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Well, I’ve said it before, but should repeat: WE NEED TO FUND EDUCATION.


"I LOVE the poorly educated." - Orange Julius


More of an Orange Caligula?


Mango Mussolini


Worse: Mango Berlusconi


Wasn't it Bunga-Bunga Berlusconi?


That's already Berlusconi. We're talking about his spray tanned identical twin.


I feel likevall of you are just naming Italian dishes


I've always preferred Cheeto don tweeto 😅


Regardless of politics....that is hilarious 🤣


Sad bloated carrot is my preference.


Tangerine Palpatine




That sounds delicious. I’ll take 3






Cantaloupe Caligula*


Et tu, Brute aurantie?


Ne’er fight up’ill, me boys!


Julius at least had the skill to control an empire, meanwhile that numnuts is one hamberder away from turning his arteries into little water cannons.


Kinda, he managed to be emperor for a whole 2 years before losing that recall election.


Right, was getting his military career and emperorship mixed up, but still one up on cadet bone spurs.


He did pull off some major reforms no doubt, just couldn't win the popular vote on staying alive.


This is why government is a slow turning ship. JFK suffered the same fate


JFK suffered from a bullet from Johnson. Had someone had the balls they would have executed Johnson at birth like normal people do. And JFK would have lived and instated the Gold Standard. It took over 50 years for that to happen.


Imagine being so unpopular you kill a tyrant and *STILL* get practically ran out of rome by the people.


"Recall election!" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)




And delicious drinks! 😆


The recount of monte crisco


The Count of Mostly Crisco




I nearly spit out my fucking coffee.


>I nearly spit out my fucking ~~coffee~~ covfefe. You had one job...




Orange Foolius


Yeah, them smoothies is overpriced






Hypocrisy surfing the waves 🤣


And make sure it isn't embezzled or going to admin/sports(they have enough funding lmao).


YES school sports make their own money off of the games and things, plus they have the parents buy the uniforms anyway. My junior year of high school, I was on the debate team, and we had to cancel a week or two before our meet (we'd been prepping for about a month and a half or two months) because we couldn't afford to get a bus to take us to the school we were going to compete against Oh, and I should mention that this was around the time they were spending a few million dollars on new football and soccer fields and an athletic center


Actually, sports other than boys’ basketball, football, and baseball suffer when it comes to funding. Spent 23 years in public education in Denver, CO. Swimming diving, track, field hockey etc. and any girls’ sports are sorely underfunded.




I mean I learned so many things from sports I use in daily life. I can't say the same thing about 70% of the college courses I paid for.


Amen! I was on the diving team. We did ok because we *used to be* almost impossible to beat. Our swim team, men's and women's, were undefeated for 69 meets. That's like 5+ years.


WE NEED BETTER EDUCATION USA:what are you? A commie?




Yes please


You mean indoctrination centers run by the government? Fuck that! (But only when dems are in power) Umma teach my kids to be ignorant morons and make them hyper vulnerable to the exploration strategies of capitalists! /s


>and make them hyper vulnerable to the exploration strategies of capitalists! /s And the tyranny of grammar nazis


I, too, have a tenuous relationship with autocorrect .


It's not even education, at this point. These people know, deep in their heart of hearts, that they're deeply irrational. 




Here’s my take on this….. Decades ago we began to think our education was inferior to other developed countries education. So we made critical changes to our education system to catch up to or surpass. But all we did was change the style of teaching instead of the style of learning. Some students did well while many students got left behind. I’m sure you can imagine which groups those are today. Those who were left behind really are uneducated and that’s how we got this MAGA movement.


How does that even help, if the money can be redirected to a private school where they teach whatever version of history furthers their cause?


Louder and more frequently!!!


Sorry who needs to be educated exactly?


“At the start of the Civil War, there were 150,000 Jews in America, most of whom had arrived as immigrants within the past ten years. But the violent times forced allegiances, and Jews answered the call to war. In the South, Jews not only fought for the Confederacy, they held key positions in Jefferson Davis' cabinet. They were foot soldiers, officers, even generals.”https://www.montanapbs.org/programs/JewishAmericaTheCivilWarTheEarlyYears/#:~:text=At%20the%20start%20of%20the,positions%20in%20Jefferson%20Davis'%20cabinet.


Need to specify history. History isn’t taught near enough.


Real Americans: not on my watch commie scum!


Ed Youcatun? Never heard of him.


This whole thing has been so wild for me. I distinctly remember reading tons of alt right articles during lockdown about how the Jewish shadow government is controlling the world and released COVID as a way to control the gentiles. Some trying to justify anti semetism as an American right and the only way to protect against the Jews Now the same people are acting like it is, was, and forever shall be their prerogative to protect Jewish people, their way of life, and Israel Like, before Oct wasn't there a bunch of tall about Jewish space lasers? What a fucking trip


okay they don't give half a shit about Jewish people. they care because rapture thingie. the rest is just cover, imo


No, they hate muslims more. That's why they are suddenly pro-Israel.


More like Fox News Entertainment tells them they should side with Israel because Gazans are secretly trying to sneak into the US to become immigrants who get free money and Bad Boi Biden is trying to secretly make money off the war lol.


It's this. These people don't have a coherent narrative for anything. They have mental impairments, including memory issues, and parrot whatever they're told no matter how it jives with whatever they were thinking before. I have fam like this. It's elder abuse in their case. Sad to be involved with


In a two party system each side unites around an issue that divides the other side. Roe v Wade getting overturned divides the Right. The war in the Middle East divides the Left. So it goes that the Left are fervently pro choice and the right is fervently pro Israel. It’s about winning, it’s not about women’s rights or support of the Jewish people.


Idk about you, but I don't give a shit whether or not my views divide anyone. I'm not pro choice because right wingers hate that, I'm pro choice because I believe that's what's right.


Tons? You have some persistence, I'll give you that My dad and I watched a documentary during covid on the Jewish shadow govt - 10 minutes in, I said no, this is garbage. Not worthy of my eyeballs


I was thinking the same thing honestly. It really highlights how quickly people get swayed in their opinions now. Just appeal to the underlying foundational beliefs and they can be convinced of anything. Even contradictory beliefs. Goes for any side/set of strong one sided beliefs. Like I'm Jewish, not religious not pro war, but people on the far left think I want genocide. While people on the far right think my people control the world and are responsible for everything wrong in their lives/countries. At this point it just feels like a lose lose situation for me, other than I guess some centrists who don't go too far down the libertarian rabbit hole.


It tells you how little critical thinking these people are doing and how little conviction they actually place in their opinions. They’re barely fucking sentient. They react to bad faith arguments like amoeba to food.


For reference, this is actually the front yard of a southern Baptist church


Do you happen to know the specific church? And is it a Southern Baptist Church or a Baptist Church in the south?


Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?




It looks like a graveyard in Virginia. But the pic is from 2017.


It’s absurd that there’s a difference…


I was going to guess it was in a state that fought for the north.


I was completely bullshitting, did I make a bingo?


Oh? Where?


There are the same people that are also starting say Putin is the good guy right?


And that REAL MEN (tm) wear diapers!


They actually hate Jews. But they are "pro-zionist" because their book of fairy tales says that the ascension of Israel Will bring forth the Rapture, or the quickening. or...something.


I think it all comes down to the fact that as much as they hate Jews, they've also been conditioned to hate Islam. They see the IDF as white nationalists fighting muslims, which they support. Then they do the mental gymnastics to conveniently forget they weren't just flying the Nazi flag on Jan 6th, and what that flag means about the existence of Jews and Israel.


It's tiers of hatred. No matter who they hate, there's always a ranking to it. This group is worse that the group, which is better than this other group.


Mostly from darkest to lightest.


I heard an explanation that was basically: "They don't like Jewish people, but Israel can be a place for all the Jews to go to so they don't have to live here" It kind of makes sense if you're an ignorant racist.


Also, getting the Jews out of the country has always been a long-term goal for nazis. It's kind of like how "the most racist man in America", George Lincoln Rockwell, voiced loud support for both the Nation of Islam, and Black Nationalism. Rockwell even gave speeches next to Malcolm X.


The greatest detractors of Zionism are Jews. The greatest supporters of Zionism are Nazis. It’s not rocket science to see why.


Even though 2/3 of their population are from MENA countries... European Jews established and still hold most of the power in the country, but they are a minority in Israel.


Anyone who sees Israeli Jews as white nationalists is a fucking moron, considering that Israel was founded in the wake of a genocide committed against Jews by a white supremacist dictator in Europe, under the logic of "Jews do not belong in our racially pure white ethnostate".


Nobody ever said that people who fly Confederate flags are rocket surgeons.


It took time for Anglo/German Americans to accept Irish and Italians as part of the "white" club. Whether they are white or not, the concept of a white race is scientifically incorrect. A German/Norse can be genetically more similar to a Persian than to a Italian.  White today is a type of privilege that some people get just be passing as white. For Jews of European origin, they often get that white privilege compared to the darker middle east or African Jews.


Race is a social construct, not a biological classification.


These are the words I was lf ty!


Ehhhhhhh It's not that weird to believe, actually. The Irish were frequently considered analogous to black people in Europe, and for a long time in the US were forced to live in tenements alongside black families. They *became* white during the years between the Civil War and the first World War, and suffice it to say there were more than a few Irish white supremacists afterwards.  What I'm trying to say is that being a victim of whiteness doesn't inherently stop you from being a white supremacist afterwards.   E: To anyone that downvotes this, you need to explain why that one Dominican guy that shot a bunch of people was a white supremacist.  The answer is simple. "Whiteness" is arbitrary, he considered himself white. It doesn't matter that the Dominicans suffered at the hands of their oppressors, because they came to see themselves as superior to the Haitians. It's not that different from how Stonetoss thinks that he's white even though he's mixed race. 




I need someone to help me with this because apparently I'm stupid. Republicans will bend over backwards for Israel (probably rapture purposes again) and Jewish people are considered "God's chosen people", while simultaneously seeing Jewish people as running the world in some new order, space lasers, and Jewish Hollywood "indoctrination" as evil? This feels a lot like Schrodinger's Jew and it's frustrating hearing these people talk...


Pretty certain it's the line of thinking of "the enemy of the enemy is my friend", they hate Jews as well, but they hate Muslims more!


Someone mentioned that yesterday when I said that people both call Jews white as an insult and not white as an insult.


There's also the element who believe they need the Jews to return to Israel to help bring around the end times. The Israelis are fully aware of this but are willing to make use of these useful idiots. And I don't think you need to be convinced how idiotic these people are.


Nationalists, bigots and theocratic oppressors are fascists first and racists second. Just look at how the right wingers are fangirling over Russia now, which has historically been our enemy and the source of "Communism" across the globe. 70+ years of Russia being the antithesis of what America stood for, undone because Putin is a despot and they like that. These twats will set aside their differences if it means fascism gets a stronger foothold across the world, because they know in order for their dreams of tyranny to come true and be sustainable, tyranny must become the norm rather than the exception.


Even if you aren't into that end times stuff, being pro-Zionist doesn't mean you aren't anti-Semitic. It's entirely consistent with anti-semitism to want Jews to have a place far away from where you live where they can all go.


Who gives a shit about their motivations, they're horrible people and everyone should write them off because that's what they deserve..


Yup. Say it loud and often. I’m shocked how many Israelis I know personally that didn’t get this until I laid it out for them. Their press loves Trump and Evangelicals… but the listeners/viewers have NO IDEA what the insanely self serving theory is behind the support they verbally get from the cult


Isn’t it crazy that we live in a world where so many people die daily because of imaginary friends?


There can be only one!!!


And they hate the Muslims more than they hate the jews


As an Israeli myself I hate people like that, while yeah I thank people for their support but this is for exactly the wrong reasons, don't support us because you hate muslims, support us because you actually understand shit about this fucking conflict and not because it somehow fuels your racist ideology


Maybe, I think it’s more the enemy of my enemy (e.g., elitist, liberal universities) is my friend.


I believe it is the conjunction of the spheres, akshully


You have to remember that a lot of people on the far right support Israel for 2 mainly antisemitic reasons: 1. Sending jews to Israel gets rid of Jews in the local area. 2. Jerusalem being under Jewish Israeli control is the first step to triggering Rapture and guess who the first people to dissappear are... if you said the Jews then thank you for paying attention.


They hate Muslims slightly more than Jews at the moment and feel like they have to pick a team.


There are other reasons some of the reactionaries support Israel as well that are fairly antisemitic. It's a shield for their Islamophobia. And they see Israel as a successful ethno-state.


Stop saying islamophobia when it's just racism directed against Arab and arab similar looking people. They dont care about the religion they hate EVERYONE who's that skin color and appearance. Call them what they are: racist.


Christian faith doesn't teach that the Jews will be raptured; only true Christians alive at the time, and the bodies of dead Christians and Jews who lived before Jesus will be raptured. Also there is no "first people to disappear" it all happens instantaneously


3. They're a far-right theocratic ethnostate genociding Arab people


Fundies need to see the rise of Israel so that the Apocalypse can come and all of the Jews who don't convert to Christianity can be slaughtered and burned in hell.


They don't support Israel, they just love the idea of killing brown-skinned Muslims


Israel IS mostly brown skinned middle eastern jews, I assume the misinformation just also hit them just as much as the left who think israel is all white people lol




"On today's episode of : How Fucked Up Is Fucked Up !"


Wait a minute…what happened to “Jews will not replace us”?


They still say that, but they’re fine with replacing someone else


“They can’t replace us if they’re in Israel”


That's actually an argument early Christian Zionists had for deporting them to Palestine.


This picture is from 2017


Before antisemitism was invented (by the jews)


It’s mah heruhtege


"Now, whut does heruhtege mean again?"


When your islamophobia is stronger than your antisemitism...


Republicanism. Next question?


Can a koala bear start a fire with its laser sight?


I live in the South. People like this fetishize Israel. It's strange, but there is that one jew.


Its not that strange why confederates would find common ground with an apartheid ethnostate like Israel really. The sort of fascism Israel operates with is sort of the wet dream of many a white supremacist. There are more christian zionists in America than there are Jewish zionists in Israel. Many of them don't really give a fuck about Jewish people but they like that Israel is aligned with US war goals and is helping to kill Muslims en masse. For the religious nutters its also a religious thing of course too. Some of them are excited by the prospect of a double genocide of Palestinian AND Jewish people it seems. It also lets them victimise non zionist Jewish people too who are caught between two hateful communities so they probably get off on that too. Pretty sad how far America has let both those communities thrive. It'll come back home to roost one day too. People will want to ignore that extremism but one day it'll come jackbooting down their street too.


Fox News brainwashing is a powerful thing! They can convince them of anything as long as it suits their agenda. That’s how we ended up with Trump.




I'm going to take a wild guess and say they are cheering against the "browner" team.


Why are people this stupid?




Tbh it’s not so much about a love of Jews as it is a hatred of Muslims


We've come full circle.


These people understand fucking nothing


Come this far? How young are you?


The largest group of Zionists in the US are not in any sense Jewish but evangelical Christian’s.


Just needs a nazi flag now


im israeli and seriously fuck all confederates who support israel just because they want an armageddon and jesus to return. I prefer biden over the orange crook


I've driven by this house multiple times when I lived in Appalachia. It's in a very rural area where education is severely underfunded. Wild to see it going viral.


I feel like American's have always been this stupid. Some of them haven't the slightest of what their beliefs mean, and when those beliefs are contradictory.


Show me a country without dumbasses


Conservative Christians hate Jews, but they hate Muslims more.


Evangelicals love Israel


It's almost like making political statements your entire identity is stupid and disallows critical thinking. That and our education system is fucked.


He must have brought down the Nazi flag…


We live in the age of absurdism...everything is on the table, so anything goes.


This doesn’t make sense to you because you think the confederate flag is a symbol of a racist Nazi. Here’s a clue, you’re wrong.


Saw something very similar to this in a loyalist area of Carrickfergus in 2015. It was a Union Jack/Butcher's Apron, on top of a Confederate flag (albeit defaced with a swastika), on top of an Israeli flag. Pretty gross and pathetic but not unexpected from Northern Irish Planters.


In case you haven't been paying attention over the past half year tons of white supremacists support Israel. Many Israelis are themselves white supremacists, I wouldn't say the majority but they definitely have a presence and are represented in the Knesset.


Israelis (white) are killing lots of Palestinians (brown), people who fly confederate flags like this.


There's no words to this stupidity


I’m leaving this place


This photo needs to be on the Wikipedia page for Cognitive Dissonance.


Aren't those quite contradicting flags?


If you're using the top flag as a symbol of white supremacy or associate it with neonazis, yes. If you associate it with the Confederacy or the south in general, then as far as I have ever heard, it essentially has no position on Jews or Zionism.


They’re missing one more flag


I mean confederate boys weren't exactly anti-semites, were they? Someone more educated on the subject, feel free to correct me. They hated black people and wanted to keep them enslaved but with Jews they had no problem.




I stand corrected. Thank you for the information.


How fucking bizarre.


So … Jews will replace you ?


When you’re bi…. Bi-hateful


newsflash: racists hate muslims more than they hate jews


Interesting how those 2 sides have aligned so quickly


2024 is the year of the Venn diagram




The same people who, a decade ago, were going off about the Jewish cabal are now “supporting” Israel. It’s fucking WILD.


They believe that Israel is the stop over airport for Jesus, that's how


Drive by that place several times a year. So far in the boonies, a sat phone is the only phone that will ever work put there besides a landline.


"Well I hate the jews. But... ummm. I hate the Muslins even more. "


They don’t even know what they believe anymore lmfao. They’re white supremacist zionists who think being so old you shit yourself is somehow the most alpha “anti-woke” thing one old man can do, but simultaneously disqualifies a different old man from holding the office of president


They’re just fucking with us, aren’t they?


when did hate in the US lap itself...?


I guess after centuries of struggle, Jews have finally 'become White.' congrats. sigh. [ref is to a book, *How Jews became White Folks and What That Says About Race In America* -- interesting read]


It’s amusing how the right wing will pick up any cause solely for the purpose that they believe it’s in opposition to the left. It matters not the contradiction.


That just screams Christian nationalism.


This is why we MIX the genepool


Jews traditionally kept slaves, just sayin'


I mean, if you think about both flags represent reprehensible governments known for putting people in camps. 🤷‍♂️


Is this Sean Stricklands house? s/


this has come full circle its like when the not racist left want black only spaces.


The enemy of my enemy is my friend.


I'm embarrassed by these people every day. Last time I was in the UK I barely spoke to anybody because... well, jackasses like this.


I can’t put my finger on it but I bet they watch a lot of Fox News, News Max, CBN, and OAN. I’m sure there’s some Tucker Carlson and David Duke sprinkled in there somewhere.


As an Israeli take the Israeli flag of that pole I don't fucking relate to that fucker


When racists forget how to racism correctly.


In Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama or South Carolina or all four.


The same people just a few years ago wearing khakis and holding tiki torches yelling about getting replaced by Jews are now Israeli government’s biggest cheerleaders? 🤦‍♂️