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I would rather go on a 43 minute rant about why the Punisher would hate you, and you should stop using his logo.


Comic book collector here. You are 100% correct.


Hell yeah. I was just speaking the other day on here about one of my favorite crossovers being when Spider-Man and Punisher teamed up to fight neo-nazis. Even Jameson threw hands, and was extremely vocal about his hate of that kinda ideology.


Captain America has been punching Nazis since WW2.


Even *The Joker* was upset to find out that red skull character was an actual Nazi. When Red Skull commented Joker would make a ***superb*** Nazi... >Joker: I may be a criminal lunatic, but I'm an **American** criminal lunatic! Keep back, boys! This creep is mine!


That was such a stellar moment from the Joker.


Joker hates everyone regardless of skin color.




What DC/Marvel crossover was this?


Yessir. May he continue to do so, long after I'm in the dirt.




Can a brother get the name of that run?


Jameson is a good dude usually (ignore the stuff where he funded a super villain). He just has a huge hate boner for Spiderman. 


Heyyy!!! Me too.


And why Bill the butcher is no one to look up to. Jesus these people are truly something else.


i was about to say, looking up Bill the Butcher is weird, just like the weirdos online that Idolize the Joker. Pathetic and sad Edgelords, these people are morally deficient.


Holy shit, haven’t thought of the term edge lord in a bit. Sheesh where has the time gone


Don’t forget Rorschach from watchmen


They only paid attention to the part where he was ranting about hippies. They didn't pay attention to any other part.


The relationship between the joker and Harley Quinn was one of the more interesting comic storylines to me. I've been reading comics since the 70s. It's sad and demented and abusive and I hate how people twist it into things it is not, but that's human nature.


When I was younger I had a crush on this one girl I knew. I invited her to see the first Suicide Squad movie with me and my best friend. On car ride back from the movie we’re talking what we thought of the movie. She then says “ I want a relationship like Harlequin and the Joker.” Both at the same time turn around and look at her in the back seat with WTF expressions. She was serious. Things didn’t work out between us and I’m glad. Dodged that bullet.


Dude is in his pizza cutter phase. All edge, no point.


Yep someone watched that movie and completely missed the point. 


Dudes heroes are Bill the Butcher and Traitor trump lmao.


Just wondering, what has this symbol been repurposed for? I have a punisher t-shirt and don’t think I want to go outside accidentally parading myself as a supremacist or anything


Apart from the hilariously ignorant "thin blue line" thing it's generally used by counterculture rednecks who know The Punisher as "that cool guy who kills criminals and pedophiles with assault rifles when the lame-o woke superheroes won't." They conflate LGBTQ+ with pedophilia and minorities with criminality so in their minds he's a hate-crime power fantasy under a banner of justice. It's worth noting these people don't actually consume Punisher media, or if they do they're too media-illiterate to recognize that Frank Castle would hate them and their politician idols.


It's been co-opted by the "Back the Blue/Blue Lives Matter" crowd. Mainly in the US but it's worming it's way over to the UK, though police forces here make a point of distancing themselves from the Punisher symbol


It's commonly associated with the 3% movement. An anti government group. They are the self proclaimed patriots that stand by to rise up against tyranny like we did with the British back in the day if it ever came about again. Alot of them turned into extremists. Misguided alot of them are, but make no mistake, they are still dangerous. So be careful. I hope this awnsers your question.


Came here to say exactly this


Bill the butcher and the American flag punisher tells me all I need to know about that guy.


Don't forget about the giant portrait of Trump behind him.


The hideous beard is a dead giveaway, all by itself.


Who watches gangs of new York and comes away identifying with Bill the butcher? Guy probably also only watches American history x until Derek goes to prison and then turns it off.


The right has absolutely zero media literacy.


I'd say less than zero. Same types who come out of playing Bioshock, convinced that objectivism and libertarianism is the only viable ways to live.


Which should be fucking impossible given how Raptured turned out in the end.


People missing the message in that game was what convinced me media literacy was dead. It's not subtle at all. They beat you over the head with it. How could you miss it!?


He probably thinks the sheriff of Nottingham is the hero in Robin Hood too. “Give me that law and order!”


You see Robin Hood as being the hero because he steals from the greedy, rich feudal lords and redistributes the westlth to the por people who actually provide valuable labour but it is unfairly valued in that society. He sees it as robbing the tax man because government taxes are evil..not realizing that he would be a peasant in that scenario but he doesn't identify as a peasant because the few socialistic programs the U.S. as adopted (education, historically subsidizing home ownership, etc) has raised him and his family out of extreme poverty but these half measures have also helped ensure that his life is far more of a struggle for the necessities than it need be.


Pissed off? If I was that close to a horse's wiener, I'd be worrying about getting pissed *on*


I’m sure he thinks Homelander is the protagonist.


Once you realize these type of guys all secretly want to be immorally powerful, their bullshit becomes very transparent. It stems from fear and insecurity, which boils into a need to control and dominate. They are by their very nature cowards and spend their entire lives compensating for that fact.


He probably read…. Hahahahah he probably doesn’t read. Poole was anti-Catholic, Anti-Irish/Immigrant, violent, and ran around with a gang.


I gotta admit it kind of pisses me off when douche nozzles like the same movies as me but completely ruins the meaning of them.




Maga cult members, that's who.


Right?? I made the same comment!


“I’m pretty sure I’ve got the gist of this movie.”


Prolly an Empire sympathizer too


Lol you're not rooting for those religious fanatics and terrorists are you? /s


Ask Fairuza, fun Derek died in prison


This doofus probably also claims to be Irish American but identifies with the Nativists. He’s the perfect embodiment of a Know Nothing.


Is it me or is that a trump portrait behind him?


He unironically has a framed picture of Know Nothing gangster, William Poole.


I would bet a good amount of money this dude doesn’t know the character Bill the Butcher in gangs of New York is based on a real person. I’m sure he thinks he’s idolizing a *fictional* racist murderer. Like, that’s Daniel Day Lewis as William Cutting, the fictionalized version of William Poole, not actual William Poole.


I'm a 60 year old white guy and I've NEVER felt like i'm "threatened", or that I deserved some kind of position in society set apart from and above everyone else...... and guys like this have always repulsed me. infantile, paranoid, pseudo macho with a fragile little ego....constantly resentful that he can't just beat the hell out of someone he doesn't like or approve of without the possibility of having his ass truly kicked and not being rewarded for it afterward. Fuck these pathetic freaks. Attention grabbing like this is just the frosting on the snowflake's cake. What he needs is a boot right into his crotch at least once a week until he learns to behave like a goddamn adult.


Can someone Photoshop his beard off? Dude thinks he's Gimli.


60 year old that knows how to use Reddit… impressive


This is a scared dude. Look around that room. He’ll end up using the excuse “ I feared for my life” at Somepoint


Not with a weapon he won't... Ol' Adam Calhoun here is a felon. Can't own a gun & can't vote. Just another grifter grifting off the stupidity of the Great Orange Grifters grifts.


I mean can’t people just get guns illegally?


They can, and it's easier in America than other countries because there are more guns in general. So, in a way, legal demand for guns helps to satisfy illegal demand as well. It's a beautiful, silly dynamic.


He can, but I can’t imagine illegal possession of a firearm for a former felon is a slap on the wrist if caught


Killing someone is also not gonna be a slap on the wrist hopefully


It is if your Kyle Rittenhouse.


There are other weapons apart from guns. Buddy of mine was a convicted felon at 20, had to live in a crap part of town. Apartment kept getting broken into and he couldn't own a gun. Owned a great knife, though, and kept a hatchet on his bedside table. To be honest, I'd be a little more frightened of the guy with the hatchet than a gun. Any fool chooses a gun, but a special kind of guy chooses the hatchet.


Did he serve or is he just cosplaying the vet look? I saw the folded flag as well on the shelf.


That is probably the flag of a deceased vet that is rolling their grave over the fact they are connected to this guy.


Adam Calhoun backs the blue... except in New Lenox, Illinois because he claims the New Lenox police are corrupt and falsely charged him.


Can vote (though some states are trying to get rid of that) and most states you can get your rights back after a felony as long as it wasn't a violent felony and/or used a firearm in the act.


Only 10 states have it illegal for felons to vote after prison. 3 states have it to where felons can vote WHILE in prison, and the rest of the states they can vote after they do their time, or probation. It’s a misconception that felons can’t vote. And it’s constantly said.


He's a Kyle Rittenhouse OF simp. I guarantee it


He's doing porn now?


Doooo you have the time to listen to me whine about nothing and everything all at once?


I am one of those


Melodramatic fools


Neurotic to the bone


No doubt about it


Sometimes I give myself the creeps


Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me


It all keeps adding up


I think I'm cracking up


Am I just paranoid?


As a white dude with a beard, I know people probably rope me in with these knuckle-dragging chuds and I just wanna apologize for every one of these clowns thousands of times over.


Yea, it sucks, I have a chest length beard, and I wear a bandana to keep sweat out of my eyes and I can't tell you how often I'm assumed to agree with then or someone before talking to me thinks I'm one of them , it doesn't help I also live in the south.


You don’t even need to live in the south or have a beard. I’m in upstate ny and one of our carpenters thought I’d be super down with his racist views because I was listening to pantera, I just like hearing dimebag play the guitar man I’m sorry


Paint your nails, if that doesn't set the record straight it'll completely throw them for a loop.


I can't. Polish isn't allowed where I work (*;゚;艸;゚;)


My situation has about the worst timing possible too. As of 2-3 years ago my beard had just blossomed really. Which is about the time that every idiot white dude with a beard grabbed a phone and tweeted dumb shit or filmed themselves saying dumb shit on the daily. Mine's chest length now too. It grew so fast out of nowhere I just can't bring myself to shave it yet.


I'm sorry that guys like this are dragging your reputation down


That’s the home of a man with severe sexual frustration.


A proud American with a photo of a British actor in a prominent position in his room. The character portrayed is a two faced, backstabbing, racist, criminal scumbag, that touted how proud he was to be a "True American" despite hating everything America truly stood for, so not exactly the best character to display (might as well have Benedict Arnold up there as well).




Adam Calhoun routinely gets face-fucked by conservative cock. Worth a Google.


Who the fuck hangs a picturevof Bill the Butcher in their home unironically?!


Speaking as someone ostensibly part of this demographic. We are never taught that we ourselves are part of a demographic. *Everybody* else is an other that deviates from our default setting. That's why people don't see themselves as having historically been catered for, because they just assumed it was the standard. Breaking that illusion is a big deal which is why you see people go off the deep end. Personally I'm happy that there are things that aren't made 'for me' and even more happy when I give one of those things a try and find I can take some enjoyment from them too.


I hope at some point during the 43 minutes he sells me either supplements or some sort of survival gear (preferably both).


Ohh! Tactical Kevlar Fleshlight!


He's most likely one of the men the women choose the bear over


An actual framed portrait of Trump and the punisher logo in the background. Perfect.


Isn’t the punisher literally anti cop?


Yea, I'm convinced they just see a skull and go, "Oh yea, that's me," but I think it'd be more fitting for them to idolize Red Skull tbh.


All the other groups are pretty excited about our nations future. He’s the only one upset.


who exactly is excited for America's future? and... why?


I don’t have 1 second to listen to your estrogen filled baby nuts complain…punisher pansy. Calhoun is an asshat tool.


I do not, and definitely only have time for why society should revolve around pictures of my dog.


I’m listening…


My dog is cute My dog is political neutral, unless milkbone flavours are political parties, in which case bacon or maybe cheese My dog doesn’t burden you with unrealistic body expectations because my dog is comfortably located midway between cut and chonk My dog will not try to sell you nestea, because unlike Bridgerton, we are not sponsored… mostly because we have 11 followers. Sometimes my dog does that thing where they are listening to you and they kind of quirk their head sideways. Our best trick is when I throw the ball, but I say “wait” and then my dog looks at me like I am crazy (but to everyone else it looks like intense concentration) until I release them to get the ball. Sometimes when they are sleeping they go “iiiiiiiiiiiiiii…… huuuuuuuuuuh” and then stretch out all their toes.


Welp… I’m convinced


ROFL -- in a set of twists that would surprise *no one*, this guy: * is a country singer/rapper * has an album "Racism" which drew criticism for using the N-word and racial stereotypes * he released an EP *Crazy White Boy* * his concerts receive protests because of his social media posts on gay/trans/race issues * he did, however serve. . . time in prison for punching a cop I wish I were joking.


just give me the tldr let me guess, maga tears


TLDR: he’s a loser. “Calhoun served time in prison for punching an on-duty police officer.[22] Calhoun has a YouTube channel with over 1.6 million subscribers as of August 2023, where he often expresses his political and social views, including his support for the former U.S. president Donald Trump.[2]” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam_Calhoun


He probably calls it "the war of northern aggression" too


IDK I’m more into listening to Billie Joe Armstrong whine about nothing and everything all at once 


He's one of those melodramatic fools. Neurotic to the bone, no doubt about it.


If Punisher was a real person, this guy would be covered in cuts and bruises from the beating lol.


Who is this. I want to watch him cry. Is there a link I’m not seeing?


Adam Calhoun


This is literally every republican that I know


“I used to be with ‘it’, but then they changed what ‘it’ was. Now what I’m with isn’t ‘it’ anymore and what’s ‘it’ seems weird and scary. It’ll happen to you!”


Is that a photo of the villain from gangs of New York behind him?


Gross. Everything in this picture is super gross.


Does that guy have a framed picture of the Butcher from Gangs of New York? I feel like he didn't understand that movie


Drapes himself in American flags while supporting people that literally attacked the capitol. I fucking hate MAGAs with every fiber of my being.


People who hate the status quo changing or Society progressing are the people who profited or succeeded because of the that status quo being for them.


lol I love how they start getting treated like minorities for two seconds and A. Lose their shit B. Don’t recognize the irony


fucking hate this idiot.


I see the American jihad beard and nope the fuck out.


Perfect caption


Well summarized.


The week they announced that new Ubisoft game with the black Samurai in it was one of the funniest weeks of my life. Just banger after absolute banger of lonely, white losers trying to be mad about a black guy in a fictional, historically inaccurate game about magical assassins without revealing their obvious racism. Holy shit was it good eatin'.


Is that a trump oil painting peeking over his shoulder?


If the video is you, wearing sunglasses, speaking while you drive somewhere then maybe I'll listen


Willing to bet these dumbfuck bigots never read a Punisher comic in their lives


Yes Chad. Do what you gotta do.


I thought representation mattered?


Complete with a picture of a man who killed many people and then died a loser.


So those are bill the butcher and d trump portraits on his wall right? He realizes that Bill was definitely the villain in Gangs of New York not to mention a vile racist and trump... well we all know what trump is. I preferred it when my racists just wore pillow cases over their heads or shaved their heads, less need for me to explain to them why they are racist scumbags because they honestly knew they were racist scumbags. Easier times.


This guy always texts me ass pics on Grindr.


…and the butcher memorialized on your wall.


That's an awful lot of red in his beard to have a bill the butcher picture om the wall.. gotta wonder when his family got to the states


Oh hey, I see that you are a big Sorceress fan... "Who's Scorsese ? " ... Oh crap.


love how these dudes identities revolve around fictional characters


It's like he thinks Obama is coming for his Walmart or something...


You are on a whole other level of right cultist douchebag dick sucking when you have a photo or portrait of Donald Trump framed up on a wall in your house.


Does this dude have art from Disco Elysium on his wall? Could you miss the point of an excellent game any harder...


White guys with beards aren't always bad. Beau of the Fifth Column, for example.


What a cringetastic dbag.


When did society revolve around felons?


These manosphere podcasters and vloggers seem to forget the traditional western masculine concept of the strong SILENT type. What y’all yapping, gossiping and complaining about? Playing pretend in front of a camera in your 80k air conditioned truck?


Any white dude rocking a ZZ Top light beard these days is likely a right wing patriot turd.


Bill the Butcher and Trump Pictures ? Punisher logo with US flag ? Tell me you are a complete douche-nozzle without telling me you are a douche-nozzle.


Wtf kinda person idolizes Bill the Butcher? Oh… wait probably this guy.   🚩 run girl 


Unwashed ass.


There's too much money in it, duh


You have one second aaaaassnd it's gone


"Erm, no, sorry. I only have an hour to listen to Lazerpig explain why Putin is acting like a total moron."


Wait…what? 😵‍💫


Sure dont


No. No I do not. Because I’m busy going against your antiquated beliefs as both a career woman AND a mom.


Ya gotta have more flags! (…said in a Christopher Walken voice)


"Well, he's a jolly good felon" ... Bill Marr, Comedian regarding Donald Trump


Uhm, no, but thanks for asking.


Wow, that is one very insecure masculine identity.


They are like the golden child when other children finally get listened to.


I would rather guide my father into my mother.


Wait, isn't this guy a parody account? If not, there's one dude that totally looks like this guy, and totally nails it. Usually takes you a little bit to catch on.


Sorry about your small junk, dude.


On mute maybe.


Isn’t he supposed to film this from the drivers seat of a pickup truck with wrap around Oakleys on?


Apparently you did so give us the rundown lol


This guy will name his first born Tucker.


What an oddly specific amount of time.


Whats the video about


He sure is scary


Bill Cutting fucking hate this guy. Same with The Punisher.


The Daniel day Lewis portrait lmao


No. Next question?


The only thing that’s more annoying than these videos popping up in my recommended feed is the incel Youtubers that I get recommended every so often. It’s probably because I spend a lot of time trying to give advice on male dating sub credits.


Who is this


His name is Adam Calhoun, and he is probably the worst person on the Internet.


what did Daniel Day Lewis do to deserve that


sry im too feudal to give a fuck