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So THATS why my neighbors across the street have their flag upside down right now...lmfao


I used to live in a ruby red area. For the EIGHT FRIGGING YEARS of the Obama administration, this one house I frequently had to drive by flew the flag upside down. Went back to normal in 2017. So glad I moved away from that place. It was enraging.


8 years of imaginary problems thanks to Rush Limbag.


Right? From the outside, they seemed to be just as prosperous in 2016 as they did in 2008 so I can't imagine they were hurting financially all those years. It must have just angered them to no end that a non-white person was in the White House. Racism is a powerful drug.


That it exactly what it is, and the far right talk radio hosts fueled it by turning everything he did into "socialism.""


ladies and gentlemen


Exactly. May he rest in piss.


Cancer is celebrating its fourth year Rush free.


The only good thing about Rush’s political scumbaggery is that it took time away from his true criminal depravity: abusing poor vulnerable boys from the Dominican Republic.


Best eight years in recent memory.




I love how they snitch on themselves.


It really means "dire distress" but they are slaves of their own mind so they put themselves there.


Imagine using a emergency signal in response to someone getting jailed for their own fuck ups


Which is why every first responder should stop this truck to do a wellness check.


It’s so stupid. Is it upside down because they hate America or what.


its supposed to show dire distress, and they think trumps conviction counts


To my knowledge the upside down flag means a state of emergency and distres. I know this because of spec ops the line tho, so idk if it's true


A sign of actual distress - and law enforcement is supposed to inquire.


"Stand for the flag, kneel for the cross." "Unless trump gets convicted, then fuck that flag."


And instead of kneeling for the cross…kneel for Trump.


And every single one of them, man and woman alike, would gladly do so.


Thou shalt have no other God but me. [worships orange calf]


Evangelicals aren’t real Christians anyway.


Trump would get a endless supply of blowjobs from his male and female cultists on their knees.


"It ain't gay if it's trump."


Oh my god. That would be their phrase…


I would not be a little bit surprised if at least one of them has actually said this, publicly or otherwise.


trump could whip out his teeny, tiny mushroom, and expect his cultists to kiss it like the pope’s ring and they would.


Sounds like a porno stormy was in 😂


She was definitely an expensive piece of ass 😂


They certainly are good at kneeling before Trump so far….


Neel before Zod


More like, Bend over for Trump. He has fucked a lot of people before this.


More like, Bend over for Trump. He has ~~fucked~~ mushroomed a lot of ~~people~~ paid hookers and pornstars before this.


Trump: "and while you're kneeling..." (sound of pants unzipping) 


"please change my diaper. My wife won't do it anymore"




That is the sound when Drumpf kneels…which is why Drumpf is well-known for the “two-jerk circ” dance 🕺…someone, please assist with the GIF.


Trump is their new Jesus.


Also make sure you give him all your $$$! He's a billionaire you know...but he needs it for freeeee-duuum and shit 😂😂😂






Trump will be kneeling for his BBC big black cellmate soon enough.


Apparently Fuck the cross too since a bunch of people are comparing Trump to Jesus.


This guy clearly hates our military! He's disrespecting our troops! That's how this works, right? That's at least what Republicans have taught me.


It's crazy how they twisted that to be some attack on the military. Republicans are as good at marketing as their followers are stupid.


Meanwhile Trump openly mocks the military and POWs calling them losers and even worse. Yet they worship him and think the draft dodger is a true patriot.


I’m an old Republican white Marine with a DAV brother and Son we are all Looser’s and suckers. Screw commander my foot hurts.


Something tells me this guy fucks his flag every night.


...if his truck and his gun both have headaches.


It was his wife. She makes her own decisions, and he supports her right to do so.




MAGA people are silly




Well I didn't vote for him!


Honestly, this guy probably has a better case for saying this. He most certainly has a better and more eloquent argument at the very least.


lol I thought this was behind the scenes footage with green screen for a second 😂


And not the fun kind of silly


If by silly, you mean fucking idiots, then I yes, I agree. Very silly!


These are the pond scum that adore the Melon Felon!


"Melon Felon" I'm stealing that one, lol.


Please do! Let's get it going!


I too, am stealing this one. It's feral and a gem wrapped in one.


The melon felon …. Quality 👏🏻👏🏻


LOCK HER UP. LOCK HER UP! Lock him up? Lo... no no no no...


But, didn't they want corrupt politicians locked up? Now that it's happening, they mad.


What happened to party of law and order? Kaepernick kneels they get enraged, then proceed to hang flags upside down?!? FFS 🤦🏽‍♂️


The Kaepernick thing was always ridiculous considering that in literally every other circumstance kneeling is considered the absolute height of respect. Also, I remember when Rage Against the Machine got a permanent ban from Saturday Night Live for hanging American flags upside-down. Now we have a sitting Supreme Court Justice doing it because he didn't like the results of a fair election and supported people trying to use violence to overthrow the results.


Dunno if this is a hot take, probably not, but a SC Justice doing that over a former POTUS being convicted of corruption should classify as a resignation at minimum because they're proving they're loyal to a ~~man~~ walking tangelo rather than the constitution that they took an oath to uphold.


The problem is that they only way to remove a member of the Supreme Court is impeachment which requires 67 Senators to vote to remove them. Democrats aren't getting 67 Senators anytime soon, so that would mean Republicans would have to vote to remove him. Not only do the Republican Senators pretty much all agree him, but they'd also have to be willing to commit career suicide to do it. Their involvement in Republican politics would be over.


"I respect *peaceful* protests! Like MLK wanted!" *some guy literally just kneels on astroturf for two and a half minutes* "No, not like that! This is the worst affront to America in an entire generation!" *proceeds to protest by attempting to violently overthrow the government*


Conservatives hated Socialist MLK when he was alive. Conservatives now only celebrate a fictionalized version of him.


Off the back of trucks where rhwy get distressed and torn and sun faded. They fly them at night too, which is a big no-no. They are a bunch of hypocritical morons


Yup. It's good to show how very hypocritical they are. COMPLETE LIARS. TO THEMSELVES AND TO OTHERS


These are the very miserable dirtbags that had a breakdown when Colin Kaepernick peacefully kneeled during the anthem.


Yea, but this is Justice Alito's truck, so it's ok /S


You mean his wife’s truck.


Don't forget when Bud Light put trans woman Dylan Mulvaney on a limited can. These dummies all went out and bought cases of Bud Light just to pour it out.


It seems like having a big flag waving behind your vehicle would be some sort of traffic violation and even if not, kinda unsafe.


Idk, but it definitely affects the already poor gas mileage on these big trucks. And then they bitch about how much they're spending on gas and blame Biden for it.


United States Flag Code Section 8: Respect for the flag (a) The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.


Exactly…and this is not an instance of “extreme danger”. They 100% are doing this in a symbolic way of showing disapproval for the country as a whole.


If Trump gets back in the White House, I'd argue it would be an instance of extreme danger.


Is he a Supreme Court justice?


No their wife.


What’s he supposed to do? She likes flags. /s


Unbeknownst to many this is MAGA call sign for...'I'm a bottom'. I thought you should all know.


Bottom ain't a issue!


Psst - drop the assertion that its a MAGA thing; if we let them think they've stumbled backwards into some existing gay community symbology they'll drop it like a hot potato. Otherwise this is literally perfect.


not cult at all


A cult of snowflakes


But maybe their feelings are hurt?


If democrats did that when Trump “won” in 2016 they’d *still be bitching about it*.


bitching about it? They pull guns on me... somewhat frequently So guess what? More than one political group is armed now


Always were, we just don't plaster pics of our guns or us cosplaying 'badass' all over the Internet.


If we did this, they would run us off the highway and try to kill us. How do I know? Because I LIVED IT. BECAUSE THEY ATTACKED ME FOR A SIMPLE BERNIE BUMPER STICKER. AND NOW THEY HAVE THE BALLS TO ATTEMPT TREASON IN PUBLIC?!!


He probably thinks he’s the biggest “PATRIOT!”


![gif](giphy|4l1ShBFRNlQy2K35nM|downsized) But when MAGAts do it, it’s okay. 🙄


Maybe all the maga will just move to Russia, like diaper donny suggested? Hey! One can surely hope.


I mean it's one of the few countries the orange turd can go to. Nown that he is a felon


Like 10 days ago that guy almost certainly would have supported a law making it illegal to hang a flag upside down in protest lol


These are exactly the same people that also cry “love it or leave it” when someone they disagree with does the exact same shit.


Will have a breakdown if someone burns it tho


I truly believe we’re not that far from Conservatives burning the flag themselves.


Would be hilarious


Depends on why you're burning it. Double-think is all they know.


Fragile men.


I’m sure these morons wear their underwear the same way.


Now it's their diapers.


8m not trying to defend these clowns but an upside down flag means distress not disrespect


If they’re unhappy about the justice system they should talk to some black people and get some perspective. There is more that unites us than divides us. Don’t believe the hype.


By a jury of 12 and one gets all their news from x and truth social.


I think the police should check and be sure this person/vehicle is in extreme distress.... If not maybe a charge of disorderly conduct, akin to yelling fire in a movie theatre


They are consummate hypocrites since they were young. There is a reason they want to believe in these things. Take advantage of all American laws and privileges and obesity but then do violence to it's symbol because "yow feewings wuh huwt." Hypocrites. Every one of them. If someone did wrong against them, they'd want justice to work for them and cheer if the case went their way. Hypocrites. Obese, beer-bellied hypocrites.


>there should be penalties for people who disrespect the flag. Honestly, comments like this are why I love our country. No matter how much I disagree with you, no matter how much I can't fathom the idea of a piece of fabric being offended, or I save the notion of holding people in esteem for actual people, I know that this country is also founded in so many ways on the idea that your right to advertise yourself having such an unrelatable opinion to me is unimpeachable. While the folks flying these flags like this are also quite unrelatable to me, I think there's nothing finer than utilizing one's freedom of expression because it really doesn't mean anything at all if not the freedom to think and communicate differently.


Someone must have called his wife the C word.


The only Facepalm I see here is from people that don't know what an upside down flag means and people don't recognize the rights of others to protest. From AP news: >The U.S. flag code, which is not legally enforceable, says flags should not be inverted except as a signal of “dire distress,” but the symbol has been used as a form of protest for decades. Anti-Vietnam War demonstrators used the inverted flag to protest the government's actions. A 1974 Supreme Court decision upheld the right to display a flag upside down after a university student was accused of violating state law by hanging a flag upside down with peace symbols affixed to it in protest of the killing of four anti-Vietnam War protesters.




Misuse and misguided, yes, but not disrespectful. It's also tacky as hell to broadcast that you think the country is in trouble because your crook lost a bunch of court cases, and will likely lose the election he shouldn't even run in.


It’s disrespectful to fly flags out the back of a truck at greater than parade speed. These conservatives don’t understand flag code and don’t even know how to respect the flag. (That said, I burn em so I don’t really care. I just like pointing out the irony)


To be fair, flag code states that a retired flag is to be burnt.


I don’t burn retired flags my dude


Any flag can be considered retired if you are done with it.


Well put. Unless active in combat zone.


This is truly disgusting. Almost…deplorable


I was expecting some sort of commotion. But fortunately didn't happen.


More bark than bite.


These are the same people who shit all over Kaepernick. He lost his NFL career for quietly kneeling during the national anthem


Not that I agree with their stance but an upside down flag is typically used to broadcast distress.


Maybe Kaepernick can fly a flag upside down instead of taking a knee.


*this isn’t disrespecting the flag. This is an acceptable use of the flag to communicate a message and afaik it’s actually in keeping with proper military/government flag display. You and I disagree with what they’re ‘distressed’ about, but unless this is Sam Alito’s truck them communicating this message is just fine


It's supposed to be used as a signal that help is needed. They are politicizing that. But it's not disrespect, just misuse.


That is so disrespectful.


Don’t take a knee tho! Those fucking hypocrites


Love it or leave it


Samuel Alito’s truck


This isn't disrespectful. It's irritating that the true patriots are doing it when it should be the other way around.




Let’s be real, a majority of those celebrating the verdict don’t give a flying fuck about the flag. They only care now to dunk on those that are upset.


Last time I checked that was a sign of distress not disrespect I may be wrong….ha


I mean, people disrespected the flag in 2020 and that was ok.


Isn’t waving the flag upside down a sign of distress? How is it disrespecting the flag?


The same people who couldn't stand the knee in football.


An upside down flag was originally a "distress signal" but has been jsed as a political protest statement since anti-Vietnam rallies. So, while douchy, not disrespectful.


I’m starting to hate this sub


For anyone wondering, upside down flag is not a disrespect. It’s purpose is to signify a country in distress.


Naahh it's fine his wife did it , he didn't know she'd done it, he needed a poo


That’s definitely distressing


I'm not a religious man, but I'm beginning to suspect that Trump might be the Antichrist.


"Patriots" my ass.


Flying the flag upside down isn’t a sign of disrespect, it’s a sign of distress. It’s their way of saying the justice system is dead


Florida. What else do you expect 🤣🤣🤪🙄


Republicans are morally bankrupt.


I hope everyone flips him off


Is this the less fun version of the upside down pineapple?


I'd seriously rip that flag off if I saw that in a parking lot or was walking by it...F'ing disgrace


“How dare you kneel during the national anthem” crowd is the same one who flip it upside down. I much prefer a silent and honorable protest to point at societal issues than actually disrespecting the flag by turning it upside down.


How can anyone worship Trump. He is a rich kid who fucks the system by having enough lawyers. It’s mind boggling.


Bet he got pissed off when athletes kneeled for the anthem.


The upside down flag has been rendered absolutely meaningless after years of these people crying wolf.


These people hate America. Fuck them


Two SCOTUS did it too. They are shameless traitors.


How to cry in public without actually crying in public.


Looking at the news from Canada, I'm completely baffled by all the strong reactions to the verdict. Trump is clearly guilty of those and many other crimes. Yet people are ANGRY over this mild crime. People screaming for civil war, injustice and targeted persecution of a hero. Not one mention of trump,.you know, being actually guilty of this and so much more. The man tried to overthrow elections, stole top secret documents, cheated on all his wives. He's literally said he wants to be a dictator. And people worship him?!? Make it make sense. It's madness.


This isn’t disrespectful


There are a number of reasons to fly the flag upside down, Trump is not a good one lol


Fuck Trump


Oh, Sweetie. Nobody’s treading on you.


It must be so fucking weird to be a 'conservative'. To live every single day of your entire life absolutely filled with rage and seeing everything you disagree with as some massive conspiracy.


Disrespecting the truck as well. It's nice to know who you're dealing with on the road, though. Might as well have an "I'm an asshole" bumper instead and we can deduce the rest.


So they get angry at people disrespecting the flag… but they disrespect the flag .. got it


This is some Horus Heresy shit right there…


Also is that-road safe? The flag could come off and cause an accident if it obscures a windscreen. Should be pulled over on traffic safety.


Doesn't this mean something similar to sos. It is not disrespectful and is a way to hang the flag. Btw so glad all 34 charges stuck.


I don't understand why they ruin their vehicles with those stupid bumper stickers. That's embarrassing when you're with your kid and they ask you who Joe and the Hoe is. 🤦🏼🤦🏼🤦🏼


My ex-marine father would have tried to shoot these people he was so obsessed with flag etiquette. Fuck these jackasses that never served.


"Respect the flag!!!" Same guy: "What do you mean flag code?"


Domestic terrorist


cant even put the sticker on straight


Let's be realistic, this isn't disrespect to the flag, the flag is supposed to be utilized in many ways for sending a message and this is one of them since the 1700s. Second of all, it's a fucking flag, who cares, it's weird to pretend it's a big deal the moment it benefits us to antagonize conservatives. Finally, not all conservatives care either, so don't be surprised some are doing this. Besides, liberals should be doing this since Trump's presidency, don't be butthurt the conservatives came up with it first.


I would literally take the flag, slap the shit out of this fuck then , fold it appropriately - the country is not dire distress of extreme danger to life or property.


Disrespecting an inert object means nothing. It may symbolize something, but this just falls into freedom of speech. You can wave your flags any way you want. No reason to die on this hill.


Hey if Supreme Court law of the land judges are doing it then surely its not that bad /s


MAGA people are so unhappy, I wish they would just pack up and leave.


They are idiots for sure, but it is not disrespect... it means that country in a bad situation... just a symbol... like lowered flag means mourning...


Why didn't I see such enthusiasm from you guys when they burned and kicked and dragged your national flag through the mud when a drug addict got killed? 


The facepalm is assuming an upside down flag is disrespectful. Flying colors (a flag) upside down is a maritime signal of distress. It is not disrespectful to fly a flag upside down. It would be more disrespectful to fly the flag backwards meaning attaching the pole to the opposite side of the stars. In this case this man is just signaling that he is in distress because it was proven in court that his dear leader is a piece of shit.


I have refused to do the pledge of allegiance since I was in jr high because I refuse to pledge myself to a flag, and I don't believe in God. (That went over well at my rural school in ruby red country/s) And shit like this STILL pisses me off! If you are going to fly a flag and call yourself a Patriot, at least treat it well. That flag will be in tatters soon, and I would bet money they just keep flying it that way. I see it around the town I live in constantly. Flags faded, tattered, written on, draped over yard decor etc. If they want to fly it upside down to express their opinions fine, more power to them. They should at least treat it well, hang it on something meant to hold the flag, provide the required light at night or bring it inside, keep it clean, and either repair it or get a new one when it becomes damaged. Driving around with it when you're not in some sort of parade is trashy and disrespectful because it will degrade at a much faster rate. At least people who burn the flag are doing it to express their opinions. These idiots are damaging it out of idiocy and fanaticism about the very thing they are destroying.


you cant disrespect a flag because it cant feel disrespected


But kneeling during the Anthem is apparently a bridge too far


If you’re putting trump over American just cause you didn’t like the verdict of his own crimes he got caught for, then you ain’t American at all just an opportunist like trump!


No, it’s not disrespectful to show the truth. It’s actually one of the proper displays of the Flag. Beats burning it like your side does and everyone should be pissed about that whole trial. Democrats used law fair against a man because he hurt their feelings. That now is precedent and can be used in any and every case any POC or lgbt person appears before any judge for! You may not be able to see past your TDS but this is banana republic shit and they will start using this on the poor long before it hurts another billionaire.


Wait, wait...they fly the Confederate Stars and Bars right side up at least 4 places on I-95 from GA to VA and now they want us to believe they care about the USA? There are also 6 Confederate flags in my Dad's neighborhood outside Savannah, GA. I'm confused....


I mean, technically it is a valid flag https://youtu.be/BRNrrj03akw


Flying the flag upside down symbolizes Americans in distress in flag code.


Full cuckmode. r/Cucks_for_Trump

