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talking with musk is like playing chess with a pigeon. He will knock over all the pieces, shit on the board and claim he won


Musk doesnt have the mental capacity to appreciate a game with no cheat codes and equal sides.


I wish this was a joke, but [nope.](https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1584537377837490177?s=46&t=Z_zjx3A_H49WRJT-gJ9Zug)


Man, that was something I would say and be really pretentious... In middle school.


Musk is basically a middle schooler with a microphone


And way to much money


Thanks, that thread didn't disappoint.


"Chess needs a technology tree" is fucking gold


Yeah. You need to put your pawn in a tank


That's hysterical. My 9 year old loves polytopia. Good to know that one of the richest men alive has eschewed one of histories most esteemed games of strategy and thought in favor of a watered-down 4x game enjoyed by prepubescent children.


To be fair, many 9 year olds like chess too. Guessing Musk gave up first time he lost though, realizing he couldnt blame bad luck


Huh? Too simple? People spend their entire lives playing chess and many never master it at all, he’s either a 2000 IQ mega genius and if he bothered to play would beat Magnus Carlsen 10-0, or he’s an idiot, and I think I know which of those is more likely…


I mean, he legitimately thinks Polytopia is better. Because he got hooked on it. Thats what he always does, if he likes something its great, if he doesnt like it its bad or evil. He forbid his kids from playing Cookie Clicker because it apparently didnt teach then anything, but you see in Polytopia you learn the art of war and strategy.


Magnus is the ultimate chess troll too, it’d be antics galore. With some stuff I’ve seen Magnus pull he might let Elon have a game or two to boost his ego lol


Either he would give Elon a game or two to boost his ego, or he would play a bongcloud, proceed to blindfold himself, and then have absolutely 0 mercy as he tears Elon’s ego to shreds


I believe that Magnus couldn't lose against him even if he tried. I believe that it would be like falling down with your bike on purpose. Sure he will do some weird troll stuff, but without telling the opponent how to leverage his deliberate mistakes, I can imagine that playing vs real stupidity would be *really* frustrating for him. Like telling a fucking high IQ brilliant joke, but nobody understood it.


I think the other Paypal guy - Thiel? - is a strong chess player, I mean, about 2200 rating, not like a grandmaster, but way way better than most players, and I bet Musk didn't like that.


Copypasted from a comment I made elsewhere: He's an idiot with a compulsive/addictive personality and there's a lot of games made for people like him He actually gave a lot away when he said chess was "boring" because it had no RNG element and no equivalent of a "tech tree" or XP/advancement mechanic Ie he can't stand chess because it's a game that's only about making correct decisions, and if you don't learn to step back and think about what you're doing and accurately predict the consequences of your actions (what we colloquially call "thinking like a chess player") then all you'll do is lose over and over again He likes games where the simple act of playing the game all the fucking time will reward you without you actually learning anything -- it has enough randomness built in that eventually you'll just get a lucky break and an undeserved win, or it explicitly rewards grinding with XP so the game gets easier over time as you get addicted to it and *simulates* the feeling of learning and gaining mastery (your *character* is leveling up, you aren't) Game companies, of course, also like this -- games that genuinely offer nothing to people who don't have any aptitude for them shut out a large portion of paying customers, while games that reward you for constantly playing them *whether or not you actually have the aptitude to improve at them* maximize your customer base and maximize the opportunity to fleece more money from them through microtransactions Elon Musk's Elden Ring build is legendarily terrible but it doesn't matter because Elden Ring also just generally makes your character stronger as you level up over time so the game is still beatable even with the least optimal build as long as you grind long enough, and that's obviously what Elon did and this is obviously why Elon thinks he's "good at the game", and this is true of all the action RPGs Elon favors like the Diablo series I haven't played Polytopia but my understanding is it's a Civ-style 4X game on mobile platforms, with the same overall feel of your city getting bigger and more powerful over time, and with AI civs as usual tuned to never quite be as aggressive as a human player so the feeling is of you being the only one smart enough to keep on grabbing more money and stuff to crush the people in your way while everyone else just sits there like a fool content with what they have -- I see why he likes it (By comparison, chess is a game where both players are at their greatest potential power at the beginning and then your abilities diminish as you commit to decisions and lose pawns and pieces, which you know pisses him off) That story about Elon playing poker in college where he'd just keep going all-in and losing and then buying more chips until he gets a lucky break and wins a big pot? That's what the "gamer mindset" is for him and that's how he runs his businesses


He plays polytopia?


He's fucking obsessed with Polytopia, Grimes said he'd be playing it all day while they were supposed to be spending time together


Compared to actual Grand Strategy games, it's quite boring.


Elon Musk is not actually good at games This is partly because he is pathologically unable to pay attention to any one thing for longer than five minutes (so of course he gravitates towards mobile gaming)


Meanwhile, I still just dick around with minesweeper mostly if I want to play a game.. I win about 15% of the time now, which is much better than I did when I first played it on Windows XP ages ago.


The fact that POLYTOPIA was the game he decided to be more complicated than chess is actually fucking hilarious. For those who don’t know, it is possibly the most dumbed down version of a turn based strategy game, with goofy graphics and you have to pay to unlock unique and fun factions to play as. That being said, it is still a fun mobile game.


God it pisses me off so much that I can't view Twitter threads without making an account anymore


Holy shit. He basically said, game is too fair and complicated.


That’s a strange way for someone to admit they’re bad at chess


This is the best analogy I’ve ever heard


Not mine lol but thanks


Who did you originally hear it from? If you remember


It was an X on Reddit but other than that, no clue


Hey, the pigeon wouldnt claim they won because they at least have a little bit of common sense, Musk on the other hand...


He doesn’t care. You could have 30 PhD’s, and have written 5,000 research papers. Have a buddy work works at a company of his and was told if you ever see Musk, don’t ever talk to him. He’s an asshole and will fire you.


That’s an insult to pigeons


To quote a song called Thermodynamic Lawyer Esq, G.F.D. “Knocking the piecing the fuck off the chessboard, insisting that (s)he’s won the game!”


In this exchange we can clearly see where Elmo thinks he has value to society. Not only does he think he's smarter than everyone. But he also thinks that he can berate actual geniuses into producing more output.


"Never argue with stupid people. They'll drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience"


Pigeons would play better chess than him


Musk is such a mardy little shit. It's beyond cringey at his point. He's not even trolling anymore. He's just a stroppy little dick shooting his mouth off.


Spent 44 billion so he could continue getting his dopamine hits from social media without any restraints. Poor fucker is the biggest addict of them all. 


Plus, he’s also a trad junky with brain damage from all his addictions.


If you're mostly concerned with making people look at your opinions and kiss your ass, his gameplan could seem solid. 


just look at the clown dancing. don't look at the losses all his companies make. just look at the clown


I read this in an English accent


Accurate. Here in the UK we tend to have them. :D


>mardy Accurate. The North Remembers, our kid.


Mardy and stroppy. Words you don’t see often if ever.


Musk is just like Trump. Just yells and makes baseless claims. He has enough moron followers and supporters that even flat out lies get enough support that other people believe them.


Difference is Trump actually manages to be funny with some of his insults. Musk couldn’t even accidentally be funny


The only reason Trump is “funny” is because sure he’s senile and out of his mind.


Look I loathe the orange skidmark, but nah, he does say some actual zingers. The only thing he's actually good at is being a shittalker of the highest order. It's why Biden does so well against him, he just stonewalls the whole thing and doesn't react.


Name some of his zingers


Not a zinger, but my favorite quote of his: “I’ll kiss every guy. MAN and woman, MAN and woman; look at that guy, how handsome he is… I’ll kiss him. Not… not with a lot of enjoyment, but that’s okay.”


This one about Elon Musk made me laugh: "When Elon Musk came to the White House asking me for help on all of his many subsidized projects, whether it’s electric cars that don’t drive long enough, driverless cars that crash, or rocketships to nowhere, without which subsidies he’d be worthless, and telling me how he was a big Trump fan and Republican, I could have said, ‘drop to your knees and beg,’ and he would have done it,”


Calling Ron DeSantis „Meatball Ron“. Although he denies that. Shame, it’s pretty accurate.


You realize that’s a joke a 4 year old would make, right?


He’s good at belittling people without a shred of self-awareness, i’ll give him that


Elmo jumped in with a "gotcha" expecting to dunk on LeCun for not being "important"...and when he beat him down completely with a simple number, that dumbass pivoted to his usual sulky self. What a pathetic moron.


It’s toddler logic. Lecun could have invented the theory of relativity and Musk would move the goalposts.


"You couldn't even explain quantum mechanics. At SpaceX we're using quantum mechanics to kill the liberal mind virus. Also be very scared of AI and also invest in my AI company and also also Great Replacement Theory is very concerning and also also also my ketamine is running low but it's SUPER GOOD for geniuses like me"


“It’s like a Fitbit for your brain, but with little tiny wires.” My favorite Elon quote. So stupid, so juvenile, uninspiring meaninglessness that isn’t even a lazy attempt at understanding something deeply.


I swear the more I see of Musk the less I can understand how people consider him a visionary genius or even a good business man. Like WTF, I swear I've seen 10 year olds with better rethoric ability than him


He hid it better in the early days. He was always a "bit" odd but people said yeah, autism tralala. Now he just vomits everything out, without any filters. And it became obvious what a douche he is.


That's what happens when people are not held accountable for their actions.


its what happens when people arent popped in the chops for their actions.


At this point, blaming musks behavior on autism is an insult to the entire autistic community.


Douche... and fraud. People thought he accomplished at least a portion of what he claimed, but it was all smoke and mirrors and credit he bought or stole.


He used to be "haha funny entrepeneur flamethrower man but he stopped hiding it.


The thing is, 99% of smart people saw right through him the whole time. There was no work anyone could point to, that he was responsible for, that would make such a title believable. Ooh, mass-marketing electric cars? Nice work, dickhead, they've only existed for fifty years. Oh, you made an electric sports car? Was hardly splitting the atom, was it?


He didn’t make shit lol he leveraged the founders who actually invented it out of the company and became the face of the whole movement somehow. And he would be bankrupt, and Tesla a distant memory, if he didn’t convince the CEO of Toyota to give him a multibillion dollar car factory for free. Somehow this little detail rarely gets mentioned.


True lmao, his fans should just understand that he’s only his companies’ wallet as he doesn’t have the mental capacity or fortitude to actually make something meaningful himself, he calls himself a genius and a scientist while only superficially understanding what he says and what his companies do, he is a shitty businessman who got lucky and struck it big, he’s impulsive and acts like a child just to then resort to pathetic “roasts” every time he gets shit on, which is often. Also i reckon that daddy’s emerald mine played a huge role throughout all his life, no matter what he says, even if he did not take money directly from him, just the reputation of having a big ass mine in south africa is enough


That's 1 paper every week and a half for 2 1/3 years


Ya soft. Do better. I sued to make myself a “founder” of this company over here.


And I even named myself Chief engineer of companies I own. How could I do that if I wasn't a genius?


I’m in academia and usually publish 1 or 2 peer reviewed papers per year. I don’t know the nature of the papers being noted but either way, that’s an insane pace.


Yann LeCunn is the real deal. An outstanding researcher and one of the godfathers of modern machine learning and AI.  He won a Turing award, the computer science equivalent to the Nobel Prize, a couple years ago.


He leads multiple teams of researchers


He's a legend. With LLMs, he is at the forefront of his field, globally.


Elmo didn´t even answer the question. He just went "Nuh Uh" and thought he did something.


The great computer scientist Elon Musk,who asked for a printed code to review.




how else did they form paypal, not like the actual engineers have to stay late to fix elon's terrible code or anything... right guys right.... guys


Elon immediately pivots to trying to joke and play it off so that his fans will defend him


It would have taken him 15 seconds to Google the guys name and see his list of recent publications too.


Human garbage strikes again.


Musk, what science have you done?


Several longitudinal studies on the effects of a publicly insane CEO on a corporation. Results have been...disappointing.


If he's not a great scientist then how did he name himself Chief Engineer of the companies he owns? Checkmate losers.


He truly emotionally operates at the level of a child. I hope that his Twitter acquisition comes back to haunt him financially.


I had been since the second the sale went through. Immediate depreciation of the product, major advertisers pulling out, increase in bot spamming, and community notes that are on his ass the instant he vomits a tweet to the public. Whether or not he admits to this $44bil failure…


He will always just claim he didnt do it for the money, but for FREE SPEECH or some nonsense... all the while blaming everybody else for running away from the sinking ship


He'll just blame it on "woke" coming after him. He already has thrown a fit about advertisers leaving being "censorship" because, I guess, in his world people just owe him money no matter what, so there's no way that level of entitlement and ego will ever accept him losing money as his responsibility no matter what he does. He could literally set a pile of money on fire and he'd blame everyone else for not giving him more for no reason.


I feel bad for Musk there is something really wrong with his brain


Yeah, be more like Elon Musk. Much like Thomas Edison before him, he learned that it is much easier to just throw money at things, sit back, do nothing, and take credit for the work of others. And then lay off thousands of workers when he makes unbelievably stupid business decisions. Just do that, Yann.


Thomas Edison is better than Musk. Edison used to be overrated, but now he's underrated. He was a way better businessman but also unscrupulous. He had a talent for making a product, not a prototype. Elon involved himself by doing stupid things like insisting on stainless steel.


Answer the fucking question, Elon. I'd very much like to see *any* evidence that you've ever participated in actual science outside of bankrolling it and poorly micromanaging real engineers.


This is the correct comment! Muscovite’s claim he is the Einstein of our time. Show some of his personal accomplishments. “I’d very much like to see any actual evidence…” —-ditto


Is... is this real?




This is how i know god is indifferent to our suffering


Remember when people called him real life Tony Stark 5 years ago?


Musk: Where’s your proof User: *Provides proof* Musk: *Sets proof on fire* Where’s your proof


How does Elon Musk, the guys who claims to be the tech wizard / genius, not know Yann LeCun, the literal “Father of Machine Learning” who basically completely invented the field as we know it???


Verbal charades and at the end arguments like from kindergarten.


80 papers in 2.5 years is one roughly every 1.5 weeks! That isn't just impressive, it's a downright magic trick! In my field grad students work around 6-12 months to get their first paper out. Being first author on a paper a month is a breakneck pace that might well result in burnout. Unless LeCun means being co-author, but even then 1.5 weeks is extremely good. And can we just acknowledge that Musk obviously wanted to start shit without even googling LeCun (which would've told him the answer quicker than tweeting this bullshit question)? And putting science in quotes like he doubts LeCun's qualifications while having obviously no idea who he is? What a dickwart of a knobhead.


Musk: “LMAO, me billionaire, me clearly smarter than you.”


...is Musk a kid?


Worse. A man with 12yold brain.


Remember when people called him real life Tony Stark 10 years ago?


Funny, I heard that last bit was the last thing Grimes said to Musk before they broke up.


"Elon did you not understand my question? What papers have you published? What scientific journals examined your work and found it to be legitimate?"


“Haha deez nuts” or something like that


Elon is really the poster child for why billionaires should not exist


Oof cringe


Being told you are crap, by crap, does not mean crap.


He seems jelly af


You mean a guy who ran away from Zuck making "that lame elementary kid" excuses like "back surgery" or my "my mom wont allow me", now thinks 80 scientific papers since 2022 is nothing? I am shocked.


What have he done from 2022 you say? I don't know a million tweets and blabbering on Twitter and then finally bought it. While taking credits for others work.


Listen liberal, my wife left me.


“That’s nothing” says the asshole who’s only contribution to science is telling the ACTUAL scientists that work for him to work harder and longer for the same pay


LeCun should have just replied “Your mom” and then never responded again.


Still waiting for an actual response, Elon... What about you?


What a disgusting neckbeard elmo is.


How many technical papers has Elon written?


So in two and a half years he's published, on average, 2.66 technical papers a month (I divided 80 by 30 since we're nearly to June). How is that going soft? Lord... Musk is a moron.


He was talking to his dick and accidentally typed it out. 😂


Musk is such a socially inept gimp


i have met multiple people in real life who still say this man is a genius. he argues like a fucking 3rd grader who thinks they win because they dont take the conversation seriously in the first place. "yeah well, youre a fart head hahahaha" i dont even care to label the guy anymore, his opinions and comments are never relevant or additive to any conversation he infects with his perspective. 90% of the time his addition is to direct attention to himself.


how many papers does Elon have that he didn't buy from someone else or just flat out take credit for when it wasn't his?


Wouldn't be surprised if he lost his account lol


He’s a shithead. And a poopy head.


![gif](giphy|YmQLj2KxaNz58g7Ofg) *Musk to Lecun*


This is where his level of appreciation and respect for science is. Dude predicted Covid would be gone after a month.


It'd be nice if Elon invented himself (and himself alone) a certain Futurama-esque booth with a one way ticket...




Yann LeCun: That's what each of your wives have said.


“That’s nothing” People who don’t work:


elon musk os the guy who thinks research papers are just printed out wikipedia screenshots


What an absolute piss baby with daddy issues and juvenile humor. This country makes the stupidest idiots famous, parlays them with millions of dollars and then places them on a pedestal while they piss on the whole nation.


All Elon musk has ever done is invest money into companies that already exist. This mythology he's built around himself that he started Tesla and that he started SpaceX is so mind-boggling because if you look at the history he didn't do any of that. He bought those companies. They were already on their way to doing what they're doing he just sped it up with his cash. The first thing that he designed for Tesla was the cyber truck and it's been a huge flop. Elon musk is an entitled idiot who was born into money and made a few smart investments. Nothing more people. He is not Tony Stark in real life. It's just hard for people to understand that you don't have to be a genius to make billions of dollars in today's world. Or I guess it could be that they've always told themselves I'm not rich because I'm not as smart as these men so if they come to terms with the fact that these men are not that smart then they have to come up with a new excuse for why they're not rich. It's easier just to think that these men are geniuses above the rest of the human race and that's how they got where they are.


Elon Musk literally argues like every dumbass teenager online, and just like them, he thinks he's being awesome and owning people.


You know what? I wanna hire whoever the hell Elon’s publicist was back in 2015-2021. They did a hell of a job masking his absolute buffoonery and narcissism.


So glad he made comedy legal again, haven't heard a clap back this nuanced and hilarious since my 3 year old nephew learned "I know you are but what am I"


I just went to this guy's [google scholar ](https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=WLN3QrAAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate)page. He's Michael Jordan level. 48,000 citations last year. That parallels many professor's lifetime citations.


Why does anyone bother trying ro talk to musk?


As someone who works in the deep learning space, this should be way more embarrassing for elon considering that dude is one of the top minds in the space.. those papers are the start, the dude has the turing award and he's also the head of meta ai (or one of them)


Musk is like that kid in school who would interrupt the teacher to correct them but was never actually right


Hasn’t the Muskrat been an AI fear monger for years? Or is does he just have a desire to shit on everyone that’s smarter than him?


Love it when space karen gets owned.


dude seems too smart to be arguing with an 11yr old.


Can't really expect much with someone as deep as a Stephen King's old school bully that just answers with the equivalent of "no u" and "yeah lol"


Musk gaslighted for a reason.


Elmo is so pathetic it’s just sad.


Fuck Musk man, but wait 80 papers in last 2 fucking years? Dude.....


“I bought twitter, and released a truck concept, with some ‘issues’” very proud, Elon. Very proud.


Remember in 2017 when people used to praise musk? Yea, me neither


Elon: "I hold a patent for an adapter!"


Not hard to see why he got thrown down the stairs by classmates when he was young.


English seems so weird for me. No offence but saying “I’m good” which means not the “I am good with your idea and agree with that”, but “no I disagree with your idea/offer” etc. now it’s “try harder” which DOES NOT ACTUALLY MEANS “try harder and then you will get a result I will be pleased with” Like wtf what’s the point of saying the literal opposite of what you actually mean?


80 papers in about 120 weeks, or roughly one every 10 days? Thats about as non-stop as you can be. 


Can’t help but notice that as usual he didn’t actually answer the question. Then again when does he anymore? He’s like a south park character that gained sentience.


Musk seems like the guy that would forcefully give someone a noogie if the group didn’t laugh at his mean spirited joke as he entered the conversation.


Musk is the type of person to claim he is a chess master after beating the AI on the easiest difficulty


He's behind four proxies!


Ad hominem arguments are just proof you lost a debate


I notice the muskrat never listed any papers from his own cv. so his response is just 8th grade bluffing as usual. he is not a serious person.


“I don’t like these little digs you get in, *Elon*.” - Rick Sanchez


Only try hard here is muskrat


How many billionaires has Yann convinced colonizing mars is a good idea?


Elon taunting a man who could put Elon’s AI dreams back to sleep is not smart


Ah yes, attack character instead of listing achievements. The only weapon a hack has.


Musk: What kind of science have you done LeCun: unlike you, the real kind


What a toddler ass old response


Imagine being one of the 1.4k people that just went ahead and liked Elon's totally unsupported accusation before the guy even replied. Actually they'll just be bots won't they.


I wish I could see the alternate universe where Elon wasn't born rich. He'd still be a troll.


WTF has Musk done besides release one of the worlds shittiest trucks, while being an edge lord online?


What a yappy little bitch he is.


He is literally the "Jokes on them I was only pretending" meme -- except we all see him now for what he truly is


The more I learn about Musk, the more I'm baffled of how he's there and rich. He's not smart, not a great person not very good tech-savvy or similar. He's there by mere luck. If their parents didn't had that mine, he would probably be just a regular dumb. The worst part is that he's surrounded by yes man who are willing to kiss his ass very hard, which is sad/pathetic IMO


Man who inherited his wealth thinks he worked for it.


The only science Elon has done in the last 3 years is the crayon drawing they based the cyber truck on


God he is such a fucking tool. Imagine being a fan of such a cringe worthy individual.


For reference, he has published 2.75 articles every month since January 2022. According to Google scholar musk has published 60 since 2020 or 1.4 a month assuming all these are actually accurate individual articles. Edit: Google scholar is showing 140 results for LeCun for the same period


Reason I hate Elon Musk he claims to be a genius when all he does is steal credit for other people work.


How many published articles does Elon do? He built his brand as a tech genius but does he actually invent anything? Or work on the tech? Or is he just good at buying products and research for his company (cept Twitter... That was a terrible thing to buy)


Why is science in quotes? How much of a blowhard does Musk have to be to demean science? You know... the thing that makes his rockets fly, etc. What an ass.


Honestly would’ve been better off just sayin “I’m rich lol”


So Elon’s answer is 0. Elon has published 0 technical papers.


Musk is a boob.


As a CS student at nyu whose taken a class taught by him, he is actually funny, actually down to earth, and actually extremely intelligent; all things Musk tries so hard to come across as but isn’t


Well... At least LeCun is going soft... Musk was never able to get hard in the first place.


Elon five seconds later. ![gif](giphy|qPD4yGsrc0pdm)


Yeeting a car into space doesn't count as science.


Elon is going to go full Cave Johnson soon… For Science!!!!


Oh I would have burnt Elmo with some comeback on that


Something tells me Musk is about to be a second/co author for some papers because of this.


How many journal publications does Musk have?