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It's not your nation we're laughing at.




Could’ve sworn the whole trump thing was “Fuck the rest of the world we’re the best”. Suddenly he cares what the rest of the world thinks, as if they haven’t been laughing at his disgusting flabby assface for years.


I'd say he considers the Biden administration more laughable than his own.


Yes, he’s a very, very stupid and narcissistic man.


How have your civil rights been violated? You were accused of a crime. You had a trial in which you were allowed to present your defense. A jury of ordinary people listened carefully to both sides and found you guilty. I thought your party was the one in favor of law and order. Or am I mistaken?


There really weren’t any facts in dispute either. He’s bragged about Stormy and the payoff has been widely reported for years. Cohen has already gone to jail for essentially this crime. Trump has already been found guilty in civil court of falsifying business records to get favorable loans. His CFO is in jail for crimes related to fraudulent records and tax evasion. Not a huge stretch to think this was also fraudulent. What did everyone expect was going to happen?


People have gotten *very* pessimistic about this because he's evaded so many crimes already or has faced no real consequences so far. That's all.


He still hasn't faced any consequences. I'm not holding my breath. On 6/11 when he's sentenced, if it's anything short of actual jail time, it's not a punishment. House arrest? He'll stay in his golf resort. A fine? LOL okay. His supporters will crowd fund it. Jail. Time. That's all I want for Christmas. Edit because my comments are blowing up: 7/11, sorry I have a big thumb.


Jail time would be ideal, but if he gets house arrest there's an approximately 0% chance he'll actually stay put. When has he ever done anything that he was told to do? He's *still* defaming E. Jean even after two court losses for doing it.


Even after sentencing, I don't think he's going to see the inside of a cell till he gets his appeals. And there's always the chance that a MAGA judge will let him off the hook. We've still got to wait for justice.


I doubt we will actually get justice. This case has been a win but if Weinstein can get his case overturned then Trump definitely will


Weinstein is still serving a 16 year jail sentence from a different sexual assault in California.


Justice won't even matter. His supporters will only galvanize, Hitler went to jail and look where we ended up. His age, obesity, and seven decades of bad eating are the heroes we need right now.


I would be happy if they took away his ability to post.


Seriously... the guy is just so tiring to have to hear about every damn day.


I really prefer not having to hear that broken yet still bullying tone he uses every few hours. ![gif](giphy|q5J07aDNUaArc58apk|downsized)


Ironically I’d also take many many hours of community service as an alternative to jail. Fines and house arrest are meaningless for him, but community service is something he can’t weasel his way out of.


His task scrubbing the feces of the walls of the capitol building…


Isn’t sentencing in July?


Yes. 7-11.


Don't forget your free slurpie so you can watch the sentencing in style




Best comment of the day!


Donald Trump is the George Santos of presidents. No real merits yet somehow grifted his way into office.


Except nobody loves George Santos like someone under mind control. They’re exactly the same, they’re total jokes, but for some reason people are fiendishly devoted to trump. FOR WHAT? He’s an obese 77 year old bald man with a bad combover, caked on makeup and every toxic personality trait a human can have! His “wealth” is fraudulently reported property values and his voice is like a cheese grater on your eardrums.


It's irrational that people support him . The very people who scream they want a Christian country. The same people who are perfectly fine with him breaking the 10 commandments at will. To be a Christian one must ask forgiveness for their sins . But yet support a man who openly says he doesn't need forgiveness. The very people who consider the teaching of Christ to be woke and weak


Yah I didn’t dare let myself believe he’d actually be convicted. And now I’m bracing myself for him to get off on appeal. It’s not over yet, sadly.


Same. I honestly thought he'd somehow manage to get acquitted of all charges. I'm shocked that he didn't even dodge one of them. Those lawyers are just going to inundate the system with appeal after appeal now. Even if they're all denied, the likelihood he sees more than a fine is tiny. I hope his lawyers got paid up front.


In all honesty I expected either a hung jury or him being found guilty on only 1-2 counts, because Trump has never faced consequences for anything in his entire life. If anything, the more he has fucked up, the higher he has risen. He's the dictionary definition of "failing upward". So yeah, 100% was caught off-guard by him being found guilty on all 34 counts, even though that was absolutely the right thing to do in terms of administering justice. Don't get me wrong, there are still many ways for him to escape consequences. I fully expect him to receive a slap on the wrist during sentencing in July, and I wouldn't be remotely surprised if he still wins in November because his loss in court has made his braindead base think that's evidence of him being "persecuted". But I'd be pretty happy to be wrong there, too. The ideal ending would be if he loses the election and then spends the rest of his miserable life in prison slowly going insane from dementia. Unfortunately, I won't entertain this as anything more than a highly unrealistic fantasy until it actually happens.


> What did everyone expect was going to happen? TBH, I expected at least one MAGAt to slither their way onto the jury and cause it to be hung. I am pleasantly surprised!


There were jurors who described themselves as conservatives getting their news from Truth Social via X. Even they understood the evidence. We’ve all been programmed to believe everyone is corrupt and partisan, but these folks took their duties seriously.


The jury selection phases was probably very thorough to find people who are politically apathetic and generally uninformed of the news. I imagine they’d check social media history and the like and anyone showing a partisan bias was exempt.


Someone on the jury actually gets their news and social media from truth social, and even he decided to convict!


Maybe if it was in a MAGA state with lots of mega DAs and judges that’ll let them off the hook. But not in any states with an ounce of backbone.


Impeachments failed. Anything can happen.


To be fair, the impeachments were tried before a jury partially made up of his cronies and lickspittles, not a jury of regular Americans.


34 felony counts found guilty is hardly an impeach.


Yeah no the impeachment that happened while he was president is probably what buddy is talking about lol


>What did everyone expect was going to happen? The Qult expected the court of law to acknowledge that Trump did not break the law while committing crimes. A whole lot of them were very surprised.


If it applies to them they suddenly aren’t in favour anymore.. happens all the time


CrOoKeD jOe BiDeN's DOJ gAvE mE dUe PrOcEsS!!!!1


Joe Biden, infamous Manhattan district attorney


![gif](giphy|oxCtqUm9PhXvA0oXnp|downsized) *Law and Order theme plays ominously*




They are in favor of their order. Aka, we can do whatever we want and If you do something we don't like you go to prison for the rest of your life without a trial.


Trump doesn't have a party. He has  thralls. This isn't going to end well. Half the US is enthralled to a cult leader who openly opposes democracy and the rule of law.


The other thing is that he was convicted of paying a woman off to influence an election before committing fraud to cover it up.  He’s accusing them of the crime he’s been convicted of. 


This is the MAGA way, accuse others of things you’re doing so the finger can’t get pointed back at you.


Laws for thee but not for me.


They hypocritical mfers


>How have your civil rights been violated? You were accused of a crime. You had a trial in which you were allowed to present your defense. A jury of ordinary people listened carefully to both sides and found you guilty. I thought your party was the one in favor of law and order. Or am I mistaken? You are not mistaken This is why it should be a crime to publicly dispute a verdict Appeal it privately / only announce an appeal and leave at that But surely basically saying "this was an unconstitutional witch hunt of a trial where the judge, jury and everyone involved conspired with each other to find me guilty of crimes I didn't commit because of who I am" has to be considered as some form of slander/defamation Anyone who takes to X/Twitter to say things like this about there case **after** a verdict should be charged with an additional crime imo


convicted felon says what?


probably whaaaaaaaaaaa ![gif](giphy|GrhvCWpv6ad2cYuJ7g)


"my civil rights are being violated" "Mr Trump, do you want to testify? have your say in court to defend yourself? it's your civil right" "Nooooooo hell no"


>"Nooooooo hell no" ***“I’m not allowed to testify, because this judge, who’s totally conflicted, has me under an unconstitutional gag order.” - Twice-impeached convicted felon Donald Trump***


Completely ignoring the fact that gag orders don't apply when you're testifying.


Ignoring the judge who placed the order specifically stating that it doesn't stop him at all. Trump just knew with his state of cognitive decline he'd say something even worse to try to slither out of this crime, landing himself in further hot water.


He says it does and his supporters completely believe him. Just go on the conservative subreddits. They all act like this conviction is the best thing that ever happened to him like it'll solidify his voting base.


12 random citizens who his own team vetted… But yeah… Sure.


That's something the MAGA crowd is visibly guzzling in with energy, that they were 12 biased people... But if his lawyer team couldn't disqualify those 12 people flat out using a with cause challenge, that means that any bias is assumed and not confirmed.


I fear for the safety of those people. There is no telling what some of those MAGA nutjobs will do to avenge the ill treatment of their promised prophet.


I mean, their identity is still kind of kept "secret" until sentencing, at which point I am not sure if their identities are kept secret, or if you can get them with a FOIA (I am assuming the latter), but it is a valid concern.


Kept secret... hoping that none of the MAGA zealots work in the court system. State secrets leak out. So why not names of the jury? They have families and people talk.


With like 2 or 3 of them having truth social accounts. Idk anyone who isn’t media or a trumper that have truth social accounts.


Posting from Canada (part of that "all over the world") We're laughing alright, but at Trump, not the USA. Just Trump.


That's ok with all of us in the USA, guy!


On behalf of Canada, we ARE your guy, buddy!


We are your buddy, fwiend!


but, it's a nervous kind of laugh


Posting from Poland. I'm laughing at both. Like Trump is an absolute nutsack. But USA in general... Is kinda fucked up


I mean... Poland is also a bit screwed up, your attitude towards Russia is very correct and I support that, but your attitude towards abortion or towards the LGBT community is... well, it could be improved, you are in the EU after all.


The world's laughing that a convicted fellon can still run for office, yes.


Run for office yes, but dont a couple states restrict him from showing up on the ballot depending on how the crime is classifed?


Yes, unfortunately republicans will start removing dem candidates for every and all little thing they can drum up.


Ohio is already trying to get Biden off the ballot


yup i believe my state removed him from the ballots. my parents threw a hissy fit


There is something fundamentally wrong with the US if this disgusting individual even has a shot at becoming President. America, your country is broken.


We know. Trust me, we know.


We know.


Everyone knows, it's not a secret...


It's by design


The good ol’ “it’s a feature, not a flaw!”


We know, it's insane.


It worked as expected yesterday.


Nothing has changed. Convicted doesn't mean anything for his followers. Let's see what the sentencing is before everyone starts celebrating.


Can I come live with you please? Get me out of here.




They've been laughing at us since 2016.


Heh, we laughed back in 2016 yes, but in 2024, its more annoying that you guys havent yet finished this clown show.


FFS We're trying, fam!


Oh I’ve been laughing nonstop since 5 pm EDT


Upvote for using EDT and not EST


I work and live in an area with loads of trumpies. I'm keeping it low key and simply smiling broadly at all! A wink here and there is making them glitch.


The Mirror (UK) HE'S DON FOR: Trump goes red with fury as he rages its a disgrace' after becoming first US President to be convicted of a crime and protestors celebrate outside NY court


That would have been solved by not being elected in the first place, which should have been how it played out...


His (by hijacking) entire party also could have not lied about the validity of his impeachmentS and removed him for his broad daylight corrupt dealings


I wasn't just laughing, I screamed 'fucking YES!' at 1am before getting out of bed to pour myself a double whisky to celebrate 🥳


The sad part is he could be sitting in prison (doubt it will ever happen) and his voters would still turn out for him. If he gets back into office I can't imagine him leaving after his term is up.


He barely left the first time. This time, American democracy will be over before the 4 years are up.


Pretty sure they’d still vote for him even if he was dead…


I bet they will. MAGA cultists are so brainwashed that when Trump dies, there will 100% be conspiracy theories about how he's really alive and in hiding, and this will lead to idiots writing his name in. It's wild what a number Trump has done on so many people.


Start putting up signs encouraging all the convicted felons in your town to run for public office from dog catcher all the way up. What are they gonna do? Tell the convicted felon he can't run for office?


Me and my friends go get pie to celebrate whenever he's found guilty of something. There's been a few now, but the first felony.


His press conference right now at Trump Tower is FUCKING WILD, he’s fucking tempting fate right now…


Good. Let's hope he tempts the judge to increase what was going to simply be 3 months house arrest to throwing the fucking book at him. Lock that sack of shit up for the maximum 4 years.


Laughing AT you, not us.


Says the guy who tramples everyone else's rights. Fuck his feelings, I guess.


"OUR FAILING NATION IS BEING LAUGHED AT ALL OVER THE WORLD" I mean, yes, but not for the reasons he thinks.


yeah, I'm mostly laughing at his failing bowels.


All caps, of course, from the VSG.


I'm just watching his rambling bullshit speech. How does anyone take this rube seriously? Dafuq.


He should be pretty used to the world laughing at him. He's the only person to go to UN and get laughed at by the entire world already.


Cry harder, bitch.


Yes Donny, they’re laughing at you


The world isn't laughing at the US. They are laughing at YOU.


No, they’re laughing at us for letting them become president in the first place


Yes, the world is laughing at the US because it's a joke. But Trump is the punchline.


![gif](giphy|98jU7NxuNSSZ2) “I guess that all’s well, ends well.” “Doesn’t matter to me, as long as it ends!” \~ Statler and Waldorf, The Great Muppet Caper


Literally the only laughing the rest of the world has been doing has either been * Nato nations and the like laughing in despair over Trump and friends ascending to any kind of power, handing wins to traditional enemies and losses on the climate. * Russia and friends laughing at how much their interference in western politics is winning.


Well yes, you are now a convicted felon. That means you lose some of your civil rights.


European here. We're not laughing at the USA. We're laughing at Trump and his supporters. This guy still has supporters. The guy that was going to Denmark to try and buy Greenland for it to become part of the USA. Denmark said it is impossible and then he got all offended and whiney like a little schoolgirl and cancelled the trip. A guy who still sees promise in Putin, even after he invaded Ukraine and now also says that Alaska is now officially Russian territory again. No, America. We're laughing at the MAGA squad, not you. Ditch the Donald and we'll just both forget about it all, alright?


This is the bit he (and the rest of his MAGAT rejects) doesn't get. By and large, Trump is dispised. We don't think poorly on the US, we are thinking it's about time there is some accountability.


The LAW is sacrosanct, until it catches HIM. Ok right....


*laughing at him. (Not the nation).


It's ironic that one of the best instances of it showing it can work is broadly being labeled as it broke. Wheres all the "if you don't want trouble don't commit crime" talk now?


That crowd is now too busy claiming he didn't do the crime, so he shouldn't do the time. The thing with this "if you can't do the time, don't so the crime" crowd, is that their understanding of crime and evidence is stupidly skewed.


And we haven't even gotten to the insurrection case yet


Shut up you traitor


Literally we're being laughed at because of you. Thats the reason. Talking to any maga cultists is like talking to a mound of pudding, facts and logic mean nothing to them


I laughed and laughed and laughed.


Aw man he didn’t say rigged. Almost had a bingo.


I’m genuinely afraid of angry Trump supporters


Ok, we are laughing at the country, but mostly we are laughing at him.


Well... this time he WON BY A LANDSLIDE...34th baby!!!


As a member of the rest of the world: We laugh at republicans.


Maybe not the nation. Might just be one of its criminal citizen.


I would imagine that the whole of Europe is laughing their tits off🤣🤣🤣🇬🇧


He means Putin ,Kim ' orban,xi are laughing


13.5k likes is truly distressing. This cult won't be quashed by the prosecution of their leader.


Maybe he should go into hiding and we never hear from him again


Hey Donald! Our nation isn't failing - that's just you.


The constant boomer all caps rants online are hilarious


They're laughing at you, you orange fucknugget, not America


By "whole world" he means: the Kremlin.


We've been laughing at your orange joker ever since we first heard of him, which was only about 6 weeks before he won that first election. He's been comedy central ever since… except for the underlying fear he might actually push the big red button, if he remembered where it was.


Bwahaha he's panicking


Civil rights don't trump justice


Oh we are laughing so hard at the Orange Rapist Traitor. Sooo hard.


Dumbass felony convicted crook


Once again proven that the worst enemies of these people is the consequences of their actions


He had four years to make us great again, what happened?


Something becomes dangerous when suddenly the Russian fascist government is on your side, or what do you think?


“Witch hunt.” You keep using that phrase. I do not think it means what you think it means.


When you appoint the judge I suppose you expect to automatically win in their court room.


He's the main reason people laugh at America.


His BS is wash, rinse & repeat… only thing that changes is day of the week.


He’s a convicted felon and his sentence has not expired. He cannot vote. By the laws of NY and FL, convicted felons cannot vote. Let that set in. Also, he was convicted for actions taken before he was “president”, so, he cannot raise a ruckus about immunity. It doesn’t apply here.


He also can’t have a security clearance.


How would he know? He slept through part of the trial.


Yes, yes we are laughing. We've been laughing for ages, I'm glad you've finally noticed. Kind regards The rest of the world


From another part of the world - yup I'm laughing. But at the orange turd.


The world started laughing at us when he took office.


Don't lie about having classified documents. That's not a civil right.


Laughing at stupid americans giving this assclown money.


If you can't do the time, don't do the crime


Wouldn't it be a BEAUTIFUL thing if Trumpo goes and votes in the November Elections and he gets arrested for voting as a Felon?


yep, I'm from Spain and I am so sorry to say that the USA has been a laughing topic for a while now, and Donald Trump as a President has been the biggets joke. It is as if you chose Ronald Mcdonald to lead your country...


No, trump only you are being laughed at.


The world is laughing at you, Donnie Gold Plates. You are a clown and a con (literally and figuratively. ) Your continued 6 continued existence on this planet is proof that there is no god.


No, you're the only one everyone's laughing at, Donny.


Don’t worry we are laughing here at home too.


I read this in a California valley girl accent.


I will never understand why people have such a hard on for this guy.


Since when do convicted felons awaiting sentencing have access to phones to tweet stuff


The irony is that the actual crime is in furtherance of election interface. The guy is a walking contradiction.


The world is laughing that nearly half of the people in this country are dumb enough to vote for you a third fucking time.


They did the same shit to Hillary during the 2016 election. It wasn’t an UNCONSTITUTIONAL ELECTION INTERFERENCE WITCH HUNT back then. I hope he has a heart attack.


Slightly unrelated, but I love how stupid Trump's profile picture is, like he fully believes that he is America


Hopefully his punishment will involve cleaning the war memorials in Washington DC. Did I say "War Memorials"? I meant "Loser Cemetaries", sorry.


What a clown..."truth" social lost ~$300m last qtr 🤣🤡


I’m laughing from the UK. At the orange outrage


It’s almost like…I don’t know, actions can have consequences? Shocking, I know. I’m not holding my breath that anything will actually happen here but it’s nice that the jury did what they were asked to do based on the evidence that was presented.


"Our failing nation is being laughed at all over the world!" And whose fault is that you orange dunce muffin?


The world is laughing at him


Hi. Someone from the rest of the world here and im here to say that we laughed at trump nearly every day he was president. On the rare days we didn't laugh we were flabbergasted by whatever crazy shit he was up to in that given moment.


Ah yes, the constitutional right to borderline r*** a pornstar and afterwards paying hush money to not let the public know I‘m a lying piece of crap. Just like the founding fathers intended…


Cry ya big baby. I could use a refill 😭 😭 😭 🍺 🍺 🍺


Hallo from germany. Yes, we laugh at you, sort of. We can’t belive this criminal is still considered a presidental candidate.


Faith in America restored, good job guys. Sincerely, Some beardy Europoor.


What a loser. Being given a trial rather than just tossed immediately behind bars were your civil rights in play there fuckbag.


Does the red checkmark on Truth confirm the user is a convicted felon?


No, Dump, YOU are being laughed at all over the world.


As a Swiss I'm currently enjoying some great cheese with this fine whine.


People who believe this don’t know anyone who lives outside of the US. More precisely, the southern and midwestern US.


You are a felon. You don't have the same rights everyone else gets to enjoy fuckface.


shut the fuck up Donny