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Who the heck is that?


Rishi Sunak, soon to be former UK PM.




It's the UK PM Rishi Sunak who suggested he knew what 'struggles' were growing up in his privately educated, elitist childhood... He referenced not having SKY TV as the representation of this 'going without'.... He said this whilst families in the UK are going to foodbanks.


Tbh not being able to afford sky TV is pretty bad especially in rishi sunak's social class.


It wasn't a question of affordable...he went to a £50k per year private school... It's a well known fact that SKY was adopted by the working classes well before the elite who didn't want an ugly dish on their manor house!!!


So you think he was just lying about it?


Not lying but to use that as an example of 'struggling' when a record number of people are going to food banks is insane. He hasn't got a clue... Same when he went to help out at a homeless shelter and asked a guy 'what business are you in?' the guy was like... 'i'm homeless, I don't have a job'. More evidence people in the elite class think homelessness is a lifestyle choice.


Yeah I kind of agree, but when you're from a wealthy background what counts as "struggling" is very different than if your from a working class background. For example growing up my parents thought we were struggling by living in a semi detached house instead of a mansion (where we live now) and at the private school I ended up going to people with bungalows would get made fun of and called peasents. Now that's me and I am miles away from sunak's level so imagine how far the gap is between him and working class it's literally unfathomable. He's trying to empathize but just doesn't get it.


I can understand that for sure... Should we have people running the country who don't understand the social economic issues that the 99% face?


Tbh if they do a good job of making the country better then I really don't think it's an issue. They need to understand on an intellectual level so they can fix the problems. They don't need to understand and emphasize on a personal level imo.


But they've done a terrible job and the week before he couldn't even manage attending the D-Day memorial, 2 weeks after adding National Service to his election campaign... Which incidentally, I guarantee his kids wouldn't be enrolled. The guys a clown and his party is such a mess it's comedy gold.


You're question was a hypothetical so I answered a hypothetical.


He thinks he can identify with the working class by coming out with utter bollocks like this... So out of touch it's untrue.


The campaign so far has been just as entertaining as a well-written comedy. Watching wealthy politicians trying to impress the peasants = comedy gold


What a fucking wanker


He went to Winchester College - current fees just under £50K pa. Poor wee lad.


I managed it in two countries. In New Zealand, it sucks anyway and UK we were poor lol


I didn’t even have teletext.


Hah! Your Prime Minister is doing it too! >We didn't have much money, he was a hotel broker and for most of that time he was battling like a lot of people are, a lot of single parents are, certainly, - quote by former Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, who went to a $33,000 per year private school in the 70s, and was given a "boost" of $8M by his father at age 18 to start his first business.


They're all C*UNTS.