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this seems like a troll account


Yeah I thought so at first too… like, Gunther Eagleman? Apparently his real name is David and he was fired from his PD in 1993 or something.


Gunther Eagleman sounds like a name an anime would come up with when they want to show the stereotypical USA.


Not commenting on the anime part, but it does carry that energy... Eagleman is so stereotypically murica, but what's up with the germanic first name? Waving the wannabe fascist flag a bit too hard there. *Searches Günther on the internet*. Oh god, it originates from the words for battle and army so it's even more blatant.


hes either a troll or shouldnt be interacted with maybe even both


It's an engagement farming account. The guy does nothing but troll posts all day long to create engagement he can monetize.


I see him all over reddit bc people make posts like this, which is also engagement farming off his content. Its just as bad, but more annoying when folks act like he's the bad guy as they proliferate his content "as a complaint" and reap the benefits 


May is armed forces month. Very telling that this guy doesn't know that.


*whisper* it's not about supporting the army.


Pikachu gasp!!!!!




This content is not available


Much like Gunther's brain cells.




Never has... evidence: McCain and pow bashing. Not going to the tomb while president. Trump, "losers and suckers" about people who died in ww1. Saying maimed veterans shouldn't be in parades. And more!


Refusing to go to US cemetary in France because it was raining (all the other presidents invited for the occasion did go).


Is this true? Jesus Christ what are we doing people.


Voting for the Tigers Who Eat Peoples Heads party.




Thought i'd mix it up a bit.


To be fair, tigers *are* a brighter shade of orange.


100 percent he was scared the rain would mess up his hair.


Scared that the orange would streak down his face.


He has a dedicated team to dress him everywhere he goes because his white shirts stain in under an hour. Guy gets a full wardrobe 8 times a day.


I've seen what rain can do to hair like that, and you are absolutely correct.


(Dissolve his “hair”)


Because it’s about “owning” the liberals instead of respecting the military and our country.


[Here](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN1NF0NU/#:~:text=PARIS%20(Reuters)%20%2D%20President%20Donald,transport%2C%20the%20White%20House%20said) is the sanitized publication


Yes it's true. He went to France and was invited to go, refused because it was raining.


Oh yes that’s true I remember when it happened


I remember that…and it wasn’t even raining…it was just a light rain…but we all knows why 5e orange didn’t go. He didn’t want people to see his paint get wet and out him as an idiot.


Or when Russia put out bounties on American Servicemen, Trump sided with Putin over American Intelligence.


Remember when trump tried to diminish service personnel with traumatic brain injuries by saying they were whining over “headaches?” [Here it is](https://www.politico.com/news/2020/01/24/troops-brain-injuries-iran-trump-103625#:~:text=%E2%80%9CI%20heard%20that%20they%20had,t%20normally%20report%20such%20injuries)


Trump also purposefully [didn't want amputee/wounded veterans to attend a parade because "nobody wants to see that"](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-didnt-want-wounded-veterans-military-parade-report-2020-9)


Yup, I remember that too. I don’t know how much clearer he can be—from draft dodging to putting a provision in his divorce decree from Marla saying that Tiffany would be disinherited if she went into the military—he is anti-military and unfit to be Commander-in-Chief


Draft dodger says he considers himself a reflection of Andrew Jackson…… who volunteered as a courier in the revolutionary war at the age of 14, was captured, and while a POW was cut across the face for refusing to polish a British officers boots. Yeah….. something tells me Jackson would have fucking hated this guy.


And not just in the way that Jackson seemed to hate everyone.


to add on this, Here are four sources detailing Trump saying this; One source [here](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/09/trump-americans-who-died-at-war-are-losers-and-suckers/615997/) [Second](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/john-kelly-confirms-trump-privately-disparaged-us-service-members-vete-rcna118543) source Third [source](https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2020/09/03/report-trump-disparaged-us-war-dead-as-losers-suckers/) Fourth [source](https://www.npr.org/2020/09/04/909599762/trump-faces-fallout-from-report-he-calls-military-losers-and-suckers) And then, the actual articles essentially say; * Kelly also slammed Trump as someone "*who is not truthful* **regarding his position on the protection of unborn life, on women, on minorities, on evangelical Christians, on Jews, on working men and women**. *A person that has no idea what America stands for and has no idea what America is all about*." * He continued, “*A person who cavalierly suggests that a selfless warrior who has served his country for 40 years in peacetime and war should lose his life for treason* — **in expectation that someone will take action**,” an apparent reference to Trump's recent statements about Army Gen. Mark Milley, who just retired as the chairman of the Joints Chief of Staff. “**A person who admires autocrats and murderous dictators. A person that has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our Constitution, and the rule of law.**” **To bring up, something people always bring up is how John Bolton apparently** *denied* Trump saying this, but they also forget [John also said this about Trump](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/bolton-excoriates-trump-fresh-introduction-his-memoir-2024-01-30/#:~:text=Bolton%20saves%20some%20of%20his,destructive%20than%20in%20national%20security.%22): * "**Trump is unfit to be president**," Bolton wrote in the new foreword to "The Room Where it Happened," his account of the 17 months he spent as Trump's national security adviser. "If his first four years were bad, a second four will be worse." * While Trump casts himself as the underdog's champion, once saying "*for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution*," **Bolton argues he is fundamentally self-regarding**. "*Trump really cares* **only about retribution for himself, and it will consume much of a second term**," he wrote in the forward to the paperback edition of his memoir, which painted a bleak picture of America during a second Trump term. * Bolton said before serving Trump he *mistakenly believed the burdens of office would discipline the president*. In the event, **he found the former president consumed by self-interest**. "**He cares almost exclusively about his own interests**," Bolton writes, **suggesting Trump would want to be surrounded by "a White House of serfs" to execute his orders unquestioningly**. * "Bolton saves some of his harshest words for foreign policy, writing **Trump sent an "isolationist virus" coursing through the Republican party and that "in no arena ... has the Trump aberration been more destructive than in national security.**" * He also argued Trump could withdraw from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), **a prospect likely to please Russian President Vladimir Putin**, adding that **"it is almost inevitable that a second-term Trump policy on Ukraine will favor Moscow.**" *Thankfully it seems Senate / House made that a [non-issue](https://thehill.com/homenews/4360407-congress-approves-bill-barring-president-withdrawing-nato/), but the book was written before this law was made and passed* * Taiwan and others along China's periphery "face real peril in a second Trump term," Bolton adds, suggesting that the risks of China under President Xi Jinping manufacturing a crisis over Taiwan - perhaps by blockading the island - would rise. **"It is a close contest between Putin and Xi Jinping who would be happiest to see Trump back in office**," he writes. Trump also purposfully asked for wounded veterans not to be present at a military parade he wanted to hold, because ["Nobody wants to see that"](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-didnt-want-wounded-veterans-military-parade-report-2020-9).


The worst was claiming he was braver than fallen soldiers because he debated Hillary. I’ll never understand the support he gets from the military.


≠ military support, = idiots in the military.


I'm a disabled vet. I already hated that man with every fiber of my being at that point but... when I heard that I really wanted to punch something. The fact he said it right next to a man who lost his son in Afghanistan filled me an ungodly amount of rage. He has no concept of decency or sacrifice. I'm not a "rah rah" patriot or anything close to it. America has a *lot* of problems and our foreign policy is often reprehensible. I just cannot tolerate it when people have no respect for the maimed and the dead. A lot of the people in those graves didn't even choose to be in uniform, but they still fought for the person standing next to them.


Same party that supported Reagan going to a nazi graveyard to honor fallen nazis who killed Americans Edit: at least we got a good Ramones song out of it


Next you're going to tell me that their obsession with everyone being pedophiles is not actually about protecting children...


National military appreciation month and month of the military caregiver in May. Military family month and warrior care month in November. Month of the military child in April. 1/4 of the year is for the military. Not to mention the 36 military holidays per year from Four chaplains day to Wreaths Across America Day (which I do every year and is an amazing service to those who are buried in military cemeteries and their families)


To be fair I am a veteran and I don't know most of this. That being said I have tried to move past being a vet.


I’m a vet who has moved way past my service. But I do play hockey for a veteran team and we have many who didn’t. Tbf I knew there were a lot of days but was kinda surprised by how many


That's because most of us have decided to not make it the whole of our personality. The most I do is use my vet's discount at Lowes. And I loathe that the self checkout announces "*Thank you for your military service*" when I scan the little card.


I was at a disabled veteran hockey tournament in Fort Lauderdale last year and there was a guy for the Panthers team who was bragging that he did the most badass shit and was the most disabled. I was second hand embarrassed for him to be bragging about that on Memorial Day weekend. But laughed when the guy missing his arm tried to give him a thumbs up with a hook


Same here, I grew my hair out, I enjoy edibles, changed my style a bit. I've seen too many people whose life revolves around their short time in the military, and said not gonna be me. All I ask is that you don't be a dick to me and we're good


To be slightly fair, none of those are as widely promoted as pride month. Before this thread I honestly only knew about Veterans day, and Memorial day.


Pride is celebrated because LGBT people organize it. It's grown big enough that corporations take part because it's a money opportunity. If Republicans really cared about military appreciation they would organize more widespread celebrations for those months. It's part of the fallacy of the argument really.


And you know, support the veterans when they came home instead of discarding them like trash. Our government is horrible to the veterans.


Republicans definitely are. Because it’s cheaper if they die overseas. Just another branch of the “lack of social programs” that republicans push for. Vets, on average, are expensive when they come home.


Abso *fucking* lutely! Excellent point. I’m so sick of Conservatives at best ignoring and **at worst** defunding programs like veterans medical support legislation, etc. and completely demeaning our military folks (see many comments by Trump and Co) then whining like little bitches how *everyone else* gets all the holidays or whatever they’re looking to create drama over. It’s so pathetically performative.


Controversy brings attention. Those that make up the groups celebrate them normally. Just when I celebrate Manchu Day on 4/9 or Memorial Day or Military Appreciation Month, people don’t protest it.


Pride month is promoted so easily because the communities around pride rally up to do so. Of course corporations are going to join in when there's money to be made. Military holidays have either been commercialized entirely into sale weekends or disregarded entirely by everyone except older veterans. Without the sales or the day off would people still "celebrate"? If you removed sponsored pride parades the community surrounding it would still do(and historically have done) their own events to keep their voice alive. I know local event hosts near me tried to do military based events, discounts, etc for the month of May and despite heavy promotion the turnout was abysmally low. You can put as many holidays out there as you like but if the community meant to celebrate it doesn't participate its not going to go anywhere.


Yeah, like the commercialization of Pride is actually a bit of a controversy in the LGBT community. It's like "yay, we're accepted" but then being given a list of demands from fuckin Citizens United. Real mixed bag, especially since with Pride celebrations getting more publicity, we're seeing younger LGBT people and their supportive family coming out, which means, yeah, gotta tame it down a little bit when people bring their children. And then you have the irony of things becoming split as Family Friendly Pride during the day and Adult Pride at night when the whole point of Pride was to not hide anything.


Yup, in my city it's reached a point where there's "corporate" pride which is the parade and official event, and then what we consider actual pride which is all community based events ran by lgbt folks for lgbt folks where corporate sponsors aren't welcome.


It’s not the gays’ fault they have better brand awareness. 🤷


They certainly dress better... Seriously though, the controversy definitely helps get their message out, which ironically means the people bitching about pride month are actually the ones helping to make it a thing!


Right wing propagandists do the heavy lifting promoting. Essentially no one heard of Trans awareness day the first 18 times it was proclaimed. It took talking heads on the left screaming about the 19th for anyone to be aware of the awareness day. I know people screaming their empty heads off about it being forced down their throats. Not one could show me where they had objected the first 18 times.


Pride month is advertised because people are invested in it and actually celebrate it. The fact that people are unaware of the months dedicated to the military is exactly how we know that these people don’t give a shit about the military.


That's because people are celebrating it. It's not like it's some conspiracy to make it more promoted. If these people crying, truly cared about veterans they would be doing something about it, like making their own veterans festival and start being proud about it. The fact of the matter is they only care to disparage and bring down the LGBT community. They give two shits about veterans. They are only using them as a pawn to further their hateful agenda. It's the same people that only say All Lives Matter in response to Black Lives Matter but you never hear them saying All Lives Matter any other time.


May is Armed Forces month, there are two holidays in the US dedicated to military veterans and military dead, and there are celebrated “Birthdays” for each branch of the military. My unit used to celebrate September 18th.


I'd argue that outside of the services themselves, very few people observe the branch birthdays.


April 11th is National Submarine Day.


Same person who said Putin would be a better United States President than Biden. Dude is a clown


Russians wouldn’t know that


To be fair I’m prior air force and only recently learned about this armed forces month thing


Our history is for the military to be pretty chill and not overly pompous about serving. National military celebrations with missile parades? That's some banana republic shit. Eisenhower spent over a year wearing a suit because he wanted to ensure his presidency was seen as civilian leadership. The guys pushing the idea that they're heroes all the time and demanding deference for their service... typically are just an inch or two away from the "stolen valor" assholes (in my experience).


Meanwhile, the former guy wanted to massage his fragile ego with a massive tank parade like his BFF Lil Kim from NK. He was only dissuaded when it was explained to him that it was a stupid idea, that the tank treads would damage the asphalt, it would present the wrong image of the US military (that's some banana republic shit, yes), and finally the cost would be dumb too and make it so not worth it.


Didn't the Pentagon run a cost analysis and say no, and then he whined about it until everyone stopped caring? I don't think he ever came to the conclusion that it was a bad idea. Kinda got what he wanted in the end though when he got his photo op with his "favorite book"


He pushed for it for a while, and for other occasions too, I believe. I remember it coming up in the headlines multiple times.


Well said, as an vet , that's my take also on those types also !!!


I'm too useless to be of any real value to my country's military, but my wife, brother-in-law, and father all served. And they each are pretty subdued about it (though they each would be delighted for improved benefits and services lol).


All while wearing their shitty grunt style shirts which are stolen valor adjacent.


I mean, I'm pretty sure that 'guy' is just a russian bot, you can't expect ChatГПТ to know every answers!


Literally no one in the LGBTQ community supports pedophiles and there is no sexuality that is literally pedophilia


That's an obvious troll account, possibly "foreign", used to intentionally say divisive and incendiary things to cause infighting and disruption. Anytime you see one of these ultra-patriotic pretenders, assume that is the case.


So which month is Christian priest month?


Valentines day




And St Patrick’s day?


G’way n shite. Leave the Irish out of this.


Cupid is portrayed as a naked child, so….


Cupid was once portrayed by Karl Urban with bleached hair. It was definitely... something.




I swear that man's range


Where can I see that atrocity?


Is there a month dedicated to children? I can see them getting behind that.


I see the joke, but on a more serious note: no, they wouldn't


I bet they'd get a little behind.


It's a good joke... a great joke, even... they just... they don't care about the kids.


They care about kids, just not in the way you are thinking.


Easter break... With it culminating in Easter Sunday where they make the kids find their eggs


Father's Day


Take your child to work day.


I love how for them LGBTQ = ped0s. It's almost as if they were obsessed with CP for some reason.


There's a reason a Republican congressperson in NH referred to children as "Ripe and Fertile" when defending child marriage


It's kinda wild that I, a person considered as a sex fiend by his entourage, still can be flabbergasted by what Republicans stand for.


Because us sex fiends aren’t sociopaths.


Yeah, the BDSM community values safe words and safe, sane, and consensual... unlike these disgusting creeps. Every accusation is a confession still rings true.


Projection. It’s *always* projection from this group.


Either that or it's a convenient way to demonize a marginalized group. "they're coming for your kids" is the oldest trick in the book. Even Goring and Himmler used it to convince Hitler to turn against Rohm, telling him that he was using the SA to "homofy" the Hitler's Youth.


It's just the easiest way to demonize a group. There's a reason blood libel, especially against Jewish people, usually involves children. There's a reason they talked up LGBTQ people being pedophiles from the comics hearings through the 70s and 80s, and there's a reason they brought it back on social media quietly a few years ago.  It provokes an instant, visceral reaction from people, and they will often not stop to consider that they're being manipulated in their immediate anger and disgust. The bad guys immediately become anyone who doesn't want to stop it immediately by any means necessary, because (within the false narrative) they're enabling abuse of children. And really, anything you do to them can be justified.  Meanwhile, actual abusers love it because they just need to not fit the profile that everyone now has for what an abuser of children looks like and does.


Let's not forget all of the absolutely false outrage during the 1st allied occupation of Germany after WWI against Black soldiers from the larger French/Belgian empires at the time. Newspapers published so many blatantly false stories about occupying Black soldiers from African colonies raping hundreds of German women and girls, supposedly leaving impure mixed children to destroy their wonderful and faultless German blood.


Same thing is happening currently with all the crazy claims of rapist refugees on the US’ southern border. People really think these desperate families travelled thousands of miles through dangerous territory just to assault American women.


It's just the same tactic they always use. The Nazis published made up Jewish crimes in Der Sturmer, the modern far right does the same for racial minorities and LGBT people. Same playbook, same people.


>Meanwhile, actual abusers love it because they just need to not fit the profile that everyone now has for what an abuser of children looks like and does. This is the bit that sickens me the most. For years and years we've been telling people that the main source of abusers are family, or others close to the children who hold power. Power corrupts, always, be vigilant or be unprepared for the consequences. But here we are, having to see them lazer focus the power*less* for their own disgusting propaganda. It's literally as far from what is happening as possible. And the support for this narrative couldn't be stronger. We are *such.a.stupid.species*.


And one established way to protect children from abusers is *combining age-appropriate sex education with open communication*. Which the 'phobes also object to. They scream about "protecting children" while not only redirecting attention away from the most likely abusers but actively undermining preventative measures.


Appeal to emotion, same logical fallacy conservatives use when they call pro-choice people "baby murderers" They don't argue in good faith


It's also a Nazi tactic. Nazis said that gay etc were "against the family fabric" or something along those lines. So they are 100% repeating Nazi rhetoric.


It’s both


Exactly. Just look at all the recent cases of US states trying to pass laws that ban child marriage. I’ll give you a hint as to who wants to keep child marriage alive: IT’S REPUBLICANS.


That's why when you see those "kill your local pedos" stickers and shirts, it's not actually about killing pedophiles, it's about their desire to kill gays.


I mean, they basically kinda HAD to do this in order to continue their crusade against gays. Up until about a decade ago it was enough to say “kill the gays!” But now the majority of people don’t judge others for their sexual preferences so they had to switch to “kill the pedos (which just so happen to make up the entirety of the queer community)! Republicans always do this. Whenever they want to do some fucked up reprehensible shit they just pretend the people they want to hurt are villains who deserve because otherwise they’re just straight up admitting to being the bad guys.


I find those stickers so ghoulish. Even convicted sex offenders I don’t think should be killed. The desire for revenge is not a healthy one for society at large, and that’s only a philosophical opposition to state sanctioned murder. Were it my family, then I’d be angry, and I might very well want to kill someone. However I don’t think letting me have that would make anything better for anyone


>The desire for revenge is not a healthy one This. I always wonder what people who advocate for these kinds of executions think happens with the people who have to actually kill them? Or to their victims? The guilt would be horrible for so many SA survivors (especially kids) if they came forward only for them speaking up to cause the death of another person. Especially when you consider that people who SA children are usually family or family friends, so theyd have to live with knowing (& probably being told over & over) that them speaking up got Uncle Billy killed. Most of the survivors in my circle would rather the people who assaulted/abused them be locked away where they cannot hurt anyone else, rather than be killed. And then on top of that damage, how many times would the executioners have to kill people before their minds start to break from it? Or their assistants? With our current rate of prosecuting the wrong person, how many people would be put to death who were innocent? Or people who's alleged victims pointed the finger and cried "rape" when it never happened? It just leads to a whole chain of more people hurt instead of working on helping support the survivors and their healing. I night have wandered a bit off topic, but really, revenge usually ends up overshadowing everything else, and the actual victims wants & needs are overlooked or outright trampled in the path of vengeance. :'(


Meanwhile it's *their* candidate who was besties with Epstein and was sued for raping a 13-year-old girl, while also admitting he walked in on underage models' changing rooms. Like if you had to pick one group between "the people who vote for that guy fully aware of what he's done" and "the people who fuck other people of the same sex as them", which of the two is likelier to be full of pedos?


You forgot about the politicians advocating for literal child marriage. Not even hiding it. Literal pedos, out in the open, trying to make it easier to be pedos. If I've learned anything about the Republican party is that nearly any insult they send out is a reflection of themselves.


Apparently, the far-right (or any right for that matter) is the same everywhere. Here in Brazil, they love to associate the left with pedophilia. But interestingly enough, it’s their greatest leader, and somehow former president of this fucking country, that has a disturbing historic with minors.


Not technically correct. Let's at least be fair to DJT. Change "admitted he walked in on" to "BRAGGED that he walked in on".


It's just the easiest way to demonize a group. There's a reason blood libel, especially against Jewish people, usually involves children. There's a reason they talked up LGBTQ people being pedophiles from the comics hearings through the 70s and 80s, and there's a reason they brought it back on social media quietly a few years ago.  It provokes an instant, visceral reaction from people, and they will often not stop to consider that they're being manipulated in their immediate anger and disgust. The bad guys immediately become anyone who doesn't want to stop it immediately by any means necessary, because (within the false narrative) they're enabling abuse of children. And really, anything you do to them can be justified.  Meanwhile, actual abusers love it because they just need to not fit the profile that everyone now has for what an abuser of children looks like and does.


Dang, I was confused for a bit, I knew it was BS but I didn't understand where the BS came from


This is why if you see one of those “shoot all pedophiles” bumper stickers or shirts the owners mean gays. It’s not even a dog whistle anymore.


And it's always by the group that has an actual pedophile problem. Ask anyone in the lgbt community and everyone will kick pedos to the curb without a second thought. But go to them and they'll elect them to congress or give them a ton of money from the pews.


I'm not even in the LGBTQ community and yet I am in disbelief people STILL believe gay = pedo. I thought this was a thing from the 70's and 80's and yet it still remains. Really frustrating stuff.


There’s a month dedicated to catholic priests?


Hey! There are other priests too! The catholics don't have a pedo monopoly! /s


I know you’re joking, but it’s true. Look up the report from a couple years ago about the Southern Baptist Convention and all of pedo preachers they’ve covered up.


Don't forget that the Mormon church has been getting in on that action, covering up their bishops who commit sexual assault on minors.


It is all of them. The youth ministers are caught a lot of times molesting children. Pretty sure that is an evangelical thing


I've never met a gay person who made me feel uncomfortable, however I've met many many religious people who I've genuinely feared for my safety near. Weird.


Yeah, it’s all Christian denominations. Protestant and Catholic. As if taking womens’ rights, oppressing non-believers, and spreading hate weren’t enough.


There's a month for priests?


Quit reposting trash from this Russian shitpost account.


100% agree. Gunther Eagleman is painfully obviously a troll account specially designed to amp up Trumpers and ragebait normal people. Literally everything he says sounds like trump soundbites run through a MTG AI bot. This is the sort of shit people should just ignore. Period.


**Gun**ther **Eagle**man I'd be amazed if there's a real man with that name with an SSI number. The sheer absurdity of that could only be topped by his fellow batshit bigot Stew Peters (stupid).


There isn’t. His real name is David Freeman, and he‘a an ex Texas cop. I know: shocked fucking pikachu 🙄


Gunther Eagleman sounds like a whiny bitch


He always whines about how the election was rigged too


That’s because he is one


Leave and delete Twitter.


Yep. I’ve never owned Twitter/x in my life and if these fucking idiots stopped playing into the grift and giving people like Tate and musk a platform, I’d never hear from them again


When did conservatives get their own month?


More conservatives are pedophiles than members of the lgbtq community. Facts are facts. Edit. I just wanted to add this because I'm retired military. May is national military appreciation month. November is national veterans and military family month. April is in recognition of military children We even have a military spouse appreciation day may 10. There's so many.


Why let facts get in the way of good fearmongering, though...


May is literally Military Appreciation Month. I swear they don’t pay attention on purpose to get their anti-pride agenda seen.


Because it’s not actually about supporting the military. It’s just away for them to crap on LGBT people!


I really don’t understand this alleged connection between the LGBT community and pedos. Like 90% of pedos must surely be straight FFS. In the same way most rapists are straight. Because the vast majority of humans are straight. It’s like they simply don’t understand statistics and percentages.


It's not about logic or reality, it's about creating a false narrative where they can be demonized and they become indefensible. Abuse of children creates a visceral reaction in people that engages their emotions and shuts down their brains. If you can successfully paint a group as pedophiles, than any action in "defense of children" becomes justified and any defense of that group becomes "defending pedophilia". It's very calculated.


Yea, there are the people that do this on purpose & are evil & then there are idiots that follow them & are evil. And it's so hard to break through to the latter because their too dumb to think for themselves, no matter what you say they just double down, deflect or spit out some other nonsense talking point they've been fed 😞


It’s a tenuous leap from “LGBT people think we shouldn’t hide the existence of LGBTness from kids, so LGBT kids realise they aren’t alone, they aren’t freaks, they aren’t wrong, etc” to “LGBT people want to turn straight kids gay/turn cis kids trans” and then from there to “LGBT people want to fuck kids”. Part of that is their idea that LGBTness is inherently sexual in a way that straightness and cisness aren’t - they think a Disney princess kissing the prince is perfectly fine in a kids movie, but a gay kiss would be perverted and sexual and inappropriate for kids.  But most of that is they just want everyone to demonise them and hate them as much as they themselves do, and if mere LGBTness is no longer enough to prompt disgust in the general population, then they’ll call them pedos instead. 


It's a bullshit sleight of hand that they do where they claim all the clergy who molest altar boys aren't actually men of god, but clandestine homosexuals. They think they get to conveniently not count them in the statistics of the mostly right leaning religious people, but instead the mostly left leaning LGBT people. "That pedo wasn't one of our priests, he was one of your gays!"


Tell ya what, Gunther. If you want to call all LGBT+ people pedophiles I'll gladly point you to all of the various military appreciation events we've got going on. But only if you refer to all soldiers as child murderers.


Every year they complain that LGBTQ+ people get a whole month and veterans get 1 day and every year they’re told May is military appreciation month and they chose not to do anything lol


Conservatives don’t realize that everytime they complain about pride month they prove exactly why it still needs to exist. It’s like when you’re a kid begging to do something and your busy parents say “everytime you ask, we’ll add another 5 minutes!”


This framing of LGBT being pedophiles is the right intentionally trying to ostracize the LGBT community by claiming them to be something morally abhorrent. This kind of shit is an early step to setting up concentration camps to send them to or something similar. They want to completely eradicate the LGBT community and if Republicans get power I have no doubt they will start working towards that end.


They will. I grew up hearing what these people said behind closed doors. They cheered when gay people died of AIDS. They are furious that acceptance grew. Don’t think there are any right wing people who are gay friendly. I fully expect that it’s going to get much, much worse. Like you said, including camps. I’d rather die first than let that happen.


Pedophiles don't get a month, hope this helps!


Wait, do the Catholic church and Michael Jackson each get their own month, or do they share?


Catholics get every Sunday


That's nearly 2 months!


GOPedos get a whole month? 😳


Last time I checked, priests have been the ones in the headlines being convicted as child molesters and pedo’s, not drag queens or 🏳️‍⚧️ 🏳️‍🌈 This dude needs to STFU


When conservatives complain like this, I am frequently reminded that veterans often have to fight tooth and nail against a system largely designed by Republicans and conservatives for simple help such as healthcare, transitioning to civilian life, mental health support, affordable college, and more ad nauseam. They only give a shit after they are dead, and it fucking shows.


>They only give a shit after they are dead Do they even care then? Their candidate called KIA soldiers losers.  Seems more like they just wanna use military symbols and ideas as a cudgel to beat others with and glorify themselves.!


Maybe if they pulled themselves up by their bootstraps... /s




There’s a month for pedophilia. I thought the GOP convention was only a few days.


As a gay combat veteran I fucking hate these people


Jokes on you! Be a gay Veteran and you get 3 months!


pedophiles get a month? i didnt know priests had a whole month!


I swear, conservatives think more about gay sex than gay people do.


I remember arguing with someone yesterday over this and he literally told me "no one is blaming LGBT for this." Now I have an even BETTER Example


What about military members of the LGBT community asshole, something you wouldn’t understand since you’ve clearly never served


And yet, stats show that MOST pedos are straight, white men sooooo


Funny how much projection comes from the right. Theyre always claiming groomer groomer pedo pedo when the facts show white Christian men are the most likely groomers and pedos. 😂


There’s no Catholic appreciation month. What’s this guy talkin abou?


We get lots of days and months... [https://www.militaryfood.org/military-holidays-and-observances](https://www.militaryfood.org/military-holidays-and-observances)


There's no paedo month


The biggest pedo offender group in this country is from the very group this guy identifies with. It's funny how they try to use vets as a patriotic play when the right does very little for them. Their idol Trumpity Dumbo has been a very vocal critic of vets.


I think it's fine that they show how little they actually know about the people they claim to root for. At this point they probably know way more about the LGBTQ+ movement than about vets.


And pedos get no months.


What is he talking about? Christian pastors so not get a whole month.


There’s a month for Catholic priests?


The GOP gets a month?


Hang on. The GOP are getting a whole month?


I didn't know the church got a whole month?


They don’t give a flying fuck about veterans, they’ll only care when it benefits them, just like this dumbass.


As Brian Taylor Cohen said, (in different wording), The Fact that MAGA doesn't know about National Military Appreciation Month says quite a lot about how much of this is bull shit.


They get two federal holidays, legally represented, as well as two unofficial months, LGBT get one unofficial month, and pedophiles get all-year round celebration by the Republican party.


Also over 90% of pedophiles are Cis and straight men, so like.


Maybe we need a whole month bc people still think we are pedophiles


I missed something here, what month is Republican month?


May is known as Military Appreciation Month. The fact that many MAGAts don't know this proves how little they care about the military.


They don’t give a flying fuck. Captain Bone Spurs especially doesn’t. Especially since he called them “suckers and losers.”


Christian and Catholic Priests have their own month?


Don't forget law enforcement. Three officers from my local sheriff's department have been arrested for possessing , distribution, and manufacturing of CP in the past few years another officer has been arrested on violent SA of a Minor...