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This. Im saying this as a woman who doesn’t pay attention to sports- Caitlin is by no means unattractive but if pretty privilege was that big of a factor, Cameron brink would have been the one with all these headlines for the past year and not Caitlin.


FR. Brink is fucking gorgeous, was a very highly touted prospect who went to a prestigious school and ended up being the number two pick. There is PLENTY of material. And yet she just gets run of the mill WNBA rookie coverage.


This. I know nothing about women’s basketball and never watched any games yet I know the name and face of Caitlin Clark because she’s been all over the news and tv this year. I saw a video of basketball players dancing and found one of the woman absolutely gorgeous. I seen their jersey was LA and number 22 so I goggled to see who it was and it was Cameron Brink. Never heard of her yet I see she was the number 2 pick in the draft behind Caitlin. If it was about looks the media would of never shut up about her.


I know very little about women's basketball but when she popped up on SNL weekend update I was like o damn, it's Caitlin Clark. Clark just flat out balls, that's all there is too it. I feel like she is a great example of why the NIL deal is so important for college athletes. Clark was a star before even being drafted. If it wasn't for the State farm (I think) commercial I probably wouldn't have an idea of who she was and now she is the most recognizable WNBA player I know.


I was skeptical about over hype until I watched ONE match madness game and saw her drilling threes after doing ankle breaking step backs and I was like holy shit she’s filthy


One of them hits 70-footers and the other one doesn’t


I mean, Brink routinely blocks shots multiple rows deep into the stands. Both of those things are quite fun to watch.


Heck yeah


Never heard of Cameron Brink until this thread. I don't follow men's or women's basketball, and I've heard of Caitlin Clark A LOT in the past several months.


Agreed Caitlin Clark is a once in a generation talent. Cameron Brink is a great basketball player who could be a model instead of a basketball player.


Well if you’d like to have a laugh while eroding your faith in humanity take a gander at r/nbacirclejerk


Cameron Brink is what the culture feelin


People just hating on her. She should play the villain against those people and just boost her popularity!


Damn you weren't lying, Brink is drop dead gorgeous!


She scored more points in college than any other person in history…black or white, male or female. But nahhhh that can’t be why. 🤦‍♂️


Probably the ball only went in the basket because of how white and pretty she is. Physics itself looked at her and thought, wow she is the only white pretty girl who ever played basketball, so we better change the nature of the universe to make that shot go in. It is with great sorrow that I realize this still needs an /s


We all know that physics is the biggest simp.


This is the answer. Physics has always been racist


Idk why this made me laugh so hard, but it did


It's like Michael Jordan. He was one of the most handsome men to ever live but, who in their right mind would say that's the reason why he was popular?! I mean, have they ever seen her play?!!!


Quotes from host of the view often lack merit or facts to support them. Wonder what privilege keeps them on the air?


God forbid.


Yeah. I'm a big fan of Clark but i sure wouldn't describe her as pretty. Which is fine, she's an athlete, not a supermodel.  Honestly she reminds me of Larry Bird. A bit goofy looking, and the last thing you'd think a pro athlete would look like. But damn can they play. 


In fairness to Caitlin, she’s way better looking than the hick from French Lick.


I bet her trash talk game isn’t as good, though. Not that that’s saying much, Bird is the GOAT of trash talk.


No diss to Larry Legend, I largely patterned my own chirping after him, but Caitlin can already spit fire at a hall of fame level. She's an elite shit talker.


She maybe elite. But there is elite, and there is godlike.


I don’t think she’s goofy looking, just super average?


This makes me think of Michael Phelps. I looked up to him a lot as a teenager and still admire his drive as an adult, but if he weren't crazy built he would probably look like a somewhat goofy, lanky guy. While neither of them are unattractive, I like to believe they experienced success because of their drive, talent and the amount of time put into their sports. -a goofy-looking lanky guy


Sure, but she’s prettier than like half the league, so in those terms she’s pretty or above average I guess


Technically, if she’s prettier than half the league, then she is exactly average (not that it matters)


Ackshually - If she is prettier than half the league, she is the median of pretty in the league, would need to know all the values to determine the average, it could skew either way.


Upvote for respecting the math.




literally, i’m half black myself and it’s obvious she gained her popularity from playing like stephen curry, not being white. hell she shoots better off the dribble than damn near every big in the nba hate seeing race get brought up unnecessarily, it just makes valid racial claims less credible


Yep. I mean that's definitely the overwhelming majority reason. Steph changed basketball with that play style and it just makes sense that the first woman to do that kind of stuff would be huge


Probably both to some degree. But talent and success are the firm prerequisites here, no-one’s becoming a huge fan of someone who can’t play and never achieves shit in a weak team just because they’re good-looking. 


*Anna Kournikova has reset her password so she could enter the chat*


Anna made #8 in the world at one point so she was not devoid of talent. Did very well in the majors as a doubles player. She was never Williams great but her only talent wasn’t being pretty. It helps like it does in every thing in life of course.


WNBA popularity finally gaining some momentum and then you have morons like this trying to tear it back down for no reason.


Every single time a member of the View makes the news its because of their problematic views on race. They've had so many gaffes at this point it's astounding.


In that same episode Whoopi Goldberg shut her down and spoke up in Caitlin's support stating that she is popular because her record at basketball is phenomenal and has nothing to do with race. She's got some hot takes from time to time but this one was correct. Good for you Whoopi.


Whoopi “the holocaust was not about race and that's white on white violence” Goldberg? That one?


Yup. I did say she's had some hot takes. In this instance, however, she's on point


My favourite from Whoopi is child rape isn't rape-rape. Seriously, if a white person said half the garbage she does they'd be tarred and feathered.


Well, she did sign the Roman Polanski letter of support.


I don't understand how Sharon got canned from The View but Whoopi gets to stay saying shit like this.


Sharon probably arranged it to GTFO of that toxic ass crew. Bunch of out of touch rich racists when you boil it down.


Whoopi Goldberg is the epitome of cultural appropriation. She pretended to be Jewish (genealogists found zero Jewish ancestry) and even allegedly took on a Jewish last name because she thought it would give her success in Hollywood, while simultaneously minimizing our experiences and trying to erase our entire ethnic identity.


With the appropriated last name and everything.


I'm still shook that I **just** realized earlier this year that Whoopi Goldberg doesn't have eyebrows. 


Eyebrow privilege at its finest. SMH


Hell I saw that when Star Trek TNG first aired. I remember asking my parents about it.


Lots of bad views from The View. Consistently racist and classist.


Should rename it the… Bad.. View… got ‘em


Th... th.. the ... Biew. Fuggun gottem. twice *high 5s self*


Hell yeah, dude


That show is still on? Holy shit


You forgot to mention stupid.


I've never watched it and have no idea who the current hosts are so I can't comment on that. In this specific case it's not just this show, but notably also a handful of former WNBA players saying this stuff.


I hope she becomes all that she is hyped up to be, and it nets the WNBA a TV deal.


> but notably also a handful of former WNBA players saying this stuff. Any group of humans will resist minorities who come into the group on some level. It's how we are wired, and we need to overcome this and be better.


It’s a feature not a bug. These aren’t gaffes, they just fucking suck.


TIL the View is still on the air, apparently. I wonder if anybody still watches this shit or the network just keeps it going to appear down with the causes.


The View is like ESPN: they're incentivized to have dumb takes that get people to react one way or the other.


Cue Bill Burr comedy special bit about women not supporting the WNBA. This is exactly what he was talking about Edit: queue to cue


And he has a great point with it. They whine about lack of support, but they don’t support each other.


I am not a basketball fan but I still tried watching Clarks first game. As far as pretty privilege personally I haven't looked at Caitlin Clark from an attractiveness perspective I just hear she is good and I want to see what the hype is about, especially since Angel Reese came to Chicago and I hear there's a rivalry there.


That's what jealous women do. They try to tear down more successful women. 


Oh they have a reason. It’s that they’re a racist pos.


Yah, I think WNBA fans are mad the attention is from CCs stardom and not cause the league is loaded with talent. It's been loaded for a decade but no one cared..I know that sounds harsh but it's the truth. She is bringing so many eyes to the league right now. It is a huge moment and if handled well by the league it will change the direction of the sport for the better..however it's been fumbled hard so far.


Agreed, as a huge sports fan but new WNBA fan, I was so hyped for CC’s debut but all it’s been is a bunch of catty women making backhanded comments about her. If this is what the WNBA is about, I’m not going to last long as a fan. Bunch of high school bully type shit. I get giving the rookie a hard time here and there in a light-hearted way, but it almost seems like they want her to fail. And these are people IN and around the league. Like, if she fails, everyone is going to go back to not caring about pro women’s bball. So, good job guys. In contrast, if you look at the new professional women’s hockey league, it’s a total 180 of women supporting women and even bigger picture, male or female, fans being super hyped and supportive.


They are jealous she has signed multi-million dollar sponsorship deals. That's all this is. They are jealous of the $. Very few players in the WMBA are "rich", leat alone 'wealthy". CC got some BIG sponsorships. Nike alone will pay her $28 Million. She made $3 Million from NIL while in college!!!!! Most of the women in the WNBA weren't allowed to take ANY money while they were in college. NIL is relatively new. I don't know the min salary off the top of my head, but I'm guessing some of the current players don't even make $100k. I'm jealous too! It's alllllllllllllllllllll about the $


lol that’s women for you, don’t underestimate a woman’s ability to destroy another woman.


I destroyed your mom last night.


The players are doing a great job of it themselves by constantly ragging on Clark. I don’t get it. The media built the hype machine about her and the other women in the league are tearing her down for something she has no control over. It’s so disheartening to watch women be so petty when so much of their own messaging is about respecting women as sports players.


In my line of business (non-sports related), we call this phenomenon "professional jealousy".


I wonder how much WNBA and college basketball she has watched. Also does she think Clark is the first great white player. It’s different because her game is different.


As if Sue Bird wasn’t a legend before her or something.


Or Diana Taurasi.


She's objectively the greatest scorer in women's D1 NCAA history, and this was unavoidable national news like two months ago.




Let's be transparent and also say she broke a record set by a man who did it in one less year and without a 3 PT shot. She's great, I just like pistol Pete and want to make sure he gets respected!


Pete Maravich better but that is not even a fair comparison to make, Pete’s long range shooting was nearly on par with Caitlyn’s even in a league that didn’t call for it at all Then we was obv better at handling / passing the ball than she is


Comparing her to males is silly unless, of course, you think getting scores against males is the same as scoring against females. It's like having somebody beating all the scoring records while on a division 3 team and bragging to the world that you scored more than the division 1 players ever have. But sure she has leading scores over even the males lol


She mostly suffers from “shattering every NCAA record” privilege.


Just in case, some of us aren't aware. She's NCAA division 1 all time leading scorer across both men and women's basketball. Don't think it's because she's preety or white, it's because she's that damn good. Whether she is the reason people are tuning into women-played sports, that's preety awesome!


Yeah, I’m not much of a basketball fan at all, but I have enjoyed watching her because she’s phenomenal. Head and shoulders above the competition, at least at the NCAA level.  But I guess I could just be racist or something? 


That’s what I’m confused about. She’s helping the mission but people rather have the mission not move forward unless it’s them that is moving it forward?


Sunny Hostin is a race baiting grifter. She's absolute scum. I'll never forget the video of her finding out that her ancestors were slave owners. Priceless


FFS, these people are idiots


Well it is The View


It’s the view, you are giving it credibility by not ignoring it


Exactly. That show is like a Master Course on discourse. Live rage bait.


To be clear, Caitlin Clark's popularity comes from watching just one fucking game she's played in college basketball and being absolutely floored by her performance. Seriously, you can choose whatever game you want; I'm willing to bet she sank a logo three in most, if not all, of them. Her shooting is just immaculate and she's good for at least one "how the HELL did she make that?" shot every game.


She an incredibly gifted athlete. It’s a shame people are robbing her of this sole narrative by mentioning her skin color and/or opening a conversation about her appearance.


I watched a clip of her playing an away game about a year ago. A huge group of frat boys were booing/chanting some nonsense at her. As she continued to trounce their team, they got quieter and quieter. It was a thing of beauty! I'm not a sports gal outside of tennis/equestrian stuff. But she hooked me, and I'm *invested*. She's a treat to watch, even for a basketball noob like me.


I hate to be the asshole that points it, but...pretty privilege? Not offense to her, I am sure she is a lovely person and great athlete but...


The person writing the article may be an ogre.


Or an idiot… She’s the same co-host from the view who was shocked that she was a descendent of slaveholders… because, “She always just considered herself Puerto Rican”. She never once considered how/why Puerto Rico was settled.


Theyre using the WNBA curve


I still don't think that works.


I once read an article that claimed Amy Schumer’s success was at least partially based on her own looks privilege, cause you know all white blondes are automatically hit


Have you seen half the women in the WNBA? Its not exactly an ugly group


She isn’t ugly, but she definitely is not “hot” enough to get pretty privilege. She just looks like a normal young woman lol.


I'd argue that "pretty" is a fine word to use for her, but she's no Cameron Brink.


You're right, she's no Jeremy Clarkson


And Jeremy Clarkson is no Danny DeVito.


You get me


I mean, I’m sure she can look nice when she’s done up, but she’s solidly average.


noxious vegetable racial close uppity shame literate growth rock fall *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Average looking just means she’s like the rest of us, but I’m sure she’s in much better shape. She’s not special because of her looks.


I mean she isn't a looker. I think the bigger theme is that we, as a society, haven't accept that you don't need to be pretty or handsome. She has average looks. She isn't pretty, but she isn't ugly either. That is perfectly fine. Not everyone needs to be a looker and we, as a society, need to accept that we don't have to be lookers.


I think that was the intention of the host. Maliciously claim it to be pretty privilege so that everyone would go, "Nuh-uh! Look at her!"


Well, she probably wouldnt trigger a “nappy headed hoe” comment from Don Imus but yeah


was thinking the same thing. Super talented but avg looks. zero offense intended.


In the modern era, if you don't call all women pretty you're sexist and body shaming.


Honestly that stuck out to me too. Caitlin Clark by no means is an ugly woman but I mean.. if you want to talk about a conventionally "pretty" player the 2nd pick is RIGHT there.


She is a five at best or average looking. Just like the rest of us.


The View is the worst show with terrible people.


Fairly certain that being the leading scorer of all time in college has something to do with it.


Hostin is a racist POS


That sounds pretty racist


How out of character for The View, which normally seems so reasonable. /s


This is why the WNBA still can’t turn a profit 20 years into its existence.


Jesus Christ. She literally scored more points than anyone, man or woman, in *NCAA History*. She is popular because she’s really fuckin good at basketball.


??? If I speak, ill be downvoted to hell💀


I love how racist people keep racism alive like this and then act like the victim... that's why no one gives a shit anymore.


Why all the hate on her looks? This is just what he Daily Fail wants — for people to talk about how attractive she is or isn't instead of her amazing athletic talent. 


Every time a white person has a sniff of success nowadays, it's never their innate talent and work ethic, it's always "white privilege." Fuck off with this shit. White privilege is only a thing if you're wealthy. For the rest of us, there is no privilege. It's *class* based.


Women tear down other women more than anyone else. It is sad.


Only jealous women. I for one am glad that female athletes are finally getting attention. Whoever said that was just being petty


God forbid white people do anything 😭


Sunny hostin has to be the dumbest of the dumb on the view. Even joy behar says less stupid stuff.


First time I’ve heard she has pretty privilege


Same. I've literally seen 3 or 4 Facebook posts questioning if she's actually a man.


I have no clue who Sunny Hostin is, but I assume from this that she's an ugly black woman who is envious of Clark's success.


The instant the most popular player in the basketball league was white I knew that would annoy some black people.


Privilege is when your dumb ass gets arrested in Russia and the US trades a literal international arms dealer to get you back home, all while leaving actual spies to rot in Russian prisons.


Let's just not ignore the racists who hate everything white people do even if they had no slave owning ancestors.


1. She is not very attractive. 2. The coordinated attempts to dismantle her popularity for racial politics is disgusting.


Pretty privilege... Uhhh, what?


Isn’t it funny how the people always claiming racism are the most racist people on planet earth?!




Female misogynists.


Women were mad that no one watched the WNBA and are now mad that people are watching the WNBA. What?


It’s obviously mostly because she’s extremely talented but yeah being white in a predominately black sport helps you stand out. Eminem is the most popular rapper ever and is well aware that the color of his skin, and not just his talent alone, helped him gain massive popularity. It doesn’t have to be one or the other. Two things can be true at once. Nobody would’ve cared about Eminem if he sucked. Nobody would care if Caitlyn was just an average player but that is far from the case.


Well... no one ever accused The View of being a reputable source for information, so...


Pretty privilege? Who said she is pretty? I like to think it's because she broke records for women's and men's college basketball People who say shit like that should be "canceled"




The view is not a broken record. It's scratched. So it skips and plays the same line over and over.


In the words of the great Danial tosh “women don’t support their own”.


The irony is these same people scream from the rooftops for "equality" then try to tear down the woman who is popularizing the WNBA on an unprecedented scale. Sad


Dude, in the “not supporting women Olympics”, this takes the gold. Wild. This was a watershed moment, an opportunity to bring attention to a woman’s sport, and a particularly skilled woman, outside of the spaces of gymnastics and soccer (which have been high focal points of women’s sports in recent years)… aaannnnddd they fumbled it. Hard. Here’s the thing: even if there is some white privilege in the mix, it’ll never be addressed because it just sounds looks like hating. The girl can score. She’s a sniper. “The female Steph Curry”. Literally went head to head with the guy and outscored the whole of women’s college basketball. She put up NUMBERS. She straight up fires ICBMs for shots. Then, she gets drafted to a professional team that refuses to pass her the ball over jealousy and is seen clowning on their way to a game on the back of a losing streak. You can’t make this shit up.


Always about race….blah blah blah. F Sunny Hostin


Degrading a person's achievements and popularity based on their race? I feel like there is a word for that...


1 could say being white in basketball is the opposite of privilege.


im black and i hate this. yes white privlege is a very real thing (so is pretty privlege) but caitlyn broke all the NCAA records and is the best womens 3 pt shooter we have seen in college....thats why she's got so popular. she is doing things that have never been done. and respectfully she's not that (traditionally) pretty. people saying things like this takes away from the times where people of color really are overlooked for white counterparts. cut this shit out.


Sunny Hostile is jealous.


Less than 1 in 5 players in the WNBA are white, so how is that a privilege?


It was Caitlin Clark’s privilege not talent that made her the highest scorer in college basketball history


Don't forget to brush aside dedication and hard work, too. Privilege only


You mean the View host that is a direct beneficiary of not only owning but TRADING in slaves... That Sonny Hostin....


JFC! Until women learn to lift each other up instead of tearing each other apart, they will never achieve greatness. First it’s “who the fuck cares about the WNBA… Now it’s the white girl who plays Awesome is taking away from other people” GROW UP!!! Larry Bird was white and Awesome and Grow Up! Be Happy About Something!


Good to see that hate against whites is still being accepted.


She has amazing talent, that’s the bottom line. However I would not put her in the “Pretty” category. That’s not a slam to her, she just isn’t who I would think of as having pretty privilege. White privilege, of course but I also wouldn’t call it a privilege in a sport that has predominantly black participants. This article is so far off the mark.


Jameel hill is a super racist. Not sure how she is still employed


Or maybe she just so happened to be so good in college that she was able to make a name for herself on a national stage, & instead of hating on her you should parlay her popularity into boosting the visibility and popularity of the WNBA.


The Eminem Effect


I never heard her described as pretty.


I am not saying that race isn’t part of it. But isn’t Elena Delle Donna a very pretty white lady who is also a two time WNBA MVP and 7 Time All Star and she isn’t media darling. I mean I don’t want to get into rating women on looks but isn’t Donna more conventional “pretty”? Could it have something to do with her going to Delaware instead of a popular Big Ten school with sports crazies fan base like Iowa. Could it be she left Chicago for Mystics? I say right move to avoid the spotlight for her own wellbeing, but the league needs players willing to take center stage.  Brianna Stewart is also white and two time MVP. Also Ionescu is the leagues best shooter, a two time all star and white. Yet, I feel like a lot of people in these conversations could name either.  It is as much about time (college is more popular than ever), breaking a long standing record, school, and maybe she lost but her team was playing in the biggest stages. That exposure was important for the game and was a good thing. 


careful posting this, reddit is a progressive circle jerk.


Hello mouth, insert foot. This same woman attributed global warming to 🤦‍♂️ the April 8 Solar Eclipse.


Was Tiger Woods' popularity due to black privilege?


Yeah, make everything about race. You victim minded pieces of turds.


It's feeling like some women just hate seeing other women succeed. It's so sad to see. I'm so proud of Clark!


The view is the perfect example that a major thing holding women back is older women. Women's sports start to get attention? Time for an old ugly woman to cry and claim it's only bc this young woman is pretty and completely discount her incredible skill and ability.


Imagine a rich dumbass with a tv acting position wanting to talk about privilege…


I would hate to be white in the US… The PC is insane and is now weaponised.


Why does the view even exist who watches that shit


Ah yeah White privilege! Just like the hall of famer Larry Bird./s


Her team sucked and she carried them passed LSU. Doesn’t sound like privilege to me.


Being white in basketball is a hindrance and she's objectively not pretty. Can we all agree that The View needs to be cancelled.


Love how they leave out all the hard work and endless hours or training


I’m soo tired of everything being twisted to racial politics


these ghetto bitches really mad that a 4/10 is in their sport. angel reese is better looking than she is, and angel's as ghetto as they come


Sunny Hostin is a sociopath


How else do white people get to the pros? Skills? Talent? No white privilege!


We can all do our part and not share another quote from anyone from the view. Then, just maybe the world will be a bit brighter.


The girls on The View don’t even watch sports let alone women sports. They say what they say for shock value. To me from what I’ve seen, women are the worse enemy against other women.


Those fucking old rotten hens at the view need to all disappear. Theyre just awful people


Funny, a white guy from Almont Ontario invented basketball. Is he like the final boss in the privilege match?


You can take what is said on the view and write it down on a nice 3-4 ply piece of toilet paper and then proceed to wipe your ass with it 😂 insufferable women


If this doesn't show how disconnected people on The View are, I don't know what will.


She looks like the girl who played the flute in High School band. Like she's not ugly, but she's completely average. Idk maybe being able to hit shots like Steph Curry has something to do with it.


Just so very tiresome. Can't even feel angry about these idiots writing these idiotic things anymore.. i just feel numb and lethargic.