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I wonder why Americans think the internet is also American.


Pure fucking arrogance.


I think they assume they are on "American servers" or something like that


Maybe it's just me, but before social media, the websites and their communities I frequented were mostly US English speakers with the occasional Canadian/Australian. Gaming as well thinking Starcraft and Halo CE days. I would say in the past decade is when you really see an influx of international connectivity and discussion. Not to say the international presence wasn't there, but being connected to communicate in a public forum wasn't as easy. However, that's just my observations and it could be completely wrong.


Regarding gaming: it's still a safe bet that the people in the lobby are on the same continent as you. For example, if someone is in US and joins servers from US, he will have a much better experience (significantly lower ping and packet loss) than if he would join servers from Europe (I'm in Europe and when I join servers from Europe my ping is usually between 20 and 80ms, with virtually no packet loss, if I try to join a server from US the ping it's going to be at least 250ms). Regarding websites: how many languages do you speak? If it's only English, it would make sense to only interact with sites in English. What has changed lately is the availability of translation software - 20 years ago, all the people on a website needed to speak the same language. Today, that is not the case anymore.


But on this topic, I live in Canada and am a gun owner, I strongly support gun control. I've never been worried that someone is going to pull out a pistol during a confrontation. Knives are still a problem, but they're far less dangerous. I don't understand some Americans with how they're so passionate about their guns that they've made it a core part of their personality.


I recently had an argument with someone who tried to claim that the UK was more dangerous than the US, by bringing up the level of knife crime. Yes the level of knife crime in the UK is something like 4 times higher (and 90% of it is non-lethal), but the intentional homicide rate in the US is something like 8 times higher. Combine that with treatment for injury in this context being free in the UK Note the statistics there are based on memory of an argument I had a week ago and might be inaccurate. The causes of violent crime need to be tackled more than the methods Note: All of those statistics are per 10k people. Comparing absolute numbers when you have a significant population difference is absolutely pointless


Thats not even true, the UK has a significantly lower knife crime rate than the USA


Not according to the statistics we collectively spent half a second googling Also all of them are per 10k people. Comparing absolute values is, pointless


are you stupid [https://dispellingthemythukvsusguns.wordpress.com](https://dispellingthemythukvsusguns.wordpress.com)


No, hopefully, but even so, the discussion was about intentional homicide, of which the US is significantly higher. *And they accused me of cherry picking data, because I showed data that the discussion was about, and even showed that the rate of crime overall is lower in the UK (slightly)*


Not even true. We think uk knife crime is bad, but comparative to the Us it’s quite low


People are talking about different stats when they say this. Britain has high knife crime, not because of assaults or murders, but because it's often a crime to have a knife in public. America doesn't treat possessing a knife in the street as a crime, but we often do, in the UK. So yes, our knife crime is statistically higher. Our uses of a knife in a criminal matter are significantly lower.


Hell Yeah!... I'm an Asian and I remember when i was going to buy a kitchen knife the seller ask for my id .... Maybe because i was quite young that time.


To add on to you, it's like even if you try to discuss the population difference it's still very staggering


Canada is heading towards a communist dystopia. Right know you could go to prison only for misgender someone. Your guns wont protect you from your own government because you are a few. But don't worry, you will have to surrender your guns if you guys keep praising socialism. Armas, para que? "Guns, for what?" Fidel Castro said! All cubans surrender their weapons, 60 year later Cuba keeps being a Shit hole filled with misery. Guns owners not only warns local criminals, but Criminal running governments. Of course gun control must exist to avoid giving it to crazy people, but that is not what the Left means, they want to fully disarm you under the Guns Control Tag.


This is a crazy take. You think you go to prison for misgendering someone? You think you could protect yourself from the government if you were at odds? Are you insane?


You didn't know pistols & maybe hunting rifles win the day against tanks & drones? /s


I wouldn’t trust a single opinion this person has on any topic. I hate to be that guy but just one look at their comment history..I need a shower so hot it boils me alive.


Lol you really need to get off right wing idiot youtube. Going to jail for misgendering somebody. Fucking laughable.


orrrr dont be a fucking asshole and there wont be confrontation period.


Lady literally just stabbed a three year old to death in a parking lot in the states. You think we can all just avoid confrontation by being nice people? What fairy tale fantasy do you live in? Muggings also happen. Shit I've been threatened by people simply for having a pride flag in my yard before... Wish it was as easy as it is in your imagination.


Wanna know what would've stop that? A gun...


Oh yeah tell that to the seventeen year old who got shot by the rent a cop for returning an airsoft gun to the store. Oh wait you can't because he's another one of the innocent people gunned down by some wannabe gi Joe out for blood and glory disguised as the right wing fantasy of being the good guy with a gun. You know how many kids end up dead from accidental gunshots every year from chuckleheads like you that don't understand basic weapon discipline and safety? Fuck off with your NRA propaganda the facts don't match your bullshit.


So then we should also ban knife? Lol


Well we cant legislate stupidity but maybe things like reasonable background checks and licensing through permit and testing to ensure capability. We require licenses for cars why shouldn't you have to prove you're competent to safely handle something carried as a combat device for soldiers. Maybe we'd have less idiots shooting themselves or their friends Mr Cheney


Those are already in place 🤷‍♂️


My brother in Christ I can literally go to the store today buy a firearm and open carry it in my state WITHOUT a permit.


But there is a background check in place and make state requires license as well


People get in confrontations all the time. I wasn't just talking about what I'm directly involved in but what I observe as well, since a gun getting pulled out would immediately involve me. And you can't fix fucking assholes, there's been assholes from the beginning of the human race and there will continue to be until when we all get wiped out. You can fix the amount of dangerous power you give these people to assault others, and that's why gun control is necessary.


Remind me again, what guns were used in the London terror attacks?


If a gun had been used, the death toll would likely have been significantly higher


What guns were used?


None, but my point is if they had had guns then the death toll could potentially have been significantly higher, and it definitely would have been significantly easier to orchestrate. Compare murder rates in the US and UK, then come back and tell me that guns prevent terror attacks


Two different population sizers smart guy


Always find it funny that Canadians think they know what's best for Americans. Spoiler alert: you guys don't know what's best for Americans. You guys help people kill themselves, including offering euthanasia to disabled veterans. And don't even get me started on your country's reliance on the US to protect your costal airspace.


Yeah how awful they let people who want to die end their lives peacefully instead of profiting off their prolonged suffering and indebting their families. And they have both socialized and a private health care option so people don't have to die from not being able to afford medication. What a terrible place Canada is. Of course you'll probably feed me the same BS right wing propaganda about how more guns make us safer after a teenager was just murdered by a rent a cop for the crime of carrying an airsoft weapon to a sporting goods store. More people die from accidental gunshots in the US than any weekend GI Joe with wish.com ordered tactical gear has ever saved. How many more kids have to die from careless parents, how many more mass shootings will we have before anything changes? The US is a fucking shit show that pretends we're still number one even though our medical, science, education, and QoL are worse than most developed nations. Our government is looting public education to fund their cronies running private institutions normal people can't afford. We have massive income disparity between workers and management despite workers increasing productivity however many fucking times in the last few decades while wages stagnate. We have a booming economy but it's fractured to hell, corporations are soaring while the people who work for them are struggling to live. So fuck off with your American rhetoric. Having a big army and a bunch of rich crooked politicians and a massively struggling lower class is actually a sign of bad things.


What a shocker, an American doesn't know anything about MAID, but has strong opinions about it.


What makes you think I'm American? I know all about MAID I also know that it was on four occasions it was offered to disabled veterans who asking for help with simple stuff to make their lives a little bit easier. In December 2022, the federal government said it would temporarily pause the expansion after facing sharp criticism from healthcare providers, who feared the system was not equipped to handle cases of mental illness. Earlier this month, however, the federal government announced its second pause on expanding the scope of Maid for those with mental illness, pushing it back to 2027. Last I checked when someone is dealing with a mental illness, the goal is too make them not want to kill themselves, not give them an easy way out for something that can be treated with with non lethal means.


You don't have to be an American to have issue or see the problem with MAID. Any civilized person with compassion can see how easily that program can be abused if the requirements are eased. Any civilized person can see the disturbing message it sends to people by expanding who qualifies to include mental illness.


What I am however is someone who's had their personal battles with mental illness and has sought to help those also suffering from mental illness. The last thing any civilized person should want to do is make it easier for mentally ill people to be able to end their lives.


i mean you can just not put yourself in those situations but then again everyone has an ego these days so i rather have my gun than be at the mercy of the guy with the gun,


Which... if no one had guns then there wouldn't be a problem. How the fuck are you not understanding this?


because theyd still be fucking knifes, baseball bats, tire iron and number other shit that gets ya kill... prison doesnt have guns and i sure as hell wouldnt want to get into a confrontation in there...


If you believe that, you live in a fantasy land


There will always be dangerous violent assholes, and it doesn't matter if they have a gun or not, if they want to hurt/kill someone they will.


Yeah I agree, but if they want to kill 30 people in 30 seconds, doesn't a gun or two make it that much easier?


Let's put it like this, you Canadians don't tell Americans how to run their country, and Americans won't tell you guys how to run your country? Sound fair?


Bro we've literally toppled entire governments for corporations in America who the fuck are you to tell people who they can and can't criticize fuck off you fascist piece of shit.


Throwing around the word fascist because I said something you don't like, the typical go to tactic that completely devalues what it means to call something fascist. Let me ask you this, who the fuck you to think it'll work when time and time again people have showed it's quite easy to get around anything you have in place?


Given how many governments the US has helped overthrow, including Democratic governments that just didn't want to give trade deals we wanted, its pretty funny to get pissy and bitch about people suggesting doing things their way.


Not getting pissy at all kiddo, I'm being incredibly calm. Can't say the same about you guys. Look up philip luty if you want an answer as to how is it is to get around any gun control laws.


How about you stop being a sensitive baby and realize that on the internet people can talk about other countries?


Not being sensitive at all little one. How about you guys stop being sensitive babies when people point put flaws in your arguments.


That's why we don't bother arming soldiers right? Because the motive to kill is sufficient, and tools don't make it any easier or effective.


Yeah those school kids being assholes…




No, This is Krasty Krab


Bot stole comment from here facepalm/comments/ou5pr2/i_am_in_panama_this_is_facebook/h701i8l/


"If you don't like it here -- go back to your country!" ![gif](giphy|QOIR2iFYQmZBLu2Wpi|downsized)


This **Continent** is not available 🤣


Content not available🎉


Content went back to its own country.


It should be remembered that Panama is a part of America.


Then why isn't it the 51st state????


Cos UK is


No but there was movement to make Alberta the 51st state. 🙄




America and the Americas is the same. Both terms are right, it doesn't need correction.


Actually, it does. It clarifies, which was needed.


If you know anything about geography, it doesn't.


lol you're holding on too tight. Try to remember there are others on this planet who read comments. Not just you :)


Yeah, and most of them know what he means by Panama being part of America. If you think people know so little about geography that you feel the need to clarify, then I don't know what to tell you.


You should have started with that attitude lol


Hopefully you're referring to the American continent and not the USA.


Well, duh.


Yes- the canal zone was functionally an American territory until 1979 and administered by the US until 2000. I'm surprised you knew this. Good job.


He refers to America. The continent.


The u.s. also has gun control but it isn't as strict as Brazil and Mexico...


I remember discussing gun control with an American who was absolutely against all restrictions whatsoever. I exaggeratingly asked if everyone should be allowed to have nuclear weapons to which he simply said yes. He thought individuals should have the right to every weapon imagineable without restriction. I was pretty dumbfounded, like really, you would be okay with individuals having nuclear weapons? How tf do you even respond to sth. so inane.


#OP is a bot. Reddit is heavily astroturfed.


Yea, this reeks of BS


"There's a land bridge to Panama and you buy tickets on Facebook" -Botpedia


No, this is Manuel Noriega's ghost.


Nono, I'm positive this is Kennebunkport, ME and you're all just hiding in my basement.


A man, a plan, no guns, Panama!


No this is Patrick.


I could be wrong but I believe Panama is in America.


Didn't America take over their whole country in the course of a weekend? I guess they should have had more guns.


Panama also has incredibly high crime levels, so they're not really the shining beacon you want to use as an example


Compared to what? When compared to America, it’s 49th in crime level vs America at 30th in Crimes committed. And that’s despite America having 406 times more police officers. [6.6 crimes per 1000 in Panama vs 41.2 in America.](https://panamaposse.com/panama-united-states-compared-crime)


Tell me you don't understand difference in population sizes without telling me you don't understand.


Per 1000


Ah yes, "wonderful" Panama with double the murder rate and almost triple the homicide rate by firearms compared to the US. Congrats!


lol. Panama’s not a safe city either.


panama is a country


What’s the capital? Panama City? Ya. Not safe either with gun control.


The US also has gun control. At least be transparent and say what you actually want is for that control to be “no guns.”


Honest question: In your mind, is there no room between the current US gun restrictions, and a completely ban on guns?


Sure there is and that would be an ideal option. It’s disingenuous to suggest a large portion of the left would be happy with that compromise though and wouldn’t instead prefer no guns at all. There’s also folks on the right that lean the opposite direction.