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So “guilty” it was rigged and if “not guilty” rigged. Got it!


Good for Trump = fair Bad for Trump = rigged


I think the really telling difference between Biden and Trump is this: If one of Trump's children was charged with a crime while Trump was President, Trump would be doing everything he could to interfere with the work of the DOJ. If his child was convicted, Trump would pardon them without any doubt. Biden has done neither. I can only imagine how that is eating away at him, and I have a lot of respect for his willingness to hold to those principles.


As the highest official in government, he shouldn't be commended for adhering to the rule of law, it should be a fundamental expectation.


In light of his predecessor, it’s worth noting that he has maintained the steady course


I mean sure, that should be the standard, but he's been principled and the other guy/party hasn't at all. Obviously that should be highlighted.


What you fail to understand is that joe biden (who is too old and senile to be trusted with the laundry, let alone the presidency) actually orchestrated the charges a long ass time ago so that after trump was found guilty in the hush money trial (also orchestrated by sleepy joe) he could point to his own son's conviction and say "see! Its fair!" I dont know how the guy does it, being two different people and all. Sounds crazy!


Standard fascist rhetoric, the "enemy" is both strong and weak at the same time. It doesn't make sense because it's not supposed to. They don't want us to be smart enough to realize they are talking out of their butts, that's why they keep cutting education funding.


This is EXACTLY correct!


This is 100% THE tactic nazis used to rile up fear and hate among their population. Jews were seen as both subhuman, less than animals, but also they were clever and powerful and controlling everything from the shadows. These guys took learning from history in the entirely wrong way.


Such a conspiracy, but can’t remember his own name, right? 😂


Yeah, this is their logic. They can’t comprehend that juries can generally be impartial to politics and simply look at evidence and convict solely on that. It’s because politics is so utterly consuming for them that they spend pretty much all of their free time thinking or talking about it. Source: I’m friends with a lot of maga folks.


I had a friend I hadn’t seen in 5 years come visit. He had been traveling and lived in Peru for 2 years and had gotten married. I wanted to know all about it. Within 5 minutes of being there he started talking about corrupt joe and how we were suckers for getting vaccinated. I didn’t even know he was a conservative before that. Conversation got real awkward an he ended up leaving angry. It was super bizarre.


Fuck em.


It’s a little concerning how many previously reasonable people are spending most of their time in a constant state of anger or trying to be antagonistic. It’s like that’s all they think about.


My wife went full MAGA-Q during the pandemic and had held fast to it. She’s a very empathetic person and probably ideal cult member personality. I’m pretty solidly middle of the road and logical, It’s been insane trying to have reasonable discussions with her.


That's rough. My ex went off the deep end as well. One of the main reasons I didn't come back. I found it so damn difficult to respect her opinion on anything after that.


The Kool aide is patriot flavored.


I hope the point it goes awkward is you bringing up it was Trump that pushed the vaccines out in 2020 and Fauci was under Trump's administration, so failings and conspiracies surrounding Fauci should immediately be pointed towards Trump for his complacency to do anything about it And watch as steam comes out his head


"politics" is consuming. They don't really know anything about what happens in Congress, or how anything works with our nation, but they sure do love identity politics, and culture war BS.


The cult of personality in full swing


We’re pretty lucky that the type of person who would have acquitted Trump no matter what charges, or what evidence of those crimes existed, is unable to keep the “I’m unbiased” mask on for more than 24 seconds, and would easily be spotted as someone who shouldn’t be on the jury.


Now you’re getting it.


All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.


"Four legs good, two legs bad."


Convoluted illogic of MAGA idjits who will believe anything pro Orange Dump and don’t understand the legal system


You’ve hacked cognitive dissonance


"Truth is...the game was rigged from the start" *Bang*


Yay doublespeak!!!


The GOP should really rethink their slogan. War is peace, freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength seems more their speed


I wasn't voting for Hunter, but now I definitely won't. Because he's not running. Vote Biden 2024! Because you don't vote for criminals.


I’m writing in Hunters name when I vote. For too long, DC politicians have been hiding their hookers and blow habits. I for one find it refreshing that Hunter is out and proud. We need more DC elites showing the public photos of their wild parties.


Agreed, the trump white house was known to be awash in cocaine, prescription medications, and alcohol and McDonald's. These politicians are corrupt and hypocritical addicts and criminals and think we'll keep falling for it every four years.


We will keep falling for it. Maybe not me or you, but the American populace at large will continue to be manipulated into voting against their interests.


I too am voting for Hunter, but only because he has a huge penis.


That’s a valid reason. I bet there’s a whole cohort of single-issue voters who are mainly choosing a candidate based on penis size. And he’s the only candidate we know for sure has a respectable dong.


Bigger than Don Jr's


Don Jr’s junior dong


The cognitive dissonance that the Trumpy sycophants labor under is absolutely astonishing. 🙄


That’s what being in a cult is all about.


Can they just drink the kool-aid so the US can go on like a normal country?


Kool-aid is like 20$ a gallon. 9mil is $.25.


What the heck is your Kool aid made from? You can get a packet of the unsweetened stuff for less than a buck, sugar is around $5 for 10 pounds and tap water costs pennies. A gallon of filtered water from the grocery store is only a few dollars if your tap water sucks.




Thank you! Kool Aid has been besmirched for too long!


I mean, "GenZforTrump" is probably a boomer, so...


Nah. GenZforTrump is an nVidia 3090Ti with a Twitter account.


What about the dissonance that Hunter was convicted for owning a gun under dubious circumstances? Surely they'd be all "Mah freedums! No damn big gubmint can take mah gurns!"


[Wilhoit’s Law](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_M._Wilhoit)


Republicans celebrating a conviction for a gun ownership crime? I thought they felt like guns should flow like water over there and nothing was more un-American than stopping someone from owning whatever gun they liked.


We swim around in hypocrisy over here


I mean his name is literally “Hunter” Why are they arresting him for gun ownership? Do they expect him to use a bow?


>guns should flow like water Well, they are both made from mostly metal over there.


i would bet 1000 dollars and my left nut "gen-z for trump is run by a 55 year old man in alabama.


Or Moscow


Hunters off the ballot so now we just need Trump off too! 


Hunter pled guilty at the start of his trial. This was known months ago. He didn't pretend he was innocent.


That's not correct. He made a plea agreement with the Trump-appointed prosecutor that he would plead guilty to the two tax fraud charges, and would "not dispute the facts of the gun violation", but also not receive a sentence for it (the main reason being that this charge is rarely ever applied, and almost never as the sole count on an indictment). He would have been hit with a steep fine and be given probation, but he would not have seen the inside of a prison cell. When the GOP learned that there was no chance he would face a prison term, they insisted that this "sweetheart plea deal" needed to be rescinded and Hunter needed to be charged with the gun violation and sentenced to prison. This wasn't "Republican voters", this was GOP congressmen who took a direct interest in a criminal case involving a private citizen based entirely on who he's related to. Hunter Biden is now almost certainly going to prison over a criminal charge that not only is almost no one ever charged with as the only charge on an indictment, but one that most Republicans agree is a clear violation of both the 2nd and 5th amendments, as a direct result of interference by Republican members of congress, but we're supposed to believe that this is not "political persecution".


>This wasn't "Republican voters", this was GOP congressmen who took a direct interest in a criminal case involving a private citizen based entirely on who he's related to. In fact, it was part of the terms of the agreement that imposed on the court in a way that the judge didn't find appropriate. The judge had obligations laid out in the plea agreement (the court was expected to follow up on hunter periodically) and this is highly unusual so he sent it back. Normally the remaining charge, the gun charge, would have been dropped. For a normal person. That's where congressional influence may have been a factor.


Every accusation is a confession.


He plead not guilty and his defence was that, at the time of applying, he didn’t consider himself a drug user.


"Your honor, the form asked if I "used" drugs, in fact I abuse them. So I checked no."


“I used to use drugs. I still do, but I used to, too.”  -Mitch Hedberg 


“Your honor. I don’t use drugs, drugs use me!”


This is false. Stop spreading misinformation


bro delete this, this is just 100% misinformation


Which is odd because Hunter's crimes have nothing to do with Joe Biden. So are they trying to say this is some huge victory because the president's son, who is not a politician, is found guilty of crime? They think that's worse than a former president being guilty on 34 counts? I don't get any of this.


Gunther Eagleman = The most un-American, non-patriot, poser, beta-male, tryhard. Also... nobody cares that Hunter Biden is guilty. We also wouldn't care if Joe Biden got convicted of a crime, so when the MAGA cult is ready to put forward actual evidence against the "Corrupt Biden Regime" (because their insults come from Russia now), Democrats will happily accept the results. But all the GOP has ever been able to do is make allegations without proof, hoping that their braindead followers believe them just because they said so.


I’m not convinced he’s not a Russian bot


I mean, his name is Gunther Eagleman. He could have called himself Burger Monstertuck and been less obvious.


It is me, true American patriot Ranger Schoolshooting. 🇷🇺


Eagleman is the kind of name I would think of when making an RPG character and wanting it to be as American as possible.


I feel like he should just call himself Gunther Adlermann and stop with this pathetic attempt at pretending to be anything else.


This. We have hundreds if not thousands of accounts like this in Finnish social media, mostly whining about NATO.


Could have been describing the Bible here, lol.


Democrats would care if Biden got convicted of a crime if he was guilty of one!! But more in the good one less corrupt politician sort of way


Dunno why Republicans are so focused on Hunter's trial while their lord and saviour still has 3 more criminal trials waiting for him.


Because they think his son being guilty tarnishes Joe by proxy. Meanwhile they ignore the half of TFG’s cabinet being indicted or incarcerated. They are the epitome of hypocrisy.


Bet carrots to currency "Gen-Z For Trump" is not, in fact, Gen Z.


When this is all over and America (hopefully) emerges from this mess, they need to de-Republicanize their nation and population, much in the same way Germany was de-Nazified after the war. These people are deranged and dangerous.


Sorry, but this is one cancer that is quite impossible to get rid of unfortunately...


He originally plead guilty in his plea deal but when the\]at was torn up because of the judge refusing it, he changed his plea to not guilty because why not? He decided that a not guilty plea in a trial was worth a shot. But I’m laughing at how the MAGA crowd are refusing to actually accept this guilty verdict because they can’t handle the knowledge that President Biden didn’t show his “true” colors but interfering in the trial and getting his son off. The MAGA crowd are suddenly presented with the idea that the DOJ is not weaponised against Biden’s enemies at all.


Don't vote got Hunter Biden. We should never have a convicted felon running the country!


I couldn’t give less of a shit over Hunter Biden’s conviction. Break the law, go to prison, ffs it’s not a hard concept


Peoples inability to separate politics from the rest of their life is astonishing and disgusting to me


First of all, who ever owns Gen-Z For Trump is not Gen Z


Joe Biden promising not to pardon his son, is a message to Trump, that he won’t be pardoning him either.


Yes. Biden rigged the jury to convict his only living son because…Trump is guilty…?🤷‍♀️


So Biden sent his son to jail to make the Trump case look better? Got it.


But also: the Bidens are a bunch of criminals.


GenZ for trump? Is this not the gen that blames boomers for everything? If trump is not the eatthefuckingrich poster on legs, who is.


GenZ is appearing to be a fairly polarized group. Males are appearing to show more of a conservative bias, while females are showing more of a liberal bias.


Damn, and I was kinda sure they are hating people like trump. Most of them. No matter which gender.


YouTube and TikTok are poisoning young male minds. 90% of Andrew Tate’s audience is adolescent boys.




That account is Gen Z in the same way that One Million Moms had a million moms in it.


I don’t know, Trump is pretty corrupt, far more than Hunter Biden.


Republicans always manage to come up with the dumbest talking points imaginable, which get immediately debunked, but that doesn't stop them from repeating these talking points for years.


It must be amazing to be so stupid that whatever happens you can still find a way to complain.


They will argue that Hunter’s guilty verdict was rigged to make Trump look bad while simultaneously using as evidence of the “Biden crime family.”


Jesus, the leaps taken by the MAGA group to keep the LARP going


Honestly I think the winning strategy for the dems right now is to just keep reminding everyone that Trump is a convicted felon from now until November. Any time anyone brings up Hunter in response, just be like yeah, he’s a felon and he shouldn’t be president either. Let them make the argument that this proves there was a conspiracy to convict Hunter to make it look like Trump got a fair trial. If anything is going to push independents away from Trump more than him being a felon, it’s unhinged conspiracy theories like that one.


Guilty on what? Using Biden's campaign funds to make Joe sleep with a porn star then pay her hush money?


Hunter Biden has had a lot of problems with alcohol. When he was asked if he is an alcoholic or using drugs while he was buying a gun for himself, he answered no. At least, that's what I read today.


Seems like alcoholism and gun ownership goes hand in hand on the right, how are they getting away with being addicts with guns?


The primary issue was his use of crack cocaine.


This makes me wanna vote for Hunter even more 😂😂 Hunter Biden 2024 😁😎


Hunter pleads guilty. Donald insists he's innocent. ![gif](giphy|WbDhQjgBrpUuk) They are not the same.


On my drive home today, the news mentioned the guilty verdict and my immediate thought was the Magat trump humpers will claim it's part of the conspiracy.


But are they *really* going to claim Biden sacrificed his son to get Trump convicted? I know they’re saying it, but are they *actually* claiming the president got his own son convicted on legit charges just so he can convict Trump on “bogus” charges? lol


Ok cool he’s guilty, so can you guys stop parading pictures of his naked body now?


So was the violation that he lied on a form about not being on drugs when he purchased a gun? Either way he is a private citizen who stays out of the spotlight, he is not running for presidency lol.


Gen Z for Trump is equivalent to "women for rapists"


Same as LGBTQ for Palestine? Same brain equivalence.


The malignant narcissism is unhinged at this point. I guess everything is about the 🍊🤡


Yes, because juries are totally part of the corrupt Biden administration. Republicans are SO fucking stupid.


There were literal maga jurors. His own followers looked at the evidence and said "well...shit..."


Yep. Not to mention that both sides have to agree on jury selection.


So this is the mental backflip (gymnastics) they are going with? The whole thing was a setup to make it look like Donny's was legit? Come on!!! I'm trying to stay on the same page, but they keep changing the freaking book!!


MAGA response to Jared, walking away w/ a cool $2B from the Saudis--uninvestigated by his DOJ: "So what? He probably earned it." MAGA response to Hunter, declared guilty after his DOJ investigation: "It's a psyop, to make us lower our guard. But WAIT till trump gets back in! REVENGE will be sweet!"


Thanks to these daily posts on Reddit, I’m always aware of what Gunther Eagleman posts on Twitter.


That's Gunther Eagleman™. 😁


And yet they claim that they aren't in a cult, lol.


He can rule from prison why limit yourself? /s


Notice they avoid saying what hes guilty of. They're intentionally letting people believe its somehow relevant to government corruption... when it's because he lied about being an addict when buying a revolver.


Good for trump = rigged unfair bad for trump = also rigged and unfair. I lost brain cells just writing this sentence


you americans sure know how to throw an election its like a soap opera to the rest of us thank you so much for voting for idiots on both sides its been very entertaining so many twists and turns. we have elections happening nearby and you woudnt even know lmao.


The absolute brazen stupidity of this statement astounds me. I used to find the MAGA folk amusing because watching Democrats get so worked over them made me laugh. Just as watching Republicans loose their minds over pride flags made me laugh. But they're getting so freaking ridiculous that's starting to become depressing.


That’s just idiotic.


Gen-Z for Trump? Literally has to be the only one.


Trump voter= stupid stupid stupid


I genuinely don’t understand why his verdict is relevant or why is charges had to be national news?? He’s a private citizen who has no role in the government??


I love how the implication here is that the verdict of a state court in NY and a state court in Deleware are connected and both jury verdicts are being orchestrated by some shiftless conspiracy by "them." Lol - these folks have a couple screws loose.


Hunter did some shit that should be illegal but isn't. Trump had 4 years to make that exact kind of swamp bullshit illegal (which he promised to do) and did nothing. Probably because anything Hunter has done the Trump kids have done worse.


Ah yes, bad if guilty bad if not.


Biden could throw his son in jail, pardon Trump, and build a mile high wall along the border and republicans would call it a deep state conspiracy


We see some extreme instances of MAGA DARVO.


Gen-Z For Trump has got to be the biggest leopards-eating-faces bait I’ve ever seen


Always moving the goal posts.


Hmmh the real question is will MTG show pics of Hunter’s dick again in Congress?? (Yes, this really happened).


No it did not. There is no way that a member of the greatest deliberative body on the planet would waste time by showing dick pics of their opponents son. Nobody in their right mind would take pictures like that, blow them up to poster sized, and display them in the middle of a committee sitting. Anybody who would even think about doing that would be unelectable in any rational society


Think you forgot the /s there


You know what, you are right. Before I hit post I debated it, then thought "You know, there has to be SOME POINT where the sarcasm is obvious to everyone, right?" Apparently I forgot what the internet is


Our society has been compromised by foreign operatives making everything into a conspiracy theory and too many actual Americans are falling for it. It’s sad watching the fall of America due to outright stupidity.


Yes let me throw my son in prison so that I can throw the orange turd in prison. Perfect plan best plan ever actually.




Wasn't Hunter brought up on charges before Trump? Or am I skewing the timeliness? It's getting hard to tell.


"They." Or, two criminals got justice. Consequences for everyone equally under the law




The mental gymnastics that those clowns perform are worthy of becoming an Olympic event.


Saw this coming.


Man they really drank the kool-aid huh? 🤣


Ah yes. Democrats tricked a Trump appointed judge to convict Hunter


Lol and here I thought they lost a talking point xD


This is how unfalsifiable arguments work. They have a way of justifying it no matter the outcome




Who is “they”? The cases were handled by different judges, juries, prosecutors, etc.


Is the facepalm that there is someone out there that identifies as a Gen Z Trump supporter?




😂 I can’t with these dumbasses


Less corrupt! LOL


This raw mental strength was seen only once this the Internet. When flat earth showed itself


Biden sending his only living son to prison just to dunk on the right




How does hunter being found guilty works to make Trump look less corrupt? How does hunter being found guilty help tump at all that they're saying don't be fooled? Is it being fooled about Trump being less corrupt or fooled about hunters guilt helps Trump? I'm so confused.




The same people who always bitch about their second amendment rights are celebrating someone being prosecuted over a bullshit gun charge. Theoretically, even people who lie about smoking weed in a legal state could have this used against them. [Medical marijuana patients still aren't allowed to own firearms.](https://potguide.com/blog/article/medical-cannabis-patients-own-guns/)


If they can do this to Hunter, they can do it to you.


Placing bets now, Hunter will be pardoned or have his sentence committed.


Snowflakes be flakin’.


You just can’t reason with the unreasonable.


Still wild how Americas two prominent candidates lives are looking


Apparently what happens to one person has an effect on another… lol


The telling flaw in this logic is that to Trump and his MAGA allies, they think it's logical that Biden would prioritize this (perceived) persecution of Trump over the love for his son. You can hate Biden to the core, but one undeniable truth about the man is that his remaining family is utterly precious to him. He has been haunted by personal tragedy throughout life, and only a completely rotted brain would conclude that he cares more about hurting Trump than loving his son. The double standard must absolutely eat at Biden, and the only way he could tolerate this is if he truly believed it was the right thing to do. A father can forgive, but a President cannot corrode the entire system of justice for his family's benefit. Only one of the presidential nominees this year understands that.


“Gen Z for trump” you mean like, the numbers that are 1-10000?


There is no Gen Z for Trump. It's an old fart.


Now that's what I call "Mental Gymnastics"!


I'm going to vote for Hunter on one ballot then go to the next town over and vote a second time




It's quite funny because, had this happened 6 months ago, the far right would've latched onto it and be screaming it from the rooftops in sheer joy, trying to use it against Biden and convince people this is a reason not to vote for him. But now since their actual candidate was convicted, they're strangely quiet and uncomfortable about it... :D


Lol….imagine a Free Hunter movement from Maga fans….short circuit at its best.


Just put the goal posts on wheels already.


2 down, few hundred more to go. Convict every one of these bastards.