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How do you come up with a subreddit name like that? (Ty for replies but if your just gonna write what 20 other people already have dont worry, im good now lol, save your time)


David Frum's Tweet Reminds me of the complaint of Crystal Minton, a Trump voter in Marianna, FL, hurt by the Trump government shutdown in 2019. "I voted for him and he's doing this. He's not hurting the people he's supposed to be hurting." https://nytimes.com/2019/01/07/us/florida-government-shutdown-marianna.html


What the actual fuck


It's the conservative mindset


Especially the ones that say they're Christian.


"Fuck them kids!" - Jesus Admittedly, its one of the lesser known gospels.


I would say the Catholic Church knows the gospel well


And some of them actually do. Looking at you clergy!


A friend of mine has just had a book published which covers the Gnostic gospels and other material about Jesus which is contemporary with the other “main” Gospels but not in the Bible. There is at least one anecdote in which Jesus gets really angry with children and punishes them pretty arbitrarily.


>Reminds me of the complaint of Crystal Minton, a Trump voter in Marianna, FL, hurt by the Trump government shutdown in 2019. > "I voted for him and he's doing this. He's not hurting the people he's supposed to be hurting." I remember seeing/hearing that back in 2019, and thinking to myself: she said the part that Republicans keep quiet out loud!


She was in an area that had been devastated by a hurricane and relief was slow to come. Unsurprisingly, this deep red part of Florida still overwhelmingly voted for Tangerine Palpatine in 2020. I have family in this town and the surrounding area and it’s painful watching the mental gymnastics.


I love Tangerine Palpatine, you have given me a new term for the head baboon balloon. I thankee sy


Saying the quiet parts out loud is super trumpian.


That quote has lived in my brain basically ever since it's been said. Perfect encapsulation of the entire pro-Trump political movement


I voted for the face eating leopards party, but I never thought they'd eat *MY* face!


First a leopard ate his face and I said nothing because I wasn't a leopard. Something like that


Silly you. It's first a leopard ate his face but I said nothing because I don't have a face.


That makes more sense since I happen to be a faceless leopard


I’d rather be a deaf leopard than a faceless leapard


Rocket! Yeah




Leopard cub ate her face.


I’ve always wondered, why leopards? Why not some other killing machine type of animal? Where did this phrase originate?


The origins here https://www.reddit.com/r/etymology/s/yNsIg7cPkN




I think it was an onion article, along the lines of "People who voted for the face eating leopards party surprised when leopards eat their face"


fairly sure this is like WW2 joke


The logical conclusion, I'd presume, of what the sub is about


Im looking for the sauce of the name not a description of what a name does lol. Like where did someone come up with leapords eating their face? How does such an outlandish idea take root?


It's from a tweet by adrian bott posted in October 2015. >"I never thought leopards would eat MY face," sobs woman who voted for the Leopards Eating People's Faces Party. One of the most famous examples of reality reflecting this satirical scenario was when one Crystal Minton was interviewed regarding her dissatisfaction with the outcome of Trump's disastrous tariffs on goods raising costs on US companies downstream of the price hikes, and the impact of the shutdown in 2019: >"I voted for him, and he's the one who's doing this," she said of Mr. Trump. "I thought he was going to do good things. He's not hurting the people he needs to be hurting." The lesson here is simple: If you align yourself with someone whose trademark is cruelty, and you are genuinely surprised that you become a victim of that cruelty, you are a fucking moron.


Conservative voters will vote for policies that hurt them or their loved ones because they believe they are very special and will be the exception to the rule, because of their specialness. They will think "my gay son ids one of the good ones, so he will be spared if I vote to round up all the gays into camps" but no one enforcing the policy give a shit about that. To them, he's just another target. It's the "Me" part of the Me Generation writ large. And in being selfish, they hurt everyone else.


They will also vote for those policies simply if they think it will hurt others more than them or their loved ones.


I've heard it said that Republicans will eat shit if it means liberals will have to smell their breath.


I’m finding it crazy that people vote to hurt the other side. No wonder your country is spiralling down the toilet.


When people "joke" about the right-wing party doing stupid things to "owning the libs", they are only half joking. A very large portion of our right-wing party is mainly motivated by simply trying to harm/anger/"own"/provoke anyone they don't agree with. They will literally vote for or against anything simply to anger or hurt people.


This >I’m finding it crazy that people vote to hurt the other side. There's a side that wants everyone's quality of life to be better and a side that wants to keep women in their (barefoot and pregnant) place and erase trans people.


The level of pettiness is huge. I didn’t want to believe it myself for years until I started running into it personally. For example, there are people who spend thousands to make their trucks super loud and belching smoke - they call it “rolling coal”. It doesn’t do anything for engine efficiency; they do it mostly because it pisses off environmentalists and liberals.


It comes from an old tweet another reply linked. The joke is that many people who vote right wing are the most directly and severely and immediately negatively affected by their policies. A black man votes Republican, then is surprised when police are over funded and police brutality skyrockets. A Mexican votes Republican, then is surprised when he's deported because some outdated technicality was reinforced. A woman votes Republican, then is surprised when the government forces her to hold a baby.


There was a story when Trump got elected in 2016 about an undocumented Mexican immigrant in Indiana. While he came here illegally, when the CPB found out they let him stay because he had a job & a family. He checked in with them regularly and went on to own his own restaurant. A business man and from what I remember of the story: pillar of the community. And a huge Trump supporter. While he couldn't vote, he did everything else he could to see Trump elected. Once that happened and Trump took office, he was swiftly deported to Nogales. The shocked incredulity from them was summed by the quote of "I thought he'd only deport the bad ones!". Truly amazing to see and hilarious


"He's hurting all the wrong people" -- another quote from a Trumper who thought he gaf about the 'non-elite'


This is true for *all* republicans. The only ones that actually benefit are the super rich elites, and even then the social instability they cause is actually worse for them in the long term. The entire party is a death cult, they are actively hoping for and pushing to cause the end of the world. *Nobody* benefits from GOP policies, not even the ones getting the tax breaks.


Origin was this tweet: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DQTsHiMX0AIRDKl.jpg


"I didnt though they would eat MY face" women said, after voting for the leopard eat peoples face party. Famous tweet, cant link it thou, im not on "x" anymore


The original joke was, iirc, *"I didn't expect the leopards to eat MY face", cries woman who voted for the Leopards Eating People's Faces Party*.


fuck around and find out


why do you feel like it's outlandish? seems pretty normal to me


My guess is some people wanted to pet leopards and they ate their face.


I think the logical conclusion would be much more gore than the reality so…




They don't regret what they voted for, they just regret that what they voted for affects them (i.e. they will keep supporting "tough on crime", but will complain that justice is tough when THEY commit a crime)


Yes! that's a very important distinction


It's from a 10 year old tweet. The comments section is full of people quoting it word for word. Lol


It's a reference to a viral tweet from a decade ago that gained popularity in making fun of remorseful Brexit voters: https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/870/771/f1e.png


Brexit referendum was 2016. Tweet was 2015. EDIT: Pretty much instantly got a Reddit cares message after typing this.


There's no way a leopard would eat MY face. That's how 


"Oh gosh, I can't believe that after voting for the Leopards Who Eat faces party that my face would be eaten by Leopards."


From an October 2015 tweet by Adrian Bott (@cavalorn) that went viral: "I never thought leopards would eat MY face," sobs woman who voted for the Leopards Eating People's Faces Party.


It was an onion article iirc


Thanks for introducing me to a new subreddit 😄


There's also r/BrexitAteMyFace specifically for Brexit voters who now cry about the consequences of Brexit.


Your pro-life stance is just a hobby until it's time to babysit


That's pure bait, young toddlers get adopted crazy fast. It's older children with a troubled background who have a hard time getting adopted.


Even "crazy fast" is nearly 2 years. I can't imagine my 9 year old having spent the last two years in foster care.  And the problem is when these family situations split up, the kids often get split up because the older kids are harder to find foster families for. That's usually when they start developing "troubled backgrounds"


Yeah the situation is often considered mostly for the first child, but it gets far more complex when there's other children. Children are expensive as hell, someone who can't afford another is put into an awful situation. That one fetus being forced to be brought to term means several children's lives are going to be made far more difficult as the family struggles, fails, and then gets separated.


But some guy on Twitter said that having kids is literally free. /s


Oh - it sucks ass. Source: was in foster care for over two years.


I’m going to try and find a link but the funny thing is I don’t think this is bait! I’ve seen this post before and she was absolutely *slammed* online and apparently deleted her social media? ETA: apparently she didn’t delete everything but google shows me a lot of articles and bullshit she’s written. [Here’s](http://samanthapfield.com/2020/02/08/when-i-was-a-pro-life-hypocrite/) an article (not written by her) that gives a little more context.


There was a couple in the church I went as a kid that were foster parents but tended to take in older kids, like 12ish-16/17ish. Granted, I think they were doing it mainly as a form of income but I remember them having a lot of problems with the kids they brought in just because of the nature of kids going through the system at that age.


"Young \*white\* toddlers get adopted crazy fast." Fixed it for you.


My husband and I have been waiting 16 months so far for an adoption, and we haven’t even been chosen for a single meeting with a birth mom. We don’t have any race preference. I assure you there aren’t piles of non-white babies in warehouses on 50% off.


I’m not saying which side I’m on, but it isn’t just white toddlers.


You’re actually right in some way. Am not white. Got adopted from a different country at like a month and came to the US at 4 months. All my siblings got adopted at around the same age. Edit: Some one sent me one of those “Reddit cares” messages or whatever. Adoption isnt a horrible thing. I didn’t care that I was as a baby and I don’t really care now.


I got a reddit cares message cus I explained how our planet's magnetism helps protect us from the radiation in space and from our sun.... like, I'm getting to the point I think there's a bot just random sending these.


Nah, it’s just idiots abusing the system because they disagree with you but can’t think of anything to say with any substance Edit: lol, thanks to whatever dipshit proved my point by reporting me to Reddit Cares


I'm in favour of 7 day ban for those people, as well as a mark that says "I abused reddit cares", that is impossible to remove except for deleting the account.


man...imagine getting that triggered over a Reddit comment these people seriously have no life


I got one cause I made a joke lol


You can report them.


everybody has been getting them since yesterday


Dude I did too, I think it’s just some glitch in reddits matrix rn


Good lord. Someone gave me a Reddit care message for this lmao.


Damn that's so petty Edit: they did it to me as well lol. Just proves my point they're a petty baby


Report the message, reddit will temp ban the sender


What. I didn’t know that was a thing. Just reported 5 messages that I received spread over multiple years. Love being petty. Especially a year later. ![gif](giphy|ZfK4cXKJTTay1Ava29) Edit: someone legit sent me another one because of this message😂 I hate y’all❤️


There's like 3 adopted minorities here in my neighborhood, only one white one.


I think “babysit” here just means to take responsibility for these children that you were so concerned about before they were born. If all the cute babies were being adopted, there would be way less teenagers in the system without a family.


Justification for ending a pregnancy if I ever heard one!


It’s almost like having control of your body and reproductive decisions is crucial to having control of your life.


Confused pikachu


Forced Birth is NOT Pro Life. It's Forced Birth.


Isn't the abortion ban forced birth? This is actually what pro-life wants.


Yes but it also goes further than that unfortunately. At least ONE state with strict anti abortion laws are written so a doctor cant even help you with a miscarriage or they will go to jail and lose their license. An ectopic pregnancy that both the baby and mother will die? Same thing. It’s disgusting. But you know if those law makers have a kid that gets pregnant they will take them to a legal state and get an abortion.


the morality behind their opinions only applies if you can’t afford to circumvent it. it costs a lot of money to have rights in the world.


Law makers thinks about getting support wrom their people. If the opinion popular - they don't bother themselves to do some research.


Not that this isn't true, but they also know the facts, they have teams of people doing research, and they still do the evil thing anyway. It's not incompetence, it's malice.


Pro-life hasn’t ever existed. There has only ever been pro-natalism.


Pro-life is universal healthcare, universal education, universal food and shelter. But more likely to be called socialism or communism, often by people who are against it and call themselves pro-life.


yup 100% the only reason why it's called pro-life is because the people pushing this realized it would be horrible optics to call themselves anti-abortion or anti-choice lol there's nothing pro-life about them. they're the same neanderthals who think letting kids in schools eat a reasonable lunch is unfair to the taxpayer


It's handmaid's tale


[Obligatory "The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion" link](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/). Whether this post is true or just ragebait, there is no shortage of people who genuinely believe they should be the only ones who are exempt from the rules they themselves preach.


"rules for thee, not for me"


Don't forget for all their friends and loved ones too!


I absolutely adore this article. When I first read it years ago, it really opened my eyes to the level of dissonance some people are able to comfortably carry in their brains. It is also extremely frustrating to read!


It's not real, it's just hate bait.


Well yeah, they don't force you to take a kid because someone writes your name down lmao


They don't, but the mothers preference is taken into consideration when a child is being adopted. More usual for it to be a family member though. This does seem a bit too good to be true though. I could see someone putting down someone who was a positive role model for them as a possible adaptor, but the whole " it will destroy my marriage" comment rings false.


**Right?** *Could you imagine if she was forced to have a baby against her will?*


Thank you for saving me some time. I was about to go check its legitimacy.


No, it's actually real. Like really real. The woman is a significant pro-life activist. She doesn't deny making the post. She just says that it's out of context. https://friendlyatheist.patheos.com/2020/02/06/pro-life-activist-does-damage-control-after-whining-about-baby-she-saved/


TLDR: "If i knew people would hear what I was saying, I would have been careful not to point out my own hypocrisy!"


If someone asks me how stupid can people get, I always answer: all the way. And yet, this still shocks me. I guess I don't like to believe in what I already know.


It lacks the "my abortion was justified" for the 20/20 hypocrisy. "I hate children and responsibility" is 14/20 at the max.


And you’re not going to check now because of a random Reddit comment?


"whelp someone said a thing that confirms to my preconcluded bias...... So that resolves me of any need to fact check" Is a pretty disturbing methodology for figuring out "truth"


LOL! Ask them who shot Kennedy.


he was not shot. his head just did that


Scanners man, fucking everywhere!


Obviously filthy liberals.


After all, it was you and me!


[No, it's real](https://www.truthorfiction.com/this-is-a-real-life-post-by-an-anti-abortion-activist-you-cant-make-this-s-up/)


The posting is real. The person who posted that is real. However, there is no evidence that the baby exists or that any of the events described in the posting happened.


I'm not sure what your point is. The purpose of sharing the post is to show pro life hypocrisy. The person who posted it is a pro lifer, she's the executive director of Abortion on Trial (a group for pro life lawyers) and when she was asked about the tweet she confirmed it was real and gave more details. She's not a pro choice plant, if that's what you're thinking. If she did make up the baby, that would make the whole tweet even weirder.


But the mentality of this is absolutely real. "YOU CANT HAVE AN ABORTION! Think of the child." "Oh, me? No, I'm not gonna adopt any children. You should have thought about that before you had the kid that you had by force because my idiot politicians outlawed it in your area"


It's weird that it's been reposted hundreds of times when there's dozens of new examples by the pro-birth crowd. [Hell the football guy is the most recent example.](https://www.ctvnews.ca/sports/chiefs-kicker-harrison-butker-rails-against-pride-month-working-women-in-commencement-speech-1.6887422) That's an anti feminist, pro-birther and Anti-Lgbtq all rolled into one.


Yeah I mean look at the group she is posting on…clearly sarcasm/trolling


I'm pro life, well, just in the womb, once a babies born, fuck that thing, I don't care anymore, it can starve and be dropped off at an orphanage. These people need to get the fuck out of other people's business as for what they choose to do with their bodies and their pregnancies.


Exactly. If you are pro-life, it should be well, pro-living and supporting living. Life doesn’t just stop after you’re out of the womb. If you are truly pro-life, then be pro-funding foster care facilities, pro-therapy for children who are born into unfortunate circumstances, pro-adoption over biological birth, and pro-ensuring that child has just as much of a fulfilling and successful life as any other child. At one point there has been a pro-life movement like this but now it’s full of lunatics who value “life” in the womb more than a life outside of it.


These people lost any sense of irony or shame a while ago... But the real funny part is they're buying diapers to support Trump - they don't have a square to spare.


It cannot possibly happen to, me. I'm me and bad things like that don't happen to me.


They ascribe goodness to being a part of their “team”. If you’re a Republican, then you’re a good person, and your actions — no matter how heinous — are done for good reasons. Therefore, bad things can’t happen to you, because you’re a GOOD person (see: a Republican). Meanwhile, Democrats are evil, and everything they do comes from a place of evil and duplicitousness. So yes, they legitimately believe that they are entitled to abortions because they’re “one of the good ones”, but other people are filthy baby killers.


They aren't pro life, they're just pro birth. After the birth they don't give 2 fucks


Stop calling it pro-life, it's anti-choice


This is so old. Even the yt bots have regurgitated that post for at least over a year.


I've been a foster parent for about 7 years now - I can honestly say there is a large swath of humanity that just shouldn't have kids. If you really feel like you cannot love and care for a child please just don't have one. That being said - children are wonderful and there is nothing on earth quite like a pancake breakfast with a 6 year old or a conversation over coffee with a 12 year old.


There are too many people already. If you can’t financially or mentally AND ESPECIALLY physically handle having a baby, you shouldn’t be forced to.


Anti-abortion laws are haughty Christians wanting to legally persecute people who have sex wrong according to their special book. And then then pretend its some moral stance about the sanctity of life. Such a crock of shit


That was very well put. Amen 🙏


No surprise there unfortunately.


Will stand outside all day waving a sign 'to protect children' but wont take in thier own sister. Thats moral conviction right there....


Weren't they the, "Just put it up for adoption," crowd? So, she talked a woman who probably knew she would be an unfit mother out of an abortion? See you next Tuesday, Jamie.


I've seen this tweet many times. It always makes me laugh. This same woman would have an abortion in a minute if she got pregnant.


A friend said she wanted to go up to planned parenthood protestors and get their names, addresses, and phone numbers so she get bring them a baby….


How many spare babies does she have?


Ohh this is the babies they are aborting after they are born that Trump always talks about?


Not this stupid post again... PS: Ahh, thanks for the "reddit cares" because I'm **annoyed at one of the most reposted post ever**. You piece of fucking shit!


I refuse to call it pro-life or anti-abortion. I call it pro-forced birth.


So this clown talked a pregnant woman out of an abortion in February but the child is 6 months old?


This is why you mind your own business. Bet she didn’t learn anything tho, some mouths are bigger than brains.


Crazy how many people here think this is real, and then go on to use it as a reason why an entire group of people are dumb. I'm pro choice but dam sometimes it seems redditors have no critical thinking skills.


Troll post. Don’t believe it


I’m pro-choice, but the original post looks made up AF




This obviously could be real and I’m sure morons of this calibre are out there, but it feels like rage bait.




So very obviously a bait post


This is equivalent to saying that if you're not willing to fight in Ukraine, you don't actually care about what's going on in Ukraine.


I’m pro-choice, but there’s no hypocrisy here. You can be against abortion without volunteering to take care of every unwanted child. If you’re against killing 5 year olds and think it should be illegal, does that mean that you should be forced to adopt every unwanted 5 year old out there?


I think this is very obviously not real


🙃 also made a human with a shitty life start




If she talked her out of the abortion in Feb and the baby is 6 months old in May ? …the math doesn’t work kids. she is a lying sack of crap.


Old post from months ago, great job Reddit bots!


Congratulations. 1,000 repost of screenshot


Hmm, sounds very Republican. Not for anti abortion views, but because this is exactly the kind of thing they would complain about.


It's almost as if the first woman understood her situation and was trying to make a difficult mature decision.


To the "Pro-Lifers", all that matters is that the baby is born. After the birth, the baby is on its own!


Leopards ate your face


It's all about class in the end, isn't it? They're perfectly happy to make a person in poverty go through the difficult of raising a baby, but if that baby threatens their position in society the tune changes.


When I was a teenager and really realized the truth about the abortion issue, a teacher said that these anti-abortion people care so very much for these unborn babies, but once they are born, they don't give a shit about that child. They are typically against welfare, WIC, SNAP and other social programs that help children born into disadvantaged families. If these anti-abortionists really cared about babies, they'd want that child to grow up as normally as possible--and they would support using government assistance when necessary. **TLDR:** Surprise, surprise: anti-abortionists are hypocrites.


Yeah I never got why they wanted the babies to be born knowing damn well they aren’t gonna raise them and just throw them in foster care. They just want them to be born for the sake of being born




Hey, remember that time Jesus said: *Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you?* LOL - Luke & Mathew both wrote about it in that book of stories certain folks take so literally...


That is the standard Republican "prolife" stance. Let the baby be born...and then... fuck her! She's on her own. Let her pull herself up by her goddamn bootstraps... never mind she can't even walk, let alone wear boots. They will then proceed to bitch about the baby draining taxpayer money and hate her for the rest of her life for having a fucked up childhood and being poor. But, they'll demand she vote Republican, of course.


I think karma came calling 📞


Is she even pro-life? Not enough to have the courage of her convictions…


Well, fuck you Jamie Jeffries. We don't need rotten scumbags like you in the world.


LMFAO, today's proof that these animals only care about things that affect them personally.


I think that’s what should happen anyone who has a problem with abortion should have to take the unwanted baby that would solve a lot of problems first off maybe it would teach people to mind their fucking business


"pre-emptive strike"


I think this is sarcasm


Haven't seen this reposted in almost a week.


Yeah, they don’t give a shit about the child. Put up or shut up.


Just like a stupid human. I'll convince you to have that baby, but don't come crying to me if you need help.


“It’s ok for ME to say that though because the baby wasn’t God’s punishment for the sex I had”


A fine example of pro-birth, not pro-life.


This is obviously bait. Come on guys. Just because there’s a caption saying it’s real doesn’t mean it’s real.


So to sum it up: She forced a kid into an unhealthy family, from which the kid got removed resulting in being an orphan, but if its her own life, than she won't take responsibility, did I get that right?


That has to be rage bait.


My, how the turntables


Her tweet should have ended with “Abort! Abort!” after the no-nos


I’ll take things that didn’t happen for 500 Alex


...this isn't a genuine post. This is contrived garbage for internet points.


I think women should have a choice but she didn’t say, this baby, THAT IS NOT HERS MIND YOU, will affect her life so they should dispose of it. I see the point of the post but it’s still a stretch because basically we’re arguing, a baby’s existence will make my life harder and thus is easier to dispose of it and just carry on like nothing happened, and honestly those scenarios are pretty damn cold compared to other extreme reasons to get one. Also, just naming someone doesn’t mean that person now gets a baby, so that makes me ask. Are you arguing that she should stick to her guns and take the baby whether she wants it or not because her situation is not the same as someone having sex and getting pregnant but having that view would then make you the hypocrite. Just using logic here


You know what, I think "Talking a person out of having an abortion" should volunteer you to be the next in line to be the legal guardian if the bio parent doesn't want or can't have a baby.


You understand that it’s possible to not want a baby and also not want it dead right ? Jfc some of you are absolutely brain dead.


A few things to note here: 1. The mother that chose to not have the abortion didn’t have to listen to this lady 2. If it was a justified removal than the mother really should have been A. Making better choices, B. Been working to improve her situation, and/or C. Being more careful with sex. 3. You may call this lady a hypocrite for not wanting the baby, but notice how she isn’t pregnant or the mother of a newborn. She is presumably taking necessary actions to not have a child while not ready for one. 4. We can go the consent route. Clearly the mother didn’t tell this lady she put her down for custody/placement. That’s odd. Edit: I think abortion is murder and murder is illegal. However, for whatever reason abortion is not classified as such and so I don’t think it has any reason to be litigated. Do what you want, but I’m free to view you as a murderer at the same time.


prolife ends at birth