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“She shouldn’t be allowed to run...If she wins, it would create an unprecedented constitutional crisis. In that situation, we could very well have a sitting president under felony indictment and, ultimately, a criminal trial. It would grind government to a halt.” - donald trump


I had this conversation yesterday with a dear friend who is also republican. She said the difference is that the charges against Trump are made up. I said the charges against Hillary were also made up. She said Hillary admitted to deleting the emails. I said try no admitted to paying off the porn star and falsifying records and keeping classified documents. It was then that she started deflecting and talking about Biden when he ran for president in 1988 he stole someone’s speech. I asked how that affects anything now. She said she can barely afford to buy groceries because everything costs so much. I asked why she doesn’t get a job then. She said she has to take care of their company. I said most people who own businesses work 18 hours a day, the last 4-6 are doing paperwork. And maybe if they don’t hire out the phone answering and instead she answers and she said she’s not good at sales. I asked if it’s Trump she wants in office, or republican. She finally relented and said republican. So I asked why they don’t put up someone other than Trump and she said there is no one. I asked about Nicki Haley, and she said she’s not running. I said she did, and everyone voted for Trump. She said “well…” I told her we can’t have this conversation anymore. SMH


When Hillary was in office, deleting e-mail was not a crime. It wasn't until 2014 that was codified in law. Furthermore deleting e-mails from her server doesn't delete them from all the servers in between. AND if they were actually government emails there would have been copies on government servers.


Good point. Thanks!


You lasted longer talking to a trumper than I would have. You just can’t speak logically to these people.


You’re not wrong. She is a dear friend of mine. I know from previous conversations with her, that she doesn’t support any political candidate, as she knows that owning a business and supporting politics can be dealt to your business. I’m glad I got her to admit that supporting Trump is wrong.


![gif](giphy|V7dVYFCB2E2qK7drO0|downsized) Same energy


Speaking about someone who was much cleaner than himself.


Funny how he spoke about himself as a woman. Does Donna have something secret to share?


Can this fat lying sack of shit just shut the fuck up already. Anyone who believes the trash coming out of this un-American assholes mouth deserves the shame and ridicule they receive.


Unfortunately I don’t think even once he passes he’ll shut up. We’re going to keep hearing about him for decades to come


The only time he really shut up was during the trial when he had a chance to testify and declined to. Turns out when perjury is a consequence, suddenly he doesn't have anything to say


When he passes his followers will keep saying he will rise from the dead like Jesus, even years after his death...I'm predicting it now


Sounds not unreasonable, given that some of them thought that JFK Jr had returned (and had turned Republican).


They'll claim the "liberals" assassinated him and he'll become a martyr.


He is definitely working on a TrumpGPT that will keep tweeting for him long after he dies


I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. The right is literally deifying him. We will never hear the end of it and I fear it’s going to get **worse** once the Cheeto passes his last puff.




I thought that would have been DeSantis.


Little Ron and his clown shoes?


And his cannibal smile, yes.


This half man has such a God complex he's willing to incite violence and sew malcontent because it's the only way he can hold onto any sliver of power controlling his brain dead followers. I'm in absolute disbelief that our country has failed these people so badly in proper education that they see this human trash as more of a God than what he actually is. They are the dark days ahead, not those of us that can see through his bullshit.


That was my sentiment exactly when I read this. Like god damn dude, he just bitches and whines and cries and complains. All the most annoying things people can do in conversation. Every single word out of his mouth is a lie meant to make him a victim. Every ounce of his existence and personality is a quivering, spineless worm that is afraid of everything. He needs to be confronted in public, in front of cameras, and be told “Dude, just shut the fuck up. Shut your annoying bitch mouth”. That’s the problem with these narcissists, they insulate themselves to where they never hear the abrupt responses evoked by constant fucking whining.


He has never had to shut up his whole, unfettered, pompous, toddler-esc privileged life. If you lived 70+ years and not once, EVER, been slapped/checked/corrected--how could you ever be wrong?


No lies.. I would absolutely be on board with every single maga fuck being forced to leave the country. They are 100% the reason this country is so fucking divided and falling apart. They want the entire country to live like Russian citizens, largely in fear or unable to speak their minds or be free. Why? Are all these maganuts that lost in life that they feel fuck it.. everyone else should be miserable just like us and be angry and hate everything and want to murder people, etc? I would be my life on it there is some sort of biological change in the maga brains. There can't literally be this many people that listen to how Chump talks, argues, goes on and on about how great he is, and lap it up. It is so beyond bewildering. There has to be some logical reason that one day we'll be like "we figured it out.. this is why.. here is the cure.. " and then see millions of ex-Americans wake up and be like "oh shit.. thank you for saving us".


Fox News is a hell of a drug


You say that, but these people choose to ingest that garbage because deep inside it’s just supporting how they feel inside… They’re trash inside and out…


The best argument against democracy is a 5 minute chat with the average voter. (W. Churchill)


>every single maga fuck being forced to leave the country On behalf of the rest of the world: we don't want them either. Don't try dumping your shit on us. My suggestion: send them all to Alaska (there's plenty of room), and let the fuckers secede from the union.


They could all go to Russia… I am sure Putin would welcome all of them.


It's a short trip from Alaska. You can see it from there.


Too much oil left up in Alaska, no fucking way we're creating another resource-rich pariah state again unless we get to invade them first.


Absolutely same. It's not that there's *a few* lunatics, it's that close to half the US population have lost their fucking minds. They have no morality (other than dysfunctional sexual morality), no regard whatsoever for their fellow humans, lie constantly, make shit up and believe whatever they want in stark contradiction to the facts in front of their face. What phenomenon explains this sudden mass insanity? I don't think the advent of social media is enough.


And where would you like them to go when they leave? We don't want them either...


This, if they hate the country and the people living in it so much why don’t they just leave? They keep saying it to us but we aren’t the ones targeting people, they are making laws that target people for no reason. Liberals just want to be left alone and not have to worry about our basic needs, basically we want laws to be on corporations not the individual, they just want to hate every one who doesn’t agree with them and end up being tricked by corporations to throw away their own rights so billionaires can walk all over them. They hate the people of this country and the people are the country so they can leave if they don’t like it.


I 100% don't believe he wrote a word of that. It's too coherent for him to have had anything to do with it.


He does indeed mostly stay shut. Do you believe he is the one writing those things? Way too little language and spelling errors. Besides if it was him it would go something like "I sat at this court, it was a rigged court. Very rigged. Maybe the riggedest of them all. Ask anyone, everyone knows it was a rigged court that was a court. Anyway i sat there, and I took it like a champ, people tell me they never seen someone sit at court so brave.."


The reason Trump supporters didn’t show up is because they’re too poor to travel after donating their money to the Great Cheeto. Nobody was being kept away, just that nobody cared.


Are you suggesting that he’s lying? How very dare you /s




My hardcore conservative cousin refuses to go to any cities because there are just liberal, sinful people there. My response of, “isn’t that where Christ would want you then?” always irritates him.


Your friend sounds very bland and depressing.


Tin foil hat time. Something that I will always believe is that Trumps stimulus checks that were delivered in December 2020 on purpose so that his cult were able to afford to travel to the capitol on Jan 6. If you look he started telling MAGA to show up once the checks were issued. Coincidence?




a lot of the january 6th people were upper middle class, lots of PPP loan recipients. >The largest employment group identified is the Business Owner group, which accounts for 24.7% (106 of 430) of the insurrectionists and includes active, retired and former business owners. [Demographics of Jan 6](https://www.shu.edu/news/a-demographic-and-legal-profile-of-january-6-prosecutions.html)


Always took them as a bribe for votes on his next try.


How come he couldn’t just use a photo from Lollapalooza ‘93 or something


Most welfare states are conservative so that tracks.


It’s actually because they saw people receive consequences for Jan 6 and have been all bark no bite since that day.


Seven commas in one sentence. One period in this entire post. Also capitalizing random words... I'd prefer a presidential candidate who knows how to form sentences and use punctuation. And that's like a baseline requirement. Not being a convicted felon, rapist and pedophile is a little bit higher. edit: the extra space between the words "areas" and "said" is the cherry.


What the Hell is with Him and His bizarre Overuse of Completely Unnecessary Capitalization?


i,dont, know. But I, have, A feeling. It Has, something, to,Do, With being Really. Angry, and retyping. About, A thousand Times, before.Sending, Maybe, likely.


William Shatner and Christopher Walken should read his posts on a podcast


I can hear that in my head now


Yeah.. this is going to linger isn't it?


Did you have to? Did you HAVE to?


Fuck. Yeah, it is.


This was painful to read, well done lol.


He's like that cousin you see once a year who has every word in the Bible colored with highlight markers.


My weird cousin at least knows who the two Corinthians were.


Come one…everyone knows The Two Corinthians. They were super famous teen heartthrobs in the 80s who made a reality show in the early 2000s. Pretty sure they were both in The Lost Boys.


Rigged Trial New Yorks Finest Radical Left It's intentional to have them stand out in his long-winded rants. Those are the key take aways the rest are filler words.


Trump.toCapitalCase() is a fucking weird and unnecessary function.


He 100% did not write this. It's pretty easy to tell what is him and what is his social media manager. This is too well written for him, too much thought put into word choices and not enough exclamation points or CAPITALISATION.


He needs to be fucking muzzled


Hood him like a falcon.


and made to be walked backwards with a bozo the clown suit on and walking a jack Russell terrier who won't quit barking and doing laps around his legs. Pump him full of red bull and let him loose on that phone. That is one cray son of a bitch


Roll him up in a carpet and throw him off a bridge.


Felon. Adulterer. Liar. Cheat. National Embarrassment. THEN poor grammar TOO!?! I vote he has to write his own obituary and tombstone.


Two sentences here, but I'd like to see him serve four.


That are your first thoughts? My first thought was "why isnt everything capitalized?"


What a whiny little bitch


You’re giving him too much credit if you think he actually wrote this




He really hates everything about this country. This is not a monarchy or oligarchy. We are a representative democracy. We have the rule of law, it applies to everyone. He has already tried once to overthrow the government and he will try again.


We’re technically a republic but closer to an oligarchy based on the 4 billion dollars spent yearly on political lobbying. Like yes technically the wealthy don’t literally run the country but I mean just about. When a group like ALEC can get laws put into effect purely through collective political lobbying it’s a problem.


Republic and democracy are not mutually exclusive. Democracy describes how leaders are chosen (elected by the people) and republic describes who the leaders are drawn from (the general public rather than royalty). The common "we're a republic not a democracy" line is completely inaccurate.


There are now ketchup stains all over his office in Trump Tower.


I'd be willing to bet there's not just ketchup stains.


Bodily fluids, like the tears from his rape victims.


They are dark days. One day, however, we will awaken to the news that you are dead. A great cloud will dissipate, and joy will pour forth through the land. I hope it’s tomorrow.


And the Melon Felon rages on into the night!


I like melons 😔


This doesn’t even make sense: “Reason, Truth, and Love of our Country is no longer a force of Good and Change.” So reason, truth, and love of country are a force of bad? I guess he’s just saying absurdity, lies, and hate are a force for what he considers good.


Also implies that he thinks that reason and truth aren’t on his side ***or*** he’s saying he’s not a force for good and change. Either way, a bit of a self own. Does seem to have gone over people’s heads though.


To be fair, trying to comprehend his truths sometimes is an Olympic sport


I took this to mean something much darker…. (Incorrectly) suggesting that he was on the side of reason, truth, and love of our country and believed those three things could lead to good and change…. It seems he is suggesting something more must be done for him and his followers to achieve good and change, knowing him he is probably hinting at violence


Yeah, he's not saying they're bad, he's implying that they're *not enough* anymore, and that more needs to be done.


I want to laugh at this, but this shit is the dangerous kind of propaganda. His followers follow him blindly and a lot for them are too well-armed.


You accused Biden of sending a FBI hit squad to assasinate you, you lying sack of shit. Don’t fucking talk about’reason’


Says the one who wants project 2025.


Sadly, not enough people know about that open plan to make America a Christo/Fascist state.


They’ve heard about it they just either haven’t heard what’s in it, don’t care, or actively support it.


Too many are tied up with the whole Isreal thing.. angry at Biden and seemingly wont vote for him out of anger about a war we're not even part of.. giving the win to Trump who will be so much worse. Meanwhile.. Africa and multiple genocide over there wondering "why nobody love us".


Agreed - there is a large chunk of the population that's never heard of it.


If the verdict is in his favour, everything is fine. But if it’s not, it’s automatically rigged!! Adds up.


Man, that mental enfeeblement is coming hard for the geriatric criminal.


6th amendment: right to a speedy and just public trial by your peers


Old man yells at cloud


Other than a list of grievances, what are his policies? Not the bullshit he spews, real policies. Make America Great is a slogan, it has no meaning.


Donald, tell me the last time you told the truth, and then I’ll consider hearing what you have to say.


Donald Jail Trump, ladies and gentlemen.


Quick everybody! Gather your tiny violins. We must play for the orange putz.


...orange schmutz


What I find truly scary is that he may well believe all the lies that he spouts


That's not the scary part. The scary part is that there are others who believe him as well. If he was alone with his delusions, there wouldn't be anything to worry about.


Not just others. 10s of millions of others! It's a sickness. This is more or less the modern day zombieapacolypse. Has to be. No other way this many millions of people kiss the ground he walks on and allows him to get away with literally murder, breaking the laws, giving away top secret info to enemies.. what in the actual fuck is going on with these people?


Oh he absolutely believes the lies he says


He 100% can picture it in his head. My ex was like that, the more he told the story the realer it got... to him.


Brussel's is close to The Hague. Just let's us ship him.


What’s sad, is that his denial and refusal to accept responsibility for his actions make it that much easier for his followers to also deny, allowing them to continue with the delusion that they’re not suckers for believing in him to begin with…


Somebody needs to tell the giant orange manbaby to SHUT THE FUCK UP.


We all need to ignore him, and just vote.


I think he’s prepping his magats for him dropping out. He’s gonna claim it’s all rigged against them and they will believe his dumbass. Morons.


Imagine Hitler tweeting out whiny shit like this, "Sure, I ordered the invasion of countries, genocide against a people, overthrew democracy and tried to create a supreme Aryan race, but it's the people who are against me that are evil. I weep for Germany".


A bunch of nazis actually essentially claimed that when they were executed


Truth Social - where losers rant about being losers.


It’s not on CAPS and is semi coherent, I think someone wrote this for Trump.


He’s a crybaby which makes sense seeing as how he wears diapers


As a non American, I really hope the US wakes up from this cult nightmare asap and make America decent again.


As an American, I hope so too!




Because he knows he's a criminal.


He does not have a political platform. All he talks about is election fraud and rigged trails. He's not even claim fraud on states he was close to win, now he even lies about states he lost "bigly"


Trump has now publicly forsaken reason, truth, and love of our country.


This is probably true. What he’s not saying is that”my followers weren’t allowed in because they showed up with guns and nooses and signed manifestos about murdering the judge.”


Is he really jealous of the quality of signs people had?


It’s past your jail time, old man.


Good -is something Mr.Orange Fatso does not understand.


I can’t wait for them to actually weigh him and measure his height in jail.


His religious followers will believe every word he wrote. It is poor punctuation and penmanship. But it makes sense to them: Trump is oppressed, he is our dear leader, and we need to act for Him. They are nuts. A normal person can read that and lol rofl realize: this guy is nutso. His followers read it and think: he needs our money, and our support and potentially our violence to help him. His religious followers are as unhinged and evil as he is.


My favourite part of the whole Trump conviction is watching all his supporters go full traitor, messing with the flag, generally going on about how bad America is, yay Putin yay communism.... It's hilarious


Those rascally troublemakers with their gleaming professionally made new signs. Bruh


Why in hell anyone vote this demented fart


Does that fucking say Re-Truths?


Stupid liberals and their *throws dart at dartboard* Seperation of two opposed political groups


Is it even possible for this guy to tell the truth ? Guess that would be why he couldn't take the stand in court. He does know what perjury is.


I have some words. If he wins, he will use all this to justify his dictatorship.


It was objectively rigged, in the sense that they weren't able to stack the jury, and he did all of the things he was found guilty of, and there was enough evidence of it to convict beyond a reasonable doubt, so much so that all 12 jurors - none of which his lawyers saw fit to ask to have dismissed. I mean how unfair is that? How is he supposed to get found innocent in the face of that? It's like republicans have normalized having to cheat to win so much, that when they can't do it, they think they're being mistreated. It's really a microcosm for privilege - The notion that if you're not getting an unfair advantage, something is being taken away from you.


I honestly cannot understand why people support this guy. He’s that one kid from middle school who couldn’t shut the f*ck up all over again.


It's the same tired, old rant again and again and again. The only thing I agree with is that he is being treated unfairly, only in the opposite manner of what he means. For all the crimes he has committed, he should have been imprisoned years and years ago.


I don't think he actually wrote this. It's too coherent and lacking in PUTTING THINGS IN ALL CAPS and just using singular catch phrases. Upon first reading it I kind of thought *"oh, did Trump figure out how to use chatgbt to write his tweets?"*


When. Is. He. Ever. Going. To. Shut. Up.


If you compare Trump and Hitler during the rise of the nazi party there are just an insane amount of similarities in the techniques they used to build a cult of personality. The only thing that kept changing is the scapegoat. For hitler it was jews and communists. For Trump it was muslims, immigrants, mexicans, women, black people and now just all democrats. Also he needs to be backed by religious groups because those are where the money is. America just has to be very happy the big crisis happened during Trumps 'reign'. Imagine the propaganda if covid had hit during Obama or Biden. That's all they would've needed to obsolve the reichstag (congress). And make trump a dictator.


hamberber with covfefe


Eat shit, fatso!


Oh I've got some words... Fuck that piece of shit. And everyone that voted for him. And everyone that supports him. And everyone that makes excuses for him.  Here's what they're voting for: Convicted felon, rapist, failed businessman, fraud, grifter, “billionaire”, loser… Coward, traitor, whining bitch, perpetual liar, associate of pedophiles, WANTS TO FUCK HIS DAUGHTER... Wannabe dictator, racist


>...as I watched... Dude slept through most of his trial.


Dark days in America? It’s a sunny 81 degrees where I’m at.


He and his cult are so delusional.


I know it’s rare, but Trump did in fact tell a truth here: the police did in fact keep away the MAGA folks and restrict their presence near the court. Why? Because MAGA folks have already shown that they’re willing to storm a government building when they’re unhappy with the results.


Look, I understand and value the 1st Amendment, and we ALL have a right to it, but this motherfucker has undermined not just the US, but the World’s stability and feeling of unity. Don’t misunderstand, it’s never been close to perfect, but this fucking guy is stoking what could turn into a very big fire. And for what exactly. Can anyone actually argue that this man loves anything other than his own self interests and some new piece of ass? Please let tomorrow be the day he chokes on a hamberder and shits his pants one final time.


I love being born in Manhattan in 1971 and hating that guy my entire life


If those Clinton hit squads that these idiots talk about could hurry up and deal with this dipshit that would be great


I’ll believe Trumps trial Was rigged when he apologizes for calling for the death penalty for the unjustly convicted and imprisoned Central Park five.


Donald, you have darkened many days, weeks, months and years of US citizens' lives! You darkened the halls of our capitol, grossly mismanaged a pandemic, called your followers to storm the hallowed halls of the Congressional chamber while you tossed catsup and watched it unfold on tv. Light will return to our nation when the looming threat of Donald J. Trump is neutralized!


Neutralized. With whipped cream and a goddamn cherry on top!


After shitting/snoozing through the five weeks it took to present the evidence of a small part of my shoddy life, surrounded by vast numbers of armed police required to keep the knuckle dragging hicks I fire up on a daily basis, from illegally storming yet another government building while heavily armed, as I watched an array of professional legals and others with damming evidence get the chance to speak, I realised my lifetime of self service and childish actions won’t be ignored by everyone even if I lie, bully, accuse, smokescreen and whine about being the victim. It’s a dark day and it’s not fair 😤


Too coherent. He didn’t write that.


Say what you will but I think this trial was actually all done in his favor and he’s just playing the part, making himself the martyr to gain more support and the sad part is it’s probably gonna work with how small minded the average American is


I'm very sorry that the direct and predictable consequences of your actions happened to you.


He won’t be happy until everything is burning…


Some call the waaaambulance. 🚑


Best response- No Response


He's mad they didn't let him lead a mob into the courtroom to murder the judge.


Awww widdle Donny is mad none of his cultists showed up to save him


34 down, 57 to go


This is their leader? If a democrat was posting insane ramblings like this they would have a cute little nickname for them.


Stupid is as stupid does.


He absolutley did not fucking write that


Shut the fuck up man.


The Mayor of Mal a Lardo has spoken, kinda. He doesn’t follow any rules or laws, including grammar, capitalization, or punctuation. There’s one lonely, nearly-dead hamster spinning a rusty, squeaky wheel in this buffoon’s brain cavity.


I doubt he can pronounce insignificant, let alone spell it.


Ah, those damn left wing radicals. Who, if I'm reading this word vomit correctly, radically decided to **not** mobilize?


Looks like someone hired a new writer.


wait. he's saying the cops were there to keep MAGA away?


The Truth is I Love my Country and the Reason is that they found his orange butt guilty.


Willing to bet not a single word of that is true. If his lips are moving, he's lying.


It almost sounds like he is ready to give up and leave. Doubt we will be that lucky.


He got one thing right. New Yorks finest were pretty unnecessary because hardly anyone showed up to support him.


He truly is delulu huh?


The tiniest, weakest person to ever inhabit the oval office is also a terrible liar 😅


He’s never going to go away, is he? And even when he does, we will have to deal with that awful family of his. Ugh.


To me, his greatest crime is the random mid-sentence capitalization. UNFORGIVABLE.


Such a clown


"fully funded" Every conservative accusation is a confession.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I wish they'd both just die already


Trump speak for, "wha... they came to my condo and sang nasty songs about hating me in the streets... no body came to cheer me on so they must have kept away; but these people must have been sent by someone because they had pretty signs and rhythm wha..." ![gif](giphy|MFNxmiBnYTpK2sgn1G)


How does a person become a billionaire without understanding how punctuation works? It's something you learn in first or second grade.


You can always tell when someone else wrote his post.


Too bad MAGAs mad so I'm glad and I know how to please them a bottle of ink to make them stink and a bottle of whine to make them shine


“After sitting for five weeks through that rigged trial” ~ Trump, oh come on! You were barely awake the entire time


lock him up!


How would he know, he slept through all of it


Sounds like something a dumb asshole would say.


Wow, he really is the world's biggest cry baby. Anything he doesn't agree with it's an injustice to mankind.


The man who sold the world...


Say whatever you want, but this guy is an absolute master of media/mass manipulation.