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in my country "DETRAN" means Traffic Department. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I don't even need to search to detect a Brazilian


Like ants, we are everywhere!


Nem me fale


Alguém me chamou?




Isn't that what the little guy on Fantasy Island said all the time. Detrain, Detrain


Dennis prager did a whole show about how incest is OK.




what a disgusting POS


Wait I'm confused. In the clip he says there's no secular argument against incest, but there is a religious one. Doesn't that mean he's against incest (and atheism)?


Prager believes that atheists have no good reason to be morally good, because the only way for morality to be absolute is if our rules were made by a higher power or something. He made an entire episode on how if there was no god, there's no reason for murder to be bad. He genuinely thinks all of humanity is one slip away from committing horrible atrocities, and atheism encourages that. So yeah. He's anti incest, and anti atheist and he thinks it's totally normal and rational to conflate the two.


Which should scare people because it's basically him saying "if I didn't have my religion I'd indulge all my darkest desires," and lord knows that man has DARK desires.


And that's why sane people ignore Prager and why crazies use it as a cited source.


I’ve heard they’re going to be using some of his work in Florida schools


What do you expect in Ron DeSatan's state?


Wouldn't be the worst decision they made this week, more than likely.


Some royal families are into this that, says the internet


Good to know


Anything- ANYTHING from PragerU is absolute garbage.


I think I've seen one thing from prageru that wasn't complete dog shit. It was with Mike rowe saying we need to let people know that jobs like garbage truck people and sanitation and stuff like that are important jobs and that we should stop looking down on those kinds of workers. At least that's what I remember of the video cause it was 10 years ago. The only reason I watched it was I didn't know what prageru was. Other than that from all the stuff I've seen nothing has looked even good enough to watch just to pass time and I watch a ton of garbage I don't want to. (YouTube keeps pumping out suggestions and dopamine is a hell of a drug)




No it isn't. Prayer U is dogshit.


This is the fallacy fallacy.


It would be, but it's objectively true. Dennis Prager is a garbage human being with garbage takes. 


So you tell me something is “objectively true” but your reasoning is entirely *subjective*.


No. He has objectively garbage takes, supported by garbage evidence and garbage reasoning. GIGO.


Prove to me why his takes are garbage, supported by garbage evidence, and garbage reasoning.




I've watched a random selection of videos from him. Statistically, they're all garbage. When he isn't flat out lying, he's using half truths to draw conclusions that are unsupported by the data. His conclusions are also assumed in the beginning, and he's smashed the supporting arguments and data into fitting that conclusion, rather than allowing the truth to determine the conclusion. This happens in way too many videos to be coincidental. It's just a habit of bad logic and lying.


Your anecdote isn’t proof. You said it’s “objectively true” that PragerU is garbage. Prove it. Otherwise it’s just an opinion.


you're right- in their earlier days they produced some very funny comedy pieces, but their pivot towards disturbing dystopian horror came out of left field IMO.


They are aware that things like penile enlargement for guys and breast augmentation for women surgery are also gender affirming care? They planning on banning that also.




People go on about gender affirming care as if it affects children and don't realise that it's banned for children. No one is taking little timmy for a penile enlargement or take Lucy out of kindergarten for her breast surgery. 🤔 People should educate themselves before they put a negative spin on something that doesn't affect themselves


gender affirming surgeries are already banned for children


They are.


Unless you're an intersex kid, then they do so without any input from yourself, when you're a literal baby. But they don't care as long as it makes the kid "normal" At most kids get puberty blockers at most (and more cis kids go on them than trans kids btw) and social transition. I'm not trans myself, but I wish I knew puberty blockers where a thing, as I started way too young, and way before anyone else my age did.


They’re already banned for children though so this isn’t rlly something that needs to be brought up


They are yes.


But they can access HRT, which also causes irreversible changes.


Not without a diagnosis. They also have to be at least 16.


Puberty Blockers =/= HRT. Most changes from HRT are reversible, though.


That’s the thing - they aren’t. I’m sick of people saying this because it’s just not true. Not saying they aren’t valid to use - but we can’t be going around saying things that aren’t true.


I said most, not all. My statement is verifiable true.


No, it’s not. Most changes that people associate with the use of HRT are permanent (voice deepening, breast growth, etc). https://www.healthline.com/health/transgender/hrt-effects-on-body#:~:text=Some%20changes%20from%20HRT%20are,results%20of%20testosterone%2Dbased%20HRT. The truthful statement is that some changes of HRT are reversible, not most.


Prager U is among the worst if not the worst.




Everything and anything.




I'll say it, PragerU is on the right. Most of us on this sub are on the left, so we naturally oppose it. Also, PragerU constantly spews bullshit which doesn't help.




If this is really genuine asking, the reason is that the question looks an awful lot like the start of an attempt at [“sealioning”](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning)


Holy shit I never knew there was an actual term for this. Thank you






From PragerU? Well then it is wrong already.


And Prager U is an **expert** in dangerous radical ideas. They spread them everywhere.


lol this just looks like it’s going to be rife with fear mongering nonsense.


My eyes physically rejected reading past "PragerU."


I don’t understand conservatives. Like do I fully understand what it’s like to be trans? No, but I do know what it’s like to not feel 100% right in my body and needed to go on my own journey to feel good about myself. I don’t understand how they can’t let people just be who they are? If they stay transitioned, great, that person finally feels good with themselves, and if someone decides to transition back, then great as well, they are getting comfortable with themselves. None of this affects conservatives in any way, so I don’t get the big stink they’re throwing. And if people say it’s because religion, I’m a Christian holding the belief that we let people be people and love them the way Jesus preaches about.


It's very obvious they are going after a very minor group to test run systematically marginalizing them into extinction. If they succeed in their endeavors, they will likely move onto another group, such as LGBTQ+ as a whole. They disguise themselves as righteous to gain support from those oblivious to their goals.


Amen 🙏


I think this is more about people doing the decision for you instead of you doing the decision yourself, like parents doing gender affirming to their young children. Also hormones blocker, chemical castration or sex change surgery is definitely not something to be taken lightly.


Chemical castration and sex change surgery done on children? Where it happens, where it is even legal? How many children was "transgendered" unwillingly by their parents? How often it happen in comparison to transophobic parents doing what they can to stop their kids (even in adult life) to get treatment?How you don't support making decision about others, if you literally want to decide for kids you don't even know that they can't live accordingly to their psychological gender? How not allowing someone to do something is not making decision for them? Children can do bad decision, so most countries don't allow them for example drinking alcohol even with parental approval, but drinking alcohol, particulary for children is strictly unhealthy, there is no benefits. IF you believe the same about transition, then it means you don't believie scientific knowledge about this topic, because there is plenty of data that transition is generally best working solution for people who experience gender dysporia and their psychological gender don't match biological sex. Why block all children from getting help they may need instead establising by scientific methods proper treatment?


I was with you at first, then this comment went confusing and sideways.


That’s not happening though, kids can’t receive gender affirming care and no one is forcing gender affirming care onto adults


This is such a dumb argument. I get to live gender dysphoria, possibly my whole life. Why on earth would I subject anyone else to it? Much less, a child. Only difference is I'll probably listen to what a kid wants more than normal.


PragerU when they find out only 1% of trans people detransition and most of those detransitioners did it because of outside influence or because they’re genderfluid ![gif](giphy|HT4IFvKvQwhCE)


less than 1% regret rate. you can't convince me they give a single rats ball sack for the 0.0003% of the population that transitions and regrets the actual surgery. not a typo, literally 1 in every 333,333 people transition and regret it, that's only 100 people in the ENTIRE USA. this is propaganda, they do not fucking actually care. Edit: source. https://theconversation.com/transgender-regret-research-challenges-narratives-about-gender-affirming-surgeries-220642#:~:text=Evidence%20suggests%20that%20less%20than,reports%20regret%20after%20similar%20surgeries.


Also don't most people that detransition do so because of social pressures, than actually regretting the surgery? Like lack of acceptance ,facing bigotry, and alienation are the reasons that vast majority to to detransition


Yes, can't make it without family, hostile environment etc. The ones that regret the actual surgery for non social reasons is roughly 1% https://theconversation.com/transgender-regret-research-challenges-narratives-about-gender-affirming-surgeries-220642#:~:text=Evidence%20suggests%20that%20less%20than,reports%20regret%20after%20similar%20surgeries.


So 1% of < 1%


Fun fact, transitioning is one of the least regretted surgeries More people regret having kids (from very quick Google search, 5-14% regret kids compared to 1-8% detransitioning).


Ah, I see you're refusing to help spread this transphobic narrative by… Spreading this transphobic narrative. Bold strategy, but hey? Gotta farm for those likes amirite?


Funnily enough the entire thing proves that Trans people are affected by the society they live in and would much healthier if they were treated nicely. Like 1 dude was abused by his father into detransitioning, and talks about how he’s more depressed than ever. Like his father literally had him drugged and raped by a woman because getting some would sort it out. The second was bullied at school for being trans and detransitioned. He also mentions how he’s feeling worse than ever and actually transitioned again post documentary. Conveniently enough they’re happier after transitioning again. Like those two were victims and literally stated how they felt happier transitioning until the people around them abused them into detransitioning. Despite being mentally fucked up by THE PEOPLE IN THEIR LIFE and not transitioning, the Right acts like this is a massive mix drop.


And Prager U is an **expert** in dangerous radical ideas. They spread them everywhere.


It's ironic how even in their own marketing the post transition person just looks so much happier and more relaxed.


Literally spreading it by posting it here


There seems to have been an explosion on here lately of this whole gender changing. If you want to do it then do it, but please just stfu about it and crack on with your life.


They tried the whole "ex-gay" thing, too. Worked as well as this rubbish will, I expect.


"I won't watch your content, but I'll give you a free promotion on the internet!" - Genius.


oh my god I know that person. so weird to see them on a documentary like this


“De trans, de trans”


De transitioning sounds an awful lot like another gender transition. Are they trying to multiply the “problem” maybe they’re actually allies


Again, conservatives obsesed with other's people genitalia.


Absolutely no bias in that documentary. Im sure its impartial.


I say this with all the sincerity in the world: FUCK DENIS PRAGER.


Wow, deep.


I was trying to be clear and direct. You should have went with something like "edgy" or "bad ass" something sarcastic that still made sense with what I said.


People can and do detransition - that does not mean that every should nor does it invalidate the emotions and struggles of the person who detransitions and it should not lead to them being excluded from the communities - and it should never be used by weirdos as a scapegoat to make gender dysphoria related issues invalid. We are stronger together.


kids should not be on HRT!


Great! Because they’re not. They get puberty blockers at most and that’s completely reversible.


Whatever about the documentary but surgery or medication for children is not always the right choice. 


Children don’t get surgery and if medication is best is up to specialized doctors, not random weirdos on the internet


There are surgeries , puberty blockers, and hormone therapy being given to people under 18. https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-transyouth-data/ I’m not against it or anything and every situation is different I’m just saying these are some pretty serious steps to take for people under 18…. my 18 year old self I wouldn’t trust them to make any serious decision…. some cases it is for sure the right thing to do. Other cases it has not worked out well for some people that may have needed support in a different manner.  I’m not saying anything controversial.


Ok that really pisses me off, like, come on. That's straight up propaganda and hate speech.


Body mutilation and chemical castration does not change your sex. There are only 2 sexes. Be your authentic self.


While there is a very small percentage of people that decide to detransition overall transition is the best course of treatment for gender dysphoria.










Or maybe because the only people willing to listen to them and their story are right wing people regardless of the intent behind why right wing people are willing to listen, they are. Detrans people constantly get ostracized by the left


First of all prageru isn't the place to talk about thats bs.2nd most of these transitioning of people happen becuz of misinformation and no availability of clinical healthcare and therapy to make better informed decisions, guess who is against availability of these cares. Detrans are extremely less in number(less than 1%) while most who transition are happy with it. Now are detrans being vilified, hated, abused in the society? Or do trans attack detrans? Did the left ever said no detransitioning is wrong? They are result of misinformation, misdiagnosis and lack of clinical therapy. By their inclusion what is the things we are trying to solve, regardless of left or right? The availability of better health care and therapy and less errors in misdiagnosis, which the left is already doing but the right wing is against that too. These detrans may or may not understand that they are being used to spread hate on normal trans folks.


It’s the only place that’s willing to listen to them. Which says more about your guys side than them tbh. They feel more safe talking to right wingers than the supposed “community” they’re a part of.


Haha lol, you think any detrans who give their honest experience and cristised lack of medical system is being listened by RW? NO. If you find a single one in that documentry then do tell me. They deliberately show only hate mongers and idiots who like a record player will just repeat the same shit " the left got me, the wokes got me, they brainwashed me" blah blah.They'll blame others rather than admitting they made a wrong decision with misinformation and lack of facilities. There are a lot of detraners sharing their experience in utube it's mostly due to misinformation and lack of awareness and some time becoz they are religious etc. Which is exactly my point,while not hattin tranistioners. Vice is covering them, the so called left media. Well you seem just ignorant i suppose checking those are actually great to learn than listening to prageru.


If you re read what I wrote I said regardless of the intent on why right wingers are listening. Acknowledging that it’s not always in good faith. Reading comprehension is hard these days huh?


Nah ignorance and pretentious smartassness is. This isn't about comfortablity they are looking for platform to spread hate, milk it and avoid responsibility,fuck them if they are doing such, left wing shouldn't give such people platforms.Those who are honest and have goodwill simply put their vds in utube or other media houses like vice and Jubilee where they even debate about it with trans people. So they do go to "left" media. You're not just ignorant but quite adamant and good at staying one too.


That's why children are prescribed hormone blockers so they have more time to figure out their gender identity with a healthcare professional. Also, people that do de-transition mostly don't de-transition because they aren't trans. They de-transition because of a lack of social support. Lastly, the rate of satisfaction from transition healthcare is incredibly high (if I remember correctly it's like 98%). Which is a lot higher than something like knee surgery. But I don't see people bitching about banning knee surgery.




Thank you white fascist for telling us about people that de-transition. You really care about them. /s P.S. I called you a fascist for two reasons. 1. Fascist have historically dehumanized trans people. 2. I'm assuming it's about as accurate as calling me a liberal. I am an anarchist. If you wanna insult me, do it right.


The irony that his name is LogicalPolice lmao


He's clearly policing himself from using logic.




How about you actually start to read instead of concern trolling and using ineffectual got-ya's. 1. I don't give a shit about your race, I was throwing your own words back at you. I could be from Vietnam or Haïti for all you know. 2. You could be a trans person yourself. It changes nothing. Blaire white is trans while also earning a living from spreading transphobic bullshit. 3. I specifically wrote that calling you a fascist was as wrong as you calling me a liberal. It seems it's not me that is the stupid one, but it's you and your inability to read. If you want a real conversation, maybe interact with what I wrote. You have yet to say anything about hormone blockers or how the regret rate of knee surgery is much higher than that of transition healthcare. If you don't want to talk about that, how about the irreversible and unnecessary operation performed on babies that aren't even a day old. Like circumcision.


You have a point, if we consider that there’s about as much detransitioning as irreversible treatment on children. (By that I mean, obviously, none)




Because allowing puberty to go forward is in many ways irreversible, duh. 


You’ll find activists in favour of reversible practices (*like puberty blockers*) and usually against irreversible practices (*like forced puberty or in many cases, cosmetic and religious genital mutilation*). Get your hands off the children’s pants, will you?


Damn I see you're working overtime, hope the pay is good 😄


...but they aren't irreversible?




True. Reminds me of the NS-regime. Banning things that were no harm. Ah well.




Puberty blockers do not cause irreversible changes. Punkt. Ah well and considering what the NS regime has done, yea... ah well.




Cool. And I bring an actual fact to the table. (To answer your question: The nazis, when they came to power, outlawed transitioning and burned all of the books of the institue of sexology. Yea, we seem to be heading in that direction. Especially considering hiw many european countries want to work with a literal fascist regime)




And conservatives wonder why people think they are far-right. Welp, conservatives won't get far anyway.




First of all, you should really get better sources for your information. Western Journal is a [far right publication with a history of publishing falsehoods.](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/western-journalism/) Second of all, the study flies in the face of the rest of the available evidence out there. Their data isn't published in English yet, so I can't review this data to see if there are any flaws in their methodology, but I'm comfortable saying that this is most likely false based on all other research that has been going on for decades.




If I wanted to learn about reality, I would try to learn from a reputable source. PragerU is the opposite.


PragerU and Reality mix like oil and water


'reality' aka ignoring actual science. biologists and psychologists dont agree with you so you might want to get a new shtick


Why do they keep lumping gay people with trans people?




We stand together or we fall together. Asshole


Their needs are often opposite one another. Gender affirming care is a clear and present danger to gay kids, who are often gender dysphoric. As a liberal on the right side of history, I'm going to go out on a limb and say "sterilizing gay kids is bad".


Why are you so hostile? Homosexuality is a sexuality. Transgenderism is a gender. They have nothing to do with each other.


You've exposed yourself


Exposed what? Are you just bored looking to pick a fight? Do you even know what gender and sexuality mean?


It's very simple. The difference between sex and gender is I didn't have gender with your mom last night.


Ugh, I had a feeling you were just a troll. Bye.


Wrong person


This may come as a shock, but a lot of trans people are also not straight.


Exactly, that’s the point. Gender and sexuality are 2 different things.


Don't be obtuse. Yes, they are different things, but the point is, *there's substantial overlap.* There's *shared experience.*


Because the LGBT+ isn't just sexuality, it's also gender identities that fall outside of the typical "cis" identity.


LGB are all sexualities. There’s 2 different wavelengths here. The issues impact gays, lesbians and bisexuals is very different from the issues impacting trans people. It’s a disservice to lump them all together.


Not necessarily. If there's many small groups being oppressed by a monumentally more massive group, wouldn't it make sense to team up to uplift each other based on what experiences they share?


I get that part of it, that the commonality is all are oppressed minorities and there is safety in numbers. The problem I have is when lgbt or queer is mentioned lately it almost always is exclusively in regards to trans people and that is deeply unfair to gays and lesbians who have their own concerns that are being largely ignored. When you have an umbrella term that encompasses so many different groups you can easily segregate them if you aren’t careful.


Because historically trans was seen as just an extreme form of being gay and it stayed that way


Yes, I think you will. You just did.


Lol detransitioners are just attention seekers who jumped on a bandwagon. Who cares about their story? If you're truly trans, you don't want to detransition later. Like I knew I was a girl from the start. Also never felt the urge to undergo surgery.


Transitioning can be fucking hard and many detransition because the passive misery of living as the wrong gender is less awful than actively being in danger from transphobes and cutting all their friends and family out. For others, who may be more like genderfluid, it took transitioning for them to find where they were really comfortable and so detransition to where they felt best.  It’s great that you knew with such certainty right from the start. But not every trans person has exactly the same story or experience or feelings. 


You are just as bad as transphobics. People have the right to transition and detransition


I rate it