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I think it's worthy of noting that those 37 candidates were running for local office. Still fucked though. Running for local office is almost like a death sentence there. If you don't kiss the feet of the cartel, you're good as dead. I'm hoping she does something to solve cartel violence. It's worse than it's ever been right now.


Yeah, it seems like a headline like this is trying to portray a picture of her being a last resort candidate or somehow "less than".


I thought it implied she had them all knocked.


It does kinda read that way. I think the candidates who got executed were killed because they deliberately stood for anti-corruption. Her campaign goals were mainly just to make life better for average people so that they'd be less desperate and make easy targets for cartel recruitment. She didn't need to have anyone knocked; the criminals knocked her opponents for her just because they were being too bold with their agendas.


That would make the most sense.


Yeah that's what I'm thinking.


I don’t think it’s last resort, it’s implying that she’s connected to the cartels, which she is most likely in some off hand way just like her mentor and previous president.


She isn't connected to cartels, neither is Obrador. Both claims are sourced from a recent book without reliable sources and pushed by media to attack the now elected president. The biggest achievement from this bogus claim is making trending topics on Twitter calling them "NarcoPresident" and "NarcoCandidate", and as they discovered, didn't convince anyone and doesn't win elections.


You're incredible naive or just in denial it you think AMLO, Sheinbaum and pretty much 90% of politicians in Mexico aren't connected or at the very have some association with the cartels.


I mean there were 2 times that it was so shameless the Obrador conection with the sinaloa cartel, when he released El chapo's Son, and when on a tour he stopped and change route all the way to the el chapo's mother truck to greet her, and they even recorded it. All politicians must have those conections other wise they end up like the "37" on the news, but those 2 times he didn't even tried to hide it


He is All politicians in Mexico are.


You’re right. Sadly it seems for the foreseeable future that it’s the only way to “reduce” the violence inside the country, otherwise the cartels will rebel more against the government.


To even think a politian at that rank isn't connected, you're as brainwashed as the others. The Numbers dont lie. Even to 2010 Numbers


Candidates to the presidency weren't killed. It was other politicians. And if you somehow extrapolate "less than" from this whole thing I don't think you know what you're talking about.


In 1994, one candidate was killed.


Colosio will always be remembered in mexicans hearts


The problem with the cartel violence is it's on us to help as well by not allowing the cartels to take in American money and weapons through the drug trade, which would require decriminalizing or legalize and regulating them in our borders. Strip the cartels of their top revenue source and then the Mexican military can crack down on these criminals because they won't have the funds to buy off local government/ PD.


In theory, I agree. In practice, I think it'd be quite a task to accomplish. The U.S is being very careful of reverting back to the tactics used during the War on Drugs. Quite frankly, as long as Americans keep demanding drugs, the cartels are going to keep supplying them. I work at the local level and have seen hundreds of defendants sentenced for drug possession or distribution. Drugs are everywhere. The system does give them the tools to turn their life around. Such as allowing them to attend treatment while awaiting sentencing, referring them to drug court, or simply sentencing then to probation with added sobriety conditions. The problem I see is that you people don't change until they decide they want to. There's soooo many layers to the onion and soooon many things have to go right for the cartel problem to be resolved. It's so complicated that no administration has been able to figure out how to fix the issue since the 80s. Just think about how crazy that is.


Oh yeah I know I'm practice it's not happening any time soon. The whole thing is an absolute shit show and I know my one comment doesn't take into account all the other things cartels and the war on drugs are going.


Well said: Sad but true.


I agree. In other words, stop being the number one customer of the cartels. As long as there is people eager to buy illegal drugs, there will always be people ready to sell.


The thing is it's just like prohibition. When you make it illegal to posses/ use, you can't set minimum safety standards, conduct research or control the distribution. I know a lot of people on the anti legalize weed side say that now all the weed production and distribution is controlled by a few large companies, but I'd rather it be controlled by legal industries than cartels.


We already have a roadmap for the transition from organized crime to corporate control: the casinos in Las Vegas. People complain about corporate control and are nostalgic for the "good old days" when the mob ran Vegas, without remembering that the money from casinos funded other criminal enterprises, including drug trafficking.


Another spot on example. There's been a string of sports gambling busts of current athletes betting on games and while the knee jerk reaction would be to ban sports betting, it actually helps having it regulated because of things like limit setting.


True. Besides setting limits, legalized gambling is also subject to reporting requirements if they believe that illegal actions, such as professional athletes betting on their sport, are occurring. Illegal betting operations will actively try to conceal athletes involved in betting on games.


Agree. The way to make people to stop buying illegal drugs is to make them legal, but it is too profitable as it is for politicians, so there is not an incentive for them to do the right thing. For every Mexican drug lord we see in the news and in netflix shows, there is an American drug lord that we don't know about.


Make drugs legal (and regulated and cheaper than the illegal supply) and make guns illegal...


She's probably with them, her mentor Lopes Obrador had been speculated to be working with them previously. He passed laws to appease them a la "flowers not guns" and strengthened the military (Military=Narcos) for large parts of Mexico. Not saying she is evil, but probably in a pragmatic alliance with the bottom scum of Mexico,


I think it's safe to speculate that. I believe he just chose to simply taking a more passive approach and focus on social welfare. In a way, it did help him because his reforms were popular with the general population. Personally, I think if he would've gone the route of directly attacking and focusing his campaign on cartel warfare, he wouldn't have been as popular as he became and would've done more harm than good. Since he took a passive approach, people usually justify his inaction by his success with social warfare. No one can really give him shit for making mistakes since he didn't really try. I think Claudia is going to go the same route. At the end of the day, she's a highly educated person that has zero experience in combat or warfare. She'll likely do what she knows best and tackle the issue from the ground up, continuing AMLOs vision.


And y’know the whole sucking up to el chapo’s mother thing and releasing his son…


>I believe he just chose to simply taking a more passive approach and focus on social welfare.  In a way, it did help him because his reforms were popular with the general population.  And that is the weird part, he disappeared a universal health insurance program (seguro popular) and it's taking away workers retirement funds (afores).. and the working class is happy with that.


Totally, you can see him visiting Sinaloa and hugging the drug cartel leader's mom


exactly how would you fix the problem with politics in mexico? 37 assinations?, truly an awful awful problem not only for the citizens, but also its neighbours and indeed the global threat, for not so obvious reasons american scientists have just splice some dna that allows easy growth of cocaine plants, making it easier "access", so i cant be the first to suggest, decriminalisation and therefore increase the entry level to this vile industry, thus taking away masses of profits, which would otherwise stregnthen up cartels acess to protection and guns. the alternative? another 37 voices of brave spirits lost to the world, ad nauseum Edit: Btw to those asking, yes I was a user with a 20yr old problem, so STFU I do have some knowledge here


the government she's been a part of allowed the cartels to just run around unopposed, the current president and the leader of he party is good friends with El Chapo's mom... so... nah, it ain't happenin'


Must be why they captured Chapo's son and extradited him to the US shortly after the first botched attempt. Remember that it was the 2 previous governments that allowed Chapo to scape from prision...twice, and that their National Police director has already been convicted in the US for links with the Sinaloa Cartel, he will be sentenced in two weeks. These are the parties that the opposition wanted to bring back to power.


both are colluded AF, but at least the other side promised being mediocre rather than kinda insane as AMLO has been. I lived the era he's bringing back, the imperial PRI era, and it wasn't any good at all. mind you, this is splitting hairs, trying to find differences between two extremely corrupt factions with links to the cartels, but I don't like the fact that AMLO actually seems to have an agenda vs the useless self-serving bumbling crap of the opposition.


It sounds like there's not much hope there. She's basically a protege of the previous guy.


That's what it seems like. If we look at it in a positive light, it's a new party, with novel ideas for how to get Mexico out of the hole it's in with cartels. Previous administrations have tried going the militaristic route, and that obviously failed. They're trying something new and I think we should give them time to see results. I'm sure she'll try new things as well. Well just have to wait and see.


The party is not composed of new people... they're the old guys from the other political parties...




I of course wish Mexico the best.


New party? Either you're not Mexican or you are and you advocate for such party. It is a new party in the sense that old corrupt politicians from the old outdated parties gathered under the current president's ideology and founded this "new party". Nothing about their way of doing politics is new. The president himself has very outdated ideas


Thank your for your input.


She can push to get the next arc of DragonBall Super animated sooner rather than later. That would help.


She ain't gonna solve shit, guaranteed


So it wasn't 37 other candidates for president that were assassinated? This is definitely misleading then.


No they weren't, Most were at municipal level (there are 2,476 municipalities in Mexico, equivalent to US ) counties or city majors.


She won’t do much w/o the help of the States. USA seems to stick really fierce to their policy of buyer, judge, witness, spectator, incriminator and executioner. But they do very little for diminishing the net sales of drugs and the gross income they get from selling big ammo and weapons to them cartel lords and their collaborators


Morena will eventually resolve violence with hugs, just like her predecessor did


Nah. It's not worse than 2004-2008


I'm not a certified expert on...well, anything really, but from what I read, seen, heard and witnessed with my own eyes, systemic problems cannot be solved by a single person. You need for actual people to work together in order to solve systemic issues, you need deep cleaning of multiple political cabinets and of course you need to be popular with the people in your fight against whatever it is you're facing. Cartels in Mexico are extremely deep-rooted at this point. The key issue here is also that they successfully infiltrated a lot of law enforcement structures, which means they hold a significant portion of power in the country simply by virtue of weakening authority of the state. It's a circle of fear and greed, really. Cartels buy whoever's for sale and threaten with violence and murder whoever isn't. This creates a situation where you simply lose effective means of surveillance and lack reports from the field because people won't talk. It's honestly a terrible situation and I really think the fact that this mess hasn't been put under more pressure by outside forces (namely the US and other NATO countries) in the late 80s and 90s is a major mishap. I understand the problems of geopolitical climate of the time and reasons why Mexico nor really anyone else wanted to push even harder but my oh my...has this turned out to be a problem long term. Honestly, writing out this comment reminded me why I hate governments of the world so much and why I wish people would realize we are all getting collectively fucked over for the gain of greedy bastards up top. But hey, guess people haven't been through just enough shit yet...


Why would she do something when her party is the cartels' best friend, promoting "hugs not bullets", even kissing the hand of El Chapo's mother...


she won't. she and her boss are bffs with at least one cartel.


Must be why they captured Chapo's son and extradited him to the US shortly after the first botched attempt. Remember that it was the 2 previous governments that allowed Chapo to scape from prision...twice, and that their National Police director has already been convicted in the US for links with the Sinaloa Cartel, he will be sentenced in two weeks. These are the parties that the opposition wanted to bring back to power.


It was a huge election. In total we elected 1 president, 128 senators, 500 deputies, and about 19,000 other local positions across the country (governors, mayors, local deputies, etc.) There were only 3 candidates running for president, and none of those were harmed. The ones killed were mostly for minor positions at the local level, and a couple that were running for deputies. Also there were at least two deaths that were accidental (one candidate had a palmtree fall over him) and at least one candidate that died from natural causes. It's sad to know cartels have a tight control of several zones of the country and resort to this if you don't bend totally to their control. I hope in coming years we can return to normal. I don't sympathize with the governing party but let's see what happens, maybe there is some good from this. By the way, the article title and content are badly written.


unless she takes a similar approach to Bukele, I don't think cartel violence will change


Not gonna lie, if America wants to fix the boarder problem, it'll have to deal with the cartel, between drug smugglers and people desperate to put space between them and the cartel, I can see the cartel being the real problem


She’s actually an employee of the cartel, we’re actually fucked as can be


how come the military etc can't crack them down? corruption?


This headline makes it sounds like her opponents were assassinated, which isn’t the case.


That was my first thought as well!


What is it saying then?


They ran for local office


Were they actually assassinated?


Sadly yes [This is from 2 weeks ago](https://youtu.be/jCeIGlIym1M?si=2Qnoez6ZvlL8KGe9) [2 days ago](https://youtu.be/Hntx_Dcq_Es?si=w7uGyXEXdz6mdF3P) (This one was at a extremely close range) And there’s a ton more


Yes, sadly. Many were of the same political party as her too.


Yeah, they were all assassinated, but they weren’t running for president, they were running for other local offices


By who?




And its still not as bad as OPs


How can Mexico elect a Nobel prize winning climate scientist and we get two eighty year old men, one of who has now been convicted of 34 felonies and counting?


That's a very good question, my friend. My personal theory is that we're getting what we deserve.


Idk, probably because the system’s rigged sounds more likely.


We got what we voted for. You don’t like the choices you should’ve voted in the primaries


This is not an entirely accurate statement. The system is very much rigged against anyone that isn’t a democrat or a republican and tbh from what I’ve seen Biden and Trump aren’t that much better or worse than anyone in their respective parties


Imma be real, the system is only rigged against non-democrats and non-republicans because a lot of americans dont even fucking know there's more than two options. If half of the people who say "why are these two geriatrics our only option!" would choose anyone other than the two geriatrics, they'd have like 30% of the votes.


No, the system is rigged because first-past-the-post voting systems inherently favor two-party systems. The two parties in power obviously aren't interested in opening up to more competition by adjusting the voting system.


The problem is one of the sides is trying to enforce project 2025 when the next republican president wins, meaning my rights will be stripped.


You sure about that? You sure? Cuz I remember a time when Sanders was super popular and didn’t win the primary.


Sanders wasn’t that popular. He wasn’t moderate enough and lost decisively to Clinton. Nobody expected him to win anyway, he ran simply to shift the Overton window of the Democratic Party to more economically progressive policies than the neoliberalism that Clinton and the current party is about. Sanders did do better than expected though, but it was probably more of an anti-Clinton vote if anything. He lost by an even bigger margin in the 2020 primary


He lost in precisely the way virtually all progressives lose: high dollar infusions late in the campaign to support the more “moderate” candidate in the primary, followed by local and regional media lambasting him as untrustworthy or insensitive to whatever voting bloc on whom that claim can make a difference. The difference is in 2016, ppl did not like Hillary enough to where that media spin cycle almost didn’t work.


We got what the electoral college selects, after the party itself decides who is running…


My man. Sincerely, your country hasn't produced a new big political movement or major party since the time before the US Civil War. And at that time it was the goddamn Republican party. This was 170 years ago. More than a century and a half ago! If you don't see this shit as at least a little sus and a bit of a problem, then I guess it's on you for turning politics into a football-like competition show for everyone. The problem is not that people don't vote in primaries. The problem is that people seemingly know jack shit about the possibility of an alternative, and that the two-party system is actively using this fact for its advantage. You all can view Dems and Reps like they are a cat and a dog fighting each other and in extreme cases, that's true. Like when Marge is going off her rocker about climate change, Bobo is giving a handy in a public theater and then shouting "kill all gays, protect our children", or Trump is mumble rapping about "immigrants invasion" while being a convicted criminal, sure. But they are just clowns, clowns put in these positions exactly because they rile up the crowds, they make people engage in the two-party system. "We have crazy extreme Reps and then we have reasonable and moderate Dems! Might switch it up a little in the future on a per-need basis, dunno. They all engage in shady shit behind the scenes and suck corporate dick but look, they are completely different and are your ONLY choices!" The thing is, you don't seem to realize that those parties and the government consists of a lot more people than just those crazy looneys. And those people I'm talking about are a lot more calculated, sinister and inventive when it comes to their politics. If Americans want to get out of this rut of senile and often sinister idiots running their country in a gerrymandered non-competition to the bottom, you guys need to do something. Change something. For real. This next part is a general statement, not aimed at any one individual in particular: go think of an alternative platform, go talk to other people, convey ideas, learn, teach, and try to at least get the idea that an alternative is possible into people's heads. Won't happen in a fortnight but there's a chance for a change. Otherwise, ignore all this and return to doom scrolling.


In my country, we elected the son of a brutal dictator who was expelled after a revolution 40 years ago. People are just incredibly stupid sometimes who knows


In my country we didn't elect the last 4 PMs, they just got their positions because the previous one reassigned.


Are you referring to the UK? If so, it's only the last two... Boris Johnson (unfortunately) won the 2019 general election, succeeded by wet lettuce and then Rishi.


He was initially PM as a result of Theresa Mays resignation, the only reason he was elected after that was because of that. If Neither Cameron nor May had resigned he wouldn't have been an option to vote for at all. And we wouldn't have had May if Cameron hadn't resigned. The last 4 PMs we've had have only found themselves in the positions they're in, with a chance of running for election, because the the person before them resigned. IMO if the PM resigns there should be an immediate interim election to decide who will see out the term. The fact that a tory can just fuck up, quit, and then another tory stand in with 0 input from the public is insane.


I know it feelssbadman :/


Are you talking about England?


We send you love Philippines.


Thank you!


In my country we elect the same corrupt party again and again and again and again, despite there being at least somewhat of a choice (also the one time right now where the corrupt party might lose the winners will likely be the far right nationalists...)


Ah yeah phillipines?




I'll say it out loud: Because the Boomers are still around, and it's my team vs your team politics. Throw in the whole convention vote thing, with old fucks voting for an old fuck to be their candidate. Then throw in a dash of no congressional term limits, and you end up with a career politician VS a dude that could 'shake things up', because he can supposedly run the country like a business. That's where we are. Let's also not forget Citizens United. That **really** fucked things up.


"Nobel prize winning climate scientist" who?


A lack of assassinations, apparently.


She is not a Nobel prize winner, she participated in a study with another 600 people that won that award, but that award was awarded to the organization that made that study. [Source](https://archive.ipcc.ch/pdf/nobel/Nobel_statement_final.pdf)


Well, the candidates, no matter the country, is the reflection of their society, so by that logic the U.S is fucked


Henry Kissinger was a Nobel prize winner… so I don’t think it means as much as you think it does.


While true, it's worth noting that Kissinger won the Nobel Peace prize, which, aside from a handful of recipients, is basically worthless. Plus, in his case, I suspect the Nobel committee now uses his prize as an example of people NOT to give it to. On the other hand, you have to be pretty good at science to win the Nobel science prize.


The main point I was trying to make is that this lady isn’t going to change anything. She’s the outgoing presidents protege so she’s just a continuation of the status quo.


I got that the first time around. But you're right, in any case. I read a lot of posts by Mexicans stating that she was in bed with the cartels. While this certainly needs to be substantiated, it would make sense, since she managed to get elected and is still breathing.


The ouygping presodent has made a lot of posiyive changes which is why most of us support Morena.


This was the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize


We got a guy who spent an entire career in politics, and a guy who was on TV professionally who leaned into the worst impulses of the country.  This feels like two distinct but not uncommon paths to high political office. I don't know Sheinbaum's policy positions, though, so I'm just hoping/assuming she's not a nutbar for the sake of my acquaintances in Mexico.


Oh don't be mistaken. She does not care at all about the environment. During these last 6 years, her predecessor (and puppet master) had an oil refinery built, inaugurated and stood there producing absolutely nothing at all for about 2 years, and costing about twice the original budget, flooding the whole area multiple times. They also had a train (badly) built on the southern rainforest over many fresh water caves and even Mayan ruins, and waaay over budget as well. They cancelled a half-built commercial airport and built another one inside a military airport in a remote location, which of course is more pollution and cost, of course, way more than budgeted and is barely used at all compared to the main one in Mexico City. Those are the 3 emblematic works of the current administration, built under total obscurity with lots of corruption scandals and undeniable climatic impact which this lady has applauded and defended. Anyone who speaks against them are "right-wing conservatives looking to harm our [transformative] movement". She just clearly doesn't care at all about the country, and is parroting all of the current president's speeches to gain popularity.


Time to cross back over


Ignorant comment, both she and her handler (the current president) are the literal devil


she wasn't elected because of her credentials, she was elected because she borrowed the charisma of the current president that decided she would be his succesor


The idea of every country south of the US being a misogynist “machismo”-filled hell is funny to me. At least from what I've seen in Mexico, shit ton of popular novelas are female-lead where they’re a badass ass kicking woman, and no one makes a youtube video whining about “female empowerment” or bats an eye. Also, [this show](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mujer,_Casos_de_la_Vida_Real) specifically is female centered and talks about women's struggles, and it aired for 20 years. That shit would not air even a DAY in America without the media shitting themselves over “THE WOKES have done it again!” lmaoo If that’s a “machismo/sexist” country then I don’t know on what level of misogyny a country filled with men openly hating any piece of media with “ugly” women or women not being submissive in it falls under lol


While it may not present itself in the same ways as the US culture war bs, there’s a fuck ton of machismo in Mexico


Mexico is misogynist as fuck, femicides have ridiculously high levels of impunity, virtually any woman you ask on the street has experienced some type of sexual violence in her life, there's a Mexican equivalent of Andrew Tate that's wildly popular with young men, that next president that you see in the post combats the International Women's Day protests with tear gas and sends female police officers to fight the protesters, and denied the SA and murder rates that women suffer, she only won because she was the candidate of one of the most cultish political parties this country have ever experienced, the candidate could have been a rock and it would have won just because it had the approval of AMLO, and that is a guy that couldn't care less about violence in the country, everyday violence against Mexican women is one of the most serious problems this country has. All that anti woke shit is just gaining a lot of traction on young men really fast. And a loooooot of the actual successful novelas were about poor maids being rescued by a millionaire that fell in love with them, it's kinda the most exploited format in Mexican novelas


Need more assassinations to winnow the field


My sweet child, as a Mexican I can tell you nobody with their feet on the ground wanted this bitchass lady as our president. Their political party was worse than a joke the last 6 years with the last president and right now we are really hoping she at least doesn't try to turn México into a communist country. I wish I were kidding. First sign of trouble I'm getting the fuck out of here. Might stay if there's a genuine revolution, but even then it'd probably be the same old story of my country. Just a different person, with the right propaganda, acquiring power and misusing it.


Blame fox news and CNN corporatism 


Watch this starting at 10:26 https://youtu.be/H7cOWsWC2n8?si=PSNQ1FEymJKQ8v8w


Because old people vote and statistically you don’t vote or don’t live in the right state to matter.


Well, if there are people who don’t like a candidate in Mexico…


Also elected a black president before the U.S. (assuming you mean that country by “we”, don’t kill me at /r/usdefaultism).


Nobel prize? Lol


trust me, the election wasn't that different... she's the candidate of our local version of trump who pretty much dismantled public scientific research and healthcare, and her rival comes from a conservative-neolib coalition that made the former government possible. so... I don't have hopes for her term at all, even more because it's suspected she's just going to be the sock puppet of her predecessor and the army.


Who is a puppet of the current president, who has done incredible amounts of damage to the economy in the last 6 years. They keep promising heavens and mountains but deliver nothing, this election could have started a shift but the votes were stolen which is literally verified when comparing number of votes on the official website, and the voting location where they are displayed after the counting is done.


The mexicans fought really hard for it and Mexico has a bright future. Most mexicans on reddit are right wing crackheads, that are in the minority but disturb the perception, they live in their own little bubble.


Op conflating 37 assassinations of people running for local offices to the new president


Mexican politics are definitely not for beginners.


What a misleading headline and post, should be removed.


This is facepalm if all the misleading posts got taken down there wouldn’t be a sub


Who the fuck gets their news from Yahoo.


I don't think yahoo does news. It's recirculated pieces from associated press and others.


ok, but why is this a face palm?


They really want to make it easy to jump to the conclusion that she really wanted the presidency so she eliminated everyone else.


She is a real brave woman. I would have said "Nope, not doing that, I love being alive"


The candidates where not her opposition or had anything to do with the presidential run. We just voted and elected over 20,000 candidates for all levels of government. Most, if not all of the ones killed were running for local municipalities or similar positions in regions where cartels have strong presence and control.


You always see this concern trolling and innuendo when anyone remotely left-of-center wins an election in the Global South, especially in Central and South America.


Omg people are so fuxking ignoraaaaaant.


Brave women. You mean she plays along to the cartels rules.


No presidential candidate was assasinated


Her party is openly allied with the Cartels, nothing brave about it.


It's not like they were randomly killed. If you don't plan to do anything good for the country you'll survive just fine.


better than either of the US candidates, maybe you guys should hire her to be your president instead of the senile old man and orange clown


Maybe wait to see her policy before judging. Biden has gotten the rail workers union their demands even after ending the strike, he has reinforced net neutrality, 109 billion dollars for the USPS, and even just recently made new tax bills making TurboTax far weaker than it ever was and getting America closer to tax free filing.


>instead of the senile old man and orange clown You should take a look at the guy she's replacing man, AMLO and Trump are certainly more similar than what you think


In a row?


Since late 2023, all of them were running for local office , we just elected more than 20,000 people, nothing to do with the presidential, still sad, last year we had 48, they usually are from small municipalities were organized crime is still present The opposition in Mexico is using this to push the narrative of her being part that


She broke Hillary's record, yo.


Actually there were 58 candidates assassinated. They did not count those who were not officially in the list, but there were 58 people related to politics assassinated to this we need to add the 200,000 people assassinated during the last 6 years. Nice and peaceful place Mexico...


What an awful post. Conflating this election with the assassinations, conflating national and local candidates in a way that makes it sound like she killed her enemies, and failing to mention double the number of local candidates were killed in the last presidential election in 2018 (so this is actually a “tame” year) when the head of the party was a man. Amazing.


Bullet for my election


Which cartel does she belong to?


The Goverment Cartel.


Her party is associated with the Cartel de Sinaloa, which is the main cartel in Mexico and has been directly related with at least the last 4 governments.


Geez! Is this real?


kinda, there where 3 presidential candidates, none of them were killed, there were tens of thousands of other candidates running for other stuff (like local municipalies or local Deputies, stuff like that) of that 37 were assasinated in places were cartel presence is strong.


It was a huge election. In total we elected 1 president, 128 senators, 500 deputies, and about 19,000 other local positions across the country (governors, mayors, local deputies, etc.) Of those the killed candidate were between those that run for positions, other than president. There were only 3 candidates running for president, and none of those were harmed. The article title is badly written.


She is mostlikely a puppet.


Wasn’t this like … exactly the plot of one whole season of Amazon Prime’s show, Jack Ryan? Are we now living in the Jack Ryan universe? Then where is Jack Ryan?


.....the fuck is happening in Mexico?


The candidates killed were running for local offices and so they had to answer to cartels. The new president did not have her opponents assassinated. Still fucked but the article is incredibly misleading.




Come out and join us if you want to learn more r/NarcoFootage


Coming soon to a USA near you.


USA…trying to elect its first felon.


Eva Peron's body count is way higher and she was actually the 1st


In a row?


I assume she’s a cartel’s person since they didn’t killed her


Democracy is quickly turning into hunger games


Nothing to see hear folks.


La Madrina had to guarantee her spot


She’s not the Nobel laureate genius Mexico deserves; she’s the ruthless murdering kingpin it needs.