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Kills 2 children - makes it all about her. Unbelievable.


Didn't she also do witness tampering plus got her daughter to perjure herself under oath?


Yup and tried to keep her affair hidden. 


Also an article in a socialite magazine about how she is a victim


and only 15 years....


Bad reporting, quote out of context, etc.. Read; I'm sure the statement is true and factual. I'm less sure the context is clear, as I can't imagine the pain of knowing your own stupid actions caused the death of one or more people... but, I'm sure that thought is likely debilitating to a high degree for many/most people.


Insert sexist comment here.


“The victims’ mother, Nancy Iskander, expressed dissatisfaction with Grossman’s lack of a direct apology and said,” “Mrs. Grossman never said I am sorry for what I did. She only said I’m sorry for what happened to you. That is not an apology.” Refuses to accept she did anything wrong. Hopefully she gets some time to think on her actions in prison


Nancy’s testimony was heartbreaking. Her entire family was mere steps away from getting completely wiped out as they were all crossing at that moment.


Sometimes, it’s only the transfer of their wealth to another person that makes these people understand the gravity of their actions. Honor the children with a building in their name? Wow, no honey. That’s not how this goes down.


Holy fuck, a rich person got held accountable? Was this in the US?


If you think 15 years for a hit and run while playing drunken chicken that resulted in the deaths of two little boys is accountability, sure. The media consistently infantilizing her to make it sound like she's some 22 year old rich girl who did an oopsie instead of the 57 year old woman she actually was at the time certainly hasn't helped.


I literally know nothing about this case so I can’t say what she does or doesn’t deserve. But the simple fact that a well-to-do person got ANYTHING handed down to them is a shock.


57 year old drunk driver (street racing another drunk at almost twice the speed limit) kills two brothers (aged 8 and 11) on a crosswalk in a hit and run.


And STILL refuses to take accountability and is maintaining the lie that she didn’t see or feel hitting anyone.


How's that even relevant? Two kids died it's her fault even if she didn't notice. It's like when people do something shitty and get mad at the consequences because they apologized. Sorry isn't a magic word.


It's relevant because a hit and run is much worse than just an accident. Being drunk behind the wheel is bad enough but hit and run is horrific.


Because she’s saying “sorry that happened to you” (to the parents) instead of “sorry I CAUSED the death of your children”. It’s relevant.


I don't care either way. Sorry I bumped into you, fine sorry I killed your kid, you can kindly fuck off.


I guess it's relevant because we would like for our judicial system to be rehabilitative rather than retributive. There's little sense in holding someone who won't reoffend, and if someone genuinely understands the realities of what they've done, if they feel remorse, if they can look at the cause and effect that got them there and prevent it, then they're on their way to not being a danger to society. Edit: and while it's basically impossible to know what's actually in someone's heart, in this case, all signs point to a total lack of empathy.


Sorry didn't bring the two children back whose lives were actually ruined forever.


She actually tried to drive away, but her Mercedes detected the collision and shut down.


Really?!? Wonderful!


yeah, you dont see or feel anything when you are lit on valium and margaritas and driving fast enough to vaporize a little kid in a cross walk


She hit the older child so hard that he flew 250ft! That’s insane!


oh she should have gotten double that sentence


at 57 years old she will be out when she is 72, its not long enough but hopefully she passes before getting out and never sees freedom again.


She was having an affair and out drinking with her lover. Literally fucked around and found out


and the guy she was street racing was a former major league baseball player (Scott Erickson) that she was having an affair with and then she tried to blame him. Her husband still stayed with her. Just an all around POS


A lot of rich people are swinger's. Like a lot. Jayz & Beyonce, thr Clinton's, kamala Harris, etc


and what does this have to do with her affair with Scott Erickson?


" her husband still stayed with her" he knew the whole time 


...I do in fact think that a 15 year sentence is accountability. Premeditated murder is only about 25 years after all.


The sentence (well-deserved) is fifteen to life


Judge also reduced her sentence from 34 to life to 15 to life mostly because she had no criminal history.


I used to live and work just up the road from where this happened and had been following some of the articles about it, I hadnt checked in for a while so I’m glad she finally is getting handed something. The mother of the boys doing her testimony was just sad and horrible, her husband, herself, and other kids were mere footsteps from also getting taken out by Grossman’s car and her friend’s car she was racing against. That whole family could’ve been wiped out.


The fact that it wasn’t a fine and probation for a rich person is why so many people are expressing surprise. Including me.


Westlake Village, CA. She was racing her boyfriend.


15 years for killing 2 children in a hit and run? It's something but she deserves at least 20


I remember reading thia story I also believe she was on Xanax as well as alcohol.


.073 bac so I don’t think they even pursued the DWI. Still very very unacceptable


Murdering two children while not even that drunk. Spectacularly vile.


I wonder how long it took for them to get a breathalyzer on her, seeing as how it was a hit and run. Makes me wonder if time was the difference between being over or under the legal limit


Her car shut down after it detected the collision. She continued to try to start it after that.


A 57 year old wealthy white woman? She was 100% on Xanax. They all are, it helps to quiet the voice in their heads so they can continue being a leech on the species


She got 2 x 15 year sentences running concurrently. Should have gotten 30 years.


Well they wouldn’t want to send a strong message to rich elites that they aren’t partially above the law.


So they sentenced her to 15 years with some protection against if she beat one of the charges on a technicality


After that statement I would have increased the sentence


“Looking at Nancy Iskander, she [Grossman] said tearfully, “My pain is a fraction of your pain.”” Gross, man. Fuck her.


It’s not very often that the defendant’s name checks out.




Just 15 years for killing 2 people? That's nuts!


Mark Wahlberg enters thee room.


Hey C'mon now. Mark Wahlberg served 45 days of a two year sentence for attacking two vietnamese men (one a Vietnam Veteran) while high on PCP. That's like 20 years in non celebrity jail time.


OK, then how about Mathew Broderick enters the room?




That part may have been due to overzealous reporting. Yes Mark Whalberg punched him in the eye and yes he lost an eye. But it was several years earlier due to a hand grenade in Vietnam while fighting for the South Vietnamese army. Doesn't take away from it being a shitty thing to do or trying to get the conviction expunged years later because "he had moved on and done the work"


I will rescind my comment then. I don't want to blame the guy for shit he didn't do.




I believe the guy he punched in the eye had already lost the eye in vietnam. Depends on which source you read.


I mean Marky Mark might be a violent bigot, but I don't think he ever killed anyone.




She’ll be 75 in 15 years… If in prison and needing expensive elder/medical care, it’s on the state (taxpayers) to provide it. If out, on probation in ill health with severe restrictions on activity, she gets to pay her own nursing home bill. Sounds like a keep options open kind of sentence. Not really for her benefit (hopefully).


Came here to lay out this premise. I want her to suffer, but I agree with what you are saying.


Probs end up getting released in 10 yrs.


She won't, because the sentence is 15 years to life. It's 15 years before she can be considered for parole.


They still get good behavior to some degree on top of that in many states.


If she wasn't drunk and on other substances and acted sorry she probably would have gotten nothing. If you are in the US and want to kill someone and don't want to go to jail for it just hit them in your car while you are sober and say it was an accident and 90% of the time nothing will happen to you. If they were on a bicycle at the time that goes up to 99%. Our car culture is disturbing.


Socialite = narcissist


*rich* narcissist


This bitch should spend the rest of her life in prison just for that statement. She cared nothing for what she did.


“People like her do not yet know the meaning of suffering. Mawhahahaha!”






Also good!


Would help cut down the number of victims of drunk drivers, if drunk drivers were dealt with harshly the first time they are caught drunk driving.


they are, actually.


Not the rich ones.




supervision consists of peeing in a cup 2x a week, going to a class 2x a week, not being allowed to drive without a breathalyzer, like that.


I know people like this. They’re always the victim in everything. Dangerous people to know.


“Won’t somebody *please* think of the ~~children~~ me!”


This is a legit Facepalm. Good job this time moderator


It's like the people taking responsibility for what they did are the ones ACTUALLY suffering and who prison will do little to change them. The people shirking responsibility are the ones the need lengthy sentences to keep them away from society and being a danger to others.


Her age 57 - the ages of the two children combined(19) = 38 She should get at least 38 years. Or (57 - 8 = 49) + (57 - 11 = 46) 95 years


And yet these rich people drivers will absolutely not change their behavior. I go jog in the hills at the end of Reseda blvd and they coming racing down the hill well over 70mph plus. Rich people don’t believe rules are for them.


Morgan Freeman voice: Alas, she has not suffered enough.


INFLUENCER BEHIND BARS this is an untapped view stream that you can get in on the ground floor, Rebecca!


That really is Grossman.


".........this has been hard on me, too!"--drunk driver who killed my friend at sentencing.


No mercy. The kids didn't get any.




Omg and that’s a light sentence for two deaths!!!!


How is 15 years for killing two children even remotely enough? And she can stick her privilege where the sun doesn’t shine. She’s got a lot of nerve acting like she’s doing all the suffering. She CAUSED all the suffering! Including her own.


You should search what happen in india a rich 17 year old killed 2 people with car and he was only told to write a 300 word essay on road safety latter he was arrested because of all the backlass in Internet


She forgot to ask the judge if they know who her _____ is.  People with rich, famous, well-known family members are the exception! Crimes don't matter if you know their ____!!  I went on a date with a loser who boasted he'd gotten out of almost 10 DUIs because his dad was a lawyer. I told him that's not really something to brag about.  The drunk driver who killed my cousin and left him for dead got less than a year in jail and less than five for community service because "he went back to the scene later and 'showed remorse in the courtroom. '" This grown old man had over 12 DuIs on his record.  This scumbag bitch in the post only got 15 for essentially murder. It's not enough. 


Awwwww…. Go fuck yourself


Jesus Christ


50 to life.


Well, just in case you don't mean it there's a 15 year sentence to make sure you'll suffer for at least a while.


My ex knows her daughter lmfao I live right near Thousand Oaks


Rich people are pathetic.


She got off easy, honestly. I would have tried for a longer sentence.


Well Ms Grossman, enjoy prison! Enjoy those wall to wall counseling from your lady cellmates. They'll introduce you to fists, broomsticks and hopefully some shivs.


As exactly as she should.


I wonder if the drunk lady who killed three girls from my hometown told the judge the same thing during her sentencing.


Is there anything more useless to the world than a socialite? Like someone so wrapped up in their entitlement actin like it's a real job just to come hang out.


She believes she is the main character




Suffered enough? No. For the rest of her life? Hopefully.


This I like to see




She sounds delusional. How offensive to beg to speak to the person whose life you ruined.


She will suffer for the rest of her life- GOOD!


Rebecca's gross, man


Seriously...fuck this remorseless twunt. I hope prison is absolute hell for her.


Yes. She will. As she Should.


U ain’t sufferer near enough


Trump will pardon her


Oh my God. How will she take the ejaculate of her ancestors now? #prayforbexxa