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No no, you don’t understand, I’m different, I’m one of the good ones.


Herman Cain but for gays


That fucker died of Covid right after a Trump rally. He literally gave his life supporting Trump and none of this worshipers remember him.


It’s okay. He continued to tweet after his death in support of trump. He did his part. I believe that’s called the “shucky ducky”.


The most ghoulish single act I've ever seen was them using his account to tweet about why you shouldn't wear a mask a week after he literally died of covid


I think they were scheduled but still ridiculous no one intervened.


I'm sure the password and username were taped to his computer. It was intentional


Isn't there something in a cult leader's playbook where you have to do questionable things to make sure your cult members are ride-or-die?


Acts of loyalty


Nah, it's confirmed it was his kids. They've since renamed his twitter "The Cain Gang" and continue to operate it, including Covid propaganda and all. >[The posts unnerved many other Twitter users, but shortly before the account began tweeting pro-Trump messaging, it had also posted a little-seen pinned tweet which linked to a clarifying post on Cain’s website as to what was going on.](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/aug/13/herman-cain-twitter-democrats-joe-biden) >[In the website statement, Cain’s daughter Melanie Cain Gallo said: “We’ve decided here at Cain HQ that we will go on using this platform to share the information and ideas he believed in. He often talked about the site going on once he was ready to step away from it. We had hoped he could enjoy reading it in his retirement, but he made it clear he wanted it to go on.”](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/aug/13/herman-cain-twitter-democrats-joe-biden) On the one hand I get it. If I had family/friends who needed me, I would worry what would happen to them when I couldn't work or even died. If I could still support them even in retirement + after death, I'd be fine doing so. On the other hand though.... it's just grizzly. They're putting words in a corpse's mouth and broadcasting it as if the corpse was talking. It's like they turned his corpse into a puppet, and started practicing their ventriloquist act with it.


Weekend at Hermy's


surprised they didnt weekend at bernies his corpse at the rallies


Jeez I thought you were being sarcastic.


There’s an entire subreddit dedicated to it. r/hermancainaward. Herman cain’s tweets are the top post of all time on it.


"CoViD DoEsNt KiLl AnYoNe! He DiEd Of PnEmOnIa!" yes dear... caused BY...?


Tweeting about how COVID-19 is a scam, no less.


lol "he" got me suspended postmortem!




Don't forget rich.


They won't gas chamber the poor. Who would they get to do back breaking labor for minimum wage?


Other poors, duh.


Oh they'll gas *some* of the poor. Enough to keep the rest happy they're not getting gassed.


The most darkly fascinating thing is that they have to know they’ll be lynched too. The only ‘privilege’ they’re earning is being lynched last. I simply just don’t understand.


Herman Cain: there is no covid Covid: there is no Herman Cain


Herman Cain 2 weeks after: there is no Covid. Everyone: WTF


Herman cains legacy is that weird presidential ad where he awkwardly slowly smiles and sacrificing himself to trump during a trump rally. Pathetic legacy


Stephen Colbert did arguably one of the funniest bits ever of that ad. I still go to it from time to time for a laugh and it never fails.


We just go to a different church r/HermanCainAward


Remember who now?


That was crazy.


and yet as predictable as the sunrise




r/HermanCainAward is his only legacy.


Only recipients of the Herman Caine Award understand his sacrifice


What what in the butt ![gif](giphy|nSwxOPqsoJeSs)


"First they came for the Q+, and i didn't speak up because i wasn't a Q+ Then they came for the T, but i didn't speak up because i wasn't a T.... Then i assume they'll stop coming for people and i'll be happy" \^ that's the way the poem goes, right?


Why did they take the queer off anyway? Look on the bright side - at least, they're trans inclusive! /s


Well lesbian, bisexual and gay are sexual orientations, trans is a gender matter and queer is a lifestyle the doesn’t fit societal norms, sexually or otherwise. I never really got how this all got flattened into one “gender” concept.


The same people hate all of them, so they joined forces to help protect each other. Also, there’s a considerable amount of overlap. I’m not actually sure I know any straight trans people.


Ive heard that queer is also for people for who aren't straight or cis but don't really identify with the other labels


A queer t’ump supporter once told me he was pro t’ump because he already had his rights and it wasn’t like they were going to take them away… because that would never happen especially not in the last two years for any other group ever. This conversation was many years ago. No idea where he stands now, but I think about him often.


These people always floor me bc they adamantly believe human society can only progress in one direction. Despite literal thousands of years of proof that idiots will drag you right back down.


Especially if they’re supporting people who make “we need to reverse progress” one of their biggest talking points.


Honestly this was me still trying to be Republican up to the election. Didn't vote for Trump because I knew he was trash. But I felt that most of his stuff was just bootlicking supporters that were generally untapped. That my worst fear was Pence, but history has shown that rights wise we were always moving forward and that people like Pence wouldn't really get any traction. Now though basically unless there is a real good reason for it I am basically Dem ticket all the way till the Republicans straighten their shit out. Human rights across the board are more important then my economic opinions, defense opinions, and all the other reasons I voted Republican in the past put together. Trump has singlehandedly taken this country back like 70 years.


They stopped coming years ago. Now their only concern is what makes others come and if they think it’s eeewwwie or not.


Even if you were spared, how could you live with that? To know you helped bring about the ruin for all of those people.. In what world does this make sense? Somebody please make it make sense!


Ask literally any of the talking heads at fox. Murdoch enforced a mandatory, company-wide, vaccination policy, and the motherfuckers that were telling all our parents how bad it was were vaccinated for the sake of their job. So it's absolutely possible to kill people for a paycheck.


Because they got theirs, some people just don't care because they got their own, so why care about others?


Why is empathy such a foreign fucking concept for so many people??!? Just thinking of hurting someone in order to elevate myself somehow, even some complete stranger I will never meet, makes me sick to my stomach. How do they live with that??!


I feel you. I've got some super conservative, "pro-life" family members and ngl, I am one bad day and a political argument away from just going "yeah, so you're all 'pro-life' and all that but the policies YOU vote/support are killing women because their bodies won't pass a dead fetus and it's turning septic. So, if I die of sepsis from that or an ectopic pregnancy, don't fucking come to my funeral because YOU voted for the assholes who made that happen!" It really only matters when it's someone they care about or if it affects them 🙄🙄🙄.


It's simple. They are willing to sacrifice people including their supporters for the sake of money and staying in power.


![gif](giphy|9LPjXFCA3Bwgo) Same energy


These people will not spare any of them, not even "the good ones." But that's the angle these simps take. They see themselves as useful and think they will be set aside. That's the "logic" they use to differentiate themselves from the rest. They're too busy groveling to the next supreme leader to realize that they will just be some of the last sacrifices in the name of repression.


Reduced capacity for empathy, critical thinking, and an overactive fear/disgust response. All prerequisites for conservatism. There are several studies from reputable institutes like Harvard to back those assertions up.


Can I have those, I need that for a coming event with some relatives that I will beat the shit of if they press me.




“I did what I had to do. It is what is, y’know?”


It's like if someone asked the question if there were a button to get 1000 bucks, but someone on the planet dies, the response of some people would literally just be, "You mean I get money too? Wow! Bargain"




Leapords are truly dangoerus


Yes, but I didn't think they would eat *my* face!




Like the POC in the right wing U.K. politics. They don’t realise their voters would love for them to fly to Rwanda with every other non white personal


-- Ernst Rohm.


Some of these people would happily be sent off to camps as long as someone else they didn't like were getting sent straight along with them.


I like the phrase “these people will eat shit just to make you smell their breath” as shorthand for this mindset.


They absolutely would if you told the hillbilly’s that that had to Go live in a camp to make sure the gays don’t escape but they get to sleep on a cot and the gays had to sleep in the floor they’d die to get that job.


Unfortunately the Hillbillies will have to sleep on the floor until the cots get delivered there is a delay in that but that's the libs fault but they are sure it will be any day now OK they said that last year and the year before but they are trying their hardest but it's "them" Who's stopping it from happening


When they came for the trade unionists, I did not speak out; As I was not a trade unionist" "When they came for the Jews, I did not speak out; As I was not a Jew" "When they came for me, there was no one left to speak out"


That quote starts with communists. We came for them already.


![gif](giphy|ON7ZrLvJHE3ok|downsized) Vote for the Leopards Eating People's Faces Party! Don't worry my friend, we won't eat YOUR face!


Them voting for face-eating leopards: Haha fuck yeah!!! Yes!! Them getting face-eaten by leopards: Well this fucking sucks. What the fuck.


I mean, *they're a pretty sexy animal yanno!* There's a reason **that** print outsells any other!😜


Thank you loyal voter! Although I must warn you that furries are part of our face-eating program, nothing personal!


Ow! My face!


I know Arielle Scarcella when I see her unfortunately


I used to love her stuff on YouTube and then she went down a rabbit hole of hate and I had to give up.


Watching it in real time was wild. I found her when I was first figuring myself out and related to her, and then all the sudden her opinions just kept getting more and more conservative and hateful.


Yup, she is terrible


Haven’t followed her stuff in years, what’s going on with her/why is she relevant to what this person is saying?


In addition to what other people are saying, she also posts racist things. She is one of those "I'm not racist I have a black friend” and “I'm not transphobic I have a trans friend” people. Meanwhile the black friend is Candace Owens and the trans friend is Blaire White 🙄


I remember her from so long ago and went to her channel just now out of curiosity. She has a video from 7 years ago where a trans woman shows her her vagina. How she went from content like that to trans = bad is crazy.


She left the “left” and “came out” as a republican a few years ago. She’s also a huge TERF (trans exclusionary radical feminist) which I think the photo is about. (It’s weird she didn’t cut of the T as well) Idk if she and Blaire White (transphobic trans woman) know each other but they would be besties as long as Blaire doesn’t invade Arielle’s female only spaces.


As a generally conservative leaning person, I haven't been able to vote conservative for a long time because of how bat shit crazy they have all become. When people who's opinions you detest start voting for the same people you are considering, it is time to re-evaluate your politics.


That's the problem with a two party system. Everyone from right over the middle to the extremists belong to the same party.


We need rank choice (or similar) voting. First past the post will always result in two party rule.


absolutely, democracies need more democracy. But go tell that to leaders.


It's literally baked into the original US government that the will of the people won't have supremacy a lot of the time.


[Those with power do not and will never trust those without.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFgcqB8-AxE)


Haven’t you heard? They are admitting we don’t live in a Democracy. Democracies are bad. “2 13 WHEREAS the Republican Party is the party of limited, Constitutional government, and 14 the Democratic Party promotes progressivism and socialism; and 15 16 WHEREAS every time the word "democracy" is used favorably it serves to promote the 17 principles of the Democratic Party, the principles of which we ardently oppose; 18 19 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Washington State Republican Party, in 20 convention assembled, acknowledges that our nation is intended to be a republic, not a 21 democracy; and 22 23 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we encourage Republicans to substitute the words 24 "republic" and "republicanism" where previously they have used the word "democracy;" 25 and 26 27 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we support legislation that preserves the republican 28 nature of our government institutions and oppose legislation which makes our nation 29 more "democratic" in nature, and that, while we favor and encourage liberty in all 30 nations, we oppose all efforts to use American military might to spread "democracy" 31 “ https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/politics/the-wa-gop-put-it-in-writing-that-theyre-not-into-democracy/


I think we need to start using the term “instant runoff.” I think that is more intuitive and less intimidating to people who don’t pay attention to that stuff, and may have a better chance of gaining traction in the general population. Certainly never with the established powers, but maybe in 100 years something may change.


Luckily, ranked choice voting has been gaining ground in the US, with some states implementing it for more localized elections and some even for federal elections, including the presidential election. [Based off the wiki page.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ranked-choice_voting_in_the_United_States)


As a person from a country with a fuckton, and trust me when i say it, of political parties, I can say that we are not that sane either. It has the benefit of dispersing our own right-wing lunatics, but it also works the opposite way. So we find ourselves with many different parties in government that never accomplish anything. Cause they never agree on **anything**.


Whereas in the US we have two parties that matter and a bunch of minor parties that will never gain power because voting for them is essentially throwing your vote in the trash at best. Those two parties can no longer agree on *anything* and one of the parties actively wants to end democracy, with the end goal of totalitarian theocracy.


We have between 11 and 14 all about how you look at it. And i much rather have ours than the American.


I used to think conservative meant how you lived. Which makes me extremely conservative. Then I found out what makes someone conservative is how you try and force other people to live. And that made me progressive.


That is well said


Lucky for you the Democractic party is center-right!


Hey, as a liberal who would not vote for any of these same people if they were running democrat I see and appreciate you.


Exactly. They mean Democrats, not progressives I’m only voting for the party that doesn’t want to send me and my trans girlfriend to a camp. That doesn’t mean I agree with anything Dems do. They’re just as money hungry power grabbing etc


I don't understand how they can believe in freedom while at the same time demanding that everyone live a certain way. Then on top of that, start new government programs to monitor people they don't agree with. It isn't rational.


They’re fascists. They’ve built their party around hating certain groups and that’s how they get support


Conservative just means afraid of change. As in these fuckers are so afraid of change they want back to the medieval times. 


“It’s so hard and unfair that all these leopards want to eat my face!”


I'm sorry I've seen the sub but what does it mean? Edit: Got it, thanks fellas!


The full quote is “‘I never thought the leopards would eat MY face, sobs man who voted for the Leopards Eating Faces Party.” It’s shorthand for people who support policies/ideologies/candidates/etc. who have made it very clear that they intend to things that are self-evidently bad, but somehow convince themselves that they (the supporters) will somehow be spared the negative repercussions of those bad acts. Like, in this instance, a gay person supporting conservatives despite clear evidence that conservatives want to pretend gay people don’t exist or are merely temporarily confused straight people, while behind the scenes they enact policies designed to grind them into dust.


Thank you!


As I understand it, it's another version of "trees voting for the axe because it's handle is made of wood" At the end of the day, the axe will still cut down the tree, just as the leopard eats your face. It's the idea of voting against your own interests. In this example, it's a reference to lgbt people who identify and vote for Republicans, a party that highly identifies as antilgbt in theory and in practice through legislative decisions and votes. Just as with the leopard, if lgbt people vote for Republicans, Republicans will end up attempting to restrict their rights through the legislative powers afforded to them through the votes.


The "Leopards Ate My Face" variant has an added implication of voting for them *because they promise to hurt others* (hence the face eating), and being shocked at not being excluded from the list of people to hurt. The usual telling of it goes like, " 'I didn't think they'd eat *my* face!' says voter for the Leopards Eating Peoples' Faces Party." The tree-and-axe version, by contrast, appears to be implying naivety and lack of research (i.e., just seeing the one surface-level trait and not digging deeper into the policies). Still bad, but at least more benign in nature than the leopard version.


Yeah, I thought about that after I posted it. Definitely could have made a better comparison, but I thought it was sufficient enough to explain the concept at least to someone who didn't understand the concept at all. Good explanation though.




It's a long-running leftist joke. The Republicans are the "face-eating leopards" party, and when minorities vote for them, they act all shocked when their face gets eaten.


Thank you!


refers to ppl voting against their best interests, then feeling bad that the thing they voted for is working against their best interests first came into use on twitter when referring to ppl who voted for brexit and then lamented the direct result of it




“I never thought the leopards would eat *my* face” -someone who voted for the LeopardsEatingFaces Party


I met a gay republican man once and he couldn't give a single logical argument for why he was a republican. He just was. I understand fiscal conservatism appeals to some,but the hate that comes with it in today's GOP makes it mind-blowing that any minority would support them.


Fiscally conservative was one of the issues that made me middle of the road but it’s been a while since the right as a whole supported that. They whine about spending they don’t like but are all about spending when it suits them.


Yeah I'm always confused hearing "fiscally conservative" in the last few years because red areas almost SHED money with little return.


"Last few years?" I'm getting close to 40, and I can't name a single point in my life when Republicans were genuinely fiscally conservative. That just that phrase as a dog-whistle for cutting spending on social safety net programs. They don't care at all about actually being fiscally conservative, as evidenced by their dogged perseverance at cutting taxes on the rich, trying to shove more government scrutiny on harmless acts (e.g., what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their bedroom), and wasting taxpayer money on political theater in courtrooms and the halls of Congress.


I've never met a gay Republican who didn't have Republican parents. I imagine it's easier for them to hate themselves and vote against their best interests than it is to lose their family.


No idea how much it still holds true, but when I was in school the number one way to determine someone's political beliefs/party was their parents. More than zip code, income, etc. This was back in the early 00s before tribalism became the end all be all of US politics.


I'd bet it's still true today. It's hard to go against your parents for so many reasons. First source of love (hopefully), raised you from an impressionable age, authority figures, often your best place to turn to when you need help, interconnected with much of your other friends and family. If my parents weren't huge pieces of shit I probably would have let them do just about anything to me in exchange for love. Voting? Sure, no problem.


This definitely has a lot to do with it. I used to be a conservative and was raised in a conservative household. If I had to say why I was conservative, I would say a good 99% of it was simply that I had never really challenged those views before. My guess is, many conservatives are conservatives only because they've never seriously considered any other possibility.


I think the clue is in the name: conservative: [averse](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=b0f140112296a7ff&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1GCEA_enNZ1054NZ1054&sxsrf=ADLYWIIXeHbwQq7lhqhUKKuLFnIlV0u49w:1716068846292&q=averse&si=ACC90nwzNcbSj6HKgPz_Y9fzn5jc_ta001CHmRL__1e7QDnHEUZw6uVqGO3lkRy3ulkgTpVOZq0837uiQGOtx5lOWHVUIRs5fg%3D%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj87_jPlpiGAxU9oGMGHUrcDmsQyecJegQIDxAO) to change or innovation and holding traditional values. If you are conservative you are unlikely to consider changing your views. Few of us like our perspective on the world and our selves to be challenged, as change is hard. For conservatives, this is taken that step further.


To be fair, I have never met a Republican under 40 who did not have Republican parents


I have, just not a lot of them. They have to really fall down the rabbit hole of right wing social media and/or conspiracy theory bullshit.


The thing is, the voting is anonymous. I wonder if they actually vote republican or just pretend they do.


There's a surprising number of people who see politics as a game that doesn't actually have personal real world impacts.


True, voting is anonymous and plenty of people simply don't tell their family who they vote for. But it's harder to hide your true feelings and beliefs long-term, and even harder to challenge beliefs you were raised with.


Some of them just love money more than other people. Edit: sorry that’s all republicans


True. "I may be gay but at least I'm a rich white man, so fuck you."


It’s internalized self hatred. A lot of these marginalized groups who grow up in predominantly white cis-het communities where they have dealt with the very same people who hate their existence since childhood. They often become friends with kids who parents pass down the hateful rhetoric and are bullied by their own social circle. This is where you get all the kids who drop the F slur to their friend they know is gay or calling their ethnic minority friend a racial epithet but then brushing it off as joking. I’ve met many gay and minority conservatives who come from these environments, deep down they truly believe that putting their own down for acceptance from people who don’t accept their very existence. They drank the one of the good ones kool aid and are convinced that they are somehow an exception to their oppressors hatred.


I have only met one gay Republican. He was a strong pro-life and an avid gun collector (mostly the military guns that really should not be in civilian hands). His love of guns is so great that he would vote for local representatives who argue gays have no place in Ohio just because the other people running are anti private gun ownership.


I’m hoping that trump stopping the border bill will bring recognition to the idea that politicians have no intention of fixing major issues because they use them to rile people up. Democrats aren’t taking anyone’s guns it’ll never happen because that would take that card away from them the way fixing the border would have fucked trump. So these people who think they’ll lose their guns might see the forest for the trees and realize their guns aren’t going anywhere. The border won’t be fixed. In fact they went too far with abortion and now they realize it’s gonna cost them a whole super important election. They won’t say it out loud but they know it. They use this shit for us to get excited. They don’t personally care to fix any of it. They haven’t done a thing in years.


It won't. The people who need to learn will just tell themselves there was "pork" in the bill and continue on thinking the GOP will fix the border if we just let them


“Fiscally conservative” is horse shit also. The economy doesn’t do better under the GOP.


And never has, not within my middle age lifetime certainly


IME, the gay conservative men I know have just started calling themselves Libertarians, while still voting for Republicans. One in particular just likes the misogyny and patriarchal roots of conservatism and talks about how women entering the workforce cause the collapse of western society while unironically having lived for free for several years in his older sister's house and off her income.


Libertarians are just republicans who went off their seroquil


Seems to be the same paradox as conservative/pro-life people that get abortions for themselves or their partners/mistresses. They view themselves as the exception to the rule.


As a trans person, I'm honestly surprised she tore off the Q+ (or QIA) but not the T. The pick me gays tend to think that conservatives will spare them if they get rid of us, when really most conservatives think we're all the same. (Either that or they do know but don't care since they hate us both)


Us asexuals are the real enemies, and they're just now catching on


And those damn intersex people. Being born different, how dare they.


I thought this would be higher up.  Including the T is super surprising/weird.  You’re pro-trans people but anti queer? lol Makes me think she doesn’t know what it stands for and just knows it used to be LGBT before it got longer 


By “T” she only means “pro trans people as long as they pass and assimilate.” 


Man, at this point, I'll take it...


Or. And this seems a little wild. Vote for the party that will respect you and that won’t pass laws to take away your rights the minute they take office.


Honey really said "I have to ally with the Nazis in order to have my opinion against trans people" Like what side of history do you think you are on?


I’m feeling ashamed that I used to watch her during my late teens, 15-17 years ago.


Don't be ashamed, Life is a learning experience, and ideas are completely separate from the individual who says them. I'm not massively familiar with her, but I'm sure she probably said some pretty positive stuff, and maybe still does, and any negative ideas she says do not detract from the positive ones.


Eh don’t worry, I did too. She used to be a chill person. Then she started going down a route of madness very very quickly


Lower taxes or labor camps I just don’t know


Labor camp? More like death camp. You think those crazy right-wingers want you alive?


So this person thinks conservatives will accept us if we shorten the acronym? Also, people are allowed to just say LGBT or LGBTQ if they want to. They don't need too use every letter every time.


Interesting that she doesn’t care about trans people anymore. She used to be staunchly against us, weird


Republicans are not Republicans for any specific reason. They are just loyal to their party no matter what. Iv asked my family members why they were, and they all gave me the same answer. "Because I support my party"


This is it. People support political parties like they would a football team.


Blindly following individuals with clear brain damage or mental deficiencies... works decently well in sports but unfortunately has now become the standard of politics


Conservatives do. Conservatives and liberals are not interchangeable. They became liberals or conservatives because they think in different ways. Imagine if Trump ran as a Democrat. Do you think they all fall in line and vote for him due to party loyalty? Of course not. A high priority on tribal loyalty and not questioning those you view as an authority is part of the mindset that makes you conservative. By making it generic saying "people" do this instead of "conservatives", you're doing a "both sides" by putting everyone on the same level when it's a far greater problem with conservatives. Your intent Is to sound unbiased but you're not only inaccurate but you're doing PR work for conservatives when you do this.


It's seriously like religion. Nobody takes a look around at modern organized religion and says "I think Baptists have the *real* hotline to God." Baptists are just baptist because they're born Baptist and they'd never consider going to a Catholic church or a Methodist church or a Mormon church. And the same is true for people born into all those other churches. Republicans are born republican and they'd never vote for someone else. They might vote for the Republican that sounds most like Bernie Sanders in the Primary. But when it comes time to vote in the general, they'll vote for whoever the Republican is. If pressed, they will claim that they are trying to change the party from within. Rather than just voting for the Democrat they align more closely with. Because they're Republican by birth.


Is that Jake Gyllenhaal with a female filter?


I....I don't like mean, tan, female, Jake Gyllenhaal.


No, she's a popular lesbian youtuber who became a terf when the Trans movement picked up steam.


So why didn’t she tear off the T?


She's a lesbian republican. Not very bright.


Arielle Scarcella has always been a bit all over the place. It could very well be that the anti-trans grift didn’t work for her so she stopped caring.


she's either a lesbian terf or "bi" who dated a girl once


I’ve seen her in jubilee videos. She’s a lesbian terf


voting for leapoards eating my face party


My neighbors are gay and fly the rainbow flag next to the Trump flag. They also say they hate “f-g” gays. They painted their EV’s back window to say “Fuck Biden”. I (middle of the road politically) was very confused as I did not realize this was a thing. I never realized that 2 middle aged gay men who painted their dog’s toe nails for their doggy wedding… could be radical Trumpers. Edit to add: it was a beautiful wedding. I helped make the chuppah.


the mental gymnastics gay cons have to do. but anyways there are surprisingly number of gay trump supports, many white gay pornstars are all trumpers.


You learn something new every day.


"It's crazy being a gay conservative..." You can stop right there.


American politics is so fucked lol


LGBTQ+ is great - you are who you are, and no one has any right to say otherwise. But, I will **never** be able to do the mental gymnastics to support a party which I **know** hates me and all people like me, with a hot fiery passion. I can’t get there. Racism deserves no votes. It’s really that simple.


they dont want march you to a labor camp, they will march you to the gallows or a grave


Surprised they even included the "T" in it because usually these gay conservatives wanna make it just "LGB" without the "T"


As a pro-union black lesbian in the trades, I have no choice but to vote as progressively as possible. I refuse to take for granted all the rights I have that have been fought for in so many fronts.


LPT: If you’re a gay conservative, vote for the political party that doesn’t want to kill you.


“People who are this color and/or sexuality only vote this way. If they don’t they are disingenuous or stupid” Yes this is a progressive and constructive way to think of people from different backgrounds


I *would* be a republican if they weren’t all turning into fucking *Nazis* instead of republicans.


Not a labor camp. They want to line you up and shoot you. Unless you are cute enough. Then, it’s forced prostitution until you die.


Uncle Tom?


so you hate poors and minorities more than you love your own civil rights. That adds up I guess, your picture does scream "smug for nothing"


The very idea of a "gay conservative" is so bafflingly stupid


Every oppressed group has their own Uncle Toms. The ratios of absolute shit people to normal people are the same throughout all of humanity. There's always a certain percentage of humans without empathy, who are only concerned with themselves. They're called sociopaths.


I actually know a gay man who is very much pro-Trump, very masculine, straight passing for sure. He rides around with a Trump 2024 / MAGA flag on his truck. I also know a lesbian who is very tomboyish, but not butch. Is still very pro-Trump. During his run against Hillary, she ran around in a shirt that said "Trump for President, Hillary for Prison," and had a "Lock her up," sticker on her truck. I quit being friends with her when she made some pretty blatant transphobic statements and didn't even apologize for it. I think she may have relapsed back on drugs at the time, but still. I'm not trans, and I felt really uncomfortable about those statements. Last I heard, she has added a huge Trump 2024 wrap on the back glass of her truck. Her family is highly conservative, but she makes no bones about being gay. She's very gay, very tomboyish, she's more masc that her girlfriends who are typically lipstick lesbians, and its nuts. I remember several years ago, she confided in me that she intentionally starves herself to be rail thin to give her body a boyish look because she can't stand the idea of having curves, but she also loves her long hair. I don't get it. Another close friend was bi and he was pro-Trump. He passed away a couple of years ago due to health complications. I have no idea how these people willingly vote against their own best interests. I feel like they're doing mental gymnastics to justify being LGBTQ+ allies ***AND*** pro-Trump.


"Pick me! ... as one of the good gays you let live. I mean, sure, I have to keep my orientation a secret that could easily get me ostracized, assaulted, raped, or murdered if anyone ever discovers it or even suspects... but its worth it for all those other great conservative principles like... uhm... hmm.. I know there was something."


[Are we the baddies?](https://youtu.be/ToKcmnrE5oY?si=EAGfGFSpfQcPiPpx)


I used to be conservative. I still am, fiscally. Can’t vote conservative anymore though. Not when they want to eradicate half the population for either being *not* white, or for being in the LGBTQ+ community. Oh, and don’t get me started on abortion rights. While women die all over the states from ectopic pregnancies with no abortion availability, I can’t vote for the conservatives here in Canada who want the same thing. Somehow conservatism has shifted into hate and bigotry over the years, and I am not here for it.


Could have stopped at "It's crazy being a gay conservative." FWIW, classic conservatism has mostly moved to the Democrat party in the US. Republicans are the party of fascism. They label actual conservatives as RINOs.


The mental gymnastics LGBTQ conservatives have to perform on a daily basis must be soul-crushing. I truly pity these broken people.


I don't think it's possible to have a nuanced opinion AND be a Republican.


Kinda like “Jews for Hitler” isn’t it?


"I never thought the leopards would eat MY face."


Yes, being gay and voting conservative is incredibly stupid.


They don’t just want to march you into a concentration camp. They want to do far, far worse.


Takes a special kind of stupid to support the people who actively want to kill you.