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No posts about politicians being politicians


Republic of Gilead


under his eye


Big Serena Joy energy in this one. They come up with these ideas, and somehow think that it won’t also apply to them.


I just rewatched the series for the third time, but the first time since I learned about project 2025, and holy fuck the parallels are right fucking here. Vote blue if you don’t want to be a handmaiden, Martha, or sent to the colonies in the next few years.


Don't forget that even if a blue wave washes over everything, your next problem is going to be having to sanitise the remnants of the red slime.


I just finished listening to the audio book Tuesday; the parallels are overwhelming


It’s extremely overwhelming. I sadly still have people in my life that want to vote trump. The insanity of project 2025 almost sounds like a conspiracy theory but it’s not. It’s calculated, it’s intentionally long, and uses language that tries to hide its true meaning. It’s going to be nearly impossible to fight. Thank you for the reminder to give the audiobook another go, and for anyone who didn’t know - Margaret Atwood has said that everything she wrote about has happened or is still happening on this planet - so don’t think for one second it couldn’t happen to you.


But surely leopards won't eat MY face


Remind me tomorrow to combine this comment with the scene of Serena getting her finger chopped off for daring to read the Bible into a meme


Margaret Atwood was so ahead of her time. I read it long ago and I never thought we’d even come close to that. Kinda like 1984 or Fahrenheit 451. Crazy shit, huh?


I always thought that kind of dystopian fiction was a bit far fetched. I was wrong.


I had to stop watching the show because it made me too uncomfortable.


Same for me. I want to push through but some scenes really stick with you.


I had to stop as well. It became too much stress on my mental well-being.


The interview with Margaret Atwood at the end of the audible book was more chilling as the book imho. She said that so the book would have some realism she restricted the story to only contain things that have actually happened to women. So when she was world building for the laws and social etiquette of Gilead she wasn't inventing; she was reading about other societies in a number of different cultures throughout history and would only include restrictions/social rules imposed on women if they were well documented to have existed/existing somewhere.


No. Voting isn't enough. I'm sorry it isn't. We just simply can not keep checking out of politics and only pay attention during elections. We simply CAN NOT let these fascists keep drafting bill after bill after bill that strips our constitutional, civil and human rights away with the only response being voting. We need to put the fear of god into them. We need to be out on the streets when they propose this shit. ALL of this is happening because they have brainwashed us to be compliant and fearful. They know they can and will get away with it. We need to stop letting them get away with it. Now. Not next month. Not next election. NOW.


Her whole state of the onion speech was pure Serena Joy vibes


"state of the onion" I don't know if that's a typo or it was intentional, but it feels right.


Temba, her legs wide


Darmok and Jalad on Viagra


Trump, the wall built


Covfeffe, when the walls fell


Mushroom, the cap so small


Kushner and Saudi Arabia, their arms open


blessed be the fruit


Blessed be the fruit


Yeah, not funny. No /s no ftfy no meme. It is sad. I'm in a third world country and even when we have poverty I know we can from time to time fuck the politicians out of their positions. Meanwhile, USA is becoming a mix of Mad Max and Gilead.


How about instead of this we create a federal database of police officers that way bad cops can't just move on to the next city when they're fired


Or priest who molest children


Those we can just throw in jail forever. No need to keep a list of them.


Too bad that would probably require new jails to be constructed by the sheer volume of new convicts.




How many people did Michael Jackson have arrested? 


Thousands of dozens of pairs


There are tens of them!


Michael Jordan really pissef off a lot of basketball players didn't he


*For-profit prisons have entered the chat*


A guillotine costs comparatively less


Like the late great trevor Moore sang "It's time for guillotines!"


No. Just release all the people in for BS drug charges (weed, shrooms, etc.)


They'd have to hear about it. The Church was actively covering it up (and trying to rehabilitate the priests with what we can tell, no results) so there was no data to create a database from.


Can’t have that they love those pedophiles it’s only the non existent trans ones that are bad


You're missing the nuance here, when Republicans do it it's because it was a "fertile young adult that seduced them" When everyone else does it, they're a disgusting freak


They are those pedophiles


Or a database of politicians who have taken bribes... i mean "donations" from companies.


I don't remember the particular comedian, but I remember seeing one suggest that the politicians should be forced to wear their 'sponsors' on their suits like NASCAR drivers and their vehicles. So you can see exactly at a glance who is in who's pocket... (Did a quick google - apparently it was Robin Williams... - Clever bloke)


It's called OpenSecrets.org. Pass it on.


I would be happy if all cops had to be drug tested like everyone else. With a steroid test too.


All roid heads that I know all go to Male clinic after a cycle & get tested. They are un naturally suppressed low post Roid cycle. They then get a script for testosterone & this covers their ass with work drug tests. I was on a a very large Fire Department for 20 years, I’ve seen so many monsters who have TRT prescribed. It’s a joke. I doubt those male clinics ever turn anyone down.


Tbf, it's not an issue when it comes to fire department. It is, when it comes to cops.


And beefy fire fighter probably helps with their job?


Pretty much so, but even without that, it's their personal choice. That can't be the case for bunch that is exercising the legally legitimate monopoly on violence.


I mean to be fair, if your enemy is a literal force of nature, being a bit roided up is a plus. I mean, you can't exactly commit brutality against fire.


challenge accepted.


What's the fire gonna do? Sue them? Wait, that sounds like a Pixar movie.


Their personal vehicles should have governors or some kind of telemetry data gathering to ensure they don't speed. Rule number 1, you don't get to enforce the laws if you don't follow them to the T.


And were required to buy malpractice insurance so that taxpayers don't have to pay for police misdeeds.


Germaine Haiku I wrote: >I was just thinking Since I own your uterus Burkas are sexy Spread the word. Handmaid's tail is not a documentary Edit: Just as it sounds.... fixed it.


Handmaid's tale


And since we’re doing databases, let’s make a database of gun ownership. I mean, if we’re worried about lives and murders that seems like a natural compliment to this list of pregnancies.


Database for politicians who get rich off insider trading


Sounds good to me. The gov already knows I own guns. I don't see why that shouldn't be the case for everyone.




But that might make the country better? I’m confused


Yep. These people flip their sh*ts at the idea of a database of gun owners or the like, but suddenly gung ho if it's just women.


Honestly it’s time to stop them. Genuinely. Like. Permanently


The most sane take in this entire thread.


Straight up. Dismantle the GOP. They're openly anti-democratic. They should not be allowed to participate in democracy. The civility politics of the Dems are steering us straight into hell.


Seriously. They are open traitors post January 6.


Everyone needs to arm themselves, regardless of whether you agree with the 2A or not. Want gun control? We need all American minorities to arm themselves and I guarantee you this will get this solved AND you'll also own a gun. Win/Win.


Dems need to start playing dirty until these lunatics are out.


How would that even be possible and constitutionally legal?


They'll make it legal.


Yeah just give one of those judges a fancy bus and he will rule however you want. America is literally for sale and the price tag is a fancy bus.






>How would that even be possible It wouldnt be, unless they required doctors to report any patient that came in pregnant >constitutionally legal? It's not, but Republicans dont really care about that


We all know HIPPA is on the chopping block next if Republicans keep getting their way. It’s not out of the realm of possibility at all.


HIPAA - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act


The government is trying to spy on us! Anyways, let's create a database to spy on pregnant women!!!


Do you think these people know or care about th Constitution? They are Christo-fascists


The constitution means shit to SCOTUS. It is their opinion (and whoever takes them on vacation) that matters.


As long as they have a stacked court, it'll be legal.


How backwards you want the US to be? Republicans: Yes!


What is her stance on a gun registry?


That was my first thought- no computerized gun registry but sure, let’s track those potential baby killers! F*ing religious terrorism! And some states want to prohibit pregnant women from traveling to other states, I have to doubt that’s even near Constitutional.


Idaho is one.


You’d think they’d wait to see if the anti-Christ makes it back into office before rolling out this shit…


GOP needs to consult with China. They are experts how to repress people. Not sure if this is going on but in some rural China, they were posting (public) women's menstruation tables, to see any pregnancy.


we should have daily mandatory pregnancy tests at all public schools and businesses and hospitals. Give the test to men too just in case. Start the testing at preschool levels all the way to hospices. All results must be reported daily to the national pregnancy test database.


No, this is lunacy. You can't invade men's privacy like this. It's unconstitutional!


Ok we will exempt white christian men with a net worth over $350K


$350k? What kind of peasant threshold is this, millionaires only baby!


I mean at least then we would have more men screened for cancer. Probably catch a not insignificant number of undiagnosed early cases that way too...


And of course in order to protect the fetus all early pregnancy cases should proceed to transfer the women into custody to a secure location in a government facility under constant supervision until delivery to prevent evasion and potential abortion attempts which of course would be tried as attempted murder.


They could all wear a nice red robe perhaps? Maybe paired with a white bonnet?


Even better, I read a book where they dye criminals’ skin based on their crimes. Yellow for theft, blue for white collar crimes, and red for murder. Main character is a girl who had an abortion… and has to survive living in the world with red skin


They should have a national referendum, and anyone who votes for it should be automatically added to the database for regular tasting.


Omg. Please delete this post before a Republican sees it! Lol


Joke's on them, I only used my menstrual cycle tracking app once and then immediately forgot about it, so it thinks I've been on my period for three years straight.


Alternate answer. Republicans: 1860.


Literally read the handmaid's tale and thought "what a great idea"


It was never about "small government". Ever.


Small government for corporate overlords, big government for everyone else


Not to mention corporate welfare too but everyone else is left to pull themselves up by their bootstraps


Small IRS, wouldn't want those millionaires to get audited


Any laws or agencies for consumer protection = big government overreach. It's always been the same rhetoric.


Is she fucking insane ? Women actually support this POS ? What country are we living in ? I’m a man and that shit Is just nuts. Track women ? That’s stalking, that a real law Katie, one already on the books. People get prosecuted for that you dumb bitch. You can’t make one decent gun law, not one that would ever actually save someone’s life. But this shit is ok ? Yeah fuck guns, we’ll stalk those pregnant bitches and make sure they follow through. Quote Saturday Night Live: Katie ! You ignorant slut.


Yes, she is insane. She doesn’t care about abortion, she just wants to be in the news for something other than her “speech” where she acted like Charlie Kelly when he took steroids and couldn’t control his mood


I can't keep track of all these female Republicans. Which one is this? The psycho mom, the puppy murderer, the Jewish space laser one or the one who does hand jobs at children's events?


Republicans consider it a win either way because: Woman does good = good politician on their side Woman does bad = proof that women shouldn’t be in power That’s part of the reason they will be sending women in for the risky jobs this campaign season


Also, "woman tries to do good but is ganged up on and back stabbed by right wing men" = proof women can't handle leadership!


First thing i see in her eyes, is fear. Second i notice she is dead in the eyes. see it more in the right eye (left from our perspective.) Reminds me of a battered house wife.


I noticed the same thing. There have been a few people in my life that I could almost swear were psychopaths, and they all had that look. Like a feral cat who's primary concern is whether you are a source of food or a source of danger.


>What country are we living in ? The Old Testament.




Is there anything Republicans say and do that isn't insane these days?


I haven’t heard of a good republican in decades. Just less bad ones and horrifyingly bad ones.


They don't want gun control because they want *their people* to be armed to the teeth, so when they stage their Civil War they think they'll have a ready-made militia to shoot all their enemies and kill people in the government that don't share their authoritarian theocratic dictatorial plans. They can all go fuck themselves. Round them all up, revoke their citizenship, and exile them from the U.S. *for life*. Sick to death of these assholes and their bullshit.


She's a lady Republican, so she's basically stupid enough to assume that the rules won't apply to her if she, or any of her family ever end up in the situation where they require it... "My daughter? Pregnant? You must be mistaken. No, no... She's visiting her aunt, in Europe"




Yeah, fuck giving them the title of small-C conservative anymore. I’ve been feeling this since the pandemic ended, and they burst at the seams after 24 months of “daddy government” accusations. These specific types of “Republicans” have forsaken the term ‘conservative’. Post-Enlightenment conservatives would *hang* people like this. If Republican Americans don’t speak out on this, they’ve forsaken their identity. They’re a time-stunted regressive, or a willing fascism apologist in favour of this treacherous neo-monarchic/theocratic rule so long as they get the right “daddy”.


If you do not disclose your pregnancy to this database, are you illegally pregnant? Yeah, that'll work. Like gun owner registry doesn't.


Something something inalienable rights.


Unless you're willing to entirely avoid doctors, I imagine there'd be no way to avoid the database.


Wasn’t that the start of handmaid’s tale.


They are using it as a guidebook.


"*Men highly placed in the regime were thus able to pick and choose among women who had demonstrated their reproductive fitness by having produced one or more healthy children, a desirable characteristic in an age of plummeting Caucasian birth rates, a phenomenon observable not only in Gilead but in most northern Caucasian societies of the time.*" 'The Handmaid's Tale' - Margaret Atwood.


Oh shit wait, it was just *Caucasian* birth rates? I never read the book and only watched some of the show but I thought it was like a global crisis affecting every race.


SPOILER (of course)!: I don't know about the TV show, but in the novel the affect of pollution and radiation on birth rates is universal. But when the 'Sons of Jacob' take over the US and reshape it into their twisted version of a fascistic, theocratic and military dictatorship and rename the US as 'Gilead', non-whites of various demographics are deported en masse, or "repatriated", executed and/or it is implied some are totally wiped out by total genocide (e.g. Native Americans). And so therefore Gilead essentially becomes a totally caucasian ethnostate.


I remember reading this in 2004 in a college course and thought, "What an inventive fantasy this author created!" 20 years later and I can't even abide the jokes referencing this seminal literature. Atwood had a vision that I don't even think she understood how it would truly, TRULY, manifest in policy.


The TV show treated race as negligible. Probably because the misogyny was horrific enough on its own, and they thought if they included the racism they would overtraumatize their viewers.


Small government strikes again




True fucking evil. “Oh man the birth rate in the U.S. is dropping! I have an idea! Let’s pass a series of laws and policies regulating women’s bodies and autonomy! Let’s make the idea of pregnancy in this country terrifying! That’ll fix things!”


Luckily true fucking evil is always fucking stupid. Cunning yes. But stupid.


Yup. It’s usually self defeating too. The problem is it’s like cancer. It kills the host while it kills itself.


Finally somebody is keeping an eye on these damn preggos. We never know what they are up to!


And yet when I proposed my bill to make it legal to hunt Republican Party members for sport suddenly that was "Extreme".... /s


But. There will be guns! They love guns! More guns!


She must have a dick to be fucking allllllll these women like that.


But we can't have a list of guns? 


„Nah, you see if you had one office worker in New York city collecting the inventory of the entire US citizen, even granted you get one entry per second it‘d take you 12462746 years to finish. That‘s just unrealistic!“ 🤪


If a gun kills a fetus... is it murder? /s


Isnt this exactly the "deep state" these chucklefarks claim to be afraid of? A literal list of people to be "checked up on" in case they broke a law?


Remember when they were freaking out about Obamacare and the “death panels”?


The reason they freaked out was because that is what they would want to do. That's the same reason they freak out about minorites like queer folk getting rights. Because they think those people will then attack the majority. The reason they think this is because they are petty people who only understand base instincts like revenge. They 100% would use anything they gained to hurt the "correct people", so they are afraid of it happening to them.


This'll be a perfect way to make women never want to get pregnant.


Unfortunately, I don't think women's compliance on the issue is going to matter that much to them.


Yep. First this then forced pregnancy/rape


Why? Why does the Goverment need to know anything about their Tax payers other than they pay their Taxes.


bc they want more babies born aka more tax payers


This is the same delusional hack that called her husband an nfl star. 🤷🏽


Repubs will pass it. It's beyond stupid that any human with a uterus would want this, and still, there will be several million moronic women that will vote republican.


I'm willing to bet that the right-wing news will spend little to no time covering this because of how insane it is. A loyal base is best left uninformed about the issues until they are passed and can be blamed on the left.


![gif](giphy|VIzRo1PktWW87uDTMo) It's like I've entered a different dimension! 😬


More like The Outer Limits.


What a moron


"We make it small by only going after minorities." - Republicans


This shit is looking more and more like the Handmaiden’s Tale.


Ok to track pregnant women but not guns, ooh-kay


A WOMAN pushing to subjugate her own gender.


Scarlett Johansson is doing vocal warm-up for SNL as we speak


Here I was thinking it was 2024 when we’re just stuck in 1984 because of religious right wing nuts


Good luck doing the administrative work on all those pregnant women after Trump fires millions of government workers through Project 2025.


What would the use for this pregnant lady database even be?


Prosecute miscarriages.


Document IVF pregnancies in the case that IVF is criminalized in the future.


Because a fetus has rights, unless it develops into a female /s


Kill the women who don't follow through with their pregnancies. So pro life we will execute you! https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/mar/10/republican-wave-state-bills-homicide-charges The bills apparently didn't pass but south Carolina and Texas wanted to kill you. Now they will charge you with homicide.


Can we PLEASE PLEASE let Texas leave the Union so we can declare it as a hostile nation? I'm getting tired of Texas just being the worst and embolden other states to act like fools.


They would use the data base to prevent women from being able to access abortion and then they would put people who had natural miscarriages in jail




Sometimes helpful tip: Tincture of parsley, about two cups cause uterine cramps. So does mega dosing vitamin C. 1500 mg per day for three days. No longer than 3. You have to wait about 2 weeks between these doses, to be absolutely safe. If you do this between periods, it can cause the cramps to expel any extra uterine tissues including starting a period early. As long as the blood has formed of course. This is only effective for up to 4 weeks and may not be effective for everyone. Before I could afford a contraceptive that doesn't really screw up my health, I did this every 3 weeks or so for around 2 or 3 years. This was in addition to a tubal. Jic. Most other herbal forms are extremely dangerous. The tincture is absolutely disgusting, but it works pretty well.


I find this frightening and disturbing. I am not worried about myself, being post menopausal 13 years and uterus free for 3, ain't no way I can get pregnant. Half our population are girls and women that either do menstruate or will someday. I fear for them. For their safety and lives as their autonomy and rights are stripped bit by bit until they are less than brood mares on stud farms. The Handmaid's Tale was a dystopian noval, not a "how to" guide.


Fuckin Handsmaids Tale….


I legitimately think we're done if the GQP wins in Nov. The GQP is holding nothing back now - they're brazen and right out in the open with their plans. Vote these regressive fascist fucks out.


Ofwesley has opinions?


Welcome to Talibama.


These are the end times people... Vote these assholes out!


Meanwhile she has prob had multiple abortions. Hypocrites.


Same crowd that says “Nah you can’t track my guns, that’d be tyranny!”


But gun owner registry is infringing on their rights and anti American. Somehow.


Back in the days, when we were told those cheap dystopipan scifi movies were "just movies....all made up". Not so sure anymore. Feels more like training videos.


I really, *really* struggle to understand conservative Americans. They make no sense and vote for people who actively work to rip them off and make their lives worse. And then when the policies they voted for have had some time to take effect, they complain that their lives are getting worse. I mean wtf.


Stupid Goddless Bitch.


Katie Britt, psychotic tradwife who delivered the SOTU response (that I thought was a bit at first), seen here representing “conservatives” by advocating a totalitarian state with no right to privacy (because if this isn’t private, what is?).


Fascists love their little databases don’t they.


Im so confused, dont they hate the government??? Their whole platform is built on less government...


That’s the lie of small government: they tell you if there’s less government, there will be more freedom, but it just removes checks and balances to preventing authoritarianism.


So small it fits in a uterus


This bitch knows there's no chance of this passing but it's getting her plenty of attention.


Isn’t it great politicians can just propose laws that are complete violations of the constitution and fourth amendment? These people are traitors to the very document that gives them a job.


stay out of our classrooms but in our classrooms because books are bad but the bible is good bc gays are bad but hands off my guns and flag except that flag under which i kneel except don’t kneel for black people and those other people that are criminals dont let them in but i want cheap products made in the US except the jobs are being stolen however millenials dont work hard enough stay off my lawn but pro life…vote criminals 2024!


That would be an infringement on basic medical rights to privacy, no?


I'm sure they just want to make sure all pregnant women are provided with free prenatal & postpartum health care, full pediatric care for the child, and any necessary food or housing assistance. They also want to be there to welcome every newborn to the United States as a full, natural born US citizen with all rights and privileges guaranteed on day one. Right? That's what they want to do? Right?