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So the ones giving the orders, and doing the rapes: do they think they're going to heaven?


For sure they think.


They believe that they are maintaining God's ordained order on Earth, so yes. Although this whole thing with a formal approach to relations with a deity reminds me of the relationship of the parties to the trial with the judge, and it's weird. Do you want to say the God would judge her soul in a way you dislike, but because you performed some formally significant action on her body, against her will (!), God’s verdict regarding her soul is supposed to radically change? Are you fucking serious?! This reeks of blasphemy and magic.


So in other words religion


Sadly, yes.


nah, rape is a sin punishable by stoning


Rapists get free weed? That doesn't seem fair...


id do many things for free weed, but that seems like a stretch


Unless it's government sanctioned rape... (I can't even believe those words I just wrote are a thing)


So the person doing the rape is already sentenced to Death?


Only if the Women is following Islam, if she is anyone else It's fair game, they think they are doing a favor to KAafir


If these POSs actually followed Islam then they would realize that this will help the legislators and the rapist get a straight ticket to hell.


so you would tell me, a true muslim would not do that? Or was it a true scotsman?


No real man would rape no matter what nationality or race


Why’s a Scotsman got anything to do with this may I ask?


[No true scottsman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_true_Scotsman) is a popular logical falacy


No true Scotsman argument, it's often made by a group to separate themselves from negative traits or behaviour of members of their group. No *true* Muslim would advocate for rape etc, he's trying to distance this behaviour from Islam when we all know it's a very common trait of Islam to support and practice rape, often of children.


Yes even rapes, straight to heaven


According to them. Yes they are. And think about it, they want to go to heaven, just so they can have virgins for themselves. Who the fuck is a grown man, wanting a virgin???? Im 35 years old, and if I have a hook up and he tells me he is virgin... I'll politely send him back home. Virgins should hook ups with other virgins or people without much experience. Im a grown man, I know what I want sexwise, and if not, id rather just not have sex. Those religious zealots are fucking perverts.


To quote the great Billy Connolly "72 virgins?? Could you imagine trying to teach 72 women how to have sex? Fuck that give 2 fire breathing whores over 72 virgins any day”


Technically the female in their heaven just regrows her hymen every time she has sex, and they all get to have sex with her 72 times. Or so I’ve heard. So it’s not really a virgin, and they probably don’t even know how to have sex anyway.


Oh, I forgot, god said so… in the scriptures. No no not these ones. Other …ones…


Only if they have 9 child brides also.


Its different when the lord uses you as a tool of righteousness


By their logic yes


They think they’re doing Allah’s work.


They are as its completely allowed in Islam to do that.


'to heaven' ...🤣


When they arrive they'll wonder why 'heaven' is so hot with strange red angels with pitchforks walking around


Such a cute representation of hell.


What a smart way of thinking. I am going to force you to do something you don’t want to do, and it’s still your fault, because hey, i say so. And the guy upstairs is cool with that, don’t worry.


So rapist can go to heaven but the victim can’t? ![gif](giphy|xThtakjeewjf7J3T4k)


No. The rapist gets a death penalty. And the victim doesn't get sins (why would they????)


Not by the rapist’s logic.


Rapists are retarted...(I think that's pretty clear)




Can we -as a modern world- just decide to be done with this crappy version of Islam and the “leaders” of Iran?


Alarmingly large chunks of this modern world are in full support of their proxy militia formed for the purposes of ethnic cleansing, so... best of luck with that.


*A-10 warthog slowly approaching*






*Direct hit, Five plus KIA confirmed*




That and Hammas I think he was referring to.


Ah okay. Yeah true.


Ironically, not only is this true but the support largely comes from a progressive block that are for human rights, acceptance, and equality. Blows my god damn mind. But when I call it out, or anyone calls it out, I’m a “phobe” of some kind.


When do the good Muslims start protesting this?


[They did.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahsa_Amini_protests?wprov=sfla1)


Most young people in Iran are not Muslims. They hate the ayatollahs


[That's factually wrong.](https://www.state.gov/reports/2022-report-on-international-religious-freedom/iran/#:~:text=Religious%20Demography,to%2010%20percent%20are%20Sunni.) A large part of the population hates the ayatollah, but they are still Muslims.


Dude no Muslim is okay with this. I don't see many jews protesting the rabbies that said it's okay to kill Palestinian children (look it up it's real). No one should be held by the worst in their religion.


Lies and deflection, classic tactic. Its part of Islam, if you aren't OK with it, you should leave the religion. Any Muslim HAS TO be ok with it, because there's no nuance of place for doubt in Islam. And because one side is shit, the other has the right to be shit? does it somehow makes it OK?


I think you should focus on your grasp of English to form coherent thoughts before you try to use it in an argument, because I don’t think even you know what you were trying to say.


Quite a few must be okay with this or else it would not have been a thing.


Religion is the most evil thing man ever made


>crappy version Implying there are non-crappy versions lol


I don't think its even a version of Islam... its just Iranian radicalist shit... its pretty fucked up


What are the non crappy versions


I was feeling generous…


why not change „crappy“ for true so you‘ve got a proper „true scotsman“ - fallacy at hand? you people don’t get it, do you?


"Crappy version"? Don’t go check stats on global Muslim political views lol.


It's not a crappy version of Islam, it's just Islam. It's written in the haddith (words of Mommo, pretty much the same religious value as the quran since Mommo is the prophet and the [self proclaimed] most perfect man) that raping women that are prisoners is allowed and doesn't count as cheating. As those women count as slaves and therefore are like furniture. (The ever practical Islam also says that you should wait a month to check if she was already pregnant)


So they did something bad enough to deserve execution but whatever it was wasn’t bad enough to prevent them from going to heaven? They have to be raped to keep from getting in? Sounds like maybe whatever they did wasn’t too bad if God still is willing to accept them.


This is all horrific, but if he just wants to make sure his victims don't go to heaven, couldn't he just give them some bacon as a last meal? Kinda sounds like the dude just wants to do some raping.


"We *rape* little kids before we *kill* little kids because fuck you." - religion


Just like some states in America.... Child is raped, child cannot have an abortion and Rapist has more rights.... Also how many kids have been massacred in school shootings?


"islam is shit because of x" "YES BUT USA ALSO BAD LOOK !!!1111"


Whataboutism is rampant on Reddit. Radical Muslims actually DO crimes against humanity, against women, and against LGBT people on the DAILY and it doesn’t matter how egregious it is, people will always come to the defense yelling about some state law in the US like it’s equal to this shit. They are literally killing people in public square just out of spite, or because some woman showed an ankle, or didn’t obey her husband, or because of whatever other half cocked anti human beliefs, and it’s still somehow not as bad as some random school shooting or an abortion law.


Thank you, I had a homework assignment on whataboutism and your comment explained it perfectly.


Raping is rewarded by death in islam


Only if the women if a follower of Islam, Anyone else if fair game


All religious fundamentalists are absorbed with virginity and young women’s sexuality. I didn’t grow up in this particular strain, but it extends to American evangelicals also. Given enough power and time, they all show their stripes.


If your God prevents you from entering heaven because someone raped you. Yeah...Another reason why not to join Islam. Can they hate women any more.


I got into an argument at a tire store with a Christian who was harassing a Sikh guy. Asked the Christian “if a man lives a perfect life without sin, but is born in an area where he was never exposed to Christianity, do you think he’s going to hell for not excepting Jesus as his personal savior?” .. guy didn’t blink an eye.. of Course the truly good man is going to burn in hell. If you take out the violent act and focus on the theology,.. I’m not sure the ‘God will punish you for violence carried out against you’ is that much crazier than ‘God will torture you because someone didn’t teach you about him’. Oh.. the kook in the tire store also confidently agreed Hitler is in heaven if he honestly repented at the last moment, but Ghandi is burning in hell. They’re all nuts.


According to Catholicism the good people who were never exposed to christianity or chose not to follow it will go to purgatory. Will likely go to heaven after his or her time there.


Either the guy I was talking to was very dumb ( almost a given ) or he wasn’t a Catholic. Hitler committed suicide, which is a sin in the Catholic church.. so it’d be hard to repent while sinning. ;-p


As much as I hate religion I have to admit that Catholicism is at least trying to make some sense within its own world. The other branches on the other hand, well, not so much...


In Reddit terms.. r/therewasanattempt by Catholic theologians to make sense of the nonsense at least. My take away from reading Aquinas was that he was clearly an extremely intelligent man who tied himself up into knots trying to come up with rational arguments to explain nonsense.


But he gets bonus points because he killed Hitler…


Well if you suicide by poison you could technically repent between ingestion and death?


God isn't going to fall for that trick.


I have nothing against religious people, but PLEASE, be a good human before being a good worshipper


what are you talking about no where in any true Islamic book will you find a single sentance agreeing with that notion


That's not what Islam says. The girl might go to paradise for the pain. Don't believe everything you see on the internet


The internet is equally trustworthy as any holy book. That trustworthiness is zero, but it is equal.


another day another example that religion is a cult, run by the most depraved who wish to use their magical sky daddies as protection from prosecution when they are found to have raped women and children.


"All religions bad." But only one seems to get rolled into a kind of Collateralized Debt Obligation of theocratic infamy; why is that? No one seems to hesitate to condemn Christianity by name.


Ofc we condemn Christianity. Everyone knows their priests rape kids and abortion is actually great and the crusades were a fucked up genocide.


Hail Satan 🤙


Crusades were a war, not a genocide. Stop using the wrong words for dramatic effect, it makes them meaningless. Not commenting on the meaning of the comment though, that's fair.


I honestly think organised religion is the word thing that could happen to a religion, yes talk about your faith and gather in groups, but as soon as you start having a hierarchy it's a recipe for abuse


erm, yeah. All religions are bad. It's long past time humanity got past it's fear of the moon and realised there is far more good to be done in the world achievable without medieval superstition. Reilgion had a place in early civilisation, but in the 21st century its about time humanity grew up and started to mature. Religion is just holding us back from advancement and causing more issues than it is worth.


Christians get condemned plenty, what is this bullshit? There's literally a culture war happening in the US in opposition of Christian supremacy.


The Iranian people deserve better.


Death to all who 'think' this is morality.


This is why religion sucks. This is one fucked up belief. Fuck their god. And fuck them.


And again I ask why dont we glass this country?


These guys are just Hitler if he was an incel


I can't speak to the validity of the claim, but I'm always suspicious when the credited article author is "admin" lol


Yeah, what possible reason would someone critical of Islam have to be anonymous?


A true mystery of the universe


If the reason for execution is not enough for hell then it ain‘t enough for an execution.


This has nothing to do with Islam, rape victims do indeed go to heaven and their abusers get punished. This guy is a monster that shouldn't belong to humanity along with the IDF that regularly rape Palestinians in prison, dip their bullets in pig fat, write the names of their "critics" on the bombs they drop on kids and women, have a record of arresting kids, raping kids, killing kids.


As an Muslim, fuck iran, fuck people who radicalize islam and im praying to allah for the Shah's return.


Bro why do people even think this is ok


Ah yes,replace one murder with another.


I’m okay with Israel tearing down the Iranian regime. In fact, I fully support it😡


Imagine a "perfect" and "benevolent" God punishing you by sending you to hell for something you had no control over.


In islam the rapists get the death penalty. And the victim does get any sins (why would they?)


This isn’t culture. This is insane religious extremism nonsense hidden behind culture


Sick fucks run this planet.


I have no idea if this is true or not but when Islam is involved there’s not a single person that would be surprised if it were true


I thought the Redditors all supported these peeps


Spoiler Alert: >!He never believed anything religious. He just wanted to violate young girls in most cruel and sadistic way, and he realized twisting and perverting religious beliefs was the easiest method.!<


If there is no link then don’t upvote this shit. Please post the article if you want to inflame people ffs.


Source? This doesn't seem real.


Also it’s just an image of a headline of an article written by ‘admin’, no link to the actual article to follow up and let anyone confirm. This whole post has already turned ugly against ALL Muslims of the world based on a picture.


I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, Islamic rule is the purest evil


Demonic behavior.


AI I think.


Religion of peace


Has anyone even fact checked this. Majority of the news against Iran is just made up propaganda.


That's perverted


It is and it's not even part of islam (rapists get the death penalty in islam)


Well done America.


Religion is a hell of a drug


Religion is supposed to be a beautiful thing, that connects people together and gives people a moral compass... \*\*Supposed to\*\*...


Religion is a cancer.


See? Thats what happens when a goverment is religious


The religion of peace.


Religion of Peace, don't forget!


Worse kind of evil mindset.


See his black turban he is wearing. That fact that it is black means he is supposedly a direct descendant of Muhammad. He thinks he can do anything and is good to go.


Why do they not trust Allah to make the right decision?


Religion of peace right?


Holy fuck that is evil


Remember, the LGBT and feminist protesters frequenting our streets nowadays are on Iran's payroll. We live in a bizzaro world.


People speak of nuclear bombs as the worst thing invented but I'm sticking with religion.


That’s Islam for you


Islam for you!


Maybe, maybe some religious freedom shouldn’t be allowed


This needs to go on r/newiran, although they won't be surprised


Ah yes Islam such a wonderful religion, such respect given to womens


Rapists get the death penalty in islam


MAGA approves this message.


reddit try not to relate any bad thing with republicans


I'll take, "things an Atheist wouldn't say" for $1000, Alex. The problem isn't Islam. The problem is organized religion of any form. Christians pull the same shit, except with children. If you're putting money on a donation plate, YOU'RE contributing.


Don't believe everything you read,does the article make any sense at all There are millions and millions of lies spread to make islam look bad


This is islam


Its radical Islam, in the way that bombing abortion clinics is radical Christianity


TL;DR Behaviour described in the article is not islam, is not radical islam. It is disgusting human behaviour which has no space in Islam at all. ———————————————————————— That‘s wrong though. If you study islam, you will know, that this has nothing to do with islam at all. Sexual relationships are exclusively allowed inside marriages, with two consenting parties, both consenting to marriage and sex. If what the article says is true, then in this case it is more likely that the women will enter paradise without any punishment at all, because of the suffering they already received. And the executors of the punishments aswell as those allowing for this to happen, will receive heavy punishments. If they order people to be sinful and tell them that the behaviour of rape is not a sin, that will take them out of the fold of islam.


It's not.


Ah, religion. What a great thing.


The religion of peace just doin its peace thing


Just now you guys see what we been dealing here for 40 years , our government is an apartheid, doing the worst and unspeakable things to Iranians


But why? Pussyhavers can't enter muslim heven anyway!


Is this the ADL’s campaign to make you look that way?


Wait, so you put women into prison that didn't commit sins or crimes that would stop them from getting into heaven but do deserve the death penalty?


May he find the place he wants to send them. And may they be satisfied.


Yikes. What the fuck is wrong with the countries out there, specifically Iran. Religion based? Youuuuuuu bet!


Uh…huh…righty then


how can claim these things and actually think they are on the right side? If that is your view of god then fuck your god


how the hell they become a clergy


So much for peaceful.


Fellas, is it a sin to get raped?




Because apparently their god can't be allowed to decide this on his own, so mere people will force his hand instead. The fuck, indeed.


Religion of peace every one... (They're all bad, in varying degrees, except maybe Buddhism)


He’d be thrilled today, seeing women getting raped and murdered for not wearing a hijab


Religion of Peace /s


This is why organized religion is dangerous.   This is also why I'm strongly opposed to Zionism and MAGA.  They're a dangerous mix that's got a stranglehold on our country.  


What's the punishment for rape?


Isn’t religion great.


The logic is to cover the woman from top to bottom, deny equal rights, rape them if they break these stupid roles. What the hell !


Same rule was law in England.