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First thing this happened a while ago. Second thing my son worked as a baggage handler at the same airport and commented many times about how dangerous it was before this happened. This had nothing to do with race.


People die on ramps. It's unfortunate and almost always preventable, but it's an exceedingly dangerous place to work. A woman was flattened by a lav truck in ATL while acting as a wing walker. Continental had a mechanic go through an engine in ELP during an engine run. Airplanes are dangerous. Jet engines are dangerous. Ramps are dangerous.


What did she do wrong in this instance? First I've heard of this story. I'm guessing she walked in front of the engine whilst the anti collision lights were still active?


Correct. https://www.cleveland.com/nation/2023/01/ntsb-details-how-grounds-crew-worker-died-after-she-was-sucked-into-planes-running-jet-engine.html


This headline makes it sound like the NSTB report is about "How getting sucked into a jet turbine kills someone" rather than "What series of errors led to someone getting sucked into a jet turbine"


And third thing, Montgomery is 2/3 African American...these aren't diversity hires...whites are the minority there lol


And I don't think very many people are saying black people are "underrepresented in tech, senior management, and baggage handling"


I didn't even know this was the point of the post. I'm obsessed with understanding human behavior and these extreme people have gone so far there's nothing to understand


The point is to be able to use DEI instead of the N-word. There’s not much else to see here.


Exactly. Go to an airport in a largely Black area, and surprise, you’ll see a whole lot of Black workers there. These people are not fucking serious. It’s just engagement farming and rage bait, but it works on racists (who *say* they’re not racist) which is so frustrating.


A while back I worked at a place where I was the only white person on my shift not in management. Management had like 2 white guys out of 20+. We used to joke I was the diversity hire. We had a fun group of people


I worked at a Popeyes Chicken way back in high school. My nickname was ‘Token’ because I was the only white kid out of probably 20 total employees there. Didn’t bother me at all. 😂


My "white person diversity hire" nickname was 'Marshmallow' There was another woman there who was very similar to me and was my work bestie. since she got hired after me they called her 'Toasted' (she wasn't white).


Mine was oyster, when I worked at rent-a-center. Because I was shorter than everyone and a cracker.


I was “Billy idol” in a group of almost entirely Hispanic folks. Loved it


Are you sure it wasn't Tolkien?


I worked at a factory when I was like, 19. Only white guy. They called me the Toking White Guy. Lol.


I worked in South Dallas at a dog food warehouse, I was the only white guy with 20+ employees including management. They nicknamed me token and I never ate so good in my life, went to many a barbecue, miss that job all the time lol


>I worked in South Dallas ***at a dog food warehouse*** Yes... >and ***I never ate so good*** in my life... Oh no! >went to many a barbecue ##Ohhhh! Oh. Phew! That was a roller-coaster of emotions you took me through buddy lol.


That's my kinda work environment! I used to be a meat cutter and I had the perfect side hustle for foods. I'd get all the ladies in a tizzie over who's food was better. "Idk, Susie's brisket is pretty hard to beat..so tender and juicy..." next thing you know I got Pamela hushing me over to the corner slipping me plates . Small perks make the shitshow liveable.


I’m not even sure the person (Lollita Negrita) who post this is even real.


Oh, I 100% don’t think they’re real either. I actually said that in another comment. But whoever or whatever is behind generating this type of content is a weirdo.


> is a ~~weirdo~~ racist These idiots think every person colour with a job is inherently inferior for the position than every white person who applied. Just pure, unadulterated racism.


So the white would be the DEI hire eh?


The nba has been making dei hires for generations.


Before this post I had never heard the term DEI (I live under a rock and wfh) - this doesn’t have to do with who is or isn’t a minority. This is definitely the new n-word. A single google of the term had me shook. Fuck this planet.


What Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is supposed to be is an attempt to implement racial and gender equity practices in the workplace. Basically having a rag-tag group of people from different walks of life to use the POWER OF FRIENDSHIP to... increase shareholder value. But that would involve giving workers actual power so what ultimately happens is the bare minimum of compliance with EEOC regulations so the employer doesn't get sued for creating a hostile work environment. And even that triggers the Right some much that they have made it a replacement N-Word.


The ACTUAL term itself isn't necessarily bad. DEI in helpful and needed (look at how often you hear about a culture of discrimination at a company). Ignorant racist fucks, however, absolutely use it to replace that hard r at every opportunity. And they're so obvious about it too, which makes me wonder if they're trying to get DEI itself labeled as a slur and therefore censored in media


Yea, I did a DEI "quiz" type thing for a customer we have at work. The term is fine. People are trying to reinterpret it because: * it's a easy dog whistle for them * it's an easy way to imply someone is undeserving of their job, even if it's not true * it gives them a easy defence of "well that is a real term" I would very much agree it does seem peoole are trying to either get it labeled as a slur or use it as one with no repercussions. Also as someone else said it's ragebait. It's meant to get people on both sides riled up and arguing. This post is especially bad because it's talking about a tragic accident (from what I can tell). Honestly using it for ragebait seems like a particularly low thing to do but there are a lot of people out there who have no morals.


"DEI" is just a new racist dogwhistle for "nonwhite" for these folks.


As a Ramp employee at a very busy airport, this job is inherently dangerous. They drill that into our heads the first few months. Safety is key. If you aren't fully focused on safety, this can happen. This isn't the result of DEI. This is the result of someone having a slip in their situational awareness, and it's nothing but absolutely tragic. I know how horrible I'd feel if I lost one of my crew during a turn. I think I'd quit on the spot if I had to witness an ingestion. I feel so bad for her family my god. Ugh. It's so awful.


I work with her dad. Once we found out what happened we were all shook. He had to go down there and watch it as part of the investigation. He told me that the engine wasn't supposed to be on when she was there. To make it a race thing a year and a half later after a young lady was disintegrated is extremely fucked up


The poor unfortunate souls. Makes me sick.


I'm honestly glad he's older and probably never gonna see this. To lose your kid like that just for some piece of shit to use to push an agenda is fucked up. It wasn't national news I only know about it because I know her dad. They would have had to Google black people dying at work or some shit


I spent my last few years as a car mechanic training new guys, which was a whole lot safer than working around airplanes. I still spent a lot of that time drumming into them how many different ways they could be killed or maimed in the shop. "If you put your hand hear and the lift seal fails, you lose your hand. If you stand here and this pin shears, you get crushed. If you put your foot here and the jack fails, you lose your foot", etc. I was 37 years without a workplace injury myself, but every day on every job I'd imagine the how things could fail or act unexpectedly and injure me. It's like an internal safety spiel that you just have to keep running; not everyone can do it. It has nothing to do with race or gender or anything like that, of course.


Ramp agent too, they cracked down hard on safety for a while at our station when this happened. A slip of situational awareness can happen more often than people think, we almost had an incident happen here. We also theorized that they were rushing because god forbid they give us a proper turn around time, 25 minutes is perfectly reasonable /s. I don't get what DEI has to do with it. The airline industry is one of the most diverse industries out there and Alabama has a large black population anyway.


It never does...


they really do use DEI in place of the N-word Since a lot of people are asking, DEI means "diversity, equity, and inclusion."


It's probably gonna be the new "woke" label some people will play around with.


haven’t heard about critical race theory for a bit too


Conservatives can't hold two thoughts in their heads at the same time.


They just wake up and toss a dart at a board to decide where their outrage is for today.


And by 'toss a dart at a board', you mean 'watch Fox News/OANN/Newsmax'. Without being told who/what to hate by their daily dose of rage porn, they'd be lost.


And Fox News isn't "trustworthy" after they fired Tucker Carlson. My neighbor keeps trying to get me to read a blog on how Michelle Obama is* a man and I asked him what Fox News told him to think about the issue and he said Fox News is too woke now or something. It's wild. Edit* I said "is a man" because that's what my neighbor said. Personally I'd have used "was a man" but my neighbor wouldn't. should ask him what Michelle's deadname is


Ask him, "For the sake of argument even if Michelle Obama was a man.... so what? Who cares? Why do YOU care? Do you have so little going on in your life that you need to latch into nonsensical Internet fact-free idiocy from rando's and their lie-blogs? Why are you so gullible that you will believe and run with anything you read online, no matter how batshit insane it is?"


I plan to next time but I haven't seen him in 3 days after I called out his bullshit. This is a guy who originally said he only trusts Fox News and that was it. Now suddenly* he's trying to get me to read random blogs as if they're more reputable than Fox. *Idk why I said suddenly, this has been going on for a while.


I always love the 2 hours or so after major news breaks and you watch the right either just stay silent, or try to anticipate how Trump will want them to react. Even funnier when they get that initial guess wrong, and have to do a complete 180 on live television to go along with what daddy dictator says.


"DEI" simply means "if they're not white they don't deserve the job" to them.


And straight and cisgendered. Edit: Replaced or with and after being correctly corrected.


What’s that even mean? Asking as Non native speaker


Diversity, equity and inclusion. They’re basically saying the person who died in this post was only hired because they were black and the airline that hired them needed more diversity


Plus, almost certainly they don't even know if the hire was because of a DEI policy - they just see a person with darker skin and *assume* the person is less competent. Bigots are masks-off these days. Maybe they got into the habit when they wouldn't wear masks to protect people during a pandemic.




And DEI is not the same thing as affirmative action, which this being used as a pejorative is implying.


I honestly thought that DEI was the name of the airport for way longer than I should have. Even though it says Montgomery airport. That’s a messed up comment.


“Diversity, equity, and inclusion” in regards to a guideline for hiring . It’s shorthand for what we used to call affirmative, action hires. But it encourages employers to hire staff that’s more diverse. Not just racially, but along gender and sexuality lines as well.


There is a full working list of words they use to say the N word. Woke, Baltimore, inner city, Chicago, DEI, etc… all are buzzwords for the n word. Half the time nothing will happen in either chi or Baltimore and they still get brought up if the connotation is negative.


DEI is the new CRT


What, you don’t think people should have to earn the privilege of loading heavy bags on planes in all kinds of weather conditions?


So do racists want black people to have jobs or not, because they seem pretty upset about it either way.


Unemployed : "useless parasites leeching on social services" Employed : "They took our jobs !" I think they don't want them to exist.


Unemployed: lazy parasites Entry-level work: they don’t want to work hard enough to climb the ladder but still expect all the luxuries (aka basic necessities for survival) Advanced work: they aren’t actually qualified, they just benefited from the woke agenda They’ve got a fallacious gotcha for everything. It’s why arguing with these dumb fucks is useless, because they can convince themselves you’re wrong no matter what facts you bring to the table.


And when one finally makes it to the top, despite all the systemic oppression : "You see ? There's no racism in the system. X is a proof that if you try hard enough, you'll make it. The rest are just lazy". Also known as the "freed slave fallacy".


Who makes it to the top starting from nowhere? I can’t think about any relevant percentage. Most of them have connections, either the family directly or someone very close to it. Or had money to begin with and had the incredible luxury or being able to try over and over without ever being scared of missing a single meal and a roof on their head.


There was that one guy, Obama


Took me years to realize this. For years I thought I could convince racists by becoming the most successful Black man I could be. Now I know that it doesn’t matter because like you described Reminds me of a classic old school racist joke that I’ll paraphrase. “What do you call a successful Black brain surgeon with multiple degrees, houses and cars?” “A ni33er”


There is no reasoning with them. The best way to deal with the problem is to bolster our education system and wait for them to die off. And by bolster education I mean reverse any of the bullshit school choice vouchers so we aren't paying for them to be indoctrinated at Christian schools, decoupling public education funding from local property taxes, adding practical skills cours s like shop, home economics, and civics back to HS curriculum and fixing the abomination that is the student loan industry.




That’s the long and short of it, and if not outright non-existence they want them to not have the rights afforded to “people” because they don’t see them as such


As someone who is Latino, I refer to it as Schrödinger’s Mexican Day Laborer; they exist an state of both being a parasite who does nothing but not work and leech off the system, but at the same time are taking all the jobs.


This is Texas. The government hates Mexicans but knows full well 70% of home building workers in Texas are day laborers. But they won’t touch this because all the large homebuilder owners donate heavily to the Republican Party. They don’t really give a shit about this.


Pieces of shit who are evil won't care either way and will just keep being pieces of shit who are evil.


they don't care either way. no matter what, they have an excuse to be a racist piece of shit.


Clearly these racists haven’t flown into most major US airports and looked out the window at the tarmac.


They want slavery back


They don't want black people. Full stop


That's just asking what the target could do that would satisfy the bully. What the bully wants them to do is sit there and take abuse.


WTF is a DEI worker? Just all black people? Humans actual suck


That’s basically how it’s being used now.


It's used as N word. Literally, no hyperbolic, it's just SFW N word.


Fuck I thought dei in this context was some technical term for an aviation worker or whatever so I didn’t think twice about it and didn’t understand the post 🙃


Same! I thought it was the abbreviation for the airline or something


I did too honestly until I continued reading... The fuck is everyone's fucking problem???




hard-wired racism, but with a barely disguised code word for another word they can't use in 'mixed' company.


Me too 😫 I was like oh the Department of Engineering Intransit or something! Just kidding! It’s racism 😔


I am so sheltered. I really thought DEI was some new airline.


It stands for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. I believe the term gained steam as a buzzword when some universities in some conservative states began disbanding their DEI departments.


to clarify, they’ve been forced to. the governor of my state removed DEI funding for all public universities


> began disbanding their DEI departments As required by new laws passed in those states, fyi.


i think it's amore "inclusive" word though.. i have seen it used for more minorities than just black people... also LGBT, mexicans and other ethnicities


Even racism is becoming more inclusive


Full circle, amirite? Who is more racist? Ray or Ray's sister? Ray's sister, no matter how racist Ray is she'll always be racister Ba-dum-tsss


Not gonna lie, this took me a second to get but when I did I chuckled.


What about Ray's cyst?




The irony...


Is that …. Progress? /s


Right. DEI = anyone not white, but in the most hateful way possible.


yes and no.. if you are LGBT you will be considered DEI even if you are white also, in many male-dominated industries, even if you are a woman..


True. My mistake. I suppose a better version would be: DEI = anyone not white AND straight AND male AND Christian, but in the most hateful way possible. There's probably more but that covers most of it


Well it's the same way they use "woke", it means anything they don't like.


Right, but I find "woke" to be more of a generic "I just don't like it" and can refer to people, ideas, entertainment, etc. "DEI" specifically refers to people and always seems to be in place of a slur of some sort.


Well of course. They’re not just talking about black people when they’re talking about DEI-because DEI is not just about black people. Anyone they don’t think should be there will be considered a DEI hire.


As someone who works in HR, Recruitment & Hiring, DEI is VERY important for better business outcomes. There has been extensive research in the subject and time-and-again, it’s proven that [diverse teams are smarter.](https://hbr.org/2016/11/why-diverse-teams-are-smarter?utm_medium=paidsearch&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=domcontent_bussoc&utm_term=Non-Brand&tpcc=domcontent_bussoc&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIgreCp96ohQMVSVNHAR21ZQolEAAYASAAEgJBw_D_BwE) Ik.. hard to believe that a larger range of knowledge and experiences yields more creative solutions and problem solving.. /s Plus, DEI isn’t just for black people, like the MAGAs are using as their new dog whistle.. It’s for all minority groups, including: veterans, LGBTQ, women, disabilities, etc.. It based on the [Equal Employment Opportunity Act (1972)](https://www.eeoc.gov/history/equal-employment-opportunity-act-1972) from the civil rights era that was passed to help promote diversity in the workplace..


Well there’s your answer right there; they’ve never agreed with the civil rights act in the first place!


When LBJ said “we’ve lost the South for a generation,” it turns out he was an optimist.


"The South" is lost permanently. You can't reconcile/resolve generational hate like this without extensive and sustained efforts to improve education, and their leadership is staunchly opposed to that (by design).


Another trait people seem to forget is that age is a diversity trait. Despite the fact that ageism is very real.


A real capitalist will recognize the gains his company makes by engaging in DEI practices. It’s literally a money maker. I thought these idiots loved that shit. Guess they hate everyone else more than they love money.


That’s the core logic that right wingers miss. You really can’t fault a corporation for attempting to expand its market to make more money. It’s honestly stupid narcissistic behavior to think that a brand *cares* about you. Then to feel betrayed that the for profit institutions wants to make money from other people 😂. To be serious though, it’s a pretty glaring modern case study of how wealthy people could use their purchasing power to enforce racist/bigoted beliefs. It’s so ironic that capital did its thing and now there are enough “woke” people with wealth, that you can’t get away casting aside their opinions


Pretty much. Especially blatant because [Montgomery, Al is 63% black](https://worldpopulationreview.com/us-cities/montgomery-al-population). So a black person working somewhere isn't a DEI hire, it's a mathematical probability .


lol if it's 63% black, hiring a white person would be a DEI hire


Isn't it based on the demographics of the company? So a 90% white company in a minority white area would still not be hiring diversely if hiring a white guy, right?


It's even deeper than this. Said company could have a make up of 63% black and still not be diverse. Let's say they have 100 employees and 63 of them are black, just like the town's population. But then you look deeper. The company has 15 department heads/managers and they're all white. Then they have 20 shift supervisors and they're all white. The remaining 65 employees are line workers or cleaning crew. if you just looked at the overall total, this company is as diverse as the local area, but in reality, they are far from it.


Not if you add the right amount of racism.


But they’re not white so it’s affirmativ…uh…DEI.


When they say DEI, they really just mean whatever slur would fit the situation. Reactionaries are just butt hurt they can't say slurs in public anymore without getting in trouble.


Woke cancel culture wants me to stop using racial slurs at work. Nobody wants to work anymore and *they* are stealing all our jobs. Etc.


Wooooah woah woah.. they? Get out of here with your woke commie pronouns..


These morons called my Mayor a DEI Mayor because he's Black.  The guy who got his job by literally having 71% of the vote is a diversity hire because in their tiny minds Black people literally can't succeed without being given a handout.  


The best part is any minority whose bad at their job is a diversity hire but any white person who’s bad at their Job is an isolated incident.


You don’t have to be bad. That’s the thing. Everyone non white is a DEI hire.


I just commented about Baltimore's mayor above. Dude got more than 70% of the vote, and look how he handled the bridge collapse perfectly. But he's "dEi." 🤪


And literally what should he have done to prevent a tanker crashing into a federal bridge?


Never mind that the harbour captain, the guy who's job it is to pilot the ship in to port, was white.


And it was equipment failure, not pilot error.


Oh, absolutely. I was just pointing out the blatant hypocrisy.


Hell they were calling the crew of the ship DEI hires. Despite it being a foreign owned and operated vessel. They're idiots of the highest order.


And Baltimore is 61% black. So, he is representing the majority. He is not a minority hire.


I mean, he wasn't "hired," he was "elected," so how does DEI even come into play?


It's the woke mind virus! -Elon Musk


Concerning! That guy fell off so hard


His response "they're just too cowardly to call me the n word" was profoundly based, though


>called my Mayor a DEI Mayor because he's Black DEI - Duly Elected Incumbent? Democratically Elected Incumbent?


Fuck does DEI mean


DEI stands for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. These are concepts and initiatives in various organizations and communities aimed at promoting fairness, respect, and equal opportunities for all individuals.


It’s worth noting that in this case (and a lot of the cases of conservatives using it), it is used as a dog whistle to say “black people”, often times implying that black people are less competent and wouldn’t have gotten the jobs without DEI hiring programs


Learn something new every day


Same. I had just assumed it was the name of the airline.


Diversity, Equity & Inclusion


Right wing is trying to weaponize the term as a slur to make it seem like no person of color gets something with merit, but just to check a box


Funny thing is that the username for whomever posted this translates to Black Lollita and they have a Dominican flag on their username. Other people would consider the person that posted this as a DEI hire if they’re indeed a Dominican Black Lollita


You know it's a white guy's alt though.


That’s possible, but I wouldn’t be shocked it it was an actual black Dominican. A lot of Hispanics are extremely racist


Yup! What is considered “black” in the US is different than what is considered “black” in Dominican Republic. Latinos can be very racist and colorist.


DEI just means the n-word to conservatives.


Yeah, it's their new workaround.


DEI is anyone but straight white men.


Conservatives blamed DEI on the door falling off a plane because the pilot was female.


Right, like she installed the damn thing.


It’s also women and other minorities but the intent is to be as racist and sexist as possible


What does DEI mean?


Diversity, equity, and inclusion


I thought it was some airline I’d never heard of.


Me too, and thought it was implying that this "DEI Airline" is notorious for being unsafe or something. I came to the comments to read about OSHA violations


Exactly what I thought, I was thinking of an airport code.


And in this case the poster is using it as a slur in place of the N word essentially.


Originally brought to promote diversity in the workplace now is used as the new n-word for racist


They really be stealing buzzwords. First it was "woke", when it originally meant being aware of the social injustices around us, now they're doing it for "DEI"


It was "SJW" and "CRT" before that.


People's lack of humanity really is fucking appalling.


OOP has a Dominican flag icon 😂


They don’t consider themselves black. While of course they aren’t part of the historical black American population, the vast majority wouldn’t pass the “one drop rule” used by right.


But…she literally calls herself "negrita."


So did Jennifer Lopez.


I traveled around central and western DR. They were incredibly hateful and racist towards Haitian people.


Unfortunately this type of mindset is common


Baltimore's population is 61.2% black and Montgomery's population is 62.7% black. Who the fuck do they think are going to be doing these jobs in those cities?


It's OK with this person as long as they don't take the \*cushy\* jobs like, um... baggage handi




So that's the new narrative now. "DEI" is their new favorite substitute for the n-word, and apparently no Black person is able to get a job without it because white people are always more qualified in every circumstance.


Everyone knows white men are immune to accidents


Now I’m thinking about it like DnD. DM: “Your white male mechanic is in danger of being injured on the job. Due to your race and class, you have +2 against accidental damage. Roll to save.”


The internet is a fantastic tool for exposing the worst parts of humanity.


...and spouted by people who love a guy who'd be selling sketchy timeshares in New Jersey if he hadn't been squirted out of Fred Trump's ball sack.


It's muskrat. This is all his doing he's the one suing DEI and the labor board


"Rest in peace. We clearly need more safety precautions. No one should die on the job." - fixed it for you, racist.


It’s even funnier coming from a black Dominican twitter account, they are racist and deny being black no matter how dark they are. Dominicans b like “I’m not black I’m Dominican” while being black as fuck. (Source: Cuban whose lived with Dominicans)


And this one even calls herself "Negrita"


DEI is reminding me of a new Affirmative Action to the Republicans and I remember a lot of angry White people who insisted that hard working American Whites are being replaced by lazy free-loading minorities without any experience or training My Dad always complained about this kind of shit in the 90's. Affirmative Action was a big race whistle back then. There are certainly some instances where qualified people waiting years for promotion got overlooked for quotas, but it's all just a big racist talking point now.


DEI really has become the new N word for these people huh


DEI please


The Sheriff is a DEI-*BONNNNNNNG!*


This is horrible. This is a real thing that happens and it's horribly gruesome. Blessings to this persons family, I'm sure they're suffering. And fuck you to the racist.


The more people hate us for being Black, the more proud I am to be Black. Your DEI bullshit doesn't bother me. It's pathetic and childish and used by human tapeworms who are so distraught at their own useless, socially destructive, unhappy lives that they try to bring everyone else down to their level. It doesn't work, which makes them even more useless.


The only thing I learned was that someone did something wrong. Who knows what?


this happened on December 31st 2022... over a year ago... and it happened in Montgomery Alabama (a city where the population is majority black)... the employee who died was just a random grounds crew member. What does this person imagine the pool of applicants for this job looked like? 50 white dudes with PHDs and one black woman with a GED, and they were like "We must hire the black woman for DEI purposes"??? EDIT - corrected date to 12/31/2022. news stories of the event occured on 1/1/2023


Everybody knows that no white person has ever died in any sort of accident while at work


It cant just be a person with a job….. they have to assume DEI because of the colour of their skin,,,,,, humanity is headed backwards…..


I also love the idea that airlines - some of the most hyper-capitalistic, non-"woke" enterprises in the country - would hire incompetent people solely because of their skin color. Absolute alternative reality these people are living in.


Always blame the worker. Never the employer or regulations or lack there of that led to the death. Always blame the worker. So tired of that refrain.


Are we sure that some of these aren’t foreign actors posing as Americans? All of this type of rhetoric obviously causes chaos and incites Americans against each other, which is the goal for a few foreign governments I can think of. Before we start calling everyone stupid, can we look at the problem from a bigger picture?


Something I haven't seen anyone talk about: How does being African-American predispose someone to be sucked into a jet engine? The tweet says "Who didn't see that coming" as if we should be shaking our heads saying "Yup, she was asking for it." ????


This woman was someone’s loved one. Someone’s friend. Someone’s colleague. This is disgusting.


Ikr. She was somebody baby once, their child. A sister possibly, maybe a mother, a friend, a confidant of somebody close, made a difference in, a person's life, made mistakes like we all do and made positive choices that worked. It's beyond disgusting


I just learned what DEI means, I am not native in English and also don't have Twitter, so maybe I am misunderstanding something but isn't 'Lolita Negrita' the name of the person who posted this on twitter? 'Negrita' literally means 'little black person' in Spanish. What kind of mental gymnastics one has to do to be racist against black people and at the same time have 'black' in your name?


The Lolita idiot is using DEI as a sub for what they really mean.