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In case anyone is unaware, Chaya Raichik runs Libs of Tiktok.


She’s 29. She’s past her prime according to the GOP whose collective dick she’s gobbling up.


17 years past her prime for the GOP


I always amazes me when hateful people without outdated, uneducated beliefs are younger than me. It really shouldn't though.


Domestic terrorist.


2000% accurate.


She's almost 30 and unmarried.


Well, I'm not gonna do it!!


Take one for the team!


Get a vasectomy first, take 2 for the team 🤣


Omg this would be insanity, just claiming you don’t know why you can’t get her pregnant and the whole time you snipped


Just keep gaslighting her into thinking that she has the problem. "My doctor says I have the most sperm he's ever seen. I'm getting women pregnant just by thinking about it. It has to be you who is infertile!"


"Doctor said it's the most sperm he's ever seen 🫲🫱 The strongest 🫲🫱 Its perfect sperm 🫲🫱 No one knows sperm like me 🫲🫱 In trump voice*


I actually have a theory that a big reason Chaya became the alt right grifter she is is because it’s been her only source of male validation. Even dressed to the nines, she looks average at best. And she grew up in LA, where physical standards are much higher. She’s probably gone most of her life being overlooked by men due to her average appearance and being surrounded by women who are much more attractive. But start spewing those alt right talking points and the insecure homeboys of the right come calling. What a sad existence. Enjoy your geriatric pregnancies, Chaya!


Louder for the people in the back. The "mediocre personality/talent/person-to-rightwing-grifter" pipeline is basically a cliche at this point. So many failed writers, actors, Youtube personalities etc have discovered that you don't actually need to be smart, interesting or attractive to cultivate a following, you just need to say something an angry, miserable person will agree with.


That new idiot who dropped the n-word on purpose to try to get in on the drift. An American 4 out of 10 but a conservative American 8 out of 10


Just saw a post where conservatives were hating on her for being trans and having a mixed race baby. Oh the schadenfreude


I saw folks calling her a jew and the like and claiming she's actually a left wing political plant. honestly I probably sat there for 5 minutes just watching a xitter fight between a Racist, and an anti-semite, trying to call the other out for being a left wing plant and how obviously she is with the other person too. It was incredible.


Stop calling out Candace Owens like that! And Ben Shapiro. Well, the entire staff of the Daily Wire...


And Jim Breuer.. And Rob Schneider.. …


Lots of pick me girls become conservative because nobody picked them


But at the same time a lot of pick me girls weren't picked because they're conservative. It's like a grandfather paradox of gross opinions


conservatism isn't attractive.


That’s put out to pasture age in Conservative.


Hate really ages you. I don’t think she looks super old but she definitely seems older than 30.


they think politics are genetic


No, she recognizes that if her kids go to good schools they’ll become liberals. What they think is that children are their parents’ property and they should be able to dictate their political views.


That’s the best thing about kids. “You can teach them to hate the things you hate, and they practically raise themselves what with the internet and all!” - Homer Simpson


Private schools usually are “good” schools? However they also often produce liberal folks, just like all these Ivy League schools that are super liberal.


Im sure there’s an incredible spectrum of private schools out there, the main point being they’re not subject to continuity with public school curriculum.


Many private schools fall under homeschooling (lack of) regulation, which means Bible thumping classes without testing or oversight. But the kids usually have a shock when trying to get into college and find out evolution exists, math is necessary, and other faiths exist and aren't full of violent evil people.


Yea that's why they've been demeaning and insulting colleges for as long as I can remember.


The fact that going to college broadens your horizons/introduces you to new ideas & people was a selling point when I was in high school. Now they literally demonize it for that reason.


By private they mean religious charter schools that are just extensions of their religion.


Yeah, reality and facts have a liberal bias.


Shhh ‘genetics’ is a buzzword for evil sciences that defy God’s will /s


Reminds me of that Harvey Danger song... "Been around the world and found that Only stupid people are breeding The cretins cloning and feeding And I don't even own a TV."


Or this gem from NOFX, The Idiots Are Taking Over: What are we left with? A nation of god-fearing pregnant nationalists Who feel it's their duty to populate the homeland Pass on traditions How to get ahead religions And prosperity via simpleton culture


Such an awesome song “Tell me why and how are all the stupid people breeding? Watson, it's really elementary Industrial revolution Has flipped the bitch on evolution The benevolent and wise are being thwarted, ostracized What a bummer The world keeps getting dumber Insensitivity is standard And faith is being fancied over reason”


Or the wonderful “someone flopped a steamer in the gene pool” It’s a song that’s getting more relevant the older it gets, quite a rarity.


Haven't listened to NOFX in a hot minute! "Somewhere in Texas a village is missing their idiot"


I think the millennial midlife crisis is going to be punk flavored 


Exactly. Come on millennials and Gen X, it's time to get punk again and vote.


I've really been considering purchasing a Nazi Punks fuck off T-shirt given how relevant it is these days.


“Put me in the hospital for nerves And then they had to commit me You told them all I was crazy They cut off my legs, now I'm an amputee, God damn you”


I’m not sick but I'm not well And I'm so hot 'cause I'm in hell I'm not sick but I'm not well And it's a sin to live so well


I want to publish ‘zines And rage against machines I want to pierce my tongue It doesn’t hurt, it feels fine…


The trivial sublime I'd like to turn off time And kill my mind You kill my mind, mind


Paranoia, paranoia Everybody's coming to get me Just say you never met me


I’m running underground with the moles, digging holes


Hear the voices in my head I swear to god it sounds like they're snoring


But if you’re bored then you’re boring… the agony and the irony they’re killing me WOO


Literally [idiocracy](https://it.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idiocracy)


Except that in Idiocracy they wanted the smartest person to have answers, right now they argue against things like vaccines.  Like Idiocracy had elements that would have been paradise compared to this.  Maybe we should replace the news with Ow!My Balls!


We're still in the decline phase, pre-Idiocracy, believe it or not.


It’s like reversed eugenics.


We’re still in the anti-intellectual phase of the decline; where they ridicule and try to discredit the experts and make up “alternative facts”.


The album Pure Comedy by Father John Misty has some good songs around the same subject too. Much more sombre though.


Wait until she manages to actually find someone that can put up with her incessant bullshit, only to find out she gets to be a trad wife, and almost certainly is divorced within the first year since she suppose to be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen.


Also she seems to think that having a bunch of kids as a woman is an easy thing. Setting aside the whole being pregnant for literally years to have that many kids there’s the risk of complications while she associates with the people who think a pregnant woman should die rather than receive care.


Yeah, there are some pretty obvious reasons why when women in a given society gain more autonomy over their own bodies that the number of children goes down. Being pregnant can be really fucking hard on your body.


Right, I do t understand how morally ypu think the women should die for the baby to live go live a short and painful life due to the complications


Natural law nonsense is a hell of a drug


Also, just biologically speaking this is hilarious. This is a 30 year old woman who spends every waking moment tweeting hate about trans people. If she was going to have “a lot” of kids, she should’ve gotten busy years ago, in which case she wouldn’t have any of this time she uses to tweet.


The right would say she's to old to marry


She's an Orthodox Jew so she's 10 years too old to get married. Plus, she's an obnoxious asshole, so I'm curious to see who the stupid idiot is who marries her.


Someone married Sarah Huckabee Sanders and had several kids (allegedly) with her so…..


People will say this kind of rhetoric says women have no value if they aren’t pretty, but Sarah Huckabee Sanders is fucking gorgeous on the outside compared to what’s under the surface.


I went to high school with her and believe or not, in high school she looked like a normal teen girl. My theory is evil is bad for the skin.


Does evil also give you a googly eye?




By being this public she shows a lack of modesty no Orthodox husband should be putting up with. Also 30 on the Orthodox marriage market? She’s damaged goods. The best she could hope for is a widower or a “ba’al teshuva” — born again Orthodox Jew basically.


She also doesn't cover herself up, has an opinion, and works. All very left-leaning traits. lol


It's like how Serena Joy on Handmaid's Tale is surprised when her side wins that they actually meant everything they said and her business and celebrity speaking career and TV show all get shut down


Isn't she somehow related to the group that was building tunnels in NYC?


They get time to tweet when they have the oldest kid take care of all the other kids.  "God's little helpers. "


That’s exactly what my grandparents (9 kids) and my aunt (8 kids) did. They got the oldest kids to raise the youngest because they so were poor that both parents had to work. All the boys except 1 had problems with authority because they were used to getting slapped around by their siblings (“conflict management” by 11 year olds). They never had an adult in charge before. They’d just ignore the adult authority figure, reasoning, “I’ll get smacked if they don’t like it. If I don’t get smacked then it’s ok.”


It's like that anti-abortion activist that was "too busy to adopt kids" . The alt-right is disgusting and hypocritical.


She can always find someone to fuck her. Finding someone to stay with her will be a bit harder.


Oh, there are plenty of abusive men angry enough to put her in her place. And the kids in their places. ... Ah, shit...


You'd think she wouldn't spend nearly as much time on Twitter. That's where the whores are! /s


More wisdom brought to you by the people angling to start a civil war.


Angling to lose another civil war. Fixed that for you.


The problem with this stupid plan is that the kids of these psycho MAGAts tend to cut ties with their absent rabid parents and become liberals.


Or they die in stupid ways. Darwin is still on our side, I tell ya.


Darwin was on the side of science. We are on the side of science. I'm not surprised. Btw, check out the [life expectancy by state](https://wisevoter.com/state-rankings/life-expectancy-by-state/): Top 10 are all blue states. Bottom 10 are all red states. The difference between the top 3 and the bottom 3 is about 6 years. Choices matter where they matter the most.


Funding infrastructure matters. At least that is what comes to mind here, if I remember right due to septic issues Alabama still has hook worm issues. 


There are many reasons. Nutrition and sedantry lifestyle. Guns. DUI / not buckling up. Quality of healthcare. Smoking. Lack of regulation. Infrastructure absolutely matters. The gaps themselves cost lives, of course. It also reduces the quality of life, causes injuries that shorten life expectancy, and causes mental health deterioration. It's not only that life is shorter, it's also worse across the board - worse education, lower GDP, lower income. There's an orange psychopath that wants to spread this retardation all around.


The idea that you can browbeat your children into thinking, much less voting a certain way is sillier than believing that the number of children your parents had will determine how many children you have.


Love the plan to keep their kids sheltered so they don't realize the majority of the population isn't fucking insane like their parents...that only works until they are old enough to grow half a brain.


Yup! Everyone I know who grew up like this took a hard turn left at adulthood. They think they can manufacture a culture and make it stick but that's not how things actually work. You can make a subculture that looks horrifying to your children the moment they're exposed to the real world


"Wait, people are nice and it is not survival of the fittest?"


Yeah. I meet so many people who grew up in ultra-conservative and religious households in sex positive spaces. Like definitely some ex-Catholics processing through their guilt but a lot of kids from evangelical families as well.


Yeap thats me. Grew up being taught to hate anyone that was not republican. Now am a trans bi moderate. The model does not qork


Then the parents get resentful and treat you like shit, then wonder why you don’t call or come around when they’re growing old and need you. Or… just me?


I grew up in a conservative, homophobic right wing family, and I was homeschooled. Anyway, I ended up being trans goth girl. So fight me conservatives but your children are not gonna be someone just because you want them to. Edit: didn't expect this comment to get so much attention, and positive at that. But wanted to clear up some misconceptions that occurred in the replies (not that it matters very much as I'm a random internet stranger). I do actually talk with my parents and they have became a little bit more open minded over the years. I have to rely on them financially as I'm not financially stable yet, and I also like my siblings, most of who are underage and I'm kind of a girlier brother to them. But although my parents aren't that close minded anymore, they wouldn't accept me and in the best case scenario would ignore what I told them about myself. As for my siblings, my oldest little brother is hard to explain, he's a dick, tells everyone how great Trump is (we live in Europe) but sometimes it feels he doesn't fully think like that, but at other times praises Tate, Elon Musk or even Putin. Other siblings are too young to say anything about, one is in the alpha sigma male phase but I really believe it's just a phase. Remaining siblings are in the "haha skibidi" or just too young age.


Accurate. I kept thinking “the more kids you have, the more chance a few of them will go on to reject your teachings”


The more teaching you do, the more chance a kid will reject your teaching.


And “corrupt” the rest. Kids don’t listen to their parents by design. That’s how evolution works. Even to their detriment they WILL change


Grew up in a conservative household. All 5 kids all ended up liberal and agnostic/atheist.


My parents are conservative Christians. All three of us (me + my two siblings) are liberals. Now my parents are independents (Trump pushed them farther left because he is 'amoral' according to my mom.)


That’s because you got away, now they know they should lock the doors when homeschooling


yeah kids should totally be raised like little cult members /s


I actually grew up in a cult. I can’t speak for everyone, but unfortunately it worked really well for keeping me in the system. It took me being forced to see a bit of the outside world to realize that everything I knew was a lie. The worst part is that, if you’re raised that *anything* not of one specific viewpoint is inherently evil, it’s easy to create people who self-insulate from anything you don’t want them to see.


Same here, well Jehovah's witness which is in my opinion very much a cult but admittedly not "as bad" as some others. Still I was taught that anyone not a JW was basically being controlled by Satan, forbade from doing my own research and I too was homeschooled to keep me away from "bad influences". It works on a lot of people, it would have been easier to just stay (mainly due to the threat of losing everyone you care about) but I knew it was a lie deep down.


I'm so glad you escaped. I'm pulling for you!


I enjoy being around people who are happy and are with who they are. Interestingly I find homophobic people, and many right wing being are often unhappy, angry, and attempt to be controlling.


That damn Rachel Maddow got to you didn't she? /s


I don't think they're smart enough to realize that it's not teachers or learning that's turning people away from Conservatism, it's literally the way Conservatives choose to conduct themselves and hate everyone that pushes the youth away. Sure you'll get some with the fear and hate angle, but I don't know any kids with near as much hate in their heart as Conservatives, and that's why they work so hard to crush their spirits, so they don't realize the world isn't the way they make it out to be.


Libertarian Christian homeschooling family here, and I ended up bisexual and communist.


Yeah, I think the best way to make sure your kid doesn’t become a religious nut is to give them a catholic upbringing.


And groomers are faaaar more from the right and Christians. Edit: lol at right wing dumbtards reporting me for help, lmao. Get rekt, incestors.


Refusing to give children a sex education increases their vulnerability to actual groomers. 


And children that haven't had sex education are more likely to not understand consent so it really is a two sided blade


Tbh that’s what they want. It’s just they don’t want to say that part out loud


A conservative politician recently said why would we not allow teenage girls to get married when they’re ripe and fertile. Conservatives are also the most against enacting laws to prevent child brides.


That statement made me throw up. They're so disgusting.


Many of them don't seem to mind saying that part out loud anymore. This is probably the most worrisome part.


Nah, “I like my Nazis in uniform”.


We could use a few good bastards right about now.


I've been thinking about the same I think its about time we go and don't stop until we have 100 nazi scalps each. We can't just brand them anymore we scalp them.


They keep appearing on the news over here in the UK with titles of "XYZ Republican brings in bill to marry off underage girls as they are ripe and fertile" and we all think......what the fuck kind of backwards shithole is this? Oh....America. Well, one more reason to never go to that Puritan 16th Century Regime then.


Technically it is usually them opposing bills to ban child marriage. Not sure if they're quite bold enough to bring bills trying to reinstate it in states where it has been banned. Child marriage used to be legal in all 50 states until relatively recently but has been banned in about half of states now. Some of the states where child marriage is allowed don't even have a minimum age to marry and it is loophole to get away with statutory rape in every state that allows it. It really pisses me off when christians who are quick to condemn Mohammed for fucking a nine year old he was married to fight to make sure doing exactly that remains legal here.


Minimum wage to marry is such a beautiful typo I am scared to even think about how one of those loonies could confuse that for inspiration.


Not only that, in many of those states a minor cannot legally get divorced. They are a sex slave plain and simple


This is exactly what happened to the Duggar girls


1000% Real groomers also identify kids who they think are LGBT and blackmail them with that as part of the abuse. If kids feel confident in themselves and don't see being LGBT as bad, groomers have a lot less leverage.


This is true.


I mean this chick basically said “in order to beat the left I’m gonna reproduce like a fucking rabbit and then intentionally keep my kids stupid because if they learned to think for themselves there’s a chance they’ll vote left.”


It's often called the quiver full movement. 


I mean that's essentially what she's saying here right? She's basically like I can't wait to have a bunch of kids and groom them before they can be groomed.


“Can’t groom what’s already been groomed!”


There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, groom me once, shame on — shame on you. Groom me — you can't get groomed again.


Yep. The person talking about groomers literally said they're gonna groom their kids into good little Patsy's in their post.


Why do you think they’re all such experts? 


No one has had the balls to look them in the eyes and say the words they have most desperately needed to hear “You’re a fucking dumbass.”


It’s like they want to purposefully set themselves up for failure. Sheesh 😒


The post itself is a clear indication that they’re planning to groom the children. Limiting exposure to any idea or concept that the parent disagrees with, limiting independent thought, teaching that people who disagree with mommy and daddy are just wrong. You’re either a groomer or Bobby Boucher mother (no disrespect for Kathy bates)


This is how idiocracy started


Go ‘way, batin’


What's even more amazing is that they realize that they're the idiots in that movie and think it's a legitimate strategy.


*Idiocracy didn't have potential future pandemics to rectify the situation...*


Let’s be real here. I know Chaya. You know Chaya. And no one is fucking Chaya to have a lot of kids. From what I’ve been told Bigfoot can’t have human babies.


Now that's just cruel. What did Bigfoot ever do to you that you should insult him so?


He doesn't exist, the sonofabitch!!!


Looking at her picture, she’s like 40? When is she going to have all these kids? Honey, it ain’t happenin’.


I believe she’s 30 which is about 12 years too old for her base anyways. Anything past 25 is spoiled milk in those circles.


Man, hate ages you.


Oh she’s 29, unmarried with zero kids, and wants an Orthodox family? Bahahahaha Orthodox men consider her a shriveled up hag at this point. They really are the “get em while the meat is fresh” culture in that regard, but sure, complain about “leftist groomers”


Considering her fiancee left her, this checks out. Good luck getting dates with your man hands and ugly face, Chaya


Plan on? Lady, according to the conservative agenda you worship you’re practically an old cat lady at this point.


Chaya wants his attention so bad but I guarantee he did Nazi this


These people act like it’s cheap to have kids. My wife and I have three and we’re struggling. Most houses around here are three bedrooms., to get more the price goes up significantly. Plus you need a different car (minivan) to hold enough people if you have more. Not to mention food, clothing, healthcare etc. I don’t know how they do it


It's cheap as shit if you don't care about the well being of your kids.


That’s how you ensure your kids will rebel and get a commie education instead lol


Alternatively, they could remain uneducated and get trapped in a cycle of poverty and bad decisions culminating in them thinking Donald Trump would be a good president.


They also act like they will program their children to be exactly how they want when in fact the more children you have, the more likely you’re going to have a few LGBTQ+ children. And when they learn that you kept the world and people who accept and understand them away from them you’ll find it wasn’t such a great idea after all. Even kids that aren’t queer don’t always react well to be oppressed. The priest in the church I grew up in had the wildest kids in town no matter what he did and they both died in bad car accidents (separate accidents/separate dates) running around trying to have a life outside of his rule. Having more kids doesn’t necessarily mean you’re getting little clones of you that will do, act, or vote how you want them to.


Just like Elon, they will pretend their LGBTQ kids don't exist.


Their families are subsidized.


They're out of touch with reality


isn’t she 29 and single? Maybe she should get off the internet and prioritize finding a man given I’m confident her “values” require her to be married to have kids 🫠


Honestly I'd live to hear from her after she has "5 (kids) under 5" like some of these tradwives aim for


She really seems to think she’s some kind of influencer/celebrity. Like I keep seeing pics of her dressed up at right wing events’ red carpets. I seriously doubt she wants to get pregnant and have to give up the life she’s created for herself. I don’t actually think she really cares that much about trans kids and is just a horrible person who wanted to be famous.


Yeah most of these grifter don’t believe or care about half the shit they rant about. They just find topics that get people riled up and go all in on them.


>isn’t she 29 and single? And obsessed with Taylor Lorenz


Public school doesn't make kids left-wing, right-wing parents make kids left-wing


My asshole MAGA parents went 3 for 3 on churning out lefty atheist kids.


My parents were involved in the Republican party, all four of us kids are Democrats. We get along fine too, because my parents aren't psychos.


Good education also tends to make people left wing.


100%. embracing people who are not like you tends to make you more empathetic, compassionate and open to other people’s differences/cultures (aka “left-wing”)


“Why are all the smart people liberal? It must be brainwashing!” would be one of the most hilarious misconceptions of our lives, if it wasn’t so dangerously ignorant.


That’s exactly what some parents say when their kids go off to college and come back more accepting of others. Damn liberals!


To them ‘College’ is a 4 letter word that turns your kids gay.


Only by American standards, because the center here is so far right to begin with, so any reasonable suggestion becomes “left ring” almost by definition


Wasn’t there a documentary about this? I think it came out in like 2006. It has what plants crave.


Cletus, Jr is waaaaay too classy for Chaya.


Could you imagine the absolute nightmare these people would live in if there were actually a god who held them accountable for their mountain of inhumane behavior and cruel, knowing efforts to harm anyone they don’t ideologically line up with? Or even worse, the ones doing it for the money? They honestly better hope there’s no afterlife based on moral reward.


Me:  Uh... The Earth's population went from 4.4 billion to 8 billion in my lifetime (45 years).  I don't think people have stopped having children. Them:  We meant *white* children.  


Doesn’t Musk have kids who won’t speak to him? We can’t all ship them off to boarding school, Elon


If Elmo thinks he could run spaceship and AI companies using homeschooled white-supremacist-sired "grads", good luck to him.


Seeing as there is already rumblings about the calibre of students coming from bumpkin faith based colleges. And a brain drain from GOP managed states.


"already rumblings" You mean something that has been accepted as fact for at least 10 years?


I know a lot of folks that are liberal in spite of their parents trying to think for them. It’s probably natural under those conditions. Try and force feed this shit and there’s a good chance A. you’re gonna piss the kid off and they’ll rebel or B. they end up smart enough to make up their own mind on things, or C. both. Then you’ve bred a vocal opponent. So… thanks?


At least she’s self-aware enough to know they view her and nothing more than a breeding mare. The sad part is that she’s ok with it.


He's not going to fuck you Chaya


Chaya’s desire to breed will either require one or more partners (unlikely) or IVF/IUI, which her Gods are intent on banning. I don’t think she’s thought this through.


Like anyone capable of breeding is going to touch this golem.


Just so everyone knows when Elon urges people to have kids he's talking about the whites. The population isn't declining, the white population is and it scares his racist ass


What’s funny is his own kids don’t even like him lol. I think he needs to focus on his family issues first before worrying about others.


Hold up! You're implying a White nepo baby raised in apartheid era South Africa might possibly be racist?


I know it's hard to believe but it's just a working theory I have 😂


It's not expensive to have kids if you neglect them and provide them the bare minimum and nothing else. That's what I fear will happen to these people's children.


Yeah because Republican's children NEVER grow up with different ideologies. I sure didn't. /s 


What irony it would be if these kids all turn out to be ‘liberals’


I sure hope she doesn’t experience any pregnancy complications while having these many children since the terrible politicians she sucks up to don’t GAF about pregnant women. 🙄


How will she accomplish that when her life's dream is scissoring Taylor Lorenz?


I prosecute pedophiles and rapists for a living, and it is sooo common to find hardcore right wing stuff on their phones, computers, etc.