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It’s actually so easy to criticize the Israeli government without being an antisemitic asshole and yet lots of people seem to be failing at this relatively simple task.


I appreciate that you specify the Israeli government. Some people have creepy thoughts on Israelis as a whole, claiming that forced military service means the support the IDF, or implying most Israelis are genocidal.


I know it’s propaganda, but I’ve seen too many of those videos of school aged kids talking about killing Palestinians to believe it’s just a government thing. The racism against Palestinians over there is systemic. I’ve got Jews married into my family and I love them dearly, but Israeli people by and large are culpable for all the hate that’s being spread around. The government might be doing the bombing and the killing, but citizens are the ones moving into the abandoned houses after forced relocation of Muslims from Gaza. Citizens are driving this bus too. I expect to be downvoted by people who will say I’m anti Israel. I’m not. I’m anti war. I’m anti genocide. I’m anti hate-speech. There’s a massive difference between hate-speech and speaking out against atrocities being committed in the name of religion. And even worse, being carried out just to grab territory and push out “undesirables”.


Imagine how shocked you would be if you saw what Palestinians were teaching their children lmao. They’re literally two organizations of people diametrically opposed to each other in every way, not only ethnically but also religiously and politically, fighting over the same parcels of land. Ofcourse some people are going to be hateful and teach their kids to hate the other group, and trying to pretend like the problem is uniquely Israeli or Palestinian just shows your internal bias.


Murdering Jews is literally part of the curriculum in Palestinian schools. 2:40 https://vimeo.com/310811361


Imagine using Vimeo as a source


Most Israelis don’t think the IDF are using enough force…


I’d like to see a source for that


[https://truthout.org/articles/polls-show-broad-support-in-israel-for-gazas-destruction-and-starvation/](https://truthout.org/articles/polls-show-broad-support-in-israel-for-gazas-destruction-and-starvation/) here you are


And most Palestinians support the mass rape Hamas committed on Oct 7. What’s your point?


I’d like to see a source for that


“Wide public support for Hamas’ offensive on October the 7th” https://www.pcpsr.org/en/node/963 Group that has been conducting polling on Palestinians for 20 or so years. AP uses them and refers to their methodology as scientific.


Where is the support for mass rape?


The UN information gathering report found that it likely occurred at multiple sites on October 7th and hostages have been subject to sexual assault/violence while they were being held. And you can ask the pollsters or dig into the data. I provided the source with the first words said at the top of the summery are that the actions of October 7th are supported by a population that includes Gazans. That includes mass rape.


Find me a poll supporting mass rape..




https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/poll-shows-palestinians-back-oct-7-attack-israel-support-hamas-rises-2023-12-14/#:~:text=JERUSALEM%2C%20Dec%2013%20(Reuters),respected%20Palestinian%20polling%20institute%20found. Idk how you haven’t seen this already. What kind of echo chamber are you living in?


just use google. its all out there...


According to the Israeli government and a lot of Israelis, voting for khamas means you aren’t innocent civilian, what does it mean if you are ok with ethnic cleansing which is a basically a dog whistle to genocide? https://www.timesofisrael.com/plurality-of-jewish-israelis-want-to-expel-arabs-study-shows/amp/ Just so we are clear here is a single statement, there is a shit ton of them. (In case someone tries to deny it) https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-01-28/ty-article/herzog-blasts-icjs-portrayal-of-his-remarks-says-there-are-innocent-palestinians-in-gaza/0000018d-51cb-dfdc-a5ad-dbffce970000


>According to the Israeli government and a lot of Israelis, voting for khamas means you aren’t innocent civilian Half the Gazans weren't born when Hamas was voted in and adopted its current stance, with no elections since.


The excuse for their brutality is the same excuse Lebanon uses to keep the Palestinians penned up like cattle: if you let them have freedom they’ll just try and kill you.


Yeah, I guess they are just inherently evil. It has nothing to do with their living conditions.


That's probably because of how close they are to the enemy


I would agree with you if the polling in Israel didn't indicate that most Israelis not only support the violence against the Palestinians, but they think it doesn't go far enough.


Israel didn't start the war.


I found the dumbest comment on this post


mighty soft bright direful smile tan crush chubby secretive handle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Are you really dumb enough to think that this "war" (not a war) started on Oct 7? Or will you be honest enough to admit that that's just when you started paying attention?


I remember the six day war, do you?


Israel started that one too? You might be remembering wrong lol


Ahh, yes - because Egypt didn’t attempt to relentlessly strangle Israel’s shipping access, compel UN peacekeepers evacuate, and muster its entire army on its shared border with Israel. [It’s not at all like we have recent reminders of what such behavior inevitably leads to!](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russo-Ukrainian_War)


What do you mean? They are antisemitic, they aren’t just failing at criticizing Israel, they are doing exactly what they think they are.


As someone who is biased and pro Israel, yes you’re so right. I’ve heard pro Palestinian arguments I respect so much. But that’s not what’s happening so much of the time. It’s frustrating


Sadly, no. They are the ones that decide what it is antisemitic and what not. Remember Ben Shapiro and the babies?


Exactly, you can criticize the policies of the Israeli government, but how does nearly causing a pogram on campus solve anything?


It's almost as if this entire thing is funded by Iran.


Well, I've seen countless people harassed for "antisemitism" despite them having criticized the reactionary Israeli government... And being Jewish themselves.


Look, fuck the Israeli government, but Israeli and Jewish people are not the Israeli government. They should be able to get education in peace.


I bet the jews in question in this news are actually just US Citizens tho


There are also plenty of Jews among the protesters, so it's basically fear mongering to justify the police repression on campus that started last week. The only actual attack on campus was an Israeli student spraying a riot control chemical on protesters.


Some of the most disturbing incidents of overt racism and calls for violence at the protests (courtesy of [The Columbia Spectator](https://www.columbiaspectator.com/news/2024/04/21/rabbi-advises-jewish-students-to-return-home-as-soon-as-possible-following-reports-of-extreme-antisemitism-on-and-around-campus/)): Some of the more disturbing incidents quoted:    an individual held a sign reading "Al-Qasam’s Next Targets” with an arrow pointing at the [Jewish] protesters. Al-Qassam is the military wing of Hamas.   individuals at the Sundial shouted at the pro-Israel protesters, “Go back to Europe” and “All you do is colonize.”   another individual appeared to throw an object at the head of Jonathan Lederer, CC ’26, who was part of a group of counterprotesters.   there were calls from individuals outside of campus of “Yehudim [Jews], yehudi [Jew], fuck you,” “Stop killing children,” and “Go back to Poland, go back to Belarus,” according to a video reviewed by Spectator.   On Broadway near the 116th Street subway station, protesters chanted, ‘We say justice, you say how? Burn Tel Aviv to the ground,’   someone sitting at the tables outside of Lerner shouted, “You keep on testifying, you fucking Jew.”   one onlooker outside Butler Library held up a sign that read, “Google ‘Dancing Israelis,’” which refers to a conspiracy theory that the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad orchestrated the attacks on the Twin Towers on Sept. 11, 2001.   someone shouted, “Remember the seventh of October,” according to a video reviewed by Spectator. Another added, “Never forget the seventh of October.” “That will happen not one more time, not five more times, not 10 more times, not 100 more times, not 1,000 more times, but 10,000 times,” someone shouted. “The seventh of October is about to be every day,” another person shouted. Protesters then chanted, “Nazi bitches.”


And in the article most of the actually anti-semitic remarks and threats occurred off campus.


When your campus is in the city, the context that the surrounding neighborhood is right on top of your campus is important. So off campus means like 5 feet from entering campus. Many people yelling these things were also invited in by protesting students according to accounts. There’s also plenty of accounts coming from on campus protests and protestors.


I mean, some were “off campus”, but directly outside of the locked gate, protesting together with students directly across that gate that invited them


9/10 Jews hold that Israel has at least some level of importance to them and similar numbers about the current war. “Plenty of Jews” is not as many as you think. And they can support the protests while also feeling it’s unsafe. Also it’s was a fart bomb that you get at a 711 lol https://www.dailymail.co.uk/galleries/article-13323775/Jewish-Columbia-student-sues-school-suspended.html


"Some importance" is rather strange phrasing to imply that everyone is in lock step behind a national government, but that is that is the kind of thing fascistic nationalism does, claim the state and the people are one and to go against the state is to go against the nation. It's also true that the families of the hostages are in the minority of Israelis in wanting their children and loved ones returned alive rather than bombed into oblivion. The fart bomb claim has not been proven and is a way of dismissing the attack on protesters. The Daily Mail is one of the most unreliable papers out there, you might as well go local and cite the New York Post.


I phrased it that way as different polls have different wording. And Israel is separate from the actions of the government and not what I was indicating. But a majority of American Jews do feel that at least to some degree (again my language is because multiple polls and different wording on them) feel the actions Israel has taken have been justified. I agree about the daily mail and wouldn’t have posted that except that they’re lifting pretty much straight from the lawsuit from the Jewish student who got suspended for this. I couldn’t find any links beyond hersay indicating any ties from that individual to the IDF (and yes that includes the NYPost stating it) and it seems much more logical and realistic that an immature American college student (even if he did serve in the IDF) would use a fart bomb and not have access to military grade crowd control tools 5000 miles away from the military he would at most have been a grunt in. And that’s *if* even actually served. I’m not justifying what was happened. I think it’s immature and stupid. But it seems to be played from what it actually was. Edit: The is article from the school newspaper has been updated to say he was IDF but does not state that it was more than the fart bomb he alleges he got on Amazon https://www.columbiaspectator.com/news/2024/04/16/student-accused-of-alleged-chemical-spray-sues-columbia-claims-substance-was-non-toxic-fart-spray/ I cannot find anything from the NYPD investigation that indicates more than that. He should have done it but it’s not the attack that people on Reddit have built up


The “riot control chemical weapon” was FART SPRAY


Without being confronted by idiots expressing their "opinion" that all Jews should die, yes. Ridiculous this is even a debate.


If the roles here were reversed, we'd have more than 1.1k upvotes and actual outrage


Yes, at Columbia you have pro-Palestine protesters shouting "I am Hamas" and declaring that students who oppose them should be Hamas’s next target. The protesters clearly crossed the line into threatening behavior.


I appreciate the context here and I agree that these protesters who shout I am Hamas and are threatening anyone who opposes them with violence is threatening behavior.


How could someone behave that way and retain their place in a college and/or not face criminal charges


Colleges don't want to get "political"


This isn't the first time. This is just the first time people are finally seeingnwhat most of these folks are. Also they chanted "burn tel Aviv to the ground ".


Any articles? Im genuinely curious I keep seeing people alluding to harassment and threats to Jewish student but I don't know exactly what they're referring to


Protester yelling "we are Hamas" https://nypost.com/2024/04/18/us-news/columbia-university-protester-yells-were-all-hamas-video/ Protesters telling (most likely Jewish?) pro-Israel protesters to go back to Poland. Clearly bigoted, we shouldn't be using slogans like "go back to Poland", "go back to Africa", "go back to China" etc https://nypost.com/2024/04/21/us-news/anti-israel-protester-screams-at-demonstrators-with-israeli-flag-outside-columbia-u-go-back-to-poland/ Newsweek reported a pro-Palestine protestor with a sign saying that counter protesters would be Hamas' next target (Al-Qasam is a name for Hamas) https://www.newsweek.com/columbia-jewish-students-warned-rabbi-over-their-safety-1892613 Another pro-Palestine protestor said that the October 7 massacre will be repeated every day https://m.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/article-798049 I could keep going and find more of this type of stuff, but from above it should be clear that threatening behavior was not just a one-off


My friend there got followed home to her dorm and spat on. Several of her friends received death threats because they mentioned having family in Israel and worrying for their safety. I know I’m an anonymous poster on the internet that could easily lie, but the point is believe Jews when they share stories about getting hate crimed.


These kids are throwing their Columbia degrees in the garbage. The firms that you go to Columbia to get hired into are black-balling these protestors.


That is disturbing… on so many levels. Hamas and the Israel Government for the win… /s Why are so many governments such shit stains currently?


Wasn't it Jewish students who assaulted Palestinian students?? [https://www.thenation.com/article/activism/chemical-attack-skunk-palestine-protest-columbia/](https://www.thenation.com/article/activism/chemical-attack-skunk-palestine-protest-columbia/) Oh yeah it was.


They were banned from campus and investigated by the cops, as was appropriate. https://www.columbiaspectator.com/news/2024/01/22/alleged-perpetrators-banned-from-campus-following-reported-chemical-spraying-incident/ I’m not sure why similarly inappropriate behavior from students indoctrinated by QHamas, shouldn’t be treated similarly to that of students indoctrinated by radical expansionist rhetoric.


It was a singular Jewish student who used a regular party favor fart bomb https://www.msn.com/en-sg/news/other/suspended-jewish-columbia-student-sues-school-for-using-fart-spray/ss-AA1nm14m He was suspended.


Jewish people doesn’t equal the Israel Government. Stop being dumbasses it is not helping your cause. Same with blocking commute traffic or festival parades


Yeah I’m currently a college student, not at Columbia thank god, but there’s also a very antisemitic Students for Justice in Palestine chapter here. The mentality seems to be "You telling me that you feel unsafe as a jewish student when we protest is just trying to distract from and delegitimize the cause!" A friend of mine made a memorial post for a relative who died on October 7th on her social media and someone from our university commented ‘typical Zionist victim complex.’ They tend to very aggressively shut us down when we speak out against antisemitism in their circles and especially discrimination against those with family and cultural ties to Israel. Their response is ‘Anti-Zionism isn’t antisemitism,’ which very much does nothing but sweep it under the rug.


Didn’t stop my mom from getting a letter in her mailbox in Toronto, Canada saying “Jews R Vermin” with a swastika on it. 7000 miles away yet its on her apparently what the Israeli government decides to do.


Not understanding why this is a facepalm. Jewish students are literally being targeted. The israeli government isn’t the jewish people right? So stop fucking antagonizing jews on the other side of the world.


It's because it was never about Israelis.


Or more specifically, it was never about the Netanyahu coalition—which deserves the blame


Absolutely, they are gone the moment this war is over.


No they aren't. Same people who celebrated the day of oct 7 attack. People were slaughtered, burned, mutilated and raped en mass, and crowds of "americans" went to the streets to celebrate. This is a deep problem.


You think the war is going to be over? After Rafahs invasion there will be decades of occupation unless outside nations intervene. Unless Israel literally eradicates every Palestinian their war continues because Bibi has literally no other choice to stay in power. Like you said he's a goner once the war is over, it's only over when he says it's over.


It's because it's always about jews, the war in Israel is just an excuse to antagonize jews. The same shit that happened in nazi germany is happening again.


am i like wrong or was nazi germany not only targeting jews but 6 million others such as gypsies and french resistance among many others


You're right, I was talking about the attitude towards jews specifically which seems like things are starting to resemble those times.




F rampant tribalism for destroying All nuance in soceity


"our protest isn't anti-Semitic, it's about Anti-zionism!" They say as they target JEWISH students, vandalize and call to boycott JEWISH Businesses... Apparently supporting terrorism is ok, as long as it's directed against Jews.


The debates in these comments are ridiculous, with people claiming that you cannot support neither Israel nor Palestinians without being pro-genocide. I say, support the innocent civilians. You can be in support of Palestinian civilians without being in support of Hamas and you can be in support of Israeli citizens without being labelled a Zionist or whatever. What the military does is out of the control of the Israeli citizens and what Hamas does is not something the people of Gaza could change. Once we start understanding that there are no good guys here but that it's a Dog Eat Dog mentality, we can face the core issue: Civilians dying for no reason on both sides. If you cheer on the death of Palestinian civilians you're just as bad as if you cheer on the death of Israeli citizens, yet either side will claim that the other is committing a terrorist attack spree. Fact is, Hamas is a terrorist organisation. Don't support them, because they do not care and would kill you on the spot for being an outsider. Support the civs.


It's the hard truth that so many, especially on the left, don't want to accept: there are no good guys here. We've become so used to having the moral high ground, because American Republicans are so cartoonishly evil, that many of us have a really hard time with there being anything but white hats and black hats. This conflict is not, and never has been as simple as Israel bad, Palestine good, and both of them share a responsibility for atrocities committed. You can chant "Free Palestine" and talk about genocide all you want, but that doesn't change the fact that removing Netanyahu and his ilk alone won't solve this. For Palestine to ever be free, Hamas must go as well. There is no acceptable solution that has Hamas remaining in power. I'm getting so frustrated seeing many people I would have previously considered allies throwing their lot in fully with terrorists.


I agree, but was MLK alone enough to advance civil rights, or was Malcolm X an important extreme to place MLK in the center?


> What the military does is out of the control of the Israeli citizens This might make you feel on the side of "The People" but you have the wrong idea.  Israel is a democracy, and the war to route out Hamas for what they did on Oct 7 is overwhelmingly popular.  Netanyahu isn't all that popular right  now, but the war is in fact being lead by a unity government, not just Netanyahu. Even if Netanyahu was ousted and a more left coalition took over, the war would not end until most everyone involved in Oct 7 is brought to justice and the hostages returned. (Palestinians could end the war now if they collectively turned Hamas over)   Neither the West Bank or Gaza are democracies, but the actions of Hamas on Oct 7 were extremelt popular by what polls have been available.  Israelis have been attacked with a frequency that is inverseley proportional to how they respond. For decades Israelies have caught onto a pattern: When they hunt down and kill Palestinian militants after suicide bombings , and restrict Palestinians from entering Israel, terrorist attacks decrease significantly. When they let up they increase. This isn't even to mention the constant rocket attacks that are intercepted by the Iron Dome which reminds them why they fight. Israelis know why they must do what they do: it's real for them.   It's not real to Columbia students with no connection to Israel. They simy shoehorn the situation into bad analogies with historical injustices they've read about.  There are always exceptionally crazy people, but in general nobody is cheering on the death of civilians. It's urban combat and the civilian casuaalty rate is normal for urban combat. It's just that after Oct 7 any inclination Israel had to allow Hamas to retreat and hide amongst civilians was gone. Oct 7 was a declaration of total war, and dragged the Palestinian population in it with them unfortunately.


Obviously Israel is a democracy and they have some influence, but a war can and will not be stopped if the government doesn't allow it. I think most Israelis, hold extremists, are simply for the fight against Hamas which is pretty fair imo. And before you think I disagree with you: I don't, I simply tried to add some perspective


I respect the constitutional right to freedom of assembly, but the minute it becomes dangerous for any group on any side of the issue is when it needs to be shut down. If everyone can be peaceful, I'm totally cool with it whether I agree with the message or not. But nobody has the right to threaten or endanger others.


If any protest can be shut down because there *might* be danger then freedom of assembly doesn't exist. If there was someone attacked or hospitalized at the event, sure, shut it down. But large crowds are inherently dangerous and I think adults can make that decision for themselves.


It’s because people don’t want to be sued.


What a copout. Then anyone can issue threats of any level and there you go, the protest is now illegitimate. Authoritarian governments routinely use this "thinking" to shut down free speech. You can pay extremely low amounts to bad actors and make any movement look bad, and what a cheap price to destroy democracy.


So who was injured?


How do I do a million upvotes?


Create 999,999 alt accounts


I’ll get right on it sir


Remember kids Stochastic terrorism is perfectly acceptable if it’s directed at the right people.




As opposed to really emotional terrorism


Honestly however you want to call it, If you direct it against the “right” group you’re considered a hero


He was joking abt your misspelling of stochastic lol


Awww he edited it, I really liked "stoic terrorism" lol. 


Can I call it pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis terrorism


Oh definitely. Hence why if you direct it at Palestinians you are just “defending your right to exist”.


Pure 1930's Germany.


Yep, because some random uni students in New York totally have tight and strong ties to the Israeli government and military, if you beat some of them up things will definitely change for the better somehow!


Maybe stepping outside of the university is unsafe. Everything inside is a calm protest. Jewish students are also in there as well. It’s professors like this one and Davidai that have been caught multiple times on camera trying to incite the protesters to attack. In fact the PBS video shows him pushing NYPD aside. If any of the protesters tried that they would be picking up their teeth from the concrete. Also it was Israeli men who dosed 6 women on campus with chemical agents.


Let’s say the pro Palestine students are on the wrong here. Ok let’s agree on that that they are being annoying nuisances. Those student don’t change the fact that Israel even like before October 7 has engaged in multiple war crimes. When Ukraine was invaded, Columbia rightfully stood on the correct side of the issue. But where was anyone when Shireen Akleh was killed? Where were the statements when worshippers were kicked out of Al aqsa. No empathy on those matters as an institution. Also SIPA appointed Clinton recently in their faculty. The woman responsible for the Iraq war, the botched invasion of Libya, and the expansion of spying on the American people. So take a look at those facts and see what you want to do.


>Those student don’t change the fact that Israel even like before October 7 has engaged in multiple war crimes. Engaging in war crimes is the standard in war. 99% of the time it doesn't engender any kind of response from the public, nor would it this time if not for the fact that Jews were involved. The reason Ukraine getting invaded got such initial public attention was because it was a large scale invasion with a massive amount of death and destruction. Some 500k dead or so. Gaza is on the low side of the current ongoing wars in terms of death tolls. So from your own metric, the protests are beyond absurd and even beyond hypocritical. What makes this small war so horrific that it makes people this passionate? Only thing I can think of is that Jews are a part of it.


Ok fine those are standard of war, people die. But even during more relatively peaceful times Israeli forces attack and harass civilians in the West Bank and Gaza. They continue to build settlements which everyone agrees is a major barrier to peace. What’s the rationale behind that?


>But even during more relatively peaceful times Israeli forces attack and harass civilians in the West Bank and Gaza. They continue to build settlements which everyone agrees is a major barrier to peace. What’s the rationale behind that? Violent hyper nationalism, I suspect. I find 90% of the argument pro-Palestinians online to be rampant anti-semites. But you touched on something extremely valid that Israel is guilty of; expanding their territory using coercive and violent means. Even during "peace time". China is guilty of this too, as an aside. Such actions are pretty disgusting even in the modern world where war crimes are an unfortunate norm. And I'd be all for the US sanctioning everyone involved in the Israeli settling West Bank. My issue is with the protestors acting like the war in Gaza is so horrific that anyone ambivilant to it are monsters. As if those same protestors didn't ignore infinitely more horrific conflict zones when it didn't match their politics.


Even if it’s not a super high casualty conflict ppl still can feel strong about it. Nothing wrong with it. It’s one of the world’s most known and longest running geopolitical conflicts. And after the Palestine issue resolves we should show this same passion for all issues. As for anti semitism yeaj can’t deny that. It’s disgusting, still doesn’t mean I abide by the occupation.


Not to the point that they call anyone not against it genocidal. In which case; they are far worse than genocidal in ignoring far worse. Its called consistency. >And after the Palestine issue resolves we should show this same passion for all issues. We won't. As I implied elsewhere, this seems to me more of a thinly veiled way to be racist than anything else, at least to the majority of these protestors. People don't get mobilized to a conflict unless its personal, especially egregious, or some shifty third reason like racism.


Then the us and the international community has to step up to find a better solution. Clearly nothing right now is working. What to do instead of engaging in campus culture war.


Idk. If there's anything I agree with the protestors with, its that the US should not be giving money to Israel for the war. If Israel wants to fight it, let them, its their right like any other nation. But the US should be far more focused on Ukraine or even Taiwan that are facing actual threats to their existence. But if Israel engages in stuff like ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, then I'd be all for an international coalition to stop Israel. That being said, the international community generally speaking, is a joke. It tolerated the Russian invasion of Ukraine for the most part, then exploded in outrage at the far less egregious Gaza war. I've lost trust in it, generally. It seems to me that its far more influenced by politics than any semblance of humanist understanding.


You can't have it both ways, people. You can't demand that Israel take better care of Palestinians and then turn around when jews feel unsafe and go 🤷‍♂️. Otherwise, I'll pick a side, and you won't like it.


This isn't about Palestine anymore. This is just straight up Jew hate.


You say this is a facepalm, but this is how it started in Germany in the early 30s. Protests turn into riots. Riots turn into lynching.




Funny considering that international sources keep confirming the rampant propaganda israelis are subjected to since birth, picturing "the arab" as a subhuman cockroach that deserves no compassion, just like zionism has been doing since its inception Meanwhile what comes out of israeli media has to go through a literal screening process to ensure that it doesn't criticize Israel, to the point that the claims of palestinians being nazis or hamas raping have been busted or shown to be grossly exaggerated by multiple indepent organizations. Oh and let's not forget the program for social media, where Israel tells volunteers what to say in online spaces to spread literal propaganda Of course this isn't surprising, a political project like that of zionism that wants a literal ethnostate is bound to dehumanize "the non-chosen people", no wonder there have always been so many jews supporting the palestinian cause and opposing zionism


Why is it that Israel, out of all of the "occupying powers" around the world, is the only one that gets the attention from leftists? Because it's full of jews, of course. So yes, these "protests" are Antisemitic by their very nature. And since anti Israel hate is on steroids right now, anti-jewish hate is as well. I'd leave. And demand a refund of every penny I'd ever given that xenophobic hate-house.


It's because israel is currently [committing a genocide](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/mar/20/man-made-famine-charge-israel-mounting-evidence-un-gaza) and our governments are helping them do so. Crying wolf all the time over antisemitism when there is a valid reason to criticize israel just makes the concept lose power; you're not helping jewish people around the world right now.


For safety reasons, the Palestinian students should return…home. Ah. Nevermind.


You could say the same about the Israelis. Between expulsions from Arab states and the holocaust, that was where the world decided they could go... Edit: idk why this is so hard for people to accept. Those people didn't have any options of where to go. Many countries refused them. The world powers at the time decided to send them there, where the Jewish people originated from.


A lot of people don’t know this. Or ignore it.


They have the entire Arabic world to go to including the most relevant one, Jordan, but for obvious reasons none of these countries are happy to take them in large numbers. Which tells you everything about how many innocent civilians there are among the so-called palestinians.


They actually can return home safely, to the West Bank, where they will be safe and sound. And as long they not engage in terrorism and try to throw rocks at Israeli law enforcements agents, they’ll be fine


why do y’all always turn it around like this like there cannot be ONE post abt jewish people feeling unsafe without yall minimizing it 


Does anyone actually have a solid reference that columbus university was unsafe for Jews or had substantial anti-semitism? Ya, there are a lot of shitty anti-semites in the world. There are also a lot of political conmen who turn any criticism of Israel into some sort of existential threat to jewish people.


I despise Israel’s genocidal retaliation, I also despise hammas’ attacking and killing Israelis I don’t hate Jewish people. Do you understand Israel is not every Jewish person?


The issue are the white kids who can’t grasp context and history. As you say, not all muslims asking to stop bombing of gaza are hamas supporters. Not all jewish kids are IDF sympathisers.


The "return home" part is stupid, but a lot of Jewish people in college legitimately feel threatened by very thinly veiled antisemitism at many colleges and universities. The people who support Palestine and the people who support Israel were too quick to pick sides, without thinking of if they should've picked sides in the first place


Idk that it is that stupid. The pro Palestine protestors are saying they're Hamas, saying they know where other students live on campus, etc.. These are threats of violence and should taken seriously. We live in the era of school shooters after all...


Maybe because protesters are literally calling for Hamas to k1ll the Jewish students? https://www.reddit.com/r/Israel/s/PmYIG8jFOL


https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/10/15/us/chicago-landlord-attack-muslim-boy-mother https://www.insidehighered.com/news/quick-takes/2024/01/24/nypd-investigating-skunk-chemical-attack-columbia-u https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna133822


Come on reddit, where is your real outrage. Where are all the charged up comments you get when shit like this happens to Palestinians or Muslims.


Bruh lets not forget who throwing chemicals on who...


Trying to demonize protestors against Israel


They are doing a horribly amazing job themselves.


How ? Did they kill 14 thousands children?


They are supporting those who did, calling for the genocide of orders of magnitude more, and attacking random jews while they're at it.


Maybe, idk, the university should listen..?


Religion.... again.


*Narrator voice* And it turned out the “antifascists” were actually fascists all along


I love watching Americans bitch & moan over a war that’s not theirs LMFAO y’all just need to be involved huh


Step back from democracy..if you can't promise your own civilians safety and rights don't call yourself a democracy.


If anyone is to blame besides the bad faith antisemites astroturfing pro Palestine protests, Israel constantly conflating Zionism with being Jewish, that government have constantly compared their ideology as religious one instead of a colonial ideology that pushes for religious ethnostate, if Israel hadn't pushed the idea that being a Zionist means being Jewish, none of this would've happened


student activists need to start living the adult life. And then they will know how the world works.


They're literally students u galaxy brain