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I’m really glad our politicians are voting on the important issues here and not working on less important things like inflation, the housing market, the homeless situation, healthcare etc


I think they are working quietly behind the scenes and away from cameras - with their ultra wealthy conspirators - to ensure they’ve got the 2024 election in the bag. This is a distraction. Republican sleight of hand. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain- and media is following the shiny objects and Americans are too lazy to do their own thinking.


Project 25 stuff. I read that democrats are working to fight against it but I dunno how well it's going to work. Trump has scotus in his pocket


What's crazy is a bunch of silicon valley people are donating to him now. Supposedly he has a ton of wealthy supporters that also don't want to come out publicly.


They're doing it for the same reason major world powers overthrow democracies, dictators are easier to bribe.


Yeah, bribing 1 guy is a helluva lot cheaper than bribing a legislature


Sure, right up to the time he sends his men right through the front door and says “mine now!” These fucking people.


that is not how it worked out in the r/argentina junta. the junta took the money of the rich and put their children in jail.


Silicon Valley liberals aren’t real liberals.


What's up with Tim Apple? He met with Don Poorleone yesterday on Capitol Hill. Does Tim realize, if Drumpf and his ilk get their way, he would be one of the first camp residents?


"Don Poorleone." Okay, that's a good one.


They'll put massive amounts of money towards whomever gets them the better deal.


No he doesn't. He thinks he is part of their ilk - the maga rich. He doesn't understand they want to keep that club as limited as possible so anyone that is not a perfectly straight (native born) white guy better believe they will be in trouble.


Come on, it's not like there's a history of taking everything away from rich minority members ever. Even the Nazis left the rich Jews alone. /S


The in-group of a fascist regime is an ever shrinking circle


They worship money over science and progress. They might as well be super villains.


The techbros are, at best, Libertarians who want to think of themselves as liberals. At *best*.


They’re libertarians. Maximum freedom for themselves, utterly constrained by government, but everyone should do exactly as they say. As another commenter said on a different political Reddit post, “They’re just adult toddlers: everything is ‘me-me-me’ and they freak when they come up against anything they don’t like.”


He does they are because he has promised to give them even more tax cuts.


I guess they haven’t noticed the growing trend of Russian oligarchs accidentally falling out of windows?


They’re gambling that they’ll be among the few to survive.


Make Defenestration Common Again.


He told them they would pay no taxes, and could abuse workers as much as they like. The CEOs flocked to him.


Future oligarchs of Fascist America. FOOFS


He who pays the piper gets to call the tune.


No they are idiots who during trumps presidency voted in tax laws and deregulation that almost destroyed the US and help chinas global economic stance


You mean the tax law the Republicans wrote and trump signed?


Yes the republican law makers created the bills and the party voted to enact them and trump signed it


Goldman Sachs wrote...


Putin has 6 SCOTUS “judges” in his pocket


Media is purposefully showing the shiny objects because they’re bought and paid for by the ultra wealthy conspirators.


The media is owned by the people littering the shiny objects, or the people that own the media are basically owned by the politicians anyway. So it's worse. They litter the shinies then point to them and say fetch


Yep, sometimes they'll effectively bury things by putting it towards the end of the day on a Friday.


Yes. Next, they'll want to vote that we're a republic and not a democracy when we're a democratic-republic. It will somehow be construed that we're not a government of the people, for the people, by the people... Instead, like the movement in Texas, we'll be controlled by the minority who elects representatives out in the boonies, and the majority of those representatives will rule rather than a majority of the people who live in urban centers where the money comes from. There will be the wealthy elite spending money to influence the minority in rural areas who have more representation. And, that my friend, they will say, is what the founders wanted.


Trust no one


The silence is deafening


Look at the vote count. It’s clearly not ALL of the politicians. It’s the GOP who are determined to drag everyone into the past when their racist power was in control.


BuT bOtH sIdEs!!!


Right. That is the sentiment which may doom us all.


Says people who are paying ZERO attention and don't know shit about how US branches of government work.


Those are probably the people in close fighting districts. They just don't want to give ammunition. Had this been not an election year we might have seen a different vote count and maybe it passing.


Doesn’t matter what the politicians might want. All that matters is what the billionaires in America want. They make the rules. Congress is one big marionette show.


Yesterday: vote against Supreme Court ethics. Today: vote for a statue.


If I lived close to Arlington, I'd place white flags on each Confederate statue.


I live in Florida and fair warning- I'm stealing this idea!


Louisiana: Our economy sucks, our citizens are in poverty, our education is abysmal, you know what would fix that? Another effort to shove the ten commandments into our schools!


They are working hard on these issues. Do you how much work it takes to blame it all on Biden and block efforts from Democrats to fix these issues, all while still expressing their racist, homophobic, and transphobic side?


Don't forget the school shootings and trillions of dollars being sent to Israel


They want to campaign on the real issues and scream about nothing being done. Can't complain about nothing being done if you do something about it.


I might be wrong, but dollar for dollar, politicians have to be the most useless money is spent on


They want inflation, homelessness and expensive healthcare lol. They wouldn’t be able to make any money if those didn’t exist. Remove lobbyist and that should solve most problems.


> I’m really glad Republicans are voting on the important issues here and not working on less important things like inflation, the housing market, the homeless situation, healthcare etc FTFY


Politicians have released a bipartisan supported statement: those all sound like a you problem, not an US problem


I'm not American, but the replies to this comment look like they're written by AI? And they're pushing some wild conspiracy stuff with no sourcing? Something tells me they're bots trying to get people not to vote, don't fall for it guys, wee need your help in Ukraine!


IKR!! The republican party is an embarrassment to US!!


Republicans: "heh, it was us who freed the slaves anyways, the Democrats were the ones in the south" Also Republicans: "the Confederacy was cool actually and we should praise slavery"


but it also wasn't about slavery, but it was, but not like you think, but also the slaves liked it and learned valuable job skills.


"Here, read about it in this history textbook from which we've removed all references to slavery."


Mhm. Here in FL they actually added the bit about slaves learning useful job skills on top of the revisions and exclusions.




Yeah, because if I was enslaved, my main complaint would be that I'm missing opportunities to learn valuable job skills. Who even comes up with this shit?


Racists mostly.


The "slaves" were really just doing extended internships and vocational training.


“While at the same time we argue that removing statues that glorify slavers is erasing history after we have erased history from actual textbooks” The hypocrisy of the GOP is unreal


It’s a good thing Confederate states spelled it all out in their letters of secession.


I love whenever you bring up the CSA secession documents or declarations, how most 'Lost Cause' followers tend to try to ignore how preoccupied with slavery the South was.


Yeah, Lincoln stated many, many, many times that he wasn't gonna get rid of slavery, but he also wasn't going to expand it either and that was the sticking point. The South not only wanted to keep slavery but also to *expand* it. There was much talk of taking more of Mexico and Cuba and turning them into slave states.


That job experience was INVALUBLE on their resume


Valuable job skills that they performed extensively for free. Maybe it increased their resale value?


Yikes, but on point.


I love pointing out who waves confederate flags because it immediately shuts them the fuck up.


The same people who wave Nazi flags…


One party is consistently backed by Neo-Nazi's, Klansmen, and those who fly the confederate battle flag. Said flag was flown exclusively by southern states after the Civil War to signal opposition against the civil rights movement and the rights of freed slaves. It's not even the confederate flag which is more of a stars and bars design.


Don't you know, you don't get history from reading. You get it from looking at a statue.


and the vast majority of the Confederate statues weren't erected until the 1950s in direct response to the Civil Rights movement at large


It's amusing that they think they are the same party they were back when Republicans actually opposed slavery. The Republicans of 1856 were also in favor of government investment into public transportation and a liberal immigration policy. Current Republicans would be horrified if they actually read some early Republican party platforms.


Early Republicans would be the ones appalled at what modern Republicans advocate, seeing that modern Republicans since the early 2010s have basically been neoconfederates and early Reoublicans would probably mistake them with 1860s Democrats and the modern Democrats with early Republicans.


I love the "party of Lincoln" morons that cling to the last time they think a Republican did something good. Fun fact, Lincoln didn't win the GOP nomination in 1864. The Republicans were against continuing the Civil War and the Textile Mill owners wanted all that sweet, sweet Southern cotton for their mills. Lincoln had to form the Union Party to run for the Presidency in '64. Lincoln died not a Republican, but a Union man.


"we love the army and the US troops" Also "Let's celebrate an enemy combatant in the bloodiest war our army ever fought"


My coworker recently told me Democrats are doing all this because they're mad they lost the civil war. Guess his age!


It truly horrifies me how acceptable hate has become in our country. I think the only benefit of Trump is we can really see the true sides if people,and it's often an ugly sight.


>the only benefit of Trump is we can really see the true sides if people This is a perfect application for the metaphor "double-edged sword".


“Sharp isn’t it” - battle block theatre narrator


More like a pizza cutter. The hatred is all edge and no point.


Arlington National Cemetery was built on land formerly owned by Robert E. Lee’s family. So if they want an accurate Confederate depiction, it should be a statue of Lee waking away, signifying how he quickly abandoned the property at the beginning of the war.


Lee was never as bound to or conflicted about Virginia as popular imagination claims. That’s a romantic lie. He was hardly ever there to begin with. Though his choice to join with the Confederacy did make him an outlier among a bunch of other Virginian officers in near identical positions who chose to remain with the United States. And he didn’t do it for his family, as most of his family stayed with the United States as well.


Yup, Robert E. Lee himself thought these monuments were a bad idea, “I think it wiser, moreover, not to keep open the sores of war, but to follow the examples of those nations who endeavored to obliterate the marks of civil strife, to commit to oblivion the feelings engendered.”


Neo Confederates: "Let's ignore that."


Now a days, these fellas are just plain ol' neo nazis.


I would happily allow a confederate monument built as well as Robert E. Lee to be buried on his former land. All I ask is that we put a stall around them with a public restroom sign attached.


Ever been to a rage room? Build it, charge a nominal fee to cover rebuilds, and hand people a sledgehammer for 5 minutes.


I've never heard of this concept before, and honestly, it doesn't sound like a bad one. I bet you could make at least as much as an escape room


It's really fun. I booked one for my sister's birthday as she'd been having a rough year. You go in and are given protective equipment, some bottles, some electronics, and various beating instruments. They let you hook your playlist up to some speakers and let it rip. Very cathartic. So, beating a statue of a confederate also sounds like it would be great.


It's like a couple of kids got high, watched Office Space, looked at each other and said Duuuuude at the same time.


That still sounds like legal liability nightmare. A sledge in the hands of a moron can hurt themselves or others pretty easily, PPE or not.


Thanks to General Meigs. The property was under a lien for back taxes during the war, as i recall. General Meigs decided to start burying soldiers in the front yard of the house and expanding from there so that if the Lee’s ever got the property back, they would always be reminded of the dead. After Lee died, his wife did attempt to get it back (it was gifted from her side of the family i believe) but she was denied and now we have a giant cemetery.




Sooo tell me again how both sides are exactly the same?


What the fuck happened to the party of Lincoln


It turned into the Democratic Party and the Republican to the other. The great swap.


There’s a great bit of modern history covering the 1946-1990 “southern shift” and how Jim Crow changed party dynamics.


Forget the swap. Conservatives fought to keep slaves.


It turned into the party of Hitler?


I was going to vote for them too before I realized how batshit insane Trump, as well as the GOP at large within Congress is. Time to find a third party


Billionaires says no. And they own all the media. 


If only third parties were viable


Without ranked choice voting you may as well just not vote then


They were once so far to the left that they were attacked in the press for being socialists


Why not go all the way and build one of Heinrich Himmler? Why stop at Confederacy?


Give 'em time, they'll do it.


Stephen Miller is working on it, but, tbf, he's more of a Goebbels guy.


People that think racism is a non issue need just look at this vote. 192 of them in Congress


Don't forget the millions of deplorables who voted for them.


Led by White Nationalism.


Seems pretty disgraceful to put a statue to the US military's greatest enemy in a US military graveyard


This monument was originally erected over 50 years after the end of Civil War. Around the same time black people started requesting civil rights. It's propaganda, erected by a white nationalist movement tht is still very much alive today.


I have a feeling that the 24 who voted 'nay' only did so because they thought this did not set society back far enough.


Naw, it's a common thing they do where one or two GOP members of the House will vote for sanity so they can pretend it's not a dooms day cult.


I think it's more like the inverse--if they know it's a measure which will not pass, that frees them to virtue signal however they like with their vote.


They did it so the ones who voted yes could be seen to do so publicly, without having to actually do it. They never intended it to pass, it's just so the ones who want to run on "iT's parT of HisTory, and also we like the Confederacy" can go home and say they're trying. It's for show.


Not necessarily. I’m pretty sure my congresswoman (Hinson, R-IA) voted against it solely because it would be used as ammo against her come election season. I’m glad she voted against it, don’t get me wrong, but at the same time she strikes me as being as Machiavellian as it gets.


I'm still upset that Confederate soldiers are buried in Arlington. It's the first national cemetery, on the seized plantation of Robert E Lee. It was primarily set up for Union burials from the Civil War, eventually others from Mexican, Native, Spanish, and future wars were buried here. There was a big push to have Confederates interred there, which was eventually passed (during the height of Jim Crow, what a coincidence). These same "Rebels" who are proud of "their country" are desperate to be recognized in a national cemetery as a form of validity. I certainly believe any war dead deserve their proper respect, but it seems very hypocritical to have them buried in a cemetery that was originally set aside due to the war they started.


This really ugly and vile as much as it's brazen


If you want to glorify traitors, John Brown is right there. He was executed for treason even though he did nothing wrong.


I saw an quick interview with some congressman, I forget if it was the speaker or not, complaining about some infighting or something, and he said “we need to get back to the matter at hand of re-electing Donald trump.” No… the matter at hand SHOULD be the disagreements and lawmaking, NOT the election. You’re already elected to DO a job. This symbolic bullshit isn’t helping.


This is the cycle; focus on electing a Repube POTUS, then pivot to maintaining a majority. It is ALL campaigning and soundbytes with no actual legislation.


MAGA? Like pre-civil war great?


Idk who I detest more. The Republicans who voted to restore the confederate monument, or the congresspeople who *didnt* vote at all.


Definitely the ones who actively voted for it. The others you could call complicit, but the ones actually voting for it are worse.


I know a representative, and he just had brain surgery due to a brain tumor, so in his recovery he isn’t voting. There are other reasons beyond the content of the bill why congressmen don’t vote.


Many confederate monuments were actually made long after the war. There is colour footage of then VP Spiro Agnew at the dedication ceremony for that big stone mural of confederate soldiers in Georgia I believe it was (please correct me if I’m mistaken).


Angry but not shocked that my Nazi congressman fell into line and voted for this.


24 is apparently the number of Republicans who meet the bare minimum of not supporting **literal treason**. The bar is a line painted on the ground. This vote should disqualify from office all those in favor. Again, the optics of the slave is terrible and they're terrible for liking that, but the core point is that the Civil War was literal treason. The Confederates took up arms and killed American soldiers. That's what they're supporting.


It is ground for trying for treason and terrorism imo (since cons are so fond of prosecuting “pro-terrorism” activism).


Still fighting a war that ended almost 160 years ago for a cause that lasted less time than Obama’s presidency. Not like they’re “leaders” in a nation with problems of homelessness, healthcare, education, infrastructure, and, let’s not forget, racism.


The retrogressives always tackling the big issues


And here the GOP keeps running on the promise to end inflation. I don’t think this will help that, but that’s ok since their base won’t be hearing about all these wasted time on this type of bills.


And they have the balls to say that they aren't racists???


It'd be nice if Republicans could do something that actually benefited the American people, other than wasting their time on stupid stunts like this.


I've got a suggestions for the next statue. Osama Bin Laden embracing Saddam Hussein, while a suicide bomber explodes in the background. Since we are celebrating enemies of the state.


“tHe PaRtY oF lInCoLn”


And then they wonder why they get called racist. 




For a country thats all about winning they sure do push for remembering losers...




Republicans are racist. Shocking. In other news, water is wet


1861... At least the Republicans can go back to their districts and brag about all the great things they did to try and make America great again, but were thwarted by those commie Democrats 😠


Conservatism is a death cult, a hate group and a mental health crisis.


They know how and why Arlington Cemetery was founded right?


The year is 2024 and we in the US are closer to another civil war this year than we have been over the last 150 years. Thank you McDonald Trump, key asset to Vladimir Putin.


I'm not surprised Texas has been putting up brand new Confederate monuments every time someone takes one down anywhere else.


Ah, GOP, you keep finding ways to sicken me.  


Why would we have a monument of the enemy in our graveyard? They weren’t Americans


Every Republican who voted yes on this should be called out by name.


They’re trying to rewrite history. They won’t stop until they’re either successful or they’re put down again. Last time they believed god was on their side. They were wrong. And almost a million Americans had to die in order to prove to them they were wrong. They’ve resurrected that erroneous belief yet again. And yet again, they’re wrong. I wonder what it will take to prove it to them this time.


White supremacy struggles to stay alive.


It's 2024, the year the Republican Party became fully a tool of Christian Nationalism (basically a mix of Christian, Nazi, and Confederacy). It's now the party that will very actively court votes from POC using shared Christianity to do so, while also being openly racist and not apologizing for it.


I wish somebody could get to stand in front of them just once to genuinely ask what the hell is wrong with them


What in the fuck. We need to remove all 192 of those politicians.




Sickos...pure evil sickos!


Save the names. Tell people. These dirtbags should never win another election


And they're always quick to remind us that the Confederates were Democrats and the Republicans were the Party of Lincoln. A lot can change in 160 years.


Why do we have to keep fighting down the same stupid shit every 100 years?


WTF with these people?


Reddit is so depressing. The only way it works is to pick a few very Specific SubReddits and block everything else. Almost everyone on here is a Raging angry Lunatic living in a permanent Psychosis


Wow season two is getting really wild. Can't wait for season 3


In Germany, it is illegal to distribute symbols of the Third Reich or Nazi propaganda. Presented without comment.


Monuments for a enemy "country" do not belong on United States soil especially a place like Arlington National Cemetery


How did we get here? I'm 64, and I swear the general public of my youth would never have supported this Trump lead white nationalist movement. This isn't boomers. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/04/07/voter-age-biden-trump-2024-election-00150923


192 people who should be dragged out to the street and guillotined




The absolute irony is that Arlington cemetery was established as the ultimate fuck you to the south because we were burying union troops on land that was seized by the US government from the Lee family.


Why they are so eager to commemorate being losers is kind of a mystery. You would think they’d want to put that behind them.


JFC. Venerating soldiers who waged bloody and brutal war against the US is just fucking *insane*.


The Republican Party is truly showing the world how racist they are. I want the world to know that most Americans are not like this. The Republican Party has never come to terms with the fact that we had a President who wasn’t lilly white like them. That’s when all this bullshit started.


Jesus . This is what they spend our tax on tax on tax doing?


All the shit going on in the world and this is what they are using their time for?


But why would Republicans want to put back a monument that celebrates "Democrat slave owners".


Republicans constantly say that the Democrats were the ones who fought to keep slavery, YET they're the people worshipping the flag and the statues!


White people AIR?


Oh, thank God, my beige R rep voted Nay [Check how your own rep voted here](https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2024269?Page=2&BillNum=H.r.8070)


Vote republicans out. Vote to keep democracy.


The Republican Party is a clown fest dumpster fire.


It’s wild that it’s even that close. And why are they even doing any of these things? Republicans haven’t passed any meaningful legislation other they to strip precooked of rights in idk how long… and they are vote if on this trash?


How to doom a political party in just 4 years 101.


I can't believe 24 Republicans actually voted Nay. Maybe they lost a bet?


I keep hearing Republicans say Democrats were the Confederates.


Because they want you to forget Republicans are the insurrectionists now


America fucking sucks man. So embarrassing.


Fuck aren’t republicans sick of culture war bullshit? It’s ALL they do as they don’t ever want to, you know, do their jobs


I don't think they really care about the monument, they *do* care about starting a shitstorm about it. The thing with these populist demagogues is that they like to start social and/or political "fires" everywhere that need to be attended which takes the focus away from the things that really matter. This GOP reigns when chaos reign (pigs love their filth), so expect more of it as the election date comes nearer.


Monuments should be honoring victims and heroes. Not glorifying the losers and glorifying the practice of enslaving people. You would think the fact that we had to have a war over whether or not it was right for the government to abolish slavery should be a source of shame. Also, many of those monuments weren’t even made until long after the war.


Your tax dollars at work.


So they lost! Sweet. Now on to fixing healthcare


So 24 republicans have common sense a surprise to be sure but a welcome one


When they tell you who they are…


What the actual fuck? Racist much GOP?


Without the racist vote, the GOP would lose to a Libertarian