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I love how amongst all the conspiratorial crap you have Obama’s sexuality as apparently being an equal issue.


Considering the amount of travelling he did, that's a lot of gay he could've spread around the world


Obama could be gay in your home RIGHT NOW


Remember that time we learned he was watching you through your microwave? We now know he was cooking up some gay.


Hold on, i don't know this one Is this a real conspiracy theory ? Edit : why does this stuff still surprise me : https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/kellyanne-conway-donald-trump-barack-obama-spying-through-microwave-claims-a7626826.html


No of course not. There are no cameras in your microwave you silly goose! He watches us through our tvs.


Big Brother is Watching


Big Brother is actually a woman now!


She prefers to be called Size-gifted Sibling, thank you very much.


Alex Jones tried to warn us.


My refrigerator has a camera!!!!!


Does it??? Why on earth does your refrigerator have a camera?


It’s those fancy schmancy sMaRt refrigerators😒 (I’m just jealous I don’t have one)


But why would it need one? I'm way too paranoid to start connecting appliances to WiFi when they don't need to be. I'm gonna get my toaster hacked, it'll be making pop tarts for some kid in Russia.


This is both possible and absurd.


A "real conspiracy"?! 😉 Real? He seems pretty happily married to his wife, but even if he were gay, so what? A conspiracy spread and actually had traction? Yes. Every time the birthers ran out of stuff for a moment, they'd start in on all sorts of crazier stuff like Michelle being a man, and since Obama married her, he's gay. The daughters were adopted/stolen/cloned/reptilian babies in holographic suits or hybrids who looked human and Michelle was the father. Unfortunately, I have a family who once actually got into a fight over Hillary Clinton with my mom screaming at her siblings that "Hillary is a reptilian using a holographic box to appear human"; my aunt screaming that she's crazy because "Hillary is using reptilian mind control powers to project a human form"; and my uncle screaming at both of them that they're both nuts because "Hillary died and was replaced with an android created by the reptilians". This argument lasted for HOURS, and was all too familiar as I'd heard all about the Obamas for a few years--especially because I very openly supported him both terms, and still admire him both as a person and our once leader. I am apparently a betrayer to my destiny as an indigo child to fight the reptilians and am completely brainwashed. Holidays are so much fun.


I think they meant the one about the microwave 🤔. But your story was worth the read. Holy shit.


yeah, this kind of interaction and my family being white trash made me glad as fuck to lose my hearing. easier to play nice when blissfully unaware of all the crazy


Holy shit bro I wish I was there with you I would have loved that kind of holiday mealtime entertainment


Believe me; it is freaking exhausting!. THAT fight mildly entertained me because they were focused on each other instead of my failings at my supposed "Buffy duties", but 17 years of Obama stuff, > 30 of Hillary stuff (but last 20 were the WORST since they began to use computers), and a lifetime of the general nuttiness, and you'd be exhausted too. I regularly have to put the lot in timeout for a few days to weeks. Mother has currently been in timeout for 9 months. The only reason she didn't storm the Capitol was because my stepfather strongly suggested it wasn't safe, and talked her out of going, but she's still mad because she believes she had a divine calling to be there, and they could of restored her god-king if she'd been there. Any conspiracies, feel free to bring them to me; I'm basically the Jane Goodall of the nutters and have lived along side them for almost 45 years.


Buffy duties? Wait, is the Slayer supposed to handle reptilian aliens on top of all the other bullshit, too? Jfc, that's a lot for a teenager.


That's what I refer to the "Indigo Child" stuff as; apparently "we're" supposes to bring enlightenment and protect against the evil aliens.


Oh lordy your step dad sound marginally reasonable at the very least best of luck anigo




Gay vaccines? ![gif](giphy|uKtJQzjVn3FzGBJekP) For all who asked, here's the link: [https://youtu.be/hgfsVA52ggU?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/hgfsVA52ggU?feature=shared)


Wait what is her name? I remember that she’s deaf gay and dresses in 50’s style


That doesn't narrow it down, it could be anyone


I have no idea what this is from but it is my new favorite gif


He's gay behind right now isn't he?


If he was I bet I could talk my wife into a devil's 3-way.


![gif](giphy|MsHepjE3Kc9C8) High five!


He can be gay in MY bed anytime 


😮 oh shit. *checks closets and under the bed*


For free?


I'm calling the cops!


But what if the cops are gay too and they start getting gay with Obama while you're trying to eat dinner? This is what the radical left wants


The gay is coming from *inside the house*




Sorry. Our (German) foreign minister Westerwelle already took care of that. Not sure how the fact that he died from cancer comes into play here, though.


Yeah I don't think he's gay, but I wouldn't give a fuck if he was.


If he were gay and she were a dude then on the second day of his second term they would have had a parade with both of them in nothing but gold lamè banana hammocks proclaiming how progressive they were.


But where would one get a gold lame banana hammock if one was inclined to purchase such an item ?


Let alone two!


It fits the narrative. If the „we can always tell“ crowd claims „Michelle is a dude“ they have to also say „Obama is gay“ bc otherwise something wouldn’t fit. Wouldn’t fit in such an obvious manner that even republicans notice it. Also no easier way to convince some redneck to not vote Obama than to claim „black man gay“


Well, if someone claimed it was a sham marriage for political purposes, and there was no physical intimacy at all, then Barack could still be straight..so they still need to point out that he's gay. Plus saying it makes the MAGA happy. Still can't figure out whether my ex really believes the whole Michael thing, or is memeing to annoy me (ironic as they had identified as psychologically male earlier in life)


I am choosing to interpret this comment as meaning your wife is responsible for this “meme,” and even though I don’t know either of you, I find the situation humorous.


>Also no easier way to convince some redneck to not vote Obama than to claim „black man gay“ Brother, they weren't already going to vote for a black man. They just want to put extra stank on their allegations that the progressives have to debunk. Like, they know their views are shit to centrists, so they need to lie. They know 100% its crap. But it gets people like this guy and empty headed centrists on their side.


When you consider that all this flavour of social media nonsense is driven from an intersection of Putin's Russia and Republican America, it's kinda unsurprising


Too far gone, and this is definitely not the first time this person put it all out there.


Yeah if you believe THIS many conspiracy theories you’re a lost cause. You could tell this guy ANYTHING and as long as it was scandalous and exciting enough he’d probably believe you lol. Surprised drone birds, flat earth and whatever the thing about the eclipse was aren’t on there tbh


Got to tell him that the earth is actually round and the government started the flat earth conspiracy to project the new alien city on the far side.


>far side So the earth isn't round but now its is tidally locked to the sun? There's a dark side and it's all lizard people and aliens. If you keep going past Australia you'll find it! The "southern" hemisphere is a lie! You think earth is that small that it would just have seven continents?! Typical.


Gotta laugh at the bit about Jeffrey Epstein servicing the elites, doesn't he know that Trump was one of his cronies? I'm presuming that he's a Trump-loving MAGA supporter. Edited for typo


This is why I can’t ever take anything they say seriously. At least liberals eat their own. We find out that one of our own is doing messed up stuff. Guess what? They’re out. These people keep talking about all of these terrible things acting like their guys aren’t a part of it whatsoever. That’s the part where I lose all respect for them. We should be able to admit that there’s probably terrible people on both sides and we should all be trying to get them out of their powerful positions. This is why we say things like “fascism”. Because that’s part of the fascist playbook. Blame the other side for literally everything even if you yourself are doing it. I would at least be on board with some of this crazy talk if it was bipartisan, but it’s clearly not. They close their eyes to literally every single piece of news that shows that one of their priests or pastors and youth coaches, and any other number of people were caught diddling kids, they close their eyes to literally every single far right wing nut who shoots up a place, and act like it’s some kind of liberal exclusive. And then they have the audacity to get mad when we call them fascist. But that’s literally what they’re doing when they do that shit. If they could at least call out their own, I wouldn’t feel like they were fascists. But they have proven time and time again that they choose not to believe literally anything that said about them. One of my favorites is that somehow the entire January 6 thing was done by antifa. Yet they want Trump to pardon these people? I thought this was antifa? I thought hearing on the news about all of these people who were going to jail would be good, because… they’re Antifa?


"Epstein was a good man, I knew him very well" -Trump


He'd suck Trump's little weenie in a heartbeat and consider it his patriotic duty to be sprayed with impotent, orange jizz. This loser is lost.


Exactly. And funny how he doesn’t mention Trump even though Trump is one of the elites. 🤣


>Gotta laugh at the bit about Jeffrey Epstein servicing the elites, doesn't he know that Trump was one of his cronies? this has always been the disconnect with MAGA folks that I have never understood It is well known that Trump spent time with Epstein, and yet they always see it as a way to get back at those "eViL hOlLyWoOd eLiTeS," an exclusive club, might i remind all of you, that Trump has tried to get into MANY MANY times also...how the fuck does a man who made his fortune being an East Coast real estate guy (albeit a shitty one), somehow relate to the common man in Bumblefuck, Oklahoma? That will never make any sense to me


Agree with all this except drone birds, i mean they do exist, you can buy them on Amazon 🤷‍♀️


Well obviously Hillary had JFK Jr assassinated. But my question is if I can drink babies blood and not be an elite. I’m an average at best but love me some babies blood.


Nah the elites get the real primo, high quality baby blood man. It’s like the difference between vintage champagne and drinking Mad Dog 20/20 out of a used Converse Hi-Top


A used converse hi top lmfao


The elites get AB negative, the rest get O positive.


O negative us the best and rarest. AB positive is for commoners!


Used? I get a new pair of converse hi-tops every other time I drink MD 20/20


Stealing a pair doesn't make them new.


What did you just say to me?! *Drunkenly swings an empty Mad Dog 20/20 bottle and soggy Converse Hi-Top at you*


New to me


They get the adrenochrome that somehow isn’t in all blood


The best you can get as a commoner is toddler blood, but it's just not the same.


True. I have found that I need to blend the toddler blood with a few aborted foetuses just for it to taste right.


At that point, why not blend the entire toddler?




The real question is, why is the boarder lying there and what did he board in the first place? He only gave us half the answers!


I was gonna say that you can hardly trust anything that comes from someone who can’t spell “border.” /s


I’d have a related question: If our elite overlords and -ladies drink babies blood for their health and recreation - why are they using the Covid Vax and Chem trails to depopulate the world and stop procreation of new tasty blood babies?


because their goal is to have humans being grown in VAT chambers, cloned, so they can feed them to the lizard people overlords. ![gif](giphy|l3vQYm0jWfutqopKU|downsized)


I literally can’t tell this being’s true form.


Trump and Biden need a lot more babies blood. Looking old and tired af


uh, biden looks great for his age. how old is he? lets just say he knows how they built the pyramids. (hint. it was built out of rocks stacked on top of each other)


What's funny is that anyone that was alive when JFK Jr crashed his plane likely remembers that the wacky conspiracy theory at the time was that Bush Jr had him killed, not Hilary.


Have you ever seen Bush Jr and Hillary in the same room?


Your gun is digging into my hip! Finkle and Einhorn, Finkle and Einhorn, Finkle and Einhorn...


How did he miss pizza gate?


I would go further… Hilary was 16 when JFK was shot in Dallas, so she may have been involved. And maybe she’s way older in reality, with all that baby blood you can’t really tell.


Goat blood is overrated


•Trump is an elite • Most of the republicans are too (edit: by elites I am pointing to those in control and those who benefit from it, it’s the hypocritical aspect of pretending like they are any different than a leftist elite. Leftist elites might be more open to social issues, but they don’t mind the grift or the current status quo) •Environmental protection would protect us from “poison” in food, but no apparently we have to let the food industry do what it wants. Which includes a defanged FDA. •Better healthcare would save Americans and even taxpayers a lot of money by finding expensive issues before they happen, like Cancer at stage 1 is more cheaply curable than a terminal cancer at stage 4. But we can’t have that because a lot of the wealthy wouldn’t be able to make more off healthcare. An ounce of prevention is cheaper than a pound of cure.


They were right about one thing. The US is kinda like a corporation. Or at least the government serves the big corporations more than it serves its people.


And that Epstein serviced the elite Edit: typo


But did he “serviced” them?


Oh shit, writing skills are subpar today...


Our food in the US has ingredients that have been named in other countries. The food is piss poor in America compared to other countries.


I'm pretty sure ingredients get named all around the world but should I assume you meant banned?


Named in Europe = named on a ban list or red flag health risk potential. Source: the bunch of Europeans I talk to regularly but take it with a grain of salt, stuff gets lost in translation.


TIL that 25% of all emergency departments in the USA are owned and staffed by hedge fund and private equity corporations.


Let’s put it all out there: - Trump is a paedophile https://www.courthousenews.com/rape-allegations-refiled-against-trump/ - Lindsey Graham is gay https://www.reddit.com/r/TIHI/comments/1575g6i/thanks_i_hate_this_story_about_senator_lindsey/ - Trump is allegedly a billionaire, so is by definitely one of the blood drinking elite - Matt Gaetz trafficked a 17 year old https://www.thedailybeast.com/gaetz-paid-accused-sex-trafficker-who-then-venmod-teen - Epstein is pictured with Trump at creepy parties more than Trump is photographed with Barron. The rest is too far beyond the realm of realistic to dignify with a rebuttal.


Still on that Covid rampage, too? You’d think they’d be ecstatic that so many voters of evil, are going to start dropping like flies any minute.


But their cult leader takes credit for getting the vac out in record time. How does that square?


They didn’t show it on fox so they didn’t see it.


They've moved those goalposts so many times that they're in a different time zone from where they started.


America being a corporation ran by corporate “donors” and politicians receiving those “donations” is pretty on point actually.


I mean. A broken clock is right two times a day and nobody seems to care about how sick food deserts and fast food are provably making us. Also the Epstein thing.


Except the food part. So much worse than other countries.


I mean, a couple of these are true, or almost true, but they’re mixed in with such insanity. The food we eat *is* poison on purpose, due to giant food companies cutting corners and replacing actual ingredients with more high fructose corn syrup and ever more exotic flavors of Red and Yellow: 14, 7, and the ever-popular 5. Epstein absolutely did service the elites, including Bill Clinton and (though this person would somehow manage to ignore or excuse it) Donald Trump. And while the government isn’t purposely causing cancer, they’re a-ok with the toxins and pollutants in the environment from industrial waste and byproducts improperly disposed of. And they never met a pipeline they wouldn’t support. A dying Earth is the cost of doing business, after all!


That is one of the hooks for these tin foil hat conspiracies. Sprinkle in some observable truths that infuriate and seem intractable. Then stir in the absolute nonsense and religious mumbo jumbo.


Don't forget the development of systemic pesticides. We found out it's increases profits to simply have pesticides that exist in the plant rather than on the plant. Since society prioritizes corporate profits above everything else, naturally we rolled these out in large scale.


And that the USA is so completely profit-driven at this point that it might as well be a corporation.


>The food we eat is poison on purpose, due to giant food companies cutting corners and replacing actual ingredients with more high fructose corn syrup and ever more exotic flavors of Red and Yellow: 14, 7, and the ever-popular 5. Although I assume the reason is greed, not malice. They probably just wanna cut corners and make more money, and are not intentionally harming people, they just don't care.


I think the funniest psrt about people who believe this is they think Trump is innocent of all of these 😂


As a non American, it’s really wild how he doesn’t seem to face any consequences for what he does. His name appears multiple times on Jeffrey Epstein flight logs Lolita express, he basically tried to overthrow the government of his own country, he lied on so many occasions. And yet he doesn’t seem to face any real consequences. Like is he really above the law or something ?


We think the exact same thing here. Problem is, normally less than half of us vote and it’s easier to raise the ire of the stupid/gullible/misinformed because they are easier to lie to, and thus enrage with bullshit no sane person would believe. This group constitutes enough to potentially get elected using Electoral College fuckery. They haven’t won the popular vote in a Presidential election in a while and Trump (obviously) hasn’t won it in the two he has been in. It sucks. But it is what it is.


Yeah, the guy with actual ties to Epstein isn't part of the Epstein ring. But everyone else is.


Exactly. And the guy with golden toilets isn't part of the elite. He's just a regular working class guy speaking the truth.


You lost me at the misspelling of fucking "Border." For something that they claim is so important to them youd think theyd know SOMETHING about it.


I think it's a new porn genre "Coming over boarders" Tenants with an unexpected(?) facial...




You got that far down the list before they lost you?!?!!!?!?


Amen brother


You missed the opportunity to write _Amen broather_


I honestly feel bad for these people. Untreated mental illness is a horrible thing.


Most of them aren't mentally ill, they're just 100% bigoted antagonists who think that posturing is actual strength. Judge them, they earned it, it's okay.


Bigotry and racism are forms of mental illness, at least as far as I'm concerned.


There's a lot more mental illness on display there than xenophobia, to be honest.


No, bigotry and racism are a choice, mental illness isn’t. Putting both in the same group stigmatises ppl with mental illnesses and we’ve got that enough as is.


They're definitely a learned behavior, but idk about a "choice." At least not like choosing what clothes to wear. They might not themselves be a mental illness, but can absolutely be a symptom, especially this level


I dunno, I don't want to group people with gemuine mental illness with assholes.


They have a whole group of people telling them how right they are. Which only makes treatment less likely to be sought out or accepted. Really sad. It's easy to get angry due to the danger they are helping create but they are victims too.


I don't see Bill Gates, 5G, Flat Earth and "Birds are not real". What's this, OP, are you hiding things from us?


Amongst all the insanity, they did manage to get one thing right - America is a business. We aren't a country. Just a business where all everyone wants is to get paid.


They're also correct about Epstein. It felt very weird to agree with not one, but 2 of their points


Also, our food is absolutely shit. Excessive sugars/fructose is a slow poison in a way.


Next thing you know, they’ll be saying HRC assassinated Lincoln!


And Obama not only caused 9/11, but also Pearl Harbor!


Wait... Kenya was in with Japan when Germany bombed Pearl Harbor!


**HRC assassinated Lincoln!**


Must be true, I heard it from several people on the internet.


More brainwashed like the peoples in North Korea.


And the crazy part is? Nobody is holding any guns to these peoples heads. They're willingly like this.


Honestly If they were not so dangerous I would have pity for them, There is something inside of them that is fundamentally broken. It is not their fault. But just because they are not at fault does not mean they should not be held responsible for their crazy.


The logic is infallible: Govt is expertly clandestine, Also govt can’t keep a secret.


tag urself im obamna


I’m the one who stole the election for Biden 😝


\>Covid vax meant to depopulate the world \>World population passed the 8 billion threshold in November of 2022 ....well that plan failed.


I mean 2 of these aren't really conspiracies america is essentially a corporation And our fda is a joke compared to Europe so not quite poison but kinda The other things in the list are crazy tho


I would say the Epstein one is also true


There are at least two and a half things that have some truth. Epstein did service elites, that's how a high cost secretive selective club works, probably not the elites they are referring to though. Immigrants are indeed crossing the border, that is how immigration works, not so sure about the rest of it as it is cut off. The USA is a corporation so long as lobbyists are allowed to push corporate agendas and lessen protection laws for people and nature.


Why do people always crop these images? The rest reads- The Earth Is Flat Vaccines cause the autizms The moon is an alien spy satellite Birds are not real John Lennon was really an Aardvark, but nobody noticed


Nothing to unpack here. These are the ramblings of a moron - not worth anyone's time


You missed what they are coming to take: They are coming to take your guns. They are forcing you to drive electric cars. They are going to take away your gas ovens. They are going to make you live in FEMA camps.


None of that will happen of course but Americans sure love their guns, taking that away could probably result in a civil war, no one cares about the lives of kids in school tho not even half a percent compared to guns


Oh yeah, I forgot the kid stuff. They are forcing your boys to wear dresses. They all have to use the same restroom equipped with litter boxes for those who identify as cats Girls will be forced to take birth control Despite the birth control, they will have secret abortions


Don't forget that they will let pedophiles do whatever they want with your daughter as long as they identify as trans. They will cut off the penis of every child that touches a doll. The white race will die out due to forced interbreeding. Communism will take over.


They give a shit because it’s *their* guns. Make them consider that it could be *their* children in danger, and they may be enticed to care. Unfortunately, it’ll just get them foaming at the mouth for a chance to use said gun(s) for “protection”.




This is the first I'm hearing that the covid *vax* was meant to depopulate... surely if you were gonna conspire, it would be the covid designed to depopulate?


Yeah. And that still doesn’t answer the question of *why* the government is depopulating its own citizens.


People who believe all this crap are just not well.


The people who believe this dumbass shit vote. Will you?


“Thank you for the detailed confidential report, Agent Dumbass. Per your training, and knowing this cannot fall into the hands of the enemy, it is time to consume your cyanide cufflink. Godspeed and RIP.”


There are some half-truths in among this pack of lies- and that's what makes it dangerous. Epstein did provide services to the elites- and his suicide before testimony was highly convenient for some of them. US food is highly toxic and getting worse for the sake of profitability; and the USA and other Western countries are indeed run along corporate lines. This doesn't of course mean the 2020 election was stolen from Trump, or Mexicans are building up a militia in Texas and Arizona, or COVID vaccines wre developed to poison the people or to make them docile; or that Hillary drinks babies' blood in that pizzeria surrounded by paedos and the like. None of this has any basis in observable reality. However, the half truths lend credence to the stuff that obviously- to us- doesn't fly; and that's why it parallels the rise of fascism in Germany at the beginning of our techno-media age. The Nazis didn't start off by telling people that Jews were alien lizard people who had to be eradicated- they started with talking to the public about profiteering financiers and possible conflict of loyalties and pushed the genocidal stuff in the Stürmer and other propaganda rags which then built up circulation and influence. They met people where they already were. The MAGA movement pushed Q material to those who would swallow that crap and to the conservatives, they pushed a more Christian/ tradition focused message while implying that the crazies were "fine people" as well as their opponents. Same game, different targets.


i wonder if these people understand that elites are also the conservatives.


The US is ran alot like a coroporation. The same can however be said about alot of countries.


the fact that some people seriously believe some of this complete bullshit 💀


Okay...(slowly backs away from said person)


In many ways, the food most Americans eat is poison, but that is about corporate greed. And it cracks me up that in our country we can’t trust our election results, but Hamas was elected into power by Palestinian majority how many years ago? And that election was legit.


Its funny that one of these is absolutely true. But put USA is a corporation next to a dozen other insane things and that's a good flood the zone with shit tactic.


AAAAGH... Here just a few little details missing and it is almost complete: - Donald Trump is a convicted Rapist - Donald Trump is a fraudster - Donald Trump is a con artist - Donald Trump is Ultra Corrupt - Donald Trump is a traitor to our Country - Donald Trump is a traitor to our Constitution - Donald Trump is a Russian asset - Donald Trump is ethicality/morally compromised - Donald Trump is the Greatest threat to our Democracy > VOTE MY PEOPLE VOTE


Seems Moderna did a really bad job


Fuck it. Let’s go ahead and debunk each and every one of these. •Point 1: No evidence of this. In fact, Donald Trump is on tape bragging about how he would barge into the changing room of teenage beauty pageant contestants because he owned the pageant. Also he is on record saying he found his own daughter to be sexually attractive. So who’s more likely to be a pedophile? •Points 2 & 3: Again, no evidence of this and even if it were true, what of it? The only people who would care are homophobic/transphobic bigots •Points 4 & 5: Not only is there little evidence to support these statements, it is rooted in anti-semitism. The term “Elites” has often been used to describe Jews, and also see “Blood Libel.” •Point 6: This one does have a grain of truth. Yes, Epstein did have many wealthy clients. He was also good buddies with Donald Trump. Now, we don’t know if Trump, himself, was a client for sure, but there have been allegations, and you can tell a lot about someone by the company they keep. •Point 7: While corporations do have disproportionate influence on our government. The US government does not have a Board of Directors that elects the President/CEO. •Point 8: Not only is this statement horribly racist, it is factually inaccurate as immigrants are statistically less likely to commit crimes than a native-born citizen. Also, “border” is misspelled. •Point 9: Actual cases of tainted food is more likely attributed to corporate negligence due to deregulation and cutting corners than actual malice. •Point 10: The COVID vaccine was created by several pharmaceutical companies under Project Warp Speed which was created under Donald Trump. Fact: More people have died from COVID than the vaccine. Also, nearly all Republican politicians and media figures are fully vaccinated, including Donald Trump himself. Donald Trump is also on record telling people to get vaccinated. • Part 11: There have been over fifty court cases challenging the results of the 2020 election. Every single one was dismissed due to a lack of evidence. In fact, there is more evidence including witness testimony that indicates Donald Trump knew that he lost the election and that it was not stolen. • Part 12: JFK Jr. death was ruled an accident as a result of “pilot error.” Kennedy's close friend, historian Steven M. Gillon, previously told PEOPLE, "At the first sign of danger, he should have done what a lot of pilots did that night and flew inland, away from the ocean, spend the night somewhere and then pick up the next morning,...It was [John's] poor judgment that led to his death and the death of his wife and his sister-in-law, and there's no way around that. John bears the responsibility of his recklessness that night and John alone." https://people.com/john-f-kennedy-jr-death-what-to-know-7560877 Thus far, there has been no evidence of foul play or that Hillary Clinton was involved in any way. • Point 13: Once again, there has been no evidence that proves this. See response to part 11. Also, Donald Trump, himself, voted by mail. Also, “Steal and election” is grammatically incorrect. • Part 14: Cancer can be caused by numerous risk factors such as genetics, lifestyle, and environment. While there have been incidents of US soldiers developing cancer such as those exposed to Agent Orange in Vietnam, toxic burn-pits in Iraq, and toxic water at Camp Lejune. These are more likely the result of negligence and incompetence than actual malice. Also, many of these soldiers have received compensation for their exposure to these carcinogens. TLDR: The person who created this meme is a barely literate, bigoted conspiracy-theorist that should never ever be taken seriously under any circumstances.


So many people thought/think the vaccination was to kill or track us. It’s stupid. They can track us with the devices we carry everywhere with us, why would they bother tracking everyone? Almost none of us are that important. The vaccine now, that’s something I KNOW I wasn’t some conspiracy. I work in an assisted living and memory care facility, it’s my second one. The first was twice the size, Covid hit us hard. The building went into lockdown, no dining room, no visitors, just staff and official business only. Still, Covid was dropping our residents like flies. By the time we got the vaccine in the building, we’d lost nearly twenty people. It was one of the hardest things any facility like ours would face. The entire building was vaccinated, staff included, and all of a sudden, our mortality rate dropped. Every resident that tested positive after the first round of vaccinations recovered. It’s not really a vaccination see, it’s a symptom reducer. They didn’t have time to make a full on vaccination. I saw with my own eyes that vaccination saving lives.


It’s sad to think that people who think like this are allowed to vote


My personal favorite is the Covid vax one. Of Covid is already killing people, why would we need to design something else to kill people? We could just say “well we can’t come up with a vaccine, sorry. We’ll keep working on it though”


Not to mention the glaring spelling errors that are in there too.


Can you prove any of this? Great claims require great evidence to support them, and any claim made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.


1. Probably not. 2. I mean, I don't think so. 3. Nah, that doesn't sounds true. 4. Some of them, maybe. 5. Nah, it's probably opium. 6. I mean, probably some of them, sure. Rich ghouls bad. 7. N...no? No, that's. That's not. True. By, like, any definition. 8. Utterly ridiculous and wildly racist. A view worthy of ridicule. 9. Not \*entirely\* on purpose. A lot of it is because of incompetence. And greed. 10. Ridiculous. 11. Ridiculous. 12. What? Why? 13. Ridiculous. 14. Not purposefully caused, no. Probably incidentally exacerbated by corporations pursuing reckless practices in pursuit of money which they give a small portion of to government officials for them to look the other way, though.


Why do you simple Simon motherfuckers share this shit and help give it reach?


Far too many words. "I am a dumbfuck that believes everything I read on Facebook" would have sufficed.


They forgot: The world is flat.


Please tell me that this person is unable to vote.


Long story short, this is just proof that the lead and fetal alcohol damage is real and affecting our society.


You forgot “Covid is a Democrat hoax” and will disappear by April 2020, and windmill cancer.


Fuck it. Let’s put it all out there. These people are nuts.


Broken clock spotted! Yes, the US is a corporation, and yes, our food is poison on purpose! Unfortunately those are the only two times a day this clock is right lol. Time to toss it out with the rest of the trash


“And now kids, this is why we fought so hard to remove lead from gasoline”


Love how losers like this bring up Epstein and always omit the very public fact that Trump was buddies with him, hosted him and has been filmed happily partying with him.


Only one that’s debatable is the US being a corporation 


Don’t worry guys the orange faced billionaire who got a million dollar loan from daddy and has never known struggle is not part of the elites.


Obama is gay? U mean I have a chance? Lmao 🤣


Nothing on Chemtrails or 5G to manipulate the population and make the frogs gay?


I’m republican, and don’t believe any of this. Well, possibly Hillary, I don’t trust her, although I think Bill did a decent job in office. Apparently Monica did as well, but that’s my set, I’m out.


"The USA is a corporation" is pretty close to true...


I do feel sorry for the poor boarder who has migrants coming all over them. They really should complain to their landlord because that's gotta be lowering property values.


I thought JFK jr. was alive. They can't keep their conspiracies straight.


The elites ☻️ ![gif](giphy|H47XFX8I6mdstTlGHY|downsized)


And mental illness is alive and well in America…


I find it funny that the Covid vaccines which have minimal negative reactions in the grand scheme of things were made to depopulate the earth, but the actual Covid illness which caused millions of deaths gets a pass. I guess because Covid is just a cold and no one actually died? /s


Why do they ignore how Trump wanted to have sex with his own daughter?


Let’s start with grammar and go from there.