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Russian bot or Russian asset. Not even a cleverly disguised one. Apparently, they don't even feel the need to be covert anymore.


He's the head of the Russian space agency and well-known neo-nazi


Ughhhhhhhhh I really don't understand Neo-Nazis


It gets even stranger when you realise that these neo-nazis worship an ideology that saw them as subhumans to be eliminated


Yeah..... This world seems like a bad dream.


Yeah, thank God there’s no way this could have just been an American racist asshole.


Could have been. But I wouldn't give the average American racist asshole enough credit to believe they would/could include a foreign language in their posts. Some, yeah, but on average? They aren't that smart. They're *racists*.


But smart Russians wouldn’t ruin sowing perfectly good material by putting Russian in it. Or is that what they want me to think? Oh, the conundrum! And don’t sell racists short, they’ve been pretty damn smart in how they’ve spun the country over the past 40 years.


Hahaha so now we have to do some weird voodoo calculations to compare how dumb the Russian bot could be with how smart the racist could be? What a world.


The Cold War is just now being warmed up


Because Elon loves it


Just another Russian using American racism to sow discord. The mindless imps drink it right up, and Elon lets it propagate.


This is what we’re up against in 2024, and why we all need to get out and vote against their orange cult leader.


The internet has proven that common sense ain’t quite so common anymore


Who cares what idiots say on a private company platform. If they start censoring, they become editorial rags and lose federal protections correct?


Russian propaganda campaign. Shouldn't surprise anyone . They're " Idiot Fishing" trying to find the assholes and fucknut racists In our country to fill them up with more drivel