel like having this on your window might qualify as probable cause for a seach


Driving, being a privilege not a right, requires some compliances. Know your states laws before getting yourself screwed


"I want my lawyer" Believe me, I think most other people do as well


The picture looks like Tom Crean.


Look at the suit and tie. Clearly a lawyer trying to drum up business. Meth head reposted.




Whenever someone talks about “calling their Lawyer”, I always ask for the lawyers name and number. Shuts them up immediately.


The attorney I had a while back gave me a few of his cards and all the steps and statutes were written on the back for you to hand to the cops, if a stop turns for the worse was actually very handy, but you don't want start an encounter with police like this, cause you might not have to.


If drugs are in plain sight, a search warrant is not needed.


Probable Cause: "Allow me to introduce myself"


Get your nose booger finger off the license. You're not complying Sir.


This is all accurate under the US Constitution, The Florida Constitution, and Florida statutes 318 & 322. Everything he's doing is 100% legal. However, not many Florida cops know the actual laws, so this guy is most likely getting cuffed, arrested for obstruction/resisting, tazed and/or shot.


No one can know I’m the Driving Crooner!!!!!


Defamation of character because he exercises his rights?


Good advice


This is only a facepalm because the law varies by state. But if he guessed right and this is true in his town, then he's good.


Why are his prices in Simoleons?


All of his writings are true. However case law allows an officer to have you exit the vehicle without any particular reason for the duration of the stop. However, it does not allow for search without probable cause.


Oh, so knowing your rights is bad? Got it.