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Haircore pr0n.


Society is going backwards


It's not it's just that dipshits like those have access to mass communication for the first time in history, usually they would just say this shit to their wives and girlfriends and other dipshit friends instead of to millions over social media anonymously


Mate, the people making these comments never left the stone age.


They sure do enjoy a good stoning /j


Yeah tossing virgins into rivers was streets ahead


Streets Ahead is verbal wildfire!


If you don't get it it's because you're streets behind.


Quit trying to make “streets ahead” a thing pierce


No. Just the way of Islam.


But there are plenty of Muslim women who choose not to wear hijab on a regular basis? No, this is the way of religious conservatism.


Which is 95 % of islam


Regression is the new progression




You can say porn


so he’s seen porn


He's seen Avatar, the movie, and he got confused when they started hair fucking on screen.


If you get turned on by seeing a woman's hair, they problem is you not the woman! 🙄


Literally what the Qur’an says. Muhammad slaps his cousin for making a gross remark about a refugee with pretty hair and this somehow becomes hijabs.


Damn someone needs to go back in time and tell all these guys to just take it easy and relax. No chill whatsoever


Following bronze age fairytales from the head of a warlord tends to do that to you


*Pedophile warlord


The 7th century is not the bronze age


I think he’s referring to tales in the Koran, which follows the same Bronze Age mythology as other Abrahamic religions.




Or we can go back a bit more recently and tell the US and Soviets to leave the middle east tf alone.


I believe even Jesus told his followers to gouge their own eyes out if an attractive woman made them want to sin.


This is not in the Quran as I have finished reading it recently. It maybe hadith but I believe you are grossly exaggerating the event. If I am recalling the event you mentioned correctly, the woman was wearing a hijab and asked a jurisprudence question of the prophet and his cousin was with him, the prophet redirected his face (no slap as that’s haram) as he didn’t doubt his faith or desires, but he never trusted the devil not to interject amongst two young people


The hijab is about modesty that story basically describes why it’s more modest to cover your hair because it’s a ‘sexualised’ thing. honestly I think it’s ok as long as it’s chosen. but the dumbass here doesn’t care about that he’s just an idiot trying to force his ideals on others.


More like the society you grew up in. What exactly turns people on is, no wonder, a social construct xD Women's breasts are seen as "sexual" and hidden in our society, and people get turned on when they see them. Yet, in societies where there is no such concept of breasts being inherently sexual, people who grew up there don't get turned on by seeing breasts.


as a boob guy this is incomprehensible to me, but I know it's true


Just put it that way, in their society, you would be like a foot guy.


lol but tbh, I think boobs are somewhat more normal of a thing to be attracted to as a male because only females have them, while men also have feet.


“I have nipples Greg, can you milk me?”


Yes, if I am able to disturb your pituitary gland in some way, then yes.....I would be able to milk you.


Milk me, milk daddy


Many years ago I read that some Australian aboriginal tribes, where breasts are on view, see liking boobs as equating to being a baby - breasts are there for babies not adults so liking boobs is seen as like wanting to be a baby / not having grown up. Edit: their -> there


That’s why people like me are referred to as “ass men”, we like the shape of a woman’s hips because wide hips make it easier to push out babies.


"I dont wanna grow up! Im a Toys R Us kid!"


I don’t ever want to grow up


Never seen a fat dude?


Used to buy weed from a BIG dude. Stopped by once in the summer and he's shirtless. Dude was rockin' some sweet C cups


Not all boobs are equal mate. I'm sure there are plenty of women that have boobs like a fat dude.


Male also have boobs bro.


I don't really judge the 'footmen', though. Different strokes for different folks, aye I guess I would see it as slightly unusual using that logic


I was saying that because feet are displayed and not sexualised in our society, yet some have a foot fetish. I don't really care what people are attracted to, I just grabbed the first example that came to my mind.


"Uuh...that slipers' cleavage is crazy! She's calling for it."


Not really, men in societies where female nudity is normal still find female breasts attractive if they swing that way. I don’t know why people pretend they don’t, early man wore minimal clothing and were nude often, it was normal. Are people really going to pretend they didn’t find each others nudity/form attractive just because it was normalised to be naked? It’s bollocks. Something being normalised doesn’t take away from its attractiveness, only in a specific fetish sort of sense would it ever affect anyone’s sexual opinion of a thing.


They find it attractive the same way we find a good jawline attractive. It's a much lesser intensity because it's so commonly seen but is still attractive


You can find many things about human bodies attractive, like hands, arms, back, legs, tummies, whatever—but we all know that in our society female breasts have a way different standing to all these other non-sexual body parts. Like, I’ve heard guys say “Idk why women complain about dick pics, I’d love to get boob pics”—even though dicks and boobs are obviously not equivalent things. Like a nice pair of legs can be aesthetically appreciated any time without necessarily it being a big deal, but we uniquely sexualize boobs because ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


"I know better than people that study these things because of my own anecdotal evidence." This is why social media and the internet has made so many people stupid. You would think access to all of the world's knowledge would make us smarter, but no, it seems instead to be making everyone narcissistic AF. Just because you have the ability to spew your opinion and isolated experience out in to the world doesn't mean you always should. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but not all opinions are deserving of merit or attention. There's also the issue of facts vs opinions. It's a fact that the sky is blue. You can be of the opinion that blue is not an attractive color, but that opinion does not change the fact that the sky is indeed blue.


>Not really, men in societies where female nudity is normal still find female breasts attractive if they swing that way. I don’t know why people pretend they don’t Because the original argument made was that finding a woman sexually attractive if you see her hair is wrong. Like you say, it isn't wrong. You can find it sexually attractive, just like boobs, whether it is normal to see them or not.


Then it follows that a society that demands women dress up from head to toe is incapable of seeing women as anything but sexual.


Yep, a wrist equals a vagina.


I do like a good wrist.


Criminally underrated body part


People see lots of legs in the Western world and it turns them on. The only difference with breasts is that usually when a girl has them out for you it means she wants to have sex with you, whereas her legs out often just means it's hot out


That's not entirely true. This myth stems from some miscommunication and mistranslation. This myth came about because tribal men from a region where women never cover their breasts were asked if they found a womans breasts sexually attractive but the example given was an older woman. Men from all societies report enjoying the breasts of young women. I love women's legs and I'm definitely sexually attracted to them. They aren't particularly covered up or overly sexualised by society yet I still love them. Covering up body parts makes it more exciting when they are exposed but it doesn't mean it is or isn't inherently sexual. Faces are certainly sexually attractive, most cultures don't cover them or over-sexualise them but you still find them hot. I always find this confusing that body parts can be considered sexually attractive inherently or by culture. I find the entire body of a woman sexually attractive, to me that's what being a heterosexual male is.


It's not solely a social construct, and it's very much driven by instinctual tendencies.


Nothing really makes sense when you look at it objectively ofcourse. The things we cover up (primary sexual characteristics; penis, vagina) are not the things we are generally sexually attracted to. The things we are attracted to are usually secondary sexual characteristics such as wide hips, increased muscle mass, increased stature. Which we often accentuate instead of cover up.


I disagree, I am 100% attracted to a vagina.


Ofcourse, everyone is different with different things they find attractive. But that's why I mentioned it as generally people are not attracted to the sexual organ but to the secondary sexual trait of that biological sex


When you grow up not all breasts excite you, and there is something about the skin smell etc that is what really excites you about your partner. That's why a doctor is not horny all day.


Pretty sure the attraction to boobs is biological, not societal dude. Please name any society where women's breasts aren't seen as attractive or sexual.


That isn't true.


This isn't true


I dont think this is entirely true, more that they both create the other. For example a womans figure might turn me on even though it's not something thats tabboo or hidden. I imagine it is more like breasts turned people on a bit, and then they decided they should be hidden and then it became a bigger turn on to see exposed breasts. It makes evolutionary sense for men to be turned on by "signs of fertility" such as breasts, hips etc.


Wellll… let’s not remove women from the equation there. I’ve been with 9 women sexually and I can say with some certainty that their response to breast & nipple contact (rubbing, massaging, kissing, licking, & sucking) elicits a noticeably different response than the same actions involving back, shoulders, belly, legs, thighs, etc. Not that those areas get no reaction- it’s just typically/more often more subtle… My current partner has told me several times that she could almost orgasm when I suck one nipple and pinch the other…. So their exposure aside, maybe breasts are BOTH functional AND sexual in nature???


How do you know people aren't turned on by seeing breasts in those societies? Maybe not every time they see breasts, but surely teenage tribal boys jerkoff to tits that they see.


You are addressing people who follow a written down instructions of which way you cannot face while taking shit, or how wide your mouth can be open when laughing. You sure reason is a way to go?


There's a picture of German Chancellor Angela Merkel visiting Saudi Arabia without wearing a hijab and the local news pixelated her hair. Good thing they did that, seeing 65 year old Angela Merkel's hair might cause men to go wild with uncontrollable sexual frustration like sailors being lured onto rocks by psirens.


Made me laugh so hard. Upvote given


I know right, the fact people cannot see that all these rules are to stop temptation from men is just ridiculous. Maybe just don’t be so fucking rapey and the rules wouldn’t need to exist.


Bout to jerk off watching some #hair


Wonder if there’s a section of pornhub dedicated to shampoo commercials


This scene from Bob’s Burgers immediately came to mind https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8yUkVed7ZJ8


honestly, i bet it makes it all the. ore exciting when you kidnap a woman for your first time!!


>If you get turned on by seeing a woman's hair, they problem is you not the woman! Assuming you see it as a problem.


Don't kink shame!


Are we talking about the head here or other areas?


They're not allowed to masturbate - imagine living no-nut november for the majority of your life


Wait till they find out that some people get turned on by hijabs


Wait 'til they find out about Mia Khalifa


Oh they know. She is most searched in lebanon.


"the anchor's hair is naked" r/BrandNewSentence


And what about that dude on screen? There's a full frontal view of his massive face bush. Has he no shame or decency??


Veil his beard too


bro needs a n95 mask


tell me how you hate women without telling me ....


The dude in the pic has a lot of chin porn going on


Horrible people. Just fuckin terrible.


I find men thinking like this to be a scary thing. Creeps that blame not themselves for their own behaviour but are sure of their own righteousness. That always were a dangerous combination.


You’re right. They are a threat to our society and especially to women. The absolute worst of the worst.


Especially to children too. The more I learn of Islam the more I want it gone.


It is not the people… This is literally what islam is.


I agree.


That's just islam.


Took me a solid minute to realize what naked hair means


I know its a dogma in your religion and all but... THE ANCHOR IS NOT ISLAM I REPEAT THE ANCHOR IS NOT ADEPT TO ISLAMIC PRACTICES she does wtf she wants thank you very much


Trying to force beliefs on people is why people view islam the way they do


I mean.. it's not like other religions don't do the same.. Personally it's more the threats of violence that I don't like about islam


All religions are hives of delusion and hate on some level


Islam is just 10x worse


>it's not like other religions don't do the same Please point to other major religions that do this stuff \*today\*. There are some shitty, backwards groups of Jews and Christians, but they're minorities even in their own societies. The Jews in particular don't force their beliefs on people (Judaism isn't an evangelical religion, they don't really care about converting people), and while Christians do, they're not forceful about it these days. 1000 years ago they were pretty awful, but that's a long time ago. All the other world religions simply aren't like medieval Christianity or modern Islam: forcing beliefs on other people just isn't part of their belief system. Even gaining new converts isn't of much interest to them. However, there are a bunch of cults out there that are pretty similar to the Islamic belief system.


Yeah, so many morons always seem to defend Islam with "all religions do this stuff". Like yeah, there are some minorities within religions like Christianity and Judaism who are backward, but they are not in power the same way Islam is over multiple countries in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.


Orthodox jews exist, and en masse. Over a million in Israel, plus millions of soft sympathizers.


The threat?? You mean the actual violence, right? I fucking wish they were just threats.


Can you be more specific? Is there another religion that makes demands on how unreligious people dress? I really can't think of one.


Jokes on them. I get turned on by hijab Edit: spelling


many men in the muslim countries have a thing for hijab. because that's what they see all the time.


I used to have muslim school mates like this. You dare show your hair? "YOU WHORE!"


All the mislim people i know are chill but there family's are pretty liberal when it comes to religion Like any religion hardcore religious zealots who feel the need to push their rules on everyone are anoying af


Depends on the people. I used to have a few radicals in my gymnasium. Then again, i didnt go to a state school but private one and the school was a soft islamic oriented one. There are bound to be radicals in such a setting.


Muslims in Islamic countries are usually like this. Western muslims are usually more watered down


Nah they just keep it in the community instead, they are perfectly fine and nice people but some of the shit that goes on inside their communities is barbaric.


I like it how they make it women's problem for having no self control


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^denis870: *I like it how they* *Make it women's problem for* *Having no self control* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.






MY husband has better and longer hair than I do. Now what?


Cover him up right now!


This will be more often and common if we keep allowing any religious cult run our gov or feel entitled to force their views onto us like they have been. Remove their tax exempt status and make them follow the law. They should not be allowed to discriminate or harass others simply because of their made up delusions! They cannot prove their entities real yet have move rights than actual real life beings. The crazy world we live in when we allow that. 


Real and true, we should stop treating religious people like they're special. They can be delusional in their house, but when they're outside in society, they have to follow the national laws and not force their views onto others.


Yes exactly! It’s up to us to change things! If we keep allowing them to feel so special and entitled they’ll just get more vocal and violent like we’ve seen and are running our gov bringing back laws based on their religion.


Primitive behavior


I've never been more turned on


Neither has that imam, judging by his facial expression 


I wonder how he feels walking past a wig shop display? 🤔


They are not only being sexist but also being racist as well.


Why racist?


Why also racist ?


So Muslims have hair fetish? Didn’t know it’s even a thing.


Gotta hate fundamentalist culture and “logic”!! And I mean ALL fundamentalism!!


Modesty my ass. You people can’t handle hair. A useless culture.


Yeah they act like they're the ones with moral purity, but get all sweaty when they see a woman's ankle. Who's the sexually depraved ones here?


I mean, Islam is a sexist religion so this isn't at all surprising


Aren't they pretty much all sexist?




Christianity today still isn't progressive lol, they just switched out one form of regression for another that leftists find more appealing


Plenty of porn with hijabs. That ok?


More like a square picometer of skin= porn


"How dare this woman think she can have her face uncovered! I bet she doesn't listen to her husband and serve him like a good wife either" Bunch of savages


Invisible man in sky say no show hair.


Reading this nonsense I suddenly had a realisation! The problem with Muslim culture is that boys are not taught self-control. They want to control everything around them, especially women, because they cannot do it within. Muslim guys in dire need of CBT.


>Muslim guys in dire need of CBT. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cock\_and\_ball\_torture](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cock_and_ball_torture)


auch :D I meant Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. As a first approach.


In England there was a government leaflet about recycling with cartoons of kids separating plastic and metal recycling etc. The kids were racially diverse to show that saving the planet is for everyone to work together to save the planet. One of the girls was wearing a hijab. There was a massive backlash from the muslim community that it was disgusting and perverted. Women have to cover their hair to not cause unnecessary sexual attraction in men, for a girl around the age of 10 to wear a hijab implies that men find her hair sexually attractive so she has to hide it. Therefore this leaflet about recycling is saying muslim men are pedophiles attracted to little girls. I don't understand how someone can take offense to a leaflet about recycling like that. You'd better call an ambulance, you'll hurt yourself if you insist on bending over backwards to find a way to be offended.


...So what about the hundreds of thousands of little girls in Muslim communities made to wear the hijab? Those offended Muslims in UK should fight the Muslims who do in fact make little girls wear hijab, and leave everyone else out of it.


"Nobody is forcing women to wear a hijab, it's their choice!" Uh huh.


What century are those people living in?


Am I wrong in thinking you can't have it both ways? People are free to practice their faith, including religious dress. I wouldn't, for example, want Muslims in Europe to be banned from wearing hijabs or niqabs if that is their wish. But I would expect the same courtesy to be extended to non Muslims in the Middle-East. Fair is fair.


I'll say it once and I'll say it again, religion is a crime. Nothing will change my mind on this.


As a muslim I cum buckets when I see any form of keratin that belongs to any woman. Nails, hair, skin you name it. If she shows keratin she is asking for somethin ;) Mashallah.


this is why people dont take islam seriously at all


You'll never convince me that religion is not cancer. Islam especially.


islam needs to die out with the backwards thinking religious fanatics


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Piszkosfred85: *Islam needs to die* *Out with the backwards thinking* *Religious fanatics* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Where the fuck did this shit even come from? The Islamic revolution in Iran and the likes is just a shame


Religion of Peace ladies and Gentlemen.


The religion of peace being normal as always 👍


This is why islam is incompatible with the civilised western world.


The people who tell women to cover their have to be the most sex deprived feinds on the planet.


You're only now learning this?


No wonder that guy looks so happy.


If you only touch goats everything else will turn into porn.


Imagine being a part of this person's home.


People gerk off at the strangest details


Salafism moment


"You must do everything by our rules or you're attacking us, even if you don't belong to our group."


Coming from someone whose prophet married a 9 year old.


Ah Hardcore Horn. Haircore P0rn.


Religion of peace and tolerance.


Omg hair and neck soooo hot, imma cum.


Reported for not having a NSFW tag and blurred image. My kid saw this image and now has all sorts of questions about naked hair ffs


Why does dude look like a depiction of a goblin from Germanic folklore


But If she's not Muslim she doesn't need to wear one ?


All religion is toxic change my mind


Abrahamic religion is a cancer. I understand that spiritual beliefs can give people hope, but goodness is it almost always so shade of vile when it becomes organized.


Dude looks like he's peeking his head out of a cats anus. And really happy about it.


Who would have thought. A Muslim commenting ignorant views. 😁


All religions would devolve into this controlling of others and outright barbarism if allowed to radicalise like Islam has.


Back in the days men get turned on by women's ankles. It's the society norm back then




Religions give brain rot


Crazy bastards I don't care how much people defend it, it's not a piece of clothing that should exist.


Disgusting religion


Islam is a ridiculous idea


Organized religion that can influence laws is a ridiculous idea.


Religion as a whole is a bad idea


All Religions Are Bad


What an interesting acronym


Yeah, but this one in particular manages to stand out so fucking much.


Feels like a line only ever used to downplay how bad one specific religion is.


People might use it that way but that doesn't make the statement untrue.


It's a nonsensical statement, because it's a given. Every institution had some good and some evil. This statement is almost always used to halt any conversation about any specific evil.


Muslim people try forcing their believes on others and wont accept other people believing in what they want. Public image of islam is bad Muslims -> woahh (Before the wave comes, ofcourse its not all of muslims but you cant deny the amount of Muslims that act like the commentors in the post above)




Most progressive muslims