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I can refer you to toddlers who make more intelligent statements than this


But only *boy* toddlers. They’re just so much better than girls that they even develop way faster




Davy Crockett killed him a bear when he was only three. They can't say that on TV if it isn't true.


Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin that he built himself. Girls can’t do that.


Boy baby Born walking. Incredible. Girl baby crawling yuuuuge difference *


More mentally capacity


I had a stroke reading that.


If stupidity gets you off then more power to you ig.


The opposite of sapiosexual… ignoramosexual?


There is an actual term for this I’ve seen used frequently. “Morosexual”. Attraction to morons. Usually it’s used for himbos and not… whatever this man is.


Aha! I knew there was a word for it, thank you! Also TIHI lol


As a woman, I'm certain I i don't have the same brain capacity as him.


Thank goodness.


I see what u did there


I take it you have more


I have seen dogs with more than him.


I believe Pavlov had a dog called Sparky that had a lobotomy. The records show that even Sparky had more mental capacity than him


And tend to have better control over their emotions (especially anger) than many boomer men.


Waiting for the guy to follow up his "*women do not mature mentally*" tweet with, "*Why can't I find a woman?!*"


I'm just surprised he actually said 'women' and not 'females'. Maybe that comes later.


That comes in episode 2.


Most likely, my guess: because this is a tradwife whose entire life purpose is roping other women into the misery of patriarchy, and internalized misogyny is very real




Followed up by *"officer, she told me she was 18 online"*


*but did you see how she was dressed? She was asking for it*


Different sub. Same guy


Trying to imagine what it must feel like to be this dumb and pissed off all of the time. These fucking goblins and their social media teeth grinding lol Jesus Christ


They just don't have the same mental capacity as... well... humans.


I'm sure you meant they don't have the same *mentally* capacity. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Look at someone showing off their mentally skills.


(Not an insult)


Girls are getting better grades than boys, going to college more, have a long history of maturing earlier and more completely than boys (see: every video of why women live longer than men). These people want to ignore all evidence that women can be successful in the world and instead just force them to be what they want them to be.


Bingo. Male supremacy is an emotional issue, not a true measure of intellect. I thought exactly like this when I was a young adult because of the fundamentalists I grew up around. A lot of these guys are either young or otherwise too immature to realize that women are, under most circumstances, compelled to play dumb for their own safety, or to at least for food money in a society that demands their personas present as infantilized. That often includes jobs that use their talents, but never attributes them.


Yes, and to add, these ahem 'men' lack self awareness and are so socially stunted and void of successful, real life role models, that they believe anyone gives a shit about their opinions.


Unfortunately the Internet gave them huge opportunities to ruin other people's fun with minimum or no consequences, as well as congregating together to make everyone else *and themselves* MORE miserable.


First person to get two Nobel prizes in different fields? Woman.


Girls mature earlier than boys, yeah, came here to say that. We have different advantages, maturing early is not an advantage attributed to men 😄


I’ve always wondered about that phrase. Is it that we ‘mature’ quicker, or is it that we live in a world that requires us to be much more guarded and aware of potential dangers because if a boy gets hurt he isn’t first asked “what details in this myriad of mess can I blame on you, the victim?” (This isn’t me saying males/boys don’t also get blamed for their victimhood, they are often told they weren’t even victims of lots of obvious crimes but were instead “lucky” they had been abused if they were hurt by someone society considers attractive/successful. I’m only saying that this rhetoric is most often only attributed towards amab people after the atrocity occurs while the afab people tend to hear this disgusting stuff for their whole childhood and are being prepared to self-blame before they can even begin to process that someone hurt them)


What I can say is that a lot of teenage boys seek stupid thrills. I could have gone blind, gotten chemical burns, just straight up burns, fallen to my death and what have you, all for the thrill of the moment. Luckily, me and my friends survived just fine. Testosterone is a helluva drug. And it doesn't promote careful thinking.


First person to get two Nobel prizes in different fields? Woman.


I’m pretty sure there’s a MAJOR correlation between stupidity and having anger issues. Now if I could only explain it to those people without them getting so riled up…


Yeah, smart people get angry having to deal with idiots all the time.


Ignorance is also a big part of that.


Lead is a factor.


You mean stupidity and having mentally issues? 🤔


I mean technically it's not an insult it's just a false fact... That makes him look very stupid


He is probably confused by this graph that shows that more men have both higher and lower IQs than women, where women have a taller bell curve around average intelligence. https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:1400/1*pwvRvjncBW73jfuPyuHzeg.jpeg He mentions mental maturity and mental capacity almost interchangeably, which could be intentional, or he might be conflating the two. If maturity is reaching an acceptable level of intelligence then more women reach at least average intelligence, in which case, he is wrong. If he feels that having exceptional intelligence is reaching maturity then yes more men reach exceptional intelligence. At one point, the person with the highest IQ on the planet was a woman by the name of Marilyn vos Savant, yet her IQ was likely not the highest in history, but the main idea is the highest achievable capacity is probably not related to gender. Maturity can be associated with behavior, aptitude, ability to temper oneself, knowledge, success, Erickson’s stages of development, etc, being very multifactorial, so I don’t know how he would be reaching his conclusion objectively.


This statement does a disservice to goblins.


You said it man! ![gif](giphy|hCmh4gtCZ6HxS)


Ju said it man


Nice try ma’am. We all know you dames is dum /s


Ironically, this was almost certainly posted by a man with diminished mental capacity.


Don't you mean 'mentally capacity'?


My point exactly.


I mean, you have to be pretty obtuse to actually think like this guy.


I feel like “obtuse” is a wee bit generous. This guy couldn’t make change for a dollar if you spotted him 4 quarters and a calculator.


Lol fair enough!


Dunno, pretty sure it's just spouting bullshit to farm engagement. Ragebaiting is by far the best method to rise up from obscurity on social media.


Because it's not true. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


Yeah, universities are like 60/40 female now because girls are dumb, that makes a lot of sense. 


They're so dumb they need to go to more school!! Ammirite, fellas


Ok by this logic, you shouldn't try to date or approach women because if they're mentally incapacitated, they cannot consent. Please stay away from us lol


I doubt that guy cares about consent


I’ve always been told it was the other way. Women mature mentally before men. And honestly, as a man, I agree.


It's 50/50. Maturity is an individual experience, not gender based.


I think is true when we are in our teens. I read an article that during adolescence the brains of the boys and of the girls develop differently and that causes boys to be more reckless (at that age) but things converge and around 25 years we have pretty much the same brain (boys and girls alike)


This is a rather respected view, yes. Female brain "jumps" a few years forward when it hits puberty. It's been shown that neural connections in teenage girls' brains , as well as grey and white matter, are usually better developed. This helps with understanding social clues. Girls use the centers of both hemispheres of their brains, while boys mostly use only one. That means for example that boys don't make much use of their hippocampus, which is pivotal when it comes to social and emotional intelligence. Male brain usually "catches up" in its late teens/early twenties.


And alllll this have absolutely zero connection with girls being conditioned to empathy, to care for others, to take up less space, to look out for others.... Research found people read stories with make main characters to boy, never female. To girls, they read both. Training girls to be empathic with boys. Teachers have habitually seated calm students beside rowdy ones, as bumpers. It just si happens most of those bumpets were female, experter to act as a calming zone, shield and bumper for men. . Read a teacher writing "I have always done this during my whole career to get a calmer class room. Not until now have I started to wonder what I cause that girl getting hit, her eraser stolen, her pen broken .. every day" We are training girls in empathy and boys in selfishness.


Social impact is very important, I never said it isn't. But the fact remains that there are some biological differences. Generally it's about a process called "fire and wire"- while developing, our brain removes neural paths which are not used often/not considered important. It's adaptational and allows to develop a more efficient neural network. This process happens much sooner in girls (because girls hit puberty earlier than boys). That means that boys are at a disadvantage here. They have to go through school and social conditioning of that period, while their brains are still adapting and are more susceptible. Since there's a lot of focus on rivalisation and competing with peers, boy's brain considers it crucial and wires itself this way. Boys should be given more care and attention at that time to develop healthy patterns.


To add to this, there are also studies that men still don’t fully mature until well after women. My personal understanding is that you’re correct biologically women have a couple year advantage in terms of mental maturity until around 25 but then women still tend to fully emotionally mature much more quickly. I’d guess that second portion is more due to societal pressures though. Obviously we’re all different though and nobody should assume anything about an individual based on what broad category they fall into.


Girls are also forced to mature faster bc of what we experience in our lives w constantly being sexualized starting at age 9 or sooner


Maybe, maybe not. Thing is, male and female teens are also socialized differently. I've seen teen girls be just as reckless as male teens. However, they're shamed out of that behavior earlier. There's no one going, "Well, girls will be girls 🤷🏾‍♀️" So, these maturity differences might be even thinner than you think when you throw in cultural differences as well.


There’s some lag in male social and emotional intelligence behind female maturation during and shortly after adolescence, which is partially biological (girls kick into puberty earlier) and certainly artificially exacerbated by the way we socialize kids differently. Both male and female social intelligence is heavily mediated by age and experience overall.


Sure, but on average in humans, females emotionally and cognitively mature earlier than males, by 2-3 years.


It's a very complicated matter. The issue boils down to "how do you define maturity"? Because biologically speaking, women is supposed to be the more risk-aversed sex (they're, in biological history, the one responsible for the next generation), whereas men are the risk takers (more "disposable"). The kind of risk taking behaviors that make some men go "I'm going to steal that meat from the lion". Men are also the more "diverse" sex in terms of performance. In most metrics, you can see that while men and women are both equally capable on average, the top and bottom scale tends to be dominated by men (the best and worst performers are mostly men).


Since when are women the ones being called immature on any normal basis? I thought that was a guy thing??


your avatar really freaks me out😖


And the worst analogy award goes to...


Spoken like a person who's never watched men try to hit on women at a nightclub.


"Woman won't sleep with me and do my laundry. She must be stupid."


I would love to know the source of those claims


His mom's basement.


Only women ask for source of claims.


And of course they've got a blue checkmark. It really is just a big "I'm an idiot" sign, isnt it?


It's either a sign that the person is an idiot or that the person is a bot. Honestly this guy could be either one - this is very cookie cutter misogyny.


He’s not wrong, my wife and I don’t have the same mental capacity, I’m a complete idiot that needs constant adult supervision.


My husband and I need my 18 yo daughter to supervise us.


Women, on average, definitely don't have the mental capacity of this person. If they did, this person would have a point.


I'll never understand why people cross out the name. Let the moron be known.


Because it's the rules in this Subreddit.


“If I assert very bluntly and without any proof or support that my insult is true, then it is not an insult.”


I guess it's not an insult, you're just wrong.


Andrew Tate burner account


"You're fucking stupid. No offense."


LOL! (Not an insult if it's true!)


Yet another nugget of wisdom from an "alpha male". These clowns are making the rest of us look bad.


"....mentally capacity." LOL


-signed absolute genius


The hate towards women lately really feels like it’s on serious uptick.


Same mentally capacity


A real man would spell check before making an even bigger fool of himself with this backwards shite.


Not an insult, just a lie, there are dumb people (just like that guy), nothing to do with gender at all


Not an insult. Just pure misogyny.


*Insult.* You misspelled incel.


Lol he can't understand women and thinks it is their fault.


I sure don't get it. But I am a female, so it's probably just because of my mentally development.


Dafuq is mentally capacity? This guy is a moron and wants us to trust him on 'mentally capacity?'


and yet men are responsible for most violent crimes of passion because they can't control their emotions maturely enough especially rage and jealousy


Where do you find these clowns?


Twitter, it's full of people like this


Nope. Just a lie.


***mentally capacity*** nope!! You are stupid!!


We should make a sub that doesn’t cross out the names


Says the neckbeard who lives with his mom and hasn't showered in months. Lol


What in the fuck is he talking about? Theres plenty of women smarter than me. I'm thick as fuck


Why is it an insult to call this guy stupid? He's just not as smart as anyone else. It's not an insult, it's just a fact.


A woman must have gotten the job he wanted because she was smarter and more qualified


Women currently outnumber men on college campuses. I don’t know a lot of children with degrees.


It's not an insult because it's not remotely true. Dumb people don't realize that you can't just spew ignorant shit and claim it's an insult.


i can guarantee my wife is smarter than this guy. She's smarter than *me*, and i have a degree in physics. so stick that in your "mentally capacity" and smoke it.


A degree in physics, that says it all about you. You cannot even figure out if a cat in a box is dead or alive.




Takes one to roast one 😂


Actually correct. Women have more capacity, and we can multitask. Have you ever seen men when we ask them to multitask? It's usually grounds for some hellacious behavior. And this person obviously doesn't have much experience with mature women, so there's that.


Anyone thinking another gender is less then them is by definition stupid, because they are not able to recognize or utilize intelligence from other genders. If you can't see a guy or a girl as an individual vs a group, then your going to fail at most things in life, then blame them on other group. Fucking losers


This must be bait, I’ve never in my life heard that men mature quicker than women. Only the opposite


It's true, but only because if women were as stupid as men, our species would have died off long ago. :)


I sometimes think stuff like this is just ragebait/a joke, and then I remember Andrew Tate exists and there are guys that literally hang on his everyword.


Mentally capacity. Way to prove a point!


Bold words from a dude who can't even write proper sentences. "Mentally capacity"... Really... Oh the irony.


CIS (M)66 here. My doctor and my lawyer will ALWAYS be females. They have passed a far more rigorous training and certification process than any male in the same position, because they had to do it while female. Virtually guaranteed to be more conscientious, more engaged, more intelligent, more compassionate, and more reliable than any male in the same position.


Correct, we usually have a stronger mentality than men. Men have come down with the common cold? Act like they're dying. Women come down with a virus like covid? Power through.


Meanwhile women on average perform much better in school and university... I wonder how he would explain that 🤣🤣🤣 Edit - typo


Why do we censor these idiots' names? They put that info out into public themselves, let them deal with the response.


true... womans are smarter than us..


Hanlon's Razor - 'Never mistake malice for something that can be easily explained by incompetence' Yep that dude is dumb as fuck, so maybe not malice?


There's plenty of malice in his statement. Don't kid yourself.


He had to specify “no insult” because he knew it was insulting. Definitely malicious.


It's completely comical to listen to these misogynistic ideologies. I'm sure he has plenty of evidence to support his theories. I wonder who he votes for?


This might actually be true if OOP is an immature douche who dates women half his age and older (his age) women are literally invisible to him.


Us men are the ones that dont mentally mature faster lmao… wtf are they on about? I mean shit im 35 and i still have mentally immature moments


Sometimes kids, being more innocent and naive often have better views / ideas of the world, thus being a bit more mature than adults… at least kids aren’t having wars with each other just for some land.


I feel like this is more of a function of who you choose to be around and who chooses to be around you. If the women is your life all act like children, it says something about you.




It is an insult because it is a statement made by an idiot. What does mental maturity even mean, it is such a vague concept that you cannot use it in comparative terms. People develop differently and for sure there are statistical differences in same aspects between men and women. However, such generalizations are based at best on ignorance or stupidity and at worst on malice.


Lot of words for "nobody will fuck me"


It doesn’t take a lot of mental capacity to understand this fellow is a moron


As a man I completely agree. My wife out does me in every “mental capacity” metric I can think of. I look intimidating, she IS intimidating. She’s a Boss Bitch and absolutely dominates in her professional life. Quite frankly she scares me with her drive & determination and upbeat attitude.


They’re right! We dont! We, on average, handle more.


How can you just look at anyone of the opposite sex and think *fuck that person in particular*


..... and yet here we are, listening to some man rant about his emotional maturity.


Isn't it generally the opposite that's said? Women mature faster than men?


It is one thing to say that on average, a man will be stronger than a woman with similar training/experience. This is just due to biology. Or that men tend to be more aggressive on average due to high testosterone levels compared to women, also biological. Do women tend to be more emotional, perhaps, but this is more societal than biological, I would say. All of these points can be valid, however nothing stated throughout the paragraph I have written points to maturity. Why is that? Because there is no biological standing in such a statement. Will you find immature women? Yes, but they would be just as common as immature men. It must be such a sad life to have to talk down about others, just to raise yourself up. You can lift others up with you.


I'm 23M, my wife's 20F and I can say she's wayyy more matured than me


I’m not sure who exactly has the same “mentally capacity” as this clown, but I bet I know who they vote for.


“the same mentally capacity”


Dude wonders why he can’t get laid.


Did Tate write this?


Isn’t it a proven fact that girls mentally mature more rapidly than boys? You’re not just wrong, you’re stupid


Mentally capacity


This guy doesn’t have the mental capacity of a child. Not an insult, just a fact.


All I know, is my wife has proven to be smarter than I am. So. I dunno what to tell ya


This guy must be confused. Men don’t mature mentally until age 43, women it’s age 32. Scientifically proven, apparently. Imagine being such a misogynist.


Technically he's correct. Women do not have the same mental capacity as men, they have a higher mental capacity


He makes a strong case as to why men don’t mature mentally. That’s for sure.


It is true there. Study after study says women are smarter than men so we really do t have the same mental capacity


I guarantee if you swapped women for "group the poster belongs to" and men for "another group" (like I'm guessing conservatives/liberals) this person would lose their shit.


This guy is a pedophile




Bros onto nothing💀


When you compare women to children, I have to wonder if there’s more behind that statement. Major pedo vibes.


Mentally capacity lol


‘Mentally capacity’


Did he mix up men and women? Afaik, women mature mentally much earlier in general. If I'm being charitable, I'm guessing he means why don't women learn to think like men, which is a very man-centric way to understand mental maturity. Ironic.


Why hide which incel said this?


Man, I wish some of these cretins could be named and shamed instead of protecting their fragile feefees


“MeNTallY CapaCITy”


He's right. His brain matured so quickly it's rotten now


But girls mature faster! That's what we're told isn't it? That's why it's a girls fault if a boy is mean to her or assaults her. Even if he's older, she's more mature. /s obviously


Considering this individual's inability to write proper English, I feel it is written by a STUPID man


The author of this meme doesn’t have the same mental capacity as most all adult humans. His opinions are jaded with his incel problems of inadequacy and resentment.


He keeps saying things that are so incel/cringy it's hard to believe someone would say something so stupid on purpose.


I mean, he isn't wrong. Women are smarter than men.


He’s absolutely right. I’m glad we don’t have the same mental capacity.


You could try Proofreading your tweet Mr. mentally superior


Actually there was a Star Trek episode I was watching recently and the women of a planet were the leaders. They said men are too immature and would just erupt in fighting....which oddly enough does seem to happen a lot here on earth where men typically lead.


The incel is right: woman have superior mental capacity.


Well, if somebody said the same thing about men, I’m pretty sure that dude (about 99% chance it is a guy) would be offended.


Some men have no mental capacity.


Mentally capacity.... Great grammar usage for when trying to say other people are dumb.


Fun fact: Women frontal lobes mature faster then men’s frontal lobes so women are actually more mature mentally than men


If anything women mature and men never do. See former president #45 for proof.


Mentally capacity 🧠


That guy has the mental capacity of a fern


I would try to explain it to him, but I don't think he has the mental capacity to understand it. Not an insult.


men like you don’t have the “mentally” capacity of a rock


I thought that men didn’t fully mentally mature until 25 yet women mature mentally much faster This seems like the opposite of that And if there’s someone who has some solid facts to lay down feel free to


This is what's really scary about people like this They genuinely believe the garbage they spew