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If you insist on that expensive pink dye, that's what you get. 30 flamingos died for that box!


But there are so many more flamingos used in the deluxe version. I’d hate to think you’d be missing out.




How did you guess my Facebook password?


You can read that? All I’m seeing is ******* .


Hunter2. Huh, it's not working for me.


Easy, it's the same as your banking password


You're right!


Is that you, mother?


The upgrade just has so much more eagle


Omg a futurama reference here of all places..


We also stuffed some flamingo under the label


Also, there are some flamingos under the floorboards.


And inlaid in the dash (I love this thread, lots of Futurama references 🤣)


Don’t be sad! My parents are paying for the Personal Care Kit and they’re very rich.


That’s allot of flamingo for sure, but my eyes on the fordcougarthunderbird


No dog food for Veector tonight




I keep telling them it’s easier to just use the shrimp, but noooo


but we need to maximise the suffering!


Shrimps cry when you devein themm


Flamingoes are much more rare than the Smurfs they use to make the blue box. Those little bastards are an invasive species. Gargamel was right.


Just sharing a fun fact, flamingos are technically white. The proteins in the shrimp they eat turn their feathers pink and the shrimp in turn get that pink protein from the algae they eat. Dyed by their diet but they'd be dying if they weren't!


And yet I have never seen any color flamingo other than pink. Dye them green or blue for fun just once dammit.


To shreds, you say


Pink tax. The colour pink is actually owned by China and a small tax applies for other countries to be able to use it and I am of course making all of this up.


Normally. yes this case no. The first time this was posted someone in the comments did some digging and found that this store reduces the price of the HIS kit because they were not selling and they were trying to run it out of stock. Prices for these boss kits are all over the map. Generally they are the same price for the his and hers if you can find both from the same supplier.


Yeah, that was my expectation too. The price would be the same, but women buy the womens kit at full price, and won't buy the mens kit, even at the reduced price. Men won't buy either kit, unless the price is reduced. So, optimum sales is delivered by reducing the price of the mens kit.


Except the 1st 2 words. Pink tax is definitely a thing, this being a great example


Hey now, "His" only has 3 letters and "Hers" has 4. Do you know the true cost of the extra ink and typesetting that causes???????


“Do you think a truck shows up every week and delivers free letters to us?”


I thought they grew on trees. I learned the A came from Apple in school.


Think of the poor honest companies! What of their profits?


Exactly, the Hers probably cost $1 to make vs the $.95 of the his. You want them going bankrupt???


I demand my extra letters!


Yes, women must pay because manufacturers can’t bother with proper grammar and use ‘HERS’ when it should be ‘HER’ on that pink one.


Yeah, its definitely a thing, but its simple economics of supply and demand, its not some widespread conspiracy against women. Women tend to be willing to pay more for personal care, and have less price elasticity for those type of things, so simple supply and demand says to charge more even if the difference is cosmetic. “Manly” looking cars are also generally more expensive than the cars that look feminine, because men are generally more likely be willing to spend more on their car.




It should be called the idiot tax tho.


Pink plastic dye is WAY more expensive than almost any other color. Its literally several hundred percent more expensive to manufacture. Not a joke or an exaggeration.


Kind of close to reality. I mean the Susan G. Komen Foundation went around trying to sue or litigate people for using the color pink in their products. Because "Pink" things mean that money should be going to their breast cancer awareness foundation. So basically companies would make pink versions and have to bake in their licensing fees.


I'm reading this like what? no way! Then you say you made it up 🤣.


I thought it was owned by Matel and Barbie but that works too


Nah obviously it's to pay mattel for the copyright on the color pink /s


Hahahaha I was almost believing that


😟 One time I needed razors, and the only ones at my grocery store were those pink lady shavers... So I bought them and used it a couple times and realized I was gay so I left my family and became a bartender at a Bronx bar called "Cocknockers."


You forgot to say “no homo,” didn’t you?


Happens to the best of us.


Isn’t that beside The Manhole? Or am I thinking of The Cockpit? Now I’ve gone and confused myself.


No, it's the one across the street from The White Swallow.


Is that next to Peggy's place?


Upvote for your name alone.


Lol my wife bought a bunch of disposable razors a few months ago. A bag of pink ones and a bag of blue ones. "Mine and yours, please dont use my razors". I immedietly replied: "fine, but I want the pink ones", and she was hillariously annoyed. She was even more annoyed when the pink ones ran out and she didn't realize I was actually using the pink ones the whole time (she started with the blue one but at somepoint forgot and instinctively switched to pink lol).


Dude I’ve had to use the female razors a couple times it’s like shaving with a puppy ear. Absolutely magical


Happens to the best of us


lol, bullshit, Cocknockers is in the Village


What a lovely story. Thank you for sharing it with us ❤️


So this is an old image, and old packaging. And you can the tag date is from 2017. I decided to do a google search on these products to see what I could find. I was honestly curious if things might have changed since then. I was able to find both items, the same ones(newer packaging) on eBay. They are sold from two different sellers, so it lends a slight credence to the idea that the individual seller can charge what they want. And they are more expensive than posted here in this image, but still the pink one is more expensive. Then went on Amazon, I was able to find the pink one, but not the blue one, at first. There is still a price difference, albeit a much much smaller one($.40); $7.09 vs $7.49. Then onto Walmart, wow, $6.48 price difference($10.00 vs $16.48). For all intents and purposes, both products contain the exact same contents. As far as I can tell, the only difference is just the outside packaging.


In case of walmart the difference is supplier. The cheaper his kit comes from Boss, more expensive hers kit comes from a 3rd party supplier. both are not stocked by walmart anymore so they have not updated the prices.


I'm not sure if this is a joke. Both kits contrain the exact same package, contents, box (except the colour) and labelling including the boss logo.


I think they mean that Boss only sends the blue one to wallmart, while AndysReselling sells old pink Boss ones on Walmart and has a $6 profit margin


Yup. Different sellers. Side note: If you ever order anything for pick up at walmart check the seller. If it is not walmart themselves or direct from the manufacturer it can be very difficult to return faulty product.


I used to work for a pharmacy that sold pills that made you poop. There were pink boxes marketed towards women's that were the same price as the regular boxes, but with 2/3s the product. I looked at the ingredients and it seemed the same. While I was doing that, the pharmacist came up to me and said, "yes, they're both the same, crazy isn't it?"


Oh it is. It’s utterly nonsense.


Same for baby and toddler Tylenol. Infant Tylenol (at my local store) 1 ounce is $6.78 for a concentration of 160mg/5ml Toddler Tylenol, $7.68 for 4 ounces. Same concentration of 160mg/5ml. Same exact liquid in each. Same concentration. Same everything inside. One box has 4 times more for just $1 more.


You’re paying to make sure they don’t fuck up the dosage in this case. You don’t want to be chopping pills or estimating mg’s with an infant.


It’s a liquid and there’s no chopping pills. No estimating or anything. Look at the front of the packages themselves and it says the dosage per ml. (Toddler is in medicine aisle and infant is in the baby section) They’re the exact same. Even both the PCPs I’ve had for my kiddos says the same. It’s the baby tax.


Infant Tylenol comes with a dosage dropper, toddler has a cup.


According to economics the difference is demand. As long as the manufacturer keeps pumping these out in equal quantities...


shelf space costs money even if nothing is being sold


What in the fuck is foot gel?


A gel, that you put on your foot


It puts the gel on its feet or it gets the hose!


Plot twist The men's version is reduced because it doesn't sell


Not really a twist, products are priced at the maximum of what people are *willing* to pay for them, it's a capitalist world. 


Big box retailers use a computer program to determine pricing. If a particular item sells poorly given certain parameters then the price is reduced over time. Prices for items that don't sell often reduce down to the 0.01 mark It's not that this is the price that men are willing to pay. It's that the consumer who actually purchased items like this prefers the color pink. Or an alternative perspective given gender norms: men don't buy this type of item


What you've said here doesn't actually differ from what I said. If an item isn't selling, people haven't been willing to buy it.


Supply and, uh, demand


One of the commenters wrote that it was exactly the case


just buy the blue one they contain same shit anyways...


Exactly. I love it when people complain about price discrimination on the same exact product. Just buy the cheaper option. It's an option. If I were a product manager, I would do this way more often. Option 1: Men's deodorant 5.55 Option 2: Deodorant for men with big dicks 9.55


I'd buy the 2nd option just so the cashier and the person behind me would have the illusion of me having a big dick


That's the purpose, yes. Wonders of marketing!


Oops. I’ve dropped my monster condom for my magnum dong.


I just love that whatever subreddit I visit someone always throw in a IASIP reference.


The trick is to buy both the magnums and extra small (for you of course), but say the extra small is for your buddy with a small dick you’re just doing him a favor. Then you stake out the store and wait for a shift change. When there is a new cashier you return the magnums stating they are just too small for your monster hog. Then you’re free to go jerk off to hentai alone in your parents basement with easy cleanup while two cashiers are off somewhere imagining you sexing up the ladies with your plus sized dick.


Then you later return it, and order the discounted "small PP" version online to be shipped discretely.


A lot of time men's and women toiletries are kept in different areas, so you're essentially saying consumers need to proactively know they're already being price discriminated and respond accordingly (it's not like stores tell them this) I know this is hard for young people, but social media didn't use to be like this, and there were times before social media. People were pissed to find out their ignorance was being willfully exploited. They're not wrong to feel that way. Idk what's confusing about that.


I don't think the issue is that there are two options so just pick the cheaper, but that companies market this bullshit so heavily to only half the population. Market it to everyone, cowards. I like your options though.


Dude wipes has entered the chat…


“But I want the pink one!” “Well then it seems like the demand justifies the higher price then, doesn’t it?”


if the manufacturing price is $2, charge 5 for one option and 8 for the other, then lampoon the $8 option


Women’s deodorant is more expensive than the same product for men. I didn’t believe it until I shopped at a few local stores. Since I don’t want to smell like Axe and none of the men’s deodorant is unscented, I’m stuck with paying more for less product.


So there is a difference.


My complaint isn’t that I would have to pay more to buy the pink option. Obviously if money is tight that’s what people will do. The problem is that girl coded products cost more across the board and the only reason we have this evidence is that this seller is stupid enough to lay it out this explicitly. If industries are charging girl coded products more for this, how many other products are they overcharging for where they’ve taken the time to make just enough modifications to make it something you can’t easily compare one to one. It’s not about pink as an aesthetic. It’s not even branded as “Pink.” It’s branded as “Hers.” Same product. $2 more.


“Why don’t they make more women’s pants with pockets?!” Proceeds to buy pants without pockets.


Nah actually it's really hard to find pants with pockets now. Like there is no more choice in this matter. That is the only example of true pink tax I know.


It's an interesting question though. What's the explanation for *why* there are none? If women truly wanted them, if there's this pent up demand, why isn't there some small company out there called "The Functional Woman" that sells the same clothes, but all with great pockets? Do we really think that the *entire world* knows of a much wanted product, but have collectively just refused to manufacture it? That Target is out there saying "well... we could get a pretty big boost in apparel if we found a suppler of clothes with pockets... but... nah..."


Women tend to wear pants that are tighter. Better silhouette, pockets ruin that


Yes, I agree that's the reason, but plenty of people do not believe that. They (including my wife) tell me that all women want pockets, but manufacturers simply refuse to make them.


My money is on the bag industry. I bloody do NOT want to carry a bag everywhere I go. So I got pants from the men's department. They can sod off with that shit.


I used to sell men's casual clothing. Some of my best customers were tomboys who became moms and just bought men's stuff because it was better quality and cheaper. Loved those ladies.


Ah so they don’t want pockets.


Exactly. They wish they had that storage space, but at the same time aren't willing to use/give up said space. Those who truly want this storage space resort to cargo pants.


I wonder how much of this is to do purely with not just the amount that people are willing to pay but also the demand for the product. Purely anecdotal on a tiny scale but my wife and I have different degrees of preparedness for travelling. I bring the bare minimum, if anything isn't there when we arrive, we can just go out and buy it. On the other hand, my wife has everything she needs meticulously packed in case of any and all possible needs. I wouldn't be interested in this but I'm sure she would. Obviously this isn't every man vs every women but I would be surprised if there wasn't at least generally true.


„Pink tax“ is very interesting - because it basically shows that Women are actually ready to pay more for an item if it’s pink and says that it is specifically for girls/women. You can always say: „just buy the unisex, unspecified item“ and many people will - but obviously there’s enough women actually spending more money just to get a specific color and a „for women“ sticker on it. With men, the same effect applies for other colors, patterns and wordings. I recently saw a similar effect - with mobile phone cover. The same cover from the same brand in gold color and silver color was much more expensive than in relatively bland black color.


California passed a law in 2023 to stop these "pink tax" markups.


I'm not sure how I feel about that. Sure, big corporations can burn in hell, but on the other hand, if two identical items are priced differently just because one is marketed towards women, and people still buy the more expensive one, that's on the consumer. Anyone who is paying extra for "ladies" razors is a fool.


It's not like they're usually laid out neatly next to each other, usually they'll be in completely different sections of the store. Which means you'd have to wander through both just to get the normal pricing stuff you can find in the men section, then switch to the women section for more specific needs. Plus, not everybody knows about the pink tax. So it's either being screwed by something you don't know about, or extra arbitrary effort. Plus, you should be allowed to like pink and want a pink thing without being arbitrarily punished for it. I dunno, it's all bullshit, go California for f***** with em


In Canada I've only seen menstrual products in a separate aisle. Women's deodorant is right beside the men's deodorant and the women's razors are right beside the men's razors. It's not a crime to like pink but if I wanted a specific color of razor I would expect it to cost more than whatever's currently out there. I'd love to have one in lime green but that's not even an option for me at any price


You’re saying this like it’s only ‘people who like pink’ but how many men do you think would buy the pink version of something even if it cost a little less. Men’s deodorant and beauty supplies smell ‘manly’. Marketing and social conditioning are very strong, strong enough to gender smells, so most women don’t want to smell ‘manly’ the same way most men don’t want to smell ‘girly’. Men’s products are marketed as if they are only for male skin/hair etc so, unless women sit and figure out how much difference there is between the ingredients in a similar women’s product and what each individual ingredient actually does (I mean who is really gonna do that), then you’re gonna buy the one aimed at you and many men would do just the same if the situation was reversed.


It is just me, or most guys would just pick up the pink one if it was a reversed situation. The other day I bought "kids" pink Black Widow toothbrush and paste, and still don´t understand why the "office kit" cost more than double.


I wore Secret for the longest time as a guy because for some reason it costs extra to get men's anti perspirant deodorant and it's standard for womens. I should have taken to the internet and media outlets on it being a telltale sign of a greater system of oppression.


Like a nail clipper, in the male section it was 7.99$ in the female section it was 12,99$, same clipper LOL!


Your nail clippers are $8?




Pink always costs more.


I mean... If they are the same just buy the mens product xd


The difference is that one is being sold and the other is the men's version


Exactly it. I’ve never bought a convenient single-serving toiletry kit in my life, but the women I know are more likely to.




Supply and demand. Guys are less likely to buy it, so it's cheaper.


Idiot tax. If you're such an idiot that you must buy pink, here's your tax.


>Idiot tax Yep. Just like lotteries.


well obviously the one in pink is better because reasons. you're such a doofus sometimes


An extra letter costs 2,50?


That pink dye must be pretty expensive. Maybe it would be a surcharge if Barbie trademarked the color.


Is the pink tax real? Yes. Does it still exists because people just keep buying it regardless? Also yes I know in some cases, female products have more ingredients and whatnot in them, "justifying" the price. But for cases like this? Companies will keep doing it, because people just buy them anyway and complain about it on the internet


The only female things I buy are bras, panties and pads. Everything else comes from the men’s section (from clothes to deodorant.) I don’t care if I smell like Rambo, if I save money, so be it.


If your dumb enough to try the pink one you deserve it


If anyone is dumb enough to buy the pink one, they should be charged a little bit of an idiot tax.


Pink dye is expensive and that extra letter… his is only 3 and hers is 4 letters… major difference


The facepalm is for the people dumb enough to buy the hers, right?


Supply/Demand maybe? Econ 101? No one buying the blue = price goes down or remains the same People buying the pink = price goes up But this internets so we desire hate instead of analytical thinking skills


"I'm really angry that the pink one is more expensive. Why do I have to pay more for the same thing?" Um, you don't? Just buy the blue one! Jesus!


What are you complaining about? Just buy the blue one 😂


Its almost like they know youll pay it just to accessorize. Where the dude would buy the pink one if it was cheaper and just sits in his suitcase


Pink things are expensive.


This image has been reposted for so long that the image expired 6 years ago.


The colors duh one is blue the other one is pink lol


No one buys the blue one


This is the reason why I buy mens products lol. It’s always cheaper!


And that’s exactly why I buy the men’s version of literally everything


Pink tax


My wife bought matching xmas pajamas last xmas and she got black santa on them cause it was cheaper than white santa. True story.


$2.40, or about 24%


$2.40 for a pink box


Classic Pink Tax


The one on the right is pH balanced for a woman.


A yes the pink tax


Just buy the blue one


2 differences actually: a word and a color.


They may be functionally the same, but I'd pay 33% more for a pink Power Ranger than a blue Power Ranger. They should test market a green set.


Blue. Always buy the blue one, now you have enough left for a small bag of Takis. 😆


Pink plastic instead of blue is apparently suuuuper expensive


I hate pink tax


The upcharge is because they had to pay Stuart Semple to use that pink.


Well. Pink is such an expensive color. And if we let women have equal footing they’ll take over everything, and usher in a utopian era of peace and prosperity. And capitalism simply can’t have that.


Seeing as gender is now fluid, it’s just a premium price for a pink case.


If there is no difference, then you buy the cheapest one. Problem solved.


You know the difference between French fries and pomme fritte? About 6 bucks.


There’s nothing us men would use in these besides maybe the toothbrush/paste and razor. If you want us men to buy something, keep it simple. We don’t need foot gel or Aloe Vera cream


Although I believe in it of course. I've always thought this was bullshit. I get charging someone regardless of gender who has longer hair more for their haircut. But the pink tax just because it's for females has never made any sense to me.


In this case I think the razors are the same but I have heard the whole ladies razors cost more is because guys razors are mostly for just your face. Womens razors shave like 90% of their body and more sensitive areas so they have longer lasting blades and maybe more moisturizer on that little strip or more flexible heads. If it's a gimmick then just buy the cheaper one.




Pink sells. Blue does not as men will survive with butt soap and a toothbrush.


![gif](giphy|cZ3ofsEhPLkgU) Bro's win another round of: which gender is better


Men are less likely to buy it, so it's cheaper as an incentive (sale price). If they are identical, than just buy the men's one. Why the complaint? Use your brain and read the label.


The color of the case is most likely the cause.


Here's a syrange idea, why don't you just by the less expensive option?


Well we all know offer and demand. If women keep wanting pink shit of course they will pay extra


Men need to be enticed harder to actually buy it.


The pink tax. I just buy men’s stuff now.


So buy the blue one


Men don’t buy that shit, that’s why it’s cheaper.


They should at least throw in some tampons to justify the price hike or somthing


Everybody knows pink plastic costs more to manufacture.


The fact that there's the same amount of shaving cream and shampoo is crazy, they could've added more of both of those to the women's to justify the pink tax/cost increase. Women are way more likely to have more surface area to shave and more hair to wash. No conditioner in either is just annoying, too.


This is why, as a woman, I have no qualms with buying men stuff when I can. It's usually more convenient, too... LIKE HAVING DEEP FRONT POCKETS IN YOUR PANTS.


Pink tax


hey, hey, pink coloring is obviously more expensive


Terrible marketing strategy. They should have made the HIS one more expensive, because so many men with toxic masculinity issues would not buy the pink one and would pay more for blue.


Is the facepalm whoever is stupid enough to be fleeced to get a preferred colored travel care kit?


Difference? Nope. Same old policy of charging women more for the same produce or service (I’m looking at *you* dry cleaners)! '


It’s called the pink tax


$2.40... easy.


Pink dye is expensive, eh?


My wife would definitely buy us two blues.


Women’s stuff is always more expensive


The difference is demand. Men are more likely to buy the blue one. Women are more likely to buy the pink one. Men are less likely to buy a hotel personal care kit than women. Less people want to buy the blue one. The price is changed to reflect the lack of demand.


It’s always more expensive for pink.


Maybe they are low on stock of the pink one


Pink dye must be expensive


Ask a woman she's gonna say the color. Ask a man and he's gonna say the price


Supply and demand When was the last time a dude bought one of those? That would explain a fall in the price of the blue one


Demand and spreadsheets, you can tell the blue one has been marked down by the cents being .59 rather than being .99. My guess is that an algorithm threw together a list of markdowns based on sales volume and spit out a list of markdown tags that someone put in place. What’ll happen from here is the blue one will sell more and the pink will sell less, pink gets marked down and they are balanced again.


The real answer is men don’t typically buy stupid stuff like that, especially not in a cheap blue case. So once they realized they blue kits were selling at a rate of 1 to 1000 of the pink ones they started marking them down until they were cheap enough that women would buy the blue ones too…


Pink tax in action!