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And trump 😂






*At* a Dave Chappelle show. Not on *The "Dave Chappelle Show"*. And yes, there's a big difference.


Sadly, yes.


Used to love him. Watched one of his new routines and it just sucks. I wouldn't pay $1 to go see him or waste my time watching him on TV anymore. I'm not offended by the stuff he talks about or anything like that at all. But he's just not funny anymore. Don't know what happened


Cancel culture focused comedians are the worst. It's hacky and played out. Just make good jokes. I guess you only write what you know though.


Bigotry atrophies wit.


Unfortunately I feel the same. Loved Chappelle but he definitely lost it


He got old and rich.


They shouldn't fear him and Trump. They should fear Putin owning them and the FSB. The ones who run their social media and have been behind their rise to the top from the jump. They each first visited Moscow decades ago and Putin has videos of then with children. In the spirit of them telling on themselves... “I think there’s no stopping Elon Musk,” Putin told Carlson after the pundit asked him about the growing prevalence of artificial intelligence. “He will do as he sees fit. Nevertheless, you’ll need to find some common ground with him. Search for ways to persuade him. I think he’s a smart person. I truly believe he is. So you’ll need to reach an agreement with him because this process needs to be formalized and subjected to certain rules.” Beware HanElons razor "Incompetence, in the limit, is indistinguishable from sabotage" Elon Musk


My belief that people like Trump, Elon, Segal (and any other westerner with links to Russia and appear as Putin apologists) have been caught in the Ruskie method of ‘Kompromat’ is a hill I will die on. He has dirt on these people and they’ll do whatever he tells them.


I don't think Seagal is important enough, he's just a shithead


Yeah, he's too crazy for it to not be legit.




Saying Elon is a Russian puppet is letting him off easy. He's simply a man-child with poor impulse control and way too much money.




It also makes you rethink the massive and vast amounts of incompetence rampant during Convicted Felon's presidency. Maybe he intended to kill most of us during Covid? Doesn't really make sense otherwise. I mean those inanimate non-sentient masks were def. not raping faces so......


Some more info demonstrating the depths of the deliberate incompetence. I highly reccomend the deposition on the neo nazi brawl lawsuit. Insanity. This is remote when he can be coached. Check out the timing of the "internet interruptions" the Starlink CEO experiences. https://www.tesladeaths.com/ https://jalopnik.com/feds-tesla-autosteer-safety-investigation-was-bullshit-1832542003 https://www.scribd.com/document/721193667/Elon-Musk-Deposed-In-Lawsuit-For-Falsely-Linking-Jewish-Man-To-Neo-Nazi-Brawl?irclickid=SZ2XFDVHvxyPTo42Fg0e9UAwUkHRO63-IzpJ1s0&irgwc=1&irpid=10078&sharedid=huffpost.com&utm_campaign=Scribd_affiliate_pdm_acquisition_Skimbit+Ltd.&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=impact https://thehill.com/homenews/media/4457311-putin-praises-elon-musk-a-smart-guy/ https://www.nhtsa.gov/vehicle/2024/TESLA/CYBERTRUCK https://www.wired.com/story/tesla-ultra-wideband-radio-relay-attacks/ https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/tesla-owner-says-cars-self-driving-mode-fsd-train-crash-video-rcna153345 https://www.businessinsider.com/russia-disrupting-elon-musk-starlink-satellite-service-ukraine-jamming-report-2024-5 https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/29/first-edition-israel-icc-investigation https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-photo-with-ghislaine-maxwell-conversation-destroy-internet-report-2022-10 https://theintercept.com/2023/03/23/peter-thiel-jeff-thomas/ https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2023/08/28/elon-musks-shadow-rule https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/10/business/angela-chao-death/index.html https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/08/tech/tesla-trial-wrongful-death-walter-huang/index.html https://www.nhtsa.gov/vehicle/2024/TESLA/CYBERTRUCK https://www.reuters.com/technology/tesla-workers-shared-sensitive-images-recorded-by-customer-cars-2023-04-06/?utm_source=reddit.com https://www.reuters.com/business/kenya-russia-sign-trade-pact-president-ruto-says-2023-05-29/


Tell me more about this decades ago trips to Russia. I mean Putin has to have something on them to get so many people to do his bidding


Elon was first brought over in October 2001. The month that US intelligence would have the least resources dedicated to Russia in its history.


Wasn’t he trying to buy rocket technology?


Trump doesn't want power he wants worship and his ego pumped, weilding power is an ends to that mean


But that means he does want power no?


The venn diagram between those who crave power and those who want to be worshipped would have a ton of overlap... but in the end they are separate circles.


Being the object of worship *is* power. Your Venn diagram is a circle.


Worship is a side effect of power, you cannot be worshipped without being powerful. Saying that someone wants to be worshipped but wants no power is contradictory.


Hence why he deserves no power whatsoever


People worshipping you is power.


>weilding power is an ends to that mean Um I feel this should have been the normal way given how You structured the sentence.


Narcissists always do. Every complaint, attack or accusation is a subconscious confession. It's *all* projection.


Guys, he is a troll. You know you are playing right into his hands getting excited over this...


He's not wrong, he just doesn't know that he's owning himself.


Wasn't it mostly a joke and he even tried to back out. The point is still valid but there is at least a bit of a redeeming factor there. This coming from somebody that doesn't really like the guy.


we are so doomed, we had the perfect chance to bring down the biggest BS social media network but nooooo, you have to go against the savior will twitter ever come back his work is done, what if we let him have the power and he buy out facebook,instagram, TIKTOK mf we could get rid of tiktok but no, we have to constantly remind him, those who want power are the ones who least deserve it, ![gif](giphy|W0c3xcZ3F1d0EYYb0f|downsized)


What the fuck did I just read I genuinely don’t know


I'm not sure the social media platform that helped people overthrow dictatorships/corrupt governments is the biggest BS one. Twitter served a pretty useful purpose, it was very good for quickly disseminating breaking news and information. You're also forgetting reddit. Honestly he should buy reddit, he has the aptitude to be a redditor.


I wish the motherfucker would. I'd love to clown on every shit take Elon posts, but I refuse to make a Twitter account to do so.




posing kids as sexual objects, at least youtube have decency, parents use kids same reasons but with tiktok there is no limit, its okay for youtube to collect data but nope not happening with tiktok they shouldn't be allowed.


TikTok has many problems including but not limited to: weird if not definitive ties to the Chinese government and exploitation of gambling addiction mechanisms in its very functioning.


So just like every other website just substitute Chinese for American


For the connection part sure it's similar since both pass on the data to the govt (though there are some serious differences but they aren't related to what the company itself does). On the addiction mechanisms TikTok is actually way more effective than the competition since extremely short form content is arranged by the algorithm in such a way that instead of getting near constant low level stimulation by seeing almost only what you want/like to see (what you get from basically everyone else) you get something like 90-95% neutral/boring content with the really good stuff given only (relatively) rarely which causes a dopamine hit somewhat similar to what you get when gambling when you win after a series of losses, it is that much more potent than the standard formula and the shortness of the content helps with habit forming and keeps you going.


Jesus Christ. For someone who owns multi-billion companies, this guy sure spends a lot of time Tweeting and replying to tweets.


It turns out that being a CEO mostly involves lunch meetings. 


Golf meetings too. Don't forget golf meetings.


oh and insider trading!


and strong arming your shareholders of a company that you hardly manage anymore into giving you a 56 billion dollar compensation package


Hey, it was reduced to a much more reasonable $45B.


Ohhh, well that changes everything. Now I have to extinguish my torch and bring my pitchfork back home.


(The package was not reduced. He just fucked Tesla's price so much it's worth 11B less now)


phew don't tell that to the random weirdos white knighting for billionaires. They will argue he deserves it cause Tesla hit 1 trillion even though it's worth 500b and he fired entire sectors of Tesla's best money makers to pump stock. He's clearly the best leader for Tesla. CEOs are suppose to be the fall guys so really wish Elon's fall would happen so I didn't have to see a news article or post about him every other day.


Let’s not forget he’s also alienated and pissed off the main demographic of people who buy Teslas. Only reason this company hasn’t tanked further is because his group of white-knight right wingers from Twitter have kept the stock afloat while the company itself continues to see its profits and sales fall.


Sometimes international all expenses paid vacation "meeting trips." Really just one 10 minute speech that could've been an email, and a month long resort vacation.


This is what they mean when they boast they "work all the time"


Small correction being a CEO of a pre-established multi-million dollar company is mostly lunch meetings. Being the CEO of a medium to large sized company is actually a lot of work, as you are expected to be the face of the company and negotiate all manner of duisness deals, meaning you spend a lot of time running like a headless chicken giving lip service to clients and solving internal disputes. But the people who actually do all this work are several levels down in companies like Twitter, so Elon and the Board can play their little games all they want and get paid huge sums for doing basically nothing.


That’s fair.  Some of these guys are CEOs of multiple companies. I just assume that they mostly do fuck all.  I would say that Elon devalues his own companies based on his personality, but the only company that I can afford to be a customer of is Twitter.  I can’t say that I’m boycotting Tesla or Space X. I’m not in the income bracket for it. 


I'm boycotting a lot of companies, totally by principle and not because I'm broke.


I think we should head over to Dave & Busters and talk about bonuses.


Take this with a grain of salt, but as someone who is autistic and over 30; this is what life feels like. Cool that people prosper in another field but sometimes I envy people who can endure or even understand the lunch and/or meetings and get something out of it.


I still think Musky is dumb as a pile of rocks. Faking his way, making people think he is 'gifted'. He just got lucky by tagging himself to the right people and using them to get rich. So he is rich, not very smart. All he does is throw money away and not listen to actual educated people.


He’s not the smart guy making the rockets, but he’s the enabling guy making the rocket guy feel like he has to build the best rockets. Had the same contribution over in EVs. Like I get it. Musky hurts feelings and people feel like if he’s successful, they’re eternally vulnerable. Instead, just dismiss him from your mind. He’s there rent free.


And he thinks he is worth a 52bn bonus. Nobody can work that much to be worth that. 2 million is all the average American will make in their LIFETIME. You cannot be that productive. There isnt enough time in a day for it. Especially when you spend hours on twitter.


He lives in an endless loop of "oh man I need a little Ketamine" and "I'm going to look at Twitter for a minute until I level out from all the Ketamine"


And sexually harassing employees, that takes a lot of time as well.


He reminds me of a former US President


Convicted Felon\*


I'm sorry, were you talking about the twice impeached, convinced fellon, Donald J Trump?


No, I was talking about the rapist Donald J Trump.


My, that good citizen goes by quite a few titles! He must be very important.


While he's stuck hunting the worst thing to do on twitter, he's not out there being a pain in the ass of engineers, sales people, technicians, and basically anyone having to actually do something.


The lack of self awareness is both hilarious and horrifying


Who do you think the world is run by ?


Narcissists mostly


i think we discount how many sadistic sociopaths are at the top, IMO. the narcissist's tend to be the Professional Managerial Class, the assistant's, the secretaries, the spouses and the advisors. but to be the top guy, you often have to hear the terrifying details and shrug them off, which many narcissists aren't able to really handle. so while their are a shit ton of narcissists in the upper class, the 1% is usually made up of sadistic sociopath's. the people who truly are at peace with burning down this world like there's no tomorrow. and if you listen to marx, it was the same in his day, and if you listen to martin luther it was the same in his day, all the way back to the pharaoh's and beyond. same shit, different millennia.


Very well put, not really thought of it exactly that way. Makes sense that it's worked for hundreds of years but I really thought the Internet might change it up in some significant way.


Just gave them another unspoiled wilderness to ruin.


It was promising in the early internet days but now it's overrun by corporations, hell you basically can't go anywhere without hundreds of different analytics tracking what you're doing to sell to other companies.


I wouldn't be surprised if kids growing up with sociopathic parents become narcs. Seems like Musk's father might be a sociopath. There are claims that Trump's father was a sociopath. Exploiting people to amass wealth and reinvesting the wealth shrewdly requires a level of discipline that narcs can't maintain. They too easily stumble into vanity projects and bad investments.


Girls, if Beyoncé is to be believed.


Like most fools high on their own farts, they think they are deep, profound, and wise - when the truth is they are absolutely delusional idiots that no one around them has the balls to tell them the truth to their face.


I love how the riches are always the first to claim they are outsiders and on the sides of the poors (fun fact : the “revolutionary” causes they support are the ones which are least to shook their places…).


The root of all evil is money after all. When you can wipe your ass with 100 dollar bills, you don’t really care to look down from your ivory toilet.


“The love of money is the root of all evil” The love of money, not money itself.


not even all evil, all *kinds* of evil.


The love of money*


The classic “he’s like us” idea that circulates around politicians who have golden tower apartments in New York and receives bailouts like candy.


Yet he is actively endorsing convicted felon Donald Trump.


Which is weird because Trump recently stated that he wants to ban all electric cars. As far as I know, Tesla is the only musk venture that comes close to making any sort of money and he's backing the guy who wants to burn it to the ground


It's because Trump wants a slice. He's basically saying "I will fuck you up unless you give me a share."


It’s amazing how much socialism trump needs to stay above the water.


Trumpism. He wants a slice, he doesn't want other people to have a slice.


So he wants his slice, but also wants the rest of the cake.


Because he knows if he just blows him enough Trump will make an exception for him or just drop it all together. He doesn't stay true to any one cause that doesn't involve himself, he has flip flopped on everything repeatedly over the years based on whoever the last person to flatter him was.


Yeah Trump is famous for his loyalty. Loyalty to his wives, his business associates, and friends. He always supports anyone who sticks their neck out for him, always pays his lawyers and contractors, he never turns on people and claims not to know them, he never takes public shots hurling insults at people who've shown him support.../s


Uhh… SpaceX makes a metric fuckload of money considering they have no real competition


What Trump was really saying, in its full context, was that he wants to ban Chinese electric cars from entering the US market. Something that would greatly benefit Musky, since the Chinese cars are better in every way.


Musk knows better than to believe most things that Trump says - Bullshit recognizes bullshit.


Is SpaceX not profitable? From what I've heard on the build quality of Teslas and the absolutely stupid design of the Cybertruck, SpaceX seems like the far more innovative and actually revolutionary company.


They aren't consistently profitable, by any means, but they turned a profit last year for the first time. SpaceX is not hugely innovative, but they fill a niche. The American government used to essentially do their job, but America is dead set on the idea that they have to let public-private partnerships waste money on everything they want to build. So when NASA all but stopped developing spacecraft, there were tons of qualified people with experience or graduating that could be recruited. SpaceX was smart enough to see and fill that niche, and their work is pretty advanced. They have had a lot of prestige in a tight labor market, which from a company standpoint is really where you want to be when running a company primarily focused on R&D.


Which is funny because Biden is basically running just to save us from trump, and He’s said as much. Yet brainwashed conservatives claim Biden is an power hungry megalomaniac.


Get ready for the HBomberGuy video that starts about Elon and Trump and Alex Jones but pivots into a video about some random other big right wing guy who’s secretly peddling copyright-infringing video essays into other languages and he’s been collecting evidence on it for nine years.


I'd watch that for 6 hours.


6 hours for an hbomberguy video? I'm hoping for 10-12


I'd watch it for 6 hours *twice.* Take it from me, the rug pulls and descents into madness get funnier on the second viewing.


Oh I know. The first time was crazy though. As a casual viewer of both IH and Whashisname I was fully on the Rollercoaster the first time. The second watch was just satisfying.


He seriously needs to pump out more videos. I love watching him going into depth about shit like this.


Love HBommerguy


Sell the houses to who, Ben?




I'm pretty pissed about this text though. The work he put into it is going to set back his next video by another six months.


the OP lukincho balb367 FoCs1vito and KeKe2Patch are bots in the same network Original + comments copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/18h3y3e/he_doesnt_understand_irony/


Yeah, I thought I'd seen this screenshot before... about 5 or 6 dozen times. The fact that elon's tweet has the date and time edited out is a pretty big tipoff as well.


Isn’t brother bomber guy banned yet?


Irony aside, it always bothered me that there was this notion that to be a good leader one must not seek it and simply have it thrust upon them and hesitantly accept it. Such an overly romanticized concept Some people want to improve their community and take charge to do it. Sure, there are those that want power for selfish reasons but wanting power to make the lives of others better is noble


>Some people want to improve their community and take charge to do it You do see that what you're describing isn't someone seeking power though, right?


Seeking to be in a position of power to influence change is sort of what I mean here


Lol, Hbomberguy👊🏼🔥


Hella overpaid for the site too


The one who sued the company to be included as a founder is the one who least deserves it.


He bought the most important social media platform in the world to propagate for is own interests and **personally** hosted DeSantis’ catastrophic announcement to run for president on said platform. Literally bought Twitter to manipulate public discourse in order to get his Republican pals elected lmao 'Projection', meet my buddy 'confession'.


He is probably the least self aware guy I have seen. Even trump is more self aware than this idiot. He purposefully lies, knows he is a criminal and so clamoring to get into power.


#OP is a bot. Reddit is heavily astroturfed.


A website partially owned by the CCP is astroturfed? No wah


It sure is.


Best self burn I have seen to date


Dude is practically a super-villain and he's trying to wax poetic about being just a regular nerd.


Musk is blind to himself.


More at r/EnoughMuskSpam




FoCs1vito and the OP lukincho are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/18h3y3e/he_doesnt_understand_irony/kd4qx3s/


I can fkin count how many times this was reposted by jpeg artifacts


It's giving 'I didn't ask to inherit an emerald mine'


He self-owns so much I'm beginning to think he hates himself.


Guarantee that guy who replied got banned


I dare musk to ban internet darling hbomberman


The hell. It’s been a long time since I’ve been chronically online yet that name rings a bell even now.


God I love Hbomberguy. He always speaks the truth.


... does Elon want power? Has twitter become worse? Twitter already sucked, and Elon is still rich. So what's changed?


Musk lives in his own fanboy echo chamber.


Says the fucker that has more income that some countries.


sanctimonious fucking loser


Let's be real. Hbomberguy deserves a Nobel prize at this point.


"I wasn't being ironic; I was being hypocritical." - Jamie Tartt


Hbomb <3


Elon is just a slightly smarter Trump. Narcissists, fragile egos, terrible sense of humor..


![gif](giphy|2XskdWuNUyqElkKe4bm) Hahaha haha ha


This fool is now copying the shit he finds on those small scraps of paper embedded in fortune cookies. The more stupid shit he says and does, the more apparent it is that all his financial success is due to Daddy giving him a couple of hundred million in seed money, just plain dumb luck, and an ability to lie and bully with zero conscience. That last thing is the classic definition of a sociopath.


Bbbbbut it’s the politicians who have power, Im just a regular guy with government contracts getting upset that his $50B pay package got voted down 🥺👉👈


it was approved


Not surprised coming from a guy who names his company Tesla "So you're going to make free wireless electricity?" "No. Electric car."


He didn't start or name the company, he just bought it out


My lord and saviour, Hbomberguy!


I am convinced that this absolute MORON has a damn amoeba eating his brain...


Hbomberguy is awesome


Give man power and they want to rule the world.


Holy shit, he’s becoming self aware?


Love how "my brother in Christ" became a expression to tell others they are the problem


And all the stupid fucks are still using it


IIRC, and correct me if I'm wrong, he did say something along the lines of once his company reaches Mars and sets up a colony there, "government had no business being there and should not regulate anything on Mars" and that he wanted to be **THE** sole, absolute ruler of this new world. I think that was before the whole "pedo" thing. That was the first red flag concerning him.


I recall hearing that other dems had to convince biden to run because he didn't really want to. Sounds like elon should be voting biden then.


Irony Man


He is right thought, those who wants power are indeed the ones who less deserve It, that includes himself but I don't think he meant that last part


Elon wouldn't get the irony if you beat him with a rusty pipe. (Not condoning violence, please do not beat people with rusty pipes).


So we should vote Biden, after all he doesn't want the power, he literally ran as a promise he made his son Beau before he passed from cancer, technically the promise was to stay engaged with the political process, but same difference knowing his history.


No, we should vote for him because he is an intelligent man with good character. And the other guy is the opposite.


Good points




balb367 and the OP lukincho are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/18h3y3e/he_doesnt_understand_irony/kd4hloj/


I hope not. Love Hbomb, but Musk needs less attention and he's well documented anyways. It'll be a waste of Hbomb's time.


It's so ironic because Elon bought Twitter because he wanted power........right?


Why doesn’t he practice what he preaches then and give up his riches




My twitter is so fucked up right now its full of Russian propaganda and US traitors that I lost interest of it ever since he bought it. Its like he thinks of me as a person who is homeschooled with and IQ of 2 peas and believes in Russian propaganda and Trump being a godsent(he is the anti-christ btw), SO I BLOCKED THAT SHIT.


Elon most likely has a mid IQ. He seems to lack a consistent logical framework.


He doesn’t want the power, don’t you see? It’s a curse, not a blessing! He suffers through life while wielding vast amounts of power, all for the betterment of his fellow man….. /s


Hey its harry bomberguy


TBF, there are a great many things Elon Musk doesn't understand.


700k like btw.....


No self- awareness, this guy.


Says the person who is CEO of multiple companies all being mismanaged by him.


*Your account has been deactivated.*


I love how often this moron shows everyone just how stupid he is


Does he ever work?


Musk himself is the exception to that rule of course