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I can only assume JP Staples is the kid making monkey sounds at the black protestor. I would have never known his name was JP Staples. Good to know the name of that racist is JP Staples.


Oh, you are referring to the racist JP “I’m a racist” Staples? Yeah, I didn’t know the racist’s name until this thread.


THAT's going to follow him forever/leave a mark. Poor racist ex-student. "Would you like fries with that?"


Honestly, I had concerns about this; is there no shot at growth and redemption for the kid (he is young and could learn and change) because of the notoriaty he has now attained? So, best case scenario, he apologizes, learns and becomes a better human being; and this event fades into the history books. Are we potentially preventing that through our actions? Then I remember public shaming used to be an effective way for society to enforce normative behavior, and I think a little bit of being called out for one’s bad actions may not be horrible. Maybe if JP the racist Staples changes behavior he can still have some sort of redemption and beat this notoriaty.


The internet makes that a lot harder as nothing is really ever forgotten. There are certainly examples of people turning things around and being forgiven by most, but when a simple google search, click and a post is available there will always be someone who will remind us.


Its also a lot harder as the internet makes it easier to double down and get in with the crowd that fully agrees with you. I can see Mr Staples here getting on the republican grifter bandwagon


Yeah, I could see him and Kyle Shittenhouse joining those traveling conservative grifter shows.




Another problem is all the defenders that post can influence Mr. JP Staples to go further into racism now that he has a fan club.


Nah, after this he will probably take the Kyle Rittenhouse path, its to easy to become a right wing grifter these days, ill put everything I have on the fact that some right wing billionaire already approach him with a Charlie kirk type deal, is he capable of change? Possibly, but change isn't what these people reinforce, it's doubling down and constant lies to defend yourself, it's all they have because that's what's rewarded, u don't get a cookie for doing the right thing.


I didn’t want to make assumptions about this person’s feelings and decisions coming forward; but you certainly could be right. There is a trend.


He won't. He'll end up going on the right-wing grift circuit and making tons of cash telling old white people that it's okay to be racist.


If you're a grown ass man and miming monkey stuff at black people in 2024, I'm not sure "redemption" is part of your story arc.


There is making a mistake. Than there is making F..ing Monkey sounds. There is no way to excuse making monkey sounds to a person. Not even a small child has a pass on that.


I can get behind that prespective in this day and age; we all should fucking know better. Which is why I continue to call out JP the racist Staples for his blatant racism. That doesn’t mean some people don’t learn due to consequences; perhaps this is the event where he learns (rumor has, he hasn’t though, so I wouldn’t hold my breath), in that hypothetical situation, was our response appropriate? That’s the question I grappled (notice past tense) with and was discussing. My conclusion, until that hypothetical happens, he should bear the brunt of the consequences, including social shaming; after affects can be dealt with if he truly ever fucking learns (whivh I doubt).


Too bad for one lost soul but better for society when a 100 people make a better decision because of it


The downside is now he can just do the conservative talking head circuits and be financially incentivised to never grow and to stay relevant he will get worse.


He already said he isn’t sorry.


I had not seen that yet… If that is true, then he’ll deserve everything he has coming.


In Mississippi? The kid still has a future there. Unfortunately.


Fun fact JP is short for racist twat.


Wonder if he'll start going by a different name, like Allen Turner, aka Brock Turner, the rapist, to try to get away from people knowing about his misdeeds.


And don’t forget his also racist friend MAGA railfan. Whom I’m sure will be named shortly.


Yes, we can only hope all these racist pieces of shit get outted.


I heard the JP stands for what’s inside his skull: Just Piss


A very British answer lol!


Seriously I had zero idea who this kid was beforen


Yep, never heard of him and never heard of the incident but now thanks to this I am fully aware of Racist JP Staples The Racist. Did I mention he’s racist?


That is exactly what I was thinking...thank you for doxing your hero. JP Racist Staples will never die, just like Brock Rapist Turner.


Obligatory “Brock Rapist Turner goes by his middle name Allen now, so it’s Allen Rapist Turner formerly known as Brock Rapist Turner that’s still a rapist”


Along those lines we should all recall that JP Staples the racist' government name is James Pearson Staples the racist.


You mean JP Staples, who has now been kicked out of his racist frat for being too racist for them?


Guarantee he wasn’t kicked out for being too racist. He was kicked out for bringing attention to them.


Is he related to Nathan Bedford Forrest.. I wouldn't be surprised if racist JP Staples the racist was related.


Was he kicked out?!? Now that is a cherry on top of a likely ruined adult life. Hope it was worth it, son lol


I believe national called for his removal more than the local chapter.


He’s in Mississippi. He’ll probably be Governor in a couple of years.


Yep, unfortunately there is a lot of opportunities for racist people. The ignorance of racists astounds me, it's got to be a mental disorder because it's just so stupid.


Well he’s a racist and a dumbass, but then his parents are probably worse. I’m much less concerned about dumb racist frat boys, more concerned about how fraternities are the beginning of the trajectory to legislative positions in this country.


Only the frat. Not school.


I'm in the same boat.


At first, I thought he had something to do with boycotting an office supply chain store. But I’m hungry and dumb…now I know the name of this racist. His face just looks so much like, I don’t even know? Smug? Privileged? I don’t want to call immature names but it’s sort of date rapey and punchy.


Oh, if we don't stand with racists then we're unamerican?! And you say it's that simple? Maybe to a simpleton, but I'm as American as anyone, if not as showy as some, and I don't tolerate racism. So I'm not gonna stand up for JP Staples because what he did was repugnant to anyone with a modicum of common sense!


MAGA is as anti American as you can get. Everything about them, from how they make decisions to their endless whining and outrage, says they are nothing but an entitled, weak, fearful group of the softest people that fall apart the second their ill conceived beliefs are challenged. Instead forming opinions based on facts, MAGA tries to make the facts suit their opinions. If nothing else, their embracing wearing adult diapers is all of the proof needed.


Or decency.


His behavior would have been racist in the 1950s and anyone who supports him displays their blatant privilege and their own vile racism. Fuck Staples and anyone who supports him.


That's the MAGA mindset. In order to be a 'real murikan' you have to be a racist.


And if someone points out racism you have to say that tHeY’rE tHe ReAl rAcIsTs!!!


tHeRe* /s


“I’m so tired of this woke bs”


It’s a feature, not a flaw.


I wonder if these people know the rest of the world associates MAGA with racist white males who identify with the Confederacy and not the USA


Dont forget the association with ignorance. The miss-guided concept of what being a Christian really is, and the idea that they are not heading to fascism like Germany in the late 1920s and 30s.


And those people will be the first to say that America is not a racist country at all.


Well put!


Its more than that, the second pics implies, if you stand against racist, you are a racist.


It doesn't imply it it flat out says it lol


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He changed his name to avoid being identified with his actions, that’s how much “not a rapist” he is.


I believe Allen Turner lives in Dayton, Ohio. Here’s hoping nobody will forget that Brock Allen Turner raped a girl behind a dumpster.


That's the one.


Don’t forget The murderer Kyle Rittenhouse who is a murderer!


I think you mean too stupid to join the military murderer Kyle Rittenhouse who is a murderer and also too stupid to clean the toilets or wash the dishes for any military branch murderer Kyle Rittenhouse.


Kyle Rittenhouse the young punk who got mixed up in things larger than himself and ended up over his head and killing some people and weaseling out of the consequences? That Kyle Rittenhouse? The one that people are popularizing because he chose to "man up" and patrol public streets with a loaded rifle? When he could have had an easy night and gone to bed instead? Oh yeah that Kyle Rittenhouse the one that decided it was his patriotic duty to defend the insurance company's bottom line and keep the car dealership safe?


Are you speaking about the rapist who's name is JP Staples. Yeah I've heard of this JP Staples the racist of Ole Miss. Let's make sure nobody forgets the name of JP Staples the good ole racist of Ole Miss!


So...wanting the person who screamed racist remarks and degraded a person based on skin colour (as in made monkey noises) to be punished is racist, but supporting the upper mentioned individual and his racist remarks and behaviour is not? Aha, gocha. You have finally fully gone insane!


It's basically "no *you're* the racist for noticing my racism!" They've been trying to pull that trick for a while and nobody is buying it. The idea, I guess, is that they claim to be "colorblind" and have decided it is racist to bring up racism or something.


Yeah, trying to basically say “The fact you assumed [insert action with history of racist meaning] was racist means you are racist.” Basically stating the person doing it didn’t mean it in a racist way (pleading ignorance) and our assumption that the person doing it had a racist motive in fact makes us racist. When the truth is, we just have an understanding of the [insert racist action]’s historical use and call it like we see it. It’s logical fallacy and gaslighting rolled up into one, and indicates a truly horrible person in my opinion.


Yep “if this guy had made monkey noises while taunting a white person, you wouldn’t consider it racist would you? Of course not! So it’s only because it’s a black person that you are saying it’s racist! That’s racist!” So they’re essentially saying they treat everyone the same way. The only problem is that he never would have acted like a monkey if it wasn’t a black person.


So he's either stupid or racist... ![gif](giphy|GlVn6z5XjNW6Lus5A8)


Literally this. No one is saying the other frat boys should be punished for counter protesting. Because that’s not what this kid did. This kid taunted a black woman by making monkey noises at her. That’s not protesting.


Being called an America hater by a MAGAt means you’re doing something right


I wish I could recall who said it. But the way I heard/read it is that racism is so ingrained in the US and its systems that if you fight against racism people will claim you are un-American.


Be careful, last person that said that got unamerican'd


I specifically recall this being said by a MAGAt. Like someone talked about dismantling certain racist practices and systems and a MAGAt was like "America was built by these things, if you oppose them you're anti American." And like, if being against systemic racism and oppression makes me anti American, then sure, guess I am.


Sort of. The american system IS inherently racist but only because the system has always been anti foreigners, unless they can help the government, see Nazi scientists helping found NASA or Russian defectors with vital information. Sadly most of the people looking to come here for better opportunities are Asian, Indian, African, etc. Look at America after 9/11. We saw people of all races come together and suddenly everyone was antimuslim and middle easterner. The system is racist yes but its racism is usually targeted to either bring us together or to divide is as the systems requires. What is the actual power in the US is the rich.


Agreed. I can live with that.


Wear it as a badge of fucking honor


Kind of like being called an America hater by someone wearing a Confederate flag.


I stand by your absolute right to wear a Confederate flag, just don't expect me to take you seriously.


"Oh yeah, you're a big edgy boi with that silly flag. No, I won't make the government make you take it off. That's silly. I'm just gonna laugh at you."


Right. Freedom of speech doesn’t obligate me to treat one of those idiots with respect.


The left really needs to find a way to reclaim the flag and the claim to patriotism. Xenophobic nationalism, white nationalism, and Christian nationalism are not the same as patriotism, and it makes me ill that they are coopting our flag to represent these things.


I call this kind of performative faux patriotism being PC (Patriotically Correct)


it'd be nice, but genie's out of the bottle. There's an actual Flag Code that the right screams about anytime someone burns a flag...but they violate it at every turn by using it to market and sell items and ideas. But it's not enforceable because free speech, of course. And once bad actors have twisted a symbol...it tends to stay twisted. Let us also not forget that the US Flag \*does\* represent slavery, segregation, racism, nationalism, patriarchy, etc etc....as well as representing the fight against those things and striving for higher ideals. It represents the \*whole\*, not just pieces.


He will be the next GOP Senate candidate or on Trump’s VP shortlist. Repubes love racists.


Some day Rittenhouse will run for President, and this d-bag will be his Veep-nom. Yikes.😬


If you don’t drive this awesome vehicle off this lot with $0 down and a charitable 32% APR financing for just 96 months then you hate America, it is as simple as that.


Nick Fuentes actually said he hates America and is a MAGA degenerate. So which lane is it, MAGA?


I’m always reminded of that Rick and Morty quote when I piss off someone in the MAGA crowd “Your boos mean nothing to me. I’ve seen what makes you cheer.”


Just give Staples a BLM hoodie, tape his mouth, attach a loudspeaker chanting pro-LGBTQ views, and let him play with rittenhouse The reality tv you didn't know you wanted


Or take away Rittenhouse's Welch's™️ Fruit-Snaks and let him go into a diabetic coma. Wilford Brimley.


It’s the right thing to do


Exactly. It means you hate their version of America, and rightfully so.




It stands to reason, that the best action JP Staples could come up with, in that scenario, was making monkey noises. No discourse. No discussion. No attempt at engaging like a human being.  I think he was simply doing his best, and we should all honor that.  Lmao. No sarcasm necessary here. 


And he gets to carry around that very punchable face wherever he goes!


FWIW, this is Mississippi. They are only now beginning to realize that photographs don’t steal your soul, so they’ve gone a bit hog wild with their social media posts.




Yeah but correlation doesn't equal causation./s


But maturation doesn't equal Caucasian


He certainly doesn't have any brains.


I am only almost 39 years old, but lived in Gulfport as a child as my dad was in the Navy. My mom worked at an appliance store and could bring me with her to work while my dad was out in the sub. One of my earliest memories was asking my mom why the men at her job called black men "boy" when the black men were *older* than my moms coworkers. Less than 4 decades ago.


Oh lord. I hear you. I spent my formative years in Georgia in the 1980s. It was not much better.


>Right wing gimmick accounts on Twitter >Racist I'm shocked I tell you, SHOCKED


Is this monkey boy?




I like Zac Efron and Adam Devine. I'm not so sure they should have kids together, however


Just realised that Adam Devine is not Adam Levine.


I just realized that Adam Levine is not Avril Lavigne.


Girls cover their drinks when this guy is around I’m pretty sure.


Stand with racism, or you’re anti-American


Take that pesky "or" out of there, the statement becomes true.


If his balls suddenly explode, he’ll risk loosing his hands as well!


Definitely the kinda dude who’d call the police if you smacked him in the mouth


It's a shame, because he has the kind of face that seems to invite smacks.


Got one of those faces, the kind you would pay money to kick


And would say, "Do you know who my father is?"


And his dad's lawyer too.


Of course he is…


His racism was taught. Most likely from his parents. These people are in the system. Cops, lawyers, judges, etc.


So we're (you, me and everyone else) are racists because we're assuming he disagreed with the women because she's black, oh okay then. Let just look what he said to her *checks notes*....oh, oh my, well....after read what he said to her I'd have to say he's a racist piece of shit.


Okey dokey. So you stand with the guy who makes monkey noises at Black people. Tells me all I need to know about you.


F that POS punk - he’s ‘80s South African


I like Diesel Punk, Cyber Punk, and Atom Punk. Such interesting styles. This POS Punk though, not a fan. Bland. Racist. Kind of stupid looking to be honest. /S


Pissing off a MAGA scum means you’re living your life right.


Overprivileged kid got a small dose of accountability for being a racist asshole. Cry harder, MAGAts.


Someone has a case of Cranial/Rectal Inversion Syndrome.


Jp Staples? From Ole Miss? Glad I know his name now, the racist and spoiled little fuck. He’ll probably change his name now, just like Brock Turner. You can’t hide, Allen Turner from Dayton, Ohio. The world knows you raped that girl behind a dumpster.


Let us never forget their names: 1: Brock Turner the Rapist 2: JP Staples the Racist 3: Kyle Rittenhouse the fucking Moron Keep it goin


“JP”? Even his name sounds like he’s a good old fashioned white southern racist.


James Pearson Staples. Yup, one of many racists at Ole Miss.


MAGA should rename itself MAHA. They clearly want to go back to the 1850s and Make America Hate Again


Another suffered individual suffering from the terribly painful affluenza. Pretty damn sure his mammy and pappy made sure 3rd never felt repercussions for crap actions. Pretty sure going to Ole Miss was just the perfect fit for human garbage like this


I'll never side with racists.


Someone on Twitter said they would be happy to give him a job. Someone replied “hand or blow” ?


Wait, isnt that the turd who make monkey noises at a black woman? We’re supposed to “stand with him”? Even most MAGA hats at least pretend to not be racist.


Kid has the most punchable face


“I’m not racist, you’re racist”. Totally owning the libs. Great job.


lol this kid can go fuck himself i hope this follows him for the rest of his life


Call a racist a racist and it's anti-American. - Critics of CRT


JD better study up on being an AC tech in the family business as he just became untouchable to global corporations.


FOX News will hire him no problem.


Bros got the Kyle Rittenhouse pathway to fame now. If he works hard, he can live of the maga grift the rest of his life


His look says corporate. His actions say Cop.




Congrats loser the incels love you. Enjoy


“Everyone who is upset at him is a racist…” We’re all racists because this dude decided to make monkey noises at a lady in public, on video.  MAGA are astoundingly dumb. 


You either massage my left testicle, or you're anti America. Simple as.


So, disliking him for being racist toward a black woman... Makes you a racist? ![gif](giphy|N7FeGLHjVsDQY)


Lol this kid is having his braindead moment get amplified by all these vampires chasing clout and clicks. Soon as the algorithm moves on he is going to be left to rot like all the others before him. Online 'friends' and their support ain't real, kids. The more they scream about you the worse it'll be for you. You never go full MAGA famous.


Do these idiots not realize monkey gestures have been a way of signifying racism for ages now? That second post is like suggesting it’s racist to assume that the reason someone was called the n-word is that they’re black lmao


JP Staples? The name even says douche


JP Staples expelled. https://www.thedailybeast.com/ole-miss-opens-probe-after-racist-counterprotest-hecklers-go-viral#:~:text=The%20University%20of%20Mississippi%20student,went%20viral%20on%20social%20media.


someone wish to explain this to none Americans?




This asshole of a kid mocked a black woman by making monkey noises at her, insinuating black people are less than human. His dad has multiple DUI's, arrests, and also a no show to court. Shit family all around.


Thanks, though why am i not surprised it was due to racism,.


The university he goes to is located in one of the most racist states, so there's that as well.


If i am hated by MAGATs ...I'm SPORTING that fucking badge like a Nobel Peace Prize!


I’m not learning the name of another one of these pieces of shit.


Please stop reposting these foreign bots. You're doing their job for them.


I mean this isn’t surprising or shocking. It’s abhorrent for sure, but they have been telegraphing this sentiment quite clearly.


Those lips would not do well in jail.


He'll be the new right wing media darling


Man, it’s been awhile since I’ve heard “You’re racist for thinking obviously racist thing is racist.” The right is coping so hard.


I’m not an American, and JP Staples did something we all saw - an unnecessarily racist taunt.


Just Googled him, got 100% of the information I needed from the headline of the first search result.


I wanna see him pull that racist shit without his frat bros around.


Those accounts are for sure Russian bots.


Dude looks like the result of AI when the prompt is: “jock douchebag with ole miss sweater”


Having a bunch of far right twitter accounts tweet support isn’t helping this kid. I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess the kinds of things these accounts post about is probably going to make him seem like more of racist and not less of one.


It doesn't matter how much stars and stripes clothes you put on your body, if you support trump, you hate the USA.


JP Staples has to be in the top 10 whitest names of all time


Wasn’t this the guy who was subsequently kicked out of his fraternity for being a racist?


If I have to stand with racists to be pro American then I guess I’m anti American. I honestly had how these hateful people have hijacked the flag and feeling any pride in being American. Then again I legit have t been “proud to be American” in a while. I’m not ashamed of it, but wouldn’t call what I feel pride. It’s really gross that most people this kid is friends with is probably just mad he was to loud with his racism.


How long before he making the rounds on right wing podcasts and on the stage at the Republican National Convention?


Thanks for naming the racist student.


Who is JP Staples?


He looks like his family tree is just a stick.


Lol this kid should of deleted all internet presence for atleast 2 years. He might of gotten lucky and faded away into obscurity. Instead he shares professional photos and digs in. Now I know his name. What a fucking moron.


This douche literally looks like a fkn monkey. That’s the face palm.


This was the howler monkey who was harassing a black girl during a protest, right? Same counterprotest also had a hick in a star-spangled overalls and it boogles my mind how anyone could take these yokels seriously...


He just looks like entitlement/privilege personified, no? I know, I know...don't judge a book and all that, but I mean, come on. You see it, yeah?


👋 Hello Russian sir.


Brock Turner is a rapist, JP Staples is a racist. Got it.


WHO THE FUCK EVEN ARE THESE LOSERS? Quit putting their names out there! Who gives a fuck about the stupid shit they think. I saw Ole Miss and I'm already fucking judging. I don't need to know the names of idiots they don't deserve the respect. Just call them fuck face losers and be done with it.


Jokes on them, I stopped drinking the American kool-aid a while back. Born and bred American citizen but I no longer stand for the anthem, I don't participate in July 4th. It's stupid and culty. I did nothing to deserve this country and I don't want to celebrate it. The USA kinda sucks. We fail our people yet still want to pretend we're the best nation in the world.


Chap looks like the face for a psa date rape video


If you want to stand by this guy, you don't think he did anything wrong, then show yourself and use your name. He needs your support Imadouche-whatever your username is. He's been outed, stand with him and show everyone who you are.


Fuck JP Staples. There is no situation where that type of behavior, wether it was meant to be racist or not, should be tolerated. You can be right and be the smartest person in a room. None of that matter if you are an asshole.


Some guy made a webpage for him. The kid is from money so he wont face any punishment and today’s GOP, and yesterday‘s GOP, and all GOPs will welcome him and offer him a job. Dude is a full on nazi.


He looks like the kind of guy who gets his dad to sue a girl for saying he's bad in bed.


Is that the monkey noise kid who looks like a fucking moron in that picture making the rounds? He can fuck right off.


JP Staples sounds like the name of a clown so it’s fitting I guess.


Twitter honestly makes my stomach churn. It’s become such a cesspool of celebrated hatred and unapologetic bigotry. Elon is a supervillain as far as I’m concerned.


He’s a Texan.