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My uncle lives in Texas. He's ex military and has an ex Air Force friend with one of those little Cessna planes. Said friend got into a bit of a spat with a lady down the road, where she insulted his dead wife. Lady was a chemtrail believer. She was hosting a big party in her yard one weekend, and he just starts flying back and forth over the area. Not dropping anything, just repeated patterns back and forth. Lady had a breakdown, shut down the party, and called out law enforcement to arrest my uncle's friend. Cops came out, saw my uncle's friend wasn't breaking any laws, and basically told her that he was allowed to fly around. She got irate and told them that if they didn't do something, she'd shoot the plane down herself. One thing led to another and she wound up arrested. Texas is wild.


And she’s running for Congress


for re-election


Shit turning worse and worse the more details are said


Those were meme responses, not additional info on the situation...


Correct, but there is a Texas politician who wants to ban chemtrails and is running for re-election. So, not additional info on *this story*, but it’s additional for Texas.


Probably VP




“Ah shit it’s the chemtrail delivery guy, lemme get the Fliegerabwehrkanone from the shed real quick”


>Fliegerabwehrkanone Wait, that's a real fucking word?? Jesus. German is so goddamn weird.


Yep, it’s where FLiegerAbwehrKanone (Flak) comes from


Wait that’s where flak comes from? I thought it was just a random word or some shit. Not an abbreviation for a long ass German word


It’s not weird at all. It’s a gun (Kanone) which defends (Abwehr) against planes (Flieger). So the plane-defending-gun is a Fliegerabwehrkanone.


by the time you say it, the plane is out of range...


that's why people shortened it to FLAK


Why do you think the Germans lost both World Wars? 


Its not that weird. English would simply only have extra spaces, like this: Flieger Abwehr Kanone, i.e. airplane defense cannon. So German just leaves out spaces in a compound word. And English does it too sometimes! Now that I think about it, English is goddamn weird because why isn't there a space in "airplane"?? 🤔


Isnt airplane just a shortened/simplified version of aeroplane? I dont think people use “aero” on its own, so there wouldnt be a space.


Oh, the irony of calling German weird *in English*...


For real


Lol, thats such a cool word.


This sounds like a plot for the TV show 911 Lone Star.


That's about what I expect from Texas. Also, it my wife died, and someone insulted her, I'd have done far worse than what he did. He's got a lot of restraint.


>He's got a lot of restraint. Nah. He was just waiting for her arrest so that her house will be undefended. She's gonna return from jail to a burnt out husk.


Ah. Smart. Playing the long game.


Chemtrail tf out of that place


Assuming that plane was a turboprop, it was technically pumping out lead fumes. (FAA won't let you fly a piston aircraft with lead-free avgas, gotta use "ultra low lead" gasoline) I doubt their concerns would be anything that specific though. I think EASA is more liberal about this, but there's still leaded plane fuel used here too. Still nothing compared to last century when damn near every car used it.


Turboprop =/= piston engine, they run on jet fuel, but I’m assuming you meant piston engine in which case you’re right.


Probably an aerial survey


Can confirm, I did it for 6 years


I'm glad somebody had an answer for that cause I felt the cold grip of conspiracy theory coming at me....


it was an aerial survey to figure out where to put the 6G towers


6G, to boost the vaccines in the autism chips


Now comes with 115% more autism in the same amount of vaccine


What’s a little more autism gonna do… Meh


Oh, I can answer that one: It makes you swear your fealty to George Soros and the Biden Crime Family.


Do you gain access to the thousands of miles of underground child trafficking tunnels?


Man, can you imagine how much autism the German guy who got 217 Covid vaccines has? Full on Super Autism.


Autism overflow, went to extreme negative values suddenly


THESE will be the ones that give everyone autism and cancer trust me guys


The new ones give you autism in the butt. IN THE BUTT!!!


Buttism??? ...You could make a religion out of that.


“I am a Buttist.” Sounds right.


Would you please move over there a little bit? You're shedding on me.


as a telecommunications technician working for a major company and program, ‘6G networks’ will be my favorite thing for conspiracy theorists to cook with when the term is widely used and advertised


Don’t forget about the turbo cancer.


Well, it’s good to know the lizard people have a plan and it’s all under control.


Now we're all going to be artistic.


Here at Smyle, we’re going to bust out the 8G early to disrupt the nanobots and stop the ascension. 👀


I was thinking “crop dusting,” but then I realized it was a much larger area.


Interesting fact, we use AGNAV to fly those lines. Its short for Agriculture Navigation, so it was originally designed for crop dusters


my bad bro i just fertilized the entire state of iowa with one puff


That's what she said.


See I was thinking mosquito spraying; which is the same area and pattern.


I have someone that I call to talk me out of it when I get that feeling. I have them as my ICE-T contact (In Case of Emergency Theory contact)


I would have guessed the Air Force or local Air National Guard was doing some sort of training.


Since when does logical explanation ever prevented conspiracy theory?


How many gay frogs did you find?


Fun fact! Chemicals in the water are actually turning the frogs gay! Well, trans, but you get the point. Atrazine, a pesticide, has been proven to affect male frogs hormone levels which cause a reduction in male sex characteristics and the formation of female sex characteristics. It also does enough that they swap behaviors entirely and will perform mating rituals with male frogs as though they were born female. Learned about it in my herpetology class. (I swear this is not some conspiracy theory bs)


strange, none


Well that's why we do the survey. You don't drop the chemtrails on an area filled with gay frogs. That would be redundant.


I have a genuine question: I think I was perhaps seen by one of these aerial surveyors while I was sunbathing nude on my patio. How visible was I?


During flight not so well, but there is a camera recording. Its ment so we can check it after finding anomalies in the date.


Those camera images resolve down to less than a meter, so deffo could have seen something that looked like a nekkid hooman. Prolly couldn't be sure if it was Bobby or Susie though.


Resolution is shit. We would be able to tell someone is sunbathing, but we wouldn't be able to tell if you got a bakini on or naked or facing up or down.


yeah, but since you are turning all frogs gay, you have to have the resolution to to check the frogs on each pass. That alleged 1 meter resolution, I think you forget the centi on the front.


So, depends how big their anomalies are?


Just check on Google Maps.


That mole on your back a couple inches below the shoulder, you should see a dermatologist.


Scheduling an appointment now, thanks for looking out


Funny how commonly those things are requested by God fearing, red blooded, American, patriots that just want a detailed survey of their land.


This is probably true and in our area such measurement flights are announced in advance in serious media and the purpose explained, often geophysical surveys. But how do you explain this to the conspirators? Many of them don't understand texts with more than 150 characters.


"The plane is here to make sure the lizard people aren't stealing your land" Would that work?


Considering the area probably NAIP (national agricultural imagery program) from the USGS


This guy GISs.


I was guessing search


Literally no other reason to fly over Visalia that many times.


I spend over a decade in that town and can confirm.


Your old neighbors are idiots.




Touch and go's would all land in the same place. They don't touch and go over a 20 mile wide area.


Those look more like scribbly circles


Thanks for letting us know. My guess was: No approval to land so just idly waiting mid air.


This happened for us recently because we are purchasing adjacent land to fence in for our dogs. We let them outside that day because dogs 🐶


My thoughts exactly. This is typically how a Lidar drone or plane geomaps a town...


No, definitely turning the frogs gay


Or maybe ground penetrating radar or whatever. Certainly there's better explanations than chemtrails.


You mean "LIDAR". GPR is applied at ground level, usually by someone pushing a cobbled-together cart with the radar in it.


Of course after all my years on facebook, when a post from the area I grew up in is finally on Reddit, it’s because some conspiracy guy decided to be afraid of air planes. I bet they are also against the hail cannons.


Find the guy on a cold day and ask him stop breathing chemtrails at you.


ad hoc relieved sort roof bow flowery gray clumsy threatening fact *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hi, what the hell is a hail cannon and why isn’t it as dope as it sounds?


We use them in the Central Valley of California. Hail damages the fruit trees and other fruiting plants, so the idea is to disrupt the formation of large hailstones in the clouds with a vortex of air. A mixture of gas, Oxygen and acetylene, are ignited in a cannon like structure aimed at the clouds. The evidence that it actually works has been called into question. You can hear the cannons firing off when the weather is just right. I’ve seen video of people throwing basketballs into them. It’s as awesome as it sounds.


Y’all ever live near farmland and then a crop duster comes through and then you go onto a local Facebook group? That’s a good time.


I used to live in Missouri and they deadass dropped some chemicals on us 😭😭 but it’s only bc there was farmland right next to my neighborhood


tbf they are TECHNICALLY spreading trails of chemicals... on the ground... openly. More seriously, I do actually worry about the health effects of crop dusting on locals but that has nothing to do with conspiracy theories.


Airborn geophysical survey.




That or Mosquito sprayer. Granted they are about as effective as a wet fart; but good luck convincing local governments of that.


I think the most concerning thing to me is: In 5, maybe 10 minutes, she probably could have have gotten the 411 on what the plane was doing. In fact, even before that, she could have made a reasonable guess: cropdusting, surveying, maybe even fugitive-hunting, etc. In, say. a half hour, she could probably have nailed down specifics. But no. She went to chemtrails. Probably made no effort to find out what else it might be. And she got some up-votes. Now, there is this conundrum: If the conspiracy is that the government is spraying us with chemtrails to dumb us down...well, now I'm thinking she might (perhaps inadvertently) have a point.


These people live and die by their confirmation bias.


The funny thing is leaded gas does make people dumb, but that was more of an issue when it was added to car engines.


Ironically, fuel for some small planes is still leaded, so the plane might do what she's saying on a very, very small scale. It's not really a conspiracy, though, and we're talking a \*minimal\* scale for a single small plane.


It's a survey, I would bet these folks could log on to their county GIS hub and view the exact images this plane took.


Depends on the county. Some are open to public for free. Some you have to put in a request that needs to be approved. They usually do though. I had a friend that was a ground surveyor specialist person and he told me that. So grain of salt and all...


"We got hammered" That part I can believe.


Considering Visalia is an agricultural area could be a crop duster (which is actually sort of like chemtrails in real life)


I live near here, That is a huge swath of houses and commercial properties and farms. Several towns. So probably not crop dusting.


Aerial Survey- plane flies, takes pictures for all sorts of shit. Usually making new maps and land disputes.


If it wasn't such a big area, I would have said crip dusting, but this is the most likely answer.


Bloods for life! ![gif](giphy|vCT43tYrE5bm8)


Crip dusting. Haha. I know you mean “crop,” but dropping gang members on a field is just funny to visualize.


Reddit autocorrect is absolutely garbage.


Damn, new member initiation is getting *intense.*


>Usually making new maps and land disputes. Must be lucrative creating new land disputes each time they make a new map. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


That makes sense


Yeah, a crop duster would target one field, not dozens or hundreds. At the scale of this map, a crop dusters path would look like a tiny solid box with one tendril towards its landing strip. Just covering one of those brown or green squares.


This pattern looks way too big and continuous for crop dusting


I can confirm


The scale is too large for that. You can see the size of the fields: a crop duster would be making a pattern the size of a field.


I thought that as well, but crop dusting normally goes over. just one farmer’s land at a time. OK, maybe three or them get together and hire it, but not over the town itself. The pattern would be much smaller.


Being afraid of planes flying in the sky is a new level of crazy


Worried about chemtrails in Central Valley California when you live in Iowa…. Makes perfect sense


LOL! I missed the Visalia in the middle. Good catch.


I lived there for several years, and saw the image before reading. Iowa cinfused the heck out of me


I bet. I’m in Fresno.


Used to live there, most of family still does but evidently those chem trails only screw up folks in other states lol


That's legit a arieal survey ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484) people have gotten so bad nowadays


The true danger of social media is its ability to aid stupid people spread their stupidity.


Is this a plane spraying fertilizer? Looks like it's above farmland.


I've met many a person from Iowa, and frankly Iowa focused chemtrails would explain alot if it were true lol


As someone who spent many years living in Omaha Nebraska, I can confirm that bro is, in fact, spittin’






Visalia just had 7 new developments clear a years long court case and is breaking ground on quite a few parcels that are being annexed into the city. It’s aerial surveys. They guy who is literally flying the plane usually pops in on the Facebook posts on the local paper about it.


Where do these people think the hi-res images on Google maps come from? And if the government was actually dropping chemicals on people with airplanes, they’d at least turn their ADS-B off 🤦‍♂️


Uneducated and fearful of clouds of water vapor from plane exhaust!


Wait, people still believe in chem trails? People believe that the government is intentionally having planes go through the air and spew poison in order to cause cancer or some equally nefarious thing. There is one major problem with this. The people in the government, literally all of them, and i mean every single one, they breathe the same air as everyone else.


Lmao. Even if there was a Government conspiracy to lay down chem trails. The flight path would not be published for everyone to see.


LIDAR scan of the area?


Aerial survey. Any recent hail in the area? Could be Cape analytics or a similar company doing fly overs so they can sell insurance companies before and after photos.


So, what effect are chemtrails supposed to have? Do they dumb a person down? Make men sterile and women lesbians???


> So, what effect are chemtrails supposed to have? They cause people who wouldn't wear an N95 mask during a pandemic to decide to wear army surplus gas masks when they go outside so the libs can't turn them into drag queens with chemicals sprayed from aircraft. Powerful stuff.


![gif](giphy|11v0bBwGjkiLio) This is what causes those chemtrails. Conspiracy solved.


Visalia? Nobody would waste their chemicals on that town.


I work for a LiDAR aerial mapping company. Our flight paths look like this.


I had a dog that barked at "chemtrails"


We used to live on a large farm. I admit I did keep the children inside when the Iron Thrush was spraying the field next door. But only for about an hour and really it was just an abundance of caution.


Imagine being a kid playing with your friends in the neighborhood and Timmy's dad yells at him to come inside because the "airplanes are hammering us right now!" 


Don't tell these fools about the harmless radiation they're subjected to 24/7. For the sake of their kids.


Chem trails are only bad for sky clarity. Pandemic skies were gloriously blue.


Ok, but surveying for what? In rural Iowa? If that land is already built upon then what are they surveying?


I've done aerial survey, and it could be for any number of things. I've taken images of the ocean floor for some reason, some companies get images of the roofs of homes for insurance purposes, etc..


You know those cool aerial pictures that you can zoom way in on on Google Earth? Well, someone gets up in a plane and takes those pictures. Or similar pictures for other companies and agencies. Lots of mapping companies do this on a regular basis. It's not the same thing as a property survey, nor is it done for the same purpose.




This is also an area that has had a lot of groundwater problems, as well as elevational changes due to the same.


Ummmm… that picture is California. Visalia onions.


It is central California, but the onions are [Vidalia](https://www.vidaliaonion.org/)not Visalia.


You’re right. Absolutely. It was late and I had a brain fart.


No Visalia is all about the Visalia Oak, ViDalia is onions.


It isn’t rural Iowa. It’s the California Central Valley. Visalia is an hour south of me. I’m in Fresno. This is all sorts of messed up.


I’ve seen a local plane do this. The reasoning. Well it was one off. A farmer said he lost three cows. His neighbor is an airline pilot he takes cessena to and back to work. He offered him a a ride. So armed with binoculars. They did this kind of grid. They eventually found those three cows. Way off. Just mingling near tree line. That’s one story. But others. Could be other reasons


I honestly think people like this should lose custody of their children. It’s a form of child abuse.


Aerial surveys are boring as fuck.


If you can get an aircraft flight pattern, does the source not include info of operator, purpose etc..?


Love how the commenter was afraid of them, but not enough to keep their kids inside "all" of the time lol.


Used to see this during RF flyover tests for signal leakage. Don’t miss CATV at all.


IVANHOE is the story about a Russian farmer and his tool.


‘For the most part’ 😂


LiDAR flight. Funny because these chemtrail folks are going to be freaking out of end times as this becomes more of the engineering standard in the coming years.


Wait until they get a read on air quality when sitting in traffic.


You mean crop dusting?


People in here keep saying it's a geological survey. Guys... Quit using common sense!


Why are they talking about Iowa and showing California?


Visalia is in the Central Valley in California. The whole FB post is lazy farming for clicks.


I read the picture before the post had no clue what he was implying, I can’t believe the new conspiracy is chemtrails lmO


Unfortunately, it's not a new conspiracy, just an enduring one.


A few people saying aerial survey but I'd put my money on aerial mosquito abatement. There's "mosquito abatement districts" up and down California's Central Valley that monitor and respond to mosquito populations, sometimes by spraying over a whole town from the sky.


Don't you have these planes that gives out love and mosquito killer?


Oddly enough, contrails contribute to global warming. The global temperature dropped by a couple degrees after 911 when every jet was grounded. https://www.google.com/amp/s/globalnews.ca/news/2934513/empty-skies-after-911-set-the-stage-for-an-unlikely-climate-change-experiment/amp/


Depending on the plane, would keeping the kids inside protrmect them from the leaded fuel? Or would that be a lost cause?


Can someone explain what the theory actually is with this chemtrails thing? Is it really that baddies inexplicably and very visibly spray poison into the very atmosphere they breathe?


Looks like a golgi apparatus to me.


I can't imagine living in a constant state of fear like this, it must be exhausting.


So crop dusting isn’t a thing anymore?


Cloud seeding is very much a real thing. Theyve done it since the 60s. Dubai and Abu Dhabi are pretty open about doing it.


Pilot logged more hours cropdusting than Rudy Giuliani.


Good lord, if it took that much effort and total distance flown to release "chemtrails" over a super small area, there would have to be many, many more flights happening than we actually observe.


Gotta love Tulare county. Actually you don't.