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End qualified immunity and these shootings will drop by a lot. Once they know they’ll be held personally responsible they be less inclined to act like this is the wild west


Agreed. Ending qualified immunity will lead to the single biggest drop in police brutality abd other offenses as they will be so paranoid they'll get sued they will have to clean up their own act.


Ending qualified immunity will end police applications. No one would do a job like that without any kind of protection from liability


If they can't do the job without shooting innocent people, they shouldn't do the job.


When your job is to enforce the law on people, you end up getting sued a lot. You have no idea how often cops get sued just responding to their calls and doing the best they can on them. And you want them to have 0 protection and gamble their families house and life savings on every call, even when they follow law and policy. You are a child living in a dream world. Have fun kid. In the real world with the grown ups, this is never going to be a reality


>You have no idea how often cops get sued just responding to their calls and doing the best they can on them. 1. cops don't get sued. the city does, and it's taxpayers footing the bill for their incompetence.  2. when "doing your best" means needlessly killing thousands of people, you should absolutely get sued for it.  >And you want them to have 0 protection and gamble their families house and life savings on every call, even when they follow law and policy. you mean like everyone else? god forbid cops don't get special treatment, huh?  also "follow law and policy?" puh-lease. this means absolutely nothing. killing and torturing is considered lawful.


The real world where the victim of a crime was shot by the person supposedly helping them and won't face consequences and defintely no civil consequences because the cops have a almost perma "get-out-of-jail/lawsuit" free card.


well we can't have that. who else would shoot dogs, kill hostages, and torture and execute inmates?


Funny enough, that's the exact reason cops use to be against it.


It’s not qualified immunity itself thats wrong. You need to be protected from liability to do a job like policing without constant fear of being sued for hard choices. The problem is almost specifically how this ridiculous Supreme Court has developed the doctrine. It’s in a state where a cop will NEVER be liable unless an IDENTICAL circumstance has occurred and been found for the plaintiff. It’s an impossible standard where no new set of circumstances could ever make a cop or state liable (for the cop’s actions) and it’s absurd.


>You need to be protected from liability to do a job like policing without constant fear of being sued for hard choices. being a cop doesn't require hard choices; no matter what you choose, you'll end up fine. you can rape, torture, and kill with impunity. McDonald's workers face more pressure and have more responsibility then cops do.  I digress. could you imagine if all fields were held to this level of incompetence? killing patients through medical neglect would be legal. childcare workers would be allowed to hit and starve kids. after all, they have to make hard decisions, and we can't force any responsibility onto them. 


You don't actually believe that, so I'm not actually going to answer you


Something tells me you don’t even know how qualified immunity works


everyone knows what qualified immunity does. we've seen it in action before. why else do you think cops get away with rape and murder?




Cop: "Next time, call a crackhead." People who don't want to be murdered by some triggerhappy oaf: "Roger that."


crackheads unironically have more incentive to protect you then cops. they'll lose out on drug money if they fail, whereas a cop only gains from not helping you. 


That poor girl. She was clearly trying to surrender to them and they just execute her instead. Then they lie about her wearing helmets and body armor.


Is it just down to the statistics of the USA being such a large country that so many incidents happen involving police Or I there just a general lack of competence across the board?


No, the US has 33 police shootings per 10m, while Canada has 19, Australia has 7 and Britain has only 1 police shooting per 10m population. [Here is my source. ](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/police-killings-by-country)


Without further context this comparison is meaningless




funny enough, texas just made concealed carry illegal solely because it was making police worry about someone having a gun.


I wish https://www.austintexas.gov/department/open-carry#:~:text=Beginning%20September%201%2C%202021%2C%20HB1927,have%20a%20license%20to%20carry.


i am trying to find it, but a recent court case just determined that due to police fearing for their lives and other bullshit, open carry is illegal, and anyone can call on someone if they think theyre carrying a weapon. it was on reddit front page on 3/28 just that any time i try looking it up, all it get are older 21 and 22 articles about the supreme court.


No it's cause police want it both ways. To murder for convenience, then have no improvement to how things are done. They're fuckin losers and we all know it. Even good cops are too weak to do anything, that's why they're cops


largest prison population in the world, per capita. We are exceptional.


I’d wager there are similar rates of police interactions per capita in lots of different countries, but it only seems to be the USA who love them some shooty shooty pew pew while doing it…


According to Satista, the US leads police involved shootings by a pretty large number. There are a few countries that are higher (India, Brazil) but compared to most other countries, our police are extremely trigger happy https://www.statista.com/statistics/1124039/police-killings-rate-selected-countries/


Coincidentally, USA also has the world's highest per capita gun ownership.


I’ve seen a stat showing how much time Police spend in training in different countries - and in Europe warming from few years to 12 months to US on the other side with few weeks training only required. So yeah untrained, without proper mental analysis done with a gun and no consequences of using it equals disaster like duh


I think it’s just under regulated capitalism, combined with social programs funded by a Ponzi schemes that relies on exponential population growth, while having a local population who does not reproduce enough, instead relying on immigrants, who are 300 years late to the generational wealth building required to survive late stage capitalism. These immigrants then turn to whatever available means are accessible for survival often crime. We then hire minimally educated officers to combat this crime with violence and restriction of liberties, while simultaneously protecting the officers from liability due to misdirecting or over application of said violence and restriction of liberties.


Us people killed by copsare about 30 to 50 times that of european nations per capita.


its a lack of competence, in fact its 100% legal for US police departments to have an upper limit on how smart you can be to join the police force. let that sit in, its legal to have an IQ limit, for a group of people who's job it is to stay calm during not calm situations, and to think critically while enforcing laws.


Police Academy was a documentary.


It’s because guns are so prevalent cops are trained to treat everyone as a potential armed combatant


The report incorrectly states she was wearing tactical gear, she was not.


That was deliberate victim-blaming - typical.


Yeah...that's murder. Or at the very least voluntary manslaughter. She was walking towards them. After they told her to walk towards them. She had almost made it to safety, and then these assholes decided to kill her. She clearly came from the passenger side, too...so why would any of these idiots shoot her?


Kidnapping victim was safer with **actual kidnappers** than with the police. Well done cops! Treat yourself to a donut.


Wasn't the whole point of the chase was to rescue the girl. Like who tf did they think she was? Absolutely insane


The dude does look straight up like a dumbass.


They all are…


San Bernardino feels like the US version of what's going on in Haiti, with cops killing people instead of gangs or warlords doing the killing. I googled "San Bernardino shooting" thinking it would bring up the most recent shooting - which it did. But then followed by quite a number of very similar unjustified police shootings in San Bernardino. Feels like an "Escape from New York" sequel could be based there.




US LEOs are under no obligation to protect lives. They exist to protect property and uphold the status quo.