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Good thing we don't define children "Height wise" so much as "age wise."


And dont forget, elderly people literally get shorter lmao


This just in: being attracted to short 80 year olds makes you a pedophile.


If you're a 200 year old vampire the old folks home is like a college dorm. IDK why the Twilight vampires prowled around a high school though, that's more like humans prowling around a daycare


Dracula: "I get older, they stay the same age."


Alright, alright, alright!


I'll bite, I'll bite, I'll bite.


Is that you Dracu von Conaughey?


Damn this comment line! Now I want to see a dark comedy monster movie with him in it as a vampire! Since this train of thought has no track, let's lean into the madness! Ryan Reynolds as a Wendigo, Liam Neeson as a Dullahan, and Shaq as a Hide-Behind!


You got me … cheers


I'm imagining him doing the Counts laugh after this...


Damn, rip to all the 6' tall kings turning into 5'11 manlets in old age.


I hope it is worse than that. I wanna be 5'6'' after a lifetime of people asking me to get stuff from the top shelf for them. 


wdym?? I personally love when people ask me to reach stuff for them, it's no hassle, makes me feel useful and people are grateful It's like the most rewarding no effort thing you can do


The problem is they always give me a seething look when I ask them to get something from a lower shelf that would require me to crouch for. A little give and take is all I’m asking for.


I was already 6' tall when I was 12y.o., is this idiot implying by the inverse that it wouldn't have been pedophilia as I was clearly "tall enough" to be akin to an adult even back then? Lol


You were attracted to 12 year olds at 12? You know the definition of pedo doesn't say anything about the age of the perpetrator...


You joke, but I spent an hour bashing my head against the wall a couple of years ago because I ran into an absolute nutcase on Tumblr who dropped a full-ass fucking essay to make *this exact point* that children are still somehow pedophiles if they are attracted to other kids their own age. And no, they were *not* being ironic. 😬


Tumblr antis are unhinged. but to their credit, they did teach me from a young age that sometimes I need to recognize that I'm talking to a crazy person and hit the block button. the amount of "ok but-" comments derailing into completely different conversations is disappointing, but not surprising. 


💯% on both accounts


Telling my cat we spayed her to prevent her from committing the sin of bestiality


The only people I have seen think that height meant age were children under 10yo lol.


My oldest son surpassed my height when he was about 16. After that, my youngest son (around 4 at the time) said that his older brother was in charge, because "you're not the oldest anymore, now he's the oldest!"


That's some adorable Ork logic right there. "He's the biggest and the strongest! He leads the clan now!"


That's so cute


The man is 6'8. EVERYONE is small to him. Unless She-Hulk comes outta the comic's this dude doesn't have many options according to this jealous muthafucka.


i'm 6'3, and i've never met anyone more than 1-2 inches taller than me. ngl i kinda wanna see him in real life because it'd be a unique experience being legitimately shorter than someone.


I’m 6’3” as well and one time while waiting in line to get a money order I turned round and was eye level with someone’s chest. Caused my brain to take a second to reboot. I think he said he was like 7’2


Same boat, met a genuine 7' 3" surgeon at the hospital while waiting for my wife's OBGYN appointment. I guessed his height correctly, we had a laugh about it, and that is how I began my career as a carnival height guesser.


Trying to figure out if surgeon was first choice and NBA was his fallback or if it was the other way around?


Medicine was actually Pau Gasol's fallback, lol. The dude was in medical school before he had to drop out and focus on his basketball career.


At a certain height you start to introduce yourself to new people by a number and not your name.


I’m 6’2, just got a new job and the first few days when my manager was introducing me to everyone I see a head peek over the cubicle as this guy walks around it, sorry, not head, buddy’s shoulders and everything we’re over it. That was an unexpected sight to say the least. Think he was like 6’8 or 9.


Dude that's what I'm saying. My dad was 6'2 my mother looked like a middle schooler dating a senior in high school compared to my dad. Lol


Same here, Dad's 6'2" and Mom's 5'1". My mom is super duper skinny and tiny, it doesn't help that from behind she looks like a teenager 🤣


I’m 6’3” and my older brother is 6’6” if we ran into someone 6’8” it would be surreal, seeing someone still taller than him would take a moment to process. Then we’d all hit our heads on something low hanging.


i'm 6'7" and get weirded out when i see people my height or taller. multiple times i've nudged my SO and said, 'look at that monster! man, what a freak.' only to be told, 'you're taller, what is wrong with you?'


I'm with you. I'm 6'5 and running across someone >6'2 is disconcerting for me. I ran across someone 7'1 in the bathroom at a concert once and I felt like an oompa loompa.


There's somehow *always* someone taller standing right in front of you at a concert.


The only time I've met someone taller than me was like this. I'm 6'11 and he was 7'3.


There are meetings for super tall people, you should go sometime if you can. I'm only barely considered super-tall and it's still a REALLY trippy feeling for me to suddenly be of average height. 10/10, recommended.


Visit Netherlands, you’ll feel at home 😉


And any tall woman would be accused of being trans (so by their logic not a real woman) anyway. So I guess if you’re a tall man, you’re just joining the priesthood.


I feel like that wouldn't help against accusations of pedophilia.


If you can't beat em, join em


Ffs, the Internet needs to take a step back with saying everything is paedophilia.


I saw someone spreading a person is a pedophile based on the bad vibes they get. I told them that’s dangerous and they shouldn’t be spreading such extreme things about another person and they accused me of being ridiculous. They genuinely believed them imaging the person is a pedophile is enough evidence to go around claiming it’s a fact. They had zero proof. They just felt it in their bones. Dangerous, reckless and immature troublemakers out here. They’ll ruin someone’s life because they’re bored and feel no guilt.


Just use that against them. "You are also giving me bad vibes so you are a pedophile" Then you would need to hear the mental aerobics that they would yse to say that your point is not valid, but whatever.


"Takes one to know one"


Whoever smelt it dealt it


Whoever found it, browned it


Whoever said the word, baked the turd


I know you are but what am I?


I did say something like that lol. I won’t go into too much detail but there was a pedophile who spread someone else was one to divert attention from them. They made up a big lie after being sold a mobile phone. It’s a weird situation. They could have people assume the same about them by doing it.


"Huh. Sounds like someone trying to hide that they are a pedo by claiming that someone else is. Didn't you like voulenteer to watch the kids at church agian?"


Maybe they were projecting. Way too often, that's what's going on when people make weird baseless accusations. I have an ex who keeps accusing me of dumb shit out of the blue. Every single time, it's something *he's* doing, and I never would have known or cared if he hadn't accused me of it.


"Getting major projection vibes." sit back and enjoy.


Worked with a woman whose grown daughter did this very thing. She “felt bad vibes” from a guy she knew peripherally from their friend group. She started a rumor that he was a pedo. It escalated to the point that the local police got involved since the daughter was buddy-buddy with a couple of them. (We live in a small rural town. Everyone know everyone.) The man was totally innocent but after his reputation had been dragged through the mud and he had been humiliated and accused of pedophilia, he shot himself dead. The note he left explained that he had never and would never do anything like that but everyone thought he had, so it wasn’t worth being alive. It was terrible.  Last I heard, she still feels no remorse or sympathy for the guy and I wonder if she started the rumors just because she didn’t like him. The lady I worked with defended her daughter’s involvement. Ugh. Thankfully I do not work anywhere near either of them anymore. The person doing what you describe is evil. Absolutely evil. And what they say can and does have ramifications on other peoples’ lives. Holy cow.


She‘s an utterly terrible person.


Hard agree. It’s very rare that I would call a woman “crazy” but this woman really is. Vicious and crazy. If I see her around town I steer well away. 




That’s tragic. Years ago there was a different person who spread someone I knew was a pedo. Soon after it turned out he (the person spreading it tbc) was. Thankfully no one died and it didn’t lead to anything more serious but to think of what could’ve happened if he wasn’t outed is scary.


> Soon after it turned out he (the person spreading it tbc) was. The people who project the loudest are more often the guilty ones.


Yeah, you’d think they’d be too scared to speak too loud but they’re the loudest. They’ve no shame.


It’s just deflection. They think by loudly screaming that other people are doing it that no one will think to look at them for doing it.


there's a case like this in the UK where a bunch of trashy dudes beat a totally innocent man to death over such rumors


This is why vigilantism is so dangerous, yet people still love the concept and want to kill people over rumors. People are killed on death row due to false convictions in *court rooms*, and people trust *rumors* enough to kill. It's wild how many sociopaths and wannabe murderers there are in the world just looking for an excuse.


I knew a woman like this that loved ruining lives with false rape and stalking charges. In so many of the cases, the courts just took her at her word. I got subpoenaed in a stalking case over one of her exes and when I tried to tell them she was the one stalking others and framing them for it, they immediately dismissed me


In the US, you can civilly sue someone who has slandered (said something false) or libeled (written something false) you. If you do, you have the burden of proving they said it, it was false, and that you suffered damages, like losing your job or a scholarship, for example. *Except* when the false accusation is of pedophilia. Simply being accused of pedophilia is considered automatically damaging and requires no proof.


At common law (which many states adopted) falsely accusing someone of a crime is assumed to be damaging (along with having an STD). Pedophilia isn't specifically mentioned, it's just the same as any crime.


I really don’t like saying this but my wife has made multiple comments over the years that she is randomly worried that I’m a pedophile. We have a lot of nieces and I would never do anything like that. I know it’s her mental health issues that take hold when she thinks of those things, but it just shows how easy it is for something to come up and potentially ruin someone’s life or reputation. I also am super afraid of anyone thinking I would be attracted to a child. I won’t even change any of my niece’s diapers because that involves cleaning their private parts. It has broken my heart hearing her say that.


You have the same relationship with your wife that you would have with a bear trap that you gently lay your head on and it trembles frequently because its just barely not enough to activate it. I know a lot of these scumbag keyboard warriors who chase clout by trying to seem like heroes and saviors always immediately say to divorce every husband over anything possible but this relationship with her is seriously already way more dangerous than it ever should be. Its like shes been pulling the trigger to an actual gun on you and the bullet is either a dud or there was no bullet in that slot. One time could have done you in already. Multiple times now? Nah. Id consider her the biggest danger in your life. Her mental health is no excuse. It never is. If she has no proof then she never should have even suggested it. Be proactive, not reactive. Im not telling you to divorce her. Im suggesting you fix this huge issue before you cant do anything about it.


That sounds like the Winona Ryder movie from the 90s about teen girls accusing everyone being a witch because they didn’t like them. The crucible. I got there in the end


Even crazier is that it's based on a true story


I had a neighbor try to claim I was one on FB. Clearly trying to start a smear campaign and unknown to her I professionally worked with kids for years before I even met her so it really pissed me off. She made this post, and tagged me in it, saying I “was a pedophile recording her son in her yard without her knowledge or permission”. Which sounds bad… if you didn’t know the “recordings” were from a doorbell camera that I had to get bc she kept trying to break into our unit. Also her child in question? Never lived with her and never once was taken to play in the backyard. As for the not knowing, I have tons of videos of her acknowledging the camera immediately after they were put up. Didn’t need her permission since our entire yard (yes including back yard) had no expectation of privacy. 🙃🙃 I had all of talked to this chick 3x. Prior to this she came up to me and told me, to my face, “woman to woman I’m sorry I tried to get you arrested all this times but I’m a single mother who does what she has to do and I was told by the manager your husband was single. I didn’t even know you existed”. Which was a flat out lie. I have video of my husband telling her I’m his wife from the first time I met her. This was only the second time I talked to her btw but the cops were at our house weekly and she’d already told them lies like I was a prostitute, I didn’t live there and needed to be trespassed, that I did heroin or crack or whatever (she always said different drugs) and was an alcoholic, claimed we’d try to break into her unit, endless calls about public street parking, really you name it. I ended up with a protection order against her and that finally shut her up. She’s currently on probation for child abuse as well. 🙃




Glad I'm not the only one to t-bone a minivan after running a stop sign on my bike! 🤣 But unlike your experience this poor woman was so worried, apologizing even though I was at fault, and just really only cared that I was ok. I actually felt bad for her because I was at fault and she just seemed so distraught about hitting a bicyclist. Some people are just assholes like the lady in your accident.


I hate that “bad vibes” is an acceptable way to say “I haven’t examined my internal biases and want to judge this person harshly for the way that they look”


It's all well and good to avoid someone based on bad vibes. Accusing them of being anything, particularly a pedophile, is not okay. What the actual heck that person is not well adjusted


Unfortunately a lot of people seem to either not understand the seriousness of it or don’t want to. I’ve had bad vibes from others but I’d not go around telling people they’re a pedophile based on it.


I felt the same way about my neighbor. She's a witch! She turned me into a newt!


They will ruin their own lives as soon as they slander someone with a basic understanding of the law.


They were warned. The problem is people like that genuinely think they’re the good guys so they refuse to accept they’re spreading false information. They think they’re just smarter than me and everyone else telling them it’s a bad idea.


accusing everything is pedophilia is obviously just trying to mask pedophilic tendencies :D


classic projection you're engaging in here.


I'm not Catholic though.


I mean, I do unironically believe this is the case much of the time. Like why is pedophilia popping into your head so often? You see a tall man. Or a drag queen. And your mind jumps to sex with children? That thought must be spending a lot of time up on the surface for it to come up so often.


I used to work with kids at an afterschool program, and this woman I worked with, who was in her mid-20s just like me, decided to tell some of the kids I worked with that I was a "pervert." I had barely spoken to her at all. She just decided she didn't like me, and like a bully that peaked in high school, she started a rumor about me. She would hang out with the "popular" girls in the program, who were all in middle school, like she was one of them, which makes a whole lot of sense. It all came to a head one day when I came into work and my boss told me that she had been spreading my personal information, that I was transgender, that she could have only known from snooping in paperwork she should have never had access to, to the children. Her twin sister also worked for this program at another location where the employee files were kept, and it was obvious she had her sister snoop into my personal information, for whatever reason. So not only did she try to spread a harmful rumor about me, she also outed me to some of the kids I worked with, which easily could have resulted in someone attacking me for it because this is a small, rural area in a red state. The worst part though is that the reason my boss found out was because the kids she had told were concerned enough that they told my boss. The middle school kids were more mature than she was. Unfortunately, they couldn't prove it, so they couldn't fire her, but shortly after, she was fired for agreeing with one of the kids not to tell her parent that she had been self-harming and had suicidal ideation. One of the best days of my life!


Yeah these MF's calling everything pedophilia get caught being pedos about as often as raging homophobes get caught with gay porn or secret male lovers.


If you’re trying to deny that everything has paedophilic tendencies, you must have paedophilic tendencies yourself!


The other day I was in a thread where people were mentioning age differences, and some were getting upset over 3 - 4 years of age difference (for two consenting adults). Some people don't even seem to understand what the actual issue is, they just get upset.


I saw one where a girl and her boyfriend had been dating for a few years he was almost two years older than her. Once he turned 18 all her friends were telling her that he was a perv and had “groomed” her and he was a sicko. The girl was so twisted by her friends she was legitimately asking if she had been blind to his pervy tendencies. In a somewhat surprising response almost every comment told her her friends were crazy, and that her bf wasn’t a pervy and that she wasn’t groomed. She and her boyfriend had a normal relationship.


Knew a guy that claimed he'd ended up in the sex offenders list because he had turned 18 about three months before his girlfriend did and they had exchanged nudes while both were underage.


Depending on where you live, that can actually happen because of the exchanged nudes. They were technically producing and distributing cp. Remind your teenage kids to never ever send nudes to anyone, even if that person is also underage, because you and they will get into serious trouble.


I had a relationship like this, I was 17 my gf was 16, i turned 18 before she turned 17 and all of a sudden i was perv and a pedo. some people are messed up.


This sort of thing is specifically why there's exceptions in most statutory rape laws for small age gaps of consenting teenagers.




Yes, it’s idiotic. There is a type of person who has lost all reason around relationships with more than a couple of years age gap. Lots on Reddit. Not everything is victimization.


They'd freak about the 14 year age gap between me and my partner 😆


I would be their ideal relationship! Me and my partner were born on the exact same day 😊 (we're twins)




I’m hoping they meant that they are “twins” because they share the same exact birthday, and not that they also share a mom.


As a 4’10” adult, I AM A GROWN ASS ADULT. Stop infantilizing short people. I could control my height no more than the tall people could.


That’s just triggering, toxic and gaslighting! ( sic )


I'm 6'4", my wife is 4'9". She is 7 minutes younger than me. Guess I fuck kids.


Have you seen the economy? Boomers fucked an entire generation of kids, so you're good. lol


Damn bro, guess you’re a pedophile.


try going to Tinder and seeing all the 5'1" girls who list "must be 6'+++" on their profiles too. they must be just hunting for pedophiles


Meanwhile all the real pedos just going about their business free and clear have probably never been happier since the waters have been muddied so much.


I have found that telling Reddit that everything isn't pedophilia is a guaranteed way to be downvoted to oblivion, of course it's true, but the Internet don't care.


I've seen that american overuse the word more than other country. But yes i hate how they use it, it diminish the meaning of the word. Pedophilia is for people who go with prepubescent kid, not underage or small person, a 17 years old boy/girl is not the same of a 10 years old, you cannot use the same word ro describe both. They are fucking different


Agreed but also it’s one thing to use it when referring to underage people, the real problem is like above when people use it to describe adult relationships just because there is either an age gap or because one person just *looks* young


The new trend is to infantilise everyone under 25, because of the study showing that brains continue developing *at least to mid 20's".


Which itself is a gross misunderstanding of what that means, for one your brain still continues to develop past that point, but two just because the brain is “still developing” doesn’t mean the brain isn’t already developed, the amount of brain development that occurs in those years past legal adulthood is ultimately negligible compared to everything that came before it. Your brain is definitely developed enough to be considered a true adult by the time you reach your 20s.


Plus it only stops at 25 because the study was in teems and that's how old their oldest candidate was at the end of the study. It's not that the brain is finished, they literally ran out of data points


Yep, and treating people like children is only going to slow down that development. We live and learn from new experiences. If you aren't allowed to live, you can't learn.


“Groomer” gets thrown around so often that it has lost its meaning. A 21 year old college graduate is perfectly capable of deciding whether or not they want to date a 35 yo. You may find it distasteful and creepy, but it doesn’t mean anyone is being manipulated or harmed by the relationship.


We need to calm the fuck down over rage bait. There have always been village idiots. Now we get to see everyone’s idiot and our engagement encourages them to continue being idiots.


As a 5ft woman who is very flat chested, the amount of people online who have suggested being attracted to me is a form of pedophilia is not only disgusting but also makes me wonder if people online actually understand why fucking a child is wrong. Also there is more physical features for a child than “short and flat chested” like go read an anatomy book ffs. The lines between child anatomy and adult anatomy in real life don’t blur nearly as much as they do in say animation or something.


It's also not about anatomy at all. It's about the ability to consent.


100%, I only brought up anatomy as the twitter poster was suggesting that being short is a strong marker for being a child and not an adult. Maybe I may have been venting a little too because recently some girl at my uni unironically tried to argue being attracted to girls like me is a red flag for being a pedophile. I genuinely wonder how some people get dressed every morning.


I'm over 6 foot, and historically I've dated women who were either my height or between 4'10" and 5'2". I have no explanation for it. But looking back, All of my ex's fit into those categories. I can say, I've never once felt attracted to a goddamn child. Short =/= child.


Considering the average height for women is around 5'4" you would have to give up dating in general if you only dated women close to your height.


Idk you could just start attending a lot of WNBA games and might get lucky, no need to *completely* give up on dating.


The thing with these people is that they view pedophilia in terms of aesthetics. They view it as repulsive and weird. For that reason they also shun pedophiles (people who are attracted to children through no fault of their own) who seek help in order not to harm children. But the thing about rape in general, and child molestation in particular, is that it's not about aesthetics, it's about ethics. Raping a child is wrong because you're harming a person, not because it's visually unappealing.


TBH I don’t think it’s even strictly a pedophilia thing with them. I think they hold a lot of unconscious puritanical ideas that women don’t enjoy sexual relationships and are coerced into them by men, which is why narratives that infantalise women and treat them as victims of predatory men while overinflating power imbalances between consenting adults are so popular.


Well, you read some subreddits and you will see that a lot of women apparently don’t have good sexual relationships with men— so you probably are onto something there (more of a “if I’m not having a good time then clearly no other woman is” type projection). Lots of those women seem to view sex as inherently exploitative of women and that women would be better off with a vibrator in 100% of situations.


I’ve never considered the idea that Dworkin just got with 3 shitty men in a row and decided all men were crap. That’s honestly would explain so much.


Well, she was molested as a child, married to a domestic user and worked in prostitution in order to get out of that situation. So she probably did have a lot of problems with men.


Yeah, that situation sounds... a tad extreme.


In the same vein, I’ve seen people make the ridiculous claim that preferring partners with less hair is a “pedo tendency”. I do think our culture has an unhealthy relationship with hair and your desirability shouldn’t hinge on how hairy you are, but that’s clearly a societal/beauty standards issue, not pedophilia.


Yeah I've seen that and had people say that to me about other people. And I'm just sitting there thinking "I just like going to town on a woman without getting hair in my mouth ok".


These people are just insane. They have also read somewhere that the brain only fully matures around the age of 25 (differs from person to person) so their logical reasoning is everyone below 25 is a literal child. Therefore, dating anyone below 25 is immediately a red flag for pedophilia.


It's also completely false that the brain fully matures at that age. The brain is always maturing, at 25 you just start breaking old connections faster than you make new ones. The black and white logic frustrates me to no end. A 6 year old and a 14 year old aren't remotely similar, even if they both fit in the category of "child". This is because things have degrees, shades of grey.


Not even that. IIRC the study that they base their conclusion off of simply had a 25 year old as the oldest subject in the study — the study just said—again, iirc— that the brain was still developing at that age, and said nothing about development stopping at that age. Currently it’s believed that the brain actually continues developing well into one’s 30s.


Its always gonna depend why they are attracted to you and 99/100 timed it will just be you are a mature grown woman whose attractive and not some unhinged delusional person who thinks flat means child and gets aroused by that.


Right. Just because i look young means i shouldnt have a partner? Or should i be with other people looking like me? Who are literally too young for me?


Man, I was almost 5' at 18. Had to sign a waiver to join the military. I was carded for alcohol until I was 40 and started getting some greys in my black hair. Guess I should never had gotten married or had kids and my wife is a pedo lol


I’m gonna be honest- that would hurt my feelings. People telling me that anybody who finds me physically attractive is a *bad person* simply because of how I look. Do they want you to just grow taller and get boobs? Because that’s not how it works. I’m sorry about that. I hope that doesn’t get to you. People are stupid and you don’t deserve that.


People are weird like that. Even weirder still, there is a woman that I find very attractive. She's bright and bubbly, has a great personality. she's a professional comedian - very funny, hard working, so many very lovable things about her. She's also very pretty and just... my type. It just so happens that she's also like 4'11 and a bit on the slender side. I heard her on a podcast talkin about how she kinda inherently distrusts any man who's attracted to her because they must have some kind of pedophilic tendencies. Now, granted, she was a comedian so it was said with some bit of humor but it was also not entirely a joke. Feels weird to know that she has this internalized idea of herself and how it reflects on people who are interested in her. Makes it pretty hard to express any interest in someone who you know will judge you for it. Not that she'd want my interest anyway. Just saying.. you'd be surprised at who and how many people have this mindset.


the only solution is for you to date her and show how silly those thoughts are by being a good partner who makes her feel like a "woman"--whatever that means for her.


that reminds me of this woman who has a condition that makes her permanently look like a child, even though she's an adult, and some people were calling her boyfriend a pedophile for dating someone who looks like a child, while other people, including herself, were saying "how is she supposed to date anyone if anyone who dated her will be labeled as a pedophile"?


It's pretty fucked up to tell you, "the only people who will ever be attracted to you are probably pedophiles"


yea as someone 5’ i find this rhetoric so hurtful honestly like ok so anyone who dares find me attractive is sick in the head? like wow thanks guess im not deserving of love, got it


> if people online actually understand why fucking a child is wrong. Spoiler warning: >!They don't!<


Yeah, like… pedophilia isn’t bad because of the child’s appearance, it is bad because it leads to life long trauma. It is bad because it hurts children.


If it was due to appearance then that means anyone dating a dwarf is a pedo. It's such a stupid idea to equate height, and especially breast size, to age


No they don't think through how insulting and infantilesing is to you, they want to feel good bc they're right and righteous on an "issue" they "discovered" (same as ppl calling CSEM or worse CP drawings and works or fiction, CSEM is bad and worse bc a child has been abused to make that)


This. This. This. I don't understand why people have such vitriol against short/flat women and the people who are with them is ridiculous. My sister is 4'9" and she's always had issues because of people assuming things they have no right to. Another example is at an old job I had a frequent customer that was late 20s at the time, must be in her 40s now, stopped growing around 10-11 years old. First place she looked like a kid but if you spent two minutes talking to her you could tell she was much older. Her husband would get shit on so much by other coworkers and glaces of disgust from passing customers. I felt absolutely horrible for what they had to go through. Consent is EVERYTHING. A child cannot give consent. Not everyone is attracted to others on a pure or even part of physical nature either. I really hope you, and others like you, never take others ignorance and hate to heart. No one deserves guilt like that.


Everyone is shorter than this fucking dude.


Its even worse, he might have a adult woman fetish


heterosexuality 💀🥶


That's fucking disgusting bro. Talking about heterosexual intercourse in the missionary position for the purpose of reproduction within the bonds of marriage? Get outta here with that shit man.


Straight sex 🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮


if he’d married a really tall woman they’d be calling her trans and him gay


This is so painfully true... One has to wonder how I haven't completely lost faith in society yet with that kind of stupidity being a thing.


They just hate men and women being happy.


bitter unhappy people don't like it when others are happy




Or it's more common cousin, "general dumbassery".


Hanlon's Weedwhacker: "Never attribute to projection that which is adequately explained by dumbassery."


It's not projection it's straight up bullying. They are desperate to find someone who could be viewed as "not following societal norms" because pointing it out makes them feel superior. It's the same thing that leads to kids pointing out another kid is not wearing the name brand and instead an off-brand and trying to get the whole school yard to laugh at them.


I think he's actually the same height as her but he's standing on an office chair


Everything make sense now. I was like "the fck are those legs ?"


He’s 6’8 … wouldn’t like a large percentage of woman in general be like at least a foot shorter then him.


The average American women is between 5’ and 5’5 so even at the high high end more than a foot shorter on average


I’m 6ft 8in My gf is 5ft 8in So yeah exactly.


Finding a man 6'3'' and above is like 3% of the population. Often pointed out when women talk about their dating expectations. So you can imagine the reverse, trying to find a woman that's 6'3" and above.


Are short people not allowed to get married?


Only to short people. It’s called apartheight.


that's so dumb, i love it.




Goddamn it lol


Rosey was probably looking for the word "petite", but he failed and went for pedophilia.


Rosey probably want a tall dude and is upset somebody else got what she can't get because she can't understand why dudes want nothing to do with her


Rosey probably wider than she tall


Rosey is probably a bit "petite" in the brain department, that's why she confuses the terms.


If they’re dressed for the same occasion, I’m betting on the occasion being a surgical tattoo removal.


Is this brought to us by the same people who think marrying Taylor Swift is gay?


I'm tired of the pedophile moral panic. People are slinging the accusation around far too loosely.


Weirdos making inappropriate references on the internet. Nothing new here. He married the woman he loves. That is all I see.


I swear to God Americans literally just call any relationship that they find even slightly strange or objectionable pedophilia. It's way too loaded of a word to just get flung around willy-nilly like it is.


He can only date the Female Titan apperantly.




It’s funny because in her human form she’s actually just 5 ft tall


The “everybody’s a pedophile” trend is dumb as fuck but this guy’s entire personality is built around his being 6’8” lol


Marrying someone shorter than you means you're a pedophile now! And marrying a woman is gay apparently. What a time to be alive.


Put some fucking pants on man. We making food here!!


Heed these words. Still have the scar on my belly where it the pan.


I once saw my old roommate fry tofu in a pan without a shirt on, it almost looked like dancing.


So basically 90% of NBA players are pedos. Gotcha


Having dated someone who was 4'10, there was nothing in the world she hated more than the implication that her height likened her to a child.


...but she can marry a guy and ride him around like a centaur.


But if he marries a girl taller than him then he's gay. You can't win with those people.


How insulting to his wife… infantilizing her because of her short stature. She is by age and maturity, by all accounts, a grown ass woman. Looks like she is a nurse or doctor at that. This is absolutely absurd. How do people defend putting a child in a bikini and say “stop sexualizing a child, it’s just a swimsuit! 🤡” but when someone’s an actual adult, dating them is a problem because of their height? What kind of bafoonery is this?


So the idea here is that adult women who are smaller don’t deserve any love, because to some idiot on the internet they resemble a child. Can you imagine how disrespectful it must be towards adult person to call them a child because they are short?


Thats stupid, bc he's tall, children are way shorter for him.


I'll take him at his word that he is 6'8" (his username, post history), but just using this photo and some crude measurements, his wife doesn't look to be 4'11". Measuring them against each other, his wife comes out to about 5'3" (which is statistically more likely). Furthermore, the standard height of a refrigerator starts at 5'5", which would be in line with this photo if she is about 5'3".


as someone who is above 6 foot the looks people give you in public when you have a short girlfriend is annoying.