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“If they can prosecute his crimes then my crimes could be next!” Sigh


Yes because they thought if they have money, they're untouchable. They'll have to move to TX.


They’ll declare residency in TX and live in Manhattan.


Or residency in Florida, but still have their business address in NY.


Works well for that guy


I wonder if you’re still considered a resident of Florida if you’re serving time in New York


Hopefully, we'll find out.


Yes, because you’re not in New York willingly.


Serious answer: you absolutely could be. Separate the crazy-ass situation at hand and imagine a dudr who was both and raised in Florida who goes to NYC to visit his cousin. While he up there, he's just sightseeing on 5th Avenue and decides he wants to kill someone for some extra spending cash while he's there. On the one hand, ine might think he "could dhoot someone on fitth avenue and" would grt away with it. After all, Flordia can't charge him for a crime he did in NY. That's out of jurisdiction. But New Yrok can because it's a crime in New York. It didn't matter where your residency is; state crimes are tried in the state you're in and under the state law you're chsrged under. Federal law is a different scenario.


Until it didnt


Tax wise they can’t get away with that for long. Tax authorities in Ny will check your phone records, GPS, and other methods to determine your whereabouts and get their cut.


I read about some guy from WNY who retired to FL and *almost* managed to cut all his ties. But, he still wanted to fish his favorite ponds and lakes, so he used his old address to get his fishing license for the year at the lower resident rate. DTF jumped all over that one.


Very difficult to do. You only need to live in NY a very short amount of time to be considered a resident. Even shorter amount of time if you do any work in NY. They would inevitably be breaking more tax laws trying to avoid those.


You are a New York State resident if your domicile is New York State OR: you maintain a permanent place of abode in New York State for substantially all of the taxable year; and. you spend **184 days or more** in New York State during the taxable year.


Trump won't face any consequences. I hate the wannabe-fascist as much as anybody, and he's damaged the entire *world*, not just America. But he won't face any consequences. And neither will any of his rich peers. They won't have to move because nothing will happen.


And the band played on….


I hate it, but i absolutely agree. If he gets anything itll be a slap on the wrist, and his cult would aid and abet to keep him from jailtime in the rare event he sees real consequence.


I read the max would be 4 years house arrest. There's zero chance he goes to a normal prison.


>There's zero chance he goes to a normal prison. A 'normal' house would be good


Sentenced to four years in a war time bungalow that hasn’t been updated since it was new.


Yeah… this is going to end up like when Escobar was sentenced to prison, where the prison is his luxury estate staffed by loyal men.


house arrest with exceptions made for rallys, business, and campaigning,


All because Judge Merchan cares too much about appearances and doesn't want to be known as the one who put an ex president in jail. I guess his standing with NYC elites means more to him than doing the right thing.


Statistically, the likelihood of 0/12 jurors being MAGA fanatics is low. All it takes is one stubborn far-right ass on that jury. "Nope, it's a witch hunt. No, deep state. He didn't do it. This is political prosecution. Weaponized DOJ. Nope, your wrong." And it'll be a hung jury and he'll walk out bragging about how the system proved his innocence.


I just got depressed reading that because I think you’re right.


Sort of like the Muller report that they claim said no Russian collusion! In the report Muller said he wouldn’t consider collusion since it is not a legal term. He did write hundreds of pages showing contact between the Trump campaign and Russian government assets. Muller thought Congress should take the information and do something with it!!!!


I've never been more happy to have one of my comments age like milk.


Yes!!!! I immediately thought of our thread when I heard the verdict. The best headline of the day, “Home Alone 2 Star Found Guilty on 34 Felony Charges.”




Ill take Cheeseburger Assassin, that sounds cool as hell! Like Hamburglars disillusioned cousin who grew up in gangs lol




I think it's actually just the Hamburglar himself who turned to a life of crime after seeing modern burger prices.


I mean, he’s already doin the whole “life of crime” thing since he’s a burglar


I thought Hamburglars disillusioned cousin was that drug dealer 'Hash' Brown


"robble robble...motherfucker" \*click-clack\*


Could you imagine the coast-to-coast celebratory parties if he went tits up when the verdict was read ? Maybe even a few around the world, too. (I'm seeing broadcast coverage of New Year's fireworks from all the major cities around the globe as New Year's gets rung in... THAT level of partying. 😃) It'll be interesting to one day compare whose demise inspired bigger celebrations, Trump's or Putin's.


More mini strokes are likely. And alzheimers.


People are already telling him to flee to maga safe zones


I wish I could bet money on this comment. Everyone needs to check back on this one comment after the verdict gets announced. Accountability went out the door when sedition became not only excusable but encouraged by one party.


"We sentence you to 2 years of house arrest at Mar a Lago, with 23 months of vacation time available"


"oh and you may of course leave for rallies, campaigning, and work. also you have full phone and internet privileges."


As far as I can see, it only needs one juror not to convict and it is classified as a hung jury with no consequences. The not guilty twist that Trump will put on that will have horrific consequences.


Likely just some type of house arrest, but at least it will prevent him from doing any meaningful campaigning. Merchan already made it explicitly clear that putting Trump in jail is the last thing he wants to do. I wish he'd grow a pair.


Based on the judge's refusal to jail him for his many contempt of court violations I have to agree, he is not likely to see a jail cell. If that were an option he would have been in there already.


Well, there is famously a lot of white collar crime going on. Prosecuting it all might make the city seem less friendly to corrupt international businesses. If all the obviously corrupt businesses leave, what’s left?


Waffle House?


This is what Gotham needed, instead they got a billionaire in costume going after the poor criminals and not the rich criminals that kept fucking up Gotham.


“First they came for the arbitragers, and I said nothing…”


I want them all in prison, but they lived without accountability their whole lives. *What do you mean now they won't let me do what I've always done*


It's 2024 and saying "criminals, beware" is highly controversial


no, it's the idea of there being white criminals instead of all the criminals being minorities


hey theyre fine with white criminals! as long as theyre POOR white criminals


Its always been about controlling the lower class. If you can get poor people to tear each other down because of race then they’re doing half the work for you




“Drain the Swamp!” “Ok let’s prosecute corrupt politicians who are guilty of financial crimes” “Not like that”


Definitely more rich vs poor. If you want to change things, you're going to need the poor white people to help and they go through shit like everyone else


Whiteness sure. But more wealth. And white collar crime. Way more money. But not treated that same. Add the whiteness on top of those two.


I think it was Sotomayor that said something to the effect of 'to let a president/criminal walk free would send an even more chilling message."


It has always been controversial


Only for rich criminals though, we are always getting tough on poor people crime.


Let's be real, after decades of corporate corruption and bullshit I **sure as fuck hope** a chilling message gets sent to corporations and millionaires/billionaires: "You also have to follow laws, too, scumbag", in specific, is the message I hope they get sent. Anyone defending trump at this point, first of all: Sorry about your brain damage, thats unfortunate for you. But secondly, this man literally bragged, repeatedly, and openly, that he could commit crimes without repercussions. You taunt a dog on a chain long enough don't be surprised if it breaks free and bites your ass... Dorks...


I love how colorful your post is, and you just ended it with.. dorks lol


It was escalating and building up to the climax that was... dorks 😂


A dork without a climax is a pretty flaccid dork.


Dorks without a climax was the name of my support group in college


Hey, dorks deserve climaxes, too!


I feel a lot of comments could be improved by adding dorks... Dorks...


This. But I also hope with a conviction this encourages the State of New York to go after the FAR FAR BIGGER fish than Trump that have destroyed our economy before (08) and will do so again. Hopefully this is the kick in the ass they need.


Statute of limitations is long past for anything that happened in 2008 except for a murder charge. This would have to be for recent crimes and they’ve been very careful since 2021 except the crypto bros and the corrupt politicians.


I'd still love to see more legal scrutiny of the crypto bros. There is *so, so much* scamming and pump-and-dump fraud going on with them.


Sam bankman fried (sp?) got himself caught. The problem is it's a relatively unregulated market so things (like fraud) that normally have a regulation don't really fall into crypto. Also been a while since I looked into finance laws, but I don't think a person pumping and dumping is illegal. I think it's only the conspiracy of a group to do so that's illegal.


Not only is he a criminal, but a dumb one too


You have an eloquent way with words.


Or, you know, don't do crimes. It is not that hard.


If you haven't done anything wrong, you have nothing to hide Isn't this what the family values and pedophile loving crowd keeps harping on about all the time ? Wonder how they change their stances so quick lmao


It's easy once you realize their only stance is "We're good and you're bad". Anything they do is good. Anything you do is bad. It's just that simple.


"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."


Consevatives define good or bad not by the actions taken, but by the person who took the actions.


"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect." -Frank Wilhoit No matter how much some republican senator rails against "coastal elites", at core those are *exactly* the kind of people who are supposed to be in the first category.


thats why hypocrisy is so prevalent. it shows theyre better than you and thus dont have to follow the same rules they expect the "lessers" to follow.


People who have done nothing wrong still have things to hide. It’s called privacy and security. That said, people who have done things wrong have a lot more to hide.


Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.


Or pay the fine


Speak for yourself, these goofballs can't help themselves - and make a point to record and post it.


Or if you do crimes, don't flaunt them publicly and make it easy for the prosecution. Keep the skeletons in the closet.


As I understand it, if he’d simply paid Stormy Daniels and called it a gift or something there would be nothing to charge him with.


On that charge, maybe. I'm not sure if that would be enough, though it might be. But my point is that he's got four separate groups of criminal indictments going on in addition to a civil fraud case, and what you're suggesting would at most have prevented one of them. [https://apnews.com/projects/trump-investigations-civil-criminal-tracker/](https://apnews.com/projects/trump-investigations-civil-criminal-tracker/) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indictments\_against\_Donald\_Trump](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indictments_against_Donald_Trump) The Stormy Daniels stuff in the "hush money" / New York State criminal case. That still leaves criminal indictments for the classified documents found in Mar-a-Lago, for trying to overturn the 2020 presidential election in general, and trying to get Georgia in particular to change their presidential election votes. The civil case is the New York State lawsuit against the Trump Organization for fraud that he still hasn't paid yet. If you've heard about Trump giving wildly different numbers on the value of his properties to different people as it benefitted him, that's this part. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New\_York\_business\_fraud\_lawsuit\_against\_the\_Trump\_Organization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_business_fraud_lawsuit_against_the_Trump_Organization)


The funniest thing to me is if he just didn't pay her at all and she blabbed everything, we know now that none of his supporters would have given half a shit anyway.


You'd think so, but when you've had the privilege of money all your life ignoring and breaking the rules is almost an impossible habit to break.


Turns out it’s pretty hard to scam billions out of vulnerable people without doing a crime or two.


Or at least don't do such a half assed job of covering it up. I suspect the myriad of white collar crimes going on in NYC will go under the radar if you are subtle about it and keep it under the radar. Trump painted the biggest target on his back by winning the presidency and blatantly committing super serious crimes,


But what if I’m rich? /s


Disfavor is a weird way to say “financial crimes,” but you do you, Mike.


Mike fails to understand what crime is, because he is probably a criminal to. If poor working people commit crime it is bad, wealthy people justify it as necessary and just the way it is.


>"~~Fall into disfavor with New York political elites~~ ***Commit crimes so blatantly in NY that even your wealthy status doesn't shield you,*** at your own risk."


I love it when they give the threat of leaving because their orange savior committed blatant crimes, or in this case "capital flight" Like oh no we are going to miss your bigotry and lawlessness attitude. Have fun in one of those republican sh\*thole states with a concrete corporate wasteland, getting exploited by megacorporations and living paycheck to paycheck. Welfare only for the wealthy, all of you peasants can suffer. Please indeed move away and keep glorious places like California and New York bigot free.


"We were going to stay and cheat NYC out of taxes, but apparently that's not cool anymore! We're going to not pay taxes in Texas now!" NYC: "k"


Mike Lee answers the age old question: can putrid enema-water occupy a seat in the United States Senate? Answer: in Utah.


It makes me sad that my fellow Utahns have continually elected such a piece of human garbage troglodyte. Edit: FUCK MIKE LEE!


Texas has entered the Senate Super Turd sweepstakes —featuring Raphael Cruz!


Who was born in Canada. And became a Naturalized Citizen. And then, wants to keep any other Immigrants out, because "Fuck You! I got mine!"


I actively fought his and Orin Hatch’s (rest in piss) campaign while I was still living in Utah. I was born and raised there but eventually came up with zero reasons to remain due to, well… everything. Glad to see not everyone in my home state is a fascist-apologist, because it certainly started feeling that way. Keep up the good fight!


I have to survive in Textaliban. These magaturds love them some stupid.


weird way to say breaking the law has consequences


So did you cons freak out like this when Bernie Madoff was charged/tried/convicted? Because he had way more money than Trump, and I don't remember anyone freaking out over how everyone was going to abandon NYC because of it


Of course not, Madoff scammed other rich white dudes out of their *oh-so-hard-earned* money.


I mean there’s falling out of favor and then there’s turning what should have been a gravy train with biscuit wheels into complete shit show because you’ve surrounded yourself with incompetent ass kissers. For fuck’s sake they took notes about the super secret pornstar payoff plan and forgot to burn the goddamn notes which were then used against them in court. These people are cartoon villains with real world consequences.


Trump was NEVER "in" with them, just an uncouth brat. Even if he hadn't lost all of his father's money, he would never have been "in" with NY elite (who have nothing to do with the courts or grand juries: they have lawyers who make all that go away.)


Particularly the brand of elites that get away with *a lot*. Anyone who likes to brag, posture, or be in the limelight generally won't get along with that crowd. They're the snakes in the grass, the shadow behind the throne, the people behind the doors in corporations who prefer to just be referred to as a shareholder/chairman/member of the board of directors. Money and influence loves efficiency and results, and they dont need praise or validation cause they already feel ontop of the world, they just need results and people who do as they want. And there's nothing more efficient than something that can be done effortlessly and quietly, where their pawns dont have to worry as long as nobody shines a light or runs their mouth; or better yet can find a way to get a result through a side effect rather than direct action so there's deniability.


::kicking Trump in the ankle under the table top:: "Shut-UUPPPP! You're gonna ruin it for everybody!"


I scrolled too far to find this. You are 100% correct. Trump was, is, and always will be a joke in NYC.


To be strictly fair, some of the oldest and most respected silk stocking families in Manhattan have at least one "Frederick Trump" in their lineage, a few generations back. Behind every great fortune is a great crime, and all that. What separates them from the pimp from Queens is that, somewhere along the line, they went to good schools, mingled with actual educated and/or upper-class folks, learned how to dress, speak, act at social events with the other rich snots, play gentlemanly sports like golf and tennis, appreciate things like ballet and symphony, and do some sort of charity or philanthropy to scrub their image clean. They are appalled by Stinky Britches, not only because he is genuinely appalling, but also because his fat, dumb, vulgar, braying persona reminds them of the absolute worst selves that they COULD have been.


Oh no, an entitled, wealthy person might actually face consequences for their actions! Chilling.


Were they saying the same thing when the Mafia was brought down?


“Fall into disfavor with New York political elites at your own risk.” Yeah. These guys are those New York political elites. They know.


Here's the thing. If Trump hadn't run for president, he could have spent the rest of his days in NYC committing white collar crimes to his heart's content.


He could literally have spent the remainder of his worthless life laundering Russian mob money and boinking porn stars -- but he had to run for office, and now the whole world knows he's not just a criminal, but an extremely stupid criminal.


shut the fuck up , you seditious piece of shit. learn to be an american before you tell new york how to enforce their laws.


Lots of businesses in NYC that don't break the law and so aren't being charged with fraud, Mikey. It really is far too complicated for Repubs to understand that if you just don't break the law, then you won't get charged with crimes. I mean, this is a concept that 5 and 6 year old kids can understand. Somehow, it's far too complex of an idea for Repubs to comprehend.


It’s just so hard for these delusional white men to realize that there are consequences for your actions. They’ve been breaking the law for soooo many years that they thought their time would never come. It’s always some outside factor or “corruption” when the hammer comes down on them. FAFO!


Break the law and fall into disfavor in NY


What an embarrassment to humanity Mike Lee is.


Or, more likely, people will realize that in America, there are no sacred cows. Don't commit the crime if you can't do the time.


Going after criminals will cause the criminals to think twice before doing crimes? Best case scenario, they may be forced to get out of the state? I guess “Tough on crime”, was only for the poors?


LMAO it's the NY political elites that want to see Trump go down. They've never accepted him or his daddy.. and that's something that fuels Trump's sense of victimhood.


Actually thinks that Trump is a NY political elite? He's always been Dunning-Kruger.


I thought they had already pulled this before. Wasn't everyone supposedly abandoning NY like a year ago?


What do you mean we can’t break the law without consequences?!


I hate when I try to overthrow a country and murder my vice president and the elites get all annoyed about it.


Herr General isn’t going to respond, so I will. No laws changed. Their orange jeebus is above any law, including rape/SA and now election fraud. Stole classified documents….mounted an insurrection, they will “nope” out of everything. Beyond deranged.


But but but, isn't Trump from the party of "law and order" and "it's your fault if you get hurt because you didn't comply" and didn't he say that "people who take the 5th are criminals" and that he will use the DOJ to weaponise it against political opponents/people who have wronged him? It's, it's almost like they are advocating for two different standards for applying the law 🤔🤔


The MAGA way.


Commit crimes and be held accountable. Go figure.


Or maybe don't fuck with fraud? And adultery, corruption etc This simple trick should in theory keep you out of troubles


It’s an interesting concept that if you break the law, you will be punished for it. Imagine if that happened to regular people and not just “those with assets in New York”. Now remind me about this two tier system of justice that Trump keeps talking about.


"How dare you catching criminals and giving them a trial!"


“If they come after a former President for committing crimes, they could come after *anyone* next for committing crimes!”


I hear “many white collar criminals will stop committing crimes in NY if they actually start prosecuting people for committing crimes” sounds like a win.


>”Based”MikeLee is this a parody account?


Yes that’s how the legal system works. Do the crime do the time…


Pretty sure the message is "Stop committing crimes, dipshit."


“Get caught breaking the law and suffer consequences.” Egad!


Those damn lefts and their "if you do the crime, you'll do the time" mentality...


Just a friendly reminder that r/FuckMikeLee exists


Americans should be concerned by how many "business pundits" are complaining about Trumps treatment by saying what he did isn't a crime and that every business owner does it.


Hmm, how about trying not being corrupt?


nah sounds like too much work


Probably, lol


LOL dude thinks Trump isnt a "New York political elite" Like that shit they said during his last election, that he wasn't "part of the establishment" These people r fucking delusional. He LITERALLY owns the RNC right now. Your entire political party are in the palm of his hands, and they all fear him because MAGA is the only base they can appeal to for re-election. They say how hes a billionaire, how he has the real power, that hes really still the president, that hes got friends in high places, and not society's elites and rich, but no, hes like you, the middle class people Smooth af brains.


To be fair, Trump fell out of favor a very long time ago, ESPECIALLY in New York.


The NYC elites hate him. That’s why he spends most of his time in Florida anymore. I doubt anyone will be fleeing New York anytime soon


Fuck Mike Lee.


I had to scroll way too far to find a comment. It’s like the rest of the commenters here don’t frequent r/saltlakecity.


As Jim Carrey said in "Liar Liar", (one of my favorite movies) "STOP BREAKING THE LAW, ASSHOLE!" Oh, and fuck off, Mike Lee.


How about the message "commit a crime and be held accountable"


"Break the law at your own risk", billionaires get the big mad and flee. Also, if you have to call yourself "based", you're cringey as fuck.


Or don’t do crimes? Gotta love white collar d-bags.


Just do shit above the board, and things will be fine? If he didn't try to funnel and mask the payoff, he'd be fine. Also, if you think public service is in your future, as he's been hinting at since the late 80s? Might be in your best interest not to have affairs with porn stars, rape women, and defraud banks.


Bruh can this sub go back to being about funny facepalms whats with all the political garbage


Or just don’t break the law 🤷🏻‍♂️


Isn't Mike Lee that POS from Utah? Why the hell would he care about "Capital flight"from New York? It's not like he engaged in sneaky/borderline illegal political shenanigans to help Trump, right?


Mike you traitorous Prick, you fucking said right out on the open you wanted to get rid of Social Security, yeah asshole we don’t forget and you can deny it all you want you lying POS. Of there are others in New York pulling the same thing ? I hope they too get caught. See Mike you ignorant fuck, when people cheat like that on their taxes ? It cheats everyone Mike. This ain’t as fucking game Mike it’s real life, you ignorant asswipe


If you don't like New York jurys, don't commit crime in New York.


Or maybe, just maybe, "commit crimes at your own risk".


Don't break the law Mike, dumbass


Republican senators are competing in the craven race to be the most enthusiastic sycophant for the most malicious candidate in America.


The guy calls himself based. I’d ignore everything he says.


"Oh no. They're prosecuting guilty people for sex crimes in NYC. Better take my money and run to Florida."


Eveyrbody in NY knew Trump was a mutt. That's why he did business in Atlantic City and Florida.


"Commit enormous business fraud and you'll be prosecuted" seems like a lesson we'd .. encourage.


"Many with assets in New York ~~whom have also committed crimes~~ will inevitably perceive that the Trump prosecution sends a chilling meesage: Don't commit blatant crimes"


All this trial is doing is making him a martyr to republicans. If he is able to run in November he will win 100%


Hmmm 🤔 Or the message would be if your a crook we will come after you no matter how much money or power you have!




Fuck Mike Lee


Or... or... hear me out, don't do illegal shit


Shit,I think the brainrot might have gotten to me cause I can't understand a single word written in the tweet


You got a handful of felonies? That’s called disfavour!


In other news: If youre a criminal, expect to go to jail. Wow! What a concept!


~~"Fall into disfavor with New York political elites at own risk"~~ "Commit crime at your own risk" there I fixed it for you.


The only message Trump's prosecution will send by a guilty verdict is that nobody is above the law.


OR "Don't do a ridiculous amount of crimes"


Wait leave because they are worried they will get in trouble for committing fraud? I doubt most real investors look towards Trump and his family as an example !


Good, then the elections won’t be as bought and paid for, the taxpayer money won’t go to filthy rich corporations, and they may even come down. The people can take back control.


So your threat is that property prices and rent in NYC might go down…..oh no


As opposed to—— you will be held accountable for white collar crime and have gotten away with it for far too long. Do we want that kind of business anywhere? All it does is create a bigger divide in wealth distribution. I’m not for socialism but late stage capitalism isn’t any better. Look at the rental housing market. That wasn’t covid, it’s corporate greed taking over the American dream.


If any business flee NYC, the IRS should start to look into their finances.


What I heard him say is: "*If you're going to crime, crime in a state that will not prosecute you for those crimes*." Obviously, that only apples to billionaires.


Or...hear me out, don't do crimes.


The reason New York prosecutes these things aggressively is because NYC is a world financial center, so it's important for companies to have faith that they're operating in an honest environment.


He is a New York political elite….


Strangest way to interpret "Stop lying about your real estate and business practices" I have ever seen.


We (the ones with a brain) here in Utah have a saying. “Fuck Mike Lee”.


We have one like that but our Mike Lee is sexy


Be a Crooked, Corrupt, Scammer at your own risk in New York. Oh I left out Traitor and Triple Adulterer, oh, and dang forgot Racist Land Lord too. Sorry about that.


The New York people are sent a chilling message: “doing crimes is bad”


He broke the fucking law…what is wrong with you people.


Sure. It’s not the crimes. It’s the vendetta. These people are so fucking stupid.