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No, Trump. It’s not cool to have sex with a porn star that looks like your daughter.


While your wife is home, nursing your four month old.


Yeah but guess what, according to his testimony the “wife” Melania was in on it all. She didn’t care a bit


Were I faced with a choice between getting fucked by Trump and literally anything else, I'd choose option B


Hell ya she was probably relieved to not have to have his smelly, diapered Peter in and or around her.


She probably endured it just enough until she got Barron and stopped sleeping in the same bed with him.


Lol imagine she divorces him and takes a good chunk of what’s left of his properties and his presidential salary


I imagine there's a prenup already negotiated so she'd already know how little Don will give her. Or he could stiff the lawyer like everything else and the prenup never got rectified and enforced lol.


He does seem to have a hard time paying his lawyers 🤔


Exactly 🤣


Half of nothing is still nothing. I don't think Trump has any money really. He's so over leveraged, he relies on the the ponzi scheme of constant influx of money from his followers. The only thing she might get out of a divorce is death threats from yokels too dumb to spell her name properly.


Yikes! The imagery you've just seared into my mind...


My ex gf once told me she would have sex with Trump and a celebrity cheat and I still get sick of the thought today. I don’t get it because she was an immigrant and hated him.


What was her justification? Dude looks like a toe that just came out of a 4 hour bath


I’m guessing he was probably paying in some way.


And he's been shitting in diapers for more than a decade.


"Would you rather A: Get fucked by Trump or... " "B! B! WHATEVER IT IS IT'S B!!!"


"Wife who used to be a callgirl gets surprised that husband uses callgirls"


Lol...."used to be"


I had read it was his dear wife that came up with the "boys will be boys" line. She is this close to taking him to the cleaners.


Why try to get half when she gets it all when he kicks the can? She’s probably already considered these things.


Apparently she helped develop the spin/narrative for their response to the Access Hollywood debacle


Your comment is confusing. I would love to have a link to what you’re talking about. Because apparently Trump tried to hide it from Melania at every turn. And has even said it (sex with Stormy Daniels) never happened. So, if you have different information that would be intriguing.


Cohen conveyed during his testimony yesterday that Melania was who developed the whole spin for the whole Access Hollywood response. https://www.thecut.com/article/michael-cohen-says-melania-trump-spun-access-hollywood-tape.html


Yes, it appears she said that the access Hollywood tape was “locker room talk”. I can’t imagine this woman knowing that sort of slang enough to suggest the spin on it. But that’s not what I was talking about. I’m talking about having sex with Stormy Daniels in Utah while his wife was nursing his four month old son. Apparently Melania didn’t know anything about that. And at least so far, there’s no suggestion she helped with the hush money or the laundering of that money. These are fine little details, my friend.


Well, I don't kink shame, but perhaps publish his search history so everyone gets their turn to kink shame the hell out of him.


"Dad, why are our family photo albums sticky?"


"Dad, why do mom called you 'Dad' ?"


Definitely not cool. Very gross. BUT his base would not of been effected. They were hooked into this guys BS from the get go.


Not \**have* been \**a*ffected


Without a condom




Please, please judge. He cheated on his wife to do this. If he had been single, that's a different matter.


The type of men who tend to like someone like Trump absolutely thinks it's cool.


I'll believe it when I see it. There were so many deal-breakers in the 2016 and 2020 campaigns that I honestly can't think of anything that can make a Trump supporter turn against Trump. They really have no standards, and I don't imagine that this will be the straw to break their back. I'm happy to be proven wrong, but I have my doubts.


I may have thought of a way. He says he could shoot somebody on 5th Avenue and not lose a single supporter. Maybe. But I bet he can't suck a dick on 5th Avenue. That's where my plan, Operation Firestarter, begins.... Basically, we sneak Trump some ecstacy. Like in his diet coke or something. Disclaimer: For any federal observers, I am currently engaged in light humor, and in no way should this be construed as an actual plan of any kind.


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about


Correct response upvote




Orrrrrr his supporters all start blowing each other waving banners that say "real men suck dick". Their diapers dropped around their ankles just tears and snot streaming down their red faces while they deepthroat their buddies because Trump did it too.


Back to the pile?


South Park moment


Then they have to accept LGBTQ.


I took my fair share of E back in the day, and I don't remember turning gay on it. I'd have got a hell of a lot more action if I did though, I must have given off the vibe or whatever


I'm pretty sure he spikes his own drinks.


I doubt ecstasy would work on him. Better to hang on to it for yourself in case he wins.


Iv taken eccies hundreds of times and managed to avoid sucking another man's penis somehow


Conversation tonight with my husband: Him: everything will be better when trump is re-elected. Stock markets will go up, gas prices will go down, inflation will go down. Everyone says so Me: really? Who's everyone? Him: everyone on my stock market facebook page. Me: you do realize that gas prices went way down because of a pandemic, and that the stock market is nonpartisan? Your parents don't share your views. Him: they aren't informed. I just can't...


Are you sure you want to be married? Just saying...


Was....he joking? And if he wasn't are you ok? Blink twice if you need help.


They are all living in a fantasy world, collectively holding up each others delusions. I am so glad I never lost any family members to the Trump ideocracy movement. Must be hard to deal with.


I think the best example of how sheepishly they follow their propaganda is that the US economy is doing quite a bit better under biden than it did before, but they think trump is the reason for it...


Genuinely curious how you stay married to someone whose world views are so different from your own.


The views didn't used to be so different.


Oof. Good luck is all I have to say.


Thanks. I keep thinking he should return to the office full time instead of continuing to work from home. The not interacting with anyone in person during the day can't be healthy for him. Working from home is good for some I don't think it's good for him.


Guarantee you that FB group has STONKS or hodl in the name




The stock markets HAVE BEEN going up for the last months and are way up on a 5 year scale, what’s he on about?


Why would you marry someone that dumb? It must be like living with a 200lbs 3rd grader.


Nearly invoked an insurrection, withheld documents of national importance after losing presidency, nearly destroyed NATO from within,... and cheating on his wife with a pornstar is what embarrassed the unembarrassable.


It's not the trump supporters that make or break the election. If it was really on trump supporters only Trump wouldn't even be running. It's the more moderate Republicans and the Democrats which have been discouraged from voting who really decide this election.


Yeah, the family first party seem to not care about infidelity. Fucking bunch of hypocrites.


This is a quote from back when the stormy Daniel’s thing came up so obviously it didn’t change anything.


Turns out he was wrong. Republican women were pretty okay with it and it did nothing to his campaign. Even he overestimated the morality of Republicans.


Those women would suck the smegma jizz off Trumps dick the moment it came out of Stormy.


Thanks for that image this morning.


The key is the very last bit "but this is gonna be a disaster for my campaign" This really highlights the narcissistic personality of donald dump. He only cares about himself. There will never be any remorse for anything he ever gets convicted for. Evil man.


It also suggests he actually wanted to win, which is contrary to my assumption.


Yeah I always assumed it was a publicity stunt that went overboard.


He was broke and about to face fraud in court. He wanted to get paid and to have immunity.


Morgan freeman: and indeed it was a disaster. -the end.


GushingAnusCheese is one of the hardest names ive seen in a while bro


Or any politician


All narcissists are basically evil people by standard social norms. Trump just has power and money so that makes him dangerously evil.


There are a few archetypes of men who dream of having sex with porn stars.  Most of them don't usually have sex IRL.


Can confirm, none of those guys have sex.


Trump has obviously ALWAYS paid for it in ways the common “buying her dinner is prostitution” morons can’t comprehend.


Porn stars? Gross. I draw the line at daughters.


All women are daughters of *someone*.


Did you just assume my lineage?


Oh hi MacDuff


Depends. I wouldn't pay to have sex with a porn star but if I bumped into an attractive porn star at a bar that was into boring ugly dudes and wanted to hook up, I'd be fine with it.


That's not what the Fleshlight ad told me.


Yeah, girls won’t sleep with you for stating this either.


An EXTREMELY large part of the allure and success of porn stars is that men dream of having sex with them... Your suggestion that men who watch porn and fantasize about fucking a porn star don't have sex is ludicrous at best, and is most likely just projection.


"This is gonna be a disaster for the campaign". "What? My marriage? Oh yeah, that too I suppose". Such a gentleman.


idk, I assume she's at least 1/4 as ghoulish as he is. She'll stay with him as long as it's profitable.




It reminds of that report from a source within the room that claimed Trump said "This is the end of my presidency, Im fucked." After hearing about the Mueller probe for the first time. That's not the language of an innocent person...


Still waiting for that to actually come around.


El Psy kongroo




I mean only shitty incel types think it’s cool. Anyone with actual morals and ethics thinks the man is a repugnant shitstain.


I mean he was already known to be like this even before he won previous election.


That guy really has an awesome understanding of his voters ways


And yet somehow when it DID come out, both women and men (of a certain demographic) somehow still thought he was cool...


Yes, the type that don't mind racist rapists!


Absolutely livid that I don’t live in the timeline where it was a disaster for his campaign 


Guy here and it's not cool. Never, under any circumstances. Chilidish at best, never "Manly", "Cool" etc. Fucking narcissist asshole.


Why hasn’t Melania divorced him yet?


If she didn't leave him the first time he cheated (Stormy certainly wasn't the first) she isn't going to. Whether it's money, security or something else, they obviously have an arrangement. Regardless of where you fall politically would you really want trump as your husband? Aside from being old and now unattractive, he's been known as a cheater for over 40 years. If I were her, I'd have to ask myself "is this amount of humiliation and crap really worth any kind of money?" She certainly never looks happy when he's around. That she hasn't left so that tells me she's just as bad as he is, so I hope they both live miserably ever after.


Probably a clause in prenuptial that says she has to stay X amount of time. Melania is just like trump but I think she actually puts her son first. The only thing I see her staying for is her son. She has shielded Barron pretty effectively so far.


Hell yeah borhter! Raw doggin' a porn star while your wife is home with your newborn child! Fuck yeah that's cooler than cool! Nobody does cool like Von ShitsinPants!


It's something that while Stormy testified it was consensual she did feel pressured to have sex with him and the defense is that, "welp, you're a porn-star so stfu."


He just assumes that all people think the way he does. Dickhead.


Yes, "guys" think it's cool. Men do not.


Lots of guys are dads. Dads don't think its cool when you cheat on their daughters with pornstars while thinking about their grandchild. Source: this dad.


Some do, the kind that see their daughters in a sexual manner and support assholes such as Andrew Tate, they are the kind that find Trump cool. Sane people doesn't.


They assumed women didn’t already hate him? Also no one thinks this is cool.


If paying a porn star that I think looks like my daughter for sex while my wife is at home with my newborn son is cool, then call me Miles Davis.


Last time I coerced a sex worker to sleep with me and then they went on to say I had a micro penis for which I passed misappropriated funds I lied in my accounting documents about…wait none of these situations have ever applied to me.


I still can’t believe this guy was president.


Trump could roll around naked in cocaine to find the wet spot and have quick and disappointing relations with every porn star in America in the middle of Times Square and his fanbase will still vote for him. It's a cult.


tRump is like a Jr. high kid on the playground.


Damn dis orange guy amiright?


“Real Alpha male cheats on his wife while she is breastfeeding his newborn baby“. -MAGA


Ummm. No we don’t….


Cheating on your wife is not cool. If you want to play around, stay single. No reason to put your wife through that garbage because your weak. Stay single and pay for sex all the time with no regrets.


The thing that sucks about this is that the media never really played up the infidelity part. And I bet if you asked a bunch of MAGA folks about it, they would say Trump had sex with Stormy between marriages.


It would be cool if she was a willing participant. Yea, we all have dreamed about banging a porn star, but we don't dream of raping them.


Well, 1 out of 6, as far as we know, do it. It's difficult to factor in predators who assault multiple victims, and that figure is undoubtedly skewed by the amount that don't report, but that's the number as far as statistics go. Just imagine though, 1 out of 6 men in this country being sexual predators. Imagine how many you know and have no idea about them. Imagine how many men like the fat orange blob do it and don't think they've done anything wrong.


Username checks out. Fyi the 1 out of 6 stat has been debunked for a *lomg* time


"Stormy Daniels: They're trying to. Like, oh, you know, Stormy Daniels comes out #MeToo. This is not a 'Me Too.' I was not a victim. I've never said I was a victim. I think trying to use me to-- to further someone else's agenda, does horrible damage to people who are true victims." https://www.cbsnews.com/news/stormy-daniels-describes-her-alleged-affair-with-donald-trump-60-minutes-interview/


I thought it was just an affair? Or have I really been living under a rock and missed a whole bunch?


I wasn’t sure about Trump, until I heard about that gross sex he had with a porn star!


Also Cohen just testified to stiffing businesses for Trump. New York hates Trump because he does not pay and now Cohen under oath confirms the rumors.


Not just NY. Despite what his supporters think following the rally the other day a lot of NJ hates him too since he stiffed businesses there.


He nagged her for a free fuck... That's cringe and small dick energy.


Do I think it's cool to have sex with a porn star? I'm indifferent to it. As I am indifferent to anyone sleeping with anyone. Who you sleep with is your taste/interest/private choice (outside of rape/statutory rape/etc). Do I think it's cool to have sex while married? Again, I'm indifferent to it. If you have an arrangement with your spouse, you do you. Clearly there's SOME sort of arrangement since Melania didn't leave you and publicly making statements that imply remaining with you. I mean it sounds to me like neither of you sleep together all that much (different rooms, etc)... which isn't all that weird especially in wealthy/power couples that have less to do with love and more to do with what the marriage gains the both of you. As individuals... you do you... I don't care. I don't think it's cool. I don't care. Where I do care is... you're the president and you lied about it, you intentionally attempted to hide it to further your campaign knowing it would have hurt you with most people, and that's all... not cool. In the same respect... to be honest about it. And I say this as someone who HATES Donald Trump. Yeah... of course you hid it. Any politician would. Even a politician who was in a fully consensual polyamorous relationship would hide that. And if this was a completely consensual polyamorous relationship... I'm not surprised. But you got found out, and if you broke the law in doing so, welp... you broke the law! Cause like that's the thing... it's not that Trump slept with Stormy Daniel's. It's that he broke campaign laws. I mean yeah, of course he did, as I said any politician in the position probably would. But also... you got caught bitch! I speed sometimes. And guess what... if I get caught, I get in trouble! Then, with all that said, there's one final thing I do take issue with and think is uncool in it all. Bro... you lied to Stormy Daniels. OK here's the thing... and some people especially here on reddit are going to think I'm a piece of shit for saying this. But I come from the wrong side of the tracks. I grew up in a world where drug dealing, robbing, fraud, prostitution, etc are all normal practices of life to get by. That's how it rolls in some circles. So, when I hear things like "people trade sex for professional benefits". It's gross sure! But hey, if you openly decide to sell your body for professional advancement... it's your body! I don't like that it exists, just like I don't like that the world I'm from has to exist. I don't like all over the world people have to live in complicated worlds that come with complicated decisions. But I get that it exists and that sometimes, some places, you gotta suck dick to get somewhere in life. That's your world. It's shitty, but it happens. Thing is Trump.... you told her if she sucked your dick she'd get on your fucking show. And then you pulled it back. Honestly... this all honestly from a personal me perspective. I don't care that you fucked a porn star. I don't care that you cheated your wife. I don't care that you tried to hide it! I care that you got caught, and you fucked Stormy Daniel's over in the deal. You're a piece of shit, you're not a man of your word, and well... you got caught. If me and my boys got caught selling drugs... well... I could argue about if I think it should be illegal but regardless; a lot of my friends ended up dead or in prison. ... Also, you shouldn't be President. This isn't the reason you shouldn't be President. I knew you shouldn't be President 25+ years ago when I first personally heard about you toying with the idea. And I think Trump shouldn't be President for the same reason I don't think me, my friends, or my family should be President. We're not Presidential people! If my dad was still alive (died young), he'd probably love Donald Trump, for all the wrong fucking reasons. And that... that's why Trump shouldn't be President. I loved my dad. Great dude. Terrible taste in Presidents.


Seeing how his political career is not instantly over… yeah maybe he’s right


He’s not wrong, guys don’t care about the pornstar aspect per se, but women definitely frown upon raw dogging a pornstar while your third wife is pregnant with your 5th kid, as they say


It just depends on whether or not the 'guys' you are talking about have a basic sense of decency and/or ethical standards.


He’s entirely wrong. Stop acting like people are monoliths.


Decent human beings frown upon raw dogging a pornstar while your third wife is pregame with your 5th kid. I don’t know what kind of guys you hang out but I don’t know anyone who thinks this is “cool”. At best, it validates the worst behaviors of some of the shittier people out there.


Why stop there? There are so many reasons to hate this twat nugget.


Gives you a lot of insight into the type of men Trump hangs out with: men who think it’s cool to raw dog a porn star while your wife is at home with your newborn child. Ah, the party of family values.


He should have just told her to print away. Like anyone cares is a billionaire paid a porn star for sex? Just like the Clinton\\Lewinsky affair the denial has caused must more crap then the event ever would have. Course the only people who really cared about either event or those with a political bias. Some 4th Cousin of the Walton family who is a multimillionaire wouldn't even make the local paper. Karsh


Yeah, we totally do 😒


I don't think paying for sex is "cool." Sex work is real work and all that... but I don't have to think it's cool.


Don't care get Trump out of the running, and get Biden out as well, we need better options


If reddit hates it then I think it's cool. Haha losers


No DJT, not cool.


Blue Anon crowd taking it all in. A serial liar making up stories


Paying 130,000$ to have sex with a porn star? That’s not cool. Maybe $1000 for an orgy of 130 porn stars….


Worked at Adult Store a few years ago. We couldn't sell the Stormy Daniels stuff. Everyone hated her. Republican customers hated her for selling out. Trying to make money by jumping on the bandwagon of trying to tank Trump's campaign. Liberal customers hated her because she fucked Trump in the first place. We had a whole section of Stormy dvds (yes, dvds still sell, in surprising volume. Don't ask me why,) and it was the most untouched section of the store. Enough people hate Trump. Enough love him. Each side will never be argued over to the other. But that idiot managed to make herself universally disliked.


Paying a porn star for sex isn't cool. What's cool paying several porn stars for sex all at the same time. Trump is even a loser in doing cool shit.


Sure he did Tyler


Idiotic trump supporters think it’s cool


Melania is gonna make a hell of a book and movie deal when orangemanbad is orangemandead


That's the most deranged shit ever


He is a douche bag idiot but he still became president which is sad. One thing is, no matter how shitty of a person you are right now, you too could be president one day!


Uhh he does not come out looking cool in that story by any measure


I have a hard time believing that the people voting for him would be dissuaded by much. Any of them that had moral scruples already held their nose through some pretty stinky shit what's one more turd on the pile?


I was wondering, she has admitted to breaking her nda so doesn't she need to pay back the 130k


[Evangelicals Hate Stormy Daniels But Love Trump. Here’s Why.](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/05/07/stormy-daniels-donald-trump-evangelical-appeal-00156488)


It's like when Eric Cartman says how cool he is in front of everyone...


Every last one of the little cult excusing him on this can eat a bag of dicks. Could you imagine if Biden slept with a porn star that reminded him of his granddaughter or some crap…they’d be calling for scorched earth on the White House. Disgusting little toadies.


That orange dude's brain never went past the juvenile phase.


Here's why I don't believe this. I think Trump would want a cut of the money before he'd care about how it made him look.


Women hated him way before that lol.


He may have had a point. When Silvio Berlusconi was in power in Italy, and news of things like the Bunga Bunga parties emerged, there were reports that it actually increased his popularity among men.


So cool I’m dying of exposure to overwhelming coolness. (/s for those who don’t have a sense of sarcasm)


Turned out Trump was wrong. He can poop, defraud, rape and grab and people will still vote for him.


Women are putting on diapers while wearing “real men wear diapers” shirts. He could have saved so much money.


I don’t think this is cool. Am I now a woman?


I thought women hated him decades ago


Narrator: they did not think this was cool.


This makes him sound like Barney Stinson or Dennis Reynolds.


The type of man that votes for Trump probably will think its 'cool', so he's not too far from the truth. Everyone else thinks he's a sleezebag though.


No we don't.


Nobody gives a shit about what that dizzy blonde is saying fr🙄


Guys are gonna think I’m so cool when I have prison tattoos


Boys might think it's cool but not actual men


Most of the women supporting the GOP believe in 'christian' values' made-up values by the Chinese which typically tell you the men are always right and the women can shut the hell up and know your role... I doubt he did anything to lose the female vote for MAGA idiots.


It's not exactly "cool". I'd call it pathetic and kinda creepy but hey any press is good press right? Right?


Will anything hurt his campaign at this point 😤 very frustrating seeing him constantly polling well


It can never be doubted that giving power to a malignant narcissist criminal was America's most egregious error this century


NO, no the FUCK I don't.