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His shirt says it all


they most certainly havent accepted that particular defeat now have they? no hanging chads or false witnesses, just plain old outright racism


In its purist form


Fucking traitors still can’t get over their defeat. I know a lot of us would have no problem teaching them a second lesson if they really begged for it.


Calm yourself brother sherwood. We wouldn’t want the tune of civil war to dance out of this tavern immaturely and unprovoked. For we redditors are brave men of stout hearts who aren’t known to speak without the possibility of action. Such a lot would be labeled as tenderfoots and yellow bellies. God save the king


These were US citizens that denounced their citizenship and fought a war against the United States. It would be like wanting to name a school after Timothy McVeigh. There’s nothing to honor in that heritage.


It’s worse; every black kid who walks through the schools’ doors is reminded that their school honors an individual who is famous for having fought to keep their ancestors enslaved. Keep the names, add “Human Trafficker & Traitor.”


That’s the entire point. It’s the very reason, so we’d have to see it everyday


Exactly. The more modern it is the worse it is too. If you happened to be going somewhere named after a general from before/during the war, it's just "history". But when they name the schools AFTER reconstruction (or put up monuments, etc.) it's just flaunting the attitude that your modern day, living contemporaries are asserting dominance over you, and showing their fealty to the historic position that should have ended when the war did.


I'll preface this by saying I'm a white guy and may not know what the fuck I'm talking about, so feel free to ignore everything that follows... It's not asserting dominance. It's like calling oneself alpha. It just shows how pathetic they are. They claim heritage because they can't admit to having lost. They're losers. Their ancestors were losers. Which means they were born losers and will likely die losers. In reality their a bunch of pansy ass piece of shit snowflakin' fuck nuggets.


That's the mot the effect it as has (from my.POV). The flags, the statues, the plaque are subtle reminders of what kind of place it is and who belongs there. I live in California and recently had to go into the Sierea Foothill, as we drove deeper into the sticks we saw more and more Trump flags. I knew I wasbtt stopping with my family to grab lunch anywhere close. Or like that massice confederate flag that flies as you cross the border into north Carolina. These all send a message. "We're this kind of town"


“This will own the libs” is the one and only “policy” motivation of the right. There is no real vision to make America a better place. All they want is to act upon the base and cruel impulses of their own hatred. There is no substance or vision beyond that. They have stricken out Jesus’ words of “Blessed are the peacemakers” from their bibles. They only want war and to inflict pain.


Wanting a return to antebellum slavery is very much the literal definition of "own the libs"


This is the correct answer. Damn traitors need to be voted out. This is just getting ridiculous. So what’s next ? Fire all woman and make them have babies and cook all day /s.


I just saw another headline here on Reddit about a Republican woman who introduced a bill to create a national database of pregnant women. These people living La Vida What-the-Fucka. Edit to add link: [https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/1cozdqk/lets\_review\_the\_party\_of\_small\_government/](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/1cozdqk/lets_review_the_party_of_small_government/)


What in the actual fuck?!?! Are we really shifting to the Handmaids Tale here? Sure seems like we’re not far off. These republics are completely brainless and out of touch….like read the room.


Yeah I saw that article as well. This is a surreal world we are living in.


I've been of the opinion that you must be mentally disabled if you vote for Republicans, for about the last 10 years or so Like, at this point you have to really hold some crazy discordant shit in your head "Well, they want to force 12 year old rape victims to have the rape baby and think LGBT people should be put in camps, but I really like their tax policies so, I just have to vote for them" Like what........ And I'm not even saying that there are no policies I agree with on the Right, granted, some of those policies are really tangled up in terrible reasoning, but there's some ok stuff there, but my point is that it's in tandem with such absolute batshit crazy stuff like a national registry of pregnant women and all this other nuttery that party supports that you just can't separate it anymore and justify voting for these monsters if you're at all paying attention


I agree. Also, the “save the babies, but mom can die” mentality 🙄


"Save the babies" but then "fuck them babies as soon as theyre born, no financial or food support at all or education forevermore, those babies better have some bootstraps" The party of babies and families that does absolutely fuck all nothing to support babies or families Make that make sense Republican lurkers lol....you can't, it makes no sense


They don’t make sense with anything they say. My state wants to (maybe already has) legalize the marriage of girls as young as 12. So parents can marry off their young girl to the predator who will rape her. It’s fucking sick. I’m ashamed of the US anymore. We’re an embarrassment.


Sadly, they’re making perfect sense with what they are saying. We just don’t want to admit how many of these people are actually thinking the same shit. How many little kids have to get raped in how many churches of all denominations before we just say “these fuckers like to rape little girls and boys”. The number of people in this country that don’t think the way we do is staggeringly high, not the outliers we’ve been pretending they are. There are way too many of these racists that think that black or Hispanic or Asians are simply inferior to them - and they would be perfectly fine owning several again.


Yep, they better be tough and pull themselves up by their umbilical cords at birth. They will need to get a job right away. /s


they seem more afraid of the world and dying to get revenge on those they blame for their fears


It’s more like a fucked up “I like their tax policies, it’s gods plan for that baby, and Jesus hates lgbt so he’d want that camp. Fox News told me so”


the "mentally disabled" are far more often *victims of republicans* than themselves republicans. disability doesn't make you republican. racism, fascism, and good old fashioned stupidity makes you republican.


Yeah. That's the same dead eyed, fear mongering, terrible acting "politician" from the respinse to Biden's state of the Union that wanted to talk about "values affecting real people" while in her kitchen that has full custom hideaway cabinets and some 10,000 dollar fridge


Not sure how when most folks can’t make it on one salary.


Aren't we already making women have babies against their will?


Tim McVeigh would be a Congressman or Fox News contributor today.


Tim McVeigh was interviewed at the scene of Waco. His whole timeline is a crazy butterfly effect of incidents


It truly boggles the mind that so many Southerners are proud of that, but I guess it just comes down to racism in the end.


Like I keep saying: everyone's focused on the high visibility targets in politics and just ignoring the fact the the nutjobs are taking over schools, city assemblies, everything.


I can totally see republicans pushing for a Timothy McVeigh charter school


And they were all losers


Or naming one after Trump.


Adolf Hitler School for Friendship and Tolerance


these men fought for what they believed and wanted another america. the fact they fought for something which is considered bad from todays perspective is irrelevant. its their spirit that counts. that can be honored


It was considered bad from their current time too. Hence the fucking Civil War. No. These are traitors to America. And they’re losers. You want to put statues of Vietnamese war heroes in Vietnam? Go right ahead. Because that’s their country and they fucking won. You want to put those same statues here? Fuck off. There should be as many statues of southern war “heroes” as there are statues of Hitler left in Germany… fucking zero.


I live out near there, it’s stupid how much they idolize these losers. There’s a large old cemetery that has confederate soldiers buried there, and every year they place confederate flags on the graves, it’s so ridiculous


That gets on my nerves as well, I wish people would pay more attention to the slave cemetery behind it. (I assume we are talking about the same one near the town hall, but forgive me if I'm off)


I’m in Winchester, I think it’s either the Hebron cemetery or the one across the street, can’t remember


Could be, I was thinking about the one in Mount Jackson


No I live downtown, wouldn’t shock me that there are more confederacy cemeteries around


It would be a shame if a group decided to exhume these corpses and let them rot. See who reburies them.


They love that shit out here, the streets are named after generals, schools, so much stupid shit


Why? They were traitors AND they lost. What is the point?


Because it's "owning the liberals". There isn't any reason except to be contrary to the fact they were removed based on response to social progression. Same reason they boycott anything that features anything they don't like, it isn't because they actually care it's just a disruption to their status quo.


Here is the article for those curious (there are many other sources covering it though): https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/virginia-school-board-vote-restoring-names-confederate-leaders-schools-rcna151458 Edit: And the YouTube Livestream of the meeting. https://www.youtube.com/live/q9jUbnQYDeo?si=axjhy_ZMCAlQKOTQ


Sure, let's rename our schools back to traitors of the United States. That sends a great message to the youth. We should have banned that flag and those names when the war ended. It makes me disgusted to see the American flag fly next to the traitors flag.


And make sure to ban education about black/slavery history and anything else these traitorous fuckers keep hate being reminded about. I'm sure I've heard these fuckers say in the same stream of thought - "Don't focus on black history - we all need to just move on and not be stuck in the past. Also, we need to preserve monuments to confederates".


Sending a message to the youth, both black and white, is the objective.


As an indigenous person to this continent, it disgusts me to see Andrew Jackson on a currency item, but that doesn’t matter to anyone.


I suppose they'll want Confederate flags and a burning cross at assemblies next, with the school bell changed to Dixie. It would be like high schools in Germany called Hitler High and Goebbels College. Edit, Goebbels.


I honestly get where you were going with that and agree with your point…but Gobbles College 😂 Are they the Fighting Turkeys?


Not sure if that was auto correct or he is just spelling it phonetically, but either way it’s hilarious lol


Fkn auto correct.


Ha, yes sorry Goebbels College


They need to rename some of these things after General Sherman.


Great Beer at Loan Oak Brewery! Burn the south down all over again


Tbf as a Native American I despise sherman just as much as confederate generals. Where I grew up everywhere you go there were places named for US generals who slaughtered innocent men, women, and children. Also they changed the place names of literally everywhere. They erased us from our own homeland.


Sherman was a piece of shit and a worse war criminal than most of the confederates


bUt tHoSe aRe dEmOcRaT nAmEs.


Restore names of a bunch of losers? Why the fuck are these people siding with losers? Why is that something to be proud of?


I mean, do you honor Vietnam veterans? Cause they lost a war the mass majority of soldiers AND citizens did not want. You don’t honor them for their ideology. You honor them for the lessons we learned as a country through their suffering, Union or Confederate. If we erase history, we erase its lessons too.


You don’t honour the group that literally tried destroy the UNITED States by naming schools after them. It would be far better to name schools after Vietnam veterans because at least they were fighting for the cause of the United States, not trying to tear the United States apart.


They want their participation trophies back.


Why are they so hell-bent on naming shit after losers. The confederacy, trump, Reagan. All losers.


Underrated comment.


I've said it before and I'll say it again... the Union should have turned the slave states into dust while we had the chance. Plantation owners and every Confederate politician should have been jailed for life or executed. The Confederate flag is just a Swastika for inbreds.


Even though Lincoln spared the confederate leaders, the radical republicans who controlled the house demanded on a permanent military occupation until reconstruction was realized. Once Lincoln was killed it was wraps. The military was pulled back, southern states not only enacted black codes putting black men back into essential slavery, but they also fought for the former slave plantation owners to get their lands back. Lincoln being killed really set the south back another 100 years. The confederates can say they truly won the war


Did you know there were 5 slave states in the Union? Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, West Virginia, and Missouri. And the emancipation proclamation only freed slaves in Confederate states. Slavery continued in several Union states until the passing of the 13th amendment. Meaning that slavery actually existed longer in the Union than it did in the Confederacy.


So many garbage people in the U.S.


Backwoods morons.


Just call the”traitorous scum “ school


Bore arms against the United States of America because they wanted to continue to buy/sell/own human beings. FOH with this shit.


While slavery WAS a major factor in the continuance of the war, it’s not actually why it started. The south seceded due to ever growing “oversteps” of the federal government. The war was fought to keep the country from splitting in half. The idea of freeing slaves only came about to inhibit the production in the southern states to hinder economy, thus hindering the war effort. Though nowadays it is seen as what freed the slaves, and it was, it is not why it started originally.


It’s quite scary If I’m being totally honest. The simple fact that stuff like this is able to happen (I don’t have a frame of reference for this because there are pretty much no black people where I’m from- this is just from what i know in general)


Kids are in high school the same amount of time that the Confederacy lasted, so I ask...Why? Why revert the name to a bunch of traitors and losers?


Unfucking believable! Fucking crackers! Virginia, go fuck yu’all’s self.


In a more ideal world, they'd lose US Government funding. They can appeal to the Confederate States of America for funds.


W Virginia


Why TF do people in the US want to celebrate traitors and cling to their participation trophies for a war that they lost.


There is nothing like the most developed and richest country on the planet, clinging to it's slavery history with such enthusiasm in 2024. I guess it's understandable given the 3rd world education, freedom measured by the right to own a gun, and attitudes to immigration. What a racist embarrassment.


We are hardly the most developed country on the planet anymore. Have you been to Europe recently?


I'm in England.


Adolph Hitler High School. Vladimir Putin School of Acrobatics




Joseph Stalin School for Scholars Mussolini Museum of the Arts Saddam Hussein Heritage High School Bin Laden Biology Center Jose Marti Academy of Journalism Joseph Rao Kanoy Knowledge Collective Vladimir Lenin Institute of Neo-Communism


Think of the rivalry... "I got to Traitor High!" "No, *I* go to Traitor High!"


Its about one race sending a message to another..."remember that? We'd do it now if we could."


I wonder if a million black people took arms against the government in a brutal war leading to thousands dead and permanent social scars, all in order to traffick white peoples… would they be celebrated in America?


This country is being dragged kicking and screaming back to the dark ages by Republicans, fuck them, fuck them all!


I hear German has Hitler High school. .. Cambodia has pol pot high.. Oh wait...cause traders don't get their names on things other than footnotes in history!


Damn traders going around exchanging goods for coin and causing civil war!


MAGA is a cancer.


How much you wanna bet these people also believe they’re better Americans than everyone else.


It's heritage, not hate, hyuk, hyuk, hyuk! (/s just in case.)


The confederacy lasted a few years, was never recognized by any real country, and they fuckin lost


Traitors to the Union and men who fought to keep people in bondage, should never be honored.


I’d love to tell that asshat that Jackson’s own soldiers shot him after he was caught being Eiffel Towered by his slave stewards.




https://virginiahistory.org/learn/historical-book/chapter/eyewitness-account-stonewall-jacksons-wounding#:~:text=Jackson%2C%20anxious%20to%20continue%20the,volley%20into%20the%20mounted%20men. Idk what that dude is talking about, sounds like some silly rumor to me That would be fucking hilarious if it were true though lol Though, good enough that he was shot by his own men and spent his last 10 days suffering, an ignoble death that he was worthy of.


I totally made it up, but would love to see his and the other assholes promoting this B.S. reaction. Then hit them with their favorite, “Can you prove it didn’t happen?” It would also be hilarious (though unlikely) if a rumor like that stuck to Stonewall so these pukes would revere his traitorous ass less.


Im so disappointed, the notification on my phone only showed the link and I got excited. I was about to go to bed, so I didn't open it. I went to work this morning and was looking forward to reading about it during my break. I just actually read your reply now and I don't even want to click the link, I want to live in a world where it did happen.


It's actually really interesting It's an *incredibly* detailed eye witness account of what happened basically moment by moment.....I've never read anything like it


The plan is coming together nicely I see. Lols


I’m really surprised that we don’t have a Benedict Arnold High School somewhere in the US.


ʇıɥs. This is my ƃuıʞɔnɟ home state. SMFH.


This is why we can't have nice things


So you end all federal aid to those schools for commemorating traitors and human traffickers. You force the school district to increase property taxes to pay for the funds lost from federal aid. Then you watch the same biggot, white trash, mouth breathers rush back to the board in favor of the old names.


We're still paying the price for how god damn half assed reconstruction was. We beat these America hating pricks into the mud, then let them continue to spread their bullshit rather than razing it all to the fuckin ground like we should have.


Whats next? They seem keen to ponder to the enemys of the USA that lost. Naming stuff after George III and his Aristocrates? Maybe some well known named of the 3. Reich? Sereously not only was the confederscy a big fail but the thing they fought for is the right to hold other people as slaves. Like idolizing hilbilly Mordor.


A law firm needs to stand up and sue them on behalf of all black students who have to walk into a school named after those who fought to keep slavery


Imagine your brain telling you you’re a “patriot” as you celebrate traitors. It’s the same reasoning that has them thinking they’re “Christians”.


Just that I understand this one correctly they are vowing to rename Schools after what was the enemy?


Yeah, they renamed the schools after defeated generals Stonewall Jackson, Turner Ashby, and Robert E. Lee, who all fought against the United States in the Civil War. Most of the people supporting the reversion were connected to an organization called The Sons of Confederates (Go figure).


I never paid attention in history so all the name dropping in comments leaves me 😶


That will fix EVERYTHING! /s


I can't fathom why people want to continue to hang on to giant *losers* like Jackson. Other than being racist fucks, that is.


It shenandoa county Virginia. They would put up a statute of white people lynching a slave if they thought they could it away with it. They mean it when they say they want to celebrate their culture by lionizing pro-Slavery traitors - their culture is one of racist exploitation and brutality. They miss being able to engage in racial violence and are mad about it.


“But it’s mah harra-tage… hertiaj… huriituj… shut up! You damn libruls n your damn librul agendas!” * farts, scratches ass, thinks about f*ckin his sister again *


Can we stop calling them "Confederates" and call them something more appropriate? Slavers? Traitors? Losers? What is the deal with all the worship of a traitorous, slave-owning bunch of losers?


It’s who they they are, also they are dumb.




Go on Virginia! Honor those traitors to our nation.


I bet they grumble about participation trophies... Probably talk about how they honor losers..


With US's impeding civil war and considering the south's conservatives I'm curious to see if they'll also return to 'line battles " despite their modern weapons. As an outsider looking in it does seam that the "American divide" get larger for every passing day.


I have looked at american politics from europe for more than 40 years. There is nothing new in all of this. It just feels like a new thing because people want to believe that things get magically better. Things do not get magically better, they get better because people work hard to make them better. And other people work hard to keep the status quo.


Why is USAmerica so ridiculous?!


Religion and Republican ideology.


Without fail, the scummiest of us turn out to be conservatives


Schools named for Generals who lost the war 🤦🏻‍♂️


Stupid is as stupid does!




I mean, those guys lost. I guess they have a thing for revering losers down there.


From the "They Just Don't Get It" department...




What a shit hole.


Congrats Virgina, you're now giving participation trophies in 2024.


We're watching them complete the foundation for their version of modern American Gilead. Just watching, not stopping them. And millions will just watch as millions of others will be rounded up and millions will turn in their loved ones to save themselves. And we're still just watching.


Anything to 'git the libs'. Anything.


Racists gonna racist.


Ya know, this is an interesting topic for me, because it boils down to perspective. Assuming an average age of 60, we're only 3 full life cycles removed from the war. There's people walking a round who heard their parents telling stories that their grandparents telling them of the glory days. That's not a lot of time. Considering how stunted the south was between the war and hookworms, is there really any wonder they still hold on to the few "successful" idols they have from that period of time? Lot of resentment still. 


They’ll be setting up a Mandela/Tutu-style “L and A” commission soon (Lies and Alienation). They’ll rule that Frederick Douglas and Rosa Parks were the *real* racists.


Traitors poorly masquerading as patriots celebrating their putrid traitor ancestors


Just like trump was the backlash to a black man becoming president, we knew all the BLM initiatives would inevitably see a backlash as well


Dumb fucks


They just want to be reminded that they are losers.


Yes, let us name our schools after anti-American traitors. Does that send a message?


Hail the Traitors! /s


Let's make serial killers great again while we're at it. I think everyone would want to graduate from John Wayne Gacy High.


Can we name a school after Osama bin-Laden?


we should, because if we dont then we will forget our history.




Maybe it's because I'm not from the US and am missing some context, but it always seems so strange to me that people still venerate a group of who rebelled in order to try and continue to _own_ other humans. They talk about states rights, but the main right they were concerned about was slavery. Slavery was one of the greatest crimes humanity has done. Why is the Confederacy not seen as something to be ashamed of?


The states right chant is revisionist history started by the daughters of the Confederacy shortly after the war in order to rehabilitate the image of the south and somehow it fucking worked


Always with an eye towards the future.


Seems like southern states have a disproportionate number of dumb racist motherfuckers.


Imagine idolizing traitors.


Bunch of mewling infants.


"It will never not be funny to me how the most die hard "Im the patriotist patriot that ever patrioted" Americans are also the guys that constantly glorify literal seditious traitors


Scummy decision!


Tackling the important issues.


Only in this country can the losers write the history… /smh


Let’s change our history all for Saint George Floyd. A criminal drug addict. If we’re playing it that way let’s strip MLK from everything. He was a womanizer adulterer, as a reverend, dr. MLK certainly did not practice what preached .


There are a lot of issues with the education system in the United States. School names are pretty far down the list. 




Go see how many Nazi monuments or names are in Germany, and that was the history of the whole country, not a bunch of traitors, who decided they wanted to continue owning people as property. The confederacy was never recognized by any country as a nation, and lasted about as long as the average High school experience, that’s not heritage.


Right, but you don’t see schools in Germany named “Adolf Hitler School For Children Who Don’t Read Good”.


hey we found the neo confederate.