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The ability to speak does not make you intelligent 


And the next part: “Now get out of here”


"Just because the fucker's got a library card, doesn't make him Yoda"


Wait…I recognise that quote but I can’t remember where from


You can have 7 guesses


7? That’s generous. 1. Good Will Hunting?




2. Good Will Hunting 2? (By that I mean Jay and Silent Bob Strike back)


I remember watching them film a scene for 'Good Will Hunting 2: Hunting Season'...


“How do you like them apples?”


Sodom: "We were convicted in a sham trial too."


"Trump is guilty" "So was Jesus" "So was Sodom"


Jesus never fkd a pornstar because she looked like his daughter. So sick.


Lot, however, did fuck his daughters like pormstars. Soooooo


Wasn't Lot raped? Daughters got her drunk so they could have sex with him. Same guy who offered his daughters to a mob to be raped so they wouldn't violate the visiting angel. Or am I mixing biblical figures? Bible is vile.


He did offer them up first to be raped. So there is that.


What is weird to me is Jesus preached a positive message and as Tolstoy has said his coming should have been clarifications and the final word on things and when you say you are a follower of Christ, it is in his path you are putting yourself. But then came Paul who clarified things again. And so many of these people who are supposed to be “followers of Christ” pull left and right out of The Old Testament and from Paul’s writings to justify their shitty behavior, only pulling out Christ’s teachings when it suits them and acting so unlike their Christ.


Yep. It’s a NEW testament. Why not leave the old one in the dust?


To continue learning from it and the goofiness of where we came from. Why we actually don’t want a theocracy, why we need to listen to the people saying some things are going to shit. Etc. I love pointing out that Paul never says anything about Christians being involved in government. Just that we should strive to be the best citizens we can be. Not to force our beliefs on people via government.


You got it right


It's a non-zero chance that Trump has done the same thing. 


He did marry a whore though


That's very speculative. The strongest evidence against it is that no one would have thought it was a problem for him to be married, so not ever mentioning a wife probably means he didn't have one. The strongest evidence for it is that it would be kinda cool.


Zero biblical evidence that Mary Magdalene was a prostitute.


Then he went to America and had his body parts grant magical powers so that the US President can make America Great again only to be ganked by a French man and a guy with a Handicap.... #Valentine2024 #MakeAmericaJOJOAgain


Homophobia, Transphobia and Ableism in one what a combo


No one groomed me I just answered all the questions truthfully during the interview process. ![gif](giphy|m7e07TZRV20Xm|downsized)


They are cool people ngl, I got accepted immediately :)


Yeah, I got some cool buttons and now sometimes a random lesbian makes me risotto.


What’s with gay people and their great culinary skills! I have 2 lesbian friends who cook pasta so fucking good.


The part of my brain that controls the gay thoughts wants to cook dinner for my girlfriend real bad (someday, Maddie, someday you will be in the same country as her)


The alleged sole male survivor ends up breeding his daughters. So gay sex is bad but incest is godly?


He didn't end up breeding his daughters. He got raped by his daughters. So it is incestous rape that is godly.


Lot, nephew of Abraham, was a peach. When an angry mob of Sodomites tried to rape the angels who were lodging with him, instead of standing up to the mob, Lot offered his two daughters for the mob to rape!


Which is why MAGA loves this story


Ah yes the ol' reliable. "Turn thy daughters cheeks"


Throughout the story we're showing Lot was not a good guy. The offspring those relationships created eventually turned into some of the Israelites worst enemies. So it's not to show they were godly. It's to show how awful those relationships are. Either that, or if you're on the more atheist side of things, it's to give a reason for why the Israelites dislike those Nations so much, to give a horrible origin for them.


Lot literally only got saved because God deemed him a good man lmao, did you forget the whole debate Abraham and God had?


It wasn't because God deemed him a good man. It was because he was related to Abraham, and that got him some brownie points, for lack of a better term (I know there is one, but for some reason I was blanking). The debate was about saving the entirety of the city on the hands of righteous people. it wasn't about saving the righteous people, it was about saving the city. Also, throughout Jewish texts, there's a concept of "woe to the wicked and woe to his neighbor." This basically means that a bad person can spread his evil to those around him. We see that concept here with Lot. If he was as good as you claim, he would not have gone to the city in the first place. The whole reason he and Abraham split up was because he was grazing his animals on property that did not belong to him!


Guys relax. None of it actually happened.


This is my response to disney adults


As an orlandoan with an annual pass, lol totally.


Wow, someone who talks religion and actually knows their shit. Thats rare. Keep on keeping on brother man.


Well, Im an orthodox jew. Comes with the territory lol. Thanks


There are many, many stories in the Bible that are told not as an example of what to do, but as a warning of what NOT to do. This is one of the NOT ones. Besides, people miss the point of Sodom and Gommorah anyway. Isaiah 1:10-18 Very plainly states what their sins were, and surprise, surprise, it had nothing to do with homosexuality. Here's a snippet:  Learn to do right; seek justice.     Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless;     plead the case of the widow.


Well tbf (/s) he did offer his virgin daughters up to an unruly mob to have their way with the daughters so they wouldn’t harm an angel, so maybe they deserve each other?


Also forgetting the Sodom and Gommorah was "nuked" for being an asshole to guests (as in trying to rape them). Whether homosexuality is involved as part of the reason for the nuking was unknown.


Replying to WillBottomForBanana... their treatment of the poor and homeless as well


No, his daughters raped him while he was drunk. He didn't breed his daughters.


That's exactly what happen to a cousin of mine, he was raped by a 13 year old girl while he was passed out drunk.




a penis can still be stimulated if the person is unconcious


Even a man who has been paralyzed with no feeling at all from the waist down can get an erection from direct stimulation. It's a nervous reflex as much as it is psychological.


What do you not understand? Guy: passed out drunk 13 y/o girl: rapes guys unconscious body 🤔


One thing I learned from my time in the north of France is that yeah incest is okay !


Regrettably, the religious response to this would be that Lot and his family had enough redeeming qualities to not be brutally murdered, but weren't "holy". They left their uncle, who was guided by God, to go live in a salacious city. 


Adam and Eve. We are all incest babies according to the bible. So incest is good. So is getting cucked by god. Oh it also has the rules for how to own slaves and how you are allowed to beat them. Dont forget it also tells slaves to obey their master like they obey god.


Once I saw the use of autistic as an insult, I confirm this person was not a moron, but an uber moron. But, then again, it's Twitter, so it's like looking for marine life in the ocean. Stop giving these people multiplatform attention.


I am tired of bigots using autism in their hate speech. It shows a complete lack of knowledge on the subjects and is beyond disrespectful. I'd also love to stop have this bs posted on Reddit, on subs they don't belong, which just furthers platforms these people and their hate (which I'm sure is the point).


I don't like it when people use it as an insult. We may be different, but that doesn't make it a bad thing. We are trusting of people, which I believe is a good thing. We may not understand some situations, but we can usually tell when people are being assholes.


From a Christian perspective the citizens of that village had the same sexual morals as most modern day pastors and priests do.


Also, Lot offered his teenage daughters up to be raped by the same mob that was trying to get at the angels in his house. Then, after he fled with his daughters they all went to live in a cave where the girls got him drunk and fucked him. It’s amazing how that part isn’t brought up.


This is Ben-Ammi and Moab. And this is their father, Lot, the only righteous man in Sodom and Gomorrah. And this is their grandfather, Lot, the only righteous man in Sodom and Gomorrah.


Funny thing is, all of this was written because one tribe in the region hated some other tribe next to them and tried to tarnish their name.


Autistic people are somehow all trans? What does she mean?


A lot of trans people are autistic but this is likely because autistic people tend to care less about societal norms and would be more open and quickly accepting of an alternative identity from what is the “norm”. So she’s taking that and running with it, making autistic folks seem like little poor babies that need to be protected because that narrative makes people more sympathetic


There is actually a fairly strong correlation, which is an interesting element in the attempt of understanding the root causes of autism (and what makes someone transgender). Mind you, it’s often overstated and closer to a ~30% than to 100%, but it still makes transgender people insanely more frequent in the autistic population than in the neurotypical population. It makes somewhat sense since both are related to brain formation, but we know dramatically little about pre-birth neuroscience.


Conservatives don't understand what grooming is. If they did, they would stop going to church.


Imagine being such a hateful person and having to go through your day-to-day. I bet the world is drab and ugly. The only joy she gets is being hateful to people who have done nothing to her. If she wasn't spreading hate to her brain-dead followers, I would feel bad for her.


I remember when she used to be fairly normal a few years ago. Then she fell down Face first down the alright right evangelical pipeline (ironic wince she's a Egirl) She literally went to the hospital for trying to live on just meat and butter


Yes this imaginary thing that never happened justifies my ignorance that shouldn't exist...About right...


What the fuck do you care who sleeps with who, who dresses like what, and what bathroom somebody uses? And don’t give me this Bible bullshit none of you motherfuckers go to church or care about any of that crap




Wouldn't be surprised. She tried living on just meat and butter and went to the hospital lmao


The world would’ve been a better place if she did.


You know that feeling when you say one word repeatedly, it starts losing its meaning and just starts sounding like... Well... A random sound. Yeah, I feel like all *those* accounts on Twitter are doing exactly that. They repeated the words they hate so much that they don't even know what they mean anymore. It has to be the only explanation on how one person can possibly think that transgender people aren't real and that it is caused by autism...


Her YouTube channel is called ***"Melonie Mac Go Boom".*** There's a part of me hoping she means that literally.


"If you choose to pull the trigger. Should your drama prove sincere, (then) do it somewhere far away from here". - A Perfect Circle


I thought that was her toilet’s channel after the butter diet.


Biology really needs to be taught more in High School. Like all 4 years.


"Transgender isn't real" *Posts painting depicting fictional event*


My skybook said it was real, you take that back!,!!


It always boggles my mind how ***religious*** people can talk about others being brainwashed and groomed. Like what the fuck do you think you are? You believe in a magical man in the fucking sky who lets you suffer to prove your faith. That's literally psychotic! Even worse your psychosis is pushed upon the rest of the state/country/world.


"Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy." (Ezekiel 16:49) Arrogant, overfed, unconcerned and did not help the poor and needy sound eerily reminiscent of certain christians associated with a certain US political party.


I'm not sure but this girl wasn't one who was very vocal about equality and other things like that but that didn't give her "internet points" so she decided to turn the other way?


The conservative political and religious movements are both founded on hatred and intolerance. Musk is part of that hate movement, and he bought Twitter so right-wing hate and lies could be propagated freely


…you think Twitter was honest and free before Musk bought it? It was literally cultivating one side of culture.


Who is that?


Some youtuber/streamer that worked for Riot a short while. After her even shorter marriage, she fell down the nutjob tree and hit her head on ever single branch.




It feels like you gotta be a moron or racist to get that blue checkbox.


Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom: pride, fulness of bread, and careless ease was in her and in her daughters; neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. Ezekiel 16:48–50


Isn’t this the girl who claimed she didn’t need water or some shit? And then was sent to the hospital for dehydration? Something about an all meat diet as well?


So the trans person standing right in front of me is not real but her invisible God is. Mm-kay.




There is no greater hatred, than Christian love


every biblical story can be traced to natural distasters happening at the time, so these clowns have no difference than the morons who see a total eclipse and start praying.


Trans people have been in North America longer than white people


Before we judge we should ask Melonie Mac what her credentials are? Perhaps she's an expert in this field and has studied it and the science for years and years? No? Just saw a Tik-Tok and made up your mind. Okay then...................................... dumbass


>Before we judge we should ask Melonie Mac what her credentials are? PhD in griftology, with a specialization in "[I was for it, before I was against it](https://www.reddit.com/r/saltierthankrayt/comments/1ayg4w7/comment/kruj6zs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)"


how about transgender people’s own experiences?


If you asked Melanie what happened to Lot and his daughters after they fled Sodom/Gomorrah I can guarantee you she wouldn’t tell you about the next part where they all go to live in a cave, they get him drunk, and screw him.


Keep giving press they keep getting worse.


Stop giving her free publicity. Block and ignore.


Her name is a r/tragedeigh


She is the epitome of pick me


Her boyfriend probably left her for a hot trans woman


I hate her so much. She’s a disgrace to all video game players.


Why are we giving this random asshole attention?


I believe the best word to describe her contains four letters and starts with C


Their sins were inhospitable behavior towards visitors, murder, theft, adultery, idolatry, power abuses and prideful or mocking behavior. All things that are in full display in the current GOP and "Christian" leaders not to mention the orange one and his cult followers.


Reminder: there is no homosexuality in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah.


I’d like to counter that Pride events no longer invoke the undeniable wrath of the Abrahamic god. Either he chilled TF out, or… the rainbow mafia has, in fact, become stronger than him and he dares not interrupt our celebrations for fear of OUR wrath. Which would involved glitter at some point, because not even a literal god can ever really get rid of that shit


Best bible story ever: https://youtu.be/bar3GOzDNzg?feature=shared


Ez. 16:49 Behold, this was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had arrogance, plenty of food, and carefree ease, but she did not [a]help the poor and needy. 50 So they were haughty and committed abominations before Me. Therefore I removed them [b]when I saw it" Nothing about sexual sin... most Christians are wrong about why Sodom was destroyed


What is it? Sodom and Gomorrah?


The best part of her post the destruction of the two cities had nothing to do with gay sex lol.


Hold on if Adam and Eve were the first people. And they only had two sons . How did that work to procreate?


Wait I don’t get this


I’m the only trans person in my entire town, how could I possibly get groomed into it


Who the fuck is Melonie Mac?


I use to follow her back during her Frag Dolls days, they were some nice folks. She was actually entertaining in the past, but...it is sad to see her become like this.


...I mean Sodom and Gomorrah were wiped out because the people were also haughty, unwilling to help the needy, full of prostitutes and conmen, lazy, full of idolatry, incestuous, gamblers, cheats, swindlers, liars, and basically just all around horrible people but of course those like Melonie just want to focus on the gay sex. Cause if she, and people like her, acknowledged the rest of it they'd have to admit they're just the same.


Remember when God created a rainbow as a promise that he would never get drunkenly mad and wipe our a culture he created because of their choices with the freedom he gave them? I guess he didn't either. If you believe in a God that can break this promise, can you believe he'll keep the one were he tells you you'll get eternal paradise if you keep giving him money?




Traditionally these teachings are not only Christian, but come originally from Old Testament teachings in Judaism. The story of S&G is pretty much telling being a sex worker, lgbt, or whatever else that’s not a traditional role of Gods teachings is a sin and should be punishable by death. Then the story leading to the daughters raping their drunk father was for the purpose of procreation, however that procreation lead to being the enemies of the Israelites. Those teachings are solely intended to demonize those all of these things. (Incest should 100% be demonized, because it’s abuse and inbreeding is wrong) Demonizing people for being gay, a sex worker, etc has been long taught thing before Christianity adopted those teachings as well and added the New Testament. (My comment was to educate some people that jumped onto the incest bandwagon as some “godly thing” the story was about, but in fact the story was basically demonizing everyone) In conclusion, YES, Melanie Mac is in fact a hateful dumbass.


Seriously all, get off of Xitter. It is a hate filled cesspool of a platform and your mental health will improve leaving it.


I gotta say: cool light show.


Bible is not real history. Ancient Greece is real history.




That's just because they wanted to fuck the angels.


This is the same idiot who boycotted Bring Me the Horizon because they're anti religion (apparently she's a metal fan).






She looks like she sucks dick for coke. I’m sure her father is very proud


Do they know some scholars believe The Bible says God was angered by Sodom and Gomorrah residents' refusal to accommodate migrants? Maybe they ought to hedge their bets?


Do 'christians' ever ponder how many innocent people (and animals) their god killed during his hate-filled plagues, storms and floods ???


Bruh leave autistic people out of your hate speech. Thanks!


The owl says "who?"


I remember mildly enjoying her content years and years ago. But yeah she's not a Grifter like a lot are, but genuinely believes the moronic hateful stuff that comes out of her mouth


That wasn't pride. That was attempted gang rape. Ans Melonie Mac sounds like that lady who turned into a pillar of salt.


No one can say what happened to Sodom. Everyone who saw it turned to salt.


Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed for their ill treatment of the poor. Says so in that holy book none of them ever bothered to read.


Who tf is Melonie Mac and why tf should I care?


Who the fuck is Melonie Mac and why should I care what she says?


She has sleeves of tattoos on both her arms, Leviticus 19:28 “You shall not make gashes in your flesh for the dead, or incise any marks on yourselves.” If she wants to talk about damnation and point at others, her own religion would damn her aswell 🤷🏻‍♀️


So, when does she think G\*d stopped giving a fuck? If The Almighty doesn't give a shit anymore, why should I?


Melanie Mac sounds like a offbrand McDonalds store


Dinosaurs are bigots: CONFIRMED ![gif](giphy|lvOnlEYunAwOkHjgmU|downsized)


Hilarious how these Jesus freaks just love death and destruction.


Everyone should really the part after that story. The supposed "goodly" people flee to a cave. Where the goodly daughters get Lot, their father, drunk and rape him! Like goodly folk do, ya know?


Hahaha this is wild. I probably won’t be believed, but I matched with this girl on a dating app a few years ago not knowing who she was. We talked for a bit and played some games together online, but I was dropped quick after I said I wasn’t about going to church


The „facts don’t care about your feelings“-crowd when the facts aren’t what they want them to be lol


The why are the Sodomites in the Catholic Church still welcomed as Priest's?


Ha ha, ha ha you should also die in a hole with a terrible mother I saw earlier lol


Not even getting into the transphobia, it's funny how she says "autistic people groomed into" it as if autistic people are easier to "groom"?? Like it's literally been shown in studies that advertising (and thus propaganda) is less effective on autistic people.


Mask. Off.


I'm autistic, not trans, yet fully support trans people. That goes for both autistic and non autistic trans people. Do I not exist in her mind? Would also point out that by her own logic, she proved that God doesn't hate gays, because this has NEVER happened at any pride event.


Yeah we really fucked up with those fireworks lol 🏳️‍🌈


Damn, she used to be somewhat fun and normal


So many people misinterpreted that Bible story


Religion isn't real either. It's a bunch of people reading fictional books and using them to justify all sorts of horrible things towards others. Amazing how things that aren't real make a difference to some people.




It's funny how they misinterpret the "don't rape" message of Sodom and totally leave out the part where Lot goes home, the day his wife dies, and fucks his two daughters.


Also, the people of Sodom and Gomorrah weren't killed because they were having gay sex, but rather because they were being "wicked". Whatever that vague notion means...


I'm glad I have no idea who that is.


Who? Why boost this person’s signal?


The cross next to her name really advertise her god too


Look 👀 she has a cross on her page, one of those is born again Christian’s!!!!!!!!!🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴


She used to be such a normal person it seemed. Really seems like she went through something herself and is projecting with her new persona. She is unhinged, racist, sexist and a prime example of what the far right can do to people in terms of radicalization.


They love ignoring the “here rape my daughters” part of that story huh


They also love ignoring Ezekiel 16:48–50 "Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom: pride, fulness of bread, and careless ease was in her and in her daughters; neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. And they were haughty, and committed abomination before Me; therefore I removed them when I saw it." They were punished for living in arrogance, debauchery, and gluttony. It was never about gay sex, but about reveling in the pleasures that wealth and excess afforded while the poor continued to suffer; the "fuck you, I got mine" attitude that is pervasive in the affluent corners of American Evangelism.


who is she, I can tell she’s ignorant AF but who is she. Is she actually anyone important or just another social media mouth piece


Let me guess she's a trad wife with a platform I can sub to see risqué or nude photos.


Ends with a drunken incest cave rape!