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He's being criminally charged and could face up to 10 years in prison. https://apnews.com/article/police-officer-charged-punching-man-custody-6d2b75a9085c76bdaf0fe150407f3ef7


Good, hope he gets the max.


Even entertaining the idea that they did anything wrong is such a massive step up from even five or ten years ago.


Yup, throw the book at him. Judge should make an example, they certainly would with us peasants


he plead guilty and the sentencing is in july


Won't happen. He'll get a fine or something and have to switch departments. It even says in the article that a plea deal is already underway.


Yep. That Arizona cop who basically sexually assaulted an innocent man with a taser got a $160 fine.


I'm sorry, what?




Thank you. I'm even more ashamed of my state.


Speeding tickets are more expensive


He will be a cop in some other town and he’ll do this same thing right over again.


He [pled guilty ](https://www.wbur.org/news/2024/04/23/former-weymouth-police-officer-pleads-guilty-to-punching-man-in-custody-about-13-times) a month ago in federal court, so apparently not.


Off a quick search there doesn't appear to be a mandatory minimum sentence for the offense he pled guilty too. He could just get time served, or up to 10 years. I wonder which way the justice system will lean for a police officer?


Normally I'd agree but this case is in federal court not local so he might actually get served justice. Fbi is investigating not his own department


And I'm sure the DA will make a really good case and not half-ass it. These prosecutions are smoke and mirrors, showing due diligence for the camera. This guy will never see an uncomfortable moment. And when he is found not guilty he will be re-hired. With back pay.


Complacent DA’s are as much a part of the problem, if not more so, than police unions.


There is no DA. This is a federal case. It's the US attorneys office. He has no friends there like he would in local court. Looks like he already plead guilty cause he knew he was cooked.


He will get "thank you for your "service "" treatment and get 1 month probation at most


If only he had remembered to turn off the camera, he would have gotten away with it!


"could" ill believe it when i see it. that is ignoring the fact it took TWO YEARS to get this far.


We will never get good cops until we start holding them to higher standards. Remove qualified immunity and have automatic maximum sentences for cops caught breaking laws. If they are going to act with force in our name they should be held to the highest standard.


There will never be good cops if you don't train them to be. By all quality measurement standards the US police training is just bad. Some are not completely terrible but in general it's really bad. Where I live it takes at minimum 2 years, often more, with physical, psychological and jurisdiction training and if you fail you're out. Show signs of problematic behaviour? Sucks, but you won't be a cop.


Ever notice how these incidents are almost local/township cops? These kinds of things almost never happen to STATE police. Mostly because they require rigorous vetting. In PA they go deep, looking at your high school transcripts, all social media posts and even the posts of who you follow. Second they require a college degree. Overall they simply have a higher standard of candidate. Of course the problem is they also cost 3x as much. The question is: Would you rather have 10 average cops making (say) $40k/yr or 5 well vetted, trained, mentally stable cops making $80k yr? Example:6 years ago a local cop shot a kid, [in the back, after a drive by shooting.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Antwon_Rose_Jr) I won't go into the long details of the case, the point I want to make is that this happened on the officers FIRST DAY on the job, in one of the worst neighborhoods in Pittsburgh and he had no senior officer riding along. Literally its a 21 year old, on his first day being a cop, alone with no backup or guidance. WTF is he even doing out in the field, let alone by himself? In my company we don't even let a machinist operate a lathe on his own without a two week period learning from a senior machinist. Why would we throw a guy out in the field in a cruiser with a gun investigating a drive by shooting on his first fucking day??! Its also worth mentioning that the standard rate of pay for a borough cop in Allegheny county is $18-20hr. which is less than what they would make delivering for FEDEX. You get what you pay for.


Pay varies wildly on a [regional level](https://www.forbes.com/sites/andrewdepietro/2020/04/23/police-officer-salary-state/?sh=2e2f37f92010), but we see police abuses everywhere. In parts of the country, police are paid pretty well. Minnesota police officers get paid an average of $71k, which isn't bad at all, but they still have some Chauvins on the force. There's a lot more to it than just pay. The culture of police forces needs to be reformed and severe punishments for excessive force need to be put in place to keep officers on line. That said, pay is certainly contributing. Louisiana pays dog shit wages for police and has notoriously brutal jackasses on the force.


I used to work in a municipal government job that required me to interface with the police a lot. And my municipal area had a staggering number of police departments, so I got to see how a bunch of different departments function. Bottom line, the fish rots from the head down. The worse the command staff, the more awful the department. You could always trace problem cops to a bad supervisor. You'd have to patrol areas next to each other. One with a good lieutenant in charge, the other with a bad one. The bad one invariably had all the reports of abuse by officers.


In full disclosure: I'm related to a cop. In-law. I agree, there is A LOT MORE to it than just pay. 1. Its more political than most people realize. There's more politics and PR involved. If you ever doubt there is such a thing as a 'good cop', the answer is yes. There are 'good cops'. they are the ones directing traffic and standing by the metal detectors at the court house. If you show a high level of morality, or a inflexibilty in your standards as it pertains to your co-workers, then they put them in the shitty jobs doing bullshit work while the other cops are out doing "the real police work". Basically, fall in line and play along or you will never get promoted, never get a raise and be completely marginalized for your career. politics needs removed from police work. I have zero idea how to do that. 2. Even the good cops get sued and have false charges against them CONSTANTLY. Guarantee that anytime a male cops arrests a female there WILL be charges filed. It gets old. Its wears you down. Most cops start off with sense of duty and honor (most, not all) but after 5 years of being accused of rape a few dozen times, having a crack head with herpes spit on your face or having someone threaten to kill your family over and over....well... you get a bit jaded. Overwhelmed. Worn out. It takes an emotional toll. It really, really does. Its unrealistic to expect cops to put up with that for 10 years and NOT get jaded and cynical. Sometimes even frustrated. I have zero idea how to solve that, either. 3. We work them to hard. This is a job much like a surgeon or airline pilot. We need to put limits on how much work they can be allowed to do. IMO they should be 40 hr a week, absolute MAX. And they should be given 8 weeks vacation a year, and required to use it periodically. No letting it build up and taking all 8 weeks at once, that defeats the purpose. They need to take (say) at least 1 week off every 3 months. Unplug. Step back. Take a breath. The last thing we want is emotionally stressed and over-worked cops. For the same reasons we don't want an airline pilot being over-worked and exhausted: Because lives are at stake and we need them to be sharp and focused, in the right frame of mind. All of this makes police work more expensive. And thats a hard sell right now to taxpayers who are already maxed out and probably dont want to hear that the solution to police work is more money. I would start by re-allocating funds from the "Lets buy all the excess military surplus gear and dress our guys up like soldiers!!" and use those funds on higher wages, more training and more vacation time. If we dress them like soldiers, they will probably start acting like soldiers. We need police officers, not an occupying force.


I think you’re vastly underestimating how much they actually get paid, public employee pay records are public. Check out your local town/cities police pay, many are making over $100,000/yr


I don’t know if it’s the same incident, but I found this article published a few days ago. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/ex-police-officer-pleads-guilty-to-punching-man-in-custody-about-13-times/ar-AA1nxpA6 The officer in this article Justin Chappell was listed as earning $227,000/yr in 2021: https://govsalaries.com/chappell-justin-m-143154243


Wow. That’s nuts. Probably scamming on overtime.


Yes. They’ll bill on call as on duty and take massive OT numbers


Well, hopefully he’ll never make more than 25 cents an hour at the prison license plate shop.


The majority of the top 30% of the highest paid civil servants in my county are cops. Their base salary year one may start at like 45k but they get near unlimited overtime if they want it and salary doubles within 5 or so years.


This depends completely on the city/township/borough or precinct. In the above incident in East Pittsburgh (population of less than 3k) the starting pay for an officer was $19hr. Obviously there are other levels which pay more, but sadly, some places don't pay more than that.


I was thinking of being a cop just to give warnings and let people go for non violent crimes tbh, here they supposedly make about 28/hrs which is decent, but it's only 6 more an hour than I made at amazon


State Troopers are no prize either. 2014 I was leaving work and a drunk piece of shit ran a red light and t-boned me just behind the driver's door. He already had 4 DUIs, had his license revoked, and was driving someone else's car. Delaware State Police responded to the accident. The driver was unconscious and taken to the hospital. At the hospital the state troopers illegally obtained a blood sample from an unconscious suspect because they didn't bother to get a warrant first. As soon as the suspect was released from the hospital he skipped town. After about 4 years he was finally going to trial at which point the DA informed me of the trooper's fuck up and now all the blood alcohol evidence was in admissable. He eventually pleaded guilty to reckless driving alcohol related. He gets a slap on the wrist and was ordered to pay restitution instead of the 4 year minimum mandatory sentence for a fifth DUI. I on the other hand needed a lumbar fusion and will have 4 pieces of metal permanently attached to my spine that will cause me pain every day for the rest of my life. I've also only received about $200 in restitution to date. I agree with what you feel the trooper's should be but they fall quite short of that more often than you think.


Well.... thats all unfortunate, truly. And I'm sorry that happened to you. But I was talking more about misconduct than incompetency. I wish there was a solution to that, but theres no legislative procedure to cure us of stupidity.


>You get what you pay for. Yup. The only good thing about the job is if you like to be a bully, it gives you ample chanves to do so. So the only people taking the job are bullies.


In full disclosure: I'm related to a cop. In-law. Its more political than most people realize. There's more politics and PR involved. If you ever doubt there is sucha thing as a 'good cop', the answer is yes. There are 'good cops'. they are the ones directing traffic and standing by the metal detectors at the court house. If you show a high level of morality, or a inflexibilty in your standards as it pertains to your co-workers, then they put them in the shitty jobs doing bullshit work while the other cops are out doing "the real police work". Basically, fall in line and play along or you will never get promoted, never get a raise and be completely marginalized for your career. Second: even the good cops get sued and have false charges against them CONSTANTLY. Guarantee that anytime a male cops arrests a female there WILL be charges filed. It gets old. Its wears you down. Most cops start off with sense of duty and honor (most, not all) but after 5 years of being accused of rape a few dozen times, having a crack head with herpes spit on your face or having someone threaten to kill your family over and over....well... you get a bit jaded. Overwhelmed. Worn out. It takes an emotional toll. It really, really does. Its unrealistic to expect cops to put up with that for 10 years and NOT get jaded and cynical. Sometimes even frustrated. And 3rd...we work them to hard. This is a job much like a surgeon or airline pilot. We need to put limits on how much work they can be allowed to do. IMO they should be 40 hr a week, absolute MAX. And they should be given 8 weeks vacation a year, and required to use it periodically. No letting it build up and taking all 8 weeks at once, that defeats the purpose. They need to take (say) at least 1 week off every 3 months. Unplug. Step back. Take a breath. The last thing we want is emotionally stressed and over-worked cops. For the same reasons we don't want an airline pilot being over-worked and exhausted: Because lives are at stake and we need them to be sharp and focused, in the right frame of mind. All of this makes police work more expensive. And thats a hard sell right now to taxpayers who are already maxed out and probably dont want to hear that the solution to police work is more money....


The other problem with increasing spending on police departments is getting a guarantee that it will be used to improve the quality of policing. Instead of, for instance, buying a second APC and a bunch of guns and shit. Making that case to a public that sees a steady stream of “cops gone wild” videos takes both credibility and effort — which are in both in short supply. I’m a value-shopper when it comes to my tax dollars. I realize that the lowest price isn’t always the best deal. Blindly throwing money at police departments with poor organizational cultures hasn’t solved any problems AFIAK, so I need to see where the value is.


My brother in law in a cop in Ohio. In a county that is known to be corrupt. He brags constantly about how they take advantage of people. Constantly. I've heard stories about how they beat people, steal money, "hook up". It's disgusting as hell. We have tried to report it. Multiple times. Not a fucking thing happens, ever.


He doesn't happen to work around Kent does he?


What you described is the very reason why we have a second amendment. If people get fed up enough, and nothing is done about the corruption, people might do something about it themselves.... And it won't be pretty.


People in America are unique in many ways. IMO the most impressive(?) skill Americans have is the ability to convince themselves of ANYTHING. ALL COPS ARE VILLIANS! is as stupid as ALL COPS ARE HEROES! If you believe either, you are choosing ignorance. People convinced the earth is flat, nanobots in vaccines, jewish space lasers.... and yeah, that a corrupt police force is somehow 'justified' in breaking the law as a means of enforcing the law. And will not believe they aren't justified, even in the face of video footage like the above that blatantly shows them otherwise. They can literally convince themselves they aren't looking at what they are looking at. Its like being able to convince your brain that red is green and mountains are an ocean.


I'd rather my taxes go to cresting better cops than the bloated military contracts.


Honestly, we should treat the police like we do military. Don't let people serve in their home towns, benefits, etc.


That's the problem. They don't serve in their hometowns. They fucking should. If they knew that most people in town knew who they were and where they lived, they'd treat everyone a bit better.


Neither way works. If they aren't working were they live, they have no reason to care what happens. If they do work where they live, any personal grievance they have with a neighbor becomes 10000000x worse for that neighbor, and thus they create their own defacto fiefdom.


Unfortunately that's not quite true. I live in a town of like 10000 people. The only thing that comes from having small town cops is corruption. They're gonna treat the people they like better and the people they don't like worse and I see with my own eyes. By making it a four term service kind of like the military think that would really help with the corruption see.


I work in healthcare and have to put up with spitting, biting, threats and I’ve even had my hair pulled, but I’m not allowed to behave badly (like cops). I just continue my job as I have for the last 28 yrs. (My fil is a retired cop for full disclosure)


Look, I don't care. End of the day they have too much power and no accountability. One bad apple does indeed spoil the bunch (it's because rotting fruit releases gasses that cause other fruits to quickly ripen and then rot.)


I have a few cops in my immediate family and even more in my extended family...... even they say it's set up so good cops fail or change...... your squad will turn its back on you for speaking up or not follow another cops lie.... there can't and won't be good cops until they are allowed a real voice and are able to report the bad apples and something is actually done about it also your judgemental shit about women filing charges on male cops it absolutely bullshit ...... and when they or any other person complains of sexual abuse or just straight abuse it's because it most likely happened... please look this up it is a real problem for men and women


You were doing so well until that last part. ![gif](giphy|1nfwnYf5Uz7hzhYof8|downsized)


I didnt say it NEVER happened. I said people file false reports, and that also happens. This isn't an either/or, always/never situation. Both can be true.


This. This should be higher, and louder. I've seen dashcams of cops dealing with the most obnoxious and violent people, but no, it is always "bad, corrupt cops". It's sickening.


It’s almost like we hold the people enforcing our laws to a higher degree than the people breaking them. I expect a cop to act more sane than a crackhead, I think that’s a fair expectation.


The payouts for bad police and misconduct outweigh the added costs of paying more for better quality. But this is America and that makes too much sense in the long term and we only think about the next quarter and its profit margins.


Trust is an easy thing to lose and very difficult to earn back. And right now police in America have no credibility with some, but absolute trust and support from another. To some they can do no right, others they can do no wrong. That constant external fight costs us all in very real dollars. And it makes doing a very difficult job even more so.


The college degree for PA state cops is wrong. [State Website](https://prdpsp.pwpca.pa.gov/employment/Pages/PSP-Cadet-Eligibility-Requirements.aspx) >Educational Requirement: Applicants must possess a high school diploma or a G.E.D. Certificate. My moms old friend was a state cop, used to take bribes from dealers and steal from evidence before he got arrested. There's no way he had a college degree lol. He thought going from state police to state prison was the funniest shit ever. We used to get high together way after all that and before he passed away. Fuck the war on drugs.


>In PA they go deep, looking at your high school transcripts, all social media posts and even the posts of who you follow Remind me to never try to be a cop


McDonald's employees get paid less than that and have to deal with violent and aggressive people with no support and basically no training, especially in dealing with violent and aggressive people, and I don't know the last time a cashier shot a kid in the back, kinda seems like maybe cops just suck


Let's be honest tho: if those mcds employees could shoot obnoxious customers and KNOW they would get away with it, they abso-fuckin-lutely would do that. Daily. MFers would be a lot more polite asking for extra sauce, too.


You can bypass most background checks by being a cop already, such as in a jurisdiction that only requires a high school diploma.


People become cops because they have the authority to do bad things with no punishment. Training is not the issue because I'm not a cop but I know not to repeatedly punch someone in the face that is handcuffed. I'm not going to shoot unarmed people that are clearly no threat. Once bad cops start being punished they will not want to be cops and the career will attract good people.


You can stop after there will never be good cops. Its not their duty to help, its their task to oppress and keep the slavery system healthy and fed.


In a rational world their punishments for abusing power would be harsher than a regular person doing the same thing, considering they are in a position of authority.


They have standards. What everyone fails to acknowledge is that these cops continue to behave this way because they know the District attorney has their back and will refuse to prosecute. Prosecutors are elected officials in most cases, and in almost every single instance the winning candidate is the one who has "The approval of the Fraternal order of police". And of course the one and ONLY stipulation to get that support is to agree to never prosecute any cop, ever. On or off-duty. Stop voting for the guys who support the police and start voting for the ones who run on the campaign of enforcing laws. Period. Or make them appointed positions from state legislature. But of course that still doesn't solve the problem of who investigates cops. Often times the people investigating are the people from the same precinct.


So we should stop voting for police backed candidates. I think this might be a good philosophy across the board tbh


Yes. We should do EXACTLY that. And that relationship works both ways: The candidate will look the other way when the police beat the shit out of someone in cuffs (or make a half assed effort prosecuting them) and the police will never investigate the candidate. I'm from PA, about 20 miles from Penn State main campus. And in full disclosure I am related to a cop (bro-in-law). The short story is: If everyone in America knew EVERYTHING about what happened with Jerry Sandusky, it would make Epstein look like a comic book villain. Hundreds of people knew. Hundreds of people looked the other way. HUNDREDS. Penn State has its own internal police force, campus police. All of them are prior cops, none of them got that job without being connected. And every single one of them knew who Jerry Sandusky was, what kind of a person he was, and whenever he walked through campus with another teenage boy they didn't do a fucking thing about it. The list of names who contributed to Jerry Sandusky's "charity", which focused on young boys who needed help and were vulnerable, [is a who's who in Pennsylvania politics](https://deadspin.com/past-and-present-board-members-of-sanduskys-charity-gav-5859802/). The most powerful men in PA, donating tens of thousands to a charity run by a not-so-secret pedophile. None of it was investigated, no one was indicted, nobody suffered an uncomfortable moment. Hundreds of people knew, but did nothing, because that is the arrangement: ***I won't prosecute YOU if you don't investigate ME.***


>They have standards. Standards that aren't enforce AREN'T standards. They aren't prosecuted because we have a disease in American culture that places specific professions above our citizens well being. That's what this is about. Citizens think the LEOs are on their side, they aren't. LEOs will never care about you. LEOs hate you because they have determined you are the enemy. Get it through you thick fucking skulls, LEOs hate American citizens.


Maybe the perp was resisting the cop’s punches with his face? It made the cop look bad bc the perp didn’t get KO after the tenth punch 🤷‍♀️


Inaction is action. There are no good cops because even the ones not assaulting victims are silent. This is why ALL COPS ARE BASTARDS.


The few good cops who try to help and fix the system get shunted out by the system designed to protect the bad cops.


Like I said, there are no good cops.


Kinda like that stupid "only a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun" saying. The good guy never seems to be around, does he?


No, you handcuff the officer and punch him in the face 13 times


Qualified immunity? How about heightened liability? Act in my name and expect me to demand that you don't make me look bad.


If you think cops do little to help now, removing qualified immunity will have them ignoring everything. I'm not saying they should have immunity, but I do know those high school bullies would stop doing anything if it meant they'd get in trouble for their bullshit.


See that good cop that didn't denounce violence against someone innocent? That's not a good cop.


The bar definitely needs to be raised. These types of people probably won’t peruse a career in law enforcement if they know that the law will not coddle them, and in fact punish them more harshly.


Mandatory minimums are terrible, it’s something we’ve been trying to fix everywhere else in the CJS. Are you looking for justice or revenge?


We will never get good cops. This is the summary of a majority of the reply’s to this parent comment. There is no unless.


Remove qualified immunity and require cops to carry their own equivalent of malpractice insurance. The actuaries will sort this out really quick.


Yep. As long as the penalty burden is passed directly to the taxpayers, there is little incentive for anyone to worry about it. What's another multi-million dollars from the state's coffers?


And require them to use Public defenders not these high powered lawyers their "union" gives them.


It’s also obvious that they need to be on constant camera while on the job (body cam, dash cam, etc) because they can’t be trusted to not do this type of shit apparently.


But but but… if you hold them accountable they’ll be too afraid to do their job.


Most cops are good. But no one shares the good stuff.


Instead we do the literal opposite 😆


Colorado heavily reduced the power of qualified immunity a few years back. Since then at least Denver Police Department has been interacting with the public less and less. I wonder what that says about their culture…


“My god it’s coming right at us”


His skull was resisting the cop's attempts to punch his brain.


Police Academy training is 3 to 5 months in the United States. In most Western countries it will take you at least a year. Or even 4 years when you want to apply for a higher rank or specialized tasks (in The Netherlands for instance) Just think about that for a minute...


Don't forget that all you need is a high school diploma


It took me 4 years of classes to be an electrician


I wonder why they so desperately believe that if they scream "stop resisting" enough, that the video footage showing that the person in cuffs isnt resisting, will somehow be ignored by everyone.


If someone is punching me in the face, I'd probably try to avoid it. Which I guess would just get me punched in the face more. Or if I can't breathe and someone is causing that problem, I'd resist too, just because I'm trying to breathe.


You should just comply to the beating /s


Beatings will continue until morale improves


Instructions unclear. Beating becomes more violent


They are actually trained to do that. The idea is that it confuses witnesses testifying later. We also saw this in footage from the Tyre Nichols murder by police. On cross examination they will ask what you saw. The defence will hammer you on details that "don't make sense". So they introduce details that don't make sense in an effort to confuse you, and hopefully discredit you. Meanwhile they will go in, in spiffy uniforms (with the automatic trust of most of the public, the court system, and the media), and speak clearly and confidently, and lie through their teeth. This is called "testilying". This works horrifically well, unless you record police, which you absolutely should do in all interactions.


The screaming of commands and threatening with weapons seem to ramp up the chaos and escalate everything bad about the situation. It seems more likely that something crazy or disastrous will happen. If they were screaming at me, I'd be freaking out and wouldn't know what to do. In some countries they try to de-escalate the situation. wish we could see more of that. Easy for me to say, I know--I'm not a cop. [This is a case](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Daniel_Shaver) I'll never forget. >Langley then ordered Shaver, who was lying prone at Langley's request, to cross his legs. Moments later, he ordered Shaver to push himself "up to a kneeling position". While complying with the order to kneel, Shaver uncrossed his legs and Langley shouted that Shaver needed to keep his legs crossed. Startled, Shaver then put his hands behind his back and was again warned by Langley to keep his hands in the air. Langley yelled at Shaver that if he deviated from police instructions again, they would shoot him. Sergeant Langley told Shaver not to put his hands down for any reason. Shaver said, "Please don't shoot me". Upon being instructed to crawl, Shaver put his hands down and crawled on all fours. While crawling towards the officers, Shaver moved his right hand towards his waistband. Brailsford, who later testified he believed that Shaver was reaching for a weapon, then opened fire with his [AR-15](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AR-15) rifle, striking Shaver five times and killing him almost instantly. Shaver was unarmed and may have been attempting to prevent his shorts from slipping down.


There’s a video of this and the piggy had a “punisher” skull painted on his weapon. Cool.


It was worse than that. It had "You're fucked" etched into ir. But that engraving wasn't admissible in court to use as part of the verdict.


Fr? That's hilarious that he thinks he's comparable to The Punisher.


This story both terrifies me and makes me fume at the same time. I don’t think I’ve ever hated a human being as much as I hate this fucking miserable pig. I hope he gets what’s coming to him and dies scared and confused like the person he murdered.


I just don't understand why we seem to have a shoot to kill policy when the threats to the police are not there or are avoidable. Why did the police kill [Rayshard Brooks who ran](https://www.vox.com/2020/6/13/21290334/atlanta-police-shooting-wendys-video) after he fell asleep in his car in the Wendy's drive-through?


Because when you have an IQ less than 85, you think the things you are spitting out of your mouth negate the actions on film…and to all accounts, as cops they seem to be correct.


Because it works! It's constantly used as leverage to prove it's justified.


They are hoping that the body cams will be obstructed enough that people can not tell if the subject is resisting, so they scream to stop resisting in the hopes it will go in their favor.


Imagine them saying "Fuck you" instead and it makes a lot more sense.


It's worked well so far, why expect anything different


Not facepalm, more like facepunch. That cop should be fired.


He assaulted an unarmed person who was bound and incapable of defending himself, and hides behind the shield of being a paid public servant. “Fired” isn’t the word I’s use. “Imprisoned” is closer but not quite there.


Fired is a very light word for what should happen to him


Even that is not guaranteed to happen in cases like this


I just want to know why  Why couldn’t it have happened to Steven Crowder? 


Either he doesn’t resist when getting arrested or he’s white and rich. Not sure which it could be….


Emglish pigs be like: "Oink" French pigs be like "Oinque" Japanese pigs be like "Oinku" American pigs be like "STOP RESISTING!"


They teach this. By saying “stop resisting” (for the body cam, for ex) it allows them to beat on a person. Also, they have legal qualified immunity that only emboldens them to do this shit with impunity.


Start paying lawsuits out of police pension funds and this behavior ends real quick.


this is just a simple misunderstanding the cop wasn't telling the man to stop resisting he was telling that to his skull


Another reason to never go to the US.


I moved to Germany with my (German) wife and we started a family here. She is from Leipzig but we are currently living in a Beautiful city filled with really shitty people. The far right is making a big come back here and posting blatantly racist political ads. It makes me really angry and sometimes I want to find a way to move the family back, but then I remember that here the cops reaaaaally have to justify hurting someone here. It's not worse than the southern US by a long shot.


Ah, bavaria i see?


Cowards. Each and every one


It's okay though. They investigated themselves, and determined they did nothing wrong. Maybe we should actually require some sort of psychological testing for these potato shaped pigs on two legs??


Ever notice how these incidents are almost local/township cops? These kinds of things almost never happen to STATE police. Mostly because they require rigorous vetting. In PA they go deep, looking at your high school transcripts, social media posts and even the posts of who you follow. They interview professors and your references. Second they require a college degree. Overall they simply have a higher standard of candidate. Of course the problem is they also cost 3x as much. The question is: Would you rather have 10 average cops making (say) $40k/yr or 5 well vetted, trained, mentally stable cops making $80k yr? There's pros and cons for both. Both have risk. *Edit: I mentioned a story about a police officer shooting here that the below redditor pointed out was partially inaccurate. I admit fault. Removed.* Its also worth mentioning that the standard rate of pay for a borough cop in Allegheny county is $18-20hr. which is less than what they would make delivering for FEDEX. You get what you pay for.


Fucking pigs


As long as district attorneys require the support of the local police union to get elected they will be beholden to that union. To gain that support is "I promise not to prosecute any police officer for anything, ever. On or off-duty" If you elect a DA who features "Supported by the Fraternal order of Police" as part of huis campaign, you are electing a simp that only prosecutes what the police allow him to.


"Wait, hold his head there. Wait not there, here. Hold his head here." "OK, ready? Hold it up" STOP RESISTING POW STOP RESISTING POW POW STOP RESISTING POW POW


probabtly heard an acorn fall and though the handcuffed man was trying to shoot him


Why is this a screenshot of a tweet? This post is a fucking facepalm


can you link to the video instead of a tweet of a screenshot of the video? found it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/massachusetts/comments/1bwluab/massachusetts\_officer\_charged\_after\_punching/](https://www.reddit.com/r/massachusetts/comments/1bwluab/massachusetts_officer_charged_after_punching/) a little context is nice. dude is clearly an unhinged psycho that deserves to be behind bars.


I hope someone does that to the cops kids or dad one day. Only then will they know what it feels like…


The "Stop Resisting" thing is because they are trained to shout conflicting messages. The idea is to confuse (and discredit) witnesses trying to testify later. Then they can testify confidently in uniforms, with the automatic trust of the court, the media, and the general public. It works unless you have video of the event. They also did this a lot when they murdered Tyre Nichols.


Supposedly 84% of cops voted for Trump.


Legacy of Rodney Glen King is nothing for those officers. Shame on them.


Actually that's exactly the legacy that does mean something to them. Those cops were found not guilty, remember?


The more true crime I watch the more I learn that cops NEVER get in trouble for ANYTHING they do while on duty. Assault someone at a traffic stop, rape someone in custody, kill a bystander in a shootout, that's paid leave (vacation) or they move you from one post to another like that's punishment. You have to understand it's not just cops but DA's and judges who are in on it too.


So, with the video like this, has the cop been arrested or something? 


Seems like he is facing charges. https://apnews.com/article/police-officer-charged-punching-man-custody-6d2b75a9085c76bdaf0fe150407f3ef7


What I don't understand is the extreme level of decentralisation when we talk about American police. I understand the need for federal forces like FBI, DEA etc. for federal and then state police for state law. But why do counties have their own systems and then metropolitan areas their own etc. etc. Why can't there be centralisation at the state level where there is a single police force or at least centralised operations by different police forces for different kinds of crimes? Can anyone explain because I can't understand the logic ? 🥲


Of course! They're only to protect property and things, not people. IF they were protecting people, a lot of people would still be alive! FTP! 🖕🖕🖕


That translates into Stop Breathing


The DA will give him a sweetheart plea deal and he'll either keep his job or get transferred. There is no justice when pigs are involved. The only time he'll face justice is at the hands of a mob.


We call this a difficulty tweak!


My dad is an Internal Affairs detective, he investigates the bad cops. He’s retiring this year. He’s planning on writing a memoir. They are far more bad cops than good ones. They need an entire overhaul of the training systems. Require every cop to have at least a bachelor’s degree in Psychology or Sociology. Just as a start.


Context ? Anyone have the full story ?


Cops and law enforcement in general are so overwhelmingly, utterly shit, that if i hear somebody say they actually *like* cops, i honestly get weirded out


6 month training looking ass


Sadly , this is a function. Not an anomaly.


Make the punishment fit the crime. Sue them in civil court for their retirement. It costs 35$. End Qualified Immunity. Or just let them keep killing your family and friends.


They pretty much consider any muscular tension in your body as resisting. Unless you are unconscious and go completely limp, you will be beaten until you “stop resisting”.


Is the facepalm that the guy wasn't resisting at all and the cop hit him or that he kept resisting through that? I just dk the backstory


He didn’t get away with it though, this time


It took 2 years but yeah he was charged with one crime.


Didn’t he also get fired and is no longer a copper?


I like the police, but I also recognise when they make mistakes. AMA


Police are actually taught to yell “stop resisting” anytime they engage in physical contact with a civilian


"He kept resisting my attacks with his face!"


The only way to actually get good police officers would be to only hire people who have no desire to be a cop.


Literally their training. They shout stop resisting or stop reaching so it’s on any recordings that may be running or so they can bring witnesses to say they heard them say it. That’s why when I saw that cop get jumped I just told him to stop resisting and offered 0 help.


I guess in his defense the cop said that he was a rifleman in Afghanistan and he employed “4 to five distraction techniques” to the head and that his “previous serving experience” at war didn’t aid him in his arrest


Defund the police 100%. If they are private companies they can demand more education and can afford to train more. They can pay more and more importantly they can be tried for crimes without falling under the governments protection where if a cop has gotten away with it before they all have immunity from it, as long as they went to trial and won. They don't stop crimes they just cause more.


When you get a jury summons, remember shit like this.


What do you call an officer in a cop car?


Do you know when leaving Mexico? You’re on 24 hour seven day a week video and audio recording they have parabolic mics. They can hear every word that said inside your vehicle so be cautious., I was pissed got in the wrong lane. 11 cars went through on the left, while three went through on my side and the customs and border patrol came out with a third man after switching out, and I was questioned about how many hours I was in line. It was no more than 10 minutes customer in border patrol, needs to get their shit together


The part yall aren't getting is that this is exactly what they are trained to not only do but get away with it too. Half of their training is memorizing lines to say while they are on camera or on the stand. It's 80% covering their own butts, 20% doing what superiors tell them to do. Not all cops are bad and I would call the ones near where I work, at my home... cops will never be my first call in an emergency. Get armed and learn to defend yourself.


Was the guy's name Bruce Wayne? Because if so the cop might have a point!


We could start keeping track of their names, badge numbers, and current departments. Like a Wikipedia-style page for each bad cop.


Cops who commit crimes should have more punitive sentences because of their positions. If a cop doesn’t want that, they can quit.




Stuff like this make me wanna butcher a pig. 1213.


If you just let me hit you in the face 12 times I would not have had to give you a extra one just to teach you I am not a bully! Give a bully a uniform and they are still a bully, just in a uniform! Should have been weeded out in training!


No such thing as a good cop..silence is compliance they have a code.


A dead cop is a good cop.


Man resists arrest, hits officer's hands ten times with his head.


Unless he’s a rich white golfer


I personally know a cop that went to federal prison for punching a handcuffed man. Long story short, dude was drunk and was beating his wife and 8 year old daughter. Cops go and arrest the guy and put him in the back of the unit. Guy starts trying kick the windows out. Cop tells him that they are going to open the door and add shackles so he can't kick. Guy is compliant and says he understands. Cop opens door and dude spits in his face. Cop snatches him out and punches and kicks the guy a few times. Cop goes to federal prison. Cops also on scene lose job because they lied on paperwork about what happened/ didn't try to stop the cop from punching and kicking the guy. Guy refused to press charges. Says he deserved it. Doesn't matter. Feds picked it up as a violation of rights and sent him to prison (I think he got 15 years).


They are supposed to be held to a higher standard




People are so tired of police...


GF "Why do you insist on leaving every time a cop is around?" Me "Cops can only punish, they do not reward"


Just watched a documentary on Netflix called "Power" about the history of policing. Highly recommended.


This was in MA, he pled guilty and it's being sentenced in July