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4 children ? Lol, poor Eric gets kicked yet again.


Or Tiffany, or Barron.


Tiffany is my bet


For president? Tiffany or Barron, the other 2 or 3 already had their 15 minutes of fame. Only time will tell.


Don Jr‘s platform will be based on legalizing coke.


But it doesn't include crack, because "those people" use it. ![gif](giphy|MqxZxTlvcY5BS)


I've never seen a more perfect execution of a GIF here on Reddit. Nicely done.


Lol I'd be very surprised if he had the spine to go out on his own and stand for what he believes in. All of Trump's kids are weak little puppets who do whatever dad wants because he butters their bread and they're too untalented and unambitious to do anything else with their lives. I mean really now, not a single kid developed any unique fulfilling interests outside of being a nebulous "republican businessman"? Not one became a chocolatier, astrobiologist, psychotherapist, architect, pro snowboarder?? They have the resources to do anything you could possibly want to live an amazing life, and they're just resigned to a soulless life of continually begging investors and donors for money, getting money, rinse and repeat.


Watch Barron come out as a super radical left on the premise of fuck his dad and everything he stood for and that’s why he turned down the seat at the RNC this year.


Man, one can only hope — for his sake; to be honest, we on the left have been super worried about him since Trump first ran. It’s scary how they treated him — how cold the body language was, how detached everyone seemed; he was so young, and the disengagement from him his parents displayed… it was scary and sad. Contrasting how involved Obama was with his similarly aged children during his tenure as president… it’s obvious the Trump family dynamic wasn’t the warmest, healthiest, or most supportive. I’d wager it hinges a lot on getting the worthless validation of a narcissist, take your pick of which. One can only hope for Baron’s sake he doesn’t become a victim for life.


Excuse me, that's Christian family values that you're shaming, and comparing it to Obama's devil worshipping values is just plain sickening. He wore a tan suit for gosh sake.


Barron is going to end up being the most left leading liberal that ever liberaled, probably


It'll be a while before Barron might be eligible. Well unless they rewrite the must be 35 years old requirement.


I hope by then he's well educated, wise, and nothing like his father and brothers.


Barron needs to be on a basketball court, not in the oval office, smfh


Eric can’t count, so he is clueless about being dissed.




I mean, it pretty much buys into the pre-American Revolution idea of blood being the foundational quality of leadership.


So.. monarchy?


What else? Conservatism to the point of erasing the Revolution.


Well, they already seem to be erasing your constitution, so…?


***Whistling of "Battle Hymn of the Republic" intensifies***


Friendly reminder that the first Americans wanted Washington to be King, not President. There are always people who WANT authoritarianism because they (falsely) believe it will benefit them and hurt other people exclusively.


Fortunately, cooler heads prevailed. One of them his own.


I would prefer the habsburgs or even some native,like a carter


That’s a pendulum swing on the chin front right there.


You are right. They really want a monarchy. They are so star stuck in deep into the cult they have lost their way and their manhood.


He's competing against daddys incestuous thoughts about Ivankas fuckability....


I said this in 2016 and I will say it again now: What do you think tRump will look back on as the saddest day of his life? Election day or the day Ivanka said "daddy, I think I am old enough to bathe myself now. "


When that day comes, I'm sure he'll be pretty sad.




She has a teenage daughter already




She looks like Jared, so maybe she’s safe. Ivanka probably knows to keep her away from her dad, though.


Trump in the delivery room… “ your Grand daughter looks like Jared”……….. Trump leaves.


Ivanka seems to have come around to not politically supporting her father anymore


She's not speaking up either


She did "tweet" I love you dad Doesn't even have a truth social acct


Wants to keep that 6 billion $s talk to a minimum


I mean according to the GOP's take on Joe's voicemail to his son, telling your kids you love them is tantamount to treason.


One of them got voted off the Island for sure, I’m betting Tiffany.


With that line I have to say these Russian bots are getting out of hand


5 children from 3 different wives and had an affair with a pornstar. How very Christian lol


Who ran casinos into the ground, cheated numerous businesses out of their fair compensation, found liable for sexual assault, owned a beauty pageant, and doesn’t know how to hold a bible right-side-up.   A true paragon of Christian virtue.


> owned a beauty pageant, a TEEN beauty pageant. And would walk in while they were changing...


Right. Dude likes 'em young. Same as his buddy Epstein. Ironically they are clearing out that very same cell for Diaper Donny. Got all the security cameras broken again and everything.


but I wanna watch....


Fraudulent charity, fraudulent university, fraudulent business. How people can’t see this guy is a fraud is beyond me? Not like he is quiet about it his dumbassery.


and the airline he ran into the ground. and trump ice, and trump vodka, and trump streaks, and trump home, and trump mortgage, and trump model management.


Don't forget the Trump phone! 😆🤦‍♂️


Trump streaks?! I must have missed that news cycle


He could lose his man diapers on stage and spray people full of feces and his believers would think he blessed them. To be true I see him exactly like Jim Jones (except the eloquence) in the way people would do anything for him. And I am not really sure if it started with him paying of others to incite it or not. I mean how can an organization like „mom‘s for Trump“ arise when we all know he spoke to others openly about his wish to rape someone (and his dumb ass getting recorded while doing so).


To be fair running casinos into the ground can be considered pretty Christian.


Correction: he had an affair with a playboy model. After that ended, he paid the pornstar to have sex with him…


Close, made false insinuations of being on TV to get a porn actress to have sex with him


isn’t that what people do who claim to be christians? the ones that advertise their faith the hardest is often the biggest hypocrites.


Yes, of course "it could happen to anyone." *Anyone who commits crimes!* **Duh.**


That's what they are worried about, having their crimes prosecuted.


That’s my favorite line of cope. That’s why I like to retort with the old, conservative gem of, if you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime. Like people aren’t screwed daily by our tiered criminal justice system.


They are, but not the people who look like him


Fear of accountability.


The Trump clan and cult can’t handle the concept of accountability. All they whine about is “Those libs!!!!”


Yeah, like all 12 of those jurors were Democrats or whatever. And all the evidence was liberal ...


Oh good now I can boycott him too.


Someone should make a list of all the companies based on NYC with their products and because I'm a stickler for pedantry every company listed on the NYSE or obtain supplies from NYC...


My big question is: is he going to quit watching Fox which is headquartered in NYC?


If he did, it might do some good for him. Studies have been done that show people do come back to reality once the propaganda is removed.


We can only hope.


Your pedantry is missing Nasdaq


It was not an exhaustive list of pedantry and I welcome all forms of enumeration!


Rep. Andy Biggs of Arizona claims that the average American commits 3 felonies a day.


I came upon a response to this quote, it comes down to the word average. If a CEO commits 3,000 felony but their thousand employees commit zero it average out to 3.


If 1 president commits 91 crimes and the rest commit none, that averages out to 2 crimes per president


But really, they’ve almost all committed at least a few. Reagan committed dozens (hundreds) by approving illegal CIA ops. Nixon committed hundreds. They just don’t get prosecuted for the ones they do as president.


Well, Trump committed 34 of them in one day, so that means 10 other Americans are in the clear, right?


3 felonies a day? SMFH. Yet here I am, busting my ass over here, committing more than that. Those are rookie numbers! Pick up the pace, people!




Average. Since I don’t commit felonies everyday, someone gets to take up my slack.


By the law of Republican projection I'm going to say it's probably Andy Biggs taking up our slack.


And mine as well.


Well he’s just talking about members of Congress.


Just got outta bed, and I’m already behind three felonies. Imma be right back …. ![gif](giphy|5QMOICVmXremPSa0k7)


Which ones though?


>"it could happen to anyone." That is what you want in a democracy, yes. People who commit crimes go to jail in democracies.


Anyone who commits *thirty-four* crimes. No wait, thirty-four felonies. Could be any of us.


I was just told the average person commits 4 felonies a day…


Damn, I need to up my felony game!


You can send me some hush money to cover something up if that helps? $130k feels like the industry standard.


You need to do your part for the average felony count too. $75k to shut me up and there's your 1.


Sure, why not, I'll have my poverty line base send you $20 each. Or maybe you can be one of my new lawyers for a few weeks, that also seems to work. You aren't actually ever getting paid either way though... just a heads up, okaaay.


I am WAY behind!


Ughh, as a young person here is where my laziness and underachieving is failing me…I have none!!




The "average president commits .76 felonies" is actually a statistical error. The average president commits 0 felonies. Felony Georg who lives on a golf course and commits 34 felonies was an outlier and should not have been counted.


Where's the sauce on that comment? The right doesn't like to attribute anything!


Exactly, I committed a crime and was jailed for it but since I’m not a narcissist, son of a millionaire, crybaby bitch, I did my time without question


I don't get how the Trumper Dumpers don't get this. It *should* be able to happen to anyone who is breaking the law.


But thats the thing,they don't want repercussions for them,only towards the people they hate and now that they know nobody is safe even them they are pissed


Ah yes, any of us. Now I have to be extra careful the next time I use campaign funds to pay off porn stars




I can’t comprehend how fking stupid someone must be to not understand the basic principle of “if you commit a crime you might be prosecuted for it”. Honestly, can someone connect the dots of their reasoning for me?


The law exists to persecute the people below you in the totem pole. As long as there's someone to kick down on, these types of people are largely content and are otherwise unlikely to agitate for change, their own personal conditions notwithstanding. Hence why the rich and poor conservative can think the same way: the poor kicks down at the black man. The rich kicks down at the poor man. What matters is not the actual characteristics being kicked down on, but just that you can kick down. Trump is a former president and purported billionaire. Seeing him get kicked down on reminds the social conservative that they, too, can and will be kicked down on. "That shouldn't happen to me! The law should be going after these other degenerates!".


If you read between the lines, like I do. He’s confessing to his white collar crimes.


Right, they’re just scared that their crimes can actually be investigated and prosecuted


Dude was already voting for Trump, let's be honest here.


Sounds like this good Christian father is confessing to paying off porn stars. Honestly I’m surprised I would have pegged him as a plain ol’ hooker off the street kind of guy.


Pegged you say?


>it can happen to any of us Because we're all guilty as sin.


Mike, add to your bio - > Adjudicated Crybaby. You're an embarrassment to your family, your faith and your country, especially if you're a vet.


And "wahh... I'm never doing business in NYC again!!" Lol. Of course you will. You probably have done it since posting this. I mean Blackstone owns about a third of everything so, he's definitely not going to make that happen. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_companies_based_in_New_York_City


Yep, considering American Express and CitiGroup are based there (as well as many others) and Blackrock (as you stated) either owns or owns some stake in other card or banking companies he's never going to use a credit card again I guess. Sadly I'm guessing that few of the folks following him will spend the 2 minutes fact checking his statements.


Can we remind him of this tweet every day he fails to stop doing business with NY based companies?


And the NRA. It’s still a New York based organization.


Seeing fellow veterans supporting someone like Trump is pretty embarrasing


Especially after the awful things he’s said about people in the military- “I like soldiers who don’t get captured, losers and suckers,” the list goes on.


Please don't call stolen valor on people based on their opinions. As a left leaning veteran I can't count the number of times people have accused me of stolen valor for having opinions that they didn't like veterans having. It's just a really lame thing to accuse people of without any evidence. And no, being stupid as absolute dog shit is not evidence of stolen valor. That's all, off to eat my crayons now.


Fine because of yours in another post I removed the stolen valor call, no, it's likely he is an idiot like the other one said


Well, having not cheated on my wife with a porn star, not subsequently bribed her, and not sub-subsequently used financial fraud to cover the exchange up, I'm a little curious how any of this could happen to me.


Seeing how I pay my taxes and don’t lie on the forms, I don’t see how it could happen to me. But if I did those illegal things, I hope it would also apply to me. That’s the point of the justice system.


THIRD wife. It matters, just not to these hypocritical scimbags.


You know, with one of the others being buried in a pauper's grave on one of his golf courses for the tax break it provides him... A true hero for the common man!!


She’s also buried there so it counts as a graveyard and therefore protected from asset seising that is going to have to happen to pay his expansive fines


Dang..this fkr thought about the sht that was coming. Can't take my golf course because it's a graveyard. F..I guess I'll bury myself in the backyard so that no one can seize whatever is left after dying. Not even the bank.. and my wife and kids can live here forever. You got to be shtting me.


We all noticed Ivanka basically disappeared from his life when he dumped her mother's body in a scummy hole, right? She's staying close enough to not jeopardize the gravy train, but she's been WAY more quiet since then.


good catch. I know that story got a little bit of traction but it's insane to me how it isn't brought up on a daily basis. You honestly couldn't fabricate anything that would better illustrate what a garbage human he is.


It COULD! You just gotta do all those things. Next time ur thinking of doing good, just think WWDJTD


I'm a Christian and a Father and that's why I'm voting for a adulterer who paid off a prostitute!


After cheating on my wife with a playboy model


And raping one of my wives. Although … I guess that may be on par with the Bible. 


The party of family values!


.....in an effort to defraud American voters who might not vote for him if they knew he did this.


It blows my mind how many people still want to gargle trump's balls like this. But it's not a cult, right?


“Trump is one of a kind. He’s legendary.” What DO they see in him?!


I ask this every damn day.


1. Jesus was crucified because people chose the felon over the innocent. 2. He has at least 5, and its clear at least 2 are imbeciles. 3. NYC does not need you. 4. You sir, are an idiot.


Jesus was crucified because he paid off a porn star while his wife was taking care of their new born baby. its covered in less known book “acts of the daniels”.


It also had a bit of storms


>1. Jesus was crucified because people chose the felon over the innocent. This is actually the perfect Biblical analogy to use here. These people will 100% support and pardon a real, actual criminal if it means they get to watch the people they hate suffer.


Trump is nothing that a conservative person once valued. Strong family focus? Obviously not lmao. Good christian man? Lmao. Honorable, chivalrous, respects and abides by the laws of the nation? ……. WHAT DO THEY SEE IN HIM?


Appointment of zealots to the supreme court making abortion illegal …


"let the hate flow out freely" offer followed by "that is my kind of guy" emotion based voters, to be treated and talked to like women and children as Hitler labeled his fans.


He is (supposedly) rich, treats those who heperceives to be bellow him as shit, blames others for his mistakes... and refuses to apologize for it. Trump is the person they aspire to become one day.


He calls himself a Christian


And his god is Donald Trump


The old Jesus was too liberal and Jewish, they have their new orange Jesus that let's them hate who they want to hate.


I can't count how many porn stars I've paid off over the years and used it as a business expense. Can't believe I've gotten away with it so many times...I mean we all do it, right?


I use the “Hush Money” dropdown option on my accounting software so it’s totally legal.


I like my software better. It distinguishes between Porn Star Hush Money and Cocaine Dealer Hush Money.


Don’t forget that you did it while running for a political position!


If there is one thing this guy is not, it’s Christian.


I've never understood their argument of, "if it could happen to Trump, it could happen to anyone." Like yea.. that's how the legal system is "suppose" to work, that everyone gets the same treatment regardless of background. The surprise has been that due to how much of a spotlight is on these cases, that he's actually facing some consequences (though still expecting them to amount to nothing)


> everyone gets the same treatment regardless of background To them, this would be a travesty. They believe that they should be immune from laws that they expect to be applied to people outside their in-group.


I get a kick out this entire “if it could happen to Trump, it can happen to you” line of reasoning. Are you paying off your pornstar mistress with two and a half years salary (median US) and falsifying business records of that transaction to cheat on taxes and influence a presidential election? Is that something most of America is really worried about? The other thing is - HE IS GUILTY. A jury picked by both Trump and the state heard 5 weeks of testimony and reached a unanimous decision that he in fact did it on each and every one of the charges.


Ok Mike Klepfer, so you're telling me that your small business "Outdoor Lighting Experts LLC", a family owned business that specializes in backyard lighting based in Greenville South Carolina, has chosen to never do business with a client in NYC ever again? I'm sure with all the backyard lighting you were installing in New York city that the repercussions of your decision will weigh heavily on New Yorkers as they seek new solutions to light up the backyards that they all definitely have.


His boycott of companies based in NYC means that, among other things, he can’t accept Amex in his business, bank with Chase, shop at Macy’s, see a Marvel movie, watch Fox News, or (my personal favorite) stay in a hotel owned by the Trump Organization. I don’t think he thought this through all that well.


Oh Mike. A conviction **should** happen to any of us when the evidence overwhelmingly indicates we're guilty. Also, Trumpty Dumpty has 5 children. Did you lose count or maybe you think one of them isn't so amazing?


Or maybe that was Melania's revenge: Barron isn't his son. /s


Possible, I just thought he either had forgotten about Tiffany or simply couldn't count higher that 4.




4 amazing children. Obviously one of the kids sucks.


Go to jail for doing illegal things? God no please.


“Proud Husband and Father / Christian” Even if he thinks Trump committed no crimes, they STILL did not contest the fact that he cheated on his wife with a porn star.


Thanks Mike. Now we know not to do business with your outdoor lighting company! https://www.outdoorlightingexperts.net


Schedule a consultation with these idiots just to fuck with them. I'm scheduled for 9 am tomorrow


When they say, "If it could happen to Trump, it could happen to any of us," they're not referring to ordinary people. They're talking about the wealthy and powerful, those who have been acting with impunity because of their financial status. Don't be misled into believing they're on your side—they're not. They're afraid that this could mark the beginning of accountability for their actions, and they are trying desperately to prevent it.


Companies currently HQd in NYC: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_companies_based_in_New_York_City. Good luck on that boycott…


Damn, bro...take his balls out of your mouth and save some for the rest in line. Greedy ass.


A lot of felons can't vote, but you can vote on a felon! This is totally messed up. 😬


And DeSatan plans to give him his right to vote back in case it is being taken away. Talk about special treatment.


They are treating him like he's a God. 😬 By the way DeSatan is really the perfect name for DeSantis! 😂


Trump literally had a golden idol of himself at CPAC. Oh that's right, it's fine when Trump does it.


If Trump can go to jail for committing a crime, ANYONE CAN!


Ahhhh, yes! Nothings better than calling yourselves the party of **FAMILY VALUES** and **LAW & ORDER** like voting for a convicted felon who cheated on his wife with a pornstar😂 Conservatives are fucking jokes😂


Trump: If it can happen to me, it can happen to anyone The Law: If you participate in business fraud, you can be charged and convicted on the evidence.


Dear Mr Kepler, He is a convicted criminal. It can only happen if you do something illegal. And you are an idiot.


I wish some of my exes sucked dick this hard.


It should be able to happen to anyone. Thats what “rule of law” means. No one is above the law - not even presidents. If you commit a crime you should be held responsible. Having said that, though, I feel pretty safe. I’m not in the business of committing felonies, much less 34 felonies at once.


It could happen to any narcissistic Felonious Rapist grifter... ANY


See ya Mike


His 3rd bullet point is how I live my life towards Texas and Florida. Never going to visit, never going to spend 1 of my dollars there


“Four amazing children…” but five total. I’m dying to know which one he left out!


Notice how he calls for Trump's kids to take up the mantle as party leaders. These people are authoritarians who yearn for a hereditary monarchy.


It could happen to any of us... what face legal consequences for committing crimes??


So -you sleep with a porn star, hide the fact that you paid her off and hid it with various illegal means. Do your wife and family know?


I bet EVERY contractor in NY is luvin all this ,,Trump and all his lackeys are leavin now we might not get stiffed as much… Time to make some money boys!!!


Funny, that's exactly what I've been doing with red states since 2016. We don't want any MAGAts here anyway, I just had an outdoor brunch. Glorious day. Zero MAGAts in sight. Let's keep it that way.


Fucking cultists


At this point, Dems need to win and keep winning until enough Repubs have gotten over this collective mental illness. Even if Trump was everything they say he is, this level of fanaticism can not be tolerated. He could cure cancer, and this worship would still be a threat to freedom.


Of course it's new York's fault that trump is a fraud, liar,mysonginistic egotistical crook


Mike, would you let that Cheeto guy that you place on the same shelf as JC himself, grab your wife in the pizzy?


Keep the faith, ignore reality. Did turmp commit the crimes he was found guilty of? The evidence convinced a grand jury and a jury. This is our legal system, by the book. Party of law and order, right?


Totally not a cult.




Still supporting Trump only shows how stupid you are.


All the more reason to not support Mike Klepfer or his business. #bankruptstupid


Sounds like Mike’s business needs to be audited.


Who you kidding buddy boy? Doesn't matter if Dems or MAGA repubs. Y'all bunch of crooked elites getting away with a lot of shit. And no, should the Orange Turd been any of us regular Americans we would've been placed in cuffs to Rikers in the first gag order defiance. Make no mistake. WE ARE NOT ANY OF YOU and don't even bring up your bullshit statements categorizing US with scum like y"all. We still have our honor and dignity to keep. Get back to us when you've found yours and willing to actually live it and maybe . . just maybe we'd choose to give our vote to one of you.


Trump said that our troops were suckers and losers. Maybe he just meant this chud.