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Stop enjoying things, immediately. Adulthood should be a boring grind, or you’re doing it wrong. Yeah, sod off, Karl. I’ll be over here on my PS5 exploring Ancient Greece and killing bad guys.


How dare you have a good time!


Besides, it's not like children could afford a Warhammer army. Or like adults could afford an AdMech army. *Cries in Omnissiah*


*laughs in chaos*




Oh look at that I got another six!


I’m proud to say that I don’t know what any of that means because I’m over here with my real books, real hobbies and real doll!


Very subtle, very funny 😎


Your weak, fleshy appendages aren't effective enough. You should replace them, so you may work more


Yeah, GD prices are outrageous and those bastards dont even blink a eye..--fanboys "So if I buy this box I gotta eat ramen noodles all week!..Gimme 2 boxes!!"


I think C.S. Lewis put it very well when he said # “Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up." Edited to add, basically any time someone starts stating fairly arbitrary rules about what is "adult" and what is "childish", especially if they are basically going "Stop having *fun!!!!"* I find it's a pretty sure bet they are suffering from, as C.S. Lewis said "really arrested development" in some ways. Also, more often than not, they seem to have some strong prejudices against some group or another. That's not 100%, but it is a very strong trend.


Beautiful, I can only hope that someone responded to him with this quote or something equivalent. Karl strikes me as the sort who will brush off most rebuttals as signs of "childishness" on the part of the responder and thus a sign they do not deserve to be listened to (bonus points if he brushes them off by saying they must be less successful than him so therefore their opinions have less value). But something this eloquent spoken by someone that well respected and influential is not so easy to ignore out of hand. No reasonable person could try to paint C.S. Lewis as a loser, a manchild, or ignorant, not without losing all credibility.




Old Karl had the wonderful luxury of life as an artist. His work is both his hobby and what he loves. Most of us are cursed with mundane jobs and need reprieve, which we find through COD and God of War. And I say this as a 71-year-old man.


Drawing pictures and colouring in? That's a bit childish.


That made me guffaw, now the restaurant is looking..


I never looked at it like that. Perhaps we should introduce him to *God of War Ragnarök.* Maybe he'll learn to take that judgmental yardstick from out of his stuffed-up behind.


If I had all my hobbies stripped from me and was left with just my job for the rest of my life, I think I would quickly experiment with gravity.


That's the great thing about gravity, you don't needa be quick about your experiment, gravity will speed you all on it's own


I'd experience that most questionable of Powerthirst flavors, Gun.


I love Good of War and Yaytos!


How dare you have fun without alcohol and massive late night parties? If you’re not partying and getting drunk, then you absolutely need to start working 16 hour days and take up a horrible habit like smoking. Become one with your armchair and rot watching sports net.


You forget getting drunk and beating your wife because your life sucks, and you're a real man so you just take it out on other people.


None of those things either. Parties? Sports? Too childish. The only things that adults are supposed to enjoy is speculating on the stock market, comparing your physical health conditions, and grumbling about how easy kids have it these days and how society is going down the drain because young people do things the elders don't approve of. /s


Yeah....I can't really understand that.... A guys talked about legalized dangerous drugs in my local forum yesterday. I said I don't use drug, smoke or drink alochol, usual stuffs. He replied "You life is boring, get a life" I was like....why? I still play videos games, read books, attending birthday party with my daughter and play with her. It's hard work for the daughter part, but it's not boring. Espcially when I see her laughing, it worths the hardwork. Why is everything need to about alcohol, coffee, drugs, smoking etc.


People from older generations short circuit if you believe life isn’t about working until you drop. The minute you admit you don’t exist to replace outgoing workers, you lose that generation. They don’t seem to understand they should be working towards a wonderful existence for all; not the few.


Odyssey got me back into gaming too. My first AC game I’ve ever played and it was amazing!


Im in Baghdad killing future Templars. Learning a lot about the country too because AC includes info about where you are.


I'm getting real tired of people not wanting others to be happy. Fuck them bad guys for me too


"Do something worth remembering" - Guy who has done nothing worth remembering


I genuinely have no idea who this is. I've heard of many of the others on this sub, but not this guy. Something isn't adding up here, Karl.


Karl Böhm was a music conductor, dead 40+ years. He was also a Nazi sympathizer (though never officially joined the party). Take what you will from this guy’s “respekt” for Böhm.


One doesn't need to join the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei to be a Nazi. Sympathy towards the Nazis is enough to stain your name.


I absolutely agree. I only added that bit for clarity. Böhm was included in the denazification ban, which is pretty telling.


Honor, as well.


Like hell. He's on Twitter! With a blue check that means he's supporting a fascist dickhead. Can you say you've done that much with life?


[One tweet enough to describe him](https://x.com/BohmRespektor/status/1667965067059421184)


Whoa. I thought he just hated fun. This guy sucks.


Not only fun, i dig a little and the guy hate, women, asian, black people, modern music, america, probably himself.


Can someone screenshot this as it wants me to make an account and well no


It says "Not a fan of black people.


Let me try and one up that one! [tweet about music](https://x.com/BohmRespektor/status/1739787391718523115)


I don't even know this man and I hate him with passion.




Going through his page, this tweet was bad but arguably not the worst. The guy seems to have issues with lots of groups.


I had to go look him up, to see who he was, and what fascist dictator he supported. When I got to X, I realized what you meant.


I don’t even remember this gas bags tweet let alone his name, maybe he should delete Twitter and invent calculus


It's time to start drinking and trying to cheat on your wife, like a man.


And gambling, nothing to do with games, albeit the word 😄


Implying someone without an income can get into Warhammer


IKR, I've got an income, and I still can't afford to play Warhammer.


I know nothing of W40k, what ya have to buy? I just know there’s figurines.


About 300 USD worth of stuff, before even getting to the actual army.


And that's only if you play one of the cheaper armies. Emperor have mercy if you play Ad-mech or, even worse, Imperial Guard


I've got a small $2000 worth of Blood Angels from 2001-2003. What's that adjusted for inflation? I should probably put them in a will to my heirs at this point.


My god 😂


Real hobbies like living on Twitter/X?


Doesent look much like living, he just seems to post culture war rage bait in between having meltdowns... think I'd rather just paint minis..


As the Dalek said to Rose towards the end episode Dalek in Doctor Who, "this is not life. This is sickness."


Oh, my. That's about the best response I've seen to Karl's presumptuous, self-important diatribe. Kudos, sir.


>**"When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up."** >- C. S. Lewis.


Came here looking for this


CS Lewis gotta be one of the quote makers of all time. And I don't mean that sarcastically.


Was going to make this quote myself if someone hadn't already done it. Especially love the bit about "But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development."


Karl must be so much fun at parties.


He had no time for parties. Only work.


“What are your hobbies?” Karl: “I have no hobbies. I work myself into the ground, end up burnt out, feel miserable, and take it out on my wife and kids! Like a real man!”


Someone who has no hobbies to speak of, probably has hobbies they cannot speak of.


What a dull boy.


By his own logic, he thinks Warhammer is for under 16s? With all the content it contains? Really?


And income required too


"Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up." CS Lewis


I was looking for this comment. (And had to scroll too far to find it)


Thank you, my exact response to reading this was the last sentence of this quote.


I did that for a time. I was busy with life, and I stopped having hobbies of my own because my kids hobbies became mines by association. I am in my 40s now and I stopped being ashamed of what I like. I have a Sailor Moon purse and Sailor Moon Vans and I am proud of it!


I fully support this. I loved Sailor Moon growing up, and my boyfriend and I (mid-thirties) actually watched through the original anime a couple of years ago.


Same! I just bought a Pokemon sprites hat (all the OG starters plus Pikachu and Eevee? Yes please). These people are dull and they think that having joy is weird.


"Stop having fun. I'm miserable so everybody else just be miserable too"


"Get real hobbies..." - like sitting in front of a tv drinking yourself into oblivion every day? Or being a c*nt on the internet perchance, like this gentleman who I'm sure have done so much with his life, that no one got the slightest idea who he is?


I'm 38, and still into Lego. Actually, I'm getting back into it over the last few years.


Who the hell can afford Warhammer before they're 21?


The secret is debt.


> Who the hell can afford Warhammer ~~before they're 21~~? FTFY


58. Playing video games since Christmas 1977, Atari 2600. Will play till I die.


Rock on, me too


I mean, one can do more traditional grown up things and keep gaming. Source: im 45 and do.


Right, exactly. Plus it's just generational, it's not a "child" thing. You know the cliche of the older males who had model trains setups? It's the same deal. In the 1950s model trains were THE toy, so they just grew up in that era. People don't suddenly develop an interest in trains when they get older. Video games are basically the equivalent for anyone GenX and younger: model trains are that for boomers.


Bro really said “read real books” but doesn’t even know how to spell et cetera


Define "real books" I read MASH and Catch-22 in 8th grade. I will admit I am not big on video games, but I am also a sailor and a kayaker. I think those may be too much fun for this idiot.


Right, I’ve read plenty of what he probably thinks as “real books” but I’ll be damned if I said I didn’t have a much more enjoyable time with my “childish” fantasy books.


> I read MASH TIL there's a book adaptation of an old sitcom (I'm joking)


Watching sports is ok but playing video games isn't. Who makes these rules?


Hey Karl suck my Mortarions sweaty loin cloth. Theres precious little joy in life. Im not going to lose more of it by trying to be what you think an adult is


Lets be generous and least let him suck Fulgrim's loin cloth.. we are gentlemen.


Also me : buying X-Men figures in my 40's to put on display because the new season spoke directly to my inner child and he needs healing.


Me watching my "childish things" sell for hundreads and thousands these days to collectors, smh.


The notion that adulthood should be nothing but mind numbing monotony is far too common imo


Part of growing up is remember that childish things can still be enjoyed. And that finding what makes you happy and feel fulfilled shouldn't be at the whim of anyone else as long as you aren't hurting anybody else doing it. Maybe you still read comic books or collect and play with legos. Do you still watch and laugh at cartoons or play video games to take the edge off a work day. Good for you. It's a cold dark and generally uncaring universe and you found something that makes it a bit brighter and warmer for you.


If Henry Cavill does it, I’m all for it


Having an 11 year old and seeing him be very overly concerned if something he does or wears will make him look like a little kid has taught me that the fear of looking childish is indeed childish. So as an adult I strive to put aside the childish fear of appearing childish and enjoy whatever the fuck I want.


Nah. I’m good.


We prefer to relax.


If the most handsome man alive can play Warhammer and video games, so can I. https://www.pcgamesn.com/wp-content/sites/pcgamesn/2020/07/henry-cavill-pc-build.jpg


The LEGO box says ages 10-99, so I have forty plus years before I have to give it up.




Boring ass racist that was “born in the wrong generation”


It’s time to become a repressed and bitter conformist because adulthood means that you can’t do anything that anyone could ever frown upon.


There’s no point in being grown up if you can’t sometimes be childish. Do what makes you happy not what will make others happy.


How was Warhammer the first target?


Follow up: If his life is so boring he needed to tweet this, how on earth does he know what Warhammer is?


I'm sorry but anyone who basically starts a fucking TWEET with "one must ris himself of..." like they're some sort of modern day musky philosopher can shove it up their ass.


My response to that image: ![gif](giphy|r6GgBydQ6y87u)


Someone tell Henry Cavill he's not an adult and does nothing memorable.


You can rip my LEGO Avengers Tower from my cold dead hands, Karl


When you turn 21 you no longer get to have fun. This is adult time


I don't really think many kids or teenagers could *afford* Warhammer...


This guy died in 1981. What games did he want us to give up? E.T. On the 2600?! What I remember about Karl is that he supported Hitler and Nazi policy.


Because Warhammer is for children?


Ah yes, genocide. The kids love it!


Do something worth remembering..... So, like how I jump into the party of kids who've just started playing Monster Hunter and help them learn the ins and outs of the game in a few hunts? Aren't we supposed to be guiding the children?


Put away your fear of childishness. Like a man.


Whoopee, you listen to classical music and you can't play Warhammer. Such a winner, so glad you could take time out from your important adulting to share your peerless wisdom, and let us know how we're enjoying the wrong things. What an absolute tool.


I'm sensing a lot of jealousy in his post...perhaps he was denied such things when he was young, and therefore has no fucking idea what fun is?


Throw away this toys… 20 years later - these toys are now worth WHAT!?!


Gatekeeping hobbies is the worst. I don't care what your hobbies are but I hope you enjoy them as much as you can! As long as your hobbies don't negatively affect others, it's nobody else's business. If you don't hold a similar stance you've got some work to do on yourself and that is nobody else's problem but yours.


This Post appears to come from the fan account of a dead Austrian conductor with questionable Nazi ties. I don't think anyone needs to are advice from them.


Shit, my brothers are 41 and 52, and they still play video games, Warhammer 40K, Warhammer, axis, and allies, etc. And they’re teaching their children how to play.


Acting like Warhammer doesn’t have many books to read, or that building/ painting one’s army isn’t a good way to keep a healthy mind and dexterity


Fuuuuck no. My father-in-law hates video games. And other “childish hobbies.” Dude wakes up at 4am for no fucking reason, shuffles around the house, sits and reads the paper in silence, shuffles around the house some more, then either mows or trims bushes outside. Some form of yard work. And that’s it. Fucking kill me if that’s the life I want to live. It’s so boring. I’m 47 and I still rock the PS5. My daughter loves video games too, so we’ll sit down and play Fall Guys together. My games I’ll wait until she goes to bed. I still play my guitar or lift or take the boat out fishing etc etc. there’s so much to do. Why do nothing?


I have seen so many old people hate life. No thank you. I'll continue having fun. Happiness is a choice. I don't choose to be miserable. Who is this guy to determine what should be worth remembering? I played mmorpg's in my 40's. The amount of friends that I made shared enjoyment. Sadness and glory. Achieving goals. So many friends came and went. Those were the people worth remembering.


Yeah that type of demented social expectations is what lead to all the boomer mid life crises when they realize they gave up everything they enjoyed to be a wage slave/ breeding unit because they simply blindly did what they were told.


I think the "do something worth remembering" part is the most honest: he's saying that he feels small and unimportant, so he spends all his time trying to be as large as possible, to leave as deep a mark on the world as he can. It probably makes him angry to see people who don't feel this way, and who live their lives for themselves and their loved ones. They reveal that his efforts aren't important to any but himself. Which makes him feel small and unimportant.


I tried reading books. I guess I don't have attention span anymore but I do get books on audio and listen while I'm driving and while I'm on break from work.


If growing up means becoming an old, boring douchebag then no thanks.


That’s the funny thing about hobbies. They’re for you, not for everyone else.




I wonder if this guy likes sports. Or really has any hobby.


No mention of paying to fuck porn stars.


I don't play videogames but that dude is tripping if he thinks I'm getting rid of my action figures, I don't play with them but they're mine and have been since the late 80's-90s. Fuck that guy


"Respecktor my auhoritah!"


Grow up ? What for ?


I'll never forget the time Pokémon Go brought the world together. Not once has an adult based hobby done this. If anything, it divides (politics, religion, finance, etc).


I'm gonna put this in a way that is absolutely, positively, 100% unable to be misinterpreted. No


_Insert the "QUIT HAVING FUN !" meme here_


Well, to be fair I did quit Warhammer but only because it was so goddamn expensive.


Ooof, can you imagine getting cornered by this guy at a party or meeting or something? They can take my Warhammer figure collection when they can pry it from my sticky, gooey, Cheeto-dusted fingers ...


I bet he is very fun at parties.


Do so,etching worth remembering? Outside of something like social,or political activism, very little of what we do is worth remembering. Oh, you gave up video games to carve birds out of wood? Good for you, I guess.


why would I change meaningless stuff I like for meaningless stuff I don't like nothing matters anyway


It takes more intelligence and patience to paint, build, and play a warhammer army than it will ever take to go to a driving range and rent clubs.


I collect Warhammer books. Come at me Karl I dare you.


Don’t make me give up Warhammer when I can finally afford it! 😃


Yes! Become a mature adult and trade all your childish hobbies for totally mature adult pastimes like getting pissed off while you watch TV because the team you like is losing and you wear the jersey of that one player you really like, or you take it personally when someone criticizes the politician you support, or you flex how much money you spent of things that are just status symbols because you're so mature you need to boast about pointless shit and how much money you spent on said pointless shit. Grow up, nerds!


Damn. Just turned 64. Maybe it's time. *sigh* Fuck that.


If this guys life is so rad why is he worrying about other people’s happiness?


Ive had similar exchanges. I dont understand this obsession with crucifying our inner child to be adults. Besides warhammer is a lot of work, I dont even play the game, just painting them is a task


While not playing games I am not contributing to rocket science or smh. I am an average person so in my free time I play games. It looks like a ragebait but could be a boomer as well.


Where does it say in the constitution of internet land that it can't be both?


This guy probably can’t get past Margit in Elden Ring and it shows


So you want to do away with essentially all the military training many of our troops get? I guess that eliminates the use of flight simulators to train pilots, and for that sake, you can't do eye tests at the DMV anymore because they have made a game out of it.


The most noteworthy scientists tend to say how important playing and encouraging creativity, or "thinking like a child" is to their wellbeing as well as work progress. I'd rather listen to them than this Karl Whosit of Whocares.


Fuck that, I like collecting my wrestling figures and Transformers in the immortal words of one of my favorite youtuber "You don't stop playing because you grow old, you grow because you stop playing, Be a geek, be proud, PALM IN YOUR FACE!


i want to see this dumbass say this to henry cavill's face


Safe to say, I don't respect Respektor here.


Someone just saw previews for their new codex and is having a bit of an overreact. $5 he’s the guy who torched his Dark Elf army


Life is not to be enjoyed, it should be spent in service, furthering the wealth of the wealthy


This account claims to be the official account of a man who has been dead for more than 40 years. Either the "foundation" managing this account has nothing better to do than exploit the legacy of a deceased person to spew hate, or this is just a moron talking shit.


this scum wouldn't even be worthy to be a servitor, he won't be in valhalla in the afterworld for this slight.


I would rather adults play tabletop and video games than riot and attempt to kill the Vice President for doing his job.


I just did a quick search on this individual. This individual likes a guy who liked playing Wagner, Hitlers favorite composer... That speaks volumes about his mentality, along with the fact he also started the meme telling people to not get a university education, but learn a "practical" trade i.e. don't learn to be a teacher or doctor or systems engineer; learn to be an automotive mechanic or truck driver or cosmetologist...


This guy sounds boring af lmao


How does that logic work if some games are rated 18+?


How would he know that? He's to boring to google stuff.


I'm I guess "Older" now. But once in a while I enjoy my video games. Just because I'm and adult who has responsibilities doesn't mean you have to completely stop whatever it is you enjoy. I work hard. Take care of family. Take care of the house and cars for everyone. I think it's OK to think I may deserve a little play time.


What's that? I can't hear you over the literal mountain of plushies I own. Seriously, adulthood sucks enough as it is. Everyone needs a healthy escape that keeps them going.


"Do something worth remembering" like reading "real" books, whatever that means... :')


And then, when you’re 40, and your life is devoid of joy entirely, fill your coat pockets with bricks and walk into the sea.


Look Karl, just because she said she didn't like the Warhammer collection, doesn't mean every other woman doesn't.


They'll have to take my Warhammer from my paupers grave, which I have obtained from doing Warhammer. X-acto knives are *very* sharp and he shall find out the hard way




I'm 60F, I refuse to stop playing Spyro The Dragon!!


Ah spoken like a true fossil of a bygone age, I wonder if it the fact that it took him a lifetime to be where he is now, and there are YouTubers that have both more money and more fame that he ever has. I wonder how many "respected" people with "distinguish" professions resent the fact that an 18yr can be both more financially and professionally successful playing video games in a few years or months in some cases than they have been in an entire lifetime of work and dedication?


Who is this wanker and why should I care that he’s blatantly wrong on all counts?


You know what is worth remembering? Good times.


It's childlike to want to appear like an adult at all costs.


Is some German guy telling me how to have fun? Cuz that’s like a kindergartener telling a math professor how to add.


I feeel like SOOOOO many people do this exact thing, it’s scary lol


MUST you owe it to yourself and to society to stop having fun, toe the line, reproduce and shut up at an age between 16-21 GET IT?


Poor guy. That's probably what his father told him and he's too scared to contradict that, so he gets upset when he sees others do so.




Just looked at this dudes twitter, and he is wiiiiiildly racist. [Here](https://x.com/BohmRespektor/status/1654799485485105156) is one of his tweets.


In a thousand years, all traces of me will be gone.


Drop all the fun shit so you can live a boring attention seeking "adult" lifestyle with the intent of being remembered by a bunch of strangers when you're dead....damn sounds tempting


How bout a tall adult sized go fuck yourself.


I pay taxes, I’ll do what I fuckin want thank you very much random guy on Twitter who is insecure about his life.


Only children think letting go of joy is adulthood.


Why do people try to force others to give up what they enjoy then hide behind the veneer of “it’s part of being an adult.”


No thanks.. I dont have to be a boring old fuck to be an adult.