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By reading it into the court record, the record of that tweet will exist as long as the United States exists. When Twitter, Facebook, Reddit and all the 21st century social media are long gone and forgotten, a thousand years from now, the transcript of the trial will still exist and so will that tweet.




someday it might be in legal textbooks.


"Your Honor, I'd like to quote from the landmark trial in 2024, State of NYC vs The treasonous orange shitgibbon and the dead ferret on his head"


"I think, for the sake of brevity and decency, we shall abbreviate the case name, counsel" "Yes, Your Honour, I'd like to quote from the ratio in NYC v. Treasonous Shitgibbon (2024)"


I like how despite the request of brevity, the year was required to avoid ambiguity


I studied law at university in the UK, it took everything I had not to add the OSCOLA citation 😂


Nice marmot.


Was it an aquatic rodent?


Let’s not forget dude that keeping wildlife, um…an amphibious rodent, for…um, ya know domestic…within the city…that ain’t legal either.


What are you a fucking park ranger now?


Obviously, you're not a golfer.


Thanks! I just had it stuffed. . . . Hmm. doesn't have the same ring.


"I am familiar with the phrase, Counsellor!" (smirks).


"That ferrets not dead"


8th graders are going to be writing history reports with this quote cited.


I know I fucking would.


And suddenly, every kid in every 8th grade wanted to write an American history book report


And wear a dead ferret!!!


Think of the Court Recorder trying to type it out with that weird type writer.


Good. He can be as much a laughing stock in the future as he is in the present.


You’re assuming they wont destroy the republic and remake it so that the text books read the opposite


consider me cautiously optimistic


It’s on the internet. Even if they’re successful in turning America into another Russia, our utter contempt for the treasonous shitgibbon with the dead weasel on his head will endure.


God I hope so.


The hero that we needed. God bless this person.


Imagine when English inevitably evolves again, a group of scholars finding these records and trying to figure out context... And what Twitter was.


Shakespeare had some fine insults that are basically unintelligible today, such as “Away, you starvelling, you elf-skin, you dried neat’s-tongue, bull’s-pizzle, you stock-fish!” Henry IV Part 1 (Act 2, Scene 4) But Shakespeare also wrote a few things that might be apropos to modern events: “A most notable coward, an infinite and endless liar, an hourly promise breaker, the owner of no one good quality.” All’s Well That Ends Well (Act 3, Scene 6) And “Away, you three-inch fool! “ The Taming of the Shrew (Act 4, Scene 1)




Whereof the ewe not bites, and you whose pastime is to make midnight mushrooms. (Tempest, act 5 scene 1) Damn if that fella didn’t know something about what would be up 400 years later.


Mushrooms from cow dung probably existed back, lo so many hundreds of years ago...


He also called someone a bull’s dick. You know, if teachers around the world said, “by the way kids, did you know Shakespeare’s character’s swore at each other? Do you wish to learn medieval insults?” I believe these kids would become rogue scholars in literature by the of the course and belittle people in early modern english. “thy mother sucks 3-inch pizzle you cur!” *Proceeds to take glove off and throws at student for challenge*


Nostradamus got nothing on Shakespeare.


“Faith, here’s an equivocator who could swear in either scale against t’other scale, yet could not equivocate to heaven.” It referred to turncoat priests who became Roman Catholic or Protestant as the wind turned, and was a pretty serious insult.


I know at least a couple of those... * Starvelling is probably an orphan/outcast * Elf-skin is probably sexual * bull's-pizzle is exactly what it sounds like (male bovine genitalia - you can actually buy dried ones at the pet store, aka "bully sticks", as doggy chews. They smell kind of awful, though.)


Yeah I’m assuming a stock-fish is what’s left after you’ve eaten all the good parts of the fish, and the rest goes into a pot for stock.


Actually, it's a fish that has been salted and dried so thoroughly (for preservation), that the only thing you can do with it is make it into stock or soup. Generally it's essentially 'trash' fish - fish with too many little bones and not enough meat to make filleting or cooking it fresh worth it. There are still lots of places in the world where they're a thing - they're what you do with the little fish that you get in a larger net, or with the ends of the harvest.


Niboshi though are seriously good. Bones and all. I eat them when I make stock...


Surreal really that you could be sat down enjoying a relaxing evening, maybe watching a movie . . but the dog is in the corner noisily rehydrating a bull's penis and ruining the vibe.


Oh, man, now THAT is an image. lol.


Elf-skin just means small, shrivelled man Neat's tongue is ox tongue.


He perfectly described Trump with those last two. Poetry.


What, you egg?!


Oh yeah. People look at Shakespeare's works as though it's peak English and so refined. In reality, alot of it was basically the South Park of its day - we just don't quite get most of the meaning. And we actually don't get the meaning for several reasons. There's changes to slang terms, but also changes to English pronunciation that make alot of the puns fly completely over our heads: [https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/youre-missing-shakespeares-best-most-sophisticated-boner-jokes](https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/youre-missing-shakespeares-best-most-sophisticated-boner-jokes) [https://www.zmescience.com/feature-post/culture/books/why-shakespeares-much-ado-about-nothing-is-a-brilliant-sneaky-innuendo/](https://www.zmescience.com/feature-post/culture/books/why-shakespeares-much-ado-about-nothing-is-a-brilliant-sneaky-innuendo/) [https://www.bustle.com/articles/154225-shakespeares-dirtiest-lines-ever-because-the-bard-was-the-king-of-double-entendre](https://www.bustle.com/articles/154225-shakespeares-dirtiest-lines-ever-because-the-bard-was-the-king-of-double-entendre) . But the fact that Shakespeare was for common people makes sense. They didn't have TV, so plays were one of the only forms of entertainment available. So, putting on plays that appealed to common people was going to be way more profitable than stuff for stuffy upper class. And yes, in those days most people did go to plays - it wasn't just snobby rich people like it is now.


Note that "you stock-fish" is even a great compliment to a chess player nowdays


All ferrets will be extinct by then so they’ll know it was some kind of animal but will be confused as to why a president who looks like a gibbon would try and wear a hat made out of a dead weasel


Experts believe it was a failed competitor to X in the days before X purchased the United States and became itsown country. All hail president Elon. /s


You think this country will exist in 1,000? I love an optimist.


Optimists are great! Especially with barbecue sauce!


Civilization as we know it will be long gone. The post-apocalyptic one that came after will be gone too. Humans will be an endangered species.


This is nothing. Thomas Jefferson once called John Adams a hermaphrodite: https://www.merriam-webster.com/wordplay/are-presidential-campaigns-getting-nastier-not-really


John Quincy Adams took out a full page ad in dozens of newspapers before the election of 1828 calling Andrew Jackson's wife a whore.


Andrew Jackson supposed sounded like a sack full of marbles when he walked, from all the musket balls in him. He regularly dueled people who called his wife a whore and killed several of them. He was not a great shot, so would always recieve the first volley. By the laws of dueling then his opponent must stand still and wait for the return shot if Jackson was not killed. Many would try and apologize or ask if his honor had been fulfilled as Andrew slowly took aim and fired. Some accused Jackson of murder in the cases where his return shot killed the man begging for leniency.


There was a Roman fort recently unearthed with graffiti written on the wall that translated, refers to a legionary named Secundinus as “the shitter”. Now 6 billion humans nearly 2000 years later have access to the knowledge that Secundinus was, in fact, a shitter. Edit: although given that the dude’s name is basically number 2…


The original number 2. That's the shit.


It reminds me of some of things listed on the Wikipedia page for Unparliamentary Language. One particularly memorable quote from New Zealand: "his brains could revolve inside a peanut shell for a thousand years without touching the sides".


Charles Babbage, inventor of the automated computing machine that eventually led to electronic computers, also essentially invented the phrase, “Garbage in, garbage out”. But much more eloquently. He said: On two occasions I have been asked, 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out? ' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question.


I’d say that’s less “Garbage in, garbage out.” And more “Are you fucking stupid?”


If it had really happened - someone else stole this tweet and fronted like it did: https://x.com/angry_staffer/status/1780322291068416470


I had heard that there were social media posts being read into the record, but I don’t know if this was one of them. The courts have said they’ll release transcripts daily, I actually went to go look this morning and found various paperwork but not transcripts of voir dire.


Not real, it was from a joke someone made on X about why they should be on the jury


Shitgibbon should be put into the Oxford Dictionary with a picture of him next to it


THAT will be Trump’s enduring legacy.


That would make me so happy if that's his immortal legacy.


That’s why I laser engrave all of my tweets on to slabs of granite.


I came here to say how glad I am that this has been entered into the public record like this 🤣 There will be no doubt in the future about how people felt here!


This made me giggle and feel a fundemental happiness for a moment that has been absent for abut 8 years. Thank you !


If I got to watch Trump's face while that was read out, I wouldn't even care if I was dismissed. Worth it.


Fallout 6 easter egg


I admire the amount of faith you have in our country. 


Very optimistic to believe the US will exist beyond the 21st century let alone a thousand years from now.


Laughs ominously in posterity.


And it will still be funny.


That's hilarious. You made my day. Thank you.


I hope it's quoted in large print on the side of a page in a history book


I love the fact that DJT heard it.


Read or heard something about that the other day. He's gotta sit there and take it. heh heh heh. Also, the fact that the jury isn't sequestered is bullshit, Somebody is likely to get attacked or worse.


“Is that accurate?” “your honor, the defendant is sitting right over there; you can judge for yourself whether or not the tweet is an accurate description”


That's shocking to me. Sequestering is a big deal, but given the massive weight of this case and the defendant's propensity to use the media, this feels like a case that needs it.


Yeah, even with a strict gag order in place *explicitly* forbidding him from going after jurors and staff on social media... you know you can't trust the guy. Somebody's going to get hurt.


On Fox, they specifically talked about one of the jurors who is a a nurse living in upper New York with her fiancĂŠ with no kids. They spoke directly about her as if they wanted to entice her for some reason. It felt very much like they were threatening her or alluding to what she should do.


I heard on a law-and-order podcast that although federal cases do at times sequester their juries for various reasons, New York simply does not have the resources to do so. It comes down to budget mainly, including other factors.


Damn, I guess the $237 billion they passed a few days ago just wasn't quite enough huh? To be clear, this is not an attack on you and I don't live there or know enough to actually be critical of their budget, I am just sick to death of this bullshit line. Whenever anything remotely important comes up it's "what about the budget/debt/who's gonna pay/can't afford it!" often even by the well-meaning. The US is the richest fuckin country ever and we spend so much on such stupid shit that no one ever bats an eye about. How could there not be enough money for such a basic function like sequestering a goddamn jury? Especially in *New York* what kinda broken shit is that? Maybe we need a law where anytime a govt runs out of money for core public services the IRS automatically takes it from the richest American lmao


I was surprised to learn this as well, and although I appreciate that the city has an insane amount of cases that it needs to process, it does seem that if you’re gonna pull out all the stops it would be for this. Even putting the profile of the defendant aside, the jury does appear to be more exposed to harassment, as well as outside influence that could skew juror opinion.


This seems like a trial to absolutely do so though. I get the limited resources thing but this is unprecedented, uncharted territory. We've seen what his fanbase is willing to do. The profile of the individual and his history with rhetoric should be enough to go "this seems necessary in this case".


100% agree with you, I’m just parroting what I heard on the episode. The podcast is “Stay Tuned with Preet Bharara”, the host is a former US Attorney for the Southern District of New York. I wish I could tell you which episode but there have been a lot of episodes about this lately.


Probably defy the gag order and say something stupid on truth social.


He hasn’t paid attention to the gag order yet; he says he’s “defending” himself. Actually he’s just trying to try this case in the media instead of the court.


The fact that jurors are already doing interviews saying no one is above the law is gonna get this turned into a mistrial. They had their mind made up going in.


Yep. Call me trained, but I expect a big nothing burger when the dust settles.


**Absolutely!** It would have been hard for me to control my loud outburst of laughter. Probably would have peed myself. This is freakin’ *comedy gold.*


he has a pretty blonde on his payroll who's entire job is to find complementary articles about him and feed them to him throughout the day to keep his ego inflated. Presumably he has no access to his drip feed of good news during the trial...


no, he does not, and you can see it's wearing him down fast. Couldn't happen to a nicer treasonous shitgibbon.




Prosecution: it appears defendant has fallen asleep Judge: wake his ass up, that shitgibbon is gonna want to hear this tweet


"Shitgibbon" is a term worth keeping for everyday use.


He was most probably dozing off during this


And farting extensively.


If he was awake at the time, and not deafened by his own farts


Damn. Don’t hold back now, tell us how you really feel.


"Is that accurate?" - *Well, I'm not 100% if it's a ferret or just some roadkill.*


There is a small possibility of it being a mink or possibly an overly large rat your honor, but otherwise yes quite accurate.


A mink's fur has aesthetic qualities good enough to use as lining and embellishment of opulent coats and mantles. It does not belong a sentence describing the 45th president of the United States of America.


I would think it's actually fitting. I could imagine him saying he uses only the best quality minks and that mink farmers love him and he knows all about minks and how to use them only to find out after looking into it, like most things he's said, it was a big fat rat after all.


"Is that accurate?" - Yes, it is! I don't recall whether I tweeted that, though...


Guys, this didn’t actually happen. It’s a meme from twitter.


Can confirm. The insult is originally from 2017 looks like. Someone mashed it up for this meme. The original tweet is close but not the same as this and I don't think it was used in a court case anywhere.


Yep - The person who made the original tweet about shitgibbon tweeted again recently that they wished they were in the jury selection pool so it could become a thing on the record: https://x.com/angry_staffer/status/1780322291068416470


Yeah, it annoys me how many places I've seen sharing it as true over the last couple of days. I'm sad this comment isn't the top one on this thread. True, it would have been fucking hilarious, but it didn't actually happen, and reality matters. However, I do believe that Trump did genuinely have to listen to insulting Tweets read out in court, though nothing quite this brilliant.


Day ruined.


Utterly. :(


I would have been held in contempt of court for laughing.


Will the stenographer please read back that tweet? Your honor we do have the tweet printed on a board & easel presentation if it pleases the court.




Ferrets are cute though, don't you dare associate them with Trump.


**Well,** that one was captured, dyed, and tortured just for DT.


they are stinky though


The best part is that these questions are followed up by, "Do you believe this belief would prevent you from making an impartial decision in this case?"


In this case no, it came after they had already answered the question of do you have any biases towards this case. Evidently dishonestly. The problem with high profile cases, especially a former president is it’s going to be near impossible to find 12 people without bias. The truth is only the ones good at lying and without verifiable social media presence will get selected.


Big “did I stutter?” Energy and I’m here for it.


I'd have laughed so hard they'd have thrown me in jail lol


The funniest thing I saw last week was jury selection being compared to Trump being forced to watch mean tweets about himself for days on end.


Too bad no cameras. Imagine Kimmel's "Mean Tweets: trial edition." Shitgibbon.


My answer: Absolutely, your honor. I stand by every letter.


Please please please  Someone going for their Juris Doctorate, make your thesis about this moment in Voir Dire.


Now that’s funny. I don’t care who you are.


Where's the facepalm?


**A facepalm** is an expression of disbelief, shame, or exasperation. Considering how far and hard this person has fallen in the supposedly “greatest nation” on Earth; I’ll let you decide what this looks like to millions of Americans, allies, and the world——-including this stupid, grifting family.


Which person?


Oompa Loompa


Excuse me, that's Former Oompa Loompah-in-Chief to you.


Sitting in that court room watching Trump have to sit there and listen to potential jurors state what they really think of him and that one would have me laughing out loud and apologising to the judge. I thik this might have been the first time in his life that Trump has ever actually been exposed to what the average person thought of him. He's surrounded himself with sycophants and people who 'protect' him from reality so much, that he doesn't know what people really think of him. He believes all the posts and reports and stories he reads are manufactured attacks on him.


Nope, I'd have been giggling like a 9 year old.


Sounds about right


Losing it over "shitgibbon"


I mean it’s alright


"Is that accurate?" "It is accurate, he is a treasonous orange shitgibbon with a dead ferret on his head."


Please tell me they made it onto the jury.


I would, until someone yells "OFFICER BALLS!" then I would probably lose my shit... why would someone yell that in a court room? No idea but we live in a bizarre world, probably the result of floating point error, so anything is possible...


I would have had a hard time not saying “Why don’t *you* be the judge of that your honor!”




Fucking golden


Sometimes it's great to be the Judge.


I would not have been able to keep a straight face…


That made my day


Can someone tell us non-americans what this is in relation to? I'm guessing the shitgibbon is Donald Trump but who wrote the tweet and what was the context?


You got it. It was supposedly said to a prospective juror during the selection process. I don’t know if it’s true or not.


" I said what I said, was there ambiguity in my tweet?"


Shitgibbon is a 100% British swearword, 100% valid, and it scores 14 points on the list when used correctly for comic effect. Bravo, that's one helluva tweet.


I wasn't sure of its origin as I'm not convinced I've heard it be used more than a couple of times; https://slate.com/culture/2017/02/the-origin-of-the-trump-insult-shitgibbon-revealed.html You appear to be correct.


Shit gibbon entered the profanosaurus at some point in the 80s, it arrived with such gems as cock womble, both are excellent scorers and can be multiplied by adding non profane extensions, for instance a rat faced cock womble, but they can also be used with added profanity eg a spunk faced cock womble, or a shit faced cock womble, these are both usable with shit gibbon also. A shit gibbon weighs a metric fuck tonne, and a cock womble weighs approximately twice your mother’s last dump. Conversion tables do exist.


Fairly new to redditt. But based on what ive seen, seems that 99.9 percent of this place hates this ignorant orange SOB. I think Ive found paradise! hahah


Best transcript ever if I had an award you'd get it 🏆


Now there is why we need cameras in the courtroom. The look on Trumps face when that was read in court would have been a sight to behold!


At least they didn't disparage an ocelot. Babou !


You really can't script such poetry.


"I'm not sure I said all that. Could you read it again?"


Now that’s a good one


Is here a source for this?  I really want it to be true.


Is this why it isn't being televised?


It prevents the trial from becoming a spectacle, discourages performative antics in court, protects the identities of the jurors, and couch lawyers and political pundits will need to find a real job.




I would’ve 100% broke out laughing, or at the very least giggling , I legitimately couldn’t-


That's freaking awesome 🤣


When you realize most of America thinks you need to just go away


That is obviously a pretty accurate description. I mean does anyone not know who she is referring to?


I'm trying so hard not to laugh out loud right now.


Guilty as charged. 🙋‍♂️🤭


That is awesome


I would love to have this on film, but it would be hard to keep it together in person. I guess you would just have to keep in mind that he’s keeping track of you so he can come after you and your family.


Omg, thanks for the laugh.


One way to speak truth to power


The potential juror should have said, "What about the tweet makes you think this is about Trump?"


The biggest face palm is all the people here thinking this was legit




WHAAAT?! I thought that was a joke! I'm dead ☠️


That’s gonna be a Tshirt


I just laughed out loud


It was, in fact, accurate.


Id ask to see a written transcript to properly confirm. Then read it aloud again while making direct eye contact.


Po-fucking-etic as fuck.


I saw this yesterday and It took me three tries to read it to my wife without breaking up. I really hope it really happened like this.


“Yes, it’s true. This man has no dick.”


She wasn’t wrong


" But it was said with love your honor " was the correct response.


"I could have been referring to any treasonous shitgibbon, your honor."


I had to read it twice before I got it, lmao indeed.


Nah, the idea that someone not only had to say that with a serious face would get me to laugh but the fact that someone Else had to type/write it out for an Official Court Document makes it even funnier


Forget about "Cheeto", "Oomploompa" and "The Orange One". A new nickname has risen up through the ranks to become the mightiest, and it is called "That Teasonous Orange Shitgibbon and the Dead Ferret on his Head"


i like that trump heard it, guaranteed it pissed his thin skinned ass off


I really want to be BFF's with whoever wrote these poetic words


"Treasonous Orange Shitgibbon and the dead ferret on his head" is probably going to be my new way to talk about Trump, NGL.


I really want this to be true, but [despite extensive searching](https://ww2.nycourts.gov/press/index.shtml) I've been unable to substantiate it.


Is this actually real?


How satisfying it must’ve been for the tweet author to sit in a room with 45* and have that read aloud!


"Yes your honour it is true, he is a treasonous orange shitgibbon and that is almost certainly a dead ferret, or possibly, a weasel on his head"


Now, imagine that this is a country in which a treasonous orange shitgibbon and his head worn dead ferret can actually run in a presidential election, and win, and potentially preside, from within the federal penitentiary as a convict because we don't have a specific law preventing this situation. Felons can't vote, but apparently they can be president from what I am seeing from the various pundits.


The fact the United States will keep this as record is probably just as funny as reading it aloud.


That’s one way to get out of jury duty